The best washing powder for newborns. Burti baby laundry detergents: description. Detergents for washing baby clothes Meine Liebe: description

Therefore, today we will discuss the following question: what washing powder better for newborns, as well as which one is more effective and cheaper.

What requirements must he meet?

1. The first requirement that the product must meet is hypoallergenicity. The skin of babies is very delicate and reacts to the slightest overdose of detergents.

From this, a rash can develop on the delicate skin of a newborn, which is very difficult to treat. But, you must understand this thing: a rash is just the tip of the iceberg and external symptom what is happening inside the body.

That is, the skin, through a rash, gives a signal that the liver and kidneys cannot process the chemistry that has entered the bloodstream through the skin (in case of damage) or through Airways.

So, before you eliminate the rash, you must eliminate the factors that cause it. And the powder in this case is one of the most important sources of poisoning.

2. In addition the powder should wash well, since there can be a lot of stains on the clothes and bedding of the baby.

And, of course, it is very desirable that the powder be economical in terms of consumption and cost affordable, since you have to wash it often.

Why is cleanliness so important in caring for a newborn?

Children are very susceptible to any kind of infection, especially infants.

In addition to washing, young mothers need to without fail carry out daily wet cleaning, ventilate the room and monitor the cleanliness of your own hands.

Since you have to wash daily, or even several times a day, it is important to choose a powder that will not harm not only the baby, but also your hands (if you wash it by hand).

This is important because from bad means microcracks form on the skin of the hands, in which the infection “feels” very at ease and it is not easy to wash your hands before feeding or other procedures in this case.

If you have the opportunity, then choose products with softeners and herbal extracts, and if not, then do not forget to lubricate your hands with cream after washing. Cracks and drying should not be allowed.

Also, after washing, it is advisable to iron the child's things with a hot iron on both sides. This, of course, will not save you from allergies, if the powder turned out to be harmful, but it will protect you from infections of a different kind, which, sometimes, are much more dangerous than a bad powder.

Baby soap

It's certainly not a powder. But we could not help but talk about it, because it is very good alternative any powder. In order to wash things in a typewriter, you need to grate a third of the bar on a grater.

Soap should be chosen not just for children, but for newborns, as it definitely will not cause allergies.

The only negative in this tool is that soap does not remove stains well, therefore, for strong pollution, this option is not practical.

Which brand of powder is better to choose and which is not

Attention: Not all powders on this list are recommended for purchase. We write only truthful information, based on the personal experience of the editors, as well as numerous reviews on the Internet.

So please read carefully our comments regarding each brand, some of them are negative and you should be aware of them.

"The myth of children". The composition of this powder is questionable that it is truly hypoallergenic. It contains optical brighteners and perfume, which means that it is not exactly an eco-product.

Therefore, it is better to use it for those things that do not come into contact with the skin and respiratory tract of the child, for example, for washing stroller covers and other similar things. 37 rubles per pack.

"Karapuz". The manufacturer claims that this powder is completely safe and there can be no allergies in children, since powder base - baby soap .

But in reality it turns out that this is not entirely reliable information about the composition, because this brand has collected the largest number negative reviews.

A large number of mothers are faced with the fact that "Karapuz" causes an instant allergy. 45 rubles per pack.

"Stork". Very inexpensive domestic powder, which washes well and does not cause rashes. Reviews of so many mothers say that this product can be safely trusted.

But on the shelf, it will not attract attention, since the packaging design is already very simple and it may seem that this is some kind of harmful cheap stuff.

You can wash HB things, but it is not very suitable for wool and silk. However, in the baby's wardrobe there are no such things, in principle.

55 -70 rubles per pack.

"The world of childhood" . The package says that it's not even washing powder, it's soap. And there is no doubt about this, since the composition does not contain anything like what is in powders for adults.

It washes well enough, but, as it were, baby spots. He will not cope with chocolate, strawberries and juices, and you don’t need it, because this is still not in the diet of a newborn.

One disadvantage of this product is that it is quite difficult to rinse out (like any soap), so if you wash in a typewriter, be sure to set the double rinse mode. If this is not done, then whitish spots will remain on clothes and diapers. It costs 145 rubles per pack.

« eared babysitter» . This brand positions itself as a manufacturer of exclusively children's goods. But, consumer reviews unanimously say: the powder causes allergies in newborns, period. Therefore, We highly recommend not using it for children under eight months of age..

But, this powder is great for older people and just does a great job with many types of stains. Price - 245 rubles per pack.

"Tide" for children. Designed for children, but no age range specified. It is definitely not suitable for babies, as consumer reviews indicate frequent cases of allergies.

It contains extracts of aloe, chamomile. All this is very good for children, but older than 1 year. Tide does an excellent job of removing juice stains, also bleaches well and has a pleasant smell.

Considering that the price is indicated for a three-kilogram package, then it is quite budgetary. The cost in stores is 300 rubles for a large package.

Liquid detergent "Our mother". This is a gel, which not only hypoallergenic, also contains silver ions which are bactericidal. Also, the gel includes extracts of medicinal plants.

The tool is spent quite sparingly, does not cause any allergies according to reviews. In general, it is this gel that is most praised by young mothers.

The consumption of the product is such that it is enough for the number of washes, twice the powder counterparts. So, you can afford it, as it is economical and 100% safe. The price is about 350 rubles.

And here good video review from two housewives and mothers who decided to test popular brands baby powders. There we are talking not only in the context of washing things for newborns, but we still recommend watching it.


We have looked at many options in detail. Now you know that washing powder for newborns does not have to be expensive, and which one is better to choose is already your decision!

I would also like to say that washing powder is still more profitable from an economic point of view than simple soap. Although at first glance it seems that soap is cheaper. But keep in mind that you spend a third of the bar on one wash, and this, in the end, is quite expensive.

It seems that only an experienced chemist can figure out the composition of washing powder. And let's throw a challenge to science and figure it all out ourselves? It will be difficult, but we do it only for our children. What is the safest baby laundry detergent for babies? Who knows, every hostess has her own opinion. But only caring mommy it would make sense to look for the best phosphate-free baby powder , to save the child negative consequences washing things. After all, children come into contact with linen every day, I don’t want at all that, in addition to the impact of a difficult environmental situation, children also suffer from household chemicals

You might think that detergent rinsed out and, where is the harm? In addition, there is absolutely no time to understand the composition when you need to save every second ...

We found out that after rinsing the linen 10-12 times, you will get an excellent result - the linen will become absolutely hypoallergenic for the child. Otherwise, harmful substances remain on clothing for a long time. for a long time and absorbed through the skin into the body. Lowering the immune defense and causing various diseases.

Which washing powder is suitable for baby clothes?

But, unfortunately, rinsing a certain number of times is beyond the power of even big fans of cleanliness. Therefore, we decided to find out the whole truth and write a rating of children's washing powders, and we studied the composition in advance to make it easier for you, Dear Parents. There are very few such funds, but the reviews about them are positive.

Each company that produces baby powder, the rating of which we will consider today, meets the requirements of the Ministry of Health. These phosphate-free washing powders are suitable if the baby often has allergies, any inflammation on the skin, or if he often gets sick for no apparent reason. Let's say for ourselves that you will not find anything better and cheaper than laundry soap. In addition, soap disinfects clothes, washes well, especially under the influence of high temperature, it is harmless.

True soak, rub and boil laundry in modern world no longer relevant. Moms are so accustomed to automatic typewriters, striving with all their might to ensure that the powder will do everything on its own and, in addition, clean the “washer” itself. But here you have to choose correct solution while a newborn is in the house, it is not worth risking his health. We offer you a list of The best phosphate-free laundry detergents baby clothes ». Perhaps they will not thoroughly bleach and wash old spots, but as an alternative to households. soap is fine. Yes, and the time of mothers will be saved.

Three popular parental excuses are myths that only get in the way of making the right purchase:

  • Safe (phosphate-free) powders only make laundry grey. In fact, this happens if the laundry is not washed correctly or if you use very cheap options. If you pre-soak laundry washed with phosphate powder for a short time, there will be no grayness from washing with a safe product;
  • Baby powder from the supermarket washes well, besides, the clothes smell great. In fact, fragrances and fragrances act on a psychological level, and it seems to us that the linen is clean, at the same time, these additives are harmful to the child;
  • There is no evidence that phosphates and other harmful compounds are not present in the powders. But there are tests and quality certificates that you have the right to demand from the manufacturer.

Before you know which baby laundry detergent is best for baby clothes, read what we found out in the process of studying the material. One source of information is taken for example from the website of young chemists - students who are just studying the material and quality of the powders produced.

The safest laundry detergents should not contain (or contain in minimal amounts):

  • Phosphates and phosphonates(their substitutes) - the most dangerous for the respiratory tract, can cause allergies, itching, decreased immunity.
  • Zeolites- more "loyal" chemical substances, more environmentally friendly than phosphates, are designed to soften the hardness of water and laundry. But they are poorly rinsed from linen and come into contact with the skin, can cause allergies. The evidence that in a poorly ventilated room these substances can increase the amount of dust in the room is by no means fiction. If there is a choice, it is better to choose a completely ecological powder, even without zeolites (silicates).
  • A-surfactant- anionic substances that draw dirt from the surface of the fabric. Unfortunately, some of the surfactants remain inside the material and come into contact with the baby's skin. As a result, the immune system is disturbed, the kidneys, liver, lungs and even the brain can suffer. Researchers scientific centers The Ministry of Health recommends buying a powder that contains non-ionic surfactants.
  • Bleach hypochlorites, chlorine, optical agents giving white shade underwear. All this nonsense is not needed in the composition of baby powder. Especially if the child suffers from asthma or skin rashes.
  • fragrances. It is better to replace them with essential oils.

The best phosphate-free baby laundry detergents. TOP rating of children's washing powders (Ukraine)

7th place - Faberlic

Phosphate-free powder from Faberlik developed in Germany and sold in concentrated form, has positive reviews. What is most attractive is that the washing powder has no phosphates, is biodegradable and does not harm the environment. Therefore, it is also safe for the respiratory tract of the child.

  • EU quality certificate: DIN EN ISO 9001:2008
  • Reviews: they write that the powder lasts for a long time, copes well with ordinary pollution, economical consumption
  • Flaws: contains intense fragrances and optical brighteners, which will require additional rinsing, contains zeolites - 30%
  • Approximate price according to the catalog for 0.8 kg - 200 UAH

Frosch Color Aloe Vera - 6th place

German-made universal phosphate-free powder (1 kg) can replace a three-kilogram ordinary washing powder, as it is a concentrated product. The packages show the company logo - a frog, and children's washing powders, the composition is completely natural: it contains natural soap, non-ionic surfactants and enzymes.

  • Certificate of the most modern ecological system EMAS No. DE-152-00013
  • Powder reviews: has a delicate aroma of the powder, perfectly cleans, does not tan the fabric
  • Flaws: not detected
  • Approximate cost: for 1kg - 220 UAH

5th place - Sodasan "Comfort Sensitive"

Would you like to know as soon as possible which phosphate free powder is best? When washing with this powder in a typewriter, foam almost does not form, but this washing powder for baby clothes has positive reviews. According to the parents, the powder perfectly washes children's things and any stains are subject to it. Developed by a German company and has a quality certificate. The main active ingredients are natural soap, soda, silicates (a kind of zeolites).

  • Organic certifications: Ecocert, Eco-Garantie, Vegan.
  • Powder reviews: perfectly washes, does not have a strong odor, does not cause allergies
  • Flaw: expensive, contains silicates
  • Approximate cost: for 1 kg - 300 UAH

Buy powder at the best price⇒ 290 UAH per 1.2 kg⇐

Garden - 4th place

Would you like to purchase the full ecological baby powder with the simplest composition ? Then pay attention to children's washing powders for newborns. Russian production. We simply have nothing to compare this composition with. Of the main components - sodium citrate, it is also lemon acid, soda, natural soap, silver ions and essential oils. The only accent: white linen must be washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees in order to get perfectly white, not gray.

  • Certificate: UA.1.001.DM0025-16
  • Reviews: the advantages of the powder in environmental friendliness and natural ingredients, suitable for allergy sufferers and newborns
  • Flaws: does not wash heavy pollution, therefore, before washing, the stain can be lathered with laundry soap and immersed in the drum in this form
  • Approximate cost: 1kg - 170 UAH

3rd place - Royal Powder Universal

Universal concentrated phosphate-free domestic powder (Ukraine). Washes white and colored clothes while maintaining color vibrancy. Machine washable and hand washable as it is safe for baby's skin and your hands. Contains edible salt and soap with natural ingredients.

  • Environmental certificate SOU OEM 065

Updated: 04/13/2018 13:07:50

A newborn baby requires special care and careful care. Right choice household chemicals and hygiene products guarantees the protