What should be baby bedding. Choosing bed linen for a child: what to look for What are baby bedding made of?

Bed linen for a newborn is an obligatory component of the shopping list that future parents make up. In fact, choosing such a product should not be difficult, but in practice, the expectant mother is faced with such a variety of crib sets and bedding that it can be very difficult to make the right choice. In this article, we will talk about what requirements bedding for a newborn should meet, how not to make a mistake with the sizes and how to choose the right set that will not harm your baby.


The child will need bed linen immediately after discharge from the hospital. At home, the package that the medical staff will hand over will be unfolded, and the baby will need to sleep somewhere, and at this age he sleeps 22-23 hours a day. Underwear for babies has a number of differences from sleeping sets used by adults or children of middle and older age.

It must be clearly understood that The bed linen set is purchased separately from the crib set. The set is a set of soft bumpers on the bed, stole. It also includes a pillowcase, duvet cover and bed sheet. But one such set will not be enough. The beautiful kit is definitely a must buy. But a completely different task faces parents when choosing a replacement kit.

In order not to experience problems when changing linen, you need to have at least three sets of bedding: one is the same beautiful canopy setchosen as the main one, and two separate ones.

Bed linen in a crib for a newborn should comply with safety requirements more than any other. The skin of a newborn is very sensitive. It has only recently been born, and therefore its skin is still in a state of intensive adaptation to a new environment. In addition, newborns sweat more, especially in the head area. If the linen is rough, it is dyed with dubious textile dyes, it is very likely that a severe allergic reaction, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis may begin. Because of this, the child's sleep, appetite and overall development will suffer.

The linen should be of the size that exactly matches the size of the crib with a small “margin” for refueling, because the time is not far off when the child begins to actively roll over and crawl. Smaller underwear will begin to gather in folds, which will be unpleasant for the baby, which again will lead to sleep disturbances. A poorly rested baby at night will eat worse, worry more and certainly will not let his parents get enough sleep. Therefore, the question of buying bed linen for a baby is, without exaggeration, a matter of comfort for the whole family.

Usually, parents decide on the model of the crib even before the question of bed linen arises. Therefore, before buying, you should understand exactly what size bed you have prepared, and also take into account the shape of the bed. Cribs are not only rectangular, but also oval, cradles, beds, etc.

Underwear for a newborn should be reliable, like a Swiss safe. It should withstand washing and ironing with dignity, not fade, not “shrink” after washing. The fabric should be strong and delicate at the same time.

Choosing a kit - step by step instructions

  • Measure your crib- the length, width and height of the mattress. You will need this data in order to compare the dimensions of the finished kits with what you need. Don't forget to measure your comforter to determine the correct size for your comforter.
  • Pay attention to the manufacturer. It is better to give preference to those kits that are sewn in large factories with good recommendations. Dubious cheap sets of baby clothes, sewn in an unknown place, with a high degree of probability will not even meet the basic safety requirements.

  • Start your selection by assessing the quality and type of fabric.
    • If the baby is to be born in winter, give preference to underwear made of flannel fabric. It retains heat better and has a one-sided or two-sided fluffy and delicate fleece.
    • In the warm season, instead of flannel, it is better to take a thinner fabric, for example, cotton or chintz linen. Chintz is affordable, but will last less, since the fabric does not differ in increased wear resistance. Cotton is more expensive, but it does not slip.
    • Satin underwear is a reasonable compromise, since it costs a little more than chintz, but unlike it, it lasts much longer.
    • A set of coarse calico is strong and quite pleasant to the touch, but when washed it will shed and lose color.
    • Linen linen is expensive, elite, optimal for the skin of a child, in terms of benefits, but it is difficult to iron; besides, linen is rough to the touch.
    • In light of all this, bamboo underwear looks the most advantageous - its quality, price and benefits are in a reasonable balance.
    • A novelty of recent years is supercotton underwear: quite durable, wear-resistant, delicate, so this choice also has the right to be.

Avoid synthetic fabrics, do not take linen from mixed fabrics (with a share of synthetics) - such bedding disrupts heat transfer, the child will sweat and overheat, especially if he is born in the summer.

