The most effective laundry detergent. Benefits of using liquid powder. Which washing powder is better?

Effective washing powder Every housewife dreams of finding one that is inexpensive and safe. Things won't lose theirs attractive appearance, if you wash them with a good powder. But among such a variety of household chemicals, it is very difficult to understand and choose the automatic washing powder for the machine that washes best. Let's conduct a study, see what people say about this, what loose powders experts test, and what the results of such tests are.

Popular powder manufacturers

It is simply impossible to compare all existing powders. Therefore, we decided to select the most popular manufacturers, whose products can be found in almost all stores in the country. Sales of these powders are the highest, they mainly have average price. Here is a list of these manufacturers:

  1. P&G is a well-known American company with manufacturing facilities in more than 40 countries. This brand produces such powders as Ariel, Myth and Tide.
  2. Henkel is a German manufacturer of liquid, bulk and tablet powders, known for the Persil and Losk brands. Manufacturers claim that the powder removes all stains, even without soaking, and all thanks to the improved oxygen bleaching formula.
  3. Nevskaya cosmetics is a brand known for such powders as “ Eared nanny" and Sarma.


Researchers from the expert center conducted a test to see which of the six proposed powders would best cope with stains of different natures. The test objects were 6, on which stains were applied in the same way: tomato paste, natural coffee, red grape wine, greenery and blood.

Each towel was washed twice in one single automatic machine. The first time we ran a quick wash, lasting about 30 minutes, cold water. The second time washing took place at a temperature of 40 degrees for 1 hour 5 minutes. The following washing powders were selected for washing:

  • Ariel;
  • Losk;
  • Dosia;
  • Tide;
  • Persil Expert.

According to the washing results, it turned out that not a single powder removes stains 100% in the quick wash in cold water. Some stains still remained. But even under these conditions, leaders emerged: Tide, which coped with all stains except wine, and Persil, which could not cope with blood stains.

In the long-term washing mode, these powders dealt with absolutely all stains, so we can say that they are the best of those offered. Worst results showed Dosia powder, the stains on the towel only faded, but were not completely washed off.

What determines the quality of the powder?

The answer to this question lies in the composition. The powder that contains more active additives washes well. As a rule, expensive powders contain more of them, so less of this powder is needed per wash cycle.

For your information! Expensive powder is often counterfeited by replacing the active substances with large amounts of sodium sulfate, which has no effect when washed. Therefore, there is a high chance of buying low-quality powder famous brand.

The main components of most powders are surfactants, which form foam that absorbs dirt, and phosphates, which enhance the effect of the surfactant by softening water hardness. But this is not enough for high-quality washing. The best way to remove stains is powder containing enzymes and sodium perborate, which has bleaching properties.

In addition, automatic washing powder must contain substances that protect the drum from corrosion, for example, silicates, and substances that balance excessive foam formation. High-quality washing powder dissolves well in water, this can be checked before pouring it into the machine. Another hallmark quality powder is the gluing of its granules at high humidity. If the washing powder, on the contrary, crumbles when wet, then you should think about replacing it.

Important! Liquid powders dissolve well, but they still remove difficult stains worse, since they do not contain enzymes. Therefore, we will not consider them, for the same reason we will not talk about environmental powders, because we are no longer interested in a safe powder, but in one that washes better.

The best powder according to consumer reviews

In our search for an automatic washing powder that washes clothes best, we read a lot of user reviews. According to their opinion, they compiled the following list of good powders.

Sarma Activ – powder suitable for washing different types linen: bed linen, work clothes, kitchen napkins, etc. Despite the absence of chlorine in the composition, this washing powder kills bacteria and washes various pollution. Users note reasonable price and cost-effectiveness. In addition, it can be used not only for white, but also for colored linen. This powder also has disadvantages, the main one being its low efficiency at low washing temperatures. Some people say that an extra rinse is needed to get all the powder off.

Ariel “Mountain Spring” is one of the most effective powders that best copes with complex stains on cotton products. It removes wine, grass and coffee stains even at low temperatures, without strong smell. However, many people consider this product expensive. And some complain of allergic reactions. Therefore, it should not be recommended for everyday washing and washing children's clothes.

Note! The quality of washing depends not only on the composition of the powder, but also on the functionality and technical features of the washing machine, as well as on the hardness of the water. Therefore, one housewife will praise the same powder, and another will criticize it.

Eared nanny is the most discussed washing powder machine on forums. Some people talk about its advantages, others about its disadvantages. This powder is most often used for washing children's clothes because it has virtually no odor. He deduces difficult spots, dissolves well in water and is inexpensive. Opponents of the use of this product do not like the “aggressive” composition, with a high content of phosphates, which are contained in children's product must not be. What conclusion to draw, think for yourself, because in general the powder washes well.

Bimax - this powder removes difficult stains on any fabric well, but wool and silk should not be washed with it. Removes dirt from grass, chocolate, fat. Bimax is the most convenient powder to use and users love its zip-lock packaging. But this product does not dissolve as well as we would like, so sometimes you have to do an additional rinse.

What conclusion can be drawn? There is no ideal powder; it can cope with all contaminants different fabrics no one can. This is why women often buy different powders, one for washing white, the other for hand wash, the third automatic machine for the machine, and also separately for wool and silk. In general, you can find out which washing powder is best only through independent trial and error. Good luck!

The frequency of washing is not as important as the correctly selected powder, which will wash perfectly and not harm washing machine and perform their functions safely. To determine which washing powder is best, you need to know the criteria for choosing a good powder and the requirements for its composition.

Before choosing a product, familiarize yourself with the factors that may affect its quality, safety and effectiveness:

  • composition of the product;
  • price;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • focus on a specific type of washing (for example, hand or machine);
  • compliance with the type of washing machine (for SMA or semi-automatic);
  • effectiveness in removing stains.

Choice suitable remedy for washing machines becomes more complicated due to four negative factors:

  1. Wide assortment on the shelves.
  2. Frequent counterfeits of famous brands.
  3. Constant changes in composition - usually the buyer does not notice this.
  4. Features of using the product.

Before buying an automatic powder, you need to choose it based on its functional qualities. Based on the groups of contaminants, all products can be divided into three groups:

  • Ordinary: for lightly soiled and medium degree gravity.
  • With special additives: used for washing clothes with difficult spots and for whitening.
  • Universal remedy: can be used for heterogeneous stains of different types.

When you go to the counter, carefully study the composition of the powder - is it worth risking your health for the sake of too snow-white or pleasant-smelling underwear. We'll talk about the dangers of the components below.

Rating of the best washing powders

Despite the compositions and possible harm, powders are actively bought up by residents of the Russian Federation, so there is a demand for them. We studied reviews and expert assessments and compiled a rating of the best products - both common and least harmful. So, study our TOP to choose the best powder.

Sarma Active

Suitable for most fabrics. Pros:

  • Disinfectant effect without the participation of chlorides.
  • Can be used for colored and white fabrics.
  • Economical.
  • Acceptable price.
  • Eat various options packaging.
  • Tackles tough stains.

There are also disadvantages:

  • “Old” stains may not be washed off at low temperature washing conditions.
  • If the cycle is short, for example, “Quick 30,” then the powder is difficult to wash out of the laundry.
  • Aggressive substances in the composition.

Ariel "Mountain Spring"

  • Will cope with stains of grass, wine, juice.
  • Effective on low-temperature washing modes.
  • Light pleasant smell.
  • Economical in consumption.
  • The price is above average.
  • May cause allergic rashes.
  • Cannot be used for washing children's clothes and delicate fabrics.

As a result, Ariel Mountain Spring removes almost all household stains, but you should not use it on fast wash cycles.

Frosch Color

German quality from a famous brand - Frosch Color powder with aloe vera extract. It is an excellent alternative to dangerous chemical mixtures.

Advantages of the product:

  • Not allergenic.
  • High concentration of active substances, therefore used sparingly.
  • Not tested on animals.
  • There is no characteristic “chemical” smell.
  • Works for low temperatures.
  • Doesn't make things look dull.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Does not always cope with old stains.
  • Packed rather impractically - in cardboard.
  • High price.

Eared nanny

One of the most controversial products in the section of household chemicals for children. Consumer reactions and reviews about it vary.

So, the pros:

  • Removes stains of organic and inorganic origin.
  • Effective at low temperatures.
  • Reasonable price.
  • Packaged in different ways: from 400 gram boxes to 9 kg packages.
  • Almost no smell.
  • The composition does not meet the requirements for baby powders; there are a lot of toxins.
  • Allergic rashes occur.

Apart from the disadvantages, it provides quality washing. But it is better not to use it for children's things.

Bimax 100 spots

Manufacturers insist that the product can remove stains without much difficulty.

The advantages include:

  • Compatible with all fabrics except delicate ones.
  • Effective against most types of stains: fats, juices, coffee and wine, grass, dirt.
  • Economical.
  • Convenient packaging: there is a clasp and measuring boxes in large packs (from 3000 g).
  • Availability, low price.
  • Poorly soluble in low temperature washing cycles.
  • It is not always washed out, especially in “fast” modes.

Housewives do not use it every day, but only for “difficult cases”: washing work clothes and difficult stains.

Which powder cleans best?

Good quality powder does not always erase successfully. Therefore, for clarity, it is worth carrying out comparative characteristics the most popular means. See table below.

Amway ARIEL Gloss Persil
Average cost per 1000 g 600 rubles 150 rubles 140 rubles 160 rubles
Concentration Concentrated Not concentrate Not concentrate Not concentrate
Hypoallergenic properties Not allergenic
Smell Weak Cutting Too synthetic Pleasant, not too pronounced
Solubility 90% 70% subject to additional rinsing 80% (with slight sediment) 85% (gave the water a little cloudiness)
Consumption per 1000 g of dry laundry 11 ml 41 ml 40 ml 44 ml
Average consumer rating on a five-point scale 4 4 3 4

"Ariel" and Losk showed best performance in terms of efficiency. The rest of the powders did not justify themselves. Judging by customer ratings, ARIEL washes better.

Which powder is the most harmless?

Whether it is worth making purchases, ignoring various BIO-new products, is up to you to decide. We will only tell you about the dangers of the most aggressive chemical additives in modern laundry detergents:

  • Phosphates. Manufacturers add them as part of the product to soften water to improve the quality of washing. The harm of phosphates is that they increase the toxicity of A-surfactants, cause allergic reactions, take a long time to dissolve and are difficult to wash out of fabric fibers (to completely wash out phosphates, you need at least 10 rinsing cycles!).
    When phosphates get on the skin and into the human body, they reduce the protective properties of the skin and can even negatively affect the blood and immune system. Phosphates are harmful to the environment: in reservoirs they provoke the growth of blue-green algae, which disrupts the ecology of the reservoir as a whole. If phosphates get into water or food, it can be dangerous to health: they can affect pregnancy, the appearance of gastrointestinal tumors and a decrease in human life expectancy.
  • Phosphonates. Lightweight alternative to phosphates. They also soften water. Not as harmful as previous substances. Their decomposition is difficult, but they are washed out better.
  • Zeolites. Replace both of the above products, softening the water. Not as harmful, but they do not dissolve in water and leave stains and the fabric will feel hard to the touch. It is better to choose powders with silicates and carbonates.
  • Surfactant. Surfactants entering the human body, accumulate in cell membranes. If their concentration exceeds a certain level, this can disrupt the biochemical processes in the cell and even destroy it. Simply put, the consequences can be decreased immunity, allergies, damage to organs such as the brain, liver and kidneys, and lungs.

Important! Today, surfactants have begun to be replaced by “tensides”. But to prevent them from causing harm, their concentration in the product should not exceed 7%.

  • Optical brighteners. They don’t bleach anything – it’s an illusion. It's simple: particles of the product settle on the fabric, and under the influence of UV rays a whiteness effect is created. It is almost impossible to rinse them out. Negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  • Chlorine. Can cause vascular and heart diseases, atherosclerosis, anemia, increased arterial pressure, allergies. This component can destroy proteins in the body, interfere with normal growth hair, damage the skin, increase the risk of tumors.

Now let's determine the most harmless powder presented on Russian market. To give you an objective opinion, we will present to you the TOP of the most environmentally friendly products.

Ecover concentrate

The composition of hazardous components contains anionic surfactants from 5 to 30% and zeolites.

Baby Speci

Dangerous and harmful substances it contains in large quantities: from 15 to 30% zeolites, from 5 to 15% anionic surfactants, optical brightener.

Nordland "Eco"

The composition of the product is identical to the previous version, but the concentration of optical brightener is slightly higher - about 5%.

Frosch concentrated

our mother

Experts did not find any aggressive “chemistry” in this product.

Children's powder-concentrate "Burti"

Its composition is not without harmful effects: there are from 15 to 30% zeolites, as well as from 5 to 15% anionic tensides.

Alive – concentrate for washing white and colored fabrics

Anionic surfactants in this powder are found in amounts ranging from 5 to 15%.

Persil – automatic powder “Color”

Found phosphonates, anionic surfactants and optical brightener.

Amway SA8 concentrate

It contains phosphonates and optical brightener.


Absolutely harmless powder from natural ingredients and soda.


“Chemistry” is present in the composition, but there are no potentially dangerous compounds.

Chu Chu Baby Pigeon

Another harmless powder made in Asia.

Based on the list, you can choose the safest and most environmentally friendly option.

Important! The smell is not always a sign of “chemistry”. Manufacturers often use natural flavors, such as essential oils and extracts. Just because the powder smells like lemon doesn't mean it's harmful to your health.

If you care about your health, you can make your own laundry detergent - you will find recipes in the article “How to make laundry detergent at home.”

Which powder is best for white laundry?

When choosing a whitening powder, focus on oxygen rather than optical brighteners in the composition.

Today there are a lot of powders for white linen, and we will list them in descending order of effectiveness (tested on washing a white tablecloth with stains of various origins):

  1. Mara.
  2. Ariel.
  3. Dalli.
  4. E Active Plus White.
  5. Tide.
  6. Iceberg automatic.

Important! If you have not decided which is better - powder or washing gel, then the consistency does not affect the quality of washing and bleaching. But the liquid product dissolves faster in water and is washed out better. But manufacturers of washing machines complain about liquid detergents, as they settle on the working elements of the washing machine.

We have told you almost everything about powders: now you know how to choose the best and safest product.

Having received a salary, everyone has a shopping list and that’s when it’s planned test purchase washing powder is certainly included in the leading list along with other purchases for the home.

As you know, there are a lot of laundry detergents, and let's see which washing powder is good, and the rating of the 12 best will help you make a choice in favor of quality.

Naturally, it’s difficult to talk about which washing powder is better, especially without knowing your washing preferences. Therefore, before you buy the first machine powder you come across, familiar from advertising, you need to determine its purpose.

So, before choosing a washing powder, choose a specific group for yourself, for example:

  • Group "universal". This group necessarily includes a wide variety of powders, one that is suitable for white linen, synthetics, and colored fabrics. Such funds are also removed a large number of pollution.
  • Group "special". This group of powders for automatic machines includes those that contain special additives that combat a certain type of contamination, for example, yellowness or grayness of laundry.
  • Group "standard". Usually, best powder from this group is suitable for frequent washing and for lightly soiled items.

Of course, when choosing which powder will be best for washing, you need to check your clothes based on the quality of its constituent substances and try not to pay attention to the name.

It is known that a safe powder, in which there are few active substances, weakly removes stubborn dirt. The same thing happens on the contrary, the best powder that removes stubborn stains is not happy with its quality and price.

Among other things, the best washing powder should not cause allergies. It is quite possible to find one on the shelves. If you are looking for a truly high-quality product, then you need to rely on your needs, or more precisely on what types of stains you most often handle, as well as what types of fabrics predominate in your wardrobe.

The best inexpensive washing powders

If with many products the rule is that price directly affects quality, then with powder this is not always the case. Of course, no one will deny that the rating of the best washing powders certainly includes famous brands manufacturers such as Procter & Gamble, Nevskaya cosmetics, Persil, etc.

But the winner is not the most recognizable product, but the one that has passed testing and is necessarily harmless and of high quality. But finding cheap products that meet environmental standards and can remove dirt with 100% probability is almost impossible.

But despite this, the cheap rating of washing powders included the unpromoted Ariel or Tide. Even if the name of the product does not evoke any associations in memory, this does not prevent it from getting into the TOP of 2016 and 2017, which passed the test of washing powders among consumers and copes well with the task assigned to them.

So, which powder is better for you, our small TOP, which contains the most affordable laundry detergents, will answer you.

Sarma-Automatic Mountain freshness

If you have a lot of white laundry and you wash it often, then you will probably need quite a bit of powder to satisfy the need for frequent washing. Naturally, every housewife wants to save money, especially when it comes to expensive detergents.

One of the laundry detergents is Sarma powder, which is also used for colored laundry. This powder perfectly exhibits its properties in the form of whitening, thanks to the enzymes included in the composition.

Eared nanny

For those parents who constantly struggle with stains from juices, paints and grass, this is great suitable remedy"Eared nanny." Of course, the advertisement in the photo, which demonstrates its hypoallergenicity with inscriptions, has nothing to do with this, since children are still sensitive to the substances included in the composition, namely phosphates.

But if these substances were not contained there, then it would not cope so well with various kinds contaminants that ordinary powders rarely or not completely remove.

Bimax 100 spots

No less effective in terms of fighting for cleanliness from all kinds of stains is Bimax powder, which is used for almost any type of linen (with the exception of delicate fabrics).

Many people celebrate it high efficiency in the fight against difficult stains. But this powder has poor solubility at low temperatures, as well as poor removal when washing “Mini”.

Losk 9 Total system automatic Mountain lake

For housewives accustomed to the practicality and versatility of detergents, powder from the Losk company is perfect. This product is used as a cleaning powder various surfaces, and also use it for its intended purpose for any type of fabric.

The only drawback for which it is reproached is its strong aroma that can cause allergic reactions.

Persil Expert Color automatic

It is quite difficult to choose a product for washing colored clothes, especially when they are subject to frequent contamination. Many powders containing bleaches affect colors and make them white, but Persil helps preserve color.

Afterwards, the washing powder refreshes the clothes with new colors. Also, the components included in the composition perfectly fulfill their purpose in removing stains.

The best washing powders: price - quality

Of course, the name that every best washing powder machine has is not sold for pennies. Consequently, the washing powder corresponds in quality to its price and vice versa, but this does not always happen.

Sometimes manufacturers completely forget about the quality of raw materials, as well as their safety for the body. As a result, not only the reputation of the manufacturer suffers, but also human health. Cases of counterfeits, especially popular brands, are also possible.

In any case, if you are sure that the washing powder you buy in the store is original, then be sure to pay attention to its composition. After all, as mentioned above, price and quality vary.

Ariel Mountain spring automatic

As always, Ariel is considered one of the best detergents; this powder is not only capable of removing dirt at temperatures below 20-30 degrees, but also has a subtle, unobtrusive aroma.

Many note that the consumption of this product is quite economical, but the cost and attitude towards some delicate fabrics leaves much to be desired.

Persil submachine gun "Frosty Arctic"

But you should understand that the composition contains optical brighteners, which means that when washing white clothes, you will see the illusion of whiteness, and not actually bleached fabric. Also, the existing fragrance often becomes a problem for people prone to allergies.

Ecover ZERO NON BIO Universal

If you are looking for environmentally pure product to wash your things, then the Belgian Ecover ZERO will not disappoint you. This powder is intended for those people who care about their health and their loved ones.

There is nothing in the composition that could cause a reaction in the body to its substances, since only BIO-surfactants are found here. Also, this product is odorless, which certainly places it in the ranking of the best and most harmless.

Tide White Clouds

If you do not suffer from allergies, and frequent feasts force you to remove all kinds of stains from the tablecloth, then Tide is one of the few that can clean everything that satisfied and well-fed guests left behind.

This product not only copes with traces of coffee or wine, it can also remove lipstick stains. It also has the advantage of being cost-effective.

Top House Super Effect

For those housewives who are used to using a lot of powder in one wash, it’s time to change the product. This excellent, economical helper is Top House powder concentrate.

For washing, this remedy enough for for a long time, since its strong concentration requires the use of a small amount at a time. It washes colored and white laundry with equal efficiency. But the disadvantage is the high price.

Which powder is best for white laundry?

Of course, if you want to find a good washing powder specifically for white laundry, then you need to choose a composition that contains safe bleaches. As a rule, safe washing powders contain either optical or oxygen brighteners.

This composition option is the most preferable, since chlorine-containing substances are poorly washed out and can significantly affect human health, especially children, and always not for the better.

Therefore, if you are looking for a safe laundry detergent that whitens, rather than just creates the illusion of whiteness, then choose one with oxygen-containing substances. But don’t forget, when choosing washing powder you should base it on what things you will use it for.

If you do not suffer from allergies, then any laundry detergent is suitable for you, as long as bleach (in powder or liquid form) is used separately.

But if bleaching powder is purchased with the goal of making baby diapers and baby vests whiter, then it is better to avoid aggressive formulations to avoid skin rashes.

Which powder is the most harmless?

Naturally, a good powder will be gentle and not contain surfactants or have a safe amount of them. Of particular concern is the issue of finding the best remedy Young mothers and housewives will follow for laundry.

After all, the most safe option powder does not mean that it will be useful for washing at all. All safety lies in the fact that the composition usually includes soap shavings, but surfactants are practically not mentioned, the same applies to phosphates.

Of course, such gentle substances are not only harmless to the skin, since they are easily washed out from the fabric fibers, but they are also harmless to the washing machine, since they do not settle on the hoses and are easily washed off from the surface.

But the chosen safe product does not always cope with its task, especially when it comes to children's dirt left from playing on the grass, juices and other dirt. Therefore, choose a product that both washes and does not harm your health.

Ecover concentrate

As you know, in order for the powder to perform properly, it needs surfactants that do an excellent job of cleaning fabrics. Naturally, the more surfactants, the better the effect after washing.

But a concentration above 5% indicates that anionic surfactants can have a detrimental effect on human health. Ecover concentrate contains 5-30% of these same anionic surfactants, so it should be used with caution when washing children's clothes.

Baby Speci

We have already said above that children's laundry detergents must be the most gentle, but looking at the packaging, you should not trust written advertising headlines. Before choosing, take a look at the composition.

Baby Speci powder, which is intended for children's clothes, is full of all kinds of surfactants (from 5% and above), as well as optical brighteners, which are difficult to wash out of fabric.

The best washing gels

Just like the best laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent doesn't come cheap. The thing is that the cost is directly related to the consistency of the substance, and at the same time, laundry gel is much more effective and easier to use compared to powder granules.

These substances are easily washed out of fabric fibers and at the same time cope better with dirt and are intended for delicate items made from natural threads (silk or wool).

But the best detergents, called gels, also have some disadvantages, such as price, low efficiency and leaving behind residues on the pipes of the machine (if their quantity is abused).

The most popular liquid products are the following brands of gels::

  • Persil Expert Gel;
  • Synergic;
  • Wellery DELICATE Color Gel.

Washing powder has become an indispensable assistant that is needed every day for everyone. Its active components do an excellent job of washing, however, being sprayed into the air, remaining on fabrics and penetrating the skin, they are harmful to health. In the West they have long studied this problem and began environmentally friendly powders having a safe composition. Some of these powders can be purchased from us.

The most common type of allergy to household chemicals is a reaction to washing powder.

Harm of conventional powders

Our country has established washing powders under the brand of world brands (Henkel, P&G), containing anionic surfactants (a-surfactants) and phosphates in high concentrations. A-surfactant is the main active component of the powder, which, upon contact with the skin, is absorbed through it into the blood, distributed throughout the tissues, accumulates in them, changes the composition of the blood and reduces immunity. For safety, the powder should contain no more than 3-5% of anionic surfactants. But most commercially available a-surfactant powders contain 5-15%. Phosphates enhance the dangerous effects of a-surfactants on the human body and pollute environment. Optical brighteners are harmful. They remain on the laundry after rinsing and create the illusion of cleanliness. May cause irritation in contact with skin.
Rinsing should be done in hot water, because surfactants and phosphates are practically not removed at temperatures below 50°C.

Powders can be environmentally friendly

Today in Europe and the USA, in the production of washing powders, a-surfactants are replaced with biodegradable surfactants or eco-surfactants, which are made from glucose and alcohols, chemical fragrances - with natural ones essential oils, and phosphates - a natural substance sodium disilicate, which increases the efficiency of washing.

Frosch washing powder has established itself as a safe washing powder on the Russian market. This one is environmentally friendly pure powder German does not contain harmful surfactants, bleaches and phosphates. Ideal for families with children and... According to the manufacturer’s application and reviews from Russian housewives, all Frosch household chemical products are very effective products that are safe for humans and the environment.

Another eco-powder is Frau Helga. It is also completely soluble in water, does not contain phosphates, and is easy to rinse out. The content of a-surfactants is no more than 5%.

Russian development - environmentally friendly concentrated washing powder for Faberlic company. All components of this powder are of plant origin. It also does not contain phosphates, and the a-surfactants are derived from palm oil.

At first sight safe powders expensive, but this is a misconception because they are very concentrated and only a small amount needs to be added to the wash. Thus, one pack of eco-powder always lasts longer than usual.

Automatic washing machines have long become an integral part of everyday life. Their appearance in everyday life allowed a woman to save her time and energy. By entrusting your washing to an automatic machine, you can spend the evening with your family. In order for the device to serve for a long time and properly, it requires proper use and gentle care.


Please read the instructions supplied with your automatic washing machine carefully before you start using it. Find the detergent compartment at the top of the machine. Using a little force, open the box by pulling it towards you.

The detergent compartment most often in machines has three compartments. Determine the purpose of each individual compartment. They are marked with numbers or special icons. The gradation in washing machines is usually as follows: the left compartment is for the main wash, the right is for pre-wash, and in the middle is the compartment. You can also determine their purpose by the size of the compartments: large for the main wash, smaller for pre-wash, and the smallest for rinse aids.

To determine where to put the washing powder, you can use the following method. Start the washing machine. Wait until the water starts pouring. Pull out the detergent compartment and see which compartment is filled with water. This will be the main wash compartment. Pour washing powder into required quantity it must be placed in the compartment intended for it before washing begins. Also fill the appropriate compartment with air conditioner.

To determine the main wash compartment, pour water into the drawer. From the compartment intended for detergent, water will instantly flow into the tank. If necessary, the detergent compartment can be pulled out during washing, for example, if you need to add conditioner. In a situation where the detergent is not completely washed out of the compartments by water, clean the box.

There are special detergents, which must be placed directly into the tank of an automatic washing machine. These are powders that do not contain multi-colored granules. Their use when washing in a machine tank requires a special container.

Video on the topic

Tip 3: How to choose washing powder and what they are like

A good washing powder should not only wash things perfectly, but also not cause harm to either the fabric or the health of your loved ones. Modern manufacturers offer such a huge selection of washing powders that it is sometimes very difficult to understand all this variety and make the right choice.

Types of washing powders

The quality of washing directly depends on how suitable the powder you purchased for your purposes is. Each package indicates what kind of washing it is suitable for - hand wash, automatic machine or activator type machine, this inscription should not be neglected
Powders for hand washing foam well, unlike those intended for washing machines. Therefore, you cannot use such a tool for “ automatic washing", because The machine will not be able to wash and rinse the laundry well. It is equally important to consider what type of fabric the powder is intended for. There are usually three types of powders: for linen and cotton, for wool and synthetics, and universal.

Regular washing powders can harm a child's sensitive skin. They often cause irritation on the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, for washing children's clothes, it is necessary to choose special powders with a less harmful composition, i.e. does not contain soda and bleaches. The same applies to allergy sufferers.

There are two types of bleaches in washing powders: chemical and optical. The first includes bleach, all kinds of peroxides and oxygen. All these substances destroy the color in the fabric. But it should be borne in mind that oxygen is more gentle on fabric fibers, so it can even be used for washing colored laundry. Optical brighteners do not destroy color, but hide it. Its action is based on the fact that the powder contains special particles that settle on the fabric and mask stains. After washing, they remain on things, and when light falls on them, it is refracted and colors them blue, violet and blue, making the fabric appear snow-white.

How to choose a good powder

First of all, you need to carefully study the packaging. It’s good if it indicates that the powder is non-toxic or environmentally friendly. But despite this, you definitely need to study its composition. The content of surfactants in a good washing powder should be less than 5%, and the amount of phosphate products should not exceed the threshold of 12%.

It is best not to skimp on your items, but to purchase a separate powder for each type of fabric. For wool and delicate fabrics, cotton, white, black and colored items, it must be separate remedy for washing children's clothes. In addition, it is advisable to purchase a stain remover powder. You should also pay attention to what type of washing the powder is intended for - manual or machine. Moreover, if a “manual” one does not foam well, this indicates its poor quality.

It should be remembered that the quality of washing depends not only on the washing powder, but also on the correct use of it. An insufficient amount of product will make washing ineffective, and excess will remain on the fabric. The norm is that for 5 kg of things you need 5 tablespoons of powder, and for 4-4.5 kg - 4.

Gradually, loose powders are replaced by liquid ones. They are more convenient to use: they dissolve well, do not require long rinsing, and do not spill out. They can be used to wash blankets and outerwear without worrying about lumps stuck in seams or streaks. At the same time, gel powders are less effective and more expensive. Let's consider popular products from 11 manufacturers: ORO, Savex, Laska, Synergetic, Faberlic, Ushasty Nyan, BiMAX, Ariel, Amway, Tide, Persil.

Liquid laundry detergent is a concentrated product that is easily soluble in water. It is considered more gentle compared to conventional dry powder. Contains surfactants and additional components, giving a whitening and cleansing effect. To choose the right brand, let’s take a closer look at the powders: find out the contents and methods of use.

What is the difference

Liquid detergents are available in plastic bottles with measuring caps. Arguments for the use of liquid powders:

Manufacturers produce special lines for color preservation, bleaching, children's clothes, and delicate fabrics. Often contain conditioner and bleach components, so no need to use additional funds.

Along with the advantages, there are several disadvantages:

  • Most gel powders contain fragrance;
  • overpriced compared to bulk powder;
  • are not able to wash off the powders that “take” them.

Note! Unlike gel capsules, liquid powder is used for hand washing.

How to wash

To wash in a washing machine, the liquid product is either poured into a receiving container or placed in a cap or special container, which is sold along with the bottle.

In the machine, the cleaning product receptacle is usually divided into three compartments under numbers or letters:

  • 1 (I) or A – activated at the soaking stage;
  • 2 (II) or B – activated during the main wash;
  • star or flower - use for rinses.

The tray into which liquid powder is poured in the washing machine is located at number II (models “Kandy”, “Atlant”, “Electrolux”, “Bosch”). This is where he falls asleep regular powder. There is a damper in the department. In some machines, the damper is present in the third or first section. The product should be poured into the section with the flap. If the trays in the machine are arranged in a semicircle (“Hotpoint Ariston” AVSL-109), the product is poured into the largest section.

Some washing machine manufacturers prohibit putting liquid detergent through the tray. Before pouring the substance, read the manufacturer's recommendations.

The dosage depends on the brand and is indicated on the packaging. The optimal amount is 40 ml. Manufacturers often overestimate the dose. Therefore, experienced users pour “by eye” in accordance with the load of the machine and the abundance of contaminants.

Important! When washing by hand, do not use hot water: the active components are activated at 20–60°C.

How to choose

Liquid detergent for washing in a washing machine is selected according to the following criteria:

  • environmental friendliness - the composition includes biodegradable substances;
  • pleasant aroma - there is no fragrance or does not penetrate into the fabric;
  • effectiveness - contain bleaches, stain removers.

The composition of most substances is the same. The main cleaning components are:

  • Surfactants (surfactants) – collect and hold dirt;
  • phosphates – soften hard water;
  • enzymes (enzymes) - break down fats, proteins, starch;
  • foam stabilizers – prevent the appearance of excessive foam;
  • polymers – protect against molting;
  • optical brighteners - give visual effect whiteness.

Chemicals cause allergies - itching, skin irritation. In addition, they pollute the environment. When choosing a powder, focus on the lower content of chemical components. This will preserve health and nature.

For children's clothes, choose a special hypoallergenic line or carefully study the composition.

Which is better

You can only choose which powder is better through experience. Users tried different brands and shared their impressions. Based on reviews, a rating of the most effective liquid products for washing.

Table 1. The best brands liquid powder

Name Volume, l Manufacturer Cost in rubles
ORO 2 and 3 Spain 500–600
Savex 1,5; 2,6 Bulgaria 300–600
1, 2, 3 Russia 200
1 and 5 Russia 300–600
0,5 Russia 300–500
BiMAX 1,5 Russia 400
Ariel 1; 1,3; 1,95 France 300–500
0,75; 1,2 Russia 200
Amway 1; 1,5; 4 USA 1 500–5 000
Tide 1; 1,82; 2,4 France 200–500
1,46 Hungary 400–600

Attention! Washing gel cannot be used together with other powders and products, unless the manufacturer indicates otherwise (for example, it is recommended to combine it with conditioner of the same brand).



  • smells pleasant of coconut and peach;
  • contains biodegradable elements;
  • does not harm the skin;
  • slowly consumed;
  • suitable for thin natural and synthetic fabrics;
  • softens water.


Used for machine and hand wash. 99% consists of degradable substances. To refresh your clothes, just add half a cap to five liters of water.



  • washes at low temperature (from 40°C);
  • smells nice.


  • not suitable for washing children's clothes.

Savex produces the following lines:

  • Color 2 in 1 – washes colored items;
  • Black dark for dark fabrics;
  • Parfum Lock Whites & Colors – washes white and colored fabrics;
  • White with whitening effect;
  • Fresh with floral aroma.

A one and a half liter bottle is enough for 20 washes.


  • whitens;
  • retains colors;
  • removes stains;
  • economically used;
  • softens the fabric.


  • fragrance (the most subtle aroma is in the “Bamboo” series).

Several series are produced:

  • “Bamboo extract” – washes wool and silk;
  • “Black Magic” – leaves no streaks on dark fabrics;
  • “Magic of Color” – preserves colored things;
  • Care & Refresh for synthetics;
  • Active & Fresh – preserves the function of membranes, imparts freshness;
  • "3D color restoration effect";
  • “White restoration effect 3D” – for whitening;
  • Care & Repair – restores color, .

The liquid powder is opaque, the color depends on the series. The cap is used as a measuring cup.


  • does not cause skin irritation;
  • suitable for washing children's clothes;
  • contains biodegradable components;
  • foams well;
  • easy to wash;
  • It has light aroma;
  • Suitable for hand washing.


  • does not remove stubborn, old stains;
  • requires a lot of consumption.

Transparent gel-like powder refreshes fabrics well. It removes heavy dirt in combination with a stain remover. It is recommended to use in combination with conditioner to keep washed items soft. "Synergetic" is considered environmentally friendly pure product.


  • has an unobtrusive aroma;
  • retains colors;
  • removes dirt;
  • easy to rinse;
  • does not cause irritation.


  • does not soften fabrics;
  • not suitable for silk and wool fabrics.

Faberlic separately produces gels for dark, white, and colored fabrics. The transparent yellowish gel-like substance contains biodegradable elements. Suitable for washing children's clothes. Only 30 ml is required per wash. Used at temperatures 20–60°C.


  • softens water;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • has a whitening effect;
  • Suitable for soaking, hand and machine wash.
  • not suitable for children's clothing;
  • does not cope with stubborn dirt.

Bimax produces the following lines:

  • Color – washing colored items;
  • concentrate “100 spots”;
  • Jeans for denim;
  • Black Fashion for black things.

The product has a thick bluish structure. It produces little foam. It has a light aroma; after drying, things do not smell. A one and a half liter bottle is designed for approximately 20 washes.



  • removes even stubborn and old stains well;
  • suitable for white and colored clothes;
  • preserves fabric texture;
  • Suitable for thin fabrics made from natural and synthetic fibers.


  • has a strong fragrance, especially Ariel Mountain Spring;
  • contains chemicals that can cause allergies.

According to the instructions, Ariel washing gel is poured into a measuring cup and placed in the machine drum along with dirty clothes. It is recommended to remove the cap before drying mode. You can also measure the product and pour it into the tray.

For heavily soiled areas, use the embossed bottom of the cap:

  1. Apply a small amount of product to the dirty area.
  2. Rub the cloth with the cap.
  3. Leave the item for a few minutes.
  4. Rinse or machine wash.

Ariel separately produces a line for children's clothing (“For sensitive skin"). Makes white items a tone lighter.

  • suitable for all types of fabric;
  • does not cause skin irritation;
  • removes juices;
  • easy to wash;
  • retains color;
  • softens the fabric;
  • whitens.
  • smells;
  • requires a lot of consumption.

A colorless, transparent product with a thin consistency. Specially designed for washing clothes of newborns and children. One cap (45 ml) holds five liters of water.


  • does not cause allergies;
  • washes at low temperatures (from 15°C);
  • has a light aroma;
  • has bleaching properties;
  • softens the fabric;
  • preserves the color and structure of the fabric;
  • high cost;
  • no dispenser;
  • Doesn't handle heavy dirt.

Amway produces several lines of liquid powder:

  • SA8 Liquid for all types of fabric;
  • Baby SA8 for children's things;
  • SA8 Delicate for silk, fine fabrics;
  • SA8 Black for dark clothes.

The product consumption is small: 20 ml is enough for one wash. The cost of the product depends on the volume: a liter costs from 1,100 rubles.


  • low consumption;
  • refreshes clothes;
  • softens fabrics.
  • smells strong;
  • does not cope with plant, fruit, and berry traces.

Liquid Tide is available for white and colored fabrics (“ Alpine freshness"). Medium viscous powder bright blue. A three-liter bottle is enough for 65 washes. Does not contain bleach.


  • retains color;
  • does not spoil the fabric;
  • gives softness;
  • smoothes the material.


  • smells strong;
  • does not wash away stubborn dirt well;
  • quickly consumed.

"Persil" is available for colored, white, baby clothes. Universal liquid powder “Freshness” contains a stain remover and is suitable for all types of fabric. A substance of medium consistency, green or blue.

Each brand has advantages and disadvantages, and each user individually determines what is more important to him - smell, price, whitening effect, hypoallergenicity. Regardless of the cost, any product will be effective on lightly soiled fabrics. To avoid disappointment and overpay, use powders or special stain removers for stubborn stains.

The benefits of liquid powders are described in detail in the video:

Larisa, September 20, 2018.