Tips for manual and automatic washing of shedding items. What to do if a thing faded during washing: methods for restoring white and colored clothes

Adalind Koss

A variety of wardrobe will require a special approach to washing items of clothing. But how to wash clothes so that they do not lose color? All recommendations for the care of things that are dyed are divided into 3 groups: correct manipulations before washing, during washing, and recommendations for purchasing things.

After all, it's a shame if your favorite thing sheds, or other clothes shed on your favorite blouse. To avoid such excesses, it is worth considering washing recommendations.

What to do before washing

So, let's take a closer look at what to do before washing colored laundry in order to avoid shedding. Before sending all the clothes into the washing drum, you need to do some preparatory steps:

before sending it to the wash, do a shedding test. A considerable level of shedding in things of green, red color. If you do not know how the clothes behave, then do not put them in the machine;

Linens are sorted by color. So you will avoid coloring light-colored clothes from colored ones. White is washed only with white. Orange, pink and yellow are perfectly allowed to be put with light brown clothes. Black clothes are allowed to be washed with gray and dark blue. Keep colorful items separate from others. And wash green, blue and blue together;
it is required to minimize the friction of the fibers, which causes microdamage to the threads. And this, in turn, causes molting of clothes. This is especially true for cotton. Over time, these clothes fade. So, it is important to wash light fabrics separately from heavy ones. Jackets, jeans, etc. wash with buttoned locks and buttons. Turn them inside out to eliminate friction from the outer fibers;

It is important to properly prepare the laundry for washing. Remember that this is one of the key steps.

set a gentle washing program, which twists clothes less;
before washing, it is easy to carry out a shedding ability test. Put the thing in water with soapy water for a quarter of an hour. If the clothes shed, then you will notice the staining of the water.

Rules for washing shedding things

In order for things not to shed, you must follow the basic rules of washing. They are quite simple:

First of all, set the correct temperature. It is worth washing in cool water, except for towels and bed linen. Today, detergents perfectly remove dirt even with water at 40 degrees. Washing is allowed to be done in cold, but not ice water;
in addition, do not arrange washing in water with soda and vinegar. Most often, this not only does not work, but also worsens the quality of clothing. The problem is that not all dyes are fixed with vinegar. They are best used to eliminate the smell. Tracksuits, socks, kitchen towels are rinsed in it;
in addition, a special napkin is placed in the drum of the washing machine with things of different colors. It detects the presence of dyes in the water, so it quickly picks up the dye during washing. So you save your favorite clothes;

if the thing in the process of checking for molting has faded a lot, then refuse machine washing;
to ensure the delicacy of the spin, so that things do not curl too much, covers for washing are used. If you need to wash your jeans, then excessive twisting causes white stripes, so the cover will bring considerable benefits;

Never use untested products on new things. This can lead to disastrous results.

choose the right detergent. For white and colored fabrics there is. Liquid powder for colored laundry will help to keep a beautiful shade longer.

In order to avoid washing out of paints from clothes, you should not soak it before washing, and also soap it. To remove stains, use a liquid stain remover. They are more careful with matter.

Ways to wash colored laundry

Remember that shedding things are washed only separately. But it’s important to keep the color for a long time, so consider the ways of washing clothes that will help to cope with this task:

First option.

If you know that the material sheds a little, then try to get rid of excess color. They do it like this:

the thing is soaked in heated water;
then rinse with tap water;
re-soak for 40 minutes;
if less paint is released, then rinse again under the tap;
soaking is repeated until excess color is washed off;
wash the item in the washing machine with the addition of powder.

Second option.

If the material continues to shed, then you will have to resort to using other means. Salt is a natural material, it can “hold back” the color and at the same time clean the fibers from dirt. For an effective result, you need to follow these steps:

prepare a basin of water slightly warmer than room temperature;
pour 1 tbsp into it. salt and a handful of powder;
leave the thing to soak for half an hour;
wash by hand;
rinse under the tap.

This option is only suitable for one-color items. It is not recommended to wash colorful clothes in this way.

Third option.

This method requires the addition of vinegar. This acid is able to fix the paint, after its use, clothes shed less in the future. Do the following:

prepare a deep basin;
add water with a maximum temperature of 40 degrees from it and pour in the powder;
soak clothes for a third of an hour, then stretch;
make a solution of vinegar: for 7 liters of water 5 tablespoons;
rinse the thing in this solution;
leave to dry without wringing.

Fourth option.

This method will also require the use of vinegar. Only in this case it is necessary not to rinse, but to wash. The process is:

4 liters of heated water are poured into a deep bowl;
2 tablespoons of powder and 3 tablespoons of vinegar are poured into it;
send the clothes into the solution and rub a little;
now rinse in non-cold water under the tap;
hang without squeezing.

There are many washing methods to preserve color and remove excess color, but it is important to use them with care.

It is also important to follow the rules for rinsing things that shed. The duration of the color retention depends on this:

leave clothes at the bottom of the tub after washing;
douse it with a pressure of non-cold water from the shower;
turn over to the second side and do the same manipulations;
now twist and repeat again;
lower the water temperature and pour over the clothes again.

Washing colored clothes in the washing machine

So, let's consider step by step how to wash clothes that are overly dyed in a washing machine:

before sending to the drum, the item should be briefly left in a vinegar solution in warm water. Proportions of the solution: 4 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of powder and 3 tablespoons of vinegar;
set the washing program with a water temperature below 40 degrees;
before washing, be sure to turn things on the wrong side;
turn off the spin;
hang clothes without wringing, but simply straighten them with your hands;
also dry inside out.

Additional rules:

never use soda to treat things that are prone to color loss;
certain types of materials are not machine washable;
Before washing for the first time, study the data on the label. Companies often specify care rules.

Rules for choosing clothes

In order to avoid the problem of washing shedding things, you must follow the rules for choosing clothes when buying. Dense fabrics shed less, polyester is still rarely dyed, it is able to keep the shade for a long time. Shedding resistant jersey, smooth jersey, high quality cotton.

Often, even when touched, it is easy to understand whether clothes are shedding. If the fabric is slightly wrinkled, then it “crunches” if there is excess paint in it. Here you can be sure that the clothes will shed when machine washed. So use manual first.

The right choice of clothes and fabrics will eliminate the problem of faded things.

The label will tell you a lot of information. But not all manufacturers put on the labels the designations "wash in cold water" and "wash on the wrong side." These inscriptions report the instability of the paint. But this does not mean that such things are forbidden to buy. Just follow the washing rules.

Remember that cost is not an indicator of color quality. Even expensive silk retains shade worse than cheap polyester and other synthetics.

January 27, 2014, 12:48

What a shame it is when your favorite clothes shed. What to do so that things are not painted? How to organize the washing process so that they do not deteriorate? We will answer these questions and provide detailed instructions and a description of the actions.

How to wash so that the fabric is not dyed?

To make clothes less shed and retain their color longer, you will need the following tools:

  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • washing powder for hand washing.

Auxiliary equipment:

  • bowl for soaking;
  • washing machine.

How to wash so that things do not dye?

First you need to remember: the dyeing fabric must be washed separately. At the same time, it is important to keep its shade as long as possible, because you like it so much! To do this, there are several ways using the above tools.

Method 1

If you are sure that the fabric is not dyed much, then you can try to get rid of excess paint. This is done like this:

  1. Soak the item in warm water.
  2. Rinse with running water.
  3. Soak again for 40 minutes.
  4. If there is less dye, rinse under the tap.
  5. Soak until excess paint is washed off.
  6. Wash with powder in the machine.

Method 2

If the fabric still continues to dye, then you will have to use auxiliary agents. Salt is a natural mineral, it is able to “hold” color and at the same time remove dirt. For effective use, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Take a bowl of water just above room temperature.
  2. Add 1 cup salt and a handful of powder.
  3. Soak the item for 30 minutes.
  4. Wash by hand.
  5. Rinse in running water.

Note: This option is only suitable for plain colored fabrics.

Method 3

The next method is using vinegar. Acetic acid fixes the dye, after which the item sheds less in the future. Proceed like this:

  1. Take a deep bowl.
  2. Pour water into it at 30-40 degrees with powder.
  3. Soak the wardrobe item for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash.
  5. Prepare an vinegar solution: for a bucket of water - 5 tbsp. vinegar.
  6. Rinse clothing in solution.
  7. Hang to dry without twisting.

Method 4

Another method is using vinegar. Only now do not rinse with a solution, but wash it in it. You need to do it like this:

  1. Pour 4 liters of warm water into a deep bowl.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. powder.
  3. Pour in 3 tbsp. vinegar.
  4. Immerse the item in the solution.
  5. Rub a little.
  6. Rinse in warm running water.
  7. Hang without twisting.

How to rinse shedding things?

Proper rinsing also determines how long the color will last on the fabric. To do this, use the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. After washing, put the item on the bottom of the tub.
  2. Rinse with plenty of warm water from the shower.
  3. Turn over the other side and repeat the procedure.
  4. Then turn it inside out and rinse again with water at room temperature.
  5. Lower the temperature and repeat the procedure.

How to wash shedding things in a washing machine?

  1. Before washing in the machine, soak the item in a solution of vinegar, using warm water, powder and acid in the proportion of 4 liters / 2 tbsp / 3 tbsp.
  2. Choose a mode with a temperature of less than 40 degrees.
  3. Turn garment inside out before cleaning.
  4. Set the machine to no spin mode.
  5. Hang clothes after machine washing, without twisting, smoothing them with your hands.
  6. Dry clothes inside out by placing a bowl under them, so you avoid unnecessary cleaning of the bathroom.

  • Do not treat dyeing fabrics with soda.
  • Some items cannot be machine washed.
  • Before cleaning such clothes for the first time, carefully read the information on the labels. Self-respecting firms write all the recommendations for caring for the fabric.
  • When choosing clothes, the easiest way to find out whether a thing changes shade or not is to discreetly rub a piece of the chosen clothes with a damp cloth. If it stains, you will know what you are taking.

Important! If the clothes were hopelessly damaged due to low-quality dye, but you really like it in style, size and fabric, you can find a way out.

Clothes are what we need every day. Therefore, it is extremely important to preserve its original appearance for as long as possible. It is very difficult to part with your favorite thing, especially if it suits you. But what if the thing starts to shed? And how to prevent this unpleasant process?

In this article, we will answer a number of important questions, namely:

  • How to wash things that shed?
  • How to keep the original color of clothes longer?
  • What should you do to ensure that your clothes do not stain when washed?

How to wash shedding things?

Brightly colored fabrics, when washed, tend to generously "share" their rich colors with water, as well as with other things that are lucky enough to be next to them. It is possible to understand whether this or that material paints water or not after the first processing of the thing.

To prevent the fabric from shedding during washing, experienced housewives recommend using several proven products. They are usually found in every home. This:

  • powder for hand washing;
  • common salt;
  • vinegar.

In addition to these funds, you, of course, will need a plastic container for pre-soaking things.

An experienced housewife knows how to wash clothes so that they do not shed or stain other clothes. The answer is obvious: such things need to be washed separately. You should not regret the time and detergents spent on washing when you want to keep the colors of your favorite blouse, blouse or evening dress as long as possible.

Let's take a look at the most effective methods for washing fabrics, which involve the use of the products listed at the beginning of this article.

How to wash clothes so they don't shed

Method One

Pre-soaking will wash away excess paint from bright clothes

To prevent new linen from shedding during washing, you can try one of the methods, namely, to remove excess paint from it. The algorithm of actions in this case should be as follows:

  • first, soak the laundry in slightly warm water;
  • then rinse it well;
  • then you need to re-soak our linen for 30-35 minutes;
  • then rinse again under running water.

Repeat these simple steps until all excess paint is removed from the fabric. After that, you can wash the clothes in the washing machine using a regular powder detergent.

Method two

Regular salt will help fix the dye on colored laundry.

To prevent things from shedding during washing, you can try another, more radical method. And your assistant in this case will be ordinary salt. Here's what to do:

  • fill a plastic container with warm (but not hot) water;
  • dissolve in water a handful of powder and one glass of rock salt;
  • soak clothes in this solution for about 25-35 minutes;
  • wash things and rinse them thoroughly under the tap.

It is important to note that this recipe is only suitable for washing plain fabrics.

Method three

Vinegar, like table salt, will fix the dye on colored laundry.

The following recipe involves the use of a substance such as vinegar. Acetic acid perfectly fixes dyes on fabrics. The algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • fill a sufficiently deep container with hot water;
  • soak things in it for 20-30 minutes, and then wash them;
  • rinse things in vinegar solution (based on: one tablespoon of vinegar per two liters of water);
  • at the end, without twisting or wringing the clothes too much, hang them on a rope and leave to dry.

Method Four

Table vinegar 6%

For this recipe, you will also need to prepare vinegar. The only difference will be that in the prepared solution, the thing will not need to be rinsed, but washed. Let's describe this method in more detail:

  • we prepare a solution in a plastic container (for two liters of water we take one tablespoon of powder and one and a half tablespoons of vinegar);
  • then things should be immersed in this container and rubbed lightly;
  • then things are thoroughly rinsed under running water;
  • you do not need to squeeze the products, just hang them on a rope.

Rinsing out shedding clothes

So, we found out how to wash shedding things. What is the right way to rinse them? Let's deal with this issue as well.

Not everyone knows that rinsing is the same important procedure as washing things. After all, the quality and safety of your clothes largely depends on it. The following detailed instructions will help you do everything as correctly as possible:

  • first you need to put the washed thing on the bottom of the bath;
  • then you should wet it with a strong pressure of hot water (it is best to use a shower);
  • after that, you need to turn the thing over and repeat the procedure again;
  • then you need to turn the thing inside out and perform the same steps (but with water at a lower temperature).

How to wash faded clothes in the washing machine

Always wash bright colored laundry separately from the rest

The first rule that should not be forgotten is that you cannot wash colored (coloring) things with non-colored (light) things in a washing machine at the same time. They need to be separated.

Before sending the shedding things to the washing machine, they should be soaked in an vinegar solution (one and a half tablespoons of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of powder detergent in two liters of water). Before washing, it is advisable to turn things inside out. It is necessary to wash shedding products in the “no spin” mode and at a temperature of up to 40 degrees.

Important! In order not to spoil things, you need to follow two recommendations:

  1. Do not treat shedding clothes with baking soda.
  2. Carefully study the label of a new product before washing it for the first time.

Thus, a huge number of options for washing shedding things have been invented! They will help you maintain the quality, original color and appearance of the product for a long time. Read the labels on clothes carefully before putting them in the washing machine.

Shedding laundry is one of the biggest problems you can run into while doing your laundry. If you can prevent the laundry from shedding, then you don't have to worry about how to eliminate staining. Start with step 1 to learn how to keep your laundry from shedding and other things.


Before washing

    Assess clothes before washing them. In any case, be prepared for shedding on the first wash. This way you can prevent the entire load from being accidentally stained pink. If you are sure that the linen does not shed, you can safely wash it as usual. When evaluating clothes, pay special attention to very bright colors. They contain the most dyes and are the most likely to shed. Colors such as bright red, green and blue tend to be the least durable and should be given special attention when first washed.

    Arrange the linen by color. The main precaution is sorting things. When possible, wash whites, pastels, similar brights, darks, and towels in separate loads. If you do this, you will at least prevent the sheds from staining the rest of the laundry in the washing machine.

    • Having separate laundry baskets for each type of load will help you organize your laundry.
  1. Minimize friction. In the presence of numerous frictions of the fibers of the fabric, microdamages will appear in them, which can cause a loss of color inside the fibers. This is one of the reasons clothes fade over time (especially in cotton fabrics). Reduce friction by washing heavy items (like jeans) together in one load, making sure all zippers and hooks are closed.

    • You can also turn things inside out to reduce friction on the right side. This is especially effective with jeans.
    • You can also try using the delicate cycle in your machine to reduce curling in fabrics. This can help keep clothes.
  2. Test for the ability of paints to retain color. You can also test the ability of paints to retain color (or color fastness) before washing. Place the laundry in a sink with soapy water for half an hour. If the water is tinted, the item sheds and will require special attention when washing.

    During washing

    1. Do not add salt or vinegar. You may have read the advice about washing items that are prone to shedding with salt or vinegar, but this advice should not be followed in most cases. Some dyes do set with vinegar, but such dyes are relatively rare. And even if this is your case, vinegar can harm other types of dyes, so in any case, you should not add it to the wash. Not only does this not help, but it can also seriously worsen the situation!

      • Vinegar, however, is good for removing strong odors. Save the vinegar for socks, sportswear, and towels.
    2. Wash clothes in cold water. In the past, when washing powder was not as effective, it was advisable to wash in hot water. It was necessary to get enough clean clothes. However, at present, washing powder is quite effective and the use of hot water is only necessary when washing bed linen, towels and whites. Everything else can be safely washed in cold water.

      • If you live in a very cold climate, the water can get too cold in winter. In this case, you may need to set the wash cycle to hot water.
    3. Use color trapping cloths when washing. If your clothes are still shedding, you can use color-catching wipes, which are available at most hardware stores. They will trap any fading dyes, preventing discoloration of other things.

      If things shed a lot, then wash them by hand or send them to dry cleaning. If, despite all the precautions, your clothes are still shedding after one or two washes, then you should hand wash or dry clean them. Both methods will help keep things as long as possible.

      • If you just want to lightly freshen up clothes that don't have serious stains or dirt on them, you can use steam to clean things. Steam will kill bacteria and eliminate odors, but will not remove dirt.

      Before the purchase

      1. Choose clothes made from more durable materials. If you don't want to deal with shedding or difficult washes, try to buy clothes made from more durable materials that retain color better. Polyester is the least prone to shedding and rarely loses color even after many years of use. However, jerseys, smooth knits, and heavy, high-quality cottons also hold dye fairly well.

      2. Feel the clothes for "crispness". When you buy new clothes, feel them thoroughly before you buy them. Does it feel like a "crunch"? You'll recognize the feeling: it's like when you add too much laundry detergent or when your swimsuit or clothes dry after swimming in the ocean. A similar feeling on clothes in the store suggests that there may be excess dye on things that has not been removed properly.

        • You can buy similar things, but be sure to wash them by hand the first two or three times so that the excess paint is washed out.

It is very disappointing when new clothes, at the first wash, not only lose their appearance and color, but also spoil other things. If you know how to wash shedding things correctly, there will be less disappointment. The rules are simple and there are very few of them.

Basic rules for washing colored items

Before washing, clothes must be sorted:

  • white - apart from everything;
  • black, gray, blue;
  • from yellow and orange to red and pink; can be washed with light brown clothes;
  • blue, blue, green;
  • motley.

Separation by material

For clothes made of different materials, different powders or liquids are needed for washing. Linen can be washed with cotton, silk with synthetics, wool separately from everything. A separate wash should also be done for jeans, which not only usually shed, but also can damage more delicate things with zippers and rivets.

Preliminary check

New things need to be checked for color fastness. The easiest way to do this is to use an iron: lightly wet the thing in an inconspicuous place, cover with a white cloth and press it with a hot iron. Shedding fabrics will certainly appear with colored stains and spots.

Fixing the paint

If it turns out that the clothes shed, you can try to fix the paint on the fabric. To do this, soak the item for 1 hour in salt water at room temperature. For the solution, it is enough to take half a glass of salt in a bucket of water. Instead of saline, you can make a solution of vinegar: ¼ cup table vinegar in a bucket of water. Vinegar must also be added to the rinse water. The paint on cotton fabrics is fixed in a solution of turpentine: 50 ml per 5 liters of water, soak for 30 minutes. Do not worry about the smell, everything will be washed and rinsed.

No bleach

To prevent things from shedding, you need to use only universal products or those that are specifically designed for colored fabrics. Before washing shedding clothes, you should always look at what is written on the clothing label.

Take note

  • Before washing, it is better to turn things inside out and fasten all zippers and buttons.
  • You need to wash in almost cold water, up to 30 ° C. And no soaking before washing in detergent!
  • We select only the delicate mode, with a minimum spin. If the washing of shedding things is done by hand - you do not need to twist the shedding thing too much and rub it hard.

Modern methods of staining fabrics most often give fairly stable staining. If the thing sheds a lot, then the matter is most likely in the low quality of the paint. Try returning the defective product to the store, or contact the Consumer Protection Society. Low-quality paint can cause irritation and allergies, so it poses some danger to sensitive skin.

This applies to jeans to a much lesser extent, since some of the dye often comes out of denim during the first few washes. As a rule, by the third or fourth time, the water will acquire only a faint shade. If you wash your jeans inside out and with all zippers or buttons closed, the rich color will last longer. Jeans should not be squeezed too hard, as this may cause light stripes on the fabric.