Simple recipes for natural cosmetics for home use. DIY hygiene products and cosmetics

We have selected simple recipes for preparing skin care products. And they also made a diagram-designer, thanks to which you can experiment with different components.

We have selected simple recipes for preparing skin care products. And they also made a diagram-designer, thanks to which you can experiment with different components.

Important Features

Making homemade cosmetics is easy. All you need is some free time and natural ingredients. Available. Medicinal plants and herbs, for example, can be bought at a pharmacy, fruits and vegetables can be brought from the country house, and honey and dairy products can be purchased at the market. But before you start home production, you need to pay attention to the features of such cosmetics.


You are 100% sure of the quality of the products. You know that the composition is only what you yourself put. That is, no harmful preservatives, chemical compounds and mysterious components.

Another bonus of own production is the price. Jars similar in composition from well-known manufacturers of natural cosmetics can be ten times more expensive.


Homemade cosmetics do not last long. Usually - from one day to a week. Therefore, you need to make a habit of replenishing supplies from time to time. With experience, the time spent in the beauty pantry will decrease.


Before preparing the treasured remedies, find out what type of skin you have. Here are the most characteristic features of each of them.

Dry skin is often light-colored, thin, with poorly visible pores, prone to the appearance of spider veins on the cheeks.

Fat shines due to excess sebum, pores are visible, prone to blackheads and acne.

Normal - soft, elastic, without shine, spots and vascular networks.

But ideally, if a beautician helps you determine the type of skin. The specialist will be able to take into account all the features and nuances.

Olga Zamkova, master of natural cosmetics, founder of the Radhika brand:

To preserve the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, it is better to use homemade cosmetics. This is especially true of the tools that we use every day. For example, a good alternative to many store-bought cleansers that contain alcohol and therefore dry out the skin is ubtan, an Ayurvedic remedy made from a mixture of flour and herbs. You can remove makeup with sesame oil applied to the sponge. A wonderful body scrub can be prepared by mixing salt, sugar, honey and base essential oil.

beauty laboratory

There are a great many recipes for home cosmetics, ranging from ancient Ayurvedic formulations and the secrets of our great-grandmothers to modern inventions. We have selected some simple options from the available products.

Face masks

To put the skin in order, it is enough to apply masks on the face 1-2 times a week for 15-20 minutes. The method of their preparation is simple - mix all the ingredients. And the composition for each type of skin is different.

For dry and normal skin

1 st. spoon of sour cream or cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of honey, 10 drops of lemon juice

For oily skin

1 beaten egg white, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Universal composition

2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, 4 tbsp. spoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of honey

Face cream

Doing makeup yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. For example, any cream is an emulsion: water + oil. And to combine these components, you need to add an emulsifier.

Natural substances, such as beeswax, can act as an emulsifier, says Natalya Kharitonova, teacher at the AreYouVedic school in the field of aromatherapy and home remedies. - But there are soft and safe artificial options like Span, Polawax, Montanov.

If you don’t want to delve into the complexity of combining liquids, you can start by making a simple buttercream without adding an emulsifier. True, it is only suitable for dry and normal skin, because it contains oil and a minimum amount of water. For oily skin, a lighter cream is needed - there should be more water in it, and less oil. But in this case, you can not do without an emulsifier.


3 teaspoons shea butter, 2 teaspoons almond oil, 2 teaspoons hazelnut oil, 1 teaspoon jojoba oil, 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil, 3 teaspoons rose water, 2 drops rosewood essential oil 3 drops of lavender essential oil


Melt the shea butter in a water bath. Add liquid vegetable oils to it. We mix everything. When the mixture has cooled, we introduce rose water there, stirring constantly. Then add essential oils and once again combine the components well with a spoon or a mini-mixer. Transfer to a clean, dry jar with a lid. We store in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

Body Scrub

A cosmetic product prepared according to this recipe has an anti-cellulite effect. When taking a bath, it must be applied to the skin in a circular motion.


Approximately 50% coffee grounds, 40% finely ground sea salt, 10% crushed nuts or fruit pits. You can add a few drops of oil and a dessert spoon of honey.


Mix everything thoroughly.

Natalia Kharitonova, Ayurvedic medicine consultant, AreYouVedic teacher in aromatherapy and home remedies:

Recipes for natural cosmetics are not rigid: you can safely change the set of components and their quantity, choosing an individual product and “trying on” it to your skin. The main thing is to know what and with what can be combined and what effect such a combination will give as a result. I advise you to learn this at special master classes. After all, it is better to see once how it is done than to achieve results by experimenting.

A bit of Ayurveda

The most popular beauty product that Indian women willingly use is ubtan. This is a paste-like slurry that is used simultaneously as a soap, a cleansing scrub and a nourishing mask. Ubtan not only cares for the skin, but also heals it, copes with excessive dryness, eczema and irritation.

The easiest way to prepare ubtan at home is to mix herbs, flour and, if necessary, oils suitable for skin type in certain proportions, - says Olga Zamkova, master of natural cosmetics, founder of the Radhika brand.


1 part herbs, 2 parts flour, a few drops to 1 teaspoon (per 100 g of mixture) of oil - depending on the needs of the skin

Before washing, the mixture must be steamed with boiling water and, when the paste has cooled, applied.

Ubtan constructor:

For dry skin

Flour: oatmeal

Herb: chamomile/linden/licorice

Oil (optional): almond/olive

For oily skin

Flour: pea/chickpea/rice

Grass: coltsfoot/St. John's wort/yarrow

Oil: do not use

For normal skin

Flour: oatmeal

Herb: chamomile/marigold/horsetail

Oil: any as desired

Homemade cream constructor (oils according to skin type)

Oily skin : grape seeds; Hazelnut; Jojoba; -Shi

Dry skin : Sesame; Almond; Jojoba; Avocado; Apricot kernels;Wheat germ; olive; Oenothera; Shi

Normal Skin: Sesame; Almond; Jojoba; Wheat germ; Sunflower

apricot;grape seeds; Shi

text: Marina Chaika

Make cosmetics at home, which consists of natural raw materials, is a fairly simple, but at the same time responsible process. Homemade cosmetics are more likely to cause allergies than cosmetics from the store. Foods that cause allergies when taken orally should not be consumed outside. Especially people with sensitive skin should be careful when using homemade cosmetics.

How to determine whether cosmetics prepared at home will cause an allergy? Take a test, apply a little cosmetic product, be it a cream or lotion, on the elbow part of the skin or on the back of the hand. If no signs of allergy appear within half an hour, you can safely use and prepare cosmetics at home. Allergy sufferers should not use homemade cosmetics.

To get the right effect and not harm cosmetics, follow the basic rules of how to make cosmetics at home:

  1. Carry out the sensitivity test described above.
  2. Follow the rules
  3. Thoroughly wash the ingredients: vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc.
  4. Decoctions and infusions are made in a water bath or poured with boiling water, and not boiled.
  5. Use only clean, sterilized utensils for cooking.
  6. To make gruel, rubbing and whipping food, it is better to use a porcelain or wooden spoon or crush.
  7. Do not use iron utensils.
  8. Prepare juice for cosmetics at home immediately before cooking.
  9. Homemade cosmetics are applied only to clean skin and hair.
  10. Be careful when preparing recipes based on alcohol, it can irritate the skin.
  11. Do not use concentrated juice, especially lemon juice, always dilute.
  12. The volume of a tablespoon is 15 ml, a teaspoon is 5 ml.
  13. on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Decoctions and infusions - 4 days, creams - 1 month, tonics, lotions - up to 2 weeks, masks are always freshly prepared.

At home, you can make a mask for the face, body, peeling, etc. Only fresh ingredients are used. Masks are always made fresh. Homemade masks moisturize, nourish, tighten pores and do much more for the skin. As a rule, the mask is done once a week.

An infusion is a cosmetic medicine made from water and herbal ingredients. The infusion is used to cleanse and prepare the skin for the cream. For infusions, plant materials are used, usually flowers, leaves, herbs of plants, most fruits and seeds in crushed form.

Decoctions are prepared for lotions, creams, emulsions. Used to cleanse, tone and relax the skin of the face. For decoctions, bark, rhizomes, roots, dense leathery leaves (except those containing essential oils) are used. Ready-made raw materials can be bought at a pharmacy or specialty stores.

You can make soap at home in 3 ways: from scratch, based on a soap base or baby soap. Also how to make massage tiles and bath balls. Using various molds, you can give the soap an original look. Soap can be used at home or given as a gift.

- You can make lipstick, mascara, eye shadow and other products with your own hands. They have a huge advantage over the "purchased", because they contain only natural ingredients. You will find recipes for making homemade cosmetics in our article.

DIY home cosmetics

Do-it-yourself cooking has a lot of advantages:

  • completely natural composition, without chemicals and preservatives;
  • you can add to it those components that are right for you, which will avoid an allergic reaction;
  • the cost of a home remedy is less than a purchased one;
  • simple recipes that do not require rare ingredients and sophisticated equipment.

Its only drawback is the short shelf life, which is typical for any natural products. Cook small portions for 1-2 times. Such care will bring you the maximum benefit and you will not have to throw the “delay” in the trash, because it is time and money spent.

Preparing cosmetics at home is quite easy, you just need to stock up on the necessary ingredients. They can be easily found at home or bought at a pharmacy. Today, stores that specialize in products for creating such “hand-made” cosmetics are becoming increasingly popular. All "special" substances are sold there.

Now let's talk about how to prepare inventory. First of all, you will need a scale. They must be very accurate, with an error of two grams allowed. Containers and dishes choose a small volume, better enameled and ceramic. To store the finished product, prepare glass jars with a tightly screwed lid.

Do-it-yourself shadows

Self-cooked ones turn out just as good as those bought in the store, and even better. After all, you have endless possibilities for experimenting with different shades.

To get crumbly mineral shadows, you need to visit a special store or order some components via the Internet:

  • color pigments of your favorite shade;
  • sericite (mica) is a mineral additive intended for the manufacture of cosmetics;
  • if you need to compress the shadows, then do not forget about the additives with the “frightening” names magnesium stearate and magnesium myristate;
  • if possible, purchase a container for future shadows, measuring spoons and glass sticks for stirring.

When everything is ready, you can start working:

  1. Ethyl medical alcohol well process all inventory: spoons, sticks, mixing container, storage container.
  2. Mix five parts of sericite and half of the stearate, mix them thoroughly.
  3. Add color pigment to them until you get the desired tone, but no more than four parts.
  4. Then pour the shadows into a container and drip three or four drops of alcohol into them, mix. You can use a special press to make them more dense.
  5. Next, the container with the lid open should stand for at least five hours for the alcohol to evaporate.

Do-it-yourself powder

There are many recipes for making powder from a variety of ingredients: starch, round rice, oatmeal, powder of various plants, mineral powder from the “sericide” already known to us.

The easiest and fastest way to make powder is from cornstarch. For this we need:

  • a glass of starch;
  • the remaining blush or shadow, which is suitable for obtaining the desired shade of powder.

Sift a quarter cup of starch into a clean container. Add powdered blush (shadow) to it little by little until you get the desired color. If you overdid it with the pigment, then you can further dilute the powder with starch.

Ink with your own hands

The basis for the preparation of handmade carcasses are activated carbon tablets.

So, mascara can be done in two ways:

  1. A recipe consisting of just a couple of components - coal and aloe juice. To do this, carefully crush 1-2 tablets and add 2-3 drops of juice. If you do not have such a plant at home, you can buy it in a pharmacy ready-made. Mix everything well and apply the resulting composition to the eyelashes with a mascara brush. We wait a couple of minutes, it should dry a little. The effect is no worse than from a purchased carcass. You can wash it off with plain warm water or make-up remover. Store it in the refrigerator so you can use it within a week.
  2. To get a thicker consistency of mascara, the previous recipe must be supplemented with beeswax or coconut oil. Before you mix everything, be sure to melt these ingredients in a glass bowl. Then wait for it to cool completely and you can apply makeup.

Add a drop of vitamin E to it and your cilia will receive additional care, because it helps to strengthen them.

DIY lipstick

Making lipstick is a little more time-consuming process compared to recipes for other decorative cosmetics. Perhaps the desired result will not work the first time. However, it is worth being patient, with a little practice, and you will get a completely natural, safe product in an exclusive shade.

For the "classic" wax-based recipe, we need:

  • a water bath and a couple of containers to melt the ingredients, a wooden spoon, an empty bottle of lipstick;
  • beeswax, shea butter (or cocoa), coconut in equal proportions;
  • food coloring or mineral pigments;
  • sweeteners, flavors, vitamins A, E as desired.


  1. Melt all the oils in a water bath until smooth, but do not bring to a boil.
  2. Remove the mixture from the stove, add dyes and other ingredients. They need to be prepared in advance, as the mass quickly hardens. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour hot lipstick into the bottle (it is convenient to use a syringe here). Leave it to cool until completely hardened.

DIY shampoo

Most often, this includes egg yolk. Auxiliary components can be: gelatin, castor oil, various, mustard, honey, and even cognac and banana.

Here are some versatile and easy ways to prepare it:

  1. Moisturizing and nourishing shampoo: combine one chicken egg with a tablespoon of castor oil, mix well.
  2. Hair Growth Stimulation: Mix egg yolk with two tablespoons of strong tea and one tablespoon of mustard. After applying to the hair, leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water.
  3. Regenerating and nourishing: pour 100 g of black bread with the same amount and put in a warm place for two hours. After that, beat everything with a blender and you can.
  4. For soft and shiny hair: chop half a banana core into a pulp, add 20 ml of lemon juice and one yolk. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

DIY shower gel

The washing base for homemade gel can be a baby or hypoallergenic bar soap, without unnecessary smell and additives.

Consider a few recipes with useful additives:

DIY hair balm

The preparation methods of this remedy are very simple, and the components are available:

  1. Firming balm. Mix a couple of eggs, two tablespoons of castor oil and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Beat until smooth. Add 3 tablespoons of your shampoo. Apply to washed hair for 20 minutes, put on a plastic cap on top. Wash off with warm water.
  2. For split ends. Combine one egg, two teaspoons of olive oil and the same amount with three tablespoons of shampoo. Mix well. Use this product after every hair wash.

DIY cosmetics: video

Modern production is aimed at a wide audience, and is not able to take into account all the subtleties of caring for each type of skin. And in our time many people prefer, it is safer for the body, cheaper and no doubt about the quality. And diversity allows you to get the desired effect.

How to make natural cosmetics with your own hands?

To get a good result, you must follow some rules:

  • It is necessary to choose fresh and high-quality ingredients. It is advisable to purchase vegetables, fruits or herbs from reliable sellers with certificates

  • Be sure to strictly follow the recipe, observe the proportions and order of adding products.

  • It is important to remember that some components can cause allergies. Before trying the resulting composition, you can test it on the inside of the elbow. If within five minutes there is no discomfort, itching or redness, you can use it.

  • Only regular care can give a permanent effect, so it is necessary to set aside time every day to take care of yourself.

  • Do not use a microwave oven, it is better to heat the components in a water bath in glass or ceramic containers.

  • Store ingredients and finished products in a tightly closed glass container.

  • It should also be remembered that natural ingredients have, in order to save money, it is advisable to calculate the required amount for 1, maximum 2 times.

  • In the case where the product has a long shelf life (for example, for cream and deodorant), when using, apply with a sterile spatula, brush, or sponge. Do not dip your fingers in the mixture - this will provoke the growth of bacteria.

If you follow these rules, the resulting remedy will be as effective and useful as possible.


Face cream

  • Melt 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter in a water bath, add 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil, mix, transfer the container to a bowl of cold water, beat as it cools, add 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil. For the sensitive type.

  • 20 ml. melt butter, add 15 ml. cream, 1 ml. lemon juice, beat. Suitable for dry skin.

  • Melt 10 grams of wax, add 7 ml. natural yogurt, beat thoroughly. Suitable for combination and problematic types, it narrows pores well.

  • In 10 grams of wax melted in a water bath, add 35 ml of almond oil and 10 ml of rose oil, stir without removing from heat, and without bringing to a boil. Add 35 ml of rose water, beat well, cool. Great product for oily skin.

Attention! It is necessary to beat or mix the cream thoroughly so that it is homogeneous. Created funds are best stored in the refrigerator, with a tightly closed lid.

coffee scrub

Coffee belongings perfectly tone up, and perfectly exfoliate dead skin particles.

  • Mixing a little almond oil and finely ground natural coffee to a mushy consistency helps with dryness and flaking.

  • For oily skin, coffee is added to natural yogurt or sour cream, mixed.

natural deodorant

  • Mix by? a glass of baking soda and cornstarch, add 10 drops of tea tree oil. The resulting powder is applied by hand or with a brush.

  • Solid deodorant: Melt 2 tablespoons of shea butter and 3 tablespoons of cocoa butter in a water bath, stirring well, add 2 tablespoons of talcum powder and 3 tablespoons of baking soda, add a few drops of lavender oil. Stir for 5 minutes over low heat without boiling, cool, store in a cool place.

Aloe rejuvenator

  • Pour 1 part of crushed aloe leaves with 3 parts of boiled water, mix, close the lid, leave for 2.5 hours. In a dark, cool place, then squeeze the leaves, strain. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

  • 2 large leaves of aloe finely chopped, pour 500 ml. boiled cool water, let it brew for 12 hours, then boil and strain. Apply to face 2 times a day.

cucumber lotion

  • Grate 3 cucumbers and put in a glass jar, mix 1.5 cups of water, 1 cup of ethyl alcohol, pour the cucumber mass with the resulting solution, close with a plastic lid, leave in a bright place for 2 weeks, then strain. Store in refrigerator for up to 6 months.

  • Grate 1 cucumber, squeeze the juice from the pulp, add the juice from a quarter of a lemon, mix. Then pour a tablespoon of milk and a teaspoon of rose water. A good remedy for pigmentation of any type.

Homemade masks for dry skin

  • Beat the yolk, add banana puree and 10 g of olive oil, mix. It is better to wash off with mineral or boiled water. Perfectly moisturizes the skin.

  • Grind lettuce leaves in a blender, pour in 10 ml of lemon juice and wheat germ oil. The mixture tightens and refreshes the complexion.

  • Make a gruel from fresh mint leaves, add 20 g of honey, and 10 g of oatmeal. The product nourishes the skin well.

Recipes for making ice cubes for the face

On herbs

  • Chamomile flowers, linden, calendula leaves, or mint, pour boiling water at the rate of 2 teaspoons per glass of water, close the lid, wrap, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, strain. After cooling the broth, pour into an ice mold, freeze.

With fruit juice

  • Mix grapefruit or lemon juice and mineral water in equal amounts, freeze in an ice mold. Great for pigment spots.

  • Squeeze the pulp of grapes, mix with water in equal proportions. Such ice has rejuvenating and nourishing properties.


  • Pour a teaspoon of rice or oatmeal with a glass of boiling water, wait for the cereal to swell. Strain through cheesecloth, freeze. Ideal for nourishing and cleansing.

Important. Ice rubs should not be used for rosacea, eczema and inflammation. It is necessary to check the reaction of the skin to the composition, on the bend of the elbow. If there is redness or itching, the product is dangerous to use.

Honey peeling

  • Grind the almonds into a fine powder, add honey to the consistency of gruel. To cleanse oily skin.

  • Mix 2 to 1 honey and sea salt, mix. It can be used for the face, in this case the salt should be finer, and for the body.

Sugar body scrub

  • Mix equal amounts of sugar and olive oil. Use for dry and normal skin.

  • Mix 2 parts oatmeal with 1 part sugar, add honey for stickiness. After applying to the body, leave for 20 minutes. Such a scrub deeply and gently cleanses all skin types.

Important information:
  • Scrub can only be applied to damp skin.

  • It is necessary to carry out the procedure for oily skin no more than 2 times a week, for normal and combination skin no more than once, for dry and sensitive skin 2 times a month is enough.

  • When using a facial scrub, it is necessary to move with light massage movements from the bottom up, avoiding the eyelid area.

Previously, women did not know such a variety of cosmetics and used the care products that they had at hand. And note that these were natural remedies, why are we chasing so zealously and for which we are ready to give a lot of money! But, even when purchasing very expensive cosmetics, we get an effect that is directly proportional to expectations - allergies, irritations, skin problems. And we begin to sincerely wonder - what do manufacturers add to these scrubs and creams? After all, it is written on a jar in an accessible language - a 100% natural product! You may be surprised, but in fact, the shelf life of any natural product rarely exceeds a couple of months. And only thanks to chemical additives, creams can stand on the shelf and delight us with their "combat readiness" for years!

Have you ever wondered why spend money on scrubs of dubious production when your kitchen has everything your body needs - sour cream, vegetable oil, honey, raw eggs (as a base), as well as crushed nuts, ground coffee, oatmeal flakes, salt, bran (as scrubbing components). You just need to mix them! But! Any scrubbing agent, even really 100% natural, cannot be fanatically used daily - no more than 2-3 times a week.

Or maybe you dream of a chocolate wrap? Try to reproduce the whole procedure yourself, at home. Melt dark chocolate (with a cocoa capacity of at least 70%), mix it with heavy cream, cool and can be applied to the skin of the face and neck (for 10 minutes). Rinse off the chocolate with warm water and enjoy the gorgeous effect!

Not that? Do you want to cook something non-disposable, something ... more serious? Please…

1. Serum with vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and collagen booster. Plus, this useful vitamin protects against the damaging effects of UV rays, eliminates small scars and wrinkles.

To prepare the miracle serum, you will need L-ascorbic acid. This is an unstable form of vitamin C, so it is recommended to do a small dose of serum at a time, for a maximum of a week and a half, because it oxidizes over time and loses its magical properties (the first sign is a yellow tint). So, except for 1 tsp. L-ascorbic acid, you need: a teaspoon of distilled water and vegetable glycerin. Prepare a bottle for the serum in advance (it is very important that it is dark!).

Now mix acid and water in a cup (stir until the crystals are completely dissolved, and this is a long process). Then add vegetable glycerin, knead everything and pour into a bottle. At night, apply a small amount of serum on the face and hide the bottle in the refrigerator. If you are satisfied with the effect, you can use it twice a day.

Warnings: some people have a negative reaction to vitamin C, so the day before the start of regular use, apply the serum to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (not on the face!) And watch the reaction. If there is a tingling and burning sensation, this is not your recipe and you will have to put up with it.

2.Lip balm

Lip balms and creams are indispensable not only in frosty and windy winters, they are essential at any time of the year. And those balms that we buy in pharmacies and supermarkets either do not moisturize at all, but only “lie” with a greasy stain on the lips, or have a disgusting taste and smell. Try making your own lip balm. You can vary the recipe below by adding oils you like the smell of or substituting for ones you are allergic to.

Ingredients: 35% almond oil (this will be our base); 25% beeswax (it creates the structure of the balm, so do not overdo it - the more wax you add, the denser the finished product will be); 14% shea butter; 10% castor oil (for shine); 14% cocoa butter; 2% of any essential oils

Melt the wax along with castor oil and almond oil in a water bath. Then add cocoa butter - let it sweat a little. After a couple of minutes, add shea butter in small pieces and wait until it melts. Shea butter should go last, as when overheated, it collects grains. When you remove the balm from the heat, you can add essential oils (such as peppermint, cinnamon or grapefruit oil) and pour the finished work into jars.

3.Universal nourishing oil for a beautiful body and shiny hair

This product is based on whipped shea butter, which has unique nutritional properties. This oil can be an all-in-one moisturizer – lip balm, hand cream, baby cream, after-sun cream, hair moisturizer all in one! Why is it better than regular shea butter? The fact that it is instantly absorbed, has an unusually pleasant light texture and at the same time does not lose its beneficial properties.

The preparation consists in the fact that pure shea butter (80% of the total composition) is softened in a water bath or microwave (just a couple of seconds) so that it becomes soft, but does not melt. Approximately, like butter that has lain in heat. Then lightly heat liquid oils (18% of the total mass) to a warm state (from oils you can use: coconut, rice bran, jojoba or grape seed oil) and add it to shea butter. Beat the mixture with a whisk (this will take at least 10-15 minutes), you can use a mixer until you get a stable creamy mass. If you are counting on long-term storage of the cream, add a little vitamin E (1% of the total mass) and any essential oil to taste (also with the calculation - 1% of the total mass). Pour the finished product into a jar.

Tip: if you want to reduce the effect of fat content, add 2-3% corn starch while whipping the cream.

Want to nourish your hair? Then, before washing your hair, apply whipped oil on them for 15 minutes and you will be surprised how silky your hair will become after this mask!

4. Ubtan is a chic alternative to soap for sensitive skin

If you are worried about the condition of the skin after washing, you just need to replace your soap with something softer and more beneficial! For example, ubtanom. Under such a complex name, it is just a powder of herbs and spices, which is diluted in warm milk, yogurt or rose water before use. This mass either wash the face or use it as a mask, leaving it on the skin for 5-10 minutes.

The advantage of ubtans is that they can be harvested for future use and you can easily make a mixture that will suit you 100% in composition. The main thing to remember is that the basis of any ubtan is chickpea flour.

So, the recipe for anti-inflammatory ubtan, actively fighting acne and its consequences: chickpea flour; chopped lentils (red); mustard oil; chopped turmeric; warm milk to dilute.

The cooking process is as simple as possible - you just need to mix all the ingredients and, before using ubtan, dilute it with warm milk.

5. Beer hair mask

Live beer contains a lot of vitamins (including vitamin B) and a whole bunch of microelements that are so necessary for our curls. Therefore, having at hand such a wonderful tool as beer, it is simply a sin not to use it!

Ingredients: 50 ml unrefined beer (ideally German Haufbrau or Pauliner); egg yolk; 1 tsp honey.

Now mix all the ingredients, apply the mask on your hair, put on a plastic cap, and put a towel on top and sit down to finish reading your favorite book for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo and apply a conditioner. As a last resort, especially if you suffer from dandruff, you can use the same beer diluted 1/4 with water (that is, you need to take 3 parts water for 1 part beer). If the mask is too small (for example, you have very long and thick hair), increase the number of components.

Such a mask not only nourishes your hair and makes it much more obedient, but is also just a salvation from dandruff!

6. Balm for lip augmentation

Nothing supernatural! It’s just that in such recipes those oils are used (in our case, this is cinnamon oil) that promote blood flow to the lips and make them slightly swollen, which means voluminous. And the effect lasts for hours!

Ingredients: 15% beeswax (take white wax); 5% jojoba oil; 4% castor oil for shine; 20% each of shea butter, cocoa and apricot kernel; 10% squalane; essential oil of cinnamon (1%).

If you can't get squalane, replace it with another moisturizing ingredient - hemp oil, rice bran oil, or sasanqua oil.

Preparation: heat wax and solid oils (shea butter and cocoa butter) together in a water bath (until the wax is completely melted) and mix until smooth. All natural ingredients should be mixed with a wooden or glass spoon, which does not come into contact with oils and does not allow them to lose their beneficial properties. Add squalane, jojoba oil and castor oil, mix again and immediately remove from heat. When the mixture has cooled down a bit, you can safely add your essential oil (we have cinnamon oil) and the contents of one vitamin E capsule (if desired) to extend the shelf life. Mix everything again and you can pour into jars. Until completely cooled, the balm should be kept at room temperature.

Good luck in this difficult magic!