Ball gowns made of paper. Ekaterina Rudenko and her designer paper dresses - an interview with a needlewoman

Antonina Krechina

I want to offer you a master class on how to make your own hands from napkins dress.

We will need:

yellow and white napkins

paper glue.

No special crafting skills paper dresses are not required. Using the recommendations and calling on all your imagination to help, anyone can create wonderful paper dresses.

Let's get to work.

1. Take a sheet of drawing paper. Cut out the bodice dresses and skirt, and glue both parts with a yellow napkin.

2. Cut a few yellow napkins in half and fold them like an accordion. Glue in several tiers tightly to each other until we fill the entire skirt.

3. Now let's make many many colors. Let's add 6 napkins alternately yellow, white, etc.

Cut out a circle and staple it in the middle.

make cuts in a circle to the center and fluff the edges.

4. Now let's decorate dress gluing flowers to your taste.

Dress ready!

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An exhibition of doll dresses was announced in our garden. Since I like to do everything myself, I decided not to ask my parents for help and sew an outfit.

We bring to your attention a master class with a diagram in which we will tell you how to make an origami dress out of paper with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions with a photo of the phased implementation of the work will help you do everything right.

Tools and materials Time: 20 minutes Difficulty: 4/10

  • double-sided colored paper / scrapbooking paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue crystals, rhinestones, openwork ribbon and sparkles (for jewelry);
  • glue or thin tape.

Step by step instructions with photo

Give your beloved mom or teacher a wonderful postcard with a decoration in the form of an origami dress made of paper on March 8! Undoubtedly, they will be delighted with such a present!

In addition to the fact that with this dress you can make an amazing handmade card, it can also be used as a garland element or a decorative decoration on a gift box. In special cases, according to this scheme, you can make an origami dress out of money and present it as such an unusual gift.

If you make this dress out of multi-colored scrapbooking paper and additionally decorate it with decorative pebbles, it will turn out to be truly luxurious!

Step 1: cut out the square

Take a sheet of paper and cut a square out of it. The size of the square in this case does not matter - the larger the sheet of paper you take, the larger your dress will be, and vice versa.

Step 2: fold the paper

Fold the square in half horizontally. Unfold the paper.

Fold the left edge of the paper to the middle line, then fold the right edge to the middle line.

Expand. You should end up with a square with three horizontal folds.

Step 3: fold the waist

Place the paper in front of you so that its folds stick up.

Fold the paper from the leftmost crease to the crease in the middle.

After that, fold the right crease to the crease in the middle. Iron the folds with your fingers. This will be the front of the dress.

From the top edge, count 2-3 centimeters and put a dot. Fold the paper down the middle on both sides to this point, forming the waistline of the dress.

Step 4: make a skirt

From the point in the middle of the "cross" pull the pleat to the outer edge. Repeat on the other side.

Step 5: Shape the Collar and Sleeves

At the top of the craft, wrap a small corner on the left side from the middle down. Repeat the manipulations on the right side.

We just need a hall, so open the collar back. Flip the piece. Pull the creases down from the center on both sides. Thus, you will make an origami neckline in a dress.

Do the same on the other side.

From the line of the middle of the "waist" to the top point, wrap the triangle. Do the same on the other side.

Glue the back of the dress together with duct tape or a small dab of glue.

Everything related to clothing throughout the history of its creation is a constant and ongoing experiment. It's hard to believe it, but the designers even thought of putting paper clothes on people. Of course, paper is one of the most ancient materials, but to make clothes from it ... A lot of questions immediately arise: how to wear it? how to take care of her? not the most practical things in the wardrobe. And yet ... In Japan, during the Kamakura period (1192-1333), as well as during the Edo era (1603-1863), they wore paper dresses! They were expensive and refined and were considered very fashionable in those days. They were made in the form of a template pattern on paper, with the help of slots (very similar to our snowflakes). Such a drawing in Japan is called state guruma or momiji. The result of this technique is very similar to lace.

In the last century, the fashion world has had a huge number of discoveries that literally turned it upside down, setting new rules. Designers were constantly in creative search and created clothes from new materials that have taken root in our wardrobes. But some were haunted by the "disposable clothes" that were made from paper.

In 1966 the company scott paper, manufacturer of toilet paper decided to create paper outfits for ladies. The beginning of the space age was marked by a number, one of which was paper dresses. Life became more energetic and some decided that clothes should keep up with the times.

The company created dresses that were meant to be thrown away after one use. » After all, who's going to do laundry in space? ", - said the textile designer Julian Tomchin. Paper dresses were sold through an advertising company in a magazine seventeen for $1.25 and half a million paper items were sold in the first five months.

And the king created for the lead singer of the Velvet Underground, Niko a paper dress made from Campbell's soup can labels.

One dress did not end the matter and in the same year Warhol created several more dresses: "banana dress", "Brillo Box dress" and "fragile dress".

Were avant-garde and rapidly changing. Along with new materials, paper was no less avant-garde material.

