Scenario for awarding teacher of the year. Script for the teacher awards ceremony. Competition “open discussion” Garashchuk M.Yu

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-UgraMunicipal educational institution
Secondary school No. 4
Scenario for the annual teacher awards ceremony
"Star Fireworks"
Script writer: Tatyana Valerievna Vysotskaya, primary school teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4
2013-2014 academic year
Teacher award ceremony script
"Star Fireworks"
And again autumn is in the yard,
On our joyful planet.
Although nature fades,
But it still rings and smells fragrant!!!
And this is a miracle in our hall,
What teachers have they gathered!!!
There are many smart, clean eyes here,
Here professionalism fascinates us.
Here souls are full of anticipation,
An unexpected confession of love.
- Good afternoon, dear teachers, guests and parents! We are pleased to welcome you to the “Star Fireworks” ceremony. This holiday is a kind of summing up the work of our school teachers in the last academic year. Today we honor the most talented, most hardworking, most energetic and creative. All those who bring good fame to our school and make life interesting and varied.
- The right to open the “Star Fireworks” teacher award ceremony is granted to the director of secondary school No. 4 Faniya Gaizulovna Petrova.
- You are welcomed by the children's choreographic group under the direction of Lilia Nikolaevna Ryabova.
Fanfare sounds.
-We announce the first nomination “Industriousness of the Year”. This nomination includes teachers-mentors of the winners of city Olympiads, Olympiads of the Urals Federal District, class teachers of the best classes in duty and compliance with appearance requirements. (Solemn music sounds)
- We invite you to the stage:
Vysotskaya T.V.
Ponochovnaya L.P.
Adzhieva M.A.
Gizatullina G.F.
Aslanina N.V.
Akhunova E.Yu.
Makarova L.P.
Khodulin B.G.
Pokolenko N.V.
Allahverdiev A.G.
Khodulina L.A.
Chubuk N.I.
Strelkova T.G.
Shaipova R.S.
Arzykaeva S.V.
Platonova I.A.
Kulakova V.V.
-The right to open the envelope is granted
Anyone who has become a teacher will understand
What a joy it is to be useful to people,
Teach His Majesty the people!
Bring him the gift of wisdom and knowledge,
And the light of your heart’s kindness -
There is no more responsible calling on earth,
There is nothing more honorable and joyful.
(Fanfares sound)
- So, we are announcing the next nomination “Creative of the Year”, it presents teachers working in the experiment mode “Introduction of the Second Generation Federal State Educational Standard” and are invited to the stage (celebratory music sounds):
Chubuk N.I.
Chuzhakova O.N.
Strelkova T.G.
Kornilova G.N.
Aslanina N.V.
Smirnova T.N.
Poruchikova N.V.
Sultamutova U.Kh.
Rakhimova F.F.
Sagirova R.S.
Panchenko G.A.
Balakshina N.V.
Ponochevny A.V.
Kuzmina S.V.
Aniskina N.D.
- The right to open the envelope and name the winner in this nomination is granted
- For you, dear teachers, dear guests and parents, there is a song performed by primary school teacher Yurina Lyubov Vladimirovna.
An excerpt from the song “We firmly believe in sports heroes…….”
- The time has come to announce the next nomination “Energy of the Year”, it presents teachers participating in city sports competitions (celebratory music sounds).
And we invite you to the stage:
Ivanova B.D.
Gizatullin G.F.
Sviridova G.A.
Garchikhanova A.P.
Karlash T.V.
Panchenko G.A.
Abolmasov N.V.
Ponochovny A.V.
Malyshok Z.A.
Cherepanov L.P.
- The right to announce the winner is granted
- A romance performed by Shkabura Nadezhda Alekseevna sounds for you.
He's always on the road -
In worries, in searches, in anxiety -
And there is never peace.
And a hundred questions are on the doorstep,
And you need to give the correct answer.
He judges himself more harshly than everyone else.
He is all earthly, but strives upward.
(Fanfares sound)
- We announce the nomination “Breakthrough of the Year”. It features teachers who mentor students who have achieved high results at the district and federal levels.
(Solemn music sounds)
- We invite you to the stage:
Konovalov M.V.
Pinigin S.V.
Barnatskaya O.A.
Balakshin N.V.
Allahverdieva A.G.
Baidin E.L.
Skryl G.V.
Abolmasov N.V.
Rakhimov F.F.
- The right to announce the winner in this category is granted
- Beautiful at heart and very kind,
You are strong in talent and generous in heart.
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
The lessons and undertakings will not be in vain.
- It’s time to announce the next nomination – “Discovery of the Year”. It recognizes teachers who have proven themselves in a new role (celebratory music sounds).
- And we are pleased to welcome on our stage: Bystrova O.V. - winner of the city competition.
Bernatskaya O.A. – organizer, screenwriter, presenter.
Maksimenko L.A. - leader of school teams.
Gumerov R.M. - project manager.
Nikitenko T.G. - participant of the city competition.
- The right to open an envelope with the winner’s name is granted
- Teacher, in your name
It's not just the school that's proud.
We say “Thank you” to you
For the golden word.
(Fanfares sound)
- The next nomination “Inspiration of the Year” is announced, teachers - participants in creative competitions will be presented in it (celebratory music sounds)
- We invite you to the stage:
Ponochovny A.V.
Zavarukhin A.N.
Gumerova R.M.
Artamonova S.A.
Pinigina S.V.
Balakshina N.V.
Ryabova L.N.
-The right to announce the winner in this category is granted
-A song performed by A.V. Ponochovny is playing for you. and Zavarukhina A.N.
There are many wise forces in the world,
But there is no one in nature smarter than a teacher.
The speech is simple.
He took possession of free thought like the wind,
And he drew up the laws.
Childish laziness wins,
And the wise teacher foresees the future.
(Fanfares sound)
- The “Revival of the Year” nomination represents teachers who have made a great personal contribution to the revival of the school’s traditions. (Solemn music sounds)
- We invite you to the stage:
Ponochovnaya L.P.
Makarov L.P.
Zavarukhina A.N.
Vysotskaya T.V.
-The right to announce the winner of this nomination is granted
(Fanfares sound)
- The next nomination “Inexhaustible Potential” is announced
It presents the permanent organizers of school-wide events: (celebratory music sounds)
1. Aniskina N.D.
2. Balakshina N.V.
3. Baidina E.L.
4. Konovalova M.V.
5. Chubuk N.I.
6.Pinigina S.V.
7.Lukyanova A.P.
8. Bernadskaya O.A.
9. Zavarukhin A.N.
10. Ponochovnaya L.P.
11. Maksimenko L.A.
12.Tseneva E.P.
- The right to choose the winner in this category is granted
(Fanfares sound)
- And the next nomination is called very simply “Golden Hands” and it presents teachers who are skilled.
(Solemn music sounds).
- We invite you to the stage:
1. Maksimenko L.A.
2. Allahverdiev A.G.
3. Khodulina L.A.
4. Vysotskaya T.V.
5. Makarova L.P.
6. Loladze T.I.
-The right to announce the winner is granted
- And now is the most exciting moment of our ceremony. We invite all the winners to the stage to determine the “Brightest Star” of our ceremony. The right to determine the winner is given to all of you, dear people sitting in the hall. The winner will be determined through interactive voting.
- Control yourself among the confused crowd,
Cursing you for the confusion of everyone,
Believe in yourself despite the Universe
And forgive those of little faith their sin.
Even if the hour has not struck, wait without getting tired.
Let liars lie, do not condescend to them;
Know how to forgive and don’t appear to be forgiving.
More generous and wiser than others.
Learn to dream without becoming a slave to dreams,
And think without deifying thoughts,
Meet success and reproach equally,
Not forgetting that their voice is false.
Stay quiet when it's your word
The plow cripples to catch fools,
When your whole life is destroyed and again
You have to recreate everything from the basics.
Know how to put in joyful hope
Everything that I have accumulated through hard work is at stake.
Lose everything, and become a beggar as before.
And never regret it.
Know how to force your heart, nerves, body
Serve you when in your chest
Everything has been empty for a long time, everything has burned down.
And only the will says: “Go!”
Stay simple when talking with kings,
Stay honest when speaking to a crowd.
Be straight and firm with enemies and friends,
Let everyone consider you in their own time.
Fill every moment with meaning.
Hours and days of inexorable running.
Then you will take over the whole world.
Then, my friend, you will be a man!
- Let’s begin the second part of our ceremony “Initiation of young specialists”
- The floor is given to A.Ya. Pribytkova.
- The third part of our ceremony is announced. Now the certificates “On being included in the book of honor” will be presented (Fanfare sounds).
- The floor is given to the director of our school, Petrova Faniya Gaizulovna.
- This is where our holiday ends. All the best to you, success in your hard work and new victories.

Scenario of the awards ceremony “Constellation Yula”

1: Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen!
2: Good evening, dear residents and guests of the village of Yulovsky!
1. How great it is when a holiday begins like this: with music and applause.
2.And also the kind smiles of the guests who came to congratulate and greet our nominees.
1. They say that every person has his own “finest hour”. Stars are an eternal object of special attention of humanity in general and each person individually...
2: ...for a special passion for the stars in the Middle Ages they were burned at the inquisitorial fire...
1: ...poems and novels are written about stars, stars are given names of people, and people are endowed with the “shining” properties of stars.
2: Our Yulov sky is also filled with bright stars. Large and small, remote and not so remote. And they all create a single and multifaceted...
1: ...shining and positive...
2: ...the space of the Yulovsky village!
1: And all this is you, dear fellow villagers!
2: Those who will appear on this stage today have managed to “shine” brighter over the past year than others. We will broadcast live about your brilliant achievements.
1: And our ceremony will resemble a “starfall”.
2: ...hopefully no injuries...
1: Of course - just a shower of names, awards and applause from the guests.
2 - And today, in this hall, not just one star will be lit, but a whole shower of stars
1 - Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to the annual Person of the Year awards ceremony.

Fanfare sounds.

1 - Our ceremony is opened by the head of the Yulovsky rural settlement, Alexander Nikolaevich Golovnev.

Speech by the Head of the Administration.

– 1st nomination “Golden Hands”.
2. Since ancient times, people have demanded bread and circuses. Food is the first thing a person needs from birth. “Give us this day our daily bread...” This is the beginning of a prayer, an appeal to God for our daily bread... And bread comes from Mother Earth, from the farmer - a great worker.
1 For many centuries, people have composed epics, songs, and proverbs about food and the peasant: “The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies,” “Bread is the head of everything,” “Without cabbage, cabbage soup is not thick,” “Bread is on the table, and the table is the throne.” !
2 But the work that creates this throne is not easy. And we already remember other wise words: “Patience and labor will grind everything down,” “The work is bitter, but the bread is sweet,” “Lie on the floor and never see a piece,” “Hold on to the plow: she is the nurse.”
1. Russia has long been famous for its good, talented and hardworking people. Our Motherland has been and remains a cell of strong and established agricultural traditions. Thanks to the “Golden Hands”, the wisdom and experience of farmers, our fertile field lives.
2. And we will always admire the work of farmers, livestock breeders, machine operators, those who grow bread for us, produce milk, in a word - real masters of their craft!
1. It is with great pleasure that we invite to the stage the best representatives of the open joint-stock company "Yuzhnoye"
2 Leonid Viktorovich Danilenko - Leonid Viktorovich has been working as a garage driver for 22 years. Conscientious, hardworking, purposeful person. His KAMAZ is always on the road, always on the go. In 2015 alone, he ran more than 292 thousand ton-kilometers along the roads of our Rostov region
1.-Popov Sergey Alexandrovich. Since 1993, he has worked as a tractor driver in a rice shop. He and his MTZ-80 tractor work in the fields all year round. in 2015, Sergei Aleksandrovich worked 300 standard shifts. A hardworking, conscientious worker, he enjoys authority in the team.
2 Shumkina Galina Petrovna, machine milking operator of the Yuzhnoye joint-stock company, Galina Petrovna devoted 14 years to the modest, but very necessary and hard work of a milkmaid. She is a leader among masters of machine milking. She produced 108 tons of milk from her cows. She receives a calf a year from the cow assigned to her and she takes care of them like small children, so her safety is 100%, which is higher than the average for the entire farm.
1. Ugnenko Alexander Nikolaevich. Alexander Nikolaevich began his career on the farm as a milkman in a dairy shop, then worked as a tractor driver in a dairy shop, and since March 2001 he has been working as a mechanic in this work collective. He has good organizational skills, which helps him ensure the smooth operation of the tractors in the dairy shop.
2 To award the first “star” people, Viktor Nikolaevich Petchenko, General Director of the Yuzhnoye Joint Stock Company, is invited to the stage

1. Dear agricultural workers, thank you for your love for your small Motherland, for your hard work and dedication, continue to please your fellow countrymen with the results of your work. Please accept this song as a gift.

2nd nomination “I give my heart to children”
2. Children are easy to love in words! “Oh, what a baby,” we often hear. But try, look after a whole bunch of toddlers! Educators, you are the salvation of busy parents and those people with whom children are not only safe, but with whom they learn a lot of new things, discover the unknown, learn to be friends...
1. Dear educators, kindergarten is the very first team of a little person, and with all your heart you help him grow big and strong, brave and smart...
2. And then, a new team awaits the little person - school. And on the threshold he is met by his kind and caring first teacher, and then he will be led along the school path by the teachers of our beloved school, and this path cannot be turned away.
1. After all, school is a ladder that you cannot move down. I stood on the first step - and already set off on a continuous journey upward, and this road has no end point. A person studies all his life, but the starting point for everyone is school.
2. It’s easy to walk if you see the light ahead, lit by your mentor. The higher you rise, the brighter and warmer the light becomes - a spark of goodness, love and wisdom, a hot piece of the teacher’s soul.
1. Such as Svetlana Ivanovna Petukhova – head of the first category, head of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 25, kindergarten “Joy”. Her teaching career began in 1982, when she decided to connect her destiny with preschool education and was hired to work at the Joy kindergarten. Svetlana Ivanovna has gone from a teacher to the head of an educational institution, known for her innovative ideas and positive work experience.
2. And Velikotskaya Galina Vasilievna – teacher of geography at the municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary educational school No. 81”
1. Galina Vasilievna is distinguished by high demands on herself as a specialist. She is characterized by initiative and readiness for change; self-discipline, responsibility, application of areas of cooperation pedagogy.
2. In 2015, Galina Vasilyevna took part in the pedagogical excellence competition “Teacher of the Year 2015” in order to disseminate advanced teaching experience and the result of participation was the title “Laureate”.
1. Remember, from Vysotsky: “...We admire the night Zodiac, the eternal tango of the constellations.”
2. So, these people ensure eternal motion in individual constellations.
1. We invite Svetlana Ivanovna Petukhova and Galina Vasilievna Velikotskaya to the stage.
2. To reward specialists in stellar and uninterrupted work with children, Inna Nikolaevna Sayun, deputy head of the Salsky district for social issues, is invited to the stage

1. Galina Anatolyevna Pisarenko, a specialist from the Administration for Culture and Sports of the Yulovsky settlement, maintains a close connection with the school and kindergarten. She is the secretary of the commission on juvenile affairs.
2. Galina Anatolyevna perfectly communicates with the residents of our settlement. When solving complex problems, she is always ready to help other employees. She has qualities such as creativity and the ability to work independently, which allows her to be trusted to solve complex problems.

1. Galina Anatolyevna Pisarenko is invited to present the award on stage
2. The award is presented by Yana Vitalievna Bobrovskaya, Manager of the Administration of the Salsky District

1. Gifts can be different, big and small, long-awaited and unexpected, personal and for the whole team. This is such a great collective gift for you, dear nominees, the performance of the dance group “Pomegranate Seeds”

– 3rd nomination “Calling to serve people.”
2. How beautiful our world is, preserved by the kind souls and warm hearts of those whose calling is to serve people. Selflessness, philanthropy, mercy, sensitivity - these are the best human qualities that social workers possess.
1. How much strength, energy, warmth of soul they put into their hard work.
2. How much warmth and goodness they bring to older people in order to warm and calm the souls of old disadvantaged people.
1. Mercy... This quality is characteristic of each of you, dear employees of the center for social services for elderly and disabled citizens. To be merciful means to sympathize, sympathize, pity and want to help the weak. And for this you need to have a big loving heart!
2. And this is exactly what you have, dear Tatyana Alekseevna Korsunova and Tatyana Damirovna Borovik. Without sparing your mental strength, you tactfully offer your help, helping older people solve everyday problems, with participation and care, teaching them to overcome the difficulties of a difficult stage of life with dignity.
1. Perhaps not a single person on this planet can do without medical care. Doctors save our lives, nurses help us get back on track to recovery.
2. But in addition to doctors and nurses, modest junior medical workers without special medical training work in medical institutions, but simply nurses, irreplaceable medical assistants. Previously, in medical institutions they were affectionately called “nannies.”
1. And also “nurses”, because they know how to feed, change clothes, listen and simply sympathize with a sick or elderly person who is in a hospital bed..
2. I would like to say with confidence that without sincere sympathy for the sick and elderly, work is impossible. They notice falsity in relationships immediately.
1. Svetlana Ivanovna Klyashko, a nurse at the nursing department at the Yulovskaya outpatient clinic, has been working at the Yulovskaya hospital for 30 years. Her work is distinguished by high quality, correctness, and responsibility for the assigned work.
2. The movement of all the stars in the social and medical horizon depends on these stars.
1. Dear Tatyana Alekseevna, Tatyana Damirovna and Svetlana Ivanovna, we ask you to come up to the stage.
1. The award is presented by the director of the Center for Services to Elderly and Disabled Citizens, Irina Nikolaevna Statovaya.


2. And the congratulatory marathon is continued by the vocal group of elderly people from our village “Kumushki”.

– 4th nomination “The master’s work is afraid.”
1. Water is one of those elements that can simultaneously support life and mercilessly destroy it, therefore, by controlling it, you can turn the entire earth into a blooming garden. This is how an interesting, necessary and unusually difficult profession arose - land reclamation.
2. Ivan Nikolaevich Fomenko has been working in the Salsk Interdistrict Administration of Irrigation Systems since August 1983, first as an electric and gas welder, and from 1998 to the present as a driver of pumping unit No. 2. A conscientious, efficient, deeply decent person, he has worked in the land reclamation system for 43 years. .
1. Postal stagecoaches are a thing of the past, and no one has been using the services of carrier pigeons for a long time, but the fashion of writing letters, sending parcels and parcels has not gone away.
2. But someone has to deliver them! Of course, these are our postal workers. Our post office always has a calm, friendly atmosphere. There are wonderful postal operators working there.
1. Ekaterina Alekseevna Samokhvalova provides excellent service to post office clients. She is an irreplaceable person in the team. Always reliable, always happy to help. She is respected by both colleagues and clients. It is about people like Ekaterina Alekseevna that they say: “I would go on reconnaissance with him.”

2. It is with great pleasure that I invite these specialists to our stage. _______________________ is invited to the stage to present the award.


2. Thank you for your dedication, enthusiasm, efficiency, do not lose this in the future. Alexander Matsegora sings for you

– 5th nomination “Giving joy to people”
1. There are people whose direct purpose of profession is “to give joy to people.” These are cultural workers. The profession is difficult, but wonderful.
2 A cultural worker is not just a profession - it is a calling!
This is the skill of wizards to fulfill our cherished desires!
1. These people, with their creativity and love for their profession, light up our hearts, create a holiday for us, open cherished doors to the world of beauty, teach us to love and enjoy every day.
2 But a cultural worker is not only a person standing on the stage. Among the employees of our House of Culture there is a teacher who teaches children to draw, see beauty, and develop their inner world. For 5 years now, the art studio “Spectrum” has been operating in our recreation center, in which, this year alone, 17 children are studying. The guys took part in many creative competitions and exhibitions at various levels, receiving Diplomas of winners. In December 2015, the art studio "Spectrum" was awarded the honorary title "Exemplary amateur art group of the Rostov region." And this is thanks to the tireless leader, creative person and kind mentor Lyudmila Savkovna Savchuk.
1. Dear Lyudmila Savkovna and participants of the Spectr art studio, we ask you to come up to the stage. You are awarded the “Talent of the Year” Diploma and a Letter of Gratitude to the head of the studio.
2. First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Salsky District Andrey Vasilyevich Kotlyarov is invited to the stage to award the team

1. Nikolai Zubov gives you his musical congratulations.

1. Labor is the main measure of all merits and the highest assessment of work is when they say “Made conscientiously.” Yes, any business requires diligence and skill, but only with skill comes honor.
Honor... means recognition and respect, an expression of gratitude and pride for one’s fellow countrymen.
We have always had and still have something to be proud of, and first of all, of our people with ordinary biographies, not loud, but hard-working and honest. And the world rests precisely on reliable people, in whom there is so much beauty and merit.

Anna Khismatova
Scenario of the competition “Teacher of the Year - 2011”



Leading: If the stars light up, it means someone needs it. If they light up educational stars, which means that the constellations of preschool children are sure to shine nearby.

If new stars light up in the sky, then we are on competition« Teacher of the Year - 2011» .

Leading: On earth they say - and not are wrong:

« Educator If they don’t become one, they are born!”

God gave him the highest gift for centuries -

Bring your preschooler out into the public!

To open competition« Teacher of the Year - 2011» we invite you to stage chief specialist of the education department of the Tukaevsky Municipal district for preschool education ___


Leading: We decided that our stars educators no worse than television stars, and that’s why this year we will have contest« Teacher of the Year – 2011» .

Moreover, in the light of the priority national project "Education" The abbreviation MDOU takes on a new meaning.

Today for us this word will mean the triune union -Kindergarten- Education - Educator.

So, dear friends, before we begin competition a draw was made. We are pleased to invite you to stage of the competition participants.


The participants go to stage

Leading: We wish them success, good luck, luck, as well as new discoveries and bright impressions.

Dear friends! A very solemn and at the same time alarming moment is coming for the participants of our competition.

Let me introduce you to the jury who will evaluate the skill contestants and sum up the results of the competition.

(jury presentation)

We wish success and wisdom to our jury.

After all, they have a difficult job to choose the best of the best.


Leading: Well, it’s time to get down to business and start competitive program of our pedagogical competition.

Leading: Dear contestants! In just a few minutes you will get to work, and we sincerely wish you good luck and creative success.

Now you are going to prepare for the first stage competition"Business card". The time limit is 10 minutes.

(participants leave)

Musical number

Leading: Introduce contestants needed

What are they all like, where are they from,

Let's clap our colleagues together:

A business card is a small miracle.

Leading competition to display a business card.

Musical number

Leading: Well, now the time has come

Show you our master class.

After all, everyone worked hard,

We have something to do, something to say.

Leading: invites participants one by one competition for a master class

Musical number

Leading: Now, colleagues, meet me:

Let's introduce a new stage to you.

Press conference here contest!

The kindergarten presents you.

All participants are welcome stage competition and answer questions from the jury

Leading: Our kindergarten is rich because

Because he has a lot of songs.

Russian folk song "Seeds" performed kindergarten students"Alyonushka"

Leading: So the tests for contestants and we again invite them to stage.

Participants go to stage.

You are good fairies, leading to knowledge,

Giving joy, bringing light,

Happy hopes to you,

Great recognition

And new finds and new victories.

The floor is given to the jury members

Leading: Everything in the world passes at some point,

It's time to say goodbye.

A small miracle happens.

The winner is here among us.

All colleagues fought superbly,

They showed their skills and class.

Everything will definitely come in handy.

The hour for the awards ceremony approached.

Word for awarding the winner and runners-up competition provided to the chief specialist of preschool education


And now, friends, goodbye.

Goodbye, see you again.

We wish you success in advance,

And so that you can captivate the children.

Health, love and happiness to everyone,

Sincerity and warmth to everyone

Let bad weather pass by,

And flowers will bloom in our hearts.

Script for the award ceremony (teacher of the year)

As a festive and ceremonial event, the school hosts awards for the best teachers of the year. To make this event interesting, it is proposed to first prepare an original script for the award ceremony. The program should include many interesting competitions, as well as performances. In order for the holiday to be interesting, it is necessary to attract students to participate in it. They must prepare in advance and rehearse the numbers that are assigned to them.

For the celebration, it is better to choose a fairly large and spacious hall. The best option is an assembly hall, which has a stage where all the actions will take place. It is also necessary to decide who exactly will be the presenters. There should be three leaders in total. Also, in the process of preparing for the award ceremony, it is necessary to prepare certificates in advance for the winner in each category. In addition, you should prepare awards that will be made in the form of cubes. They must indicate the title of the winner, that is, “Teacher of the Year in Mathematics,” “Teacher of the Year in Geography,” and so on. You will need to prepare awards equal to the number of nominations.

The holiday begins.

First presenter:
- Hello, dear guests! We would like to welcome you to this cozy and warm room. Today we have gathered here for a very important reason. We have many teachers working at our school. They are all very good teachers, whose work is very responsible and important. Today we have gathered to identify the best teachers in our school. Today we will hold an award ceremony for teachers who won in various categories. So, our holiday is declared open!
Solemn music sounds.

Second presenter:
– Our holiday opens with a dance club number. Students congratulate our teachers with their dances. Meet the dance club (club name)!
The script for the awards ceremony then includes performances by the dancers. They are dancing a dance. To do this, you can invite a dance club that practices at the school. You can also entrust the preparation of the dance and further performance at the festival to students who dance well.

Third presenter:
– So, it’s time to announce the winner in the first category “Math Teacher”. We have many mathematics teachers at our school who are worthy of this title. But still, who was the winner? Now we will find out. So, the title “Math Teacher of the Year” goes to (name of the winner).
The presenter opens the envelope and calls the name of the winner. Next, the script for the award ceremony includes inviting the winner to the stage. He is presented with an award, a certificate and a bouquet of flowers.

First presenter:
- Let's congratulate our winner - (name of the winner) with loud applause! Thanks to our teachers in this subject, students know mathematics very well. Let's check it out! To do this, those wishing to take part in a mathematical quiz are invited to the stage.

Next is a math quiz. Three willing students are invited to the stage. For the quiz, you can arrange three stands, behind which the competition participants will stand. The facilitator names questions that students must answer. It is necessary to prepare questions in mathematics in advance. The student who is the first to name the correct answer receives one point. He is recording. When all the questions are completed, the results are tallied and the one who has the most points and, accordingly, correct answers becomes the winner. He is awarded a prize.

Second presenter:
– The time has come to find out which of our wonderful teachers will become the geography teacher of the year. So, I open the envelope to announce the winner's name. The winner in the nomination “Geography Teacher of the Year” is (winner’s name). Let's congratulate (winner's name) with loud applause!
The winner is invited to the stage and given a prize and a bouquet of flowers.

Third presenter:
– And to test how well our students know geography, we will hold an interesting competition called “Capitals of Countries.” Who knows the most capital cities in the world? We'll check now! Those wishing to take part in the competition and test their knowledge of geography are invited to the stage.
The script for the awards ceremony then includes a geography competition in the program. One of the presenters will name the country, and the participants must say its capital. The three participants who name the most correct answers move on to the second round. In the second round, the presenter will name the capitals, and the students will have to name the countries to which they belong. After this, the results of the competition are summed up, the winner is announced, and he is awarded a prize.

First presenter:
– It’s time to find out who won the “Chemistry Teacher of the Year” nomination. I open the envelope to announce the winner's name. So, the winner in the “Chemistry Teacher of the Year” nomination is (winner’s name). The winner is invited to the stage to receive a certificate.
Next, the script for the award ceremony includes in the program of the festive event a congratulation to the winner in this nomination, for which he is invited to the stage.

Second presenter:
– Many students at our school love chemistry very much. Thanks to our wonderful chemistry teachers, students know this subject very well. I propose to verify this by holding the following competition, which is called “Crossword”. Those wishing to take part are invited to the stage.
Next, a game is played in which participants will have to solve a crossword puzzle. To do this, you first need to prepare the crossword puzzle itself. It will be devoted to chemistry, that is, it will include questions on this subject. The crossword can be completed on a large Whatman paper so that the words are clearly visible. Students work together to solve the words and write them in the crossword cells.

Third presenter:
– Our crossword puzzle has been completely solved, which means that the students know chemistry well, as we were able to verify!

First presenter:
– And now we find out who won the Labor Teacher of the Year nomination. To do this, you need to open the envelope, inside of which the name of the winner is written. So, (name of the winner) wins in this nomination. Our winner is invited to the stage.
Then the script for the awards ceremony includes the labor teacher award in the program.

Second presenter:
“It was thanks to labor teachers that our children learned to do many important types of work in the classroom. Let's check it out!

Next, there is a competition for boys and girls. The boys will have to glue wooden blocks together with glue to make a small chair. The girls were given another task - to make a dress out of fabric by tying the elements together. To hold the competition, you need to prepare all the materials - this is a competition for girls - this is fabric. The first participant in the competition to make a dress becomes the winner. For the competition for boys, you will need to prepare bars and glue from which the chair will be made. The boy who completes the task first wins.

Third presenter:
– All we have to do is name the winner in the last category – “Russian Language Teacher of the Year”. So, I open the envelope to find out what exactly was the winner in this important category. The winner is (name of winner). We all congratulate the winner with loud applause and invite him to the stage to present the certificate.
Next, the winner is awarded a prize.

First presenter:
– And now, to check how well our students know the Russian language, let's hold a competition. In it, each participant will be able to play the role of a Russian language teacher.
Next, a competition is held, in which several students are invited to participate. For the competition, it is necessary to prepare Whatman paper on which the same text with errors will be written. Participants need to check the written text and find any errors. The winner is the participant who checks the work most correctly, that is, finds the most errors.

First presenter:
– Dear friends, all awards have been presented, winners in all categories have been determined. Let's welcome all the winners again. All nomination winners are invited to the stage.
Teachers who became winners are invited to the stage. Everyone greets them with applause. This concludes the festive event.

Extracurricular activity on literature

“Script for the award ceremony for the winners of the competition of young poets.”

Methodological development of a teacher of Russian language and literature

Dubrova Natalia Nikolaevna

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum of Lobnya, Moscow Region

Explanatory note

The annual competition of young poets, first held in January 1998, has become a good tradition in our lyceum. Students from fifth to eleventh grade can take part in the competition. The jury of the competition are teachers of the Russian language and literature of the lyceum. They try to appreciate each poem at its true worth so that more participants become laureates in one category or another. The main prize of the competition is the Audience Award. It is determined by the majority of those present at the competition by secret ballot.

Every year, when summing up the results, the jury notes the variety of themes of the poems: these include patriotic lyrics, poems about love and friendship, joke poems, and even satire. Unfortunately, over the years, only three collections of lyceum poets were published. But award ceremonies for the competition laureates are held annually. They have become a real lyceum holiday, to which lyceum students and their parents gather, famous poets of our city are invited.


Chaikovsky. Italian Capriccio (43 sec.).

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky, the presenters come out.

Teacher. Dear friends! Young poets! Poetry lovers! Dear guests! Today we came to this hall for the next awards ceremony for young poets. Traditionally, at the end of January, during Pushkin’s days, a poetry competition is held, in which students from grades 5 to 11 participate. The poetry competition has long become a celebration of creativity for the lyceum.

And today we welcome children for whom the love of poetry, the love of the Russian word remains unchanged.

Let me open the poetry festival and introduce our presenters. These are 10th grade students...

The presenters address the audience.

1st presenter. Dear participants of the awards ceremony for young poets! Let me welcome you to today's celebration!

2nd presenter. As in previous years, at the current poetry competition the results were summed up in the following nominations:

1st. "Philosophical Lyrics"

2nd. "Landscape Lyrics"

1st. "Love lyrics"

2nd. "Patriotic lyrics. Lobnya is my hometown"

1st. "Poems about the Great Patriotic War"

2nd. "My family. My mom"

1st. Humorous lyrics. "Poems-jokes"

2nd. And the traditional nomination - “Audience Award”

1st. This year, ballads were performed at our competition.

A total of 22 poets took part in the competition. New talents are replacing those who graduated from the Lyceum. Young poets reflect on the world, on love, on nature...

Lyceum poets continue the traditions of Russian poetry, the traditions of A.S. Pushkin.

2nd. February 10 is the day of memory of Alexander Sergeevich, our competition of young poets is dedicated to this event.

1st. We think: “... as long as the Russian language continues to sound in the world, future generations of our compatriots will begin to remember the name of Pushkin.” (A.V. Druzhinin).

2nd. “By reading Pushkin, you can perfectly educate the person within you.”

1st. What is poetry?

At all times, it is a search for connections between heaven and earth, between people and things, between the past and the future.

2nd. Talking about poetry means talking about life itself! After all, poetry reflects everything that a person lives by. The poetic word is capable of penetrating the secrets of the human soul; it does not allow us to become hardened.

1st. "Not in lazy complacency,
Not in a blaze of glory,
Not in the shadows -
A poet cannot be happy
In troubled days for the world."
(Vasily Fedorov)

2nd. Vasily Fedorov wrote: “For me, a poet is someone who has his own special view of the world; not only the look, but also the world, the roads to this world.”

1st. It so happened in Russian poetry that the main theme in the work of Russian poets was the theme of Russia, the Motherland.

2nd. At our competition, this topic is presented by students of ... classes.

1st. We invite you to the stage: ... We ask them to read their poems.

2nd. The guns have died down long ago, but grateful memory returns us to the feat of those soldiers who saved the world from fascism. Pupils of ... classes - ... will read their poems about the Great Patriotic War

We invite you to the stage.

(Poets read poetry; certificates are awarded).

2nd. The poetry of nature is the poet’s ability to enthusiastically talk with birds and trees and understand their language. This is a feeling of nature, without which the lyric poet cannot exist.

So, “Landscape Lyrics”.

1st. “Landscape Lyrics” at our competition is presented by students...

We ask poets to come up on stage and read their poems.

(Poets read poetry; certificates are awarded).

1st. The birth of poetry is similar to the birth of music. Poetry and music are the highest harmony of feeling.

Now you will hear the song “Wind of Change” performed by a student from the ... class

1st. There is probably no poet who has not written poems about love at least once. And, of course, our poets are no exception. We present the nomination “Love Lyrics”. Poems in this category invariably attract people with their unusualness and brightness. Let's listen to the laureate, a student of the ... class ...

(Reads a poem. A certificate is presented).

2nd. When we read poems in which the poet talks about the meaning of life, the structure of the Universe, glorifies universal human feelings, nature and man, we become familiar with philosophical lyrics. The philosophical ideas and thoughts of poets make us think about our place in the modern world.

1st. At our competition, several poets became laureates in the “Philosophical Lyrics” category - ...

2nd. We ask poets to come up on stage and read their poems.

(Poets read poetry; certificates are awarded).

2nd. High ideals of goodness and beauty are ingrained in a person’s soul from childhood, in the family. Nomination “My Family. My mom". She is represented by students of the ... class - ...

We invite them to the stage.

(Poets read poetry; certificates are awarded).

1st. The highlight of our competition this year was ballads. At their core

an acutely dramatic plot, some extraordinary incident. The ballad talks about the feelings and experiences of a person. The best European poets turned to the ballad genre: Schiller, G. Heine; in Russian literature - V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov.

2nd. At our competition, students from the ... class performed ballads - ... We invite them to the stage.

(Poets read poetry; certificates are awarded).

1st. Another rare category is humorous poetry. What is humor, wit? Where does it come from? This is probably a special talent. Students have such talent...

We ask the poets to get up on stage and read their joke poems.

(Poets read poetry; certificates are awarded).

2nd. We are approaching a special nomination. This is the People's Choice Award. At the Lyceum competition of young poets, two thirds of the audience voted for the poem “…..”

1st. The People's Choice Award goes to a young poetess from the ... class - ...

We invite her to the stage.

(Reads a poem; a certificate is presented, a prize is awarded)

2nd. Dear poets and poetry lovers! Our holiday is coming to an end. Today we spent an amazing hour with you. We realized that poetry makes us better, kinder, smarter.

1st. We thank everyone who took part in our poetry competition.

I would like to wish everyone creative success, new impressions, new poems.

2nd. Let A.S. Pushkin’s poem “To the Poet” sound traditionally as a parting word. It will be read by...

Poet! Do not value people's love.

There will be a momentary noise of enthusiastic praise;

You will hear the judgment of a fool and the laughter of a cold crowd:

But you remain firm, calm and gloomy.

You are the king: live alone. On the road to freedom

Go where your free mind takes you,

Improving the fruits of your favorite thoughts,

Without demanding rewards for a noble deed.

2nd. Dear friends! Love poetry, and do not part with creativity!

1st. Love poetry!

2nd. Until new poetic meetings!

1st. Goodbye, dear friends!

Music by P.I. plays in the background. Tchaikovsky).