Summary of a class hour in elementary school “It is impossible to live without friendship .... Class hour on the topic "Friendship" (compendium and presentation) Practical tasks. Situation modeling

3. Definition of the topic and goals of the class hour

We found out the topic of our lesson. Now let's try to formulate goals. What do we need to do in this hour?

  • Find out what friendship is?
  • What qualities should a true friend have?
  • Why is it important to be friendly to each other?
  • Why is friendliness important not only for each of you, but for the whole class? Friendship rules.

4. Work on the topic of the class hour.

1. Definition of the concept of "Friendship"

- What is friendship? Everyone knows.

Maybe it's funny to ask.

Well, what does it mean

This word? Means What it?

What do you think "Friendship" is and why is it needed?

Read the definition of this word in the explanatory dictionary.

IN AND. Dal "Friendship is a disinterested affection"

What word do you not understand?

Ozhegov "Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests."

2. What qualities should a true friend have?

The children's song says: A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much, That's what a real true friend means. What is the meaning of the word "friend"?

What qualities should he have?

Let's distribute the words written on the board in two columns?

A friend's qualities are incompatible with friendship

Loyalty betrayal

Honesty deceit


selflessness self-interest


sensitivity callousness

Understanding misunderstanding

Respect for each other arrogance

Everyone has a palm on the desk. Write on it the name of your friend and the qualities you appreciate in him.

Attach the palms to the "tree of Friendship". Your classmates will be able to read what you value them for.

3. Why is it important to be friendly to each other?

Can everyone be a friend?

Can friendship fall apart?

I suggest listening to the poem and answering these questions.

A friend reminded me yesterday how much good he did me:

He gave me a pencil once (I forgot my pencil case that day)

In the wall newspaper, almost everyone mentioned me.

I fell and got wet -

He helped me dry.

It's for a dear friend

He did not spare a pie: once he gave me a bite,

And now he presented the bill.

Doesn't attract me guys

More to a friend, does not attract.

4. Why is friendliness important not only for each of you, but for the whole class? Friendship rules.

Let's try to discover the secrets of friendship with you. Let's make the rules.

a) Smile at the right time!

b) Do not be offended by every trifle!

c) Don't leave a friend in trouble!

d) Be able to admit a mistake and apologize!

e) Make peace, make peace, make peace!

4. Practical tasks. Modeling situations.

Game "Hot Potato" - The teacher throws the ball to one of the guys. They throw it to each other, wanting to get rid of it as soon as possible. Suddenly the teacher commands: "Hot potato!" - and the one who currently has the ball in his hands must quickly answer questions. Then pass it on to the next.)

moral situations. There are various situations on the screen. Children are encouraged to imagine how they would act in a given situation.

How will you do it?

a) Your friend did not do his homework and asks for a notebook to copy.

b) Your friend doesn't know how to play pioneer ball and lets the team down.

c) Your friend uses bad words and expressions.

d) Your friend invites you to do something bad.

e) Your friend does a bad deed and everyone will know about it, including you.

f) Your friend gets bad grades in a quarter and you are forbidden to be friends with him.

If I offended my friend, then I ...

If my friend got an A, then I...

If my friend offended me, then I ...

If my friend caught on a chair and fell, then I ...

If my friend got an F, then I ...

If I had candy, I would...

If I had an interesting game, then I ...

If a friend told me a secret, I would...

If I saw that a friend threw garbage on the floor, then I ...

If I saw that my friend wants to offend someone, then I ...

If my friend can't solve problems, then I...

What causes quarrels most often?

And I also want to play for you the scene described in the following poem, "Two Goats." Maybe, after listening to this poem, someone will recognize himself, and having learned, he will try not to be like these characters.

(The teacher reads the poem "Two Goats", two students act out the situation)

One day, two goats fought on the lawn. They fought for fun, not that from evil One of them softly kicked a friend, Another of them lightly butted a friend. One kicked his friend a little harder. One got excited, kicked with all his might! Another of his horns picked up under his belly Who is right and who is guilty - a confusing question, But the goats are fighting not in jest, but in earnest. I remembered this fight when the same fight broke out in front of me at the school break

Teacher - Yes, such a relationship cannot be called friendly.

Read and choose one option that you think is the most likely cause of quarrels.

misunderstanding of each other; inability to listen to another; unwillingness to give in; the desire to defend their point of view at all costs; inability to put oneself in the place of another person; resentment at any remark; unwillingness to critically evaluate their actions; inability to critically evaluate their actions; indifference.)

Of course, in the life of any person there are quarrels. They arise either because of the inability to critically evaluate their actions, or because of indifference, or because of a misunderstanding of each other. But you have to learn to accept. There is even such a proverb: "A bad peace is better than a good quarrel." Let's think about how we can reconcile. (Children's answers.)

Well done, you know how to put up. A joke very often helps to get out of a difficult situation. The ability to smile in time and make a joke sometimes helps a lot.

PLAN-SUMMARY OF EDUCATIONAL EVENT General Information: Subject: Class hour on the topic: "What is true friendship?"

Target : to form an idea of ​​the concept of friendship, to develop creative activity, to educate the good qualities of children, the ability to be friends and take care of each other, to promote a sense of respect for each other, mutual assistance, mutual endurance, to promote team building,


deepen children's understanding of friendship,

introduce the rules of friendship, show the importance of true friends in a person's life, that a person cannot live alone, he needs true friends.

to form moral qualities: the ability to make friends, appreciate friendship;

to form a culture of communication among students (communication skills);

develop the ability to express their opinion, to defend it.

Equipment: Computer slides made in the Power Point program, in the form of a presentation, a computer, a screen, a music center, the song “Friendship is Strong”, “About Friendship”.

On the tables of the children: Envelope (there is a cut seven-flower in the envelope), a sheet with an inscription.

Literature:Internet resources. class plan

I. Opening remarks

II. Announcement of the topic and expected outcomes of the lesson.

III. Brainstorming "Friendship is...".

IV. Problem situation

V. Competition between two teams

VI. Fizminutka

Class hour progress

I. Introductory speech of the teacher

Hello, have a seat. Dear children, invited and welcome guests! I will deliberately not tell you the topic of our class hour, because I want you to guess what will be discussed.

I would like to draw your attention to the screen. On the first slide there are photos, reproductions, picturesslide 1

slide 2 Epigraphs for the classroom. Please read Ilya.

The most beautiful gift that nature could give us after wisdom is friendship. (La Rochefoucauld)

Friendship ends where distrust begins. (Seneca)

One of the most important properties of true friendship is the ability to anticipate the requests of friends. (Socrates)

II.Announcement of the topic and expected outcomes of the lesson.

Guys, you probably guessed what we are going to talk about today?(about friendship)

That's right, friendship! Let's try to formulate the goals and objectives of our class hour.(Познакомиться with the rules of friendship, show the importance of true friends in a person's life, show that a person cannot live alone, he needs true friends)

The Song "True Friend" sounds (Students sing a song with the teacher under karaoke)

slide 3

Imagine scales. (Photo) On one bowl - friendship, and on the other wealth. What thicket will outweigh? What's more important? (friendship)

Of course, friendship will tip the scales, because money will run out sooner or later, but friendship remains forever.

III.Brainstorming "Friendship is...".

Let's discuss some serious questions with you:

slide 4- How do you understand the word "friendship"?

Who is a "friend"?

Who can be a real friend?

Who has a real friend?

What does it mean to be friends?

(Friendship is a relationship based on mutual affection, common interests. Friendship is when people are interested in each other, trust each other. Anyone who is able to support in difficult times, give advice, can rejoice in success with you)

IV. Problematic situation. I will read the situation to you, and you listen to it carefully.


They could be seen everywhere together: in the library, in the school cafeteria, on the street. Oleg and Misha have been friends for three years, ever since Oleg moved to a new area and began studying at this school. Together they attended the scientific society of students and were excellent students. Once, when the city Olympiad in mathematics was held, in which both boys were participants, Oleg took first place. On this day, many admired him and congratulated him. And only Misha was silent and calm, as if nothing had happened. And two days later, Misha moved from Oleg to another desk, referring to the fact that he could not see the blackboard very well. Oleg did not understand what happened to his friend.

Issues for discussion.

1. What happened to Misha?

2. Why did he behave like this?

3. How would you behave in such a situation?

4. Have you ever had similar situations in your life?

5. Can the relationship of these guys be called friendship?

True friendship is tested not only by grief, misfortune, but also by joy. A true friend will never

will envy the success of a comrade, on the contrary, he will sincerely share his joy.

V. Competition between two teams.

Now I will ask you to split into two teams.

So, the teams must come up with their own team name and choose a captain. I give you 5 minutes. The song "True friend" sounds.

Ready? (Yes)

Contest 1

Slide 5. Let's try to remember proverbs about friendship. I will start and you continue.

All for one, and one for ... (all).

With the world on a thread - naked ... (shirt).

Seven of one ... (do not wait).

There is safety in numbers).

One swallow of spring... (does not).

For friendship friendship ... (pay)

Distance friendship is not ... (interferes)

Mountain and mountain do not converge, (but man and man will converge).

A friend in need is a friend indeed).

Friendship is friendship, (and service is service).

slide 6. An old friend is better than two new ones).

There is no friend without misfortune ... (you won’t know).

There is no friend, so look for it, but I found it like this ... (take care).

A friend becomes friends - worse ... (foe).

For a friend, seven miles is not ... (outskirts).

Where there is a way, there is ... (treasure).

The friend's water is better than the enemy's (honey)

Do not give money ... (do not lose friendship)

Don't have a hundred rubles (but have a hundred friends).

One for all and all for one).

An old friend is better than two new ones).

You see how many proverbs the people have put together about friendship, and this is only a small part.

Slide 7. Chamomile picture

Competition 2 “Semitsvetik. Rainbow - friendship"

On the tables are a circle and petals on which different actions are written, it is necessary to collect the petals into a flower so that they describe the actions of a true friend


He says one thing to his face and another behind his back.

Will always come to the rescue.

Give away the last piece of bread.

Will fight for a place at the desk.

If you are sick, he will call and visit you.

If someone hits you, he will stand aside.

If someone hits you, he will always protect you.

If you went to the cinema and the last ticket left, always give way.

If you get a good grade, he will rejoice with you.

If you get a good grade, you will be jealous

If you have any trouble, will rejoice

Competition 3: "Circle of Friendship." All the guys stand in a circle. They pass a card on which the words “I feel happy when my friend ……” are written.

VI. Fizminutka

Now I will ask you all to stand in a circle. Do you know the game "You are a thrush and I am a thrush"? (Yes or no)

You are a thrush and I am a thrush (show)

You have a nose and I have a nose.

You have red cheeks

And you have red cheeks.

You have small lips

And I have small lips.

We are two friends, we love each other (hugs)

And we continue.

Competition 4: "Song"

Teams are invited to sing a few lines from songs in which there are words about friendship.

So, this concludes our contests. I hope the jury has already calculated your points. Announcement of results: As a result, FRIENDSHIP won.

VII. Summing up (reflection).

Come on, guys, together and everyone will think about everything that has been said and we will try to implement the proposals that you made at the end of our creative story. And we will start by smiling at each other and saying a compliment to a friend standing next to you. Our friendship day is over. Our class is a small family. I would like to see kindness, respect, love, mutual understanding always reign in our family. The class hour ends with the song: “If you went out with a friend”

This concludes our class. Thank you all for your attention and participation.

Summary of a class hour for grade 4 on the topic “There is no friend - look for it, but found it - take care”

Target: to promote in children a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Preparatory work: ask 4 students to act out a scene from school life (see scenario material).

Equipment: CD with the song "If with a friend went on the road"; sheets of paper with the phrase "A friend is the one ..."; paper hearts according to the number of students.

class plan

I. Opening remarks.

II. Work with proverbs.

III. Creative work "A friend is ...".

IV. Conversation "Only one heart is vigilant."

V. Discussion of the situation.

VI. Final word.

Class hour progress

I. Opening remarks

Classroom teacher. I wonder what we are going to talk about today? More precisely, about whom?

(The 1st verse and the chorus of the song “If you went on the road with a friend” sound. Music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Tanich.)

Now can you guess the theme of our class hour? (Children's answers.)

Of course, today we will talk about friends and friendship. Indeed, if a friend went on a journey, then any path will be easier and more fun. Do you think human life can be compared to a road? (Children's answers.)

Today we will go through a small segment of our life path together.

II. Work with proverbs

Classroom teacher. It's hard to imagine life without friends. Back in the XII century. the great Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli wrote: “He who does not seek friendship with loved ones is his own sworn enemy.”

Every nation has legends, proverbs, sayings about friendship. Maybe you remember some of them? (Children's answers.)

There is also such a proverb: "There is no friend - look for it, but if you find it - take care of it." Do you think it's easy to find a true friend? (Children's answers.)

On the path of life, a person meets different people: good and evil, generous and greedy, courageous and cowardly, cheerful and gloomy. How can you find a friend among them? You need to know who to look for.

III. Creative work "A friend is ..."

Classroom teacher. Let's think together what a friend is. What kind of person can we call a friend?

(Divides the class into groups of 3-4 people. Each group receives a sheet on which the beginning of the phrase “A friend is the one ...” is written. The children complete the phrase and read what they got, the teacher writes it on the board.)

What did we get? The result was a collective portrait of a friend. (Summarizes the children's answers, then reads a poem by W. Shakespeare.)

A true friend is faithful everywhere, in happiness and trouble; Your sadness worries him, You do not sleep - he cannot sleep, And in everything without distant words He is ready to help you.

IV. Conversation "Only one heart is vigilant"

Classroom teacher. Do you guys think that a person can have many friends? (Children's answers.)

A person does not have many friends. There are comrades, friends, acquaintances, classmates. But a friend is more personal, dear, close than a friend or classmate.

Probably, many of you have read the book by Antoine de Saint-Exu-peri "The Little Prince". Let's remember one of the most important episodes of the book. The little prince, looking for friends, came to Earth from a tiny planet where he only had three volcanoes that reached him up to his knee, which he cleaned every day, baobabs, which he destroyed so that they would not destroy his planet, and a rose, which he watered, protected and considered the best and the only one in the entire universe. But on Earth, he saw a huge garden full of roses that looked like his flower. The little prince felt very, very unhappy: after all, his beautiful rose said that there were no others like her anywhere. He wept out of frustration. But the wise Fox explained to him that his rose is really the only one in the world for him. "Go look at the roses again, and when you return, I will tell you a secret." The little prince went to look at the roses.

“You are nothing like my rose,” he told them. - You're nothing. Nobody tamed you. You are beautiful, but empty, - continued the Little Prince. - I don't want to die for you. Of course, a casual passer-by, looking at my rose, will say that she is exactly the same as you, but she is dearer to me than all of you. After all, it was her, and not you, that I protected and protected every day. When the Little Prince returned to the Fox, he said that his secret was very simple: “Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes.” “You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes,” repeated the Little Prince, in order to better remember.

And how do you understand the words of the wise Fox? (Children's answers.)

You need to be able to discern the rare spiritual qualities of a person,

inner beauty. It can be felt with the heart. I want to tell you one story about how the grandmother helped the girl to believe in herself, and made others think about their own words and deeds.

Children were playing in the yard, and at a distance from them stood a cross-eyed girl with glasses. She picked at the ground with the toe of her boot, stubbornly glanced at the other children. And then an old woman came up to her and said:

Why are you, maiden, separated from everyone? It can be seen that you feel bad, so you cry.

The girl replied:

They tease: "oblique", "ugly".

That's how it is! Well, they are still stupid. And you listen here. Beauty is equally given to everyone, everyone has it. And you have it too! Only everyone is different. That one over there has some curls - beauty in curls. But this one has such a laugh, beauty, it means, in laughter. And that one, she has beauty in her face. And you have the most important beauty in your soul, in your heart, right here!

And the old woman put her hand on the girl's heart.

Here, in the heart, the main beauty is! You admire someone else's beauty, and beauty will increase for you. And they will love you, they will cling to your heart. Go to them. Look at everyone without evil, without resentment!

And she took the girl to the children.

Children, I found your loss. Don't lose your girlfriend. Her eyes are weak, so she can't be alone at all. So look out for it to be with you. She loves you all, her heart is kind, beautiful. And that the eye is slanting, so is the rain slanting, and without it the grass does not grow! And the sun, sometimes, looks askance, and with it we have joy! And braids weave obliquely, but well. If someone does not know about this, they will tease your girlfriend, you do not let her offend, explain to him. So take care of her. After all, you are kind too.

What thoughts did this story give you? What made you think about? (Children's answers.)

V, Discussion of the situation

Classroom teacher. Learning to choose with your heart is not so easy, but perhaps even more difficult is to look at yourself from the outside. We know what qualities we do not like in other people, we are not ready to put up with them. But it’s not in vain that they say: if you want to have a real friend, first of all, become such a friend yourself!

Let's try to look at ourselves from the outside.

Scene from school life

Natasha (running up to Kostya). Kostya! You are my friend! Help out. I did not learn Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant". Tell the teacher that you didn't learn either.

Teacher (enters class). Hello guys! Sit down. Let's start today's lesson with the fable "Dragonfly and Ant". Kostya will tell us.

Teacher. I give you five!

Natasha (in a whisper). Aren `t you ashamed!

(The class teacher divides the class into two groups. Members of the first group answer the question "How would you rate Kostya's behavior?" Members of the second group answer the question "How do you rate Natasha's act?".)

Classroom teacher. And here is what is said in the poem by A. Dementiev. (Is reading.)

A friend is known in luck

A friend is known in luck

Just as sometimes, as in trouble,

If he does not hide his soul,

Feelings are not kept in check.

A friend is known in luck.

If your luck

A friend does not please, - it means

Your friend is as cunning as a snake.

Or bitter envy

Reason eclipsed him

And, looking forward to your success,

He won't forgive anything.

He will not forgive ... But otherwise

Will tell you about it.

A friend is known in luck

More sometimes than in trouble.

Now let's play this scene again as if this situation happened between real friends. What would Natasha do?

(Children come up with a different ending to the scene, act out.)

VI. Final word

Classroom teacher. You have a long road ahead of you. May good, noble people meet on your life path who will become your friends.

Now stand in a circle, hold hands - these are the hands of a friend. Put your hands on your shoulders. This is the shoulder of a friend that you can lean on at a difficult moment.

In memory of our meeting, I would like to give you small hearts that will remind you of the advice of the wise Fox: “You can’t see the main thing with your eyes, only the heart is vigilant.” Thank you!

Additional material

monologue about friendship

What is friendship? Everyone knows?

What does the word "friendship" mean?

Maybe going to the movies together

Maybe a good football pass

Maybe a hint at the blackboard

Maybe defense in a school fight

Or just a cure for boredom?

Well, maybe silence in the classroom,

What if a friend does something bad?

Say, Kolya painted the walls,

Michael saw everything, but is silent.

Is it friendship if someone

Fractions at home did not want to decide:

There was no desire to engage

A friend gives him to write off.

Is it friendship if two

They decided to skip the lessons,

And my mother asked: “Are you not at school?” -

Both of them begin to lie.

Well, maybe friendship is if

A friend always says nicely

Sprinkling your speech with flattery,

And never say sharpness?

What is friendship, everyone knows?

Maybe it's funny to ask?

Well, what does it mean

This word? So what is it?

Friendship is if your friend is sick

And he can't come to school

Visit him willingly

Bring school lessons

Patiently explain tasks

Take on some of his worries,

Give him your attention

Days, weeks, month or year...

If your friend is something, unfortunately,

Badly done or said

We must honestly, directly, without a doubt

Tell the truth to his face.

Maybe he can't understand everything.

Maybe he suddenly gets offended,

You still have to tell the truth

After all, that's what a best friend is for.

Friendship in joy and friendship in sorrow.

A friend will always give the last.

A friend is not one who flatters

And the one who argues

He who does not deceive will not sell.

Friendship never knows boundaries

There are no barriers to friendship.

Friendship on earth unites

All children - both white and colored.

Friendship is if children write

Letters to children from another country.

Friendship is world peace

Without orphans, without the horrors of war.

L. Izmailov

Conversation based on the story of V. Oseeva "Before the first rain"

Tanya and Masha were very friendly and always went to school together. Either Masha came for Tanya, then Tanya - for Masha. One time, when the girls were walking down the street, it started to rain heavily. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. The girls ran.

Take off your cloak, we'll cover ourselves together! Tanya shouted as she ran.

I can't, I'll get wet! - bending down her head with a hood, Masha answered her.

At school, the teacher said:

How strange, Masha's dress is dry, and yours, Tanya, is completely wet. How did it happen? You were walking together, weren't you?

Masha had a cloak, and I walked in one dress, ”said Tanya.

So you could cover yourself with one cloak, - said the teacher and, looking at Masha, shook her head. - It can be seen, your friendship until the first rain!

Both girls blushed deeply: Masha for herself, and Tanya for Masha.

Issues for discussion:

Is this story about true friendship or not?

Do you think Masha realized her misdeed?

Can their friendship be saved?

If so, how?

Practical work "True friend"

The sun is attached to the board, but it has no rays. I ask you to consider what qualities a true friend should have. Name the quality, and if we approve it, we will write it on a ray and attach it to the sun.

(Children take turns doing this work. Words appear on the board around the sun: faithful, honest, kind, caring, attentive, cheerful, fair, etc.)

Problem solving

True friendship, like everything in the world, must be learned. Let's try to solve a few everyday problems and think about how a real friend would act in these cases.

Your friend couldn't solve his homework and asks you to copy.

During the Merry Starts, your friend fell on the run and let the team down.

Your friend invites you to skip class. And he warns that if you do not agree, then he will not be friends with you.

Parents found out that your friend is not studying well, and forbid you to be friends with him.

Your friend treats other guys badly.

Cases from life

It is very easy to lose a friend if you do not appreciate him. Solve problems that may happen in life. How would a true friend act in each of them?

Situation 1

Hello! What do we have in math?

Problem. Have you decided?

No, I couldn't solve it.

Situation 2

Come on, Kolya!

We went to the river to swim. The vodka is adorable!

I have no time, I need to clean the potatoes.

Situation 3

Why don't you ride a bike?

And you won't tell anyone? -No.

Class hour - Grade 2 “Friendship. Ways to resolve conflict situations»

Target: explain that friendly relations can and should take place in the team not only between close friends, but also among all classmates.

Equipment: a set of proverbs about friendship; L. Panteleev's story "Honestly"; individual cards: "10 laws of friendship" and "About the qualities and traits of character" (each), cards "Choose an option for secret thoughts"; fairy tale L. Muur "Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond"; text of the song by V. Shainsky "Smile".

Assimilation levels:

Representation: to form an idea of ​​​​friendship and a positive attitude towards people;

Attitude: to form a desire for joint activities with classmates and members of other associations;

Ways of behavior: to form the skills of effective and safe communication, as well as the ability to evaluate one's behavior, to be responsible for one's actions.

Lesson progress

I. Introduction.

Teacher. Guys! Today in the lesson we will try to understand a very important issue for each of us. What does it mean to be friends? What should a true friend be like? How to learn to get out of conflict situations?

We will remember the 10 laws of friendship. I will try to teach you the ability to put up after a quarrel. Our assistants will be the heroes of many familiar works and your personal experience. We will play and in the course of the game we will learn to do the right thing. (For an emotional mood, you can sing a verse of the song “If you went on the road with a friend ...”.) So, let's go!

II. Main part.

Teacher. We've been together for two years now. You all got along. And I really want to hear the names of your friends. (The teacher passes a soft toy into the hands of some children, they call the name of a friend and say why they are friends with him, what kind of friend (girlfriend), what they do together.)

Please tell me why many people want to be friends with some guys, and someone does not have a friend at all? What does it depend on? (Children's answers.)

Thank you!

So, we value a person according to his deeds and deeds.

Individual task: everyone has a card on the desk, where the qualities and character traits of people are recorded. Children should answer the question: “What qualities and character traits do you value most in people?” (emphasize).

Guys! It turns out that psychologists studied the rules of friendship among the peoples of different countries. It turned out that, despite the different skin color, different upbringing, people's opinion is the same in what they consider friendship and friendly behavior. This is how the ten laws of friendship were defined:

1) trust a friend;

2) share news, successes or failures;

3) be able to keep other people's secrets;

4) rejoice together with a friend in his successes;

5) offer their help, and not wait for a request for help;

6) try to make a friend feel good in your company, not create awkward situations;

7) protect a friend (if someone speaks badly about a friend in his absence);

8) do not criticize a friend in the presence of other people (if you are dissatisfied with something, tell a friend about it in private);

9) respect a friend's right to have other friends besides you (not be intrusive);

10) Always keep your promises.

Which of these rules are you already following, and which ones do you need to learn?

You, of course, have read the story of L. Panteleev "Honest Word". If not, then listen to an excerpt from it and answer the question: “Would you like to have such a friend?”.


Let's go. Look, it's getting late, the garden is already closing.

And I wanted to take the boy by the hand. The boy hurriedly withdrew his hand and said...

I can not.

What you cant?

I can't go... I'm a sentry... We're playing... One big boy... brought me here and says: "We have a powder warehouse here. And you will be sentry. Stay here until I relieve you." I say: "Good." And he says: “Give me your word of honor that you will not leave. Well, I said: "Honestly, I won't leave."

I looked at his little freckled nose and realized that he really had nothing to be afraid of. A boy with such a strong will and such a strong word will not be afraid of hooligans, nor will he be afraid of stranger things.

And when he grows up ... It is still unknown who he will be when he grows up, but whoever he is, you can guarantee that he will be a real person.

Children answer why they would like to have such a friend.

Yes! Everyone would like to have such a friend! But everything happens in life. There are situations when people are dissatisfied with each other. And then there is resentment and quarrel.

Let's analyze when you get offended, quarrel and even fight.

Sample responses from children:

1) because of rude words;

2) when they accuse in vain - I did not do it;

3) do not share games, sweets, etc.;

4) when they tease, call names - it's a shame!

And now - a task for everyone.

Card assignment (a card for each student): in the center is the one who calls names. Around - his thoughts. Choose the option of "secret thoughts" of the one who calls you names. Color this circle.

Of course, in the life of any person there are grievances and quarrels, but you need to learn to forgive and be able to put up. Remember the proverb: "A bad peace is better than a good quarrel."

Tell us how you put up with a friend, brother, sister. (Children's answers.) “Put up, put up and don't fight anymore, and if you fight, I'll bite” - this saying helped you when you were kindergarten age.

Very often it helps to get out of a difficult situation with a joke, the ability to smile in time and say something funny. And it is also very important to learn to admit your mistakes and apologize.

Let's play.

The game "We quarrel and make up."

Game rules: split into pairs. Find a reason for the "quarrel", and then make peace.

What is the best way to deal with adults? Choose an answer:

a) admit your mistake and apologize;

b) continue to be offended, even when the cause of the quarrel is forgotten.

And now let's remember a kind, smart, instructive tale: "Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond."

III. Final part.

Guys! What does this wonderful story teach us? Right! Be kind and resolve all quarrels with the most powerful weapon - SMILE! And now let's all smile at each other and sing a wonderful song by V. Shainskoo "Smile"! (1 couplet).

I think you're in a great mood right now!

You will find something to tell your friend, parents about what you have learned.

Take care of your friends and loved ones! Thanks to all!

, Classroom guidance , School psychological service


  • to acquaint students with universal human values;
  • to cultivate goodwill, the ability to see beauty in the simple and ordinary, the ability to give warmth and kindness.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Set up for the lesson.

Hello guys! I want to say once again this wonderful word “Hello! Hello!". And you also often say “Hello!” mom, dad, friends and passers-by.

You will feel their spirits rise. The fact is that the word "Hello" is special. When we say this word, we not only greet someone, but also wish him good health. This word has healing power. In this word, as in the word “health”, there are many sounds that give us a charge of vivacity. So be healthy, never get sick!

2. Introduction.

In front of you are two sheets and two felt-tip pens, black and red. On one draw a mask of a healthy person, on the other - a sick person.

The song "Smile" sounds.

What is the difference?

(The sick person was drawn in black, and the healthy one in red. Red means beautiful. He smiles, his eyes shine, his cheeks burn).

The main difference is the smile.

A smile is a sign of not only physical but also spiritual health. You've probably heard "My soul hurts". For such a person, it means that something happened: maybe he was offended, maybe he quarreled with a friend ...

But a smile is a sign of kindness, love, friendship.

No wonder the song says:

"Friendship starts with a smile."

Let's now look into each other's eyes, smile and say: “I wish you ...”

I also wish you guys happiness, success, joy, prosperity.

3. The main part.

In the previous lessons in the group, you chose your friends. But today I put you in my own way. Because you need to learn how to communicate not only with those who you like.

You have probably noticed more than once that the opinions and desires of people do not always coincide. Sometimes they are directly opposite. There are situations when people are dissatisfied with each other. And then there is a quarrel.

Let's try together to understand why people quarrel and how to learn to live together?

Let's look at the first situation. (Children play out a situation where, while playing a ball, a quarrel arises between the guys. They offend each other with rude words.)

Why were the guys offended?

(They did not understand each other ... Resentment, a quarrel arose not because of the deed, but because of rude words. They have not yet learned to give in to each other, to forgive.)

Sometimes you are offended not only by your comrades, but also by your parents.

Let's look at the second situation. (A situation is played out where there is a misunderstanding between parents and children)

What should the boy have done? Act out the situation in your own way. (Children act out the situation in their own way.)

Admit your mistake. Not being offended by every little thing is probably the most difficult thing.

4. Practical work.(Assignment on the sheets.)

What causes quarrels most often?

Read and choose one option that you think is the most likely cause of quarrels.

(Misunderstanding of each other; inability to listen to the other; unwillingness to give in; desire to defend one’s point of view at all costs; inability to put oneself in the place of another person; resentment at any remark; unwillingness to critically evaluate one’s actions; inability to critically evaluate one’s actions; indifference .)

Of course, in the life of any person there are quarrels. They arise either because of the inability to critically evaluate their actions, or because of indifference, or because of a misunderstanding of each other. But you have to learn to accept. There is even such a proverb: "A bad peace is better than a good quarrel." Let's think about how we can reconcile. (Children's answers.)

The joke is being learned:

Make peace, make peace, make peace
You don't fight anymore...

Well done, you know how to put up. A joke very often helps to get out of a difficult situation. The ability to smile in time and make a joke sometimes helps a lot.

But it is also important to learn to admit your mistakes and apologize.

5. Work in groups.

moral situations.

How will you do it?

a) Your friend did not do his homework and asks for a notebook to copy.

b) Your friend doesn't know how to play pioneer ball and lets the team down.

c) Your friend uses bad words and expressions.

d) Your friend invites you to do something bad.

e) Your friend does a bad deed and everyone will know about it, including you.

f) Your friend gets bad grades in a quarter and you are forbidden to be friends with him.

6. Final part.

Today we talked a lot about friendship, about how to live without a quarrel, how to get out of a conflict situation. Coming to the conclusion, let's create friendship rules:

a) Smile at the right time!

b) Do not be offended by every trifle!

c) Don't leave a friend in trouble!

d) Be able to admit a mistake and apologize!

e) Make peace, make peace, make peace!

7. Bottom line.

Thin threads circled the earth,
Threads of parallels and green rivers,

Reach out your hand, reach out your hand
Everyone needs to believe in friendship.

Warm with a word, caress with a look,
Even the snow melts from a good joke.

It's so wonderful to be with you
A gloomy person will become kind and cheerful!

The song "Friendship" is performed.

A strong friendship won't break
Will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.
A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much.
This is what it means to be a true friend.