What to do if a child refuses to wash his hands. How to teach a child to wash his hands? What to do if the child does not want to eat

With the birth of a child, every young and not so young parent faces a whole series of dilemmas, at first glance so simple and elementary, but when trying to explain them to the child, they develop into a huge problem.

One of these points that seems obvious to an adult, but is not so clear to a child, is the issue of hygiene. How to teach a child to wash their hands? Especially if, after repeated reminders, he became stubborn and went "to be refused"? Of course, it takes great delicacy to help a child learn to love washing his hands, and not just force him to do it, scold him for disobedience and punish him later.

So what is this parental tact?

Firstly, own example. An impeccably observed rule of hygiene will show the child its importance better than any conversation. “Children are our mirror”— this wisdom sounds most appropriate here. So check, dear parents, are you as committed to cleanliness as you want from your little man? It is impossible to teach a child to wash his hands without discipline and self-discipline. Let all guests and friends in your home first go to the bathroom and open the water tap.

If everything is strict and firm with the first point, then below is another recommendation: use imagery to explain simple things to your child. Appeal to his imagination. A poor understanding of the physical world still prevents children from understanding all the harm that they can experience from pathogens and the discomfort of sudden diarrhea. Use a book "Moidodyr", cartoons about hygiene, for example some of the series "Arkady Parovozov" , call on your own imagination to help, explaining that with each hand washing a girl becomes more and more like a princess, and boys with dirty hands and faces can hardly be considered knights. Appeal to children's authorities, because the same Arkady Parovozov is much more important for a child. "knowledgeable" than the most qualified pediatrician, but such a stranger.

An example from a friend can help teach a child to wash his hands. Invite a mom and her baby who loves water treatments and organize a Soap Hands Day. Let this spontaneous holiday make a shift in the child’s psyche, and he will see from the outside that such actions are funny, fit into the concept of children’s play, and most importantly, satisfy both the baby and his parents.

The third recommendation is that hand washing should not be just a chore, especially with children. A bright soap dish and soap in the shape of a berry or apricot (just be careful that this "fruit" did not disappear in the child’s mouth), own "childish" a towel with his favorite characters - and now your child runs to wash his hands, because the whole environment supports and encourages him.

Such a difficult practice

Not many parents know: “How to wash your hands correctly?”. Teach your child to wash each finger. Each time, helping him rub the soap on his palms, creating a thick foam. Use a special brush to clean your nails and interdigital spaces. The baby should get used to thoroughly rinsing off the soap.

The child does not want to wash his hands. Flatly. Basically, such situations become derivatives of an overly domineering parental order to do just that. Especially if the child has a three-year-old crisis, and he asserts himself through resistance to parental slander. In this case, you can try to understand whether this protest is caused by some kind of discomfort or whether it is irrational stubbornness on the topic of hygiene, which is painful for the family. Here is a list of possible reasons for a child’s discomfort:

  • the sink is too high and it is inconvenient for the child to wash his hands in the hands of his parents: in this case, you can come up with a sofa, a chair with a flat bottom, on which the baby will climb to carry out the procedure.
  • the soap slips out of your hands: in this case, discard the bar soap and purchase liquid soap with a dispenser.
  • the child does not want to wash his hands in the presence of an adult. So it is quite possible that he is simply embarrassed by his inept actions and does not want to compromise himself. Try closing the bathroom door behind you, giving him privacy, but for reasonable amounts of time and "peeping with one eye" behind the actions of the little one.

After the process has moved forward, you need to explain to your child the important nuance of how often you need to wash your hands. For this, it is useful for the association to be fixed in his child’s head "dirt - water". Any strange substance on the handles is a reason not to put them in your mouth, but to turn on the tap with cold water. In most cases, parents need to be prepared for unpleasant incidents, that after all, a couple of times the baby will try something stuck on the hands before successfully washing it off, but this is not so much a question of parental vigilance as a logical stage in the development of any child. little man. The following rituals should become strict rules:

  • wash your hands thoroughly after using the potty/toilet;
  • wash your hands and rinse your palms and face after walking.

If there are animals at home, it is necessary to teach your child to wash his hands as soon as he begins direct contact with pets. The main thing is that the cat itself is not washed!

10 reasons to wash your hands
You can guide a child on the right path in the form of learning simple poems, for example, those given below (morality is always better learned in figurative and poetic form than in the form of simple exhortations):

Every finger needs to be washed
Everyone will love you
Clean little baby!
The reeds rustle on the river,
Ducklings clean their beaks
Mother duck says:
“You are obedient guys!
Aibolit will not come to you!”
To fingers, palms
Always been clean
My you are not making them up,
Let the water flow from the tap!

Teaching a child to wash their hands is easier than it seems to parents of wayward and stubborn children. But it’s not as easy as it seems to parents who are just approaching this new topic for children called "Hygiene".

How often do we, adults, not want to do something, but we know that the word “should” exists. The situation is more complicated if children do not want something. It’s more difficult to explain to them, since it’s still difficult for kids to manage their emotions. Children become capricious, and adults begin to lose their composure. The situation is heating up. But it is still possible to resolve the situation peacefully. It is enough for adults to show patience and use the game moment, because play for children is the main activity. So, let's play!

What to do if the baby does not want to wash his hands, wash his face and brush his teeth?

Hygiene skills are instilled from early childhood. But it happens that kids categorically refuse to wash their hands or wash their face, brush their teeth, or bathe, although just recently they did it with pleasure. First you need to find out the reason. Maybe the baby was afraid of too hot or cold water, shampoo got into his eyes, or the child slipped in the bathroom? In any case, parents need to show restraint, act calmly and without haste. The most important thing is never forcefully wash your child’s hands, wash or bathe him. What to do?

1. It all starts with your own example. Take your baby with you to the bathroom and, smiling, wash your face, wash your hands, and brush your teeth. Don't offer your child anything. Surely, he will want to do the same, because babies are little “monkeys”. Do this systematically and you will see how after a while the baby himself will take the initiative and pull adults into the bathroom.

2. In the morning, when the child wakes up, tell him that magic water is waiting for him (like in fairy tales) to wash the baby’s hands, wash his face, and help him brush his teeth. And after these procedures, children become strong and courageous. But we also need to say the magic words:

Water, water,
Wash Ilyushino’s (child’s name) face.

3. You can invite your child to watch the cartoon “Tari the Bird” about a crocodile who did not take care of his teeth. And they ended up getting sick. And a bird helped him by brushing the crocodile’s teeth. It's good to read "Moidodyr". Children sometimes quickly perceive not parental notations, but a lesson from the outside.

4. Take your child with you to the store. Choose a toothbrush and toothpaste together. Tell us that these items were invented by the sorceress Chistyulya, who really wants all children to have healthy teeth. Brush and paste prevent caries settle in the teeth of babies. In the store, a child can choose a washcloth, soap, and a beautiful bath towel. It is important that he likes these things. As for shampoo, you should purchase a high-quality one so that it does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes.

5. If your child is trying to finish brushing his teeth as soon as possible, play his favorite song or cartoon tune and “make an agreement” that he needs to brush his teeth before the end of the song. Or invite him to play the game “Good Toothpick”. The one who brushes his teeth better wins. How can you check? Whoever brushes longer will have better teeth.

6. It would be good to take your older child to a pediatric dentist, because he has medications that make it possible to evaluate whether the child has brushed his teeth well or poorly. After the child has completed this task, the doctor stains his teeth with a special harmless dye, and the baby can see in the mirror how much plaque remains on the teeth after brushing. The doctor will show you how to brush your teeth properly.

7. Show your baby how a domestic cat washes itself, how it washes its paws, tail, and tummy. Take your child to the zoo, and there you can see how animals wash themselves: elephants douse themselves with water from their trunks, swans, ducks swim in the water. And not only animals and people wash themselves. How do trees and houses bathe? During the rain, which, like a shower, washes everything around! And the cars have their own shower and bathroom. This is a special car wash where cars are bathed and then driven out onto the street, clean and shiny. Such observations will be very useful for the child: the fear of water will gradually disappear.

8. Tell your child that water not only washes away dirt, but also gives strength and helps relieve fatigue.

9. Invite your child to wash his favorite toy in a basin. And adults say at the same time how much they like the toy to be clean, how beautiful it has become, since good water washed away all the dirt from it.

10. Be sure to reinforce all correct actions of the baby with praise. This is a good incentive, since children love to be praised and try to repeat everything they were rewarded for.

When should you teach your baby to brush his teeth?

You should start brushing your teeth from the moment the first teeth appear, that is, from approximately 5 to 7 months. Mom simply wipes the baby’s teeth with boiled water. For this purpose, special silicone children's toothbrushes are sold that fit on your finger. They are soft and do not injure the child's gums. If you start accustoming your baby to oral hygiene at this age, he will take this procedure calmly, which will later save parents from children’s hysterics, and kids from caries.

When the child is one to one and a half years old, you can brush your teeth using baby toothpaste, but in small quantities, about the size of a pea. But parents should remember that babies can often swallow toothpaste, so it is necessary to purchase only toothpastes that do not contain fluoride. If this substance systematically enters the baby’s body, this may adversely affect his health.

The toothbrush should be changed every three months, and the brush head should be small so that it covers no more than two teeth, and the bristles should be extremely soft.

Just a month ago, the baby loved to play outside, but now he flatly refuses to leave the house? And when he comes into the house, don’t you force him to wash his hands? Does a request to brush your teeth end in tears in the evening and in the morning? And it’s generally scary to think about food: the child eats absolutely nothing. What to do in these cases?

What to do if the child does not want to go for a walk

Looks like it's time to diversify your walks. Maybe the little one’s friends got sick and he got bored on the playground several times? Look for new acquaintances, try to find something interesting in the area. Are you used to walking on the playground? Go to the park. Different wheeled vehicles also help a lot. If the weather permits, the little one will gladly agree to go out with a balance bike, scooter or sled. Or maybe the baby would like to push a stroller with a baby doll or his favorite soft toy? It's also good for animals to go for walks.

What to do if a child does not want to wash his hands

It's a matter of habit. In kindergarten, for example, children unquestioningly walk single file to the washbasin after a walk. Because they know: it is impossible otherwise. First, check yourself: do you always wash your hands when you return home, or do you sometimes forget? The baby will probably want to check on you. Try to make it a rule: games, food, rest - only after washing your hands. Without any exceptions!

Sometimes the situation can be corrected by buying beautiful baby soap and placing a stool in the bathroom so that the baby can independently reach the faucet.

What to do if your child does not want to brush his teeth

Brushing your teeth, like washing your hands, is a mandatory procedure. You cannot skip it, even if you are in a bad mood, tired or for any other reason.

Tell your child a colorful story about bacteria that live on teeth and can damage enamel if not removed with toothbrush and toothpaste. And it’s even better to have a dentist do it.

Don't ask your child to brush their teeth as much as an adult. For a one-year-old baby, 30 seconds will be enough. For clarity, buy an hourglass or set a timer on your phone. Well, don’t forget to praise your adult and independent baby, who so carefully takes care of his teeth and drives away bad germs. He's just great!

What to do if the child does not want to eat

The whole family is dancing around the little one, but he turns away from the spoon? Let's come up with another way of feeding. Only without cartoons! This establishes incorrect eating habits, the child does not feel when he is full, and it does not benefit digestion.

Let's just say that the baby won't go hungry. If he gets hungry, he will calmly eat himself, and without any persuasion. Maybe instead of wasting energy on them, run outside for an extra half hour or even an hour? You'll definitely have an appetite!

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The child does not want to wash his hands. How to influence the little “dirty”?

There are all sorts of situations that happen in the process of raising a child, but thoughtful parents understand that what is laid down in childhood affects adult life. For example, a very useful habit is washing your hands. For some people, it is an obligatory element of personal hygiene, while others use it only when it is clearly “necessary”. And this applies to both men and women. Do you think it's small? Unfortunately, this is far from the case. Does your child not want to wash their hands? We can handle it!

Stupid question: why wash your hands anyway?

Really, why? The banal answer: so that they are clean! And what is cleanliness the key to? That's right, good health! Try to clearly show your child that it is our hands that we “use” constantly: we touch everything, open and close, take... There may be dirt on our hands, which is visible and which is not visible. It is this dirt that is dangerous to health, since if you take, for example, an apple with dirty hands and eat it, hello, indigestion (and this is the most “harmless” option). So how do you teach a child to wash their hands?

When is it necessary to wash your hands?

  • after entering the premises from the street;
  • after visiting the toilet;
  • after communicating with pets;
  • morning and evening, before you start washing your face;
  • before any meal.

It would seem that everything is clear, but even many adults for some reason “forget” to wash their hands at the right time. What can we say about children? If a child does not want to wash his hands, adults will have to spend some time so that a strong connection is established in the child's head between these “mandatory” situations and an understanding of the need for hand washing.

How to keep children's hands clean? How to teach a child to wash their hands?

  • First of all, show your child your own example of personal hygiene more often. If earlier you just went to wash your hands, considering it “for granted,” now, make sure that the child can observe it.
  • Tell your child about the dangers of dirty hands in a language he understands, but do not take the situation to the point of absurdity. Explain that the surest way to protect yourself from dirt and its consequences is to wash your hands. with soap.
  • Watch a cartoon with your child that reveals this problem. In addition to the famous “Moidodyr”, you can find others.

  • Make small “reminders” in the form of pictures. Hang them in front of the kitchen entrance, near the front door, near the toilet. Pictures should be noticeable, and their purpose should be clear to the child.

  • Buy soap for your child in the shape of animals, fruits, cars. Let it smell delicious. About fluffy towel don't forget either. The child will definitely like this set and, most likely, will make him want to own this “beauty.”
  • Ask your child to help you, namely: keep track of when it ends soap and let you know about it. You can also solemnly assign him the responsibility every day, for example, in the evening to change the hand towel in the bathroom.

Now on sale touch dispensers for liquid soap. They are perfect for encouraging children to wash their hands. The child puts his hands under the dispenser with interest, and soap automatically drips into his palms. All that remains is to soap your hands and rinse them. Children like this option, so you can use it.

With a little time and patience, you will definitely be able to reinforce in your child such a useful habit as hand washing, on which his health largely depends. I can say that in our family, hand washing is an automatic habit; my son mastered it at an early age. But I know adult women whom neither their parents nor life, apparently, taught any basic hygiene. Wash your hands with your children and stay healthy!

If If you want to introduce your child to hygiene issues and other useful topics, then you definitely need to come here! Healthy habits are instilled inchildhood!

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Natalya Reutova.

My nephew, until he was two years old, was very fond of water procedures - he happily washed his face in the morning and took a bath in the evening, and even readily opened his mouth when his mother offered him brush your teeth. But then something happened to him, and not a single trip to the bathroom was complete without a firm “no,” long persuasion and tears. Mom had to change tactics and now Sanka happily runs to the bathroom again!

Here are a few tips on how to interest your baby in water procedures.

When your baby wakes up, tell him that amazing adventures with water await him. Turn on the faucet in the bathroom and say that magical water flows from it. If you wash yourself with it, he will become brave and strong. But for this you still need a magic spell:

Water, water,
Wash my face.
So that your eyes sparkle,
So that your cheeks turn red,
To make your mouth laugh
And the tooth bit.

Give the child toothpaste and a brush and tell them that they were invented by the good sorceress Clean, who does not want children to have toothache. A toothbrush cleans teeth and defeats the evil Caries.

You can also come up with a game of neat little bunnies. Then this poem will suit you:

Everything has been washed!
And now we're clean
Fluffy bunnies!

Do not force your child to wash his face under any circumstances. Act slowly, show restraint and imagination. Try to negotiate with your child, find a compromise.

Lead by example. While the little one is small, take him into the bath with you and just calmly wash your face. The baby does not need to offer anything. The child himself, looking at you, will want to do the same. Do this regularly and you will see that the baby himself will begin to pull you into the bath to wash, bathe or wash his hands.

Tell your child about the properties of water. Say that it not only washes away dirt, but also gives vigor, relieves fatigue, and infuses fresh strength.

Praise your child for doing the right thing every time. Children love encouragement and try to do everything they are praised for.

Smile, laugh joyfully and clap your hands. The child will perceive this as a game and will repeat again and again all those actions that caused you such delight.