In 1966 Paco Rabanne presented his collection of disposable paper clothes. This year distinguished The Beatles, appearing in public in paper clothes. Previously, he was also passionate about this direction, creating a paper pullover. By the end of the 60s, paper fashion trends began to decline. Later John Galliano- the great experimenter also did not stand aside and came up with an evening dress from old newspapers.

In 1992 Ray Kawakubo in her spring-summer collection, presented paper dresses.

“The Japanese iconic designer has been creating pieces that stun and delight, offend and fascinate for 40 years. Only one thing they are not capable of - to leave indifferent. The work of Rei Kawakubo is like a never-ending samurai campaign, which has one goal: to find beauty where no one dared to look before.”

Nowadays, designers do not leave the idea of ​​​​creating paper clothes. Technologies have improved and now paper products can not only be worn several times, but also washed, and the issue of burning things has been resolved, which is extremely important for paper.

Doberman Studio created a collection of paper dresses for the magazine's jewelry app L'officiel in 2009. Very original and extravagant.

A large number of designers from different countries turn their eyes to this not very practical material. But what they do is worthy of admiration and surprise.

Brazilian Jum Nakao He devotes a lot of time to his hobby. His scandalous collection, held in Sao Paulo, took 700 hours of preparatory work. Watch the show of the collection to the end and you will be shocked just like the audience who watched this action.

The designer explained his action by the fact that "fashion for him is only a stage of the journey, and not an end in itself." But still, he captured his models in the photo so that their descendants could see them.

And here is an Englishwoman Susan Stockwell, an MA who teaches at the University of East London, creates Victorian-era dresses from world maps and real banknotes.

Belgian artist Isabelle de Borchgrave creates exquisite life size paper dresses from the era Marie de Medici, Elizabeth I and Madame de Pompadour before the times And. She finds her inspiration in the paintings of artists of past eras, not copying historical costumes exactly, but trying to recreate them with paint and paper. Intricate fabrics, , and hairstyles are all made of paper and turned into a paper sculpture.

Artworks Elisabelle de Borchgrave amaze with their beauty and craftsmanship, and although you can’t wear them, you can admire as much as you like.

Those who think that paper can only exist in a static state, I suggest you look at the origami collection Claudia Fernandez and Mauricio Velasquez (Morris). Better to see once!

Looking at some, you can’t even believe that they are made of paper. Many designers are still experimenting with this fragile material, creating beautiful works of art. Despite the fact that paper, as a material, is constantly being improved, such things have not yet received mass recognition.

This topic turned out to be so amazing and extensive that it is not possible to cover it in one article. I introduced you to only a small part of what creative designers create. I hope you liked this little digression into the parallel world of fashion).

What do you think of paper clothes? Maybe in the near future we are waiting for new unusual additions to our wardrobe?

Paper dresses can be replenished not only in the wardrobe of your daughter's favorite dolls. They also allow you to model future fabric outfits. In this article, we will look at a few examples of how to make a paper dress so that it looks unusual, stylish, extravagant. In the future, ready-made sketches can be used to make chic dresses for adults.

Features of paper doll dresses

We associate a variety of things with such models - it all depends on how well a person has a developed fantasy. Every girl likes to remember how, as a child, her mother brought her cute dolls, then together in the evenings they sewed clothes for them from fabrics and paper. It really was incredibly interesting and exciting, however, several decades ago.

Important! The modern younger generation does not show much interest in this activity, because nowadays dolls are sold complete with whole sets of bright and beautiful clothes. But after all, a child can always be interested - try to make a paper dress with your own hands with your baby. In addition, today it is easier to do this, because on the Internet you can find ready-made patterns, then print them on paper.

The following materials are mainly used for work:

  • Origami paper.
  • Newspapers.
  • Paper from school notebooks.
  • White or colored office paper.

It may seem to many that clothes made in this way are outwardly completely ridiculous, but this is a mistake. Such miniature outfits allow you to dress up dolls if you wish, they can decorate notebooks, workshops and albums. To implement your ideas, you can even use thick sheets of newspaper and cardboard. You may not believe it, but a do-it-yourself toilet paper dress will turn out just as well. Finding a master class is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the instructions clearly.

Important! Today, printed texts and letters are in vogue - you must have seen people on the street dressed in jackets, jackets and dresses made from fabrics with such an unusual pattern. As a decor, you can use rhinestones, sparkles, bows, geometric shapes, and other decorations. By the same principle, you can even make greeting cards.

Making dresses from modules

Modular toys are becoming more popular every day. Outwardly, they look elegant, especially if you use multi-colored paper for decoration. So why not take advantage of this idea and create a chic paper dress with your own hands for a contest for a girl?

With a little time left, you can make a great outfit from the modular range. The main thing is to remember that such an activity requires a lot of patience and perseverance. To work, you will have to find a special scheme, according to which you first make, then put together all the elements. The triangular module is considered the simplest and at the same time unusual.

Even a child can learn this technique, if desired, because no special skills are required, you just need to take into account such points:

  • All modules have the same size, regardless of the parameters of the finished model.
  • To make the outfit interesting and unusual, you can independently change the shape of the figure, for example, increase or decrease the number of modules in each row.
  • It is recommended to start work directly on the doll, so that it is easier and there are no problems with dressing it. In addition, you can visually evaluate the result at each stage of work.

If you absolutely have no doubts, you are one hundred percent confident in your abilities, then you can safely take on the job. There are a lot of ideas for building modular things. An ideal option for beginners is to make the top out of plain paper, and make a large multi-colored puffy skirt from the bottom. Such an outfit is considered universal, since the bottom remains unchanged, while you can endlessly experiment with the upper part.

Dresses for dolls from napkins and corrugated paper

Corrugated paper is ideal for such an undertaking. But if you decide to make a dress out of corrugated paper with your own hands, then remember that you need to be extremely careful when working with this material - it is very delicate, and in case of careless handling it is easily torn. You can make out of it not only the outfit itself, even accessories.

A dress is made from napkins or paper according to the following scheme:

  1. First you need to make a frame of wallpaper or cardboard. You can find his pattern on the Internet or a fashion magazine. Once you complete it, you can start working on other details.
  2. To make the product more colorful and bright, use several colors at once.

Important! To create a dress from napkins, you will need at least 70 pieces. Naturally, the larger the doll, the more material will have to be taken.

  1. All napkins are recommended to be torn into small pieces. It doesn’t matter what shape they turn out, the main thing is that their size should not be less than five centimeters.
  2. Then all the parts are rolled into small balls and simply attached to the base.

Important! They should not be placed too close, but the density should be such that the frame is completely out of sight.

How to make a dress for an adult from newspapers on your own?

With a little effort, you will soon be able to create even grown-up paper dresses with your own hands. Of course, going for a walk in such an outfit will not work, but for a party or a photo shoot, it will fit perfectly.

Use newspapers or corrugated paper for such models. For work, it is better to purchase high-quality and expensive material, which is distinguished by its special density and strength. In principle, matte paper is also suitable, the dress from it will turn out to be incredibly beautiful, stylish, original. Many famous fashion designers use paper things in their work to bring their ideas to life. First, they make their models out of paper, and only then transfer them to the fabric.

Important! The newspaper is a fragile material, so for greater convenience, the frame must be made of thick cardboard that can hold the entire structure.

Below we describe the easiest way to make a newspaper dress. This model consists of two parts - a top and a tutu skirt. To create it, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Prepare all materials before starting work, take measurements.
  2. Unfold the newspapers and put them in piles of two.
  3. Make them corrugated with a ruler. This is done simply - you should measure two centimeters, then bend the strips one by one and smooth them again with a ruler.
  4. Once you've creased all the newspapers, you can start stapling them together with a sewing machine or glue.
  5. At the back, it is better to supplement the seam with Velcro so that, if necessary, the skirt can be removed or put back on.
  6. The top of the product is created according to the same principle, but just do not forget to cut out places under the neckline and armpits.
  7. Straps are further made from paper - just take a few wide strips for this.
  8. It is necessary to make a belt from wide cardboard, then fasten it with Velcro.

In childhood, most girls always have paper dolls, which, accordingly, need to be dressed up in paper dresses. Then the girls grow up and forget about this hobby - but not all. Those who remember the wonderful moments of childhood create absolutely stunning paper outfits - completely impractical, but amazingly beautiful.

Collection (Annette Meyer) includes fourteen dresses made of paper with prints imitating traditional Danish porcelain painting. Among the designer's fragile outfits are both relatively modern models of the late 20th century and luxurious evening dresses of the 19th century.

artist (Zoe Bradley) creates not just dresses: these are real paper masterpieces, balancing on the verge of fashion, sculpture and theatre. Basically, the author's works are used in various fashion shows, advertising campaigns and for filming in glossy magazines.

Photographers Amy M. Phillips And Fairlight Hubbard dressed the models in dresses from newspapers - and created an absolutely fantastic photo shoot called "Extra, Extra Paper Doll".

However, clothes from newspapers are not the most extravagant of what designers can offer us. Take a look at the outfits The White Cashmere Collection: how can you believe that they are all made ... of toilet paper???

Don't like newspapers or toilet paper? Well, designers still have many options. Just take it here Jolis Paons who made the original dress from the pages of a telephone directory.

Amila Hrustic created a collection of futuristic dresses based on paper-glued cubes, octahedrons, dodecahedrons and other geometric bodies.

Another futuristic collection presented to us Alexandra Zakharova and Ilya Plotnikov from creative agency "Doberman". Their photo shoot appeared in l'Officiel magazine.

(Jum Nakao) creates real miracles with paper, turning the most ordinary and cheap material into light, lacy, weightless works of art. The author worked on one of his collections for 700 hours, and at the end of the show, the models simply shocked the audience by tearing all their dresses!

The advantage of paper dresses is that they can be created not only by fashion designers and designers, but by everyone. For example, the following outfit from book pages is the work of an Internet user under the name ~chouk-s. True, you can’t step even a step in it, but what spectacular photos turned out!