Chamomile made from beads with a step-by-step diagram and video for beginners. Simple ways to make delicate daisies from beads Beading field daisies

Weaving flowers from beads is one of the most popular trends in beadwork. These flowers will never wither, and flower bouquets and compositions will serve as excellent interior decor for the needlewoman! In this beading workshop you will learn how to make daisies from beads.

You will need:

  • wire
  • beads No. 11 white (10 g), yellow (2 g) and green (7 g)
  • stem stick (wire)
  • wire cutters
  • tape

You can weave a daisy using steel-colored wire, but the result will be better if you have wire that matches the color of the beads.


Weaving begins with the petals. There are 12 of them in the flower, each petal consists of 4 rows.

Place white beads on the wire. Pull to the edge about 6.35 cm (2.5 inches). Bend the wire to make a loop of beads and twist the loop. At the end of the wire, leave a free tip of 7-8 cm. Move more beads from the spool, a column as high as the loop made in the previous step. Bend the wire over the first loop, wrapping it around it, and move more beads from the spool to make the fourth row of the petal. Make a couple of turns of wire at the base, securing the petal. Use your fingers to align the rows of beads, giving the petal a neat appearance. Next, move the beads again onto the first two rows of the second petal. Weave all the petals the same way as the first.

When all the petals are woven, cut the wire from the coil, leaving 8-9 cm. Pass this end between the first and second petals, wrap, twisting the loop and collecting the petals in a circle. Then stretch this tip of the wire to the opposite edge of the flower and wrap the loop between the petals. You will have two ends of the wire opposite each other. Bring them to the center and twist them together. Set the flower aside for now.


Thread green beads onto the wire. Pull 11 beads to the end of the wire, leaving a tail of 7-8 cm. Fold it into a loop and make a couple of turns of fastening. Pull up 11 more beads and make a loop again. Make further sepals in the same way (9 leaves). Cut the wire, leaving 9-10 cm. Secure it into a ring, passing the wire between the first and second sepals. Twist the ends of the wire together. Set the workpiece aside.


Thread the beads onto the wire. Make a small loop at the end, it will prevent the beads from sliding off. Pull 16 beads to the loop, not reaching it 5-7 cm. Below the moved beads, twist the wire into a loop. Add enough beads to make the row slightly taller than the first row of 16 beads. Loop the wire over the top of the first row. Move the same number of beads as in the second row, and make a loop again, this time at the bottom of the first row. This edge of the petal should be pointed, so when you make turns at this edge, lay the wire at a 45 degree angle.

Continue weaving the leaf, moving the beads and turning the wire around the central axis. The leaf consists of 11 rows - 1 central and five rows on each side.

Wrap the working tip at the base in 2-3 turns and cut it off with pliers. Cut the wire on top of the leaf, leaving a tail of 5-6 mm, and bend this tail down. Twist the loop at the bottom of the leaf into a strip.

Make a second leaf.


Thread the beads onto the wire. Start weaving like leaves - a loop at the end of the wire, pull up 1 bead and make a large loop under it. Make row 2 similar to the second row of leaves, use 3 beads for it. Make 7 rows, forming a circle.

Now you need to add volume. Bend the ends of the wire (the looped end and the large loop) downwards. And weave 4 more rows.

Secure the working end with 2-3 turns and cut it. Twist the end with the loop and the large loop together.

Let's start assembling.

Wrap the wire or stick intended for the stem with tape.

Take the core and attach it to the stem, wrapping it with a piece of thin wire. Trim the excess wire from the core.

Put on the petals and also wrap them around the stem. Wrap with tape. Put on the sepals, also secure them, and wrap them again with tape. Continue wrapping the tape to the place where you plan to attach the leaves.

Wrap the leaves with wire. Wrap the tape around the rest of the stem. Bend the leaves a little, giving them a beautiful shape.

Chamomile is ready! It remains to weave a few more flowers to make a bouquet.

Let's conduct a master class on creating a daisy from beads! Some weaving patterns for beginners:

And this is a lily:

And this is the bell:

You can quickly create a souvenir from a field chamomile using available tools and materials.

Master class on weaving daisies from beads with your own hands

We will look at a detailed master class on creating daisies from beads on a plastic stem with your own hands using mixed techniques.

We will need the following materials:

  1. Wire.
  2. White beads.
  3. Green beads.
  4. Green sewing threads.

Creating petals

Let's cut a piece of wire 25 centimeters long. Let's put 15 beads on it. It all depends on how long the petal you want. We pass one end of the wire back through all the beads, passing the outermost one, so that the two sides of the wire remain the same.

We string 17 beads onto each end of the wire and turn them down, passing them through to the bottom end.

As a result of tightening, an even part of the petal should come out. Then we put 19 beads on each end and pass them into the last beads of the previous rows.

We wind and tighten the end of the wire and our petal is ready.

We create about seven such blanks.

Weaving the center for the chamomile

We create the center of the chamomile using the French technique. This will help give the product the required volume.

We create a technical loop on the right on a piece of wire (30 centimeters) and string three beads. On the left we create a loop, leaving a long “working” end.

We string five beads and, placing the row tightly pressed to the first, we twist the wire.

We repeat all the operations again for five beads, then twice for eight beads and the same for ten beads, creating three-dimensional details.

We twist the ends of the wire under the middle.

We also create a flower cup from green beads. We put beads up to 20 centimeters on the wire and, holding them tightly, we twist loops of the required size, for example, 1.3-1.5 centimeters. There should be about 5-6 loops. We twist together the ends of the wire from the outer loops.

Final assembly of the flower

We twist the wires of individual petals sequentially. We thread the center wire into the middle hole and attach it to the stem that created it, controlling the density of the placed parts.

This is what our flower looks like from above.

This is the view from below.

We create leaves for our chamomile

Let's create a few chamomile leaves. We string about seven green beads onto a wire 45 centimeters long and pass them back through all the beads, excluding the last one.

We string four beads onto one side and move the end back through them, except for the last one. We do the same with the other end of the wire.

Placing the beads close to the middle of the leaf, tighten the loops. We string 3-6 beads onto the two ends of the wire folded together, depending on the required distance to the next branch.

Next we make the same division of the leaves and they can also have holes. We create leaves to the required size. Very large “greens” on a plastic wire will not hold their shape, so it is better to create several small leaves than one large one.

Assembling a flower from beads

A chamomile is made on a soft stem by tightly wrapping it with threads matched to the green color of the beads. You can use floss threads for this manipulation. The threads should have a beautiful surface and create a good covering. You can use PVA glue to secure the threads. To the stem under the winding, in the right places, you need to attach leaves made from beads. In this case, the flower will look even better.

You need to know that if the wire stiffness, which is used in weaving due to its plasticity, is poor, this flower is not intended for installation in a vase.

Our chamomile is ready!

We create a chamomile napkin to decorate the festive table

You need to know that at the end and beginning of weaving, knots are not created and all work is done in a single thread.

First, prepare the thread, needle and beads. The thread should not be more than 80 centimeters in length. Next, we string 12 gold-colored beads and close the chain into a circle.

Then we string seven white and one black beads and pass them back through the black bead into the seventh white one and tighten the thread. Then we string six white beads and pass them through the second bead, and then move in the same direction.

After that. As we passed through the second bead, we tighten the thread and pass through the first three white ones.

Let's conduct a master class on creating a daisy from beads! Some weaving patterns for beginners:

And this is a lily:

And this is the bell:

You can quickly create a souvenir from a field chamomile using available tools and materials.

Master class on weaving daisies from beads with your own hands

We will look at a detailed master class on creating daisies from beads on a plastic stem with your own hands using mixed techniques.

We will need the following materials:

  1. Wire.
  2. White beads.
  3. Green beads.
  4. Green sewing threads.

Creating petals

Let's cut a piece of wire 25 centimeters long. Let's put 15 beads on it. It all depends on how long the petal you want. We pass one end of the wire back through all the beads, passing the outermost one, so that the two sides of the wire remain the same.

We string 17 beads onto each end of the wire and turn them down, passing them through to the bottom end.

As a result of tightening, an even part of the petal should come out. Then we put 19 beads on each end and pass them into the last beads of the previous rows.

We wind and tighten the end of the wire and our petal is ready.

We create about seven such blanks.

Weaving the center for the chamomile

We create the center of the chamomile using the French technique. This will help give the product the required volume.

We create a technical loop on the right on a piece of wire (30 centimeters) and string three beads. On the left we create a loop, leaving a long “working” end.

We string five beads and, placing the row tightly pressed to the first, we twist the wire.

We repeat all the operations again for five beads, then twice for eight beads and the same for ten beads, creating three-dimensional details.

We twist the ends of the wire under the middle.

We also create a flower cup from green beads. We put beads up to 20 centimeters on the wire and, holding them tightly, we twist loops of the required size, for example, 1.3-1.5 centimeters. There should be about 5-6 loops. We twist together the ends of the wire from the outer loops.

Final assembly of the flower

We twist the wires of individual petals sequentially. We thread the center wire into the middle hole and attach it to the stem that created it, controlling the density of the placed parts.

This is what our flower looks like from above.

This is the view from below.

We create leaves for our chamomile

Let's create a few chamomile leaves. We string about seven green beads onto a wire 45 centimeters long and pass them back through all the beads, excluding the last one.

We string four beads onto one side and move the end back through them, except for the last one. We do the same with the other end of the wire.

Placing the beads close to the middle of the leaf, tighten the loops. We string 3-6 beads onto the two ends of the wire folded together, depending on the required distance to the next branch.

Next we make the same division of the leaves and they can also have holes. We create leaves to the required size. Very large “greens” on a plastic wire will not hold their shape, so it is better to create several small leaves than one large one.

Assembling a flower from beads

A chamomile is made on a soft stem by tightly wrapping it with threads matched to the green color of the beads. You can use floss threads for this manipulation. The threads should have a beautiful surface and create a good covering. You can use PVA glue to secure the threads. To the stem under the winding, in the right places, you need to attach leaves made from beads. In this case, the flower will look even better.

You need to know that if the wire stiffness, which is used in weaving due to its plasticity, is poor, this flower is not intended for installation in a vase.

Our chamomile is ready!

We create a chamomile napkin to decorate the festive table

You need to know that at the end and beginning of weaving, knots are not created and all work is done in a single thread.

First, prepare the thread, needle and beads. The thread should not be more than 80 centimeters in length. Next, we string 12 gold-colored beads and close the chain into a circle.

Then we string seven white and one black beads and pass them back through the black bead into the seventh white one and tighten the thread. Then we string six white beads and pass them through the second bead, and then move in the same direction.

After that. As we passed through the second bead, we tighten the thread and pass through the first three white ones.

Sometimes on cold days you want to add a piece of summer to your interior; wildflowers are great for this purpose, but where can you find them out of season? The answer is simple - do it yourself. Delicate field daisies made of beads, created by yourself, will never fade and will always remind you of sultry summer days. Bouquets of these flowers look great in small vases. And the technique for creating them is simple and takes almost no time. A beaded daisy with a step-by-step diagram can be easily achieved even by a novice craftsman. Let’s take a closer look at the technology for creating these wonderful flowers.

Summer is at hand

To create this cute flower you will need:

  • yellow, green and white beads;
  • high quality wire;
  • green threads;
  • floral tape;
  • wire cutters;
  • scissors;
  • weaving patterns.

There are several ways to create a daisy from beads; below are several simple patterns for beginning craftsmen.

Now let’s take a closer look at one of the techniques for creating a daisy from beads in the master class below.

Let's start by creating the daisy petals. To do this, cut a piece of wire 25 centimeters long. We put fifteen beads on it, this figure may vary depending on the desired length of the petal. We pass one end of the wire through all the beads back, except for the last bead, we pass it through. We do this in such a way that both sides of the wire are the same length.

We collect 17 beads on both ends of the wire, then lower them down and thread them through the bottommost bead, as in the image below.

Now we tighten it, and we get an even petal blank. Then we again collect nineteen beads on both sides and thread the wire through the last beads of the previous rows, as shown in the photo.

We tighten the wire so that the petal is even, then we wind it up, and the chamomile petal is complete.

You will need approximately seven such blanks to create one chamomile flower. Then we will start creating the chamomile core. We will perform it using French technique. Thanks to this, the product will be more voluminous.

We take a piece of wire thirty centimeters and make a technical loop on the right, as shown in the image below. Then we collect three beads and make a loop on the left, leaving a long working part.

We collect five beads and, pressing them well to the first row, twist the wire.

Now we collect five beads again, press them tightly to the first row on the other side and twist the wires. After this, we collect, press and twist eight pieces of beads on each side. And then we perform the same actions, collecting ten beads. This is how we get a three-dimensional part.

We twist the edges of the wire from below in the center of the workpiece.

Then we proceed to create a sepal from green beads. We take the wire and string about twenty centimeters of beads. Holding them tightly, we create loops of the desired size, for example, one and a half centimeters. You need to make five or six loops. After this, both edges of the wire must be twisted together.

The time has come to collect the flower; to do this, we twist the wires of all the petals together one by one. A hole is formed in the center, insert the center wire into it and twist it with the wires of the petals. We control the density by placing the parts. We attach our sepals from below under the petals and twist its wire with all of them. A stem is formed by twisting the parts.

This is the kind of chamomile you should get at this stage on top:

And this is what it looks like from below:

All that remains is to make the leaves for the flower. To do this, take a wire about forty-five centimeters long and collect seven pieces of green beads, pass the wire back through everything, except for the last bead.

Now we put four beads on one end and thread it back, skipping the last bead, and repeat the same steps with the other end of the wire.

Place the beads tightly to the middle of the future leaf and tighten the loops. After this, we immediately collect from three to six beads on both ends of the wire, depending on the desired length between the branches.

We continue to create a leaf by forking the wire, keep in mind that you can also make branches on the branches, then the leaves will turn out more magnificent and interesting.

We make a leaf using this technique until the desired size is reached. Please note that the wire will not hold a leaf that is too massive; it will not hold the shape necessary for the flower. Therefore, it is better to create several small leaves than one large leaf.

When the leaves are ready, it’s time to finish assembling the chamomile. We attach the leaves at different heights to the stem. And now all that remains is to refine the resulting soft stem. We will do this using the method of tightly wrapping with thread. Its color should be as close as possible to the green beads. Floss threads work well; they can be attached using PVA glue.

The result is a wonderful chamomile, but this technique produces a very plastic stem, so this flower is not suitable for installation in a vase unless the plastic stem is stiffened before wrapping.

Now the chamomile flower is finished.

Video on the topic of the article

In conclusion, we present several videos with lessons on creating wonderful daisies from beads.