Steam baths for the face. How to do a steam bath. Steam engine from a tin can (for children)

Steam heating is a system in which heated water vapor acts as a heat carrier. Such heating was widely used in the 19th century in residential buildings. Soon the steam was replaced with water, but the name of the system (in our case, erroneous) remained the same.

Water vapor efficiently transports and transfers heat, but such heating was abandoned due to the strong heating of the heating equipment (its temperature exceeded 100ᵒС). Any contact with the surface of the device caused a burn, and a rupture of the line led to serious injuries and even death.

Note! In view of all this, today steam heating (in its original form) is prohibited for use in public residential premises.

However, the ban does not apply to private homes, so anyone can do as they please. But before making such a serious decision, you should weigh the pros and cons.

  1. The price of such a system is quite low.
  2. Steam heating is not defrosted, so it can be used all year round without the risk of freezing of the coolant.
  3. Heat losses in heat exchangers are practically reduced to zero.
  4. In such a system, energy is transferred by radiation and convection. For comparison: it is the convection component that prevails in the water, while the heat transfer of radiators is quite low.
  5. Radiators and pipes of smaller size/diameter may be used during installation.


But there are also disadvantages that you need to know about before installing.

  1. Steam circulating through the system creates noise.
  2. The temperature of the heating equipment may exceed 100ᵒС.
  3. In the event of a breakthrough, an increased emergency hazard arises.
  4. Susceptibility to corrosion.

Principle of operation

The heat generator in steam heating is a boiler operating at low pressure - it forms hot steam and transfers it through the mains. When moving, the steam condenses and settles on the walls of the devices, giving off a large number of heat - this is the secret of high system performance.

Note! When condensing 1 kg of steam, more than 2,400 kJ of energy is released, while when the same amount of steam cools by 50ᵒС, only 110 kJ is formed. The condensate itself, after settling, flows down and enters the heat generator naturally or with a circulation pump.

The steam pressure depends on the type of system:

  • in conventional steam heating, it is higher than atmospheric, but does not exceed 6 atm.;
  • in vacuum systems it is below atmospheric.

Adjustment of heat supply is carried out by changing the intensity of vaporization. If the need arises, the supply is simply blocked, which creates the conditions for cooling the house.

Heating equipment here are traditional cast iron or steel radiators, as well as finned tubes.

According to another classification, steam heating can be:

  • closed - in this case condensate returns naturally, for which larger diameter pipes are used;
  • open - here water accumulates in a special container and is pumped with a pump.

Do-it-yourself steam heating

The arrangement of steam heating consists of two stages - design and actual installation.

Stage 1. System design

Once again, we remind you of the peculiarities of using steam as a heat carrier - this is a high temperature of the pipeline and radiators, as well as an increased accident rate. When all the pros and cons are weighed, work can begin. First, a project of the future system is created.

First, the required power of the heat generator is determined. This takes into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house - if it does not exceed 200 m², then a device with a power of 25 kW is enough, but if it fluctuates between 200 m² and 300 m², then a minimum of 30 kW will be required. Based on this information, a boiler is selected. When buying, consider the following factors:

  • the type of fuel to be used;
  • the possibility of heating water for domestic needs.

Note! Choosing a heating boiler is one of the milestones arrangement of steam heating.

Heating circuit

The scheme also needs to be decided in advance. The choice of one or the other depends on:

  • location of the boiler;
  • the area of ​​the heated room;
  • conditions for the installation of heating devices;
  • the required number of these devices.

In a word, that's enough Difficult choice in which the video below will help.

Video - Features of working with steel pipes


For steam heating, the use of conventional plumbing pipes is unacceptable due to high temperature the entire system. For this reason, the choice of pipes should be given great attention, even if it is small.

In order to facilitate installation work at the design stage, it is necessary to determine:

  • location of radiators;
  • pipeline length;
  • installation sites for distributors, branch lines, adapters, etc.

Note! All these data are transferred to paper. An approximate sketch of steam heating is drawn up, where all the necessary details are indicated.

Issue price

After drawing up the project, future costs are determined. It is difficult to say how much the equipment of such a system will cost, without reference to heating devices, scope of work and specific conditions. We only note that, according to experts, steam heating in any case will cost less than conventional water heating.

Stage 2. Installation work

Step 1. First, an exact wiring diagram is drawn based on the sketch.

Step 3 An expansion tank is attached. It must be connected to the pipeline leading from the heat generator to the radiators. Another important point: the tank must be installed at the highest point of the heating system.

It can be closed and open, with or without overflow.

Note! Professionals advise installing an open tank, moreover, as close as possible to the heating boiler. Although such a scheme may well be suitable for a closed-type device.

Step 4. Pipelines are being installed. This happens as follows: the pipe is brought to the radiator, cut off if necessary, after which the outputs and inputs are connected. Then the pipe is connected in the same way from the first radiator to the second, then from the second to the third, and so on.

Note! Each radiator is recommended to be equipped with a Mayevsky crane to remove air pockets.

Step 5. The circuit closes, that is, it is brought to the beginning - the heat generator. It is important that the boiler is equipped with a filter and (if necessary) a circulation pump.

Note! Hot water vapor can come from a boiler mounted in any convenient place - in the garage, summer kitchen or in the house itself. It will not affect the quality of heating, but financial side question depends entirely on the required length of the pipeline.

In this case, the installation of a heat generator is no different from a similar procedure in a residential area. At the same time, the bay / drain unit can be equipped on any section of the highway. This unit is necessary for draining the coolant at the end of the heating season or before repairing the system.

Video - Installation of a heating boiler

Step 7. All heating devices are tested. If they are new, then it is advisable to invite a specialist for a trial run.

Underfloor heating system

"Warm floor" takes on Lately increasing popularity. Often it is created on the basis of electric heating, but if desired, water can also be used. Installing such a system is a complex and time-consuming procedure. Polypropylene pipes are laid under the floor covering (metal-plastic can also be used), through which hot coolant will circulate.

It is also necessary to install a room thermostat - it will be used to regulate the temperature.

Such a variation of the "warm floor" system has a lot of advantages compared to the electric one, the main of which are low cost and low energy consumption.


The use of hot steam can hardly be attributed to popular types of heating, moreover, according to current legislation, it is prohibited to use it in residential and public buildings. But sometimes, in order to save money, it is still installed in garages, outbuildings, and even in private homes.

Cutlets, when steamed, are not just tasty. They are also extremely useful due to the fact that due to the fact that by not using fat with a similar method of heat treatment, the dish will have significantly less harmful cholesterol and calories. Vitamins and other nutrients, on the contrary, can be saved many times more than with a different method of preparation.

This dish has one more advantage: it is suitable for the diet of people of virtually any age. Children who are just starting to get used to dishes from the common table, as well as those who are sick and must be on a special diet, will be able to taste it. As a rule, physicians do not prohibit steam cutlets in such situations and often even recommend it - to saturate a weakened body with proteins.

However, some link the creation of the above dish with the presence of a special device in the house - a double boiler. There are those who believe that in the absence of such a device, it will be very difficult to find an adequate replacement for it. This approach is incorrect, since in reality there are several ways to manufacture steam cutlets ok no steamer.

One of the simplest methods known to a considerable number of housewives is the use of a flat-bottomed colander or sieve along with a fairly roomy pot with a lid. The latter should be slightly more than the first in diameter, but such that they do not fall into it, but are held at the top.

The pot must be filled with enough liquid. However, at the same time, its level, even in boiling form, should be left just below the bottom of a sieve or colander. The dish is steamed, not boiled! However, the liquid must not be allowed to boil away completely.

You can make cutlets according to any suitable recipe. For example, from half a kilogram of meat, a quarter of a white loaf pre-soaked in a glass of milk, one onion, an egg and spices. Traditionally, all components are passed through a meat grinder, and not very large balls are formed from the resulting mass.

Cutlets should be placed in a sieve or colander so that a small distance is maintained between them. Next, the vessel must be placed on top of the pot with boiling liquid and cover it with a lid. Having slightly reduced the fire (to medium), you need to cook the dish for about 30-40 minutes. To determine readiness, it is worth breaking one cutlet. The meat inside it should be uniform in color, and the resulting juice should be transparent.

For other ways to create steam cutlets, a metal sieve is also useful. In addition to it, you will need pots various sizes, a piece of gauze at least 50x50 cm, twine and a grill grate from a microwave oven.

In one of the saucepans, whose diameter is about 20-25 cm, you need to pour water and cover everything with gauze, tightly tying it with twine. The fabric then needs to be pushed down a little to get a kind of hemisphere. Having boiled water, you should put cutlets on gauze and, having covered the pan with a lid, cook the dish for 35-40 minutes.

Instead of gauze, you can try to place a special rounded grill stand inside the pan of a suitable diameter. Heat treatment of cutlets on it usually lasts about 40 minutes.

In each case, it is necessary to ensure that the lid on top tightly closes the pan. Otherwise, the cooking time for steam cutlets will be increased - up to 60 minutes, or even more.

Such a dish will differ from its fried version in the absence of a golden crust. At the same time, however, it will be much juicier and more tender in taste.

Why is such a procedure necessary at all? The fact is that under the influence of hot steam, the pores of the skin open, which allows you to easily remove dirt and black dots from the surface. Regular steam baths for the face increase skin turgor by improving blood circulation. Also, hot steam softens the upper layer of the dermis, and dead skin particles are easily exfoliated.

It is noticed that after such a procedure, creams are better absorbed and the intensity of their impact increases.

Do steam baths for the face possible with the use of herbal decoctions, essential oils Or just plain water. If you use decoctions or oils, the steam bath can also have healing effect, promote skin disinfection.

How to make a steam bath for the face

In the conditions for steam bath you will need dishes with a capacity of approximately 3 liters. It can be a saucepan or a wide bowl. The container needs to be filled hot water(60-70 degrees) by three quarters of the volume. The face should be tilted over the dishes by about 40 centimeters, cover the head with a towel from above. The procedure time is about 15 minutes.

Before you do steam bath, face must be cleaned by washing with soap. Under the eyes it is recommended to apply oily - there is very soft skin and it needs to be protected. After the procedure, if your skin is in order, you need to wash your face with cool water and wipe your face with lotion or water with lemon juice.

If you have black dots, then after steaming, you need to blot your face dry and remove the plugs that have come to the surface. To do this, the finger is wrapped with a piece of bandage soaked in a disinfectant solution (for example, hydrogen peroxide) and black dots are removed from the skin.
At the same time, you cannot press them, they must move away on their own. If you undertake to squeeze blackheads on steamed skin, you can seriously damage it.

After you remove everything, you need to wipe your face with the same hydrogen peroxide or water with lemon juice and wash your face. The cream can be applied half an hour after the steam bath.

If the first time you can not remove black dots naturally, steam baths for the face you can do several days in a row. Eventually, they will soften and separate easily. This method, however, can only be recommended for oily or normal skin. In other cases, frequent steam baths for the face it is not recommended to carry out, it is better to contact the office.

For steam baths, as already mentioned, you can use herbal decoctions and essential oils. In the latter case, you just need to add the chosen one to the water (10 drops). If you use herbs, then you need to brew them first. You can boil for a few minutes, taking herbs, at the rate of a tablespoon for 2 cups of water, and then add to the dishes for a steam bath. And you can put in boiling water (in bulk or in a gauze bag) some time before the procedure. When the water cools to desired temperature, you can start.

Steam baths for the face especially useful for oily skin. It is noticed that at regular use With this procedure, oily skin becomes fresher, pores are narrowed, acne scars are smoothed out. For oily skin steam baths for the face can be done about once a week, the procedure can take up to 20 minutes.

For skin facial steam baths you should not get carried away, if you want, you can do them no more than once a month. Chamomile, orange, rose can be added to water. The procedure time is no more than 5 minutes. For aging skin, facial steam baths should be done according to the same scheme.

For normal skin, the procedure will be useful if it is carried out twice a month. You can use chamomile, lavender, sandalwood, cloves, thyme, geranium and others. The procedure time is up to 15 minutes.

Steam baths for the face- a thing, of course, useful, however, there are some limitations. So, this procedure not recommended for severe inflammatory processes on the skin, dermatitis and other skin diseases, hypertension, heightened growth facial hair, asthma, vascular network on the face. In these cases, cleaning is best done in a beauty parlor.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

Steam baths for the face complex procedure recommended for all skin types. Thanks to its complex action, it cleanses the ducts, removes decay products, and accelerates renewal processes. Prepared on the basis of herbs, soothe the skin, help to refresh the color. natural recipes conceal the secrets of eternal beauty and youthfulness of the face.

Benefits of a steam bath for the skin

  1. Remove keratinized epidermis;
  2. Clear sebaceous plugs;
  3. Remove toxins and oxidants;
  4. Strengthen facial capillaries;
  5. Soothe and cure inflammation and ulcers;
  6. Moisturize and saturate the covers with useful elements.

Rules for the use of a steam bath for the face

For achievement maximum effect it is important to properly make steam baths at home, following simple recommendations:

  • you need to thoroughly wash your hands, clean your face of cosmetics, remove your hair with hairpins or hide it under a bandage;
  • close your eyes and tilt your face over the steam, cover your head with a towel from above;
  • depending on the type of skin, keep a certain amount of time, for dry and sensitive from three to five minutes, for oily and combination from ten to fifteen;
  • after close the pores cold water or citrus juice, apply moisturizer;
  • no more than three/five times a month.

Interesting video: steam bath- facial cleansing

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

What herbs are suitable for steam baths

Herbs are useful for freshness and softening of the integument, saturation with useful elements. For each type, it is worth using collections of dry or freshly picked herbs. Natural recipes help normalize intracellular processes, stop age-related changes.

  1. Dry skin - sage, chamomile, parsley, lemon balm;
  2. Oily skin - oak, birch, nettle, chamomile, calendula;
  3. Combination skin - mint, yarrow, mountain ash, celandine;
  4. For aging skin - thyme, sage, coltsfoot.

Contraindications for use

There are the following contraindications for the steam procedure:

  • individual intolerance;
  • wounds, cuts, burns;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • increased facial hair growth;
  • thin vessels, rosacea.

Homemade steam bath recipes for the face

Facial care with the help of natural ingredients helps to strengthen the facial vessels and improve the color. Natural recipes deeply cleanse, help normalize intracellular processes. home cleaning effectively softens the skin, copes with flabbiness and peeling.

For acne with chamomile

With your own hands it is easy to restore the skin, cure purulent formations. The healing procedure normalizes the secretion of glands, stops the spread of infection.


  • 15 gr. chamomile;
  • 800 ml of water;
  • 8 drops of ether tea tree.

Preparation and method of application: put the flowers with water in a water bath, keep for ten minutes. After removing the healing liquid from the heat, mix with tea tree oil, pour into a wide bowl. Keep your face up to seven minutes, after which it is easy to get wet cotton pad.

Interesting video: Facial cleansing at home

From wrinkles with sage

The toning procedure saturates the skin with useful substances, activating the synthesis of elastin. By using folk recipes You can rejuvenate your face, restore freshness and radiance.


  • 150 ml of sage broth;
  • 5 drops of rosemary ether.

Preparation and method of application: prepare a concentrated decoction, strain and mix with aromatic oils. Remove make-up from the face, tilt over the healing steam for eight / ten minutes. After additionally wipe the covers with liquid with a sponge.

From black dots with yarrow

Steam baths effectively get rid of comedones, softening sebaceous plugs, and help to remove decay products. Thanks to the available procedure, you can deeply clean the integument and improve oxygen respiration.


  • 500 ml of water.

Preparation and method of application: pour boiling water over the grass, wait 2-3 minutes, then you can lower your face over the steam. Hold for ten to twelve minutes, with rapid cooling, reheat. After spread in the T-region oat flour, after two minutes, complete the deep cleaning.

From acne with calendula

Healing inflorescences have an excellent effect on problematic, painful formations. Thanks to regular home care you can stop the spread of infection, speed up the healing process.



  • 10 gr. calendula;
  • 5 drops of pine essential oil;
  • 500 ml of water.

Preparation and method of application: brew marigolds with water, add essential pine oil. Wipe the skin with micellar liquid and tilt over the bowl. Hold for three to five minutes, then lightly blot with a cotton pad, wipe acne with boric alcohol.

For cleansing pores

Periodically, even normal skin needs deep cleaning. Steam baths are useful for activating intracellular processes, improving tone and elasticity. It also solves the problem of unhealthy color and moisture deficiency.


  • 5 gr. series;
  • 5 gr. birches;
  • 3 drops of rose essential oil;
  • 300 ml of water.

Preparation and method of application: thoroughly crush the herbs in a mortar and pour boiling water, then add flower oil. Carry out the procedure for about eight minutes, then wipe the covers with lemon juice.

For dry skin

Paraffin bath allows you to quickly restore integument, cope with dryness, smooth out wrinkles. Effective Recipes it is recommended to carry out with flabby aging skin, with frequent peeling and irritation. Perfectly removes puffiness, corrects the oval line.


  • 30 gr. paraffin;
  • 5 ml of almond oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil

Preparation and method of application: heating the paraffin in a water bath (it is important that water does not get in, otherwise you can get a burn), cleanse your face of makeup. After mixing the oils, distribute evenly on the skin, then use a spatula to distribute the paraffin on massage lines, forming as many layers as possible. Enjoy the action for about half an hour, then remove the remnants.

For oily skin

A steam bath for the face is an excellent method to cope with bumpy, porous skin prone to acne formations. The cleansing and tonic effect helps to normalize the functioning of the glands, improve metabolic processes. Redness and greasy shine pass.


  • 10 gr. nettles;
  • 5 gr. mint;
  • 2 drops of sandalwood ether;
  • 2 drops of orange ether;
  • 300 ml of water.

Preparation and method of application: after preparing a concentrated decoction, mix it with oils. Keep the face cleansed from the make-up over the steam for eight minutes, then wash with water.

For combination skin

A steam bath with soda is one of the best emergency facial cleansing, if necessary, quickly restore a flowering appearance. A spa session helps to cope with comedones, narrow enlarged pores. The herbal treatment moisturizes and refreshes the color.


  • 5 gr. plantain;
  • 5 gr. lindens;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 7 drops of bergamot ether.

Preparation and method of application: brew herbs and mix with fragrant drops. The duration of the session ranges from six to eight minutes, then you can apply a cold towel to the covers.

For normal skin

Supports freshness and youthfulness, helps improve color and strengthen capillaries available procedure. Thanks to regular use, it is easy to hide signs of fatigue and insomnia, forget about mimic wrinkles.


  • 1 st. a spoonful of elderberry;
  • a teaspoon of parsley root;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 3-4 drops of patchouli essential oil.

Production and method of application: grind the elderberry together with the root and pour it with water, cook in a water bath for ten / twelve minutes. Remove from heat and add essential drops. Keep your face over the steam for no more than seven minutes, then apply a moisturizer.

Interesting video: How to steam the skin of the face?

Miracle steam

Hot steam has a beneficial cleansing effect on the epidermis. Due to high-temperature exposure, sebaceous plugs and infiltrates are absorbed - local seals after inflamed acne. The pores open, water in the form of steam penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, clearing it of comedones - black dots. Under the influence of heat, blood circulation increases, accelerates metabolic processes in cells, actively absorbed useful material, which are part of the decoction for steam bath. The procedure provokes active sweating, due to this, toxins are removed. Drops of water condensing on the skin, flowing down, wash away those released on the surface harmful substances. There is an active hydration of the skin and, as a result, its rejuvenation.

Herbs for a couple

The cosmetic property of steam can be significantly increased by combining it with the action of medicinal herbs and essential oils. Steamed skin actively absorbs volatile substances in the air, the penetrating power of healing microelements increases significantly.

When preparing a steam bath, in 1.5 liters of boiling water, drop 1-2 tablespoons of the appropriate herbal collection and 3-4 drops of essential oil. For dry skin, decoctions of mint, parsley, coltsfoot, rose petals are perfect. Of the essential oils, sandalwood, rosewood oil, chamomile, jasmine, geranium, orange are recommended - natural moisturizers and nourishers. Decoctions of wormwood, yarrow, St. John's wort, chicory, chamomile, calendula, and horsetail have a beneficial effect on the condition of oily skin. From the variety of essential oils, it is better to choose the oil of bergamot, grapefruit, rosemary, patchouli, clove, cedar, lemon balm, lemon - natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents.