Scenario of the entertainment program for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity “Together and forever. What to give for the All-Russian Day of Love, Family and Fidelity - to your beloved husband, beloved wife, parents, children

Yes, I, too, have not yet got used to the new two holidays, in which the whole family acts as the hero of the occasion :-). It's about O international day Family (May 15) and the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity (July 8).

A lot has been written about the history of these holidays, I won’t repeat myself, read it (not everyone knows and remembers the story about Peter and Fevronia, so you can briefly tell before the start of the holiday). Today I will try to sketch out ideas for those who have been assigned to conduct an entertainment program for children and adults.

These competitions can be used to dilute any scenario in verse, theatrical performance or concert.

Where can this script be used?

In sanatoriums, rest houses, family clubs, centers social services, tourist bases and so on. Wherever the whole family rests in the middle of summer.

Short description: entertainment competitions and games in which children of different ages can participate with their parents. No rehearsals are needed, all assignments are given to families by the host before the start of the program. I included creative, sports, music, dance, theater and intellectual tasks.

hall decoration

As you know, the holiday has an approved symbol - a camomile, why should we invent something new. Daisies made of paper and balls - just right. Check out my ideas. There are flowers from large balls, they can decorate the edge of the stage and the backdrop. By the way, even more.

We are pleased to offer our services for the design of the holiday,.
Call if you are in Moscow!

And here is how to make a symbol of the holiday on July 8 - Chamomile from a long thin ball (SHMD). Very clear tutorial:

Such garlands also look fun: we decorate the back of the stage with clotheslines on which paper things hang - panties, T-shirts, shorts, dresses made of colored paper (A4 size).

Ready-made banners and posters

Fortunately, all this is now on sale, it is easy to choose the right pattern and size on the site. Large posters are convenient because you can quickly decorate the stage, the wall of the building, doors, interior spaces. A beautiful picture and several ball fountains - that's the themed decoration for the holiday.

Here are several options for ready-made banners (there are vertical and horizontal ones, sizes in meters to choose from: 0.4x2, 0.5x3, 0.7x4, 0.7x5). (13 species). A two-meter banner is already an impressive decoration. And for sure, no one will pass by the 5-meter one. Everyone understands that there is a big holiday here!

Posters are not so big, printed on paper, sizes: A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4. . (8 kinds)

Homemade preparations

If suddenly the format of the event allows, a week before the holiday, you can give "homework", and then only choose and award the winners.

What can we offer our families?

  • Photo contest "Carousel" (all family members must fit on one carousel in the yard or in the park). The most original win
  • Photo contest "In order for charging." Everyone here is in sportswear
  • Photo contest "Eternal glory to water". The whole family needs to dive into the pool, sea, pond or river
  • Pie with fruit filling. This is for the next family tea party, there will be no losers, everyone will eat it :-). You can award separately "for the most beautiful", "the most delicious", "the largest", "the most unusual"
  • You can also organize the entire buffet table on your own (albeit also as part of a delicious competition, just distribute snacks in advance) - here I have
  • Poster competition for the "Day of the Family of Love and Fidelity". There is one condition - the image should consist only of handprints of all family members. So you can depict the sun, palm trees, grass, flowers and trees. You can use not only Finger paint, but also ordinary gouache or watercolor.

Here is my version of the poster:

And a few more examples from the Internet:

Now the entertainment itself

dressing up

The facilitator needs to prepare the accessories and wrap them individually in paper or opaque bags. Moms, dads and children pull the bundle at random. Who got what? (Nipples on a string, men's ties, women's neckerchiefs, children's panama hats, bow ties, bibs, funny foam ears, wigs, spouts, horns, beads, bracelets, kitchen aprons).

Participants must wear all of these. It's funny when an overweight dad with a bib, and a five-year-old baby in a man's tie.

The leader of all builds, gives the audience an opportunity to admire and laugh, offers families ...


Leading: now for each family a special task. We will not just have a fashion show on the stage! The Ivanov family will portray the gait of a woman in heels with heavy bags, the Matveevs will walk in a soldier's formation, the Smirnovs will depict a gait one year old baby, Petrovs will jump over the puddles. Let someone walk the tightrope, someone back to front, and so on.

All families walk from one side of the stage to the other to cheerful music.

Caterpillar with balls

At the first stage, we give the participants balls according to the number of family members. It is better that each family has its own color. If the facilitator does not have time to inflate beforehand, let the adults inflate themselves with the help of a nanos while some musical number is playing on the stage.

Now the caterpillar itself: team members line up one after another, and a ball must be held between the back of the previous and the stomach of the next participant. I usually allow you to hold it with your hands, the kids will not cope differently.

All caterpillars line up and go to the finish line (5 meters and back). Let the "head" of the caterpillar hold the ball just in front of it. That caterpillar, which did not crumble along the road and covered the distance faster, wins.

Caterpillars can also dance lambada, do exercises, repeating the movements of the leader, and even chase each other (the head of one caterpillar should try to catch up with the tail of another). Friends, this is fun! Don't forget the music.

All love and loyalty!

When you have held all the contests with balloons (and the funniest one is “a barrel of watermelons” :-)), ask the participants to write on the balloons with pens the main words of today’s holiday “family”, “love”, “fidelity” and sign the name. On the count of three, everyone throws balls into the audience. Whose ball flies the farthest wins.

Libmo or Obstacle Dance

Here you can offer a traditional Latin American fun - passing under a rope with dance moves. The rope, if you remember, must be lowered by 10 cm after each passage.
The rope can, on the contrary, be pulled at the bottom and gradually raised to the level of the adult's waist. First 10 cm from the floor, then higher. Gradually, those participants who can jump high remain from each team. We reward!

We turn on the appropriate music: samba, cha-cha, salsa. (children's competitions may well be family, so look for suitable ones -).

Strong man with lemonade

Usually the competition is held with a five-liter barrel of beer, but we have a family holiday, we will replace it with lemonade. Let dad get a sweet drink for the family. Men need to hold a bag with bottles or boxes of juice (5 liters in total) on their outstretched arm for as long as possible. The winner takes all.

Dance battle or flash mob

We have no time to prepare and rehearse, so musical composition should come as a surprise to the team and spectators. Announce a competition and build the whole family on stage. The task is to get involved in the music as quickly as possible and demonstrate to everyone together the dance elements characteristic of each case.

Watch out for the dancers! If things went well, we give the opportunity to please ourselves and the audience. If everyone in the family is shy, turn off the music after 30-40 seconds, ask the audience to support with applause.

The most common dances are: quadrille, lezginka, hip-hop, rock and roll, children's dance ducklings, macarena, gypsy girl, latina, tango, cancan, lambada, dance of little swans, East Dance abdomen, etc.

The most active and cheerful win, of course.

The slimmest family

We ask all family members to stand in a circle facing each other and hug and cuddle very tightly (we raise the children so that their heads are on the same level). The facilitator measures everyone at waist level with a tape measure. The competition is comic, since there can be several children and the total waist will be large.

We reward both the slimmest and the BIGGEST family in every sense.

Extraordinary concert

It will be boring here without homework, but you can always find a way out if the participants are not prepared. As a rule, someone in the family plays the guitar or another instrument, sings well under the “minus”. We put such people to perform last. Talented readers are also suitable for the concert.

Nominations for the competition can be as follows:

  • folk song
  • song from a movie (often taken from Soviet comedies)
  • bard song
  • favorite children's song
  • performance children's poem the whole family at the same time
  • staging a famous song (we just turn on the recording, and the participants depict the essence with facial expressions and gestures)
  • noise orchestra (distributing empty cans with small change, rustling bags, wooden spoons, pots with ladles, various rattles, we turn on something rhythmic, such as the Radetzky March)
  • etc., consult with the participants, among them there may be gymnasts and magicians.

Sculpture "Happy family"

To be honest, I'm running this contest for the soulful photos. Give families the opportunity to confer for a minute, then your assistants close the family from prying eyes for a few seconds with a screen made of a beautiful blanket (hold by two ends). During this time, the participants create a sculpture. When everything is ready, lower the “screen”, and all the spectators enjoy the hugging parents and children. Some show extraordinary creativity, build real living pyramids, where the smallest member of the family stands on his father's shoulders.

The family for every person is the most precious and priceless treasure in the whole world. Day of family, love and fidelity is wonderful holiday, which managed to win a special thrill in the hearts of all Russians. It is celebrated annually on a warm summer day on July 8. Sunny weather allows you to celebrate the event in nature or even at sea. However, it is better to celebrate only in family circle or in the company of the closest people. What can make a holiday crazy fun and bright? Of course, these are games and contests. With the help of them, this day will be the most unforgettable, moreover, they are able to rally all relatives and give a huge amount of positive emotions. Below is the most interesting and exciting selection of games and contests that will bring a little excitement and intrigue to the holiday.

Contest "What to wear"
To conduct this competition, the host should take care of a large bag with a variety of clothes in advance. It can be anything from bibs to wigs, from nipples to aprons. The main thing is that the selection is the most unique and unusual. For example, how funny and fun it would be if an adult wears a bib. Further, the host calls all the members of one family, builds them in a circle, and puts this bag in the center. Each participant pulls in turn at random some thing and puts it on. The rules of the game are that nothing can be changed, even if a nipple is caught.

Competition "Podium"
This competition is good to hold if several families are present at the celebration, from three to four will be fine. The name of this competition already gives its rules. The host calls all members of the same family, who must walk together along the podium. However, the catch is that this should be done in an unusual way. It all depends on the imagination of the participants, for example, you can walk like a one-year-old baby, others can walk backwards, etc. It is imperative to prepare small prizes that will give the children of families a little competitive spirit.

Competition "Caterpillar"
Each individual family will be one team in the competition. Everyone takes part, how many families, so many teams. The host gives each participant a ball. It is desirable that the balls of one team be of the same color, the other of a different color, etc. After that, each group lines up in one row and places one ball among themselves. Then they begin to move like caterpillars to cheerful good music. According to the rules, the balls cannot be held by hand, however, children younger age it is allowed. The team that first reaches a certain mark and loses as few balls as possible wins.

Contest "Zhadina"
The "Zhadina" competition is one of the most fun and exciting competitions, which is well known to many. Participation is best taken by two teams from all family members. The main attribute of the competition is balls, a lot of balls. They should be inflated in advance, but you should not tie a thread. Only one minute is given, during which teams must collect as many balls as possible. You can put them in your pants, under a T-shirt, etc. Children will collect balls with incredible excitement and speed. The winners will be those who score the most of this attribute.
The host can hold this competition a little differently. For example, collect the balls in a blue trash bag. It will be no less fun, and everyone will get a lot of positive from participating in the competition. During the competition, be sure to include some famous song about the family, for example, you can "My family".

Competition "Who will dance whom"
Another funny contest for this event. For carrying out, you can use two options, where in both cases you need a rope. In the first version, it must be lowered low, and the participants must pass under it to the music, while not touching it. In the second case, it must be raised, and everyone must jump over it as high as possible. The victory will be for the team in which the participants scored more success. As a prize, you can award badges with the inscription "Best Dancer". It is in this competition that you can observe the real spirit of rivalry in every member of the family.

The game "Who is stronger"
Lemonade is a favorite drink of adults and children, so in this game it will be the main attribute. The task of the game is that each of its participants will have to outstretched hand keep a certain amount of lemonade as long and as much as possible. The one who first starts to lower or pull his hand towards him will lose. Participants should be given lemonade according to strength, that is, children, respectively, less than their parents. The team that manages to win, as a reward, will take all the lemonade from this competition.

The game "The biggest and most slender family"
In this game, the winner is not determined, but the host, of course, needs to make several nominations. All members of the family hug very tightly and amicably, and in the meantime the host measures it. The data obtained is compared with another family, in accordance with which the nomination is determined. It will be very interesting to know such information for all family members, moreover, to receive the nomination “The Most big family" or "The most slender family."

Game "Defile"
Games will decorate any holiday and create the most cheerful atmosphere. To participate in this competition, two teams must enter, consisting of all family members. The facilitator provides a hat, from where one of the participants first pulls out a note with the task. All written conditions on the cards should contain instructions on how unusually the player needs to walk around the stage. Each participant will have an individual task. The winner will be the team that can fulfill the conditions in the most unusual way. It will be incredibly exciting for the audience to watch the dads of the game, who will look very funny on stage.

Star Dancing game
The host must in advance for this game make a selection of the most unusual compositions any styles. As it should be, one team is all family members. Several families, which will be in full force, can also take part. The audience will act as a jury. Objective of the game: each family must dance for one minute to each music playing. It can be both lambada and rock and roll and others. It will be very fun and interesting, a sea of ​​positive and good emotions cannot be avoided. With the help of applause from the audience, the winners of the game will be determined.

Game "Fairy Tale"
For many years, almost every entertainment program cannot do without this wonderful and intriguing game. Two families can take part, which will be separate teams. The facilitator gives out one blank sheet of paper. The music turns on, and the fathers of the families are the first to write one fictional sentence for their fairy tale. Then he folds the sheet so that the next participant does not see what he wrote. The whole game continues in this manner. At the end of the competition, the presenter reads out the resulting fairy tale, and together with the audience choose the winner. It will turn out very funny and exciting, because the imagination of many people is simply incredible.

Game "12 months"
This game is not only fun and interesting, but also developing. It will be exciting to play it, both for children and their parents. Participation must be taken by two families, to which the host must issue 12 clean sheets A4 format, colored pencils and markers. The task is that each team needs to draw 12 drawings of a certain month of the year. It is worth being attentive and more creative in the game, because then the team's opponents will have to guess which month is shown in the picture. It is better to use small tips in your work, depicting a certain symbol of a particular month in each drawing. The winners will be the team that will be able to complete the task much better, and draw drawings in accordance with the month.

Family tree game
Not less than exciting game, which is best done at the end entertainment program. The host gives each team one drawing paper, 10-15 green leaves and the same number of red apples from colored paper. Parents will have to work with the first elements, and children with the second. On the drawing paper, the presenter must draw the tree itself in advance, which will already be transformed in the game. Cheerful music is turned on, to which the whole family very amicably begins to glue and make their family tree. Each family can take the resulting picture home and keep it as a keepsake. It will be insanely nice to look at your family tree a few years later, and remember this. unforgettable day the most pleasant memories.

It is important to determine the venue, the design of the site and musical accompaniment. It is better to spend this holiday in an open space so that the guests who come feel comfortable. If space allows, then you can set up a few stalls with food, water, ice cream, memorable souvenirs self made. If the budget allows, you can also hire animators who will amuse the children.
What you will need: prizes for competitions, several tables with drawing supplies for the competition and for family tree, signs with duties, several baby dolls, tables and diapers, backpacks, books, sets of things, notebooks, Plasticine, bumps, plastic cups, adhesive tape, scissors, colored paper,

Presenter, Host, dance groups, singers, readers, Mayor (if the holiday is planned on a city scale).

The scene is set in the park. Music is playing. Leaders appear.

On this July day
We have gathered not in vain,
We want to remind you all
How important family is in our lives!

That love is needed too
That we can't live without fidelity,
That our loved ones are dearest of all,
That you need to love them all your life!

Welcome friends! We are glad to welcome you all to the next holiday dedicated to the family, love and fidelity!

A lot is waiting for you pleasant events, bright emotions and have a good time!

Now, I would like to invite to this stage, dear (Full name of the mayor or other high-ranking person if the event is supported by a firm or organization).

(The mayor rises to the stage and delivers a congratulatory speech)

There is so much meaning in the word family. Here is hidden support, support, unity, mutual respect, warmth, kindness, tenderness, help.

You do not forget about love and fidelity, which are an integral part of any family.

And without children, a real family is hard to imagine. After all, children are the continuation of the family, great happiness and joy, which gives the most vivid emotions and impressions.

Therefore, now, I would like to invite the smallest citizens of our town to this stage.

(Children take the stage different ages and read)

I was just thinking, why not hold a competition for the best drawing?

Lets do it! I propose to determine the winner only at the end of the event, and our esteemed jury, which includes (Lists several artists, art teachers).

Everyone can take part in this competition, from the age of 5 to 11 years. All that is required of you is just to come to our special tables and draw a picture on the topic: “My big, Friendly family". Each drawing must be signed, indicating your last name, first name and age!

We will look forward to your work, but for now, I want to invite you to this stage, dance group (Name) with fiery dance (Name).

(A team appears on the stage. After the number, the presenters come out)

Tell me, do you have responsibilities in your family?

Is being beautiful considered a duty?

I'm serious. Here, I regularly take out the trash, fix sockets and even dust occasionally.

And I cook, clean, wash, create comfort, moonlight as a psychologist, designer, and still delight everyone with my beauty!

But I'm wondering, what are the responsibilities of our townspeople?

So, why guess, let's find out!

Competition "What I do at home".
3-4 are invited to the stage couples. Everyone pulls a sign with a list of household chores. one shows (without words), the other guesses. Then they change. The pair that guesses the most will win a prize. To avoid confusion, couples perform in turn. There should be no more than 3 cases on one card. Time for one pair 1-1, 5 minutes.

List of duties:
1. Peeling potatoes;
2. Curtain ironing;
3. Repair of electrical appliances;
4. Carpet cleaning;
5. Sewing socks;
6. Cooking;
7. Dusting;
8. Going for groceries;
9. Checking lessons;
10. Wash;
11. Garbage removal;
12. Cleaning;
13. Flower care;
14. Pet care;
15. Laundry placement;
16. Killing a spider;
17. Change of bed linen;
18. Mopping floors.

Who would have thought that family life is so rich and varied!

And do not say. But, besides household chores, there are so many pluses and happiness! There is always someone who will hug you, who will listen, who will help.

Here I will not argue with you. By the way, I heard (name of artist/performer) also thinks so.

(A performer / performer will enter the stage with a song about the family)

By the way, I would like to note that each family that came can depict their family tree.

Just visit our art corners and let your imagination run wild.

They say that in the family always
The kids know for sure
Who came home from work
Who turned on the cartoon in the morning!

This is what I want to check
And guess riddles
To smart kids
We were able to tell the secrets!

(Children from 3 to 6 years old are invited to the stage. They are asked riddles about relatives, family. Whoever gives the most correct answers will receive a prize)

Continuing our concert
I want to say now
What today, on this holiday,
Moms will perform!

Moms will be tough
Moms will be golden!

(Business moms, successful ladies of the city are invited to the stage, who sing a song, or just read. True, for this you will need to coordinate everything with them in advance)

Dads are important too
We really need dads!

Now, I invite the most courageous, the strongest, the most faithful and beautiful to the stage.

Announced "Dad Can" Contest.
Several popes are invited to the stage. They are asked to complete a few simple tasks. Whoever succeeds will receive a prize. List of tasks:
1. Swaddle the doll (you need to prepare a few baby dolls, tables and diapers). Runtime 1 minute;
2. Collect the older child to school (you can invite dad's children to the stage. You need to prepare several identical sets of things, scatter a couple of books, notebooks, pens, backpacks). Run time 1-2 minutes;
3. Make a fake from improvised means (clay, cones, plastic cups, adhesive tape, scissors, colored paper). Runtime 1-2 minutes.
4. Put the child to bed. Write a bedtime story. Runtime 2 minutes. (Final stage carry out in sequence. If the stage is small, you can use the area in front of it).

(Announces the release of the dance group)

In every family, there are grandparents. And sometimes they spend a lot of time with their grandchildren. So, what if there is an unusual situation?

Competition "Grandma knows everything".
Several grandmothers are invited to the stage. The host offers several non-standard situations. Grandmother who will find the best and the most creative solution will receive a prize. The options are listed in order.

1. When you are going for a walk with your grandson, you take a bag with toys, a bag with all kinds of sweets. While playing on the court, your beloved child saw the goodies in another child, and demands it. But as luck would have it, your package didn't have anything like that. What will you do?
2. Walking around shopping center, your child broke an expensive vase, a couple passed by with another baby. Your actions?
3. Parents punished your child. Prohibition - watching cartoons. But, bad luck, your favorite cartoon has started in the cinema, and you have two tickets. What will you do?
4. Your child wanted to cook pancakes for you. Having kneaded the dough from sugar, eggs, flour, salt, soda and pepper, the child managed to fry the “pancakes”. It is impossible to eat it, but it is also impossible to offend the child, what will you do?
5. Inadvertently, you left your lipstick in a conspicuous place. It took the child a couple of minutes during your absence to decorate your new wallpaper. And so, you enter the room and you see new picture drawn with her lipstick. Your actions?

The family is the most sacred thing in the life of every person. This is a huge, painstaking work, an incredible puzzle, consisting of thousands of different parts.

The family saves from loneliness, promotes harmony and warmth.

It is not for nothing that poems and songs are composed about the family, in principle, as about love and fidelity.

Speaking of songs. Now, a very talented person will take the stage, with a very soulful composition!

(song being played)

Our concert is coming to an end
Unfortunately, friends
Now let's summarize
Competition "My Family"

(The jury determines the winner. The awarding takes place)

Thank you all for the warmth
It was good with you
And now it's time to go home
To your own family!

It would be nice to supplement the day with several family, perhaps relay races, competitions. To do this, then it would be necessary to organize several additional sites.

The All-Russian Day of Love, Family and Fidelity is a symbolic holiday celebrated on July 8th. Traditionally the patrons of the happy family life in fidelity and love are the saints Peter and Fevronia. The history goes back to the 13th century.

According to legend, Prince Peter, who lived in Murom, fell ill with leprosy. At that time, the maiden Fevronya and the Ryazan village, the daughter of a beekeeper, was famous for her ability to heal diseases. Peter visited her, asking for help. Fevronya promised to heal the prince if he would marry her for it, and he, of course, agreed. The maiden made an ointment and ordered to smear all the wounds except one. After a while, the treatment worked, and Peter renounced his promises to marry a peasant girl. However, the infection started again from the remaining unhealed wound. The prince had to go again to the commoner. This time, Peter kept his promise and after the cure he married Fevronia. They lived soul to soul, faithfully, truly, a happy and calm life, reigned in Murom and died on the same day. Such a legend accompanies the holiday, and the chamomile flower is considered its symbol.

This day is not just a beautiful date, but an opportunity to express your feelings, smooth out the roughness of relationships, bring the whole family together from grandparents to kids, or, conversely, be together with your little cell. A correctly chosen token of attention, whether it is a symbolic present or a significant gift, will not only please a dear person, but will bring them even closer.

Universal gifts

Depending on the financial opportunities, degree of closeness and individual features universal adult gifts can be subdivided as follows:

  • Budget: photo frames, photo albums with family pictures, books, mugs;
  • Practical: towels, blankets, bath accessories, garments, umbrellas, small Appliances, family barbecues, gadgets;
  • Expensive: jewelry with personalized engravings;
  • Symbolic: figurines of couples, angels, figures of swans, paired wine glasses, home amulets, family piggy banks;
  • Romantic: tickets to the cinema, theater, concert, a table in a cafe;
  • Intimate: underwear, delicate care accessories;
  • Cool: family certificates, mugs and t-shirts with a photo print, puzzles or panels depicting frames from life;
  • Handmade: gifts and souvenirs that you can make with your own hands, putting warmth, soul and creativity into it, for example, knitted items, handmade photo frames and jewelry, collages, candy bouquets, trees of happiness.

What to give your loved ones

At the stage of relationships “two steps away from the family”, when young people are already very close, but not yet married, the day of love, family and fidelity is a wonderful opportunity to take one more step towards each other, to feel like a family together. The arsenal of gifts for loved ones is extensive.

The girl can be seen as a sign of attention beloved gifts such as:

  • A culinary masterpiece or even unpretentious, but tasty dish, prepared and spectacularly decorated for a loved one, for example: a heart-shaped cake or pizza (baking in silicone molds is very simple). A man will appreciate both the attention and the female master's notes;
  • Vitamin and mineral complex for men, specifically aimed at maintaining strength and excellent physical shape;
  • A useful gadget, for example, a speakerphone, with a comment that you would like to hear the voice of your loved one more often, even when he is driving;
  • Love Day: If possible, start the morning with a gift of "yourself with a bow" and stick around all day. Do everything together: walk, cook, watch a good movie in an embrace;
  • A letter of fidelity and love: make an inscription on your or a joint photo, place the photo in a beautiful envelope and send it to your loved one.

The young man may please your beloved things like:

  • Flowers are a classic of any holiday. A bouquet according to the girl's preferences or symbolic chamomile suns will cheer you up for the whole day. They can be presented personally or presented with the help of a courier by attaching a greeting card;
  • Sweets and goodies from the hands of a loved one on this day are possible even for those who actively monitor their weight;
  • jewelry, bijouterie, stylish accessories to emphasize the beauty of your beloved;
  • Hike to a cultural and entertainment institution.

If a man is ripe for family life, it will be symbolic and touching on this holiday to make a marriage proposal.

marital gifts

All-Russian day of love, family and fidelity - good holiday for people who have tied fates and go through life together. Spouses can present gifts to each other completely different kind, approaching the choice already with knowledge of the desires and preferences of your soul mate.

universal in this case there will be things like:

  • An electronic photo frame where you can upload not only family pictures, but also photo wishes and declarations of love (they are easy to make in any graphic editor);
  • Collage with a selection of bright family shots that can be done in both modern style and stylized as retro. Interesting ideas for decorating a collage by arranging a photo in the form of a heart or designing each frame in the form of a footprint, like a step-by-step tracing of relationships from the moment of inception;
  • Thick photo album love story» with the ability to make captions for a photo that needs to be filled out incompletely, leaving many blank pages to continue the family story;
  • A joint trip, going to the cinema or to a concert will allow you to take a break from the usual everyday life and be close to your loved one;
  • Jewelry of a special design: it can be an engraving of names or love inscriptions, an opening pendant (for the wife) with the ability to put a miniature photo into it;
  • EBook;
  • Coffee in bed and pleasant culinary surprises decorated with romantic touches.

gifts husband from the wife can also become:

  • Cozy men's dressing gown;
  • Accessories: tie, belt, purse, cufflinks and other little things that emphasize masculinity;
  • Gadgets and car accessories;
  • Underwear with variations cool inscriptions, including a comic gift - "underpants-week" (collection of 7 pieces);
  • Men's bed linen, for example, in the style of "football field", followed by an erotic massage;
  • An honorary certificate of the head of the family can be excellent comic gift with serious implications.

Beloved wife a spouse can surprise with gifts such as:

  • A bouquet of flowers, which, no matter how trite it seems, pleases most women of any age. To create an exclusive, you can use stickers on the petals with inscriptions such as "Beloved", "From loving husband" etc.;
  • Women's little things: handbag, cosmetic bag, care products, jewelry made of natural stone;
  • Car accessories, if the wife is a car lady;
  • Spectacular underwear or peignoir;
  • A gentle blanket and a good book in addition, so that the spouse, having settled comfortably in the evening, could relax and read for her own pleasure;
  • Bath with foam by candlelight;
  • Subscription to a beauty salon;
  • Diploma of a beloved wife.

Gifts for parents

Of course, for parents, a reason to get together with the whole family, to see children, grandchildren is already a gift. Elderly parents would be nice to get:

  • A tea set for the whole family and something sweet to go with it, and as a continuation of the gift - family gatherings at the table;
  • Family collages and photo albums;
  • Genealogical book in good binding;
  • rocking chair;
  • Masseurs of point and complex impact;
  • Paired bathrobes for mother and father, made of soft natural materials;
  • A set of towels;
  • Age-related vitamins, complexes of supporting herbal remedies;
  • Hammock for country rest;
  • Wooden shoehorns with long handles;
  • Postcards from gentle words beloved father and mother.

Gift Ideas for mother:

  • Flowers, of course, big bouquet garden daisies, together with a spectacular vase;
  • High-quality face and body care products;
  • Kitchen appliances (slow cooker, food processor, etc.);
  • Handkerchief, light scarf or other nice accessory.

Gift Ideas for father:

  • Bath accessories;
  • Fishing set;
  • Board game (chess, backgammon);
  • Mini bar.

Gifts for adult daughters and sons

Children who already have families of their own will be pleased to receive gifts from their parents that ideologically emphasize their unity. own family, a kind of parental blessing.

Appropriate gifts from parents families of children will:

  • Family heirlooms, such as those passed down from generation to generation silver plate, vases, grandmother's embroidered paintings, boxes;
  • Bed linen set, a couple of pillows, a blanket;
  • Paired mugs "husband and wife";
  • Family piggy bank;
  • Ficus with a wish not to delay with grandchildren;
  • Comfort technology (water filter, coffee maker, air purifier).

unmarried daughter theme gifts can be:

  • A photo frame for two, where one photo is hers, and in the second cell there is an inscription “a place for a husband”;
  • Cookbook;
  • Perfume with pheromones;
  • Paired souvenirs: angels, a candlestick for two candles;
  • Household appliances for the home (waffle iron, blender, coffee maker).

unmarried son Parents can donate

  • A photo frame for two, where one photo is his, and in the other cell the inscription "a place for the wife";
  • Hobby attribute, for example: soccer ball, fishing gear;
  • BBQ set;
  • A set for cleaning and drying shoes (after all, girls often look at the neatness of the chosen one).

We involve children

The younger members of the family also need to be introduced to such kindness from childhood. family holiday. After all, children form the image of a family according to the model of their parents and carry it through their whole lives. This glorious day is good to spend together, with the whole family. You can visit grandparents, go out into nature and have a picnic, go to the zoo together, do sports family outing to the gym or just get together for a cozy family table. With the help of their parents, children can learn a congratulatory rhyme and congratulate family members.

Gifts with children's hands- This is a good tradition and excellent development. Crafts might look like this:

  • Postcards and photo frames;
  • Collage " family tree”, where photos of family members are pasted on a tree drawn on cardboard instead of fruits;
  • Flowers for mom (even simple field flowers, placed in a vase, decorated with a ribbon);
  • Drawings "my family";
  • Small sewn and knitted little things;
  • A panel for dad can make a boy older with a burner;
  • Embroidery, stained glass and much more that the child will put his soul into.

On this glorious day, it would be appropriate for a daughter to give a house for a doll, and for a son - a designer, I comment on what this symbolizes native home and good family. A nice, simple and unpretentious gift for the whole family will be cute slippers. But the most important thing is the time that you are happy to devote to your family, and the feelings invested in it. Love each other and be together!

GKUSO VO "Murom Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors"


competition and entertainment program dedicated to the day of family, love and fidelity "Chamomile happiness"

Target: To form in children the idea of ​​a family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other.


To teach children to politely communicate with adults, to cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones.

To instill in children love for their family and their relatives, respect for them .. During the holiday, create an atmosphere of emotional comfort

Event progress

Presenter: Good evening our dear children and parents .. How nice to see you with us, at our holiday dedicated to the "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity".
Family Day today in the world -
How many of you are in the family, four?
Let it become ten soon:
More noise, din, songs!
Let the family grow, grow stronger,
Never upset!
For children, the most beloved and dear people are his parents. Hobbies pass, many attachments pass, but love for one's parents, for one's family remains until the end of days. Children will tell you about what a family is by showing you a fairy tale.

The situation is in the form of a living room, in the middle there is a table with a samovar, cups, spoons. A mother bear enters, she begins to cook dinner, saying.
mother bear

Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out,
Burn the stove more cheerfully, we will cook more deliciously.
The whole family will gather, at dinner together,
Oh, I'll cook deliciously, you need to try.
(The bear takes a cast-iron from the stove and puts it on the table.)
Mother bear:
- Well, that's all ready, I'll go call my whole family.
(The bear leaves, the cat appears. He sneaks up to the table and walks around it.)
- Meow, meow, how delicious it smells
skillfully prepared,
There seems to be no one here
I'll steal lunch.
(He takes up the bowler hat, but at this time the bears appear.)

Mother bear:
- Well, wash your hands quickly,
And then lunch can get cold.
(Everyone wash their paws and sit down at the table. Mother bear arranges cups of porridge.)

Father Bear:
- Here, good hostess,
Give me more porridge,
I can in one sitting
Eat a big bowl of porridge

Mother bear:
- Well, why are you Mishutka,
You sit angry like Buka
Maybe the porridge is not tasty,
Or the spoon is too small.

- Fu, your bad porridge,
Tired, very
And not tasty, salty,
Badly prepared.

Father Bear:
- Well, stop grumbling,
You don't have to hurt your mom.
(The bear taps the spoon on the table.)

- I'm already a big bear,
I manage my own food
I'll get by without my family
You hurt me.
(Mishutka runs away from the table.)

Mother bear:

Maybe in vain you are so strict
After all, he doesn't have many years.

Father Bear:
It's time for him to know
What relatives need to be respected
Let's teach him a lesson

Let it live for one day.
(The parent bears leave, and the Cat crawls out from behind the stove, he eats porridge from Mishutka's cup

- Meow, meow, oh, how delicious,
I ate, the cup is empty,
My belly is full
Now I am a very full cat.
I'll sit a little more
Hope I don't fall asleep.

(The cat yawns and lies down next to the empty cup on the table. Mishutka appears.)

- So, what should I eat,
It seems I have porridge there,
There was a cup on the table
Why is it empty?

(Looks at the sleeping cat.)

- Confess if you dare
Did you finish my lunch?

(The cat jumps up and runs away from him)

- You didn't want to eat porridge,
You said you've grown up
You ran away from the table

Now you will prepare yourself.

- Well, it's okay, it doesn't matter,
Eka unseen, food,
And what is there to say

I'm making soup now.
Here is the pot, here is the water,
To pour us there?

Let's add some salt
Let's pour some sugar
We'll add more flour

And some coffee
So something is missing
Well, the fire doesn't burn.

- I feel bad things,
Food won't cook.

- We'll take the matches now,
Let's chirp here and wait.
Oh-she-she, oh, my paws,

My heels got burned.
(He runs, shaking his paws, touches the pan and pours flour on himself. He sits on the floor and cries.)

- Oh, how unlucky I am,
What should I do, how should I be

How can I get my mom back?

- Ask her for forgiveness
Give her an apology
After all, they are your family.

They do love you.
(Mom and dad appear

- Mom, dad, I'm sorry,
Excuse me for being rude

I won't act like this
I'm sorry about the porridge.

Mother bear:
- Know adults and children,
There is no closer in the world,
What is your family,
Love your loved ones, friends!

1 child: But what is a family?
It's dad, mom and me!
This is our warm, cozy home.
Full of happiness night and day!
So let's remember, friends
What a wonderful family.
2 child: Family is sacred
Family is happiness
If peace and friendship in the family
Everyone will envy you!
3 child: All the best things in life
I wish the family today
Sun of clear well-being,
warm words, tender lips by the moon.
4 child: Well, the most pleasant thing in life
Let only multiply and warm the years ...
And the space of love is immense
Keeps the family forever.

Presenter: The day of family, love and fidelity is very kind, bright and beautiful holiday, which quickly gained popularity in our country .. One flower became its symbol ...

They call her a yellow-eyed flower,

They plucked a flower - they guess with petals.

What's this? ( Chamomile).

Presenter: You and I will also tell fortunes on a camomile: a game for girls is called "Wrappers" . Game conditions: girls will need to approach the chamomile, pick a petal, read the task and complete it (a huge paper chamomile is on the stage - a task is written on the back of each petal):

    tell a poem about mom

    Solve the riddle:
    We are a big family
    The youngest is me!
    Do not immediately count us:
    Manya is, and Vanya is,
    Yura, Shura, Glasha, Dasha,
    And Natasha is also ours.
    We're walking down the street
    They say it's an orphanage.
    Count quickly
    How many of us are children in the family? (eight)

    Continue the proverbs: The corners of the hut are not red, but ... (red with pies). My house… (my castle). Away well… (and at home is better).

    How does the Russian “fruit” proverb sound about who inherited bad, unseemly behavior from his father or mother? ("The apple never falls far from the tree".)

    Solve the riddle:
    Who is not joking, but seriously
    Will a nail teach us how to hammer?
    Who will teach you to be brave?
    Having fallen from a great, do not whine,
    And scratched my knee
    Don't cry? Certainly,… (Dad)

    There is an alphabetic family in which, according to numerous verses, there are "thirty-three sisters." What is this family? (Alphabet.)

Leading: Girls are great! They did an excellent job with the assignments. Probably, you know firsthand about divination on daisies? I think you want to tell us about it in the dance. Dance "Daisies" for you

Leading: Amy does not get bored and move on to the next competition. Competition "Seven I" - guess the riddles:

Without what in the world
Adults can not live and children?
Who will support you friends?
Your friendly... (family)

Who is the cutest person in the world?
Who do children love the most?
I will answer the question directly:
All our dearest ... (Mother)

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail
Let the car drive
And tell you how to be brave
Strong, agile and skillful?
All you guys know -
This is our favorite... (dad)

Who does not stop loving
Bakes pies for us
delicious pancakes?
This is our... (grandmother)

Who worked all his life
Surrounded by care
grandchildren, grandmother, children,
respected ordinary people?
Retired for many years
Our ageless... (grandfather)

Who is a cheerful karapuzik -
Quickly crawling on the belly?
Amazing boy -
This is my youngest... (brother)

Who loves me and my brother,
But does she like to dress up more? -
Very fashionable girl
My eldest... (sister)

mothers elder sister -
Doesn't look old at all
With a smile he will ask: “How do you live?”
Who came to visit us? (aunt)

Who is with my mother's sister
Does he visit us sometimes?
Looking at me with a smile
"Hello!" tells me... (uncle)

I'm not alone with my mother
She also has a son
I'm small next to him

For me, he is the oldest... (Brother)

Leading: All the guys are great. I propose the following competition, which is called "Greedy"
The original ball competition will be fun for both adults and children. Balls without strings are scattered on the floor. The task of each family member is to collect the most a large number of balls.
Give everyone a trash bag, where the whole family will collect balls. Whoever collects the most wins.

Leading: Most beautiful word mother on earth. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

From pure heart, in simple words
Come on, friends, let's talk about mom.
We love her like good friend,
For the fact that we have everything in common with her.
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
We can cry at our native shoulder.
We love her and for the fact that sometimes
Eyes become stricter in wrinkles.
But it’s worth coming with a confession with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.
For always without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our hearts.
And just because she is our mother,
We love her deeply and dearly.

Showing Presentation "MAMA"

Competition "Through the mouth of a baby" The guys will portray babies who are trying to explain the words to you and me. And we will have to guess what word the kid had in mind. (baby costumes: bonnets, bibs)

    This is when everyone is together - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. (Family)

    In the family, this is the most precious thing, it is cherished, passed down from generation to generation. (Family heirloom)

    The most gentle, kindest, most beloved person for all people on Earth. (Mother)

    A place where we are all together. (house)

    It's so small, it's squeaky, it's a lot of trouble, but it's still loved. (child)

    All children play with them. (toys)

    This is not a man, but he is loved by all family members. (pet)

    She knits socks for everyone and bakes the most wonderful pies and buns. (grandmother)

    From it we become warmer and happier, but from the difficulties people have very little of it. Grandmothers have it the most. The kids need it so much. (Answer: kindness.)

    If it is not, then there is no joy. Without it, there is no life, but existence. It is always wished to each other, especially on postcards. You can't buy it for any amount of money. (Answer: health.)

    Every person dreams about it and certainly wants it to be in his life. Nobody knows where to look for it. They also say: "Achieve it yourself, and it will come to you." (Answer: happiness.)

    We always miss her, and therefore we often wish her to a person who is leaving or leaving. She accompanies someone, and therefore he is happy. When it happens, they say: "Lucky!" (Answer: luck.)

Leading: answer me guys a question

Who is not joking, but seriously

Will a nail teach us how to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

Having fallen from a great, do not whine,

And scratched my knee

Don't cry? Certainly, …

And we dedicate the next contest to our dads.


Players tie a thick thread or cord 1-1.5 meters long with a short stick (fish) at the end to the belt. The task of the catchers is to catch as many fish as possible - that is, to step on a stick dragging along the ground and cut it off. The one who catches the most fish and keeps his own wins.

Leading: Our holiday is coming to an end, let's summarize everything said and heard today:

We are growing in the family circle!

The basis of the foundations is the parental home!

In the family circle, all your roots!

And in life you leave the family!

love you without special reasons:

For being a grandson, for being a son,

For being a baby, for growing up,

Because he looks like mom and dad:

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.

Family is what we share for everyone,

A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.

Family is what is always with you.

Let seconds rush, weeks, years,

But the walls are dear - your father's house

The heart will forever remain in it!

The holiday is over, it's time to leave.

We wish you to remain young forever.

And more smiles and less losses.

May the door open for you right in happiness!

The child is learning

What he sees in his house

Parents are an example to him

And his house is a great fortress!

And may this house always be cozy, kind, hospitable. May there always be love and advice in him. Because in a family where there is love and advice, there is no need. And may you always say: "My family is my wealth."

And at the end of our holiday, the guys will sing the Hymn to the Family.