  • Pay attention to the drawings and colors. Psychologists say that the color and pattern of underwear have a huge impact on the perception of the child, because this is the first thing that the baby will see and consider. Newborn colors are perceived poorly, but already at 2 months the baby will begin to look closely at what will be in the immediate vicinity of his eyes with pleasure. Psychologists recommend blue, pink, yellow, as well as sand, cream and terracotta shades. Not recommended red, purple. Pediatricians and dermatologists have a different opinion. They believe that it is best to take white linen, without textile dyes, which give it shades. The less dyes, the better for the sensitive skin of babies.
  • Pay attention to accessories and jewelry. Lace ruffles and bows look beautiful, touching, but only until the first or maximum second wash. In addition, lace inserts can be hard, and the child will be scratched about them. Avoid underwear with buttons, zippers. A great idea for a caring mother is a sheet with an elastic band that is attached to the mattress and does not slip anywhere even when the baby starts to move and crawl around the crib.

  • Check the dimensions of the set you like with the dimensions of the crib. Today on sale there are three standard sizes of linen in a Russian-made crib. Pillowcases come in 60x40 cm, 70x50 cm and 70x70 cm. But there is no need for a pillow yet, children under two years of age are not recommended to use pillows. There are four types of sheets, some sets include two different -sized sheets: 150x120 cm, 210x150 cm, 214x150 cm, 260x180 cm. Russian -made duvetings are: 147x115 cm, 210x150 cm, 215x143 cm and 220x160 cm. Beliece of imported production is standardized according to European sizes . Duvet covers from such sets have parameters of 205x225 cm, and sheets - 220x245.
  • If you choose a basic set with bumpers, check the filler of these bumpers. Only natural materials are considered safe. If you have already decided on a set that is nice for you, do not hesitate to seem like a bore, ask the seller to present a certificate of quality and a certificate of conformity for the selected set of bedding.

These documents will allow you to make sure that the underwear is not a fake and the contents of the package in terms of fabrics, dyes and side filler are fully consistent with those stated on the label.

Linen in an oval bed

Separately, you need to dwell on oval and round beds, which are becoming more and more popular today among future parents and parents of babies. It can be quite difficult to choose sets for such beds.

The sides of the crib should be covered with pillows of the same size 30x30 cm in size. There should be at least 12 of these in your set. These side pillows, which will close the crib around the entire circumference, can also be curly - in the form of frogs, kittens, etc. Get ready for the fact that, perhaps, soon you will have to sew them together, because the baby will quickly learn to disassemble the individual elements of the sides standing side by side.

The choice of fabric, filler, accessories, approach to safety requirements for such underwear should be carried out according to the above plan. But with the size you have to think carefully. Most sets are suitable for both round and oval cribs. The dimensions of a standard sheet for a round bed are 75 cm, and for an oval bed - 125x75 cm. The dimensions of the blanket for such beds should be at the level of 110x140 cm, the duvet covers in the sets are designed specifically for such blankets.

Where to buy?

The question of where exactly to make a purchase did not arise 20 years ago. Now there is a large selection of underwear on the Internet, children's stores and even in the markets in special departments. Where to buy - parents decide. To get comprehensive information about the product, to make sure it is safe, having familiarized yourself with the certification, it is better to go to large children's stores. Firstly, the choice of linen there is always much better, and, secondly, large chains often hold promotions and sales, so there is a chance to buy an excellent elite or designer set of children's bedding for a reasonable price.

Buying online is always a surprise. There is no guarantee that you will receive exactly the set that you have chosen and will be exactly the color that you specified in the order. Even the big name of a well-known manufacturer on the packaging of underwear that you order in an online store is not a reason to take a word for it.

Quite often, well-known brands are counterfeited, as this enables unscrupulous manufacturers with low costs to buy cheap fabric and underground seamstress services from the countries of the former CIS to get maximum profit. They do not think about the health of your child, who then has to sleep on such linen.

How to prepare the kit for use?

