Skin care in spring (interview with a beautician). Difficult choice: Girls on the search for their beautician

When should you start visiting a beautician? At what age and what procedures should be done? How should you take care of yourself at home? These and many other questions are answered by cosmetologist Nadezhda Vishchipanova.

Nadezhda Vishchipanova does not need to be introduced for a long time. She is a super-class doctor-beautician and just a master of her craft. You don't need to prove it. It is enough to turn on Channel One on Saturday at 13:15 and see how this talented and spectacular woman makes the participants of the popular Ten Years Younger project beautiful and happy. If you want to see for yourself the coolness and professionalism of Nadezhda Vishpanova, then try calling and making an appointment with her. I’ll warn you right away: it will be difficult for you to find a free place in three or four months! There are a huge number of people who want to be in the office of Nadezhda Vischipanova. Nadia comes to the clinic early in the morning and leaves late in the evening. But in her busy schedule, she always finds time for her favorite hobby - tango. You should have seen how Nadezhda gracefully moves along the parquet! I was lucky to see this. Because the star beautician made an appointmentto meat your favorite dance club! And I was once again convinced that a talented person is talented in everything!

Inna Kuleba: Nadia, every woman wants to be young and beautiful forever. At what age and with what procedures should you start visiting a beautician? What should you do to prolong your youth?

Nadezhda Vishchipanova: I'm happy for the right question. We cannot stop time. And I always tell my patients: "Nobody has invented the apple of rejuvenation yet." But you can make it look very good at 50, 60, 70 and even 100 years old. Everything is in the hands of a woman! Although, I will not deny that in many respects a good appearance depends on genetics. Therefore, the first questions I ask patients in my office are: “Who do you look like? For mom or dad? How do they look now?

“Depending on how your parents look, who you look like in terms of face type, skin type, aging type, I select a program to preserve youth.”

I.K. And if the patient says : “I look like my mother…” What do you do next?

N.V. If the patient says: “Oh, you know, I look like my mother. She is now 55 years old, her face has drooped a lot and her double chin is hanging.” Then I understand that I need to direct all my actions to maintain the oval of the face. And although this patient is now 35 years old and does not yet have signs of ptosis, today there are methods by which it is possible to anticipate and slow down the drooping of the face.

Or… if a girl comes to me and says that she is a copy of the pope, and he has deep “furrows” on his forehead, then in this case, despite the young age of the patient, I start injecting botulinum toxin in small doses. Thanks to this, you can go against genetics and make it so that by the age of 40 the forehead will be nice and smooth, not wrinkled like dad's.

I.K. Let's now go through the age categories and you will give women of different ages some advice. Let's start with young 20-year-old girls. Where do they need to start taking care of themselves?

N.V. I kindly ask young girls (from 20 to 30 years old) not to try to rush into the maelstrom of cosmetology and take everything from it at once. You just need to choose the right cosmetics, periodically do cleansing care procedures and that's it! By the way, care procedures should be done by a woman at any age.

I.K. What does “care routine” mean? What is included in this concept?

N.V. Care is skin cleansing, the introduction of serum concentrates, massage, good masks. What you do to yourself at home, believe me, cannot be compared with what a cosmetologist-aesthetician does to you during a procedure in a clinic. The components that are contained in the masks for home use are completely different than those in the masks that we purchase for professional use.

I.K. And how often do you need to do maintenance procedures?

N.V. At least once a month.

“Every decent woman should visit a beautician once a month.”

I.K. What advice would you give to women 35+?

N.V 35+ is the time when a wife looks at herself in the mirror and begins to understand what's wrong with her face. something wrong. During this period, the skeleton changes, there are changes in the fit on this skeleton of all fat packages. In addition, by the age of 35, the body stops producing hyaluronic acid. Accordingly, collagen begins to behave differently in the skin, and there is less elastin. All this leads to aging of the skin.

Therefore, at this moment, you need to start doing mesotherapy and birevitalization courses twice a year . The best time is in spring and autumn. Perhaps, for some skin types, already and hardware methods. Such as photorejuvenation, photobiomodulation (light therapy). They help keep the skin toned. also in at this age, minimal correction of age-related changes is possible with the help of botulinum toxin and fillers . Sometimes there are very pronounced cheekbones and against this background the nasolabial folds begin to collapse. Accordingly, it is necessary to enclose hyaluronic acid so that creases do not form.

If an oval begins to creep, then in this case it can help thread installation. They will not give some crazy effect, but will stop the drooping of the face. That's all I would recommend doing between the ages of 35 and 45.

I.K. And what is the light therapy you mentioned earlier?

N.V. This procedure, which in medical parlance is called photobiomodulation . Those who are older probably remember that before all inflammations were treated at home with blue lamps ...

I.K. Certainly! Even I remember how, as a child, my mother often used such a lamp when I was sick ...

N.V. Indeed, blue light has a bactericidal effect, treats inflammation, normalizes immune processes, red light stimulates, green light calms, activates enzymes, yellow lightens age spots, white light is an antidepressant. It is possible to combine colors. And all this can affect the skin, depending on what result we want to achieve. Light affects the mitochondria of cells, activates ATP, that is, increases its energy potential. This procedure is also called “cell restoration”.

I.K. How is this procedure going?

N.V. Before photobiomodulation (light therapy) a good cleansing of the skin is done, then, depending on the tasks, a spectrum of rays is selected, which shine on the skin. You lie and relax with pleasant music. Then you put on a mask. Thanks to the light, all the beneficial substances from the mask penetrate deep into the skin. The procedure is good because after it rehabilitation is not needed. You can immediately apply makeup and go to decorate the world.

I.K. And from the age of 45, what procedures should be included in your beauty diet?

N.V. In the period from 45 to 55 years, serious hormonal changes occur and specific age signs appear on the face. Here you need to make the most of everything that is now available in cosmetologists. Llaser resurfacing, peeling, laser rejuvenation without skin damage, laser rejuvenation with skin damage. Give a good effect photo and light therapy, which I have already spoken about earlier. Needs to be done regularly mesotherapy or biorevitalization with help both monopreparations, for example, hyaluronic acid, and polybiorevitalizants . In addition to hyaluronic acid, they contain a huge number of other components: amino acids, active peptide complexes, which allow not only to moisturize the skin and activate fibroblasts, but also to launch collagen, as well as activate other processes.

And, of course, do not forget about injections botulinum toxin and fillers . During this period, there is a serious resorption of the bone, in many the middle part of the face falls through. This causes the appearance of the nasolacrimal and bucco-zygomatic furrows. From this view - very tired and tortured. It seems that a woman is crying without ceasing, she is very tired at work, she does not get enough sleep. In fact, she's doing great. Such deformations of fat packages can be filled with fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

“But I want to note that one or two procedures will not bring any magic!”

Cosmetology is just regularity. It is not worth waiting for the result after the first procedure. It will be, but for someone - after two or three months of regular visits to a beautician, for someone - after six months. And I say to someone: “We will return your face to you, which you had 10-15 years ago, but for this we will need a year of methodical work.”

I.K. I have always been interested in whether cosmetology still treats signs of aging or just helps.for a whiletheirhide?

N.V. Of course it heals. But! I say again: cosmetology is regularity. In order to cure the infection, we do not drink one antibiotic tablet, but take the medicine for a week, right? To lose weight and be in shape, we eat right every day and understand that there will be no result if we eat a healthy product once, for example, in January. The same is true with cosmetology. The right substances must be constantly delivered to the skin in the right mode. Only then will we be able to cope with many problems.

N.V. After 55, a woman experiences a sharp hormonal surge. At this age, we, cosmetologists, begin to actively cooperate with gynecologists-endocrinologists. And it is very good if a woman starts to monitor her hormones from the age of 45, because the use of various supplements, phytohormones and other things helps to reach menopause in good condition.

In general, at the age of 55+ procedures become more aggressive. Here you can not do without polishing, lifting systems, which allow you to additionally maintain your face in good shape. And, I will not dissemble, age-related changes that occur after 50 years, sometimes, can only be corrected with the help of plastic surgery.

I.K. In my blog, I announced an interview with you and several readers asked to know: what should be done to prevent the appearance of so-called "bulldog" cheeks?

N.V. It all depends on the type of face. It so happens that "bulldog" cheeks, that is, fleas do not appear even at the age of 50. And it happens that this problem begins to torment already in 30. In this case, I would advise you to do Facebook building. After all, there are a huge number of muscles on the face and gymnastics will help strengthen them.This is about how you can help yourself. And at the beautician in the fight against brylya can offer you care procedures with massage techniques or myostimulation. For example, in our clinic perfectly tighten the oval of the face on the apparatus "Vip Line". That is, if you are too lazy to do gymnastics, then come to the clinic ...

I.K. ... and the device will do everything for you ...

N.V. Yes, the beautician and the apparatus will do it for you. In addition, the installation of threads helps in the fight against jingles. If they do not help, then you should contact plastic surgeons.

I.K. My readers also asked me to ask you about ozone therapy. How effective is it?

N.V. Ozone therapy This is a very cost effective facial. Yes, it gives an effect, but it is achieved much more slowly than from injections of ready-made preparations and cocktails. If we want to stimulate and moisturize the skin, then we use a biorevitalizant or some kind of mesotherapeutic preparation. In this case, we will get a brighter result than with ozone therapy.

But, it is worth noting that ozone is an excellent tool for the treatment of cellulite. True, in this case, ozone therapy should be combined with massage. 10-13 procedures 2-3 times a week along with massage give a very good effect.

I.K. In general, what is usefulfor facial skinozone therapy?

N.V. It all depends on the concentration of ozone. This procedure has either a lipolytic effect, or a bactericidal effect, or a stimulating effect. In terms of rejuvenation, we will not get any effect at all. That is why we practically do not use ozone therapy as an anti-aging agent.

I.K. What should your daily routine consist of?home face care?

N.V. Home daily care includes morning cleansing. That is, washing with water or a cleanser. If oily skin, then better cleanser. After that, be sure to use a tonic according to the type of skin and only then it is worth applying a cream, depending on the type of skin. Nothing more needs to be done. During the summer months when it's hot, I advise apply spf cream. This will help protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Same thing in the evening: thorough cleansing of the skin with milk, foam or gel. Who likes what. After that, be sure tonic and cream.

I.K. And the cream should be morning and evening?

N.V. It is not always necessary to choose a cream separately for the morning, separately for the evening. You can use the same one. But for the area around the eyes cream should be separate. Moreover, I advise some people to apply the cream for the eyelids only in the morning and in no case - in the evening, for some, on the contrary, I recommend it only in the evening.

I.K. What does it depend on?

N.V. From puffiness, from a tendency to hernia, from pastosity. Sometimes girls say to me: "The cream that you recommended to me does not suit me, because my eyes swell in the morning." Naturally, they will swell if you drank tea in the evening, then applied a thick layer of cream and went to bed right away.

I.K. What other procedures can be done at home?

N.V. Once a week, do homemade cleansing in the form of gommage, which will easily and non-traumatically cleanse and renew the skin. And, if possible, then, at least once a week, put yourself some kind of magic mask.

I.K. Nadia, thank you for your valuable advice. Finally - your wishes to women who want to be young and beautiful ...

N.V. There is such a good phrase: "Only in the power of a woman to stop time." And we must try to do this for our men who are next to us, for our children, who are always pleased to look at young and well-groomed mothers. So, dear girls, girls, ladies, let's love ourselves!

Journalist. How to determine what is the external beauty of a person?

Cosmetologist. The concept of external beauty is relative and changeable; there are no permanent standards here. And it is not the degree of approximation to the currently accepted standard that determines human beauty. If we do not talk about some anomalies, external deformities, skin diseases, then a normal healthy person who monitors his appearance and is not too lazy to spend time on this every day - by the way, not so much! - always handsome.

So, a trained mobile body without excessive accumulations, clean, well-groomed skin, a neat haircut, snow-white teeth (quite possibly, not without the help of a dentist), combined with cordiality and warmth towards people, and at any age a person will be attractive, even if nature does not give him the correct facial features and perfect body shapes.

Journalist. Since the time of Hippocrates, the thesis has been repeated: beauty and health are inseparable. How do doctors justify this position?

Cosmetologist. The human body is a single system. Our appearance is largely determined by the state of the skin, which is part of this integral system and is connected with other organs and tissues by many nerve pathways and blood vessels. This relationship is coordinated by the central nervous system. Diseases of various organs, metabolic disorders, many neurological diseases lead to a change in the appearance of the skin, its redness or blanching, peeling or the appearance of a rash, spots. Finally, if the mental state of a person does not correspond to the norm, he is preoccupied, depressed, this, of course, also affects his appearance, behavior, and health.

Journalist. How can you explain why so many people have been trying to improve their appearance lately?

Cosmetologist. First of all, obviously, the degree of development of culture and economy. All this has a direct connection with how widely cosmetics are used in society, what is the level of its achievements. In addition, in our time of collective work and collective recreation, a person has to be in public more often than ever before. At the same time, the natural desire of everyone to look good is also fueled by television, cinema and illustrated magazines, where, as you know, everyone, even ugly characters, is attractive. And the possibilities of modern cosmetics and cosmetology are such that this very common desire, as a rule, can be satisfied.

And I would like to emphasize one more social aspect of this issue. The mental and even physical health of a person, his ability to work, relationships with others, personal life to a certain extent depend on his appearance. After all, it is joyful to feel yourself in shape, and colleagues, close and even not very close people will enjoy communicating with a fit, collected, active person.

And yet I want to emphasize again: when we talk about the daily use of cosmetics, for most healthy people this means only the systematic implementation of hygiene and preventive procedures, and for older women - the reasonable use of makeup.

Journalist. From this, apparently, it follows that you do not recommend young people to use makeup?

Cosmetologist. The natural beauty of youth does not need the means and art of decorative cosmetics. What could be more beautiful than the fresh, smooth skin of a young girl's face, a gentle blush, radiant eyes, clean shiny hair, snow-white teeth, a slender figure? Decorative cosmetics only takes away the charm of individuality and youth from a young face, making it more mature and standard.

By the way, my opinion on this issue is not original. The women's magazine "El" ("She"), published in France - and the French have always been recognized as masters of makeup - recently wrote, referring to the young: "Do not be zealous in choosing cosmetics. The best decoration of a girl is clean hair and sparkling eyes. However, women understand this only when youth has already passed.

I will add that what has been said does not apply to perfumes - one should never forget about good perfumes, only very few of them are required.

Journalist. How, after all, to be those girls and women (men usually care less about this issue), whom nature has not endowed with the correct facial features and ideal body shapes? We often hear from them that on weekdays, and especially acutely on holidays, they experience this ugliness of theirs (often invented by themselves!), They try not to be in sight, feeling their inferiority. And some define for themselves a certain standard of external beauty, and if some of their own features do not correspond to this ideal, self-abasement begins.

Cosmetologist. I think that in everyday life there is almost no need to talk about ideal beauty. The beauty of the body is not evaluated by kilograms and centimeters, and the beauty of the face is not perceived only as the correctness of features. Often, for some reason, slender women do not seem beautiful, and some regular faces are not at all pleasing to the eye.

Based on my extensive experience in cosmetology, I came to the conclusion that there are no ugly women. Beauty and charm at any age depend on the woman herself, on the ability and diligence in caring for herself, on her skin and hair, on sufficient body training and the ability to control it, on the ease of walking and beauty of posture, on the taste in choosing clothes and jewelry, hairstyles and makeup, from the aroma of perfume, and finally, from the manner of behavior. And also from those secrets that, together with the qualities already listed, make up the capacious concept of “femininity”.

Journalist. Let's try to formulate a short program of action called "How to be beautiful."

Cosmetologist. On this site, we will consider in detail such a program and its individual aspects. And quite briefly - here are the main tips.

Do not overload yourself with food, do not get carried away with cigarettes, do not abuse alcohol - excesses and bad habits have never contributed to beauty.

Movement, more movement, especially in the air. Mandatory gymnastics. Walking whenever possible. Swimming - visiting swimming pools, at least in big cities, is now becoming available. Sleep for at least 7-8 hours, better with an open window or at least a window.

It is absolutely obligatory to take a daily morning contrast and evening shower or washing the body with water at a temperature that is pleasant for you. For the face and neck - washing with cold water in the morning, wiping with ice and applying an emollient cream. In the evening - cleansing the skin with lotions. Before and after water procedures, rubbing the body with a terry towel, while washing - massage with a brush, washcloth or just with your hands; bath once a week.

Do not forget that the skin, especially dry, needs to be softened after any cleansing and, above all, after washing.

From sweating, washing with cold water and soap, Lassar or Teymurov pastes, deodorants in the form of aerosols, liquids, pencils should be used. The smell of clean skin, a fresh body is one of the components of the charm and attractiveness of every person.

The saying goes: "Grief ages a person more than years." Do not oppress yourself with experiences over everyday trifles. Try to cultivate in yourself the ability to neutralize minor adversities, find joyful sides in life, enjoy life and please others.

The beauty and youth of the face is best revealed in a smile. Smile - and you will meet a return smile.

Journalist. Even if the face and body are in great shape, they need proper styling. After all, an unsuccessful choice of hairstyles, jewelry, clothes can ruin everything.

Cosmetologist. Well, there is only one hope - the presence of taste.

And perhaps even the implementation of some of the most general recommendations, which are also given on this site.

Taste, in particular, is manifested in the fact that from the many novelties offered by changeable fashion, being able to choose what will suit you, will correspond to your age, character, profession, as well as time of day and season. And of course, the event for which you are preparing. After all, we are going to the theater and to the beach in different ways.

Journalist. You mentioned fashion. What is your professional attitude towards her?

Cosmetologist. This is a difficult and in some ways even a dangerous question. Such desperate battles have now unfolded about this in the press. I believe that fashion should be treated carefully, but certainly with humor and a certain degree of sobriety. And I will take as my allies the Bulgarian writer Stefan Prodev, who in his article “Fashion” recently gave an example that very closely corresponds to the topic of our conversation.

“In the time of Dumas son, and this is the second half of the 19th century, in Parisian drawing rooms, tuberculosis was considered a disease of the intellectual elite. The most fashionable ladies of Paris did not use rouge, they strove to look pale to waxy transparency, and wore large black bows around their necks. Everyone wanted to be like Violetta Valeri from The Lady of the Camellias. For the Parisian living rooms of that time, a blooming look, rosy cheeks were an expression of the common people, spiritual rudeness, unforgivable degradation of taste.

It was not until a few years later that the Violetta Valéry type fell out of fashion, the waxy beauty vanished with the last carriages of the monarchy. The world discovered that in the magnificent forms of Nana, the heroine of Zola, there is much more charm and modernity. The most senior ladies began to blush and make up, like women from the panel, horrified at the mere thought that they might get tuberculosis. It has become much more modern to die of apoplexy.”

Journalist. Men care much less about their appearance than women. But there are some cosmetic concerns inherent only to them.

Cosmetologist. Such purely male problems include shaving. Every man is familiar with this hygiene procedure, which he has to carry out daily, so it’s not worth talking about the well-known shaving rules. But for those with very sensitive skin and thick, rough facial hair, shaving can sometimes be difficult. To these men, I will allow myself to give some practical advice.

When using a blade or safety razor, careful and long (2-3 minutes) lathering with a brush dipped in hot water is especially important. This softens the coarse hair of the mustache and beard, making the skin slippery and smooth, making it easier to shave. The use of hot water for this purpose avoids the feeling of tightening of the skin of the face after shaving and washing, peeling, and the appearance of red spots. It is also useful to make a 5-6-minute hot compress on soaped skin, which softens the hair. The perfume industry produces a number of special products: shaving soap cream, carotene soap cream, shaving soap with lanolin, shaving soap stick, shaving soap powder. Soap creams enhance their action at high temperature and moisture, they are well tolerated even by easily irritated skin, and a cream with coniferous carotene paste (there is such a shaving cream) accelerates the healing of small cuts.

If redness and itching appear after shaving, the skin can be soothed with a warm compress from a decoction of chamomile and mint, taken equally, a compress from a 2-3% solution of boric acid or a 1-2% solution of resorcinol. It is especially useful to wipe the face after shaving with a piece of ice from the infusion of herbs (calendula, mint, and chamomile). If after shaving the skin becomes very dry and peeling appears, we advise you to make a warm oil compress for 3-4 minutes before shaving or apply one of the nourishing creams.

The abrasions and cuts remaining after shaving are best lubricated with tincture of iodine or hydrogen peroxide. When using a hemostatic pencil made of alum, it must first be rinsed well with water or wiped with cologne.

Before shaving with an electric razor, the skin, if it is oily, should be powdered with talcum powder, wiped with Penguin liquid, toilet vinegar; if the skin is normal or dry, it is better to lubricate it with "Northern" cream-jelly.

After shaving, you can use a cream with vitamin F, it soothes and softens the skin well, eliminates irritation. Here, too, funds are selected taking into account the properties of the skin. Creams with vitamin F are designed for dry and normal skin, and it is better to wipe oily skin with lotions.

Journalist. Are there special cosmetic clinics for men?

Cosmetologist. Different countries deal with this issue in different ways. In France, USA, Japan, for example, there are special salons and beauty institutes for men. In our country, men visit the same cosmetology establishments as women.

Journalist. Much has been said in this chapter about recipes for ancient cosmetics. What fate befell them, are they used today?

Cosmetologist. Many substances are as popular in cosmetics today as they were thousands of years ago. Our perfumery, for example, which traditionally focuses not on synthetic preparations, but on natural products, uses a wide range of products of plant and animal origin, which, in fact, have never disappeared from folk cosmetics - from honey and royal jelly to chamomile, horsetail, parsley. The fact that we use ancient cosmetic recipes in everyday life, many, probably, do not even know. For example, the medieval inhabitants of the island of Cyprus found a very successful smell of men's perfume - this is our popular and available in any Chypre barbershop.

Elena Alexandrovna, did you want to become a doctor since childhood?

As a child, probably, like many girls and boys, I changed my idea of ​​my future profession every month. True, there were two main ones, which I adhered to with enviable constancy: a teacher and a doctor. However, there was another important point: thanks to our neighbors (a family of academic doctors), I had the best medical instruments among my peers. Therefore, all my friends brought their "sick" teddy bears and dolls to me for injections and procedures.

What was decisive in choosing a profession?

My teacher played a decisive role in choosing a profession. In the 9th grade, I entered the Real Gymnasium No. 92. Since I studied "excellently" from the 1st grade, the level of my preparation allowed me to choose any direction. But a large selection of options did not interfere with the decision. Grinberg M.Ya., an honored teacher of biology, managed to convince me that I was created for medicine. Following her advice, I made my choice. And after graduating from school, my path was clear - only St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after Mechnikov. So I became the first doctor in the family.

But why cosmetology?

Since I am an esthete by nature, I already knew from the first year that I would become a cosmetologist. I was happy to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the skin, attended courses in cosmetology. After graduating from the Academy, she entered the Clinical residency in the specialty: "Dermatovenereology". Then I studied full-time graduate school, which introduced me to GrandMed. I have been working as a cosmetologist in the Clinic since the foundation of the cosmetology department. We can say that GrandMed is my second home.

Is it possible to find a common language with all patients?

With almost everyone. It just takes the will and the time to do so. After all, a doctor must have not only professional knowledge, but also be able to communicate with people. I like that the appointment at the clinic is not put on a conveyor, and the time allotted for servicing one patient allows not only to perform the necessary procedure, but also to communicate. There is no rush, no fuss.

How often do people expect the impossible?

I would say differently. More often, people are surprised at the pleasant changes that have occurred with their appearance. Favorite phrase: "Doctor, but I used to be different..." Usually a person feels much younger than he looks. And my task is to bring everything into balance. Almost nothing is impossible. After all, we work in tandem with plastic surgeons, and we can fulfill people's desires in the ways that will give the maximum effect. Either it will be plastic, or cosmetology, or, which happens more often, an integrated approach that includes different methods and technologies.

Have there been any special cases in your practice?

Each case is unique. And I solve every problem of the patient as if it were my own.

Do you have a favorite cosmetic procedure?

I am confident in the future of phototherapy. The device I use allows solving a number of problems: excessive hair growth, the appearance of blood vessels on the face, age spots, as well as skin aging and uneven complexion. The most popular procedure among my patients, the name of which speaks for itself, is photorejuvenation. It stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin fibers, rejuvenating the skin from the inside. Photorejuvenation was created specifically for women who lead an active lifestyle, whose day is scheduled literally by the minute.

Are there men among your patients?

Men are always special patients. And the approach to them is completely different than to women. Women for the sake of beauty can endure anything. Men, on the other hand, want to relax during the procedure and in the end, be sure to get the desired result.

What procedures can you recommend for effective rejuvenation?

It happens that your photo is improved on the computer using the Photoshop program. I have nothing against it, but it will only help the image, not your face. But the procedure of photorejuvenation, which I will carry out, will help you and your photo look great without photoshop. The fact is that photorejuvenation allows you to really renew the skin, stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin fibers, and removes a number of defects: red blood vessels and age spots (both hormonal and resulting from the abuse of sunburn).

Also one of the most popular anti-aging procedures is LAFT rejuvenation. I am pleased to inform you that our experience with this device is one of the largest in St. Petersburg, and the results of the procedures performed impress even specialists at forums and congresses of cosmetologists.

And once again I want to draw your attention to the fact that if you want to get a lasting aesthetic result, and the changes on the skin are already very serious, remember that only a set of procedures can provide this.

For example, photobiomodulation is a combination of photorejuvenation and biorevitalization procedures! Recent scientific data have proven that the combination of these two techniques in a strictly defined sequence will reduce the total number of procedures and enhance their anti-aging effect.

Do not regret the time spent on yourself and change only for the better!

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Interview with Zalina Tsallagova, cosmetologist at the Euphoria salon

Zalina, good afternoon! Tell us, how long have you been working as a cosmetologist and where did you study?

I have been a beautician for 14 years. First, I received a medical education, and then studied on a private basis with the famous cosmetologist and esthetician Rosa Sarkitova. Later she graduated from the Dolores Academy, studied at the Hair-School training center, took seminar courses at Mila dOpiz, CNC cosmetic, Biodroga, Cellcosmet, Swisdermil.

I still regularly attend various conferences on aesthetic cosmetology, because the beauty industry is constantly evolving, and you need to improve your knowledge as much as possible in order to give your clients professional advice and provide them with decent care at the highest level.

And why did you, having received a medical education, not become a doctor, but went into cosmetology?

I wanted to be a cosmetologist from the very beginning, and I received a medical education for this very reason. At the age of 10, I realized that this was my calling - to make people beautiful. It inspires me a lot.

What do you consider the most important thing in the work of a cosmetologist?

I believe that the most important thing in the work of a cosmetologist is the desire and ability to help human nature, reveal its natural beauty and make it more well-groomed and healthy. After all, not only the external, but also the internal state depends on this.

I have noticed more than once that after the procedures my clients become more harmonious, reveal their femininity, gain self-confidence and a positive attitude and carry it further into the world. Feeling our external attractiveness and internal beauty helps us become happier and more successful.

What procedures do you enjoy doing the most and why?

Most of all I like to do beauty treatments and massages. At the time of these procedures, I feel incredible inspiration and pleasure in anticipation of the result, as I see how the face and skin are transformed literally before our eyes - it becomes younger, tightened, renewed, and begins to shine. And I am happy that I help a person become more beautiful.

What procedures are most in demand among your clients?

My clients often do waxing. As they say, I have a very light hand, which makes the process less painful. Treatments and massages are also very popular - this is always a guaranteed result even from one procedure. Clients especially like the effect after leaving, because in addition to the energy of my hands, the cosmetics on which I prefer to work are of great importance in this case - they are really of very good quality, and, of course, the absolute sterility of the materials used. As for massage, it is really a complete relaxation, because for 14 years of work I was able to improve it to a very high level. And through constant practice, I chose the most effective and pleasant techniques.

If we are talking about a regular visit, then 2 times a month is enough. In the case of clients with problematic skin or with active aging processes, as well as any other skin problems, diagnostics are carried out, then a consultation and a course of procedures necessary in a particular case is prescribed.

I approach each client individually and prescribe what is suitable exclusively for this person. And I am very glad that the extensive line of professional cosmetic products presented in the company I work for can solve almost any problem, from teenage problems and skin recovery after stress to age-related changes.

Do I need to go to a beautician if at first glance nothing bothers me?

Considering that we live in a metropolis, and our skin is constantly exposed to stress, both from external factors, and from nutrition and lifestyle in general, it is necessary to visit a beautician if only in order to cleanse the skin qualitatively and saturate it with vitamins. Home care is not able to give the skin a complete renewal and saturation. I repeat that everything that I recommend has been repeatedly tested by me on myself personally and on my clients who have been coming to me for many years. And, believe me, the difference between home and professional care is cardinal.

What are your tips for those who want to have beautiful and healthy skin?

First of all, it is care, more enhanced and active in the salon and supporting at home. In skin care, the main rule is regularity. Try to drink more clean water and watch your diet - it should be moderate and varied. Get enough sleep, be outdoors more often. And be sure to think positively, because the hormones of happiness transform and rejuvenate us better than any cosmetics. Love and take care of yourself! Here are my basic beauty rules.

I invite you to our cozy salon, where only high-class masters work, where there is always a friendly atmosphere and very pleasant promotions are regularly held. And on my own behalf, I guarantee that I will do everything in my power so that you leave happier, more joyful and beautiful! See you!

Thank you for the interview!

Article provided by the salon: