Is New Year's a family holiday? pros and cons. Merry holiday at home. Games and contests for the New Year

Galina Chernenko

Director of the travel agency "RossTour", Ulyanovsk.

  1. Plan a holiday vacation at least from December 24 or even earlier. Then you will be able to choose the most favorable tour in terms of price-quality ratio.
  2. Consider non-standard countries and cities for the New Year's holiday. In any case, you will be satisfied, because the New Year is an international holiday.
  3. Choose tours based on the company in which you are going to relax. For example, families with children will certainly enjoy Finland, where there is a residence of the Finnish Father Frost and a school for little skiers.

  • Air temperature: -10… -15 °C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Who suits: families with children, as well as anyone who loves fairy tales.
  • How long to travel from Moscow: by train to the village of Yadrikha - about 20 hours, by plane - 1 hour to Cherepovets (the nearest airport to Veliky Ustyug).
  • What is the price: four-day tour by bus - from 13,908 rubles per person (meals included).

Santa Claus is registered in one of the oldest Russian cities, the famous center of family tourism - Veliky Ustyug. Visiting the homeland of a fairy-tale hero in winter is like returning to childhood.

The estate of Santa Claus has its own library, an observatory, a bedchamber, a lighthouse of magical objects, attractions, a zoo, a throne room where you can take a selfie with the famous grandfather. It is from here that he sets off on his famous tour of Russia - to light the main city Christmas trees.

If you go to Veliky Ustyug as a savage, keep in mind: the entrance to the territory of the patrimony is paid. An entertainment package costs from 1,220 rubles.

The bonus is clean fresh air, chic northern spruce forests, as well as a huge number of architectural and historical monuments that can be seen during a sightseeing tour.

2. Kondopoga, Russia

  • Air temperature: -3… -5 °C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Who suits: everyone who loves outdoor activities, families with children.
  • How long to travel from Moscow: by train to Kondopoga - about 17 hours, by plane to Petrozavodsk - 1 hour 40 minutes.
  • What is the price: from 12,200 rubles per person (three-day excursion tour with meals). Plus, the round trip: by train - from 6,700 rubles, by plane - from 6,572 rubles per person.

Vacation in Karelia is an active holiday surrounded by picturesque landscapes. You can ride on the snowy plains on huskies, deer and snowmobiles, go to the Kivach waterfall, and also get acquainted with the Karelian Santa Claus, who organizes fun competitions like throwing felt boots.

Among other things, tourists in Karelia are fed with delicious dried fish and drink water from healing glandular springs.

  • Air temperature: 4-8°C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Who suits: lovers of skiing, but not sudden changes in temperature.
  • How long to travel from Moscow: by train - a little more than a day, by plane - 2 hours 20 minutes.
  • What is the price: four-day tour - from 13,571 rubles per person (with flight, but without food).

Despite the workload of the most popular Russian ski resort, you can still find places in hotels with interesting price tags. The main thing is to choose.

On the Black Sea on New Year's Eve it is cool and windy. But this does not negate pleasant walks, gatherings in coastal cafes and active sports, including skiing and snowboarding.

Tourists from the regions can go on New Year holidays on bus tours to Moscow. Their cost is 12-15 thousand rubles per person.

Galina Chernenko, director of the travel agency "RossTour", Ulyanovsk

  • Air temperature: 7-9°C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Who suits: lovers of walking and exploring new cities.
  • How long is the flight from Moscow: 3 and a half hours.
  • What is the price: a seven-day tour - from 43,766 rubles per person (with a flight).

Istanbul is not the most popular city during the New Year holidays. Therefore, the trip will be quite budgetary.

You will walk around the most beautiful streets of the ancient capital of empires, eat hearty dishes of Turkish cuisine, take a ride along the Bosphorus, see enough of the sellers of oriental exotics and relax in the hammam.

  • Temperature: 24-28 °C (water temperature - from 21 °C).
  • Visa: not needed if you stay in the country for no more than 15 days.
  • Who suits: lovers of exotic and those who did not have enough summer this year.
  • How long is the flight from Moscow: with a change - a little more than a day.
  • What is the price: seven-day tour - from one person (with flight, but without food).

If you want to celebrate the New Year under the hot foreign sun, plan to fly on December 25-27, and return on January 1-2. At this time, you can pick up quite a budget tour to Vietnam.

Despite the fact that the weather here is capricious, tourists sunbathe, go fishing and excursions, enjoy the evening breeze. The only reminders of the New Year are the elegantly decorated Christmas trees that the Vietnamese set up in hotels and shopping malls.

  • Temperature: 23-28°C (water temperature 18-21°C).
  • Visa: needed if the child is entered in the parent's passport. Visa is possible.
  • Who suits: for those who do not want to celebrate the New Year with snow and frost.
  • How long is the flight from Moscow: 5 o'clock.
  • What is the price: seven-day tour - from 51,573 rubles per person (with flights and breakfasts).

The budget holiday will be from December 25–28 to early January. New Year's Eve is considered a cold season here, but not for Russians. Among our tourists there are even those who dare to swim.

  • Temperature: -2 to 4°C.
  • Visa: needed. She can.
  • Who suits: lovers of attractions.
  • How long does it take to get from Moscow to Minsk?(from there you can buy a bus tour): by train - about 10 hours, by plane - 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • What is the price: from 17,364 rubles per person (bus tour for eight days, breakfast included). Plus travel from Moscow to Minsk and back: by train - from 6,640 rubles, by plane - from 8,165 rubles per person.

During the New Year holidays, you can go on an inexpensive bus tour of Europe. It will be quite budgetary to travel through four European countries and visit Budapest, Vienna, Dresden, see the main sights, try national cuisine, buy souvenirs and take plenty of pictures.

The tour starts from Minsk. You need to get to the capital of Belarus in any convenient way: by car, train, plane.

You can also travel to Europe on your own. For example, to the Baltic States or Scandinavia, where on New Year's holidays it is no less romantic than in the Czech Republic or Austria. A bus trip from St. Petersburg to Tallinn at the end of December will cost from 3,395 rubles one way (7 and a half hours on the way), to Helsinki - from 5,698 rubles (8 hours), to Riga - from 7,410 rubles ( 16 hours).

A night in Tallinn hotels will cost about a thousand rubles per person, in Riga - from 545 rubles, in Helsinki - from

People are so different... Gender, age, social status, hobbies and habits distinguish us from each other. But there is also a unifying factor, or rather, a holiday - the New Year! Still, because this celebration reminds of childhood and marks the beginning of the next round of life. On the eve of the cherished evening, many ask questions: how fun to celebrate the New Year? How to spend the night in an original way so as not to regret your choice? And most importantly, with whom to celebrate the holiday: with parents, with friends, with a loved one or alone with yourself?

In fact, everything is extremely simple! We will give several options for the development of events, and you choose the one that you like.

Family celebration

How often do children want to escape from their parents' house and spend New Year's Eve in a noisy crowd of their peers! Or, on the contrary, moms and dads leave their babies with grandparents to celebrate the event with the company in a restaurant. But the New Year is the main family celebration. And the more representatives of different generations will gather at one table, the better. So the option to celebrate the New Year with the family suddenly becomes the favorite of our small rating.

So, a common myth: celebrating a holiday with relatives is boring and unfashionable. In fact, it all depends on the preparation for the evening and the mood of all family members. Therefore, start with the main thing - from the Christmas tree! A well-marked New Year is unthinkable without a coniferous beauty. Therefore, connect both kids and representatives of the older generation to its decoration. By the way, this is a very good reason to rally the family and tune in to the wave of the upcoming holiday.

Celebration of the New Year means not only a table bursting with food and a festive concert on TV. We will suggest ideas that will make the evening especially fun. For example, you can arrange an award for the “best”. To do this, you need to prepare letters and write in them the funny achievements of each of the family members. For example, give your husband a “document” indicating his merits in the field of cooking for the baby. And a child can get a bachelor's degree in the pronunciation of the sound "R". Give your grandmother a medal for perseverance when watching movies!

Another way to celebrate the New Year at home and not get bored is to arrange contests. But for their successful implementation, you need to remember a few rules:

  • if there are elderly people or children with you this evening, the competition should not be too noisy;
  • forget about ambiguous competitions with erotic overtones;
  • a small area of ​​​​an apartment / house can interfere with outdoor games.

An excellent competition for relatives - "Crocodile". The essence is simple: the presenter makes one of the participants any animal, plant or object. And he must, without words, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures, “explain” to the others what is at stake. Usually "Crocodile" causes a storm of emotions and laughter - what you need for a fun family holiday!

Among other games that are suitable for such a company are Fanta and comic predictions for each family member. The main thing is that the maximum number of relatives should be involved in them.

Thus, you can celebrate the New Year with your family and get the maximum of pleasant emotions! After all, a family is a value that remains with a person for life.

Light it up with your friends!

Knowing how to celebrate the New Year with children and parents, you can have a really fun and kind party. But what if an alternative decision is made?

If you, for example, intend to celebrate the New Year with friends, you need to act differently. First, choose the place of your holiday deployment. And here are some options:

  • "kvartirnik" from one of the friends;
  • rent of a country house;
  • going to a nightclub
  • sauna all night;
  • ordering a table in a restaurant;
  • full "separation" in a karaoke club;
  • a trip to a ski resort.

First of all, the choice of location depends on the financial component and the general interests of the company. If the decision has already been made, then, whatever it is, think over the costumes! You can, of course, dress in discord ... But it's better to agree on a certain uniform style. It will make the party more creative.

Where do you get ideas from? They lie on the surface: literature, cinema, history. One of the trends that are relevant on New Year's Eve is the gangster style. In order to "get" into it, it is necessary to recreate the atmosphere of Chicago at the beginning of the 20th century. Men are dressed in dark suits and patent leather shoes, among the accessories are silk scarves, cufflinks, hats. Mustaches are welcome! Women look chic in elegant dresses with a straight silhouette, furs and feathers, with long strings of pearls around their necks and in unusual hats. Other trappings include toy guns that look like real ones, decks of cards, and a copy of The Godfather by Mario Puzo – why not?

Another theme for a party with friends - pirates of the XXI century! Vests, bandages over one eye, images of the Jolly Roger and hidden chests with treasure are relevant (these can be New Year's gifts to friends). If someone manages to get a talking parrot, then the authenticity of the pirate life is guaranteed.

Of course, there are a great many such scenarios telling how recklessly celebrate the New Year with friends. Among them:

  • a holiday in the oriental "Aladdin" style;
  • party in the spirit of the Brazilian carnival;
  • New Year's ball of vampires;
  • a fun "sleepover" at Hoggwarts;
  • travel with Alice to Wonderland.

Each person who celebrated the New Year in this way will keep it in his memory for a long time! You will remember adventures when summer comes and when the next winter comes!

With a sweet paradise and in ... New Year

Undoubtedly, the most romantic company to celebrate the New Year is your soulmate. And no one else is needed! Oddly enough, this option of celebration is chosen by a small percentage of couples in love. The fact is that many people simply do not realize how interesting it is to spend a sensual winter evening together. To debunk this myth, here are a couple of options.

For example, celebrate the New Year ... in the bathroom! If the area of ​​​​the room allows, install a low Christmas tree somewhere in the corner, decorate the walls with garlands and balloons. Take a bath of hot water, use fragrant foam, prepare a plate with gorgeous fruits and berries. Place romantic candles and turn on pleasant music ... Every guy or girl will appreciate such a romantic entourage.

If you still have not decided how to celebrate the New Year with your loved one, we offer option number two. Order a limousine and ride through the festive streets, make a wish, enjoy the conversation and romantic music.

And, of course, the traditional answer to the question: “How to celebrate the New Year together?”. Classics of the genre - a romantic dinner by candlelight, fragrant tangerines, "Irony of Fate ..." on the TV screen. After all, the most banal things become beautiful if there is a loved one nearby!

And now let's consider another scenario for the development of events: non-standard, but spectacular. You are a man, celebrating the New Year with a girl whom you intend to marry in the near future. Are you 100% sure of your feelings? Urgently make a marriage proposal! After many years, you will be able to tell the children about how you decided to celebrate the New Year with your loved one, and in the end created a wonderful family.

There are many options, choose yours!

And here are some more examples of how to spend the New Year unforgettable!

  • city ​​tree

You can come to her closer to midnight - with the whole family, with friends or with a boyfriend or girlfriend. At this time, a lot of people gather here, and the air is saturated with an atmosphere of general fun and joy.

  • part time job

If you have a couple who are ready not only for New Year's entertainment, but also for adventure, use this to good use. Buy Santa Claus and Snow Maiden costumes and go to apartments with congratulations! By the way, not only have fun yourself and bring joy to others, but also earn money.

  • Unusual places

They are in every city: abandoned buildings, high towers, rooftops. These locations are an excellent, albeit non-banal, answer to the question “how can you celebrate the New Year and not get bored at the same time.”

And remember the sign: with whom you celebrate the New Year - with that you will spend it! So think not only about how unusual to celebrate the holiday, but also about who will be there. However, if you are most determined to be alone with yourself - your right. Knowing how to celebrate the New Year alone, it is really pleasant to spend this amazing evening no less pleasant. You can go to an exotic coast, book a table in a restaurant or wrap yourself in your favorite blanket in front of the TV screen. The main thing is to feel harmony within yourself and keep it for the next 12 months!

Celebrating the New Year at home with your family can be a great opportunity to strengthen family ties, have fun, and enter the new year with loved ones. If you take care of fun, food, drinks, games and entertainment in advance, then you will have a wonderful time.


Part 1

Drinks and food

    Prepare homemade meals. Taking into account the fact that food delivery goes up in price on New Year's Eve (like other products before the holidays), there is nothing stopping you from spending a little money and preparing a family dinner. Choose dishes that will appeal to all family members and that you can’t afford every day - steak, barbecue or seafood. Such a family dinner can turn into a New Year's tradition.

    Prepare fun appetizers and desserts. Try making cookies, toffees, or other desserts that the whole family can enjoy over New Year's Eve. You can also add New Year's spirit and prepare special New Year's desserts. Many cultures have their own New Year's desserts like Vasilopita, a Greek New Year's cake that hides a coin in the dough when baked. It is believed that a person who comes across a piece with a coin will be lucky in the coming year.

    Prepare festive drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails. All children love hot cocoa, sugary drinks and carbonated grape juice. You can also make other cocktails with strawberries and kiwis, cranberries and peppermint. Be sure to use champagne glasses and other “adult” plastic utensils so that the children celebrate with you. For adults, you can prepare separate cocktails or stick to the classic champagne option.

    Watch movies. Include movies you already have in your collection and buy new releases you've been wanting to watch for a long time. Make movies one of the many entertainments or arrange non-stop movie watching. During the movies, you can eat snacks and drink drinks that you have prepared together.

    Create a New Year's photo corner. Organize a place in the room where you can take pictures. Choose a wall or corner to use as a backdrop and decorate with ready-made or homemade holiday decorations. You can also print some fancy dress details to make your own photo props.

    Put on sophisticated outfits. Invite all family members to wear their best clothes to feel like part of the New Year's ball. You can turn on music, dance and take pictures in irresistible costumes.

    Make pouches to keep track of time. Place various goodies and sweets in small bags to open one bag every hour while waiting for midnight. The number of pouches you need depends on what time you start opening them. You can put the following in them:

    Make your own Christmas decorations. Use construction paper, thread, and embellishments to make party hats. Also try making homemade Christmas rattles by putting rice, confetti and glitter in plastic bottles. Close them with a lid and shake them loudly to greet the arrival of the New Year noisily. You can also fix balloons under the ceiling and release them when the clock strikes midnight:

Part 3

New Year's Eve

    Think back to the past year and make plans for the coming year. Around midnight, or at any other time, get together and remember what happened last year with each of you individually and with the whole family. After that, try to formulate plans for the next year. You can make a plan for the whole family to be responsible for it to each other.

    Celebrate the New Year in a different time zone. If there are small children in the family, it will be difficult for them not to fall asleep before midnight. Try celebrating the New Year in a different time zone. For example, depending on your country of residence, you can celebrate the New Year with the French or the Japanese. Thanks to this, small children will be able to celebrate the New Year with you and go to bed earlier.

  1. Do not forget about those who are a little bored of spending New Year's Eve with their families. Teenagers and young adults tend to think that by staying home for the New Year, they are missing out on all the fun. You can ask them about the pleasant moments of the outgoing year and expectations for the next 12 months. This conversation will help you get closer.
  2. You don't have to stay awake until midnight. Surely some family members will not want to party all night! If you are tired and want to go to bed earlier, then this is completely normal. In the morning there will be the same New Year, the meeting of which can be slightly shifted.
  3. Warnings

  • Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Be mindful of your neighbors when you turn on the music. Even on New Year's Eve, people have small children and sick relatives.
  • If you spend the whole evening regretting that you stayed with your family and could have had much more fun, then it will be difficult for you to feel the moment and appreciate its importance. It will be much easier and more fun for you if you consider this as another great way to celebrate the New Year. Think about what you have avoided - long taxi waits, drunken brawls, slightly crazy crowds of people who strive to hug everyone in honor of the New Year!

Tired of celebrating the New Year corny? Then this article is for you. We will tell you how to celebrate the New Year cheerfully, noisily and with a sea of ​​positive emotions. It is in your hands to make this New Year's Eve original and unforgettable without leaving your home!

Preparing for the New Year's holiday, it is not necessary to give all your best, fill up the table, in order to then spend the rest of the evening with a tired likeness of Baba Yaga. A holiday is not only a delicious table and rivers of champagne, it is a state of mind! Our article is dedicated to the housewives who dared to break the Russian tradition of “plowing up” in the kitchen in order to meet the New Year fresh and full of energy. And here's how to do it, we'll tell you below.

Down with the usual feast - celebrate the New Year cheerfully

A rich table is by no means the central figure at the celebration of life. Otherwise, how will the New Year differ from all other dates, is it really a Christmas tree in the background? It's time to bring a fresh alternative to the hackneyed script, add fun, enthusiasm and courage. Gathered to celebrate the New Year and friends? Here are a couple of tips that will help diversify the festive night, making it special.

Give guests a task

No need to selflessly pull everything on your hump, learn to attract guests to the celebration. You have enough decoration of the apartment and the main dish. Entrust someone else with fireworks and sparklers, the third - the preparation of interesting contests, the fourth - a selection of New Year's songs. And, of course, everyone should bring their signature salad to the table. Trouble with cooking? Throw a cocktail party.

Choose a Christmas theme

To make the holiday as interesting as possible, it is not necessary to make it traditional. How about stylizing the New Year? Organize a party in the style of some kind of vampire or pirate theme, or maybe arrange decorations to match a different culture? We are sure that guests have not yet met the New Year in Hawaiian flavor, with flowers on their heads and in beach bikinis. And if the exotic is not for you, try to resurrect the traditions of Italy, the cuisine of Japan, celebrate the New Year according to the old Russian canons - with pancakes, meat pies, a snowman and fortune-telling.

Do not forget about walks to the city tree

In order not to arrange drunken debates at the table, it is important to pre-select such entertainment that will help make the night active and unbanal. If there is karaoke in the house, sing. If mountains of snow are visible outside the window - it's time to go out into the fresh air to arrange a war with snowballs or make the most beautiful snowman! Do you love fun and laughter? We present the simplest and most creative contests for all tastes and ages.

"Pass Token"

This task perfectly maintains the atmosphere of fun throughout the New Year's Eve. All that is needed is to prepare a bag of tokens in advance, on which to write the time and a funny action for each of the guests. At the entrance to the house, a person draws a token with a task that he undertakes to complete. It looks very funny when, in the midst of a party, someone stands on a chair and crows or at 5 in the morning bites another on the nose without permission.

"Magic Toy"

This assignment is great for a creative company. When there is an hour left before the start of the New Year, all the necessary materials are laid out in front of the participants to make a Christmas tree toy with their own hands. And not simple, but magical, which will surely fulfill the dream! You can offer to cut out a snowflake, paint a bump with sparkles, decorate an old New Year's ball with rhinestones, or paint animals from a horoscope using stencils. A note with a wish is attached to all this, and then hung on a Christmas tree. Such a game helps to captivate guests, making even adults believe in a fairy tale.

"Funny Box"

In a box prepared in advance and decorated with rain, non-standard accessories or funny wardrobe items are placed, for example: a cowboy hat, a sticker “I have a spider with my mother”, a sock with a hole, heart-shaped family shorts or funny glasses with a big nose. The music turns on, the box is passed in a circle. As soon as the composition stops, the one in whose hands the box ends up is obliged to put on a “fashionable” accessory and go on like this for the whole evening. Laughter guaranteed!

"Drunken Tower"

If you are planning to really break away without denying yourself alcohol, why not introduce an element of the game into this action? A tower of vodka glasses or glasses of champagne is being assembled, on the bottom of which a leaf with a ridiculous task is molded - to tell the most ridiculous story about yourself, go out onto the balcony and sing a song, dance the dance of little ducklings. The participant in the game must be able to remove the glass without destroying the tower, drink the contents, and then complete the task.


This is a real classic, without which no home feast can do. The essence of the game is to show the hidden word with gestures, but not let it slip. Since New Year's Eve, it is better to prepare a bag with holiday words or winter phrases in advance, which will need to be unraveled by those present. And, of course, do not forget about the small incentive prizes.

"Snow Attack"

So that guests do not sit up at the table, an outdoor game within the house is useful, for example, throwing snowballs from cotton wool into a basket for accuracy. Participants are divided into teams, 6 meters from them a miniature basket is placed, where you need to throw lumps of cotton wool. Whoever throws the most snow at the target wins!

"Homegrown Theater"

This entertaining competition makes even the most skeptical comrades cry with laughter. It is important to find a short and popular fairy tale on the Internet, where there will be many heroes. Choose a leader who will read the text, and participants. The task is to say funny lines as soon as the character is called. For example, a fairy tale about a turnip. When the word “Turnip” sounds in the text, a person in this role immediately says: “I am a minor!”. When grandfather is called, he groans: “Grandma tortured me, there is no health.” Babka's character strikes the imagination with the words: "Grandfather has ceased to satisfy, old bastard." And so on. Trust me, fun is guaranteed.

"Message to the Future"

This is not a competition, but a very interesting pastime. You need to take an impromptu “interview” with each party participant and record it on video / smartphone / phone. In an interview, ask questions about:

  • - What did the outgoing year bring to you;
  • - What do you want to wish yourself for the next year;
  • What goals do you want to achieve in a year?

If you have already conducted a "survey" last year, imagine how interesting it will be to watch video messages to yourself in a year.

"Polar Expedition"

Finally, this competition is suitable for children who also need to be entertained somehow. Adults hide New Year's gifts in an unexpected place, draw a map and leave a note at each stop with the task to sing, recite a New Year's verse, guess a riddle or meow. As soon as the child completes the task, a part of the map opens for him, along which he can move on until he is at the Christmas tree with gifts.

Meeting the New Year at home, it is quite possible to make this holiday special and unlike anything else. The main thing is to think over the details of the holiday in advance, stop bothering if something does not go according to plan, and trust the spirit of Christmas. Meet the New Year's Eve noisy, fun and magical. Your mood is only in your hands!

Hello dear readers! Congratulations on the upcoming New Year. I promised you a surprise for the holiday,

How to celebrate the new year at home interesting and fun? Many people ask themselves this question before the New Year. At your service is a ready-made script and recommendations from an experienced toastmaster with 15 years of experience, the organizer of many memorable parties at home.

You can start celebrating from 22.00. After the traditional toasts for the outgoing year and “There is a small gap between the first and second”, I propose to read to the guests present a message about how they drink different alcoholic beverages.

How different alcoholic drinks are drunk

TURKISH VODKA: Brought - Opened - Tried - Closed - Donated;

TEQUILA: Licked - Drank - Bit;

COGNAC "FRIENDSHIP": Opened - Closed - Threw away;

YOUNG MOLDOVAN WINE: Drank - Jumped up - Ran - Didn't have time;

EXPENSIVE FRENCH WINE: Bought - Delivered - I look;

VODKA: Drank - Wanted - Seduced - Disgraced - Fell asleep;

MARTINI: Ordered - Drank - Gave;

SOVIET CHAMPAGNE: Bought - Drank - Crying - Laughing - Sleeping - I'm taking it home;

BEER: I drank - I went - I drank - I went - I drank - I drank - I fell asleep - ...

Offered before how to celebrate new year at home for real, hold a couple of competitions and dance a little.

Think in advance where you will dance and hold New Year's competitions at home.

Invite guests to start having fun and play New Year's KVN. To do this, you need to create two teams (if there is a husband and wife, it is better in different teams, but not newlyweds).

Each team chooses a captain and comes up with a name, in the theme of the New Year.

The telegrams sent to them for the New Year are read to the participants. Need to guess who sent them? For example, you can read and say the answer to one of the telegrams.

Guess whose telegram.

1. “I allow you to get drunk today, you won’t drink me anyway”

2." We wish you that we come true "

3. "If you get drunk, then there is nothing to blame on me."


2 Competition - Guess the proverb.

In turn, from each team, one by one, they go to the leader, choose one of the pieces of paper offered by the fan. There is a proverb or saying written on it.

Task: show your team the content of the proverb without words, using facial expressions and gestures so that your team can guess it. If their own team does not guess, the other team can guess.

For each guessed proverb - 1 point.

Remember, the main thing is that you can celebrate the New Year at home in a fun and interesting way.

Here are examples of proverbs that can be shown relatively easily and funny.

A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.

Do not dig a hole for another, you will fall into it yourself.

Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf

After the meeting of the New Year, you can continue KVN.

3Competition- mathematical.

Everyone participates or if there are a lot of people - 4-6 people. Arrange them in a circle in this order: from one team - from another, from one team - from another.

One after another, in a circle, the participants must name in order the numbers from 1 to 30, but ... if a number with the number 3 comes across or the number is divisible by 3, then instead of the number the player must say: “Happy New Year” and raise his hands.

The erring person is out of the game, and the count starts from 1 from the next person behind the erroneous person. The team whose members (or member) remained and did not make a mistake wins.

4 Competition

Captains are involved. On a signal, they begin simultaneously to tell a story on the topic: How I spent today.( or any other topic )

The task is to talk over the opponent, that is, whoever stops his story first - he lost.

What will you get?

  • The full version of the script for the New Year at home
  • For each competition video an example of a competition with a detailed description of the competition in HD quality
  • As a bonus, files with ready-made materials needed for the games are attached, which can be directly printed and immediately used for the holiday.
  • Live hands-on New Year's Eve experience

Who is this course for?

  • For those who go to the New Year and want to organize an unusual, bright, cheerful and unforgettable holiday
  • For leisure organizers, parents and all those who want to give their friends and loved ones a memorable New Year
  • For beginners leading weddings, anniversaries, corporate parties and entertainment and gaming programs.
  • For the owners of the house who want to often invite friends and relatives to visit them, surprise them with a warm, cheerful holiday atmosphere in their house
  • For those who want to relax, laugh and have fun
  • For those who want to learn how to arrange a holiday for every taste and in any company

Why me?

  • I have 15 years of practical experience in professional weddings, anniversaries and parties
  • 30 years of experience in the school, where evenings, competitions and games were held with youth, parents and teachers
  • All my life I organize and lead all New Year celebrations in small and medium-sized companies at home
  • All anniversaries and birthdays of my closest friends and relatives happen only with my active participation (including my wedding and wedding anniversary at home)
  • From the age of 15 I have not parted with a camera, the whole history of my life and the life of people close to me has passed through my camera.
  • Now, for the last 20 years, everything is also recorded on video.
  • I have a great desire to boast of my skill and skill in arranging fun at the table and in any company to be a skirmisher of festive mood
  • I want you to use my experience for your home holidays and family celebrations, as well as actively apply the knowledge gained in practice anywhere

In honor of the holiday, get a 70% discount. Cheerful mood for the price of a bottle of champagne.

Do you want a cheerful mood for the whole year 2015? -

I have appeared, where you will find a lot of interesting material for having fun holidays at home and in any company.

Actively share with your friends in social networks what you like.