Powder for newborns rating. How to wash things for newborns. Harmful substances in detergents

Therefore, today we will discuss the following question: what washing powder better for newborns, as well as which one is more effective and cheaper.

What requirements must he meet?

1. The first requirement that the product must meet is hypoallergenicity. The skin of babies is very delicate and reacts to the slightest overdose of detergents.

From this, a rash can develop on the delicate skin of a newborn, which is very difficult to treat. But, you must understand this thing: a rash is just the tip of the iceberg and external symptom what is happening inside the body.

That is, the skin, through a rash, gives a signal that the liver and kidneys cannot process the chemistry that has entered the bloodstream through the skin (in case of damage) or through Airways.

So, before you eliminate the rash, you must eliminate the factors that cause it. And the powder in this case is one of the most important sources of poisoning.

2. In addition the powder should wash well, as stains on clothes and bed linen there can be a lot of babies.

And, of course, it is very desirable that the powder be economical in terms of consumption and cost affordable, since you have to wash it often.

Why is cleanliness so important in caring for a newborn?

Children are very susceptible to any kind of infection, especially infants.

In addition to washing, young mothers need to without fail carry out daily wet cleaning, ventilate the room and monitor the cleanliness of your own hands.

Since you have to wash daily, or even several times a day, it is important to choose a powder that will not harm not only the baby, but also your hands (if you wash it by hand).

This is important because from bad means microcracks form on the skin of the hands, in which the infection “feels” very at ease and it is not easy to wash your hands before feeding or other procedures in this case.

If you have the opportunity, then choose products with softeners and herbal extracts, and if not, then do not forget to lubricate your hands with cream after washing. Cracks and drying should not be allowed.

Also, after washing, it is advisable to iron the child's things with a hot iron on both sides. This, of course, will not save you from allergies, if the powder turned out to be harmful, but it will protect you from infections of a different kind, which, sometimes, are much more dangerous than a bad powder.

Baby soap

It's certainly not a powder. But we could not help but talk about it, because it is very good alternative any powder. In order to wash things in a typewriter, you need to grate a third of the bar on a grater.

Soap should be chosen not just for children, but for newborns, as it definitely will not cause allergies.

The only negative in this tool is that soap does not remove stains well, therefore, for strong pollution, this option is not practical.

Which brand of powder is better to choose and which is not

Attention: Not all powders on this list are recommended for purchase. We write only truthful information, based on personal experience edition, as well as numerous reviews on the Internet.

So please read carefully our comments regarding each brand, some of them are negative and you should be aware of them.

"The myth of children". The composition of this powder is questionable that it is truly hypoallergenic. It contains optical brighteners and perfume, which means that it is not exactly an eco-product.

Therefore, it is better to use it for those things that do not come into contact with the skin and respiratory tract of the child, for example, for washing stroller covers and other similar things. 37 rubles per pack.

"Karapuz". The manufacturer claims that this powder is completely safe and there can be no allergies in children, since powder base - baby soap.

But in reality it turns out that this is not entirely reliable information about the composition, because this brand has collected the largest number negative reviews.

A large number of mothers are faced with the fact that "Karapuz" causes an instant allergy. 45 rubles per pack.

"Stork". Very inexpensive domestic powder, which washes well and does not cause rashes. Reviews of so many mothers say that this product can be safely trusted.

But on the shelf, it will not attract attention, since the packaging design is already very simple and it may seem that this is some kind of harmful cheap stuff.

You can wash HB things, but it is not very suitable for wool and silk. However, in the baby's wardrobe there are no such things, in principle.

55 -70 rubles per pack.

"The world of childhood" . The package says that it's not even washing powder, it's soap. And there is no doubt about this, since the composition does not contain anything like what is in powders for adults.

It washes well enough, but, as it were, baby spots. He will not cope with chocolate, strawberries and juices, and you don’t need it, because this is still not in the diet of a newborn.

One disadvantage of this product is that it is quite difficult to rinse out (like any soap), so if you wash in a typewriter, be sure to set the double rinse mode. If this is not done, then whitish spots will remain on clothes and diapers. It costs 145 rubles per pack.

« eared babysitter» . This brand positions itself as a manufacturer of exclusively children's goods. But, consumer reviews unanimously say: the powder causes allergies in newborns, period. Therefore, We highly recommend not using it for children under eight months of age..

But, this powder is great for older people and just does a great job with many types of stains. Price - 245 rubles per pack.

"Tide" for children. Designed for children, but no age range specified. For babies, it is definitely not suitable, as consumer reviews speak of frequent cases allergies.

It contains extracts of aloe, chamomile. All this is very good for children, but older than 1 year. Tide does an excellent job with juice stains, also whitens well and has pleasant smell.

Considering that the price is indicated for a three-kilogram package, then it is quite budgetary. The cost in stores is 300 rubles for a large package.

Liquid detergent "Our mother". This is a gel, which not only hypoallergenic, also contains silver ions which are bactericidal. Also, the gel includes extracts of medicinal plants.

The tool is spent quite sparingly, does not cause any allergies according to reviews. In general, it is this gel that is most praised by young mothers.

The consumption of the product is such that it is enough for the number of washes, twice the powder counterparts. So, you can afford it, as it is economical and 100% safe. The price is about 350 rubles.

And here good video review from two housewives and mothers who decided to test popular brands baby powders. There we are talking not only in the context of washing things for newborns, but we still recommend watching it.


We have looked at many options in detail. Now you know that washing powder for newborns does not have to be expensive, and which one is better to choose is already your decision!

I would also like to say that washing powder is still more profitable from an economic point of view than simple soap. Although at first glance it seems that soap is cheaper. But keep in mind that you spend a third of the bar on one wash, and this, in the end, is quite expensive.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Baby's health is a whole list of measures and precautions that mom and dad should remember every day and night. This very long list includes washing powder. And the point is not only the risk of an allergic instant reaction, but also the risk of intoxication. child's body from prolonged exposure to the wrong powder through clothing and underwear.

What is he - the right washing powder for babies?

The correct composition of baby laundry detergent - what is the best baby laundry detergent without phosphates?

You may be surprised, but the composition of the baby powder is practically no different from the adult . In particular, this applies to domestic funds.

What is usually present in the composition of the powder, what components are strictly unacceptable in it, and what should I pay attention to?

  • surfactant. This component is an active substance whose task is to remove stains from clothes. They are most dangerous for child health(especially anionic surfactants, their maximum allowable concentration in the detergent is 2-5 percent). Of the main consequences of exposure to surfactants are violations in immune system, acute allergic reactions, damage internal organs. Harmless surfactants are obtained only from plant materials.
  • Soap base. Usually, substances of animal / vegetable origin are used for its production. But when synthetic fatty acids are added, the free alkali formed in the water leads to allergies on delicate baby skin.
  • Phosphates. The purpose of these components is water softening and surfactant activation. A lot has already been written about their harmful effects (most of all this applies to sodium tripolyphosphate), but our manufacturers still continue to add them to washing powder, reducing the concentration of phosphates to 15-30 percent. The consequences of the action of phosphates: the penetration of harmful substances into the body of the crumbs even in the absence of wounds on the skin, degreasing the skin, reducing barrier functions skin, destruction of cell membranes, violation of blood properties, decreased immunity. In most European countries and in America, these components have long been banned for use and replaced by harmless to health. In the right powders, phosphates are replaced with sodium disilicate (15-30 percent), which softens water, and is also supplemented with zeolites.
  • Zeolites(natural component of volcanic origin). Even with incomplete rinsing of the laundry, they do not have a harmful effect.
  • Bleachers - chemical (oxygen and chlorine) and optical. Everyone knows their purpose - removing stains from light fabrics. Optical brightener works differently than chemical brighteners - it settles on the surface of clothing and creates the effect of whiteness. Of course, it remains on the fabric even after rinsing, after which it comes into contact with the skin of the child. Therefore, optical brightener is unacceptable for washing babies' clothes (in the right powder it has been replaced by sodium carbonate peroxide), as well as chlorine bleach - this should also be avoided. For babies, experts recommend using bleaches based on hydrogen peroxide (they also cope with bacteria). And if you want absolute safety, just boil the laundry with grated laundry soap or use it.
  • Flavorings. Of course, it's nice when the "smell of a frosty morning" is felt from the linen. But any fragrance in the composition of the powder is a blow to the baby's airways and the risk of allergies. Hypoallergenic powders are odorless and are sold in pharmacies - they usually undergo additional cleaning. In quality powders, fragrances can also be replaced with essential oils.
  • Enzymes produced without the use of GMOs. They are needed to destroy stains of protein origin. They are harmful only in the form of dust, but in a soapy solution they are absolutely harmless.
  • Conditioners and softeners. The principle of action is the softening of tissues. These components are also not rinsed out and affect children's skin. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

Basic rules for choosing a washing powder for baby clothes - how to choose the right baby powder?

Before you throw the powder into the basket and go to the checkout, carefully look at the packaging, read the ingredients and remember the rules for choosing baby powder.

The birth of a baby is a responsible event, for which they prepare in advance, preparing the necessary little things: things, a playpen, a bed, a stroller and means for caring for the baby. When preparing, it is especially important not to forget to pick up a baby powder for newborns, and it is very easy to do this by taking the rating below as a basis and familiarizing yourself with the rules for choosing a product. Toddlers up to 3 summer age you can not wash things with "adult" powders.

Properly selected laundry detergent is the key to the health of the baby. You have to wash things often, and accordingly, the baby's skin constantly interacts with the harmful components that make up the composition. And "adult" powders cause allergic reactions in the crumbs and cause diseases.

What composition should the washing powder have

looking after detergents, initially look at the composition. If there is no information about the manufacturer, the components of the product, then such a product should not be taken.

It is also better to refuse to purchase household chemicals with a bright aroma and without a special mark "hypoallergenic product", "recommended by dermatologists", "for newborns".

Safe Ingredients

Conditionally safe detergents are divided into 2 groups:

  1. No phosphates or ecological detergents. The product does not include surfactants that adversely affect the health of the crumbs. But to remove stains, zeolites are included in the permitted amounts. In addition, the product includes:
  • laundry soap, soda;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • essential oil.
  1. The second safe group of powders are those containing surfactants in the amount of 15%. The indicator is indicated on the product packaging.

The best detergent - containing saponins, that is, natural substances that have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial effects on the baby's body. Saponins are found in soap nuts, which are the fruits of the soap tree. Such fruits are also used for washing, as they lather well and are inexpensive.

What components are dangerous

Avoid household chemicals for babies, including:

  1. Phosphates (phosphonates). The compounds are dangerous for the respiratory system, provoke allergies, rashes, itching and disrupt the immune system.
  2. Zeolites. It softens the hardness of water and laundry, but it is difficult to rinse out and, in contact with the skin, can cause allergies.
  3. Surfactants are ingredients that remove dirt from materials. When washed, the compounds remain inside the fabric and, in contact with the delicate skin of the baby, reduce the immune forces of the body, affect the kidneys, lungs, brain and liver.
  4. Whitening components - chlorine, hypochlorites, optical substances. Dangerous components that give whiteness to tissues for children with bronchial asthma and diseases of the epidermis.
  5. Fragrances and fragrances are not safe particles for the child, they are the root cause of allergies.

Basic requirements for the tool

The ideal laundry detergent must meet the requirements:

  1. Do not include toxic particles.
  2. Have a special mark age category, for example, "for newborns", "0+".
  3. Suitable for hand or machine wash.
  4. Rinse out completely.
  5. Be hypoallergenic, do not provoke allergies.
  6. Easily remove dirt from fabrics.

What brand of powder to choose

More than 100 varieties of washing powders and gels of Russian and foreign brands have been found on supermarket shelves: Dally Med, Domal, Tide, Eared Nyan, Karapuz, BabyLine, Sodasan, Aistenok, Mif and others.

Giving preference to any brand of powder, first of all, you need to study the composition. After all, even famous brands sometimes dangerous components are included in the composition of products for babies, provoking allergic reactions and dangerous diseases.

Why is liquid powder better than regular powder?

Liquid detergents have a number of advantages over dry detergents:

  1. Economical and accurate dosage.
  2. Ease of storage.
  3. Any material can be washed.
  4. Efficient with short washes in cool water.
  5. Less harmful ingredient.
  6. Respiratory safety - the powder is sprayed into the air and causes eye and respiratory irritation.
  7. Complete dissolution during washing - particles of dry matter leave traces on the drum or in the loading tray.
  8. Rinse out completely.
  9. Easily refresh everyday things, have a softer effect on the material.

To eliminate severe dirt and stains, it is better to give preference to a powder that works more efficiently at high temperatures.

How can you tell if your child is allergic to laundry detergent?

Allergy to household chemicals, especially powder, - frequent occurrence among newborns. To recognize an allergy, you need to remember the first symptoms of the disease:

  1. Dry and flaky skin.
  2. Rashes, redness, itching.
  3. The appearance of "wet" blisters on the body that burst.
  4. Red, swollen eyelids, watery eyes.
  5. Sneezing.
  6. In rare cases - cough, nasal congestion, swelling.
  7. When neglected - eczema, purulent inflammation on the skin.

When the first symptoms appear, contact your pediatrician immediately.

Rating of the best detergents for washing children's things

Choosing a detergent for washing baby clothes is a responsible task. But the proposed TOP washing gels and powders for baby clothes is based on user feedback, safety performance, product quality, and will help you choose the best option for your baby.

With natural ingredients

Children's household chemicals with natural composition includes components of a natural nature that minimize bad influence substances on the body.

Sodasan Comfort Sensitive

Detergent already contains conditioner and rinse, designed for babies and adults with sensitive skin. The main advantage of the product is the naturalness of the composition. Does not include chemically synthesized substances, phosphates.

In addition, the product has no fragrance, is suitable for washing in cool water and will overcome even the strongest dirt. Certified by Ecocert, this economical detergent is ideal for hand and machine washing.

Main characteristics:

  1. Eco-friendly household chemicals, developed on the basis of natural soap, coconut, palm oil.
  2. The most harmful substances, such as bleaches, chlorine and its compounds, phosphates, fragrances, coloring components, are excluded from the composition.
  3. Concentrated composition.
  4. The powder is suitable for newborns and is hypoallergenic.
  5. The presence of silver ions opposing viral infections and colds.
  6. It is used for color, white things, automatic, hand washing.

With disinfection

If it is necessary to destroy viruses and bacteria contained on the surface of a child's things, manufacturers have prepared special household chemicals - disinfectant powder. The product undergoes mandatory laboratory tests, tested by dermatologists.

Detergent from a German company founded over 180 years ago has significant advantages:

  1. Non-aggressive composition without phosphates.
  2. Effective against stains and dirt.
  3. It is easily rinsed out of clothes, leaving a pleasant smell.
  4. Economy of use.
  5. Safety and hypoallergenic.
  6. The base is natural soap.

Based on natural soap

For decades, baby clothes have been washed with laundry soap, which has a safe composition, disinfects and removes dirty stains. Some manufacturers have adopted natural remedy and developed a range of baby laundry products.

Powder made up of laundry soap and soda, does not contain enzymes, phosphates, fragrances. Due to the safe composition and washing efficiency, the product has gained recognition around the world. Detergents are divided into categories:

  • for babies from 0 to 12 months;
  • babies 12-36 months;
  • children from 3 to 7 years old.


Due to the characteristics, the product is included in the rating of the best. After all, the product is safe, does not cause itching and allergies. skin. At the same time, the detergent effectively removes any stains from all kinds of fabrics and facilitates ironing.

The product is prepared on the basis of soap, without phosphates, fragrances and other harmful components.

our mother

Product based on soap chips, without additional harmful substances, additives and fragrances; use for any wash. Delicately removing stains the remedy is suitable for newborns and people prone to allergies.

Detergents based on natural soap are specially prepared for the treatment of crumbs. Do not contain detergent phosphates, chlorine, chemical compounds and are safe for newborns.


Product advantages:

  1. Designed for any materials.
  2. Designed for all types of washing.
  3. Rinse well.
  4. Removes tough stains even cold water.
  5. Does not provoke allergic reactions.

Powder concentrate

The concentrate is considered economical. The concentrated composition will allow you to use 3-4 times less washing product, and thereby significantly increase the consumption time of one pack.

The concentrate in a colorful pack has a number of advantages:

  • can be washed both by hand and in the machine;
  • washing at high/low temperature;
  • the product is not saturated with harmful chemical components;
  • economical use in conjunction with a protective barrier against scale.


The concentrate of German quality, which does not include phosphates and harmful compounds, contains only components of plant origin, soap and harmless additives. In addition, one of the advantages of the product is that the tool:

  • removes stains;
  • economically spent;
  • does not cause allergic manifestations;
  • fabrics after washing are not deformed, preserving the structure of the material.

Glor Yes

Safe, environmentally friendly, economical plant-based product; suitable for washing clothes of the whole family without causing allergies and irritations.

A concentrated product will replace 3 regular packs of powder and save the family budget. In addition, the product is 100% plant-based.


Hypoallergenic, eco-friendly, delicate remedy suitable for washing children's things from the first day of life, as it is safe. At the same time, economical packaging is enough for long time use.

Universal Powder

Universal powder is a detergent that can be purchased for both hand washing and machine washing. The powder perfectly preserves the original appearance of the thing, carefully cares for the fabrics. In addition, such products contain only particles that are safe for crumbs.

The natural ingredients that make up the product are ideal for washing all the things of a newborn. Phosphate-free hypoallergenic product gently cares for baby's skin.

eared babysitter

The benefits of an anti-allergic agent are highest quality washing. At the same time, the universal detergent washes not only things, but also toys, towels, bedding, adult clothes. A pleasant aroma and soft laundry after washing will surprise any mother.

Safe product suitable for hand or machine wash in cold water. Even without the presence of phosphates, chlorine, fragrances and dyes, the product will wash difficult stains. Hypoallergenic, baby-safe detergent rinses out easily, preserving the structure of the materials.

A safe composition, namely soda and laundry soap, make the detergent one of the best. In addition, the product has other advantages:

  1. Product without fragrances, dyes, harmful compounds.
  2. Anti-stain, no odour.
  3. Acceptable price.
  4. Safety, hypoallergenic.


Product advantages:

  1. Affordable pricing policy.
  2. Stain removal, color retention.
  3. Odorless and fragrance free.
  4. Phosphate-free composition.

Increasingly, we are faced with the fact that children are allergic to household chemicals, in particular to washing powder. What is it that causes such a reaction? Most likely, the matter is in the composition of the powder, and not in the child. In most powders, harmful, but cheap components are added, which cause allergies. The question arises, how to choose a hypoallergenic laundry detergent for children's clothes so that it is as safe and effective as possible?

Why is powder allergy dangerous?

Allergy to washing powder different children may manifest itself in different ways, and for some it does not happen at all. The symptoms that occur in children are the following:

  • redness on the skin, most often on the back, arms, legs;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • the appearance of small bubbles, rash;
  • sneezing, dry cough and itchy eyes.

In severe cases, asthma attacks, severe swelling on the face may appear. In this case, it is necessary to immediately call a doctor who will make a diagnosis and prescribe a medicine.

Even if the child does not have allergies, this does not mean that ordinary powder can be used, harmful components can penetrate into the blood, accumulate and thereby affect the performance of internal organs. So, when purchasing a powder for children, you need to pay attention to its composition so that it is safe and hypoallergenic.

The composition of the safe powder

A safe laundry detergent is one that does not contain chemical substances, and consists only of natural components. But such powders simply do not exist, unless, of course, you made it yourself. The main components of natural powder are:

However, the effectiveness of such a powder may be low, and the shelf life will be short. Therefore, substances are added to the powder that wash stubborn dirt, soften water and prevent excessive foam formation. These substances should not include:

  • phosphates - they are quite aggressive, they cope well with stains, but they often cause allergies, affect the child's immunity;
    Important! In many European countries phosphates are prohibited for use, so pay attention to foreign powders.
  • zeolites are substitutes for phosphates, many write that they are less harmful, but in reality everything is not so. Zeolites can also cause allergies.
  • Surfactants - surface substances that enhance the effect of the previous components, not a single powder can do without surfactants, only surfactants are different. Surfactants of plant origin allowable dose safe, but other types are harmful.
  • optical brightener - it lingers in the fibers of the fabric, then gets on the skin, which leads to dryness, redness, this component in good powders is replaced by oxygen bleach;
  • fragrances and fragrances are strong allergens.

Other components such as soda, sodium citrate, sodium silicate, salt, enzymes may be present in the hypoallergenic powder. They provide effective cleaning.

However, the presence of enzymes in the powder prohibits washing wool and silk. A substance such as saponin disinfects clothes during washing.

Overview of funds

Conventionally, children's powders can be divided into several groups:

  1. Phosphate free powders
  2. Hypoallergenic powders
  3. - those that have a 0+ mark or an inscription for newborns.
  4. Baby powders for machine
  5. Liquid detergents for washing children's clothes.

As part of this paragraph, we will consider safe washing powders marked "hypoallergenic". We will not rank them and say which powder is the best. You will check this yourself.

  • Garden Kids - the main components of the powder are soda, sodium citrate and natural soap, phosphates and zeolites, fortunately, it does not contain. In addition, the powder contains silver ions that kill bacteria. The tool is concentrated, and therefore is spent sparingly.

  • Umka is a hypoallergenic baby washing powder for children from birth. The composition of the powder includes surfactant (5%), soap powder (10%), carbonate and sodium silicate. The aromatic composition in the composition of such a powder is alarming, although the powder practically does not smell of anything. Manufacturer - Russia.

  • Denkmit Ultra Sensitive - washing powder for hand and machine wash fragrance and phosphate free. Works at temperatures from 30 to 90 degrees. The powder is produced in Germany.

  • Frau Schmidt Ocean Baby is a phosphate and zeolite free powder made in Denmark. The composition contains enzymes, surfactants, citric acid, salt, sulfates. The hypoallergenic composition is confirmed by clinical trials.

  • Vish Baby is an Israeli-made powder, the manufacturer claims that the powder does not cause allergies and does not irritate the skin. The composition does not contain phosphates, chlorine and other harmful substances. And alkaline and acidic compounds, in addition to washing, give a disinfecting effect. However, the composition contains jasmine fragrance and oxygen bleach, so for children prone to allergies, it is better not to take such a powder.
  • Bon Automat is a powder for washing children's clothes from birth. The powder contains soap, surfactants, enzymes, oxygen bleach and an allergen-free fragrance. There are no phosphates or zeolites in the powder. The powder is concentrated, which means you need less of it.

  • Chu Chu Baby is a phosphate-free powder from Japan. good remedy Soap-based, machine and hand washable. The composition does not contain fragrances, bleaches, but there are surfactants. The powder is concentrated and is used sparingly.

  • LV micropowder is a hypoallergenic agent from Finland, there are no phosphates, and Pav is not more than 15%. The basis of the powder is soap and oxygen stain remover. The powder is approved against allergies and asthma.

At the end of the article, we will formulate some tips on how to choose the most safe powder for washing children's clothes.

  • Be sure to read the ingredients on the package. The powder should not contain phosphates and phosphonates, fragrances, the content of surfactants should not exceed 30%, and then of vegetable origin,
  • Look for a powder marked hypoallergenic.
  • Inspect the integrity of the package; pieces of powder should not be felt in the soft bag.
  • The washing efficiency of the powder will be higher if it contains oxygen bleach.
  • Pay more attention to powders of foreign, proven manufacturers, for example, European and Japanese ones.
  • Before washing, check how the powder foams. A good powder will not produce too much foam, and the smell will be subtle or neutral.
  • It is better to buy a hypoallergenic baby powder in a store to inspect it externally. Try not to resort to buying on the Internet, after all, we are talking about a child.

Important! If children are prone to allergies, even with good powder, activate the extra rinse function. This will increase the safety of your powder.

Whatever the composition of the washing powder (without phosphates, surfactants), you can only check its effectiveness yourself. After all, the same powder can cause allergies in some, and not in others, even if it is a hypoallergenic powder. Good luck choosing!

Parents are looking forward to the birth of the baby, buying for him the first clothes, a crib, a stroller, hygiene products and other necessary things. It is equally important to pay attention to the choice of baby washing powder. It is the wrong detergent that causes allergic reactions and other skin diseases. In this article we will talk about which baby powder for newborns is better. For convenience, the information will be presented in the form of a rating.

Which baby powder is best for newborns: selection criteria

Detergents for adult clothes are not suitable for the sensitive skin of babies. They can cause severe allergic reactions, which are fraught not only with skin rashes, but also with a decrease in immunity and metabolic disorders. When going shopping, you should figure out in advance which washing powder is better for newborns.

Newborns need protection from the negative substances found in conventional laundry detergents. That is why when choosing a powder for them, you must adhere to the following criteria:

  1. Before buying, you need to carefully study the composition of the product. The safest baby powders are made from natural soaps and plant extracts.
  2. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the packaging has at least one of the inscriptions: “hypoallergenic”, “0+”, “from the first days”.
  3. When choosing a washing powder, you need to consider the type of wash (universal, for washing in automatic machines or by hand).
  4. Do not buy laundry detergents containing phosphates. They are added by manufacturers to the powder to soften water and things, but at the same time they are strong allergens.
  5. Be sure to check if there are any chlorine, optical brighteners, surfactants, fragrances in the detergent for children's clothes. All these substances are very poorly rinsed out of clothes, they can cause various diseases.

Top 10 rating of the best washing powders for newborns

Baby's skin is very delicate and sensitive. Under the influence of various irritants, redness, diaper rash, rashes almost instantly appear on it. To prevent this, every mother needs to know which washing powder is best for newborns.

  • garden kids;
  • Sodasan;
  • Burty;
  • Tobbi Kids;
  • Frosch;
  • babyline;
  • "Our mother";
  • Amway;
  • "Eared nanny";
  • "Umka".

The above list of washing powders and washing gels is based on the opinions of dermatologists and ordinary mothers. In the first place in it is a product made on the basis of liquid soap and not providing negative impact on delicate skin baby.

Garden Kids - the best Bio baby washing powder

The considered detergent for washing children's things is environmentally friendly and biodegradable, which eliminates its harmful effects not only on the baby's skin, but also on environment. Composition Kids: 30% baby natural soap, 60% soda, as well as sodium citrate and silver. Ions of the last element destroy harmful microbes and bacteria, preventing their reproduction within 30 days. Garden Kids is a hypoallergenic and natural concentrated powder. This allows you to increase the time of use of one package by 3 times.

Many parents rightly named Garden Kids the best washing powder for newborns. What are its advantages, you can find out from the following list:

  • natural;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • economical;
  • disinfectant.

The disadvantages of this powder are not found by most mothers.

Sodasan baby laundry detergent

The high-quality and safe German-made powder is inferior to the domestic Garden Kids, except perhaps only for the price. It is based on vegetable soap and some additives that are completely harmless to the baby. The powder does not contain phosphates and surfactants. This allows you to use it for washing babies.

To make the final decision about which baby powder for newborns (Sodasan or Garden Kids) is better, will help following characteristics German means:

  • perfectly washes pollution of high complexity;
  • suitable for washing in hard water;
  • preserves the brightness of the color and texture of the fabric;
  • economically spent;
  • has no smell;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.

But the presented washing powder has a major drawback - high cost. It is for this reason that he occupies only the second line in the ranking.

Burti baby laundry detergent

According to the results laboratory research It has been proven that this product is ideal for washing and disinfecting clothes and linen for babies. It destroys up to 99% of harmful viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms without boiling. As for which baby laundry detergent for newborns is best suited for a house or apartment where pets are kept, nothing can be more effective than Burti. In addition to washing, it can also be used to clean the room where a small child is constantly located.

Benefits of Burti washing powder:

  • disinfects;
  • removes difficult stains;
  • restores the original whiteness of things;
  • preserves the brightness of the color;
  • completely rinsed out;
  • has a safe composition;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • prevents the formation of scale and mold on the drum.

As in the previous case, the main disadvantage of Burti is the high price.

Tobbi Kids for the cleanliness of children's things

Our grandmothers believed that babies' clothes should be washed exclusively with laundry soap. In their opinion, it copes well with stains, and does not cause irritation on the skin. Today, with complex pollution from baby food and baby products, Tobby Kids does a great job - a baby powder based on laundry soap and soda.

According to a survey of moms about which baby powder for newborns is best to use, Tobbi Kids deservedly ranked one of the top positions in the ranking. For a certain circle of buyers, it fits perfectly, because it has only pluses and no minuses:

  • lack of enzymes, fragrances, harmful chemicals;
  • the pH of the powder corresponds to the pH of the baby's skin;
  • does not leave marks from most types of stains;
  • does not adversely affect the skin;
  • has an acceptable cost.

Liquid detergent for baby clothes Frosch

liquid powder from worldwide well-known manufacturer household chemicals copes with almost any pollution even at a temperature of 30 ° C. He can remove stains from juice, grass, dirt and blood. It does not contain phosphates and other harmful substances, which eliminates the appearance of allergic skin rashes.

The liquid consistency prevents dust from the dry powder from entering the baby's respiratory tract. Thanks to this factor, many parents called this baby powder the best for newborns. What are its advantages:

  • suitable for all types of fabrics and all types of washing;
  • washes well;
  • easy to rinse;
  • contains chamomile extract, which gives the fabric softness;
  • recommended for children and adults with sensitive skin;
  • does not harm the environment.

Despite all the advantages, not all people can afford to buy laundry detergent at such a high price as Frosch.

Washing powder BabyLine

The following German-made product based on natural soap is specially designed for children from the first days of life. It contains a safe oxygen stain remover that perfectly copes with all types of stains, even with low temperatures. BabyLine powder is concentrated, so it is used sparingly. Other benefits of this laundry detergent include:

  • safe composition, excluding the appearance of redness and irritation on the skin;
  • protection of the washing machine from scale;
  • preservation original form clothes even after multiple washes.

"Nasha Mama" - powder based on natural soap

The peculiarity of the following product based on soap chips is the presence of plant extracts of chamomile and string in the composition. In this, the manufacturer showed additional care for the delicate skin of babies, sensitive to different kind irritants.

Given the above, one could agree that "Our Mom", according to reviews, is the best washing powder for newborns. What other advantages it has can be seen below:

The main drawback of the powder, according to some mothers, is that the concentrate should be pre-dissolved in hot water, and only after that pour it into the drum. This is not very convenient, especially when a newborn baby is crying in the house. Therefore, the powder "Our Mom" ​​takes only the seventh position in the ranking.

Amway baby washing powder

The following remedy is recommended by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia for children from birth. This is Amway's concentrated laundry detergent. The main advantage of the product lies in its safety for the skin of babies and their body as a whole. It does not contain phosphates, chlorine, anionic surfactants and other hazardous substances. The composition of the Amway washing powder: non-ionic surfactant in the range of 15-30%, oxygen bleach (from 5 to 15%), polycarboxylate, soap. The product is concentrated, it is used sparingly, since it must be put into the washing machine in a small amount indicated on the package.

In the feedback of parents about what better powder for newborns, children's Amway or above trade marks, contains information not only about the advantages of this detergent, but also about its disadvantages. These include:

The cost of a children's Amway is about 2.2 thousand rubles, which is clearly beyond the reach of some parents.

"Eared nannies" - the most popular powder among mothers

The following remedy could well take one of the top positions in the rating if it were compiled solely on the basis of parent feedback. The best baby powder for newborns, which, according to Russian mothers, is Eared Nanny:

  • copes well with stains;
  • suitable for washing adults with sensitive skin;
  • sold at a low price available to all buyers;
  • has a pleasant smell;
  • rinses out well.

But dermatologists disagree a little with moms. The fact is that the composition of the powder contains fragrance, phosphates and sulfates. This means that in infants it can cause allergies, this is unacceptable for baby powder.

"Umka" - universal washing powder for newborns

Natural soap as part of this tool provides effective washing things even with heavy pollution. He does great with yellow spots on clothes, which often remain after spitting up. In addition, the price of this tool is low, and it is spent quite economically. Therefore, when asked which washing powder for newborns is better to use in the fight against stains, many mothers point to the Umka option.

Why, then, this powder is not in the lead in the ranking? The fact is that it foams very strongly during washing and does not rinse well enough. Moms are concerned that he remains on children's clothes, and this is unacceptable.

Features of washing children's clothes

Most moms are almost unanimous about what the composition should be. safe means for washing and which washing powder is best for newborns. According to reviews, they prefer trusted manufacturers and carefully study the composition indicated on the package. However, it is important not only to choose a high-quality and safe powder, but also to follow the recommendations for washing children's clothes:

  1. Before you send a thing to the washing machine, you must definitely study the label of the product.
  2. Rinse clothes thoroughly, changing the water when washing by hand up to three times, or using the special mode of the washing machine for this.
  3. When rinsing, it is recommended to use special children's conditioners that soften the water and facilitate the ironing process.
  4. Instead of the traditional powder, experts advise choosing special gels for washing clothes for newborns, which are easier to rinse out of the fabric.

Ironing children's things is a must. It not only gives the clothes a preppy appearance, but also disinfects the fabric, destroying harmful bacteria and microbes.