Which powder is best for washing. Choosing the most effective detergent

As you know, advertising is the engine of trade, and the quality of washing powder does not always meet expectations. What are the best tools? How to choose washing powder? Reviews of famous brands - should you believe them? An overview of popular laundry detergents in this article will help you decide on the choice of powder, as well as dispel a few myths about some products.

Tool Selection: The Basics

When buying a powder, the following nuances are important:

Chemical composition;


The presence of allergic reactions;

Type of washing;

type of washing machine;

The origin of the stains to be removed.

The task is greatly complicated by factors such as:

Excessively wide selection of detergents;


Regular changes in the main composition;

Features of operation.

Classification of washing powders

  1. With the presence of biological additives.
  2. Designed to remove contaminants.
  3. Designed for whitening.

Some tools may combine the above functions. Their effectiveness is best described, for example, by such reviews: this type of washing powder is quite capricious in “combat” conditions, and under certain circumstances may not be able to cope with the job.

In accordance with the functional qualities, the funds can be conditionally divided into the following large groups and types of pollution:

What is laundry detergent made of?

The principle of operation of any washing powder is the dissolution of active substances in water, due to which the process of hydrolysis begins - the splitting of solid starting elements with the subsequent formation of new compounds, otherwise foam. Thus the erasure begins. The foam collects dirt from the fabric and absorbs its particles.

Touted for the quality of washing results, most often contains a large amount of phosphates and polymers. If the former make the water softer, then the latter prevent the detached dirt particles from settling back onto the fabric.

Silicates are included in powders for automatic washing - substances that protect the internal parts of the washing machine from the harmful effects of water and foam. Whitening products have either certain sodium compounds that directly remove stains, or compounds with special optical properties that only camouflage stains.

SMS with so-called enzymes deserve the best reviews. Washing powder with these additives is used to remove stubborn stains. Enzymes are synthesized proteins that are able to cope with fat, blood, wine and other particularly complex contaminants.

Some products are a concentrate that is diluted with water, or used in much smaller quantities than conventional products. This method somewhat reduces the cost of washing, but the wrong dosage can cause allergies. For example, AOS is a concentrated washing powder, reviews of which, although positive, should be carefully measured. Otherwise, the underwear will at least smell very strongly of fragrances, and at the maximum it will cause irritation.

Powder and type of washing machine

Since washing machines come in different types, then the powders for them should be selected appropriate:

  1. For an activator washing machine, SMS recommended for hand washing is suitable. This is due to the fact that at the bottom of this device there is a shaft with blades, which mixes clothes rather slowly and at the same time does not create foam well. Accordingly, the lower its number, the worse the result will be.
  2. As manufacturers' recommendations and numerous reviews show, washing powder for automatic machines should not emit a large amount of foam - cleaning occurs due to strong mechanical action during the rotation of the drum. Thus, lush foam will only interfere with effective washing.

The choice of washing powder for children's things

Despite the fact that the bulk of children's washing powders are positioned as products that cannot harm babies, they contain the same components as conventional laundry detergents. That is why very often you can hear reviews that children's laundry detergents do not justify the hopes placed on them. The result is numerous allergic reactions on delicate baby skin.

The main aggressor enemies are chemical and therefore, before buying a children's washing powder, the reviews of mothers of babies, or rather, a thorough study of them, will be the best explanation of the composition indicated on the package. Most often, baby powders are produced with bioadditives. For example, the best washing powder, reviews of the properties of which scored the most useful votes, is "Karapuz". However, there is one caveat: they cannot wash woolen items.

The production of baby washing powder is a real test for each manufacturer. The main criteria by which the quality of such a product is determined are:


Good rinsing;

No fragrances;

The most famous and proven baby products among mothers are Eared Nanny, Pemos and Nanny washing powder. Reviews about their qualities are positive: linen after washing is soft, after contact with delicate baby skin does not leave irritation.

The choice of washing powder by type of fabric

In order not to be mistaken, the best way out is to purchase washing powder for each type of fabric separately and wash, sorting linen and things. It is known that wool, colored linen, silk, items requiring bleaching require different washing conditions.

When choosing, it will not be superfluous to read consumer reviews. Detergent will also be effective depending on the program and water temperature required. If the SMS is correctly selected according to the type of fabric and in accordance with the model of the machine, it will be possible to avoid not only damaged things, but also the breakdown of washing equipment.

For delicate types of fabrics, it is better to look for powder individually. Some products have a strong synthetic smell, others are uneconomical compared to their counterparts. When washing with third parties, you will need to add a protective agent for the machine.

Powder testing

The main and indisputable property of a synthetic powder is its ability to effectively remove contaminants from fabric surfaces. The more carefully the manufacturer selects, frees from excess impurities and weighs the main components, the better the product will be washed. However, for buyers, the cost of the powder, its availability, and ease of use are also important. It was according to these criteria that specialists selected several washing powders of five completely different brands for further examination: Amway, ARIEL, "Gloss", Persil with a volume of 1 or 1.5 kg for colored linen.

First of all, the packages were studied for ease of opening and storage, as well as for the availability of detailed instructions for use. The leader in this category was the Loska washing powder, ARIEL and Persil are slightly worse: although they have detailed instructions, economical plastic bags are not very convenient in terms of storage.

The next stage of the examination was the washing process itself. The most typical conditions were selected for her: a medium-priced washing machine with a load of 5 kilograms, everyday items with varying degrees of soiling (bed linen and towels, adult and children's clothing - shirts, T-shirts). The fabric was stained with edible oil, tea, coffee, grass, blood, red wine and cosmetics.

Washing was carried out in two stages - quick (in cold water, 25 minutes) and full (in warm water, 65 minutes). The results are like this.


Washing is quite good. Reviews of the results of a full wash correspond to the manufacturer's stated guarantees - pollution has been completely eliminated. But in cold water, the product did not cope well with stains from coffee, blood and wine.

General data: can be purchased in online stores or through distributors. Packed in carton and plastic bag. There is a protection of the washing machine from scale. When using the conditioner is not required.


ARIEL left behind pale coffee and red marks. In warm water, all stains were washed off. Quite a budget powder for its qualities.

General data: sold in any store of household goods and supermarkets. Packed in a plastic tight bag. If desired, you can use anti-scale and fabric softener.


"Gloss" during a quick and complete wash was unable to remove traces of red wine and coffee, although very pale by the end of the process. Powder economy class.

General data: can be bought in supermarkets and hardware stores. Has a polyethylene package. Additional anti-scale protection is recommended. Fabric softener is recommended to eliminate synthetic odor.


Persil is the latest laundry detergent among those tested. Reviews based on the results of use indicate the following: he could not cope with coffee, wine and blood, but in warm water he eliminated all pollution.

General data: sold in most chain supermarkets. Packed in a tight opaque package. There is protection against scale. Air conditioning is optional.

As can be seen from the test, all the studied powders almost equally coped with pollution. "Gloss" is a little behind its competitors. In this regard, the experts decided to recommend the choice of washing powder for the price and the presence and harshness of the fragrance. The data for these criteria are shown in the table below.

Average price per 1 kg

585 rubles

145 rubles

135 rubles

155 rubles



Not concentrated

Not concentrated

Not concentrated



Barely noticeable

Strong synthetic

Weak, pleasant


70%, extra rinse required

80%, light residue left

85%, the presence of a small amount of turbidity

Consumption per 1 kg of linen

11 ml of powder

41 ml of powder

40 ml of powder

44 ml of powder

Average customer rating on a 5-point scale

The most economical with a full wash cycle were ARIEL and "Gloss". Persil and Amway did not justify themselves in this regard, Dda and their cost is somewhat higher than other powders. Apparently, the funds included in the price went to an extensive advertising campaign. Profitability was determined by the number of washes that could be done with 1 kg of powder, according to the instructions for use from the manufacturer.

Based on the results obtained, it can be seen that not always active PR is a guarantee of the quality of washing powder. Even those products that are not advertised on TV, but are sold through intermediaries, although they are positioned by manufacturers as the only optimal solution for home washing, are not always able to guarantee an absolutely positive result. In addition, it should be borne in mind that different buyers have different evaluation criteria. For example, the fairly well-known Phoenix Professional washing powder, reviews of which are mostly positive, in fact turns out to be no better than a regular store one. It attracts buyers with a low price, the presence of a measuring cup and the possibility of buying a large volume at a time with delivery. If you want to test the next miracle of network marketing, it is best to start with a test sample. The same Phoenix washing powder, whose test reviews are full of on thematic forums, or Amway is recommended to be purchased in this way: first a sampler, then a large package. However, you can still find a suitable powder. Most of the time this happens through experience.

Have you ever thought about the properties of the powder you use? And about what means most effectively wash clothes? Below you will find recommendations on how to choose the right washing powder for washing in the machine, manually, as well as which products are suitable for children's clothes.

If we had the opportunity to ignore the advertised trademarks, then the choice of washing powder was carried out according to completely different criteria. It is not necessary to conduct a test purchase in order to choose a good laundry detergent. Just pay more attention not only to the brand or the cost of the product, but also to the composition indicated on the package. Thus, you can conduct a test purchase without purchasing many different powders, but simply by reading their composition.

In numerous products, a large proportion of the composition is given to the so-called surfactants (surface-active elements). These ingredients are the main ones, and it is due to surfactants that clothes are washed from dirt. Least of all these aggressive elements in children's washing powder or biopowders.

The effectiveness of fabric treatment with washing powder is determined by the proportion of substances contained in the composition. Moreover, not only the percentage of the content of one or another component is important, but also, in general, the quality of the raw materials that are used in production.

If you need to remove any stains, use detergents specifically for the items you need to clean. As a rule, manufacturers indicate on the packaging what type of thing this or that product has been developed for.

How to choose a quality laundry detergent in CMA?

Most consumers choose washing products in the machine, paying attention only to the cost of products, as well as whether they wash stains in principle. Consumers buy several kilograms of the product and use it to wash any substance. It is impossible to approach the issue of choosing a powder in this way, because it is not necessarily suitable, for example, for white and colored things.

According to customer reviews, the following aspects should be considered when choosing:

  • The same powder will most likely not be suitable for bright and light colors, so it is better to stop at several detergents for washing in an automatic washing machine.
  • Some types of clothes dry powders do not wash, so you will need to find a suitable product in the form of a liquid gel.
  • To wash children's clothes, especially newborn babies, you should use special products that are hypoallergenic and do not contain aggressive components, since the skin of the child is quite sensitive.
  • Be careful and attentive! It is not recommended to use those products, the content of surfactants in which is higher than 15-20 percent, as they are likely to provoke an allergic reaction in you or your loved ones.
  • In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the content of phosphate elements in the powder. The percentage of phosphates among the ingredients of a particular product should not exceed 0.8%.

Funds from foreign manufacturers

Below are the best products from foreign companies that manufacture products for use in a washing machine:

  • "Super Effect"- a German product, which is indicated on the packaging as "universal". In fact, "SuperEffect" is not suitable for processing silk or wool, but it is quite effective and economical due to its high concentration. "SuperEffect" washes many types of fabrics, and also does not contain harmful aggressive components.
  • liquid gel "ColorUltra"- effectively washes colored clothes, and also rinses out without any extra effort. In its composition you will not find phosphate elements. However, be careful not to use ColorUltra on white and delicate garments.
  • « Amway SA8"- a fairly popular product among domestic buyers. Despite the relatively high price, "Amway SA8" is quite economical, and allows you to remove most types of pollution.

domestic products

If you want to know which powder is best to use for washing clothes in a machine, the following list of domestic products will come in handy:

  • « Losk"- a fairly common tool for processing products in the machine. Despite the relatively low cost, "Losk" is not inferior in quality to foreign products.
  • « Index» - Compared to other products, this one is not as advertised. However, it is inexpensive, it contains a small concentration of phosphates and other harmful substances. "Index" is suitable for cleaning colored clothes in the machine. Unfortunately, at the point of sale "Index" is quite rare.
  • "Weasel"- a derivative cleaning product from the Losk trademark. It is produced in the form of a liquid, which is intended for processing products made from delicate fabrics. "Weasel" will not harm the structure of the fabric, however, it will allow you to eliminate dirt in the machine and maintain an attractive appearance of clothes.

The most effective hand washing products

It is rather difficult to choose an effective detergent for washing clothes by hand, since it must not only be effective, but also not negatively affect the skin of the hands, and also be washed out of the fabric without any extra effort. If consumer reviews are to be believed, there are a number of proven products that are safe and fairly effective for hand washing.

  • "Persil Expert Scan System". This powder is made on the basis of ingredients that are focused on cleaning clothes from a certain type of stain. Also, in the composition of this product, you can find substances that protect the color of fabrics and help maintain their attractive appearance. It dissolves easily even in cool water, works effectively and is easily washed out. "Persil Expert Scan System" is designed for hand washing, however, it dries the skin of the hands somewhat. Therefore, during its use (however, like any other household chemicals), it is recommended to wear rubber gloves.

  • Sarma. This product is designed for processing light-colored garments. "Sarma" not only washes stains that have eaten into the fabric structure, but also disinfects it. After its use, a pleasant aroma remains on the linen. The product is perfectly washed out, and it can also be easily dissolved even in cool water. Use this powder both for hand washing and for soaking, boiling and washing in activator machines. If you do not want to expose your hands to the ingredients of the product, wear rubber gloves before using it.

  • Ariel DeLuxe. Among consumers, it is considered one of the most effective hand washing products. If you are looking for a powder that will wash all kinds of difficult stains, as well as take care of the structure of the fabric, then Ariel DeLuxe will undoubtedly suit you. It dissolves perfectly in cool water, and its active ingredients can penetrate the fibers and expel dirt. If you intend to use "Ariel DeLuxe" in water at a cool temperature, its amount must be increased.

  • "Tide 2 in 1 Lenor Touch". This product can be used for hand washing. "Tide 2 in 1 Lenor Touch" is quite economical and also highly effective. Among the ingredients of this product you will find a complex of substances that will ensure the most economical possible use of "Tide 2 in 1 Lenor Touch", while maintaining the excellent quality of fabric processing. By applying this powder, you can remove a lot of complex contaminants that have eaten into the structure of stain fibers. Also, it should be noted that "Tide 2 in 1 Lenor Touch" preserves the appearance of your clothes and does not adversely affect the fibers of the fabric.

  • "Myth". This is one of the most affordable and economical to use means designed to wash by hand. Despite the relatively low cost, you will be convinced that the "Myth" perfectly washes dirt. This powder will cope with difficult stains on fabric, and it can also be used to soak clothes, for washing by hand, and also used in activator washing machines. Feel free to use "Myth" in water of both cold and hot temperatures. In cold water, "Myth" washes as well as in warm. The powder does not contain dangerous aggressive components, but if you do not want to negatively affect the skin of your hands, put on rubber gloves before you start using it.

  • "Dreft-Wool". These products are made specifically for processing items made from delicate fabrics, such as natural silk or wool. "Dreft-Wool" quickly and easily removes dirt from problem areas, and also keeps your things looking attractive. It regenerates the fibres, making the delicate material soft and long lasting. "Dreft-Wool" will not cause an allergic reaction in you and your loved ones, since it does not contain aggressive substances.

What washes better - gels or powders?

On the market today you can find both liquid laundry products and regular powders, the choice of which is quite wide. What is the best tool to use? If we compare dry powders and liquid gels, then they have the following distinctive characteristics:

  • The ingredients from which the gels are prepared must be specially activated, which is possible when used in washing machines. If you use powders, this is not required; on the contrary, they will show their best properties when you wash by hand.
  • Many people experience discomfort when washing clothes with powder, as it can cause irritation, and even an allergic reaction. Gels most likely will not cause you such discomfort.
  • Bulk products dissolve in water for some time (even at hot temperatures), and are also rinsed out of laundry for a long and difficult time. Gels, in turn, are much easier to wash off.
  • Aggressive components in the composition of dry products have a bad effect on the structure of the fabric, resulting in a deterioration in its appearance due to frequent washing. The gel works differently, gently washes dirt and does not negatively affect the fibers.
  • Before deciding which product to purchase, look at the ingredients and the directions on the packaging. Today, many powders have the properties of gel products, and they have the properties of dry products. First of all, you should pay attention to the composition and the presence of harmful substances in it.
  • Less often, you can find gel products, among the ingredients of which there will be phosphate elements. Powders, on the contrary, are most often made on the basis of phosphates.
  • Dry products work better on stains, while gels often contain beneficial ingredients and herbal supplements.
  • In order to wash things often, gels are better suited. If you need to wash clothes by hand, feel free to use dry powders.
  • If you want to wash clothes made from delicate fabrics, such as natural wool or silk, trust the gel products, which are much gentler and can show up even in cold water, as well as allowing you to restore the original colors and sizes of things.
  • Loose powders work better on cotton and linen fabrics that need to be washed in hot water. Liquid products are relevant for those who need to frequently process children's underwear and clothes.

Summing up, it should be said that only good quality powders wash off stubborn stains and dirt. But gels are useful for those who suffer from asthma, lung diseases or allergies to household chemicals. Thus, you should not choose any one product, because, as practice shows, for various purposes it is best to have both means at hand.

The best baby laundry detergents

If you are looking for which powder should be used for washing children's clothes, then among household chemicals intended for these purposes, according to customer reviews, the following products can be called the best:

  • Concentrate "Our mother". This is a liquid for processing children's things, which has hypoallergenic properties. This tool not only copes well with stains characteristic of children, but also disinfects children's underwear.
  • Powders "The world of childhood". They are made on the basis of soap, which is why they are called soap powders. This product is also hypoallergenic and does not contain aggressive ingredients. "Mir detstva" perfectly washes children's clothes and does not harm the health of babies.
  • "Aistenok" is a children's washing powder that perfectly washes both stains characteristic of newborns and any other types of complex dirt.

Washing powder has become an indispensable assistant that is required every day. Its active ingredients do an excellent job with washing, however, being sprayed in the air, remaining on fabrics and penetrating the skin, they are harmful to health. In the West, they have long studied this problem and have become environmentally friendly powders with a safe composition. Some of these powders can be bought from us.

The most common type of allergy to household chemicals is a reaction to washing powder.

Harm of conventional powders

In our country, washing powders under the brand name of world brands (Henkel, P & G), containing anionic surfactants (a-surfactants) and phosphates in high concentrations, have been established. A-surfactant is the main active component of the powder, which, upon contact with the skin, is absorbed through it into the blood, distributed through the tissues, accumulates in them, changes the composition of the blood and reduces immunity. For safety in the powder of anionic surfactants should be no more than 3-5%. But most sold powders of a-surfactant contain 5-15%. Phosphates increase the dangerous effect of a-surfactants on the human body and pollute the environment. Optical brighteners are harmful. They remain on the linen after rinsing and create the illusion of clean linen. Contact with skin may cause irritation.
Rinsing should be carried out in hot water, because surfactants and phosphates are practically not removed at temperatures below 50 ° C.

Powders can be environmentally friendly

Today, in Europe and the USA, in the production of washing powders, a-surfactants are replaced with biodegradable surfactants or eco-surfactants, which are made from glucose and alcohols, chemical fragrances are replaced with natural essential oils, and phosphates are replaced with a natural substance, sodium disilicate, which increases washing efficiency.

In the Russian market, Frosch has established itself as a safe washing powder. This environmentally friendly German powder does not contain harmful surfactants, bleaches and phosphates. Ideal for families with children and . At the request of the manufacturer and the reviews of Russian housewives, all Frosch household chemicals are very effective products that are safe for humans and the environment.

Another eco-powder is Frau Helga. It is also completely soluble in water, does not contain phosphates, and rinses out perfectly. The content of a-surfactants is not more than 5%.

Russian development - environmentally friendly concentrated washing powder for Faberlic. All components of this powder are of vegetable origin. It also does not contain phosphates, a-surfactants derived from palm oil.

At first glance, safe powders are expensive, but this is an erroneous opinion, because they are very concentrated, and very little is required to add to the wash. Thus, one pack of eco-powder always lasts longer than usual.

Automatic washing machines have long been an integral part of everyday life. Their appearance in everyday life allowed a woman to save her time and effort. Having entrusted washing to an automatic machine, you can spend an evening with your family. In order for the device to serve for a long time and properly, proper use and careful care is required.


Read the instructions that came with your automatic washing machine carefully before you start using it. Locate the detergent compartment at the top of the machine. With a little effort, open the box by pulling it towards you.

The detergent compartment most often in typewriters has three compartments. Determine the purpose of each individual compartment. They are marked with numbers or special icons. The gradation in washing machines is usually as follows: the left compartment is for the main wash, the right compartment is for prewash, and in the middle is the compartment. By the size of the compartments, you can also determine their purpose: a large one for the main wash, a smaller one for prewash, the smallest one for rinse aids.

To determine where to fill the washing powder, you can use the following method. Start the washing machine. Wait for the moment when the flood of water begins. Pull out the detergent compartment and see which compartment is filled with water. This will be the compartment for the main wash. It is necessary to pour the washing powder in the required amount into the compartment intended for it before washing. Also fill in the appropriate compartment conditioner.

To define the main wash compartment, pour water into the drawer. From the compartment designed for detergent, water will instantly flow into the tank. If necessary, the detergent compartment can also be pulled out during washing, for example, if you need to add fabric softener. In a situation where the detergent is not completely washed out of the compartments with water, clean the box.

There are special detergents that must be put directly into the tank of an automatic washing machine. These are powders that do not have multi-colored granules in their composition. Their use when washing in the tank of the machine requires a special container.

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Advice 3: How to choose washing powder and what they are

A good washing powder should not only perfectly wash things, but also not harm either the fabric or the health of your loved ones. Modern manufacturers offer such a huge selection of washing powders that, at times, it is very difficult to understand all this diversity and make the right choice.

Types of laundry detergents

The quality of washing directly depends on how suitable the powder you purchased is for your purposes. Each package indicates which wash it is suitable for - hand wash, automatic machine or activator type machine, this inscription should not be neglected
Powders for hand washing lather well, unlike those intended for washing machines. Therefore, you can not use such a product for "automatic washing", because. the machine will not be able to wash and rinse the clothes well. It is equally important to consider what type of fabric the powder is intended for. Usually there are powders of three types: for linen and cotton, for wool and synthetics, and universal.

Ordinary washing powders can harm a child's sensitive skin. They often cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, for washing children's clothes, it is necessary to choose special powders with a less harmful composition, i.e. not containing soda and bleach. The same applies to allergy sufferers.

There are two types of bleach in laundry detergents: chemical and optical. The first includes bleach, all kinds of peroxides and oxygen. All these substances destroy the color in the fabric. But it should be borne in mind that oxygen is more gentle on fabric fibers, so it can even be used to wash colored laundry. Optical brighteners do not destroy color, but hide it. Its action is based on the fact that the powder contains special particles that settle on the fabric and mask spots. After washing, they remain on things, and when light falls on them, it refracts and colors them in blue, purple and blue, making the fabric appear snow-white.

How to choose a good powder

First of all, you need to carefully study the packaging. It is good if it indicates that the powder is non-toxic or environmentally friendly. But, despite this, it is necessary to study its composition. The content of surfactants in a good laundry detergent should be less than 5%, and the amount of phosphate products should not exceed the threshold of 12%.

It is best not to save on your things, but to purchase a separate powder for each type of fabric. For wool and delicate fabrics, cotton, white, black and colored items, there must be a separate detergent for washing children's clothes. In addition, it is advisable to purchase a stain remover powder. You should also pay attention to what type of washing the powder is intended for - manual or machine. Moreover, if the “manual” does not foam well, this indicates its poor quality.

It should be remembered that the quality of washing depends not only on the washing powder, but also on the correct use of it. Not enough detergent will make washing ineffective, and the excess will remain on the fabric. It is considered the norm that for 5 kg of things you need 5 tablespoons of powder, and for 4-4.5 kg - 4.

Much is charged with the duties of modern powder. It must effectively remove dirt, smell good, condition clothes, preserve the color and quality of fabrics, soften hard water, protect washing machine parts, while being safe for humans and the environment. Some manufacturers continue to adhere to outdated standards that allow many things to be added that are not recommended or even prohibited. That is why buyers should be on the lookout: the ability to independently determine effective and safe household chemicals will help protect your family members from many health problems.

What should be a safe washing powder, what requirements should it meet? Modern hygiene science has determined that the best laundry detergents are free of phosphates, chlorine, sulfates, ammonia, silicates and boron. As for surface-active substances (surfactants), their amount in detergents should be strictly limited: no more than 2% of anionic surfactants, no more than 2% of cationic surfactants and no more than 3% of non-ionic surfactants are allowed. The amount of salts of toxic acids (not more than 1%) and flavors (not more than 0.01%) should also be limited. Only this amount of active substances is reliably rinsed out of the laundry, does not cause significant harm to human health and the environment.

The rating of the best washing powders includes detergent compositions of different consistency for cleaning by hand or using a typewriter for adults and children's things. When compiling it, we focused, among other things, on the opinions of real buyers. We hope our top will help you make the right choice.

The best inexpensive powders for hand and machine washing

Contrary to the well-known opinion that cheap means poor quality, leading brands prove the opposite. The compositions of goods that are in consumer demand are quite optimal, they are washed depending on the degree of soiling of clothes declared on the packaging, they are intended for materials of different colors and textures.

5 BioMio Bio-Color

Effective biodegradable product
Country Russia
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Splat-Cosmetics company has been producing products under this brand for only 5 years, but it has already received recognition from both experts (the Life Leaf certificate) and consumers, based on their feedback. Behind the bright packaging lies an environmentally friendly content that does not cause allergic skin reactions. It contains an extract of natural cotton, enzymes, which increases the ability to clean the most contaminated surfaces without compromising their structure and appearance.

The 5% surfactant index is the most relevant argument in favor of a product that is reliable in use both for a washing machine and in manual mode. If we add the absence of phosphates and fragrances to all the benefits, then the benefits are obvious. BioMio Bio-Color is suitable for colored and dark fabrics of any origin. They easily put in order not only adult, but also children's clothes.


  • environmentally friendly product;
  • the composition is certified;
  • the presence of natural ingredients;
  • for a wide range of colors;
  • no environmental pollution.


  • not detected.

4 Attack Bio EX

Beneficial concentrated powder
Country: Japan
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This product has been recognized for its versatility thanks to a balanced set of useful components. It can be used to remove dirt from white, light and colored fabrics. And we are talking not only about simple spots, but also of organic origin. Oils, traces of cosmetics, tea, coffee disappear, like an unpleasant dream, with the help of enzymes that penetrate deep into the entire structure of the material. The advantage of the product is its economical consumption, which is controlled by the measuring spoon included in the kit.

The composition includes a bleaching component, therefore it is most effective when washing pastel shades of cotton, synthetic fabrics. A big plus is the absence of chlorine and phosphates, which are often found in competitors' analogues. The manufacturer offers a convenient box-type packaging with a spare block, which allows you to save on packaging.


  • deep degree of purification;
  • compatibility with fabrics of different composition;
  • no harmful components;
  • high concentration;
  • thoughtful packaging.


  • not suitable for dark materials.

3 SARMA Active "Lily of the valley"

The cheapest product
Country Russia
Average price: 50 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Washing powder from the Nevskaya Cosmetics factory costs 2 times less than the promoted brands, and its effectiveness is comparable to both Persil and Ariel. However, it contains phosphates, sulfates, silicates and optical brighteners, the content of anionic surfactants is exceeded (up to 5-15%). It is very difficult to remove these substances, because the same phosphates are washed out of the fabric only after 10-12 rinse cycles in an automatic machine. In this regard, buyers do not recommend using this powder for washing children's clothes, as well as underwear and bed linen.


  • suitable for any fabrics;
  • well washes difficult pollution;
  • has a low price;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • bleaches light fabrics.


  • contains a large amount of anionic surfactants;
  • phosphates, sulfates and silicates are included;
  • There is an optical brightener.

2 Ariel "Mountain spring" automatic

Proprietary formula
A country: USA (produced in Russia)
Average price: 100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

After a long appearance on the Russian market, the product was noticed by consumers, because the housewives no longer needed to boil the laundry - the powder bleached it and eliminated dirt during normal washing. Today it has many competitors, but does not escape the attention of buyers. This is confirmed by their feedback. "Mountain Spring" is ideal for washing clothes, towels and cotton bedding, but is not recommended for knitwear. According to users, cotton knitwear “shrinks” during washing.

As for the composition, everything is not so optimistic. The composition of Ariel is worse than that of Persil: there are no phosphates, but there are zeolites, and the content of anionic surfactants is increased to 5-15% (should be less than 5%). Zeolites, by the way, make linen coarse and hard, and in terms of harmfulness they are only slightly better than phosphates, since they are substances of organic origin.


  • retains the original whiteness of things with regular use;
  • bleaches cotton fabrics;
  • rinses out well.


  • contains optical brightener;
  • not recommended for dark and colored fabrics;
  • knitted things lose their shape and dimension;
  • quickly consumed;
  • not suitable for woolen and silk fabrics;
  • contains zeolites;

World science classifies detergents as the most dangerous substances of those with which a person continuously comes into contact in everyday life. Moreover, in the book “Hygiene in the Use of Synthetic Detergents”, published for a limited circle of physicians back in 1977, it is said that anionic surfactants have a tremendous detrimental effect on a person’s fertility, the effect of which is “... similar to ionizing radiation.”

1 Persil submachine gun "Frosty Arctic"

The best powder for colored fabrics
A country: Germany (produced in Russia)
Average price: 90 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The product contains liquid stain remover capsules that effectively remove even dried stains. Versatile: suitable for colored, dark and white garments in all fabrics. The content of anionic surfactants (5-15%) and non-anionic surfactants (less than 5%) is exceeded in the composition of the product, but there are no phosphates. The fragrances added to the powder are not washed out, the smell remains on the linen.


  • suitable for any fabrics;
  • removes difficult dirt;
  • does not contain phosphates;
  • economically spent.


  • contains aggressive fragrances;
  • poorly rinsed;
  • there are optical brighteners;
  • a large number of anionic surfactants.

The best premium powders for hand and machine washing

In order to enhance the washing qualities of washing powder, manufacturers add a variety of enzymes to it, each of which is responsible for removing a specific type of contaminant, as well as antisorbents that prevent subsequent contamination of clothes, anti-corrosion components, bleaches and foaming agents. Not only washing efficiency, but also the cost of the product depends on these components. And this, in turn, determines the demand for the product and the credibility of the manufacturer. Powders from Russia, Asia and Europe were included in the rating of elite current market offers.

3 Klar Basis Compact Color

Balance of natural and chemical components
Country: Germany
Average price: 1250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The main feature of the product is a large number of ingredients of plant origin. Sugar surfactants, rice starch, baking soda, vegetable oil based soaps, shellfish and coral salts - all these elements of the washing powder are able to gently clean clothes, but they do not lend themselves to old or difficult stains. Detergent can be used not only for washing adult clothes, but also for children. This is due to the hypoallergenic composition, where there are no phosphates, fragrances.

It is significant that after hand or machine washing things smell naturally, without pronounced aromatization effects. The product is mainly focused on cleaning colored items that do not immediately fade after numerous washes.


  • many herbal ingredients;
  • you can wash baby clothes;
  • hypoallergenic formula.


  • in the composition of zeolites, palm oil;
  • discrepancy between small volume (1.375 kg) and high cost;
  • useful information on the box in german.

2 wire color

Good composition for the presence of surfactants
Country: Poland
Average price: 1100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The product is most effective in a manual wash mode, since the components included in its composition are quickly washed out, the absence of phosphates reduces the risk of fiber destruction. The presence of 5% surfactants and nonionic surfactants indicates a good safety of the detergent. The formula was created taking into account the cleansing of colored clothes of both natural and artificial origin.

Another positive point is the inclusion of enzymes, due to which even protein, greasy stains are easier to remove, and the effect of bleach is enhanced. As a result, the fabric does not lose its softness, retains the intensity of the color, does not roll. Soft but moisture-proof packaging with contents is conveniently stored in a drawer for household chemicals.


  • optimal composition;
  • qualitatively washes colored linen;
  • for materials of any origin;
  • lack of phosphates;
  • temperature regime 30 - 90 degrees;
  • packing 3 kg.


  • be careful when washing woolen and silk items.

1 "Aist-Profi Color" machine

The best traditions and technologies
Country Russia
Average price: 1900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A company with more than 150 years of history offers time-tested quality, which is confirmed by positive customer reviews. Careful control of raw materials, finished detergent, the presence of our own laboratory, which Dmitry Mendeleev once visited for consultations, as well as the continuous search for new modern formulas that improve the properties of the powder, made the product worthy of attention on the market.

Enhanced stain removal and color retention properties allow the product to be used for heavily soiled laundry. Moreover, a lasting effect occurs when washing both white or colored things, and dark, black ones. To achieve the desired goal, any washing machine is suitable, however, a temperature regime in the range of 30 - 60 degrees is recommended.


  • universal approach;
  • good stain removal performance;
  • the presence of enzymes;
  • contains bleach;
  • big package.


  • packaging design leaves much to be desired;
  • not suitable for wool and silk.

The best baby laundry detergents

For children's products, both manufacturers and parents of babies usually have increased requirements. This is due to the low level of resistance of the child's body to infections, allergens and other adverse environmental influences. In 2018, Roskachestvo tested 31 domestic and foreign brands of washing powder for adults and children. Despite the fact that no violations of safety standards were identified, not a single product turned out to be 100% perfect in terms of the quality of stain removal. Therefore, it remains to choose only the best of the proposed.

3 Burti Compact Baby

Optimum combination of composition and functionality
Country: Germany
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Soap base Burti Compact Baby consists of natural surfactants (nonionic and anionic tensides), as well as relatively harmless zeolites. The composition also includes enzymes and fragrances. In general, the formula of this children's product suits consumers. According to customer reviews, the powder does not cope well with protein contaminants, but it is very good with everyone else, even in cold water.


  • does not contain phosphates;
  • removes specific children's pollution better than others;
  • preserves the colors of fabrics;
  • leaves no odor after rinsing.


  • does not cope with old protein contaminants;
  • often faked.

2 BabyLine based on natural soap

Better performance in cold water
Country: Germany
Average price: 830 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Despite the fact that natural soap occupies the first line in this product, anionic and non-anionic surfactants are also present here. What's more, BabyLine contains phosphates. The advantage of the product is that it can effectively wash clothes even in cold water and in manual mode. In addition, the powder is well washed out, practically odorless and very economically consumed (only 45 grams of the product is required for 1 wash).


  • leaves no odor after rinsing;
  • does not cause allergies in young children;
  • effective in cold water.


  • contains phosphates;
  • does not cope with old pollution;
  • contains surfactants in large quantities.

1 "Cleantown" for children

Volume for long-term operation
Country Russia
Average price: 300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Those who are accustomed to using only high-quality products will certainly appreciate the development of a young domestic manufacturer. The combination of components is selected based on the results of scientific and test studies, which guarantees a pleasant wash by hand or in the "machine". Soda, citric acid and powdered soap of a fine fraction, combined in the optimal proportion for improved results, do not cause allergies, do not destroy the chemical fibers of the material and are quickly washed out.

The manufacturer confirms the absence of surfactants, chlorine, zeolites, phosphates in the composition of the washing powder, due to which not only the baby’s health will not suffer, but also the machine protected in this way from scale. The absence of artificial flavors makes the scent delicate, refined, not repulsive. In addition, it is completely neutralized during rinsing. To achieve the result in the washing process, you should follow the instructions for choosing the temperature regime.


  • packaging of 1.5 kg is designed to serve 120 kg of linen;
  • biodegradable mass;
  • in the composition of more than 30% natural soap;
  • the absence of surfactants and other substances hazardous to the health of the child;
  • for daily washing by hand or in a washing machine of any type;
  • cleans white and colored things well;
  • useful for linen, viscose, cotton, synthetic fabrics.


  • does not wash clothes made of wool and silk.

The best gels, liquid products for hand and machine washing

An alternative to traditional washing powders are concentrated gels and other liquid detergents. They have their advantages and disadvantages, but they never go unnoticed by consumers. The latter are attracted by the opportunity to obtain a product that is economically consumed, quickly cleans contaminated surfaces, is perfectly washed out and belongs to the budget category. The main disadvantage is, as a rule, an increased content of surfactants in the composition of the product. Let's see what brands and compositions our customers prefer.

4 Salton Sport

Panacea for down products
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The manufacturer positions the product as a shampoo that is able to gently but reliably clean down jackets, sleeping bags, blankets and other products from dirt while maintaining the natural advantageous properties of the filler. These primarily include thermal conductivity, breathability, elasticity. An added bonus is the elimination of unpleasant odors without the use of rich aromas.

In the reviews, the owners of the detergent note its low consumption, so a compact 250 ml plastic container is enough for a long time. If in doubt how much liquid to pour, you can use the table placed on the label. Salton Sport does not destroy the fibers of things with climatic membranes, and therefore is used for frequent washing of heavily soiled items. A high result, according to consumers, is achieved when cleaning hard-to-reach places (cuffs, pockets, side seams), especially after they are pre-soaked in this composition.


  • perfectly washes the surfaces of materials of complex structure;
  • for hand and machine washing;
  • economical consumption;
  • the cap additionally performs the function of a measuring cup;
  • useful instructions on the right bottle;
  • fluff does not lose volume after washing, does not cake;
  • optimal combination of volume and price.


  • strong smell of liquid, not for allergy sufferers;
  • a lot of foam when used in the washing machine, you need to rinse well.

3 Ecover Essential

New in 2018 with natural flavor
Country: Belgium
Average price: 970 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The plastic container contains a concentrate, which is considered universal, since it can be used to wash both adult and children's clothes of any color. This is due to its completely organic formula. Ecological cleanliness, safety for health and the environment are confirmed by a special Ecocert certificate. The lavender oil which is a part gives to linen gentle aroma.

Despite the vegetable base of the detergent, it is quite productive even in cold water. However, anionic and nonionic surfactants are still present in the composition in an acceptable proportion, performing a penetrating function. On sale there are two types of packaging by volume. The price is for a 1 liter container.


  • good result when washing white and colored clothes;
  • color is retained for a long time;
  • easy to rinse;
  • 100% Provence lavender oil;
  • hypoallergenic agent;
  • does not contain enzymes, optical brighteners, phosphates, synthetic fragrances;
  • indicated for vegans.


  • as part of anionic, nonionic surfactants, fragrances;
  • uneconomical consumption (one and a half caps per 5 liters of water).

2 Gel Cotico for sportswear

High degree of fabric protection
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Detergent can safely be awarded the Audience Choice Award. In reviews, consumers repeatedly point out an excellent effect on membrane tissues. What is important, the fibers of the material at a deep level are cleaned of sweat, grease, dirt, but at the same time they do not collapse, do not worsen their heat-shielding qualities. In addition, the fabric itself does not lose its natural softness.

The gel is also gentle on the contact surfaces of the washing machine, protecting them from scale formation. With the help of this specialized tool, not only sportswear is easily put in order, but also shoes, down jackets, tourist tents, sleeping bags, air mattresses, thermal underwear, neoprene, lycra equipment for diving and surfing.


  • light plastic container with handle, dispenser;
  • convenient trough-shaped dispenser, equipped with a cap that can be used as a measuring cup;
  • 1 liter is enough for 20 washes;
  • contains no phosphates;
  • in the production of the gel, water from our own artesian wells is used;
  • excellent cleaning of difficult materials;
  • protection of membrane tissues;
  • biodegradability is over 95%.


  • in the composition indicated on the container, the components under the group "functional additives" are not specified.

1 CJ Lion Beat Drum

Original soft pack with handle
Country: South Korea
Average price: 450 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Liquid agent for automatic and manual machines is available in bottle or bag packaging. Moreover, the packages cause only pleasant emotions, as they are convenient to hold in the hand due to the presence of a special handle. You can be sure that such packaging will not slip out of wet hands when pouring the product into a special compartment of the washing machine. In addition, a plastic dispenser is prudently installed in the upper corner of the package, which allows you to better control the direction and angle of the jet.

The leader of the rating incorporates foaming vegetable additives, so clothes do not require mandatory thorough rinsing. There are no white marks, as happens when washing with loose powders. Another plus is that the liquid does not lose its positive qualities in cold water.


  • effectively washes clothes;
  • powerful rinsing properties;
  • retains its original color;
  • eliminates unpleasant odors;
  • destroys bacteria;
  • 2 types of bleaches - oxygen and fluorescent;
  • delicate aroma.


  • not for wool and silk;
  • as part of palm tree extract, zeolites, flavorings.

Washing powder appeared at the end of the 19th century. Then it was made from sodium silicate.

Modern powders are mainly made on the basis of various chemical compounds, which are commonly called surface-active substances (surfactants). They are divided into those that decompose in natural conditions and those that do not decompose, but accumulate and have harmful properties. We owe the appearance of surfactants (surfactants) to German scientists. During the First World War, when there was a shortage of soap, they discovered the ability of synthetic substances to become a replacement for it.

In addition to surfactants, there are many other substances in powders, each serving its own purpose and each of which requires different conditions. So, traces of coffee, greens or juice on clothes are removed by oxygen-containing bleaches, and the effect of their use is achieved at 60 ° C. Milk or egg stains are removed by enzymes. In this case, the water should not be hot - 40 ° C maximum, since enzymes are protein molecules that speed up chemical reactions that die at high temperatures.

The complaints of the housewives are caused by the phosphates contained in the powder. Phosphates protect the car from scale, and clothes from dullness. The optimal content of phosphates in the powder is 25-30%. When there is little phosphate, the water is very hard and some active substances remain on the fabric - they are not rinsed out. And as they accumulate, they lead to the fact that the tissue becomes more gray. If there is too much phosphate, they are not rinsed out and remain on the clothes, but from it they get on the skin and can cause irritation.

Traditionally, we call detergents intended for washing powders, but in fact, quite a lot of them are also available in other forms - in the form of liquids, gels, tablets or capsules. Loose powder must be in granules - so it is less dusty, which means there is less risk that it will cause allergies.

The blue granules in the powder are the dye. This powder can only be washed in a typewriter or pre-soaked with a hand wash so that no colored specks remain on the linen.

It is important to remember that laundry detergent is a chemical that can be dangerous if not handled properly. Follow the rules for using the powder - do not take the granules with bare hands, keep the packaging in a closed cabinet, do not inhale the powder. Turn on the extra rinse mode to be sure to get rid of traces of detergent on clothes.