You bought bed linen, with which you can be congratulated from the bottom of the heart. Now prepare it for the arrival of a new family member from the hospital. To do this, the new set should be removed from the package and washed with hypoallergenic baby detergent (marked "from birth") at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

Then the linen is dried, ironed and used for its intended purpose before leaving for the maternity hospital. While the mother and baby are in the maternity facility, you can cover the cleaned bed with a special cover or blanket so that the linen does not gather dust.

In the next video you will find an overview of the linen set for the crib for a newborn from Lapulandia.

Sound and healthy sleep is absolutely important for any person, but first of all, of course, for a child. The baby should be soft, cozy and warm in his favorite bed, and in many respects these sensations depend on the quality of the children's bed linen.

Every parent wants to know which baby bedding is best so they can buy the absolutely perfect set. We will look into this issue.

How to choose the material of baby bedding

Speaking about what kind of baby bedding is best, you should start with the material. It is on him that the quality, strength, hygroscopicity and safety of the kit mainly depend. Natural materials like cotton, bamboo, silk and linen are best breathable, absorb and remove moisture. Among other things, these materials are absolutely environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, do not accumulate static electricity. What can not be said about synthetics. Children's bedding made of synthetic or mixed fabrics is not recommended.

The greatest (moreover, well-deserved) sets are made of 100% cotton. Several types of fabrics are made from its threads. The softest, smoothest, pleasant to the touch, durable and high-quality option is satin. It does not shrink, does not shed, withstands up to 300 washes, looks very beautiful, but at the same time it is more expensive than other cotton fabrics. Sets of not so soft, but also very practical poplin and calico will cost less.

How to choose the color and design of baby bedding

When deciding which baby bedding is best, you need to take into account the age of the child. The smallest ones are recommended to buy sets in soft pastel colors with discreet drawings or without them at all. On such bedding, babies fall asleep faster and sleep better.

Older children will love sets with images of their favorite fairy-tale or cartoon characters. This is a great way to give your child magical dreams, develop his imagination, cheer up and help wake up in the morning with a smile. If a fairy tale is waiting for a child in bed, he will go to bed faster and more willingly.

Teenagers should be entrusted with the independent choice of color and design of bed linen.

So what is the best baby bedding? Bed linen made of bamboo fiber or 100% cotton fabrics such as satin, poplin and calico, suitable in color and design for the age of the child, reflecting his tastes.

The primary task in organizing a bed for a baby is to provide conditions that create comfort. Falling asleep in a cozy bed made of natural materials, the growing body gains health and strength. Therefore, the choice of bed linen should be taken seriously.

Fabrics for baby bedding must be of high quality, meeting all necessary safety requirements. An important aspect is the size and type of cut. On the eve of the purchase, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main criteria regarding which the choice will be made.

Fabrics for baby bed linen

Based on quality and safety, the fabric is selected according to the following characteristics:

The ideal option when choosing bedding for children would be linen from different types of cotton fabric, represented by different types of fiber weaving, as indicated in the table. Cotton is the most common, affordable and natural material. Linen made of cotton fabric is relevant, both in winter and in summer.

Different types of cotton fabric, advantages and disadvantages

Fabric type

Fabric Description



The perfect fabric for a baby bed. Weaving density 40-50 fibers per 1 cm2

High wear resistance

Harsh to the touch


Sheds with heavy washes

Perfect breathability

An analogue of coarse calico, but the fibers in it are thinner and twisted. Weaving density 50-60 fibers per 1 cm2

Softness and silkiness

High price

Wear resistance

In winter, it creates a cooling effect due to the low density

Easy adaptation to ambient temperature

Does not accumulate static

Lack of shine

Absorbs moisture quickly

Color loss after washing

Pleasant, soft fabric, perfect for daily use. Weaving density 80 fibers per 1 cm2

High moisture absorption

Weak wear resistance

High air permeability

Fading quickly during use

Low cost

Not demanding to care

Fabric of high durability, smooth, nice on the touch. Weaving density 90-100 fibers per 1 cm2


High price

Does not have the ability to roll and shrink

Doesn't build up static

Absorbs moisture quickly

Airy fabric, texture close to silk. Weaving density 100-200 fibers

Due to increased slip, a feeling of discomfort during sleep can be created.

Doesn't wrinkle

High price

Does not accumulate static

Has high thermal conductivity

Does not lose shape after washing

Blended fabric (synthetics + cotton)

Outwardly, the fabric is very similar to natural fabrics.

Low cost

Loses shape and color after washing

High wear resistance

Does not absorb moisture

Poorly breathable

A fabric that has a natural texture, however, is rarely used for the production of bed linen.

Environmentally friendly

High price

Increased cruelty

Absorbs moisture quickly

Increased crushing ability

Relatively new type of fabric, has excellent characteristics

Antimicrobial and anti-mite coating

Increased strength

High price

Easily absorbs moisture

Neutralizes unpleasant odors

Very warm looking fabric, perfect for newborns

Supports the thermal environment

Loses shape after washing

Easily absorbs moisture


Environmentally friendly

Increased crushing ability

In terms of comfort, it occupies an intermediate position between satin and calico. The interlacing of fibers of different thicknesses creates a small scar with shine. Weave density 115 fibers

Does not lose color after washing

Sometimes synthetic fibers are added

Does not lose shape after washing

Easily absorbs moisture

Protects against allergies

It is created only from natural fibers, usually a mixture of cotton and linen. Weave density 140 fibers

High hygiene

High rigidity

Holds shape well

Poor air permeability due to high density

High durability

Absorbing moisture well, keeps it in its tight weave for a long time

It is made from natural fibers, often with the addition of synthetics, which gives volume.

Does not lose shape after washing

Sometimes causes allergic reactions

Does not lose color after washing

High price

Warms well

Poorly breathable


Before you buy a vending set of bed linen for a new family member, you should pay attention to the declared sizes. All components of the kit - pillowcase, duvet cover, sheet - must exactly match the size of the mattress, pillow and blanket. It would be a mistake to purchase a set of inappropriate sizes. In too large a duvet cover or pillowcase, for example, the baby can become entangled and injure limbs.

Lingerie that is too large will roll and wrinkle in different places, which will create additional scars that will put pressure on the body.

color shades

Today on sale you can find all kinds of colors of children's bedding sets. For newborns, solid colors of warm colors are ideal. In principle, the less ink in the fabric, the safer.

For a growing baby, you can buy a bed set with bright fairy-tale characters.

To maintain the health and normal development of a growing child, you should choose bedding based on the following characteristics and capabilities:

Perhaps the best gift for a baby, which will be appreciated by a person starting life, will be a set of high-quality bed linen. Everyone chooses individually suitable products, guided by their financial situation and needs.

The article was written on the initiative of the zahlop online store where you can purchase fabrics for children's clothing https://www.zahlop.com/catalog/po_naznacheniyu/tkani_dlya_detskogo_belya_i_odezhdy/

Every mother wants her beloved child to sleep peacefully and healthy. The bedding on which the child sleeps plays a decisive role in the quality of sleep. What should you pay attention to when choosing it? In this article, we will consider 3 main criteria by which you need to choose a set for a child’s sleep:
The content of the article:

What is the best material for bed sheets?

Fabric is the most important criterion when choosing a set. Bed linen for a child must be made of natural fabric so that it does not cause allergic reactions and does not accumulate static electricity. What fabric to choose? The most optimal for the child will be coarse calico, poplin, or satin. Let's take a look at the advantages of using each of them.

Coarse calico linen does not have a glossy sheen, does not slip and has a matte rough surface. Due to its dense fabric structure, it can be easily dyed and withstands numerous washes without losing its color. In addition, the cost of calico sets is low, thanks to which everyone can afford to buy calico bed linen for a child. This material is breathable and absorbs moisture, providing a comfortable sleep. The density of coarse calico is usually 120-125 g/m2.

Poplin is similar to coarse calico, but unlike the latter, the material is softer and more pleasant to the touch. The big plus is the ease of maintenance. The fabric practically does not wrinkle, so poplin linen can not be ironed. The material is stretch resistant. Tip: Turn pillowcases and duvet covers inside out before washing. This is necessary so that dust does not accumulate in the corners. When washing, it is not advisable to use bleaching detergents in order to maintain the brightness and color saturation. The density of poplin is usually 110 g/m2.

Interesting fact.
The name of the fabric "poplin" comes from the word papalino, which is papal in Italian, since it is believed that poplin was first obtained at the pope's residence in the medieval French city of Avignon.

Satin is a more expensive fabric option. Satin linen on the front side has a glossy sheen, and the reverse side is matte and slightly rough. The fabric provides excellent breathability and retains heat, so it will be comfortable to use at any time of the year. To the touch, the fabric is softer and smoother than coarse calico or poplin. Care instructions for satin sets are similar to those for poplin linen. The density of satin linen is 120 g/m2.

We choose a color scheme. How do colors affect children?

The second criterion to rely on when choosing is color. First of all, I would like to note that the fabric must be firmly dyed so as not to cause allergic reactions. For newborns and children under 2 years old, it is best to choose calm pastel colors: cream, peach, pink, blue, etc. Choose sets for kids with barely pronounced patterns.

Older children can choose brighter and more colorful colors, with the image of their favorite cartoon characters.
So, for example, girls will be interested in sets with princesses, or animals.

Boys will love bedding with a picture of a car, a motorcycle, or a favorite superhero.

Many parents ask: what color to choose? Let's look at how this or that color scheme affects the psychological mood of your child.
Blue should be chosen for especially active and mobile children, as it is believed that it calms and relaxes, relieves stress.

Yellow will help to reveal creative abilities, improve mood and stimulate mental work, harmony and obedience.

Green will have a relaxing effect on the body, stimulate interest in learning and in the world around. Calm shades of green increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

Blue, according to doctors, is able to lower blood pressure. It will calm and relax the baby at the end of the day, but we do not recommend overusing this color, as it can scatter attention, and you would hardly want your child to "hover in the clouds." In addition, blue relieves feelings and fears.

Pink is often chosen by girls in the bedroom. It improves mood, improves self-esteem, reduces stress and calms. Pink will make your girl imagine a real princess and plunge into the world of fantastic dreams.

White stimulates the organs of vision, improves well-being. White is a neutral color, but too much of it in a nursery can make you feel lonely, so pairing white with the other colors above is preferable.

Brown is associated with calmness, harmony and stability. It is advisable to choose lighter tones, as too dark can be depressing. Cream, beige, caramel will be optimal. Gentle tones will soothe the child and ensure quality sleep.

Avoid bright, bold colors such as reds or oranges. According to psychologists, they act excitingly on the nervous system, preventing the child from falling asleep, contribute to the development of aggression and increased nervousness. Shades of red can be used if the baby is not very active, in which case red will encourage communication, increase activity and mood. It is believed that bright colors increase appetite, so children who eat little should be given food from red, yellow or orange dishes.
It is better to give up gloomy tones, such as black and gray - they have a depressing effect on the nervous system, and evoke sad thoughts.

To provide a child with a quality and healthy sleep, it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of fabric for sewing bed linen. It must meet all safety requirements, be soft and pleasant to the touch.

Falling asleep in a crib with bedding made of such materials, the baby will gain strength and vigor to explore the world around him.

Characteristics of children's fabrics

For the arrangement of a children's bed, you should select high-quality materials. They must meet the basic requirements.

  1. Be safe for the baby. Bedding should not emit harmful substances that can lead to dermatitis, allergic rashes, itchy skin and other problems. In the manufacture of such materials should not be used chemically "aggressive" dyes.
  2. Be hygroscopic. Often, during night or daytime sleep, children sweat, so the bedding fabric should absorb excess moisture well and dry quickly.
  3. Good airflow. Natural circulation will allow the skin to “breathe”, thus creating favorable conditions for quality rest.
  4. Contribute to the absence of static accumulation.
  5. Differ in color fastness. Sometimes it happens that patterns from colorful and bright fabrics remain on the skin of a child after sleep. This should not be.
  6. Be comfortable. The bedding material should create a pleasant tactile sensation when in contact with the body.
  7. Have sufficient strength and wear resistance. The fact is that bedding in a crib gets dirty much more often than in an adult. Therefore, it is important that the material can withstand more than a dozen washes while maintaining its original qualities.
  8. Ease of maintenance. This is an optional criterion. However, any parent will appreciate if the fabric is easy to wash, dry quickly and smooth out without much effort.

An important selection criterion is the appearance of the fabric. Before falling asleep, many children look at patterns on their duvet covers, pillowcases, or sheets. Therefore, images on bedding should be unobtrusive, but attractive to kids.

Types of fabrics

For sewing bedding, fabrics made from natural fibers are best suited. They meet most of the requirements for the quality of children's underwear. Consider the features, advantages and disadvantages of some of them.


This is a thin cotton fabric that does not contain artificial fibers. Its advantages include absolute safety for the health of the baby, lightness and affordable cost. The disadvantage of chintz is its poor wear resistance, which is why this material is able to “lose” its appearance after several washes.


Dense material with a silky texture. It does not “shrink” when washed and practically does not wrinkle. In addition, its advantages include high wear resistance and excellent aesthetic qualities.

However, this material is preferred by few because of its high cost.

Coarse calico

Such a fabric perfectly absorbs excess moisture, promotes natural air circulation, “cools” the skin in the summer heat and warms in the cool. This fabric makes beautiful bedding. A wide variety of shades and patterns allows you to choose the material for every taste. However, this fabric also has disadvantages.

The disadvantages include its stiffness and low density, due to which linen can quickly "fail".


This is one of the most pleasant to the touch fabrics. It is soft, hygroscopic, safe and durable. This warm material will not cause allergic rashes in the child and will contribute to a comfortable and healthy sleep. The disadvantages of this material are minor. These include shrinkage, long drying and abrasion of the pile during operation.


Such material will not last long.


Natural material with the best hygienic qualities. It quickly absorbs the formed moisture, helps to maintain the optimal temperature regime. In addition, flax has antibacterial properties. The material prevents the development and active reproduction of bed mites and other microorganisms. It has such a fabric and cons. These include excessive rigidity and high price.

Due to these features, linen is not suitable for babies.


Natural material based on bamboo fibers has recently gained popularity. Bedding is made from it for both babies and older children. Bamboo is famous for its antimicrobial qualities, hygroscopicity and hypoallergenicity. Bed sets made of this fabric are suitable for babies with sensitive and delicate skin. The significant disadvantages of bamboo include its high cost.

Some manufacturing companies make bedding for children from mixed fabrics. Such materials are obtained by "mixing" natural fibers with synthetic ones. The result is beautiful-looking fabrics that do not “shrink” when washed, practically do not wrinkle, are easy to wash and are durable. However, such fabrics have poor hygiene. In addition, they accumulate static electricity, making the child's sleep uncomfortable.

The best fabrics for a baby bed are completely natural. Among the vast variety of such materials, linen, cotton and bamboo are considered the best.

If parents want to ensure the highest quality and comfortable rest for their child, you should choose bed linen from these natural fabrics.


When choosing a set of bed linen or fabric for a duvet cover, pillowcase or sheet, you should consider its color. Scientists have long proven that the color scheme can affect the psyche of the child, his mood and behavior.

When buying fabric for a baby's crib, it is better to choose products in delicate pastel colors. White and milky shades will help to calm and relax the child, ensuring that he quickly goes to sleep. Pale blue, soft pink and beige tones of bed linen will also “help you fall asleep”. It is important to take into account that the accessories should not have numerous bright images. It is better that the number of pictures is limited, and their tones are light.

Bright colors such as green, red, orange, blue can invigorate children and give them energy. Due to these features, bed linen with such shades is recommended for the beds of babies who are already beginning to show interest in games.

When choosing a fabric for a children's sleeping set, you should refuse to purchase dark-colored materials. Blue, black, purple, dark brown colors will make the child feel anxious.

Bed linen of such colors will not allow the baby to relax and fall asleep quickly.