Poems for bride price. Poetic script for bride ransom. A ditty from the newlyweds

Bride ransom is a long-standing wedding tradition that has retained its relevance today in many countries around the world.

It consists of a whole complex of actions, games, and humorous competitions that can be carried out by bridesmaids and bridesmaids, created to accompany the process of the groom making a certain payment as a ransom for the bride to her parents or bridesmaids.

During the ransom, the groom offers money or valuables until his beloved comes out to him.

This part of the wedding ceremony is taken more seriously in some Muslim countries, where the groom gives large sums or expensive property to the bride's family as a ransom. But, according to European tradition, the ransom looks like entertainment for the families of lovers and wedding guests.

Nowadays, each couple interprets the tradition of ransom in their own way, using modern scenarios, their own themes, style and circumstances for this part of the ritual.

Finding an extraordinary and fun scenario for a bride price is very easy today. Couples who do not want a banal wedding should not rush to abandon this interesting part of the ceremony, because they can come up with their own original way to conduct the ransom.

The wedding portal has found one of these methods for you. We suggest newlyweds use a humorous bride price scenario in verse:

Hello, Ladies - Gentlemen!
Where are you from and where?
And what do you want anyway?
Come on, pass by!
The groom will come to us now.
We are really waiting for him here.
He will pay us a lot of money.
We will go together with him!

Oh! So are you the groom?
Why is it so quiet then?
Where is your zealous horse then?
Where is the mustache and dashing look?
Come on in now that you have arrived.
After all, there’s no way to go back.

Bridesmaid: (In front of the entrance)
Oh, you, guests - gentlemen?
How long did it take you to get here?
Let's go - we've prepared the way.
Why did you dress up like that?
What's in that suitcase?
And why is there money in your pockets?

Look how things turned out!
You wanted to get married!
Well, which one of you two?
Called the groom?

Well, if you are the groom,
Why are you quiet again?
We have countless brides here.
Look, it’s in any window.
The one that is dearest to you all,
Call loudly quickly.

The groom calls the bride.

You screamed something weakly.
Only scared the cats away!
Gather your strength, my friend,
Shout one more time.

The groom calls the bride.

Don't tear your throat in vain,
Shout love to her.

The groom calls the bride.

Love for all ages,
And all nations, and if so,
Shout: “I love you, (bride’s name)”
In three different languages.
And if you have overseas diplomas
Don't bother to find out
Please give us a ringing ransom right away
How you're supposed to give!

*The groom is offered several cards indicating the language in which to shout out the confession.

Bridesmaid: (On the steps of the porch)
I just don’t understand something
Tell me why
The bride should be waiting for you
And languish by the window?
We won't give her away like that
We'll take a look at the groom.
Isn't he lame or hunchbacked?
And isn’t the tongue like a shovel?
Is everything with him, and is everything in place?
Is it suitable for the bride?

We don't know the groom at all
And we want to know everything about him.
Let a friend be a witness slowly
He will list the groom's merits to us.
If a friend doesn’t name 10 qualities in advance
There will be a complete turn from threshold to gate.

*There are 10 ribbons strung on the porch. For each quality mentioned, the bride's friend cuts one ribbon.

Bridesmaid: (In front of the entrance door)
*There is a tape stretched across the doorway.
Well great, come on in.
But neither jump nor crawl
You can't, but you don't have scissors,
So think about how to get through.

*There are several scissors on the tray. Spicy ones are the most expensive.

Cut the red ribbon and life will be wonderful.

Bridesmaid: (On the first floor)
We see that you are a dashing people,
And besides, he’s daring,
But to prove this,
You will have to dance.

Isn't the groom lame?
Well, stomp your foot!
With a witness for a couple
Perform for us... - can-can!
Without wasting time,
We'll eat a banana for now!

Our bride is the color of poppies
There is no way to get to her without a ransom!
And now we need it for it
A huge bar of chocolate!

For a round ass
We need a box of chocolates!

For the bride's heel
Fist of coins for us!

For a transparent veil
A bottle of cognac!

For the bride's slender figure
We wish you the ocean!

So as not to shed tears in marriage
We need to spill some water for you.
You see a bucket here
Put it in it now
Neither kid nor lamb,
Not a skinny pig.
And you put it in it
What do we need for the soul?
There is one condition
You need to do this:
Pour the water over the edge,
Don't grab the bucket with your hands!

*In front of the groom there is a bucket with a little water in it.

Bridesmaid: (On the stairs)
Here is the treasured ladder
Take the step
And raise your heart
Call your bride tenderly.
How many letters are hearts?
So many kind words!

*Hearts with letters (“N E V E STA”) are laid out on the steps

Bridesmaid: (On the second floor)
We ask the groom to stand on the stool
Now let's see how he's dressed.
Yes, dressed and shod in fashion
And not a hoodie
As if sewn in “Silhouette”
It's just lovely how it sits.
Fashionable tailcoat, watch with fire,
He's even wearing a tie.
In general, we can be calm,
The groom looks quite decent.

Bridesmaid: (On the stairs)
Our bride needs a husband - an assistant,
Show me how tough you are.
Climb the stairs
Try to guess the housework:
Go up the stairs
And promise me what you will do around the house.

*Acronyms are laid out on the stairs:

MP - wash dishes
SB – wash clothes
PC – vacuum the apartment
MO - wash windows
PP – wipe dust
X in M ​​- go to the store
VD – raise children
ZD – make money
Salary – make the bed
DR - make repairs
GB – ironing clothes

Bridesmaid: (On the court)
And now the young groom
Sing us a song louder.
Let the witness not yawn,
Let him actively help.
And don't stand around
Sing loudly with them.

To begin with, about LOVE,
To make the blood boil in your veins.

And now let's sing about the SEA,
So that grief drowns in him.

And now let's sing about SUMMER.
If you don't sing, give me a coin!

Bridesmaid: (On the stairs)
On this staircase
You tell us
your story
With love from Marisha.
You pick up the leaves
Explain these numbers.

*There are pieces of paper with numbers on the steps. Each number means some event in the life of the young people.

Bridesmaid: (On the third floor)
Well, you ended up, say, in the forest
Full of all sorts of miracles.
Rely on friends
In execution of plans.
To appear to the bride,
Must turn into a prince.
Show off your talents, everyone!
Otherwise there will be trouble!

Our prince must be with a horse
And the crown is with him.
Show your dexterity
Ride on your horse
Around your fellows,
Noisy forest depicting.

Bridesmaid:(On the stairs)
To walk up the stairs
And find a way to the bride
We will give you riddles
Guess them without looking back
If you can't handle it, pay!
Feel free to hit the road then.

“Both lumpy and spongy,
Both soft and brittle,
And dearest to everyone." (Bread)

“In the belly there is a bathhouse, in the nose there is a sieve,
On the head there is a navel,
Just one hand and that one on the back” (Kettle)

“Bela, but not snow; sweet, but not honey;
They take it from the horned one and give it to the children.” (Milk)

“Light, rustling, talking about a lot
You can't live without her,
To the store, to the cinema
And get a bride." (Money)

Bridesmaid: (On the court)
There's a lemon in front of you
Reveal your betrothed's name.
To find out where the name is,
You just have to eat it.
Mark my words
Don't make a sour face.
If you wince now,
Your life will be sour.

* Under each lemon slice there is a small piece of paper with a name on it. The groom and witness eat a slice without wincing, and then read the name. If this is not the name of the bride, then they eat the next slice.

Bridesmaid: (On the stairs)
Now, groom, prove it to us,
That you are marrying for love.
Reasons to beware of others
And don't touch those steps!

*On the steps there are reasons: 9 - for love, 8 - I’m afraid to sleep alone, 7 - for calculation, 6 - for tradition, 5 - mother-in-law forces, 4 - out of boredom, 3 - to eat a salad, 2 - I’ve run out of clean socks, 1 - because of the cat

Bridesmaid: (On the fourth floor)
And here is the name of the one you dreamed about so much.
You probably noticed him a long time ago?
Cover it with paper money,
So that the bride-to-be can walk around looking so important.

* The name of the bride is written in chalk on the platform. The groom pays it out with paper money.

Everyone, come
Well now
Ring the doorbell with your heel!

Bridesmaid: (In the vestibule)
In this bunch is the key to the door
You can find him.
If you took the wrong one, pay.

Bridesmaid: (In the apartment)
So you have arrived to the bride,
We're almost together now
Just to live as a family,
We need to strengthen the walls.
One - sweet candies,
The other - in hard coins,
The third - crispy pieces of paper,
The fourth - intoxicating wines.

Pull one ribbon
And pull out your betrothed
If you pull out the wrong one,
Pay us money.
Or marry the one
What will you pull behind you!

Hello, dear groom.
I've been waiting for you.
You came for the bride
But I was not at a loss!
Look at me
And think quickly
Well, why do you need (name of the bride)?
I am younger, more beautiful!
If you did not change your mind
And (bride's name) you want to take,
You'll have to pay
Give me a dowry!

*The groom is allowed into the bride’s room.

Your fiance promises -
He will be gentle, he will be quiet.
He won't forget this day
He will carry money into the house.
He will reward and please everyone,
He won't run away from his worries.
He took it for everyone, as they say.
How do you like your groom?

Bride: Good!

Take care of the bride, groom,
From adversity and dashing storms.
To bloom
So that it bears fruit.
Happiness is yours in her -
Take care of her!

There is a plate on the table,
And there is jellied meat on the plate.
We sold you the bride
This is where the ransom ends!

We are our girlfriend
We won't let you get married,
And the cash-strapped matchmakers
Let's go down the steps.

We were selling the bride
Didn't sell it too cheap -
They gave us a bottle of vodka
And they poured a hundred grams.

We ordered a limousine
And you yourself are on a tram.
Don't feel sorry for the bride
You're some money, boys.

Eh, matchmaker, matchmaker,
Add some money.
You have them in your pocket
They are without bills.

Gave me a little darling
I like a scarlet flower.
Only bride price
Something hurts small.

Don't be sorry guys
Dollars and euros.
Give me the ransom quickly
Take care of your nerves.

Matchmakers came to us,
They brought two rubles.
So, my dear Alyosha,
I'm not your bride.

You bargain, girlfriends,
Make no mistake.
You are the bride to be married today
Give it anyway.

We scraped our pockets
A few pennies.
We bought it for you, girls,
Three packets of seeds.

Get the money, matchmakers,
Don't skimp on rubles
So that we can use your money
We could have some fun.

The bride's dress is white
Today it will get dirty.
Give me money for Ariel,
To toil for a short time.

Give the bride price,
So as not to be ashamed,
So that my girlfriends go to Egypt
There was enough money.

How we have a rich groom,
Yes, not wasteful,
For the bride 100 rubles -
Significant capital!

Like our matchmaker
The entire salary is on the card.
The matchmaker pays for the bride:
Where are the girls, the ATM?

For the bride's beauty
We give you sausage
And a piece of bacon -
Isn't that enough?

How it happened at the dacha
Two buckets of tomatoes.
Here you go, girls, tomatoes,
We have a bride and - hurray!

Don't bargain, girls.
Today is not a market day.
One hundred rubles for waste
And they are too lazy to give.

The girl didn't get married -
They jacked up the price
And then we use this money
We drank for two weeks.

Our bride is beautiful
Like a rose in the garden.
Don't spare money, matchmakers,
For such beauty.

Our bride is beautiful
In an expensive white dress.
Don't be sorry, groom, little money,
So as not to be under the thumb.

You, friend, love Vanya,
Yes, I love Vanya too.
I will marry Vanya
And I tell you to go.

Drolya Lelya chops wood -
I'm putting some logs.
Drolya Lelya loves me,
I'll marry him.

I'll plant it under the window
A rose with a lily.
I'm not walking for long

The little one has gray eyes -
I still have grey.
I'll marry my dear -
Our life will be more fun.

Mommy, give me away
Give it for the accordion player.
At least climb into the dugout sideways,
But there is fun.

Go to bed, mommy, go to bed -
I'm going home to spend the night,
Stay, dear, wider -
I'm taking my sweetheart with me.

I can’t wait, I don’t expect it,
When I get married to my sweetheart.
I can't wait for these days
When we go as a couple.

Egorka has a house on a hill,
Palisade to the garden.
I'll marry Yegorka -
Educated people.

Mom, mom, what do I need?
What I need, you don’t give me.
I'll run away to get married -
Mom, you’re really going to cry.

Mom, some tea, mom, some tea
I just brewed it.
Mom, get married, mom, get married
Only for the handsome one.

This is home, this is home
Curtains all around.
My heart will ache
If I'm not in it.

Somewhere there is smoke, somewhere there is smoke,
Somewhere the stoves are burning.
My darling lives there
I want to go there too.

Who are you, guests - gentlemen?
How long did it take you to get here?
What did you come to us with?
For a visit or for good?
Answer me, well done,
What did you finally arrive with?

Groom ………………………………………...


So that the bride is at the window
I'm not bored alone
You owe her from here
Shout out your love.

Groom …………………………………………


But we won’t give it away like that,
We want to test you.
What do you agree or not?
Well, then answer!
We are at this very place
We'll tell everyone about the bride:
Cheerful, slim, sweet,
And I took it with my mind and with everyone.
What are you, friends, worth?
Come on, praise your friend!
Let a friend be a witness slowly
He will list the groom's merits to us.
If a friend does not name ten qualities in advance,
There will be a complete turn from threshold to gate.

Witness ………………………………………………


Yes, your groom is a great guy.
Our product, and your merchant.
But the bride is far away
It's not easy to get to.
To win her hand
We must work hard.

Bridesmaid: (in front of the porch)

To pass us by
And find a way to the bride,
We will give you riddles
Guess them without looking back
And show me the answer
And if you don’t have it, pay!
“Neither sewn nor cut, but covered in scars;
Countless clothes and all without fasteners." (A head of cabbage)

Groom …………………………………………

Witness: Don’t you have any cabbage?! Give me a ruble a hundred times!!!

Groom …………………………………………


“Both lumpy and spongy,
Both soft and brittle,
And dearest to everyone." (Bread)

Groom …………………………………………


What? And no bread either?
Give us copper coins!

Groom …………………………………………

Witness: (on the porch)

Before you rise
I'll have to collect my thoughts.
Get up on the porch
Guess another riddle.
If the answer is correct,
So I won’t ask you.
If you don't guess,
Will you give us a ransom?
Or the bride is not in sight:
"Light, rustling, talking about a lot
You can't live without her,
To the store, to the cinema
And get a bride." (Money)

Groom …………………………………………


How did you manage to guess
So be able to give it to us.

Groom …………………………………………

Witness: (in front of the front door)

Here is the first obstacle
You need to open this door
Day and night it creaks
What does it require? (Guilt)

Groom …………………………………………

Witness: (at the entrance)

On every site
Place a chocolate bar.

Groom …………………………………………

Witness: (on the stairs - 1st step)

Here is the treasured ladder
You go up the stairs
Call your bride tenderly,
Yes, complete the tasks:
*(prepare a wet towel in advance)
“Show your love. Tie the towel as tightly as tightly
you will love your future wife." ….
“Now untie the towel so quickly,
How quickly will you stop your quarrels with your wife?” ….

Witness: (on the stairs - 2nd step)

Get up on the step
And read us a poem,
So as not to be a bad father
Teach children's poems.
We'll ask you guys
Tell five of them in a row.

Groom …………………………………………..

Witness: (on the stairs - 3rd step)

You people have fun
Tell us a joke.

Groom ……………………………………………

Witness: (4th step on the stairs)

*prepare a basin, placing it in the groom’s path with the words:
“Put here the most valuable gift for your bride.”
*The groom is put to the test until he realizes that the most valuable gift is himself and puts his feet in the basin.

Witness: (on the landing)

If you want to rise higher, pay off richer.
And here is the name of the one you dreamed about so much.
You probably noticed him a long time ago?
Cover it with paper money,
So that the bride-to-be can walk around looking so important.

Groom ………………………………………………

Witness: (in front of the apartment door)

*You need several inflated balloons, inside each balloon there are pieces of paper with an inscription, on one of the pieces of paper there is a “key”, and on the rest there is some kind of ransom)

Stop, groom! Behind this door
There is a bride, believe me.
Only the key is here for now.
You get it first.

**The groom must pop balloon after balloon until he finds a balloon with a piece of paper on it that says “key.”

Witness: (in front of the bride's door)

You opened the heavy shutters
Entering the maiden's room
Well, now try to find out
What is your “thread”?
*The bride, two or three bridesmaids and the grandmother are locked in a room. When the groom approaches a locked room, he sees several strings (their number depends on the number of people in the room) peeking out from under the closed door of the room. The other end of these strings is tied to the fingers of the people in the room. When the groom pulls a thread, the one to which the given thread was tied comes out to him.

Witness: Take her as your wife or pay tribute!

Everything continues until the groom guesses his bride.

Witness: (in the bride's room)

Passed a lot of tests. You have reached the main goal!
Well, Maxim, she is yours. I only have the shoe.
If you don’t find the shoe, you won’t take Katya to the registry office...

*When the groom overcomes all obstacles and finds the bride, it turns out that she does not have a shoe. He is asked to find her. Place several boxes of shoes around the room. The groom must guess the one that contains the bride's shoe. For each incorrectly guessed box of shoes, the groom pays a ransom. The test ends when the groom finds his betrothed's shoe and elegantly puts it on his beloved's foot.

**For the competition with balloons

For the bride's beauty, dance the groom on our pelvis,
And you, witness, don’t be timid, dance the swan dance for us.
For the bride's elegant dress - give us grape wine.
For a bride's heel - two thousand per fist.
For the bride's smile - give us a bar of chocolate.
For the bride's ringing laughter - give us all the sweets.
For the bride's gait - give me a bottle of vodka.

* KEY!* * KEY! * * KEY!* * KEY!* * KEY!*

The song is a parting word to the young.
(to the tune of “Song of the Crocodile Gena”)

1. There will be joy and happiness,
There will be troubles, adversity,
And the years will fly by,
We will always remember
The groom is beardless
And the bride is so young.

If the quarrel is about a couple
Undercooked cutlets
Stop thinking about cutlets,
Eat vinaigrette.

2. That love is not fun,
Of course you know
May your love be easy
About diapers and pacifiers
It doesn't hurt to think:
This is how it has been for centuries.

Chorus: Both girls and boys,
Like flowers in a big garden.
It's a shame that their birth
Only once a year.

3. Let them come to you today
Sincere people
And they will hand you the keys to the apartment!
And your bosses
Your salary will be increased
They won't grumble for no reason.

Chorus: We sang our song,
So run quickly to the registry office,
And we are all together today
We'll drink to you!

Ekaterina Gromova

It is important to remember not only about the equipment for tasks, but also about the environment itself. If the purchase is planned in a private house, then you need to take care of the design of the yard, fence and other objects located on the site. If the buyout takes place in an apartment building, then you need to arrange the entrance in accordance. Since our theme is related to fairy-tale events, it is important to take care of the style. The buyout scenario was written for an apartment building, but may also be suitable for the private sector. Competitions are scheduled up to the 6th floor. If necessary, the script can be shortened or supplemented with several more. So, the walls of the entrance, the spans, the front door need to be decorated. For this you will need: balloons, ribbons, cut out hearts, glitter, several posters with wishes, several images of the newlyweds, flowers. The duration is about 30 minutes.

For competitions:
3 apples, a blindfold, cards with text, cut-out footprints of different sizes, lollipops, Whatman paper, a felt-tip pen, wrapping paper, candy, wire, children's photographs.

Bridesmaids, Groom, Groomsmen, invited guests.

Bridesmaids stand between floors to carry out tasks. After the competition is held on their floor, each friend moves up to the next. The result should be two floors and a competition per person. Guests are greeted by Bridesmaid 1 at the entrance door:

Girlfriend 1:
We got here, great!
Glad to see you friends,
You might be wondering
What will I please you with!
The Princess is waiting, waiting,
Dear groom,
But you just can't get to her,
A wonderful country awaits!
Magic reigns everywhere
Joy, happiness, kindness,
Let's start a wonderful ball,
I will open the door for you, friends!
But I won’t open it right away,
Give me the answer to my questions
Suddenly you got confused at home,
Everything is serious in our business!

(The maid of honor asks questions about the bride.)

Sample list of questions:
1. Eye color of the chosen one?
2. Favorite piece of jewelry?
3. When was you born?
4. Favorite color?
5. Height?
6. Favorite flowers?
7. What did you wear on the first date?
8. What does he dream about?
9. How many children does he want?
10. Her foot size?

(Questions can be varied, depending on the imagination of the bridesmaids)

Maid of honor:
You're in the wrong house
All questions answered,
I'll open the door, come in!

Competition "Magic Apple".
A small table is placed, three apples are laid out on it, preferably of the same size. Something alcoholic is poured into one apple using a syringe. The groom's task is to guess which apple contains alcohol. To make it more interesting, the groom can be blindfolded. If you guess incorrectly, you pay.
You will need: 3 apples, a blindfold.

Girlfriend 1:
The path is clear, come on in,
They are waiting for your assignments
But I ask one last time,
Friends will read your congratulations,
They wish the young people happiness,
I'll skip them then!

(Friends come up with congratulations for the bride and groom on the go)

Girlfriend 2:
Well, I'm finally tired of waiting,
I'm already starting to get bored
The bride has been waiting for a long time,
He sits and looks out the window!
So, there is a message,
The bride wrote,
But you'll have to guess
Where is your betrothed's handwriting?
Take that letter for you!
And if you don’t guess,
Then pay me some money!

Competition “I am writing to you”.
Several cards with the same text written by different people are laid out in front of the groom. Among all the cards, he must choose the one written by his beloved. If he doesn't guess correctly, he pays. You will need: cards with text.

Girlfriend 2:
You pass, the way is open,
But I'll leave your friends
If they want to go with you,
They must sing now!
Just a difficult song,
With wishes for you,
So that you can smile later,
Remembering this hour!
If you don't want to sing (addressing friends),
So please, friends, pay!
They go up to the next floor.

Girlfriend 3:
Welcome friends
Glad to see you too!
So that I can reach the bride,
Follow the footsteps quickly,
But the tracks are not easy,
They are enchanted!
And if you want to go around,
Just pay me!

Competition "Traces".
Pre-prepared paper trails of various sizes are laid out on the steps. The groom must follow the steps without stepping on the steps. If he misses the mark, he pays, refuses to pay, and returns to the first step. You can make it more difficult by, for example, saying a compliment to the bride when stepping on the trail. You will need: cut out footprints of different sizes.

(The groom and his friends go up to the next floor.)

Girlfriend 3:
You deserve it, come on in
And your friends are with me,
If you want to go with him,
I have a small task!

(The bridesmaid asks the groom's friends a task. The task is that they must praise the groom, but with sweets in their mouths. Each of them is given 3 lollipops, with which they complete the task. Refusal is the price. You will need: lollipops (depending on the number of participants)

(The groom and his friends go up to the next floor.)

Girlfriend 1:
Hello again friends,
I'm glad to see you all again,
There is a difficult task,
It's interesting
Will you dance?
Punch the way to the bride!

Competition "Dancing Groom".
The bridesmaid turns on the music to which the groom will dance. The interesting thing about the competition is that the music will change dramatically, and the groom will have to adapt to the rhythm. Refusal to complete a task is a cost.

Girlfriend 1:
Very clever, come in,
The bride is waiting for you very much,
And bring your friends,
I've already looked through my eyes.

(The groom and his friends go up to the next floor)

Girlfriend 2:
Hello again,
I have a task
And you'll have to work hard
After all, the bride is waiting for you!
To get to your beloved,
You must draw
Your dear, dear,
The image must be guessed!

Competition "Portrait of a Beloved".
For convenience, whatman paper is hung on the wall. The groom is given a marker or felt-tip pen and is blindfolded. The task is to draw a portrait of the bride. If he refuses, there will be a ransom. You will need: bandage, Whatman paper, felt-tip pen.

Girlfriend 2:
Come on in, the way is clear,
My beloved is waiting for you,
You are a handsome, prominent groom,
Stay late, friends!
If you want to pass,
Then you have to guess
All my mysteries
To continue your path!

(Girlfriend asks riddles. It’s better if they are about young people, it will be more interesting)

Girlfriend 3:
You're almost there
To your dear, beloved,
Collect a bouquet quickly
To confess my feelings to her!

Competition "Bouquet".
The groom is given wrapping paper, sweets, and wire. From all this he must collect a bouquet for his bride. If the bouquet is collected, they let you in, if not, a ransom. The competition time is 3 minutes. You will need: wrapping paper, candy, wire.

Girlfriend 1:
Your love is waiting outside the door,
Almost there, congratulations
Sing a serenade to my dear,
Then I'll skip it, I promise.

(The groom sings a serenade to his beloved)

Girlfriend 2:
Your fate awaits outside the door,
I'll let you in if you answer,
Which one is your soul?
I think you'll notice her!

(Children's photographs are hung in front of the door. The groom must guess which photo his beloved is in. It will be more interesting if the photographs are hung on a string so that the groom kisses the chosen photo while jumping. If he chooses correctly, the door will open, if he makes a mistake, he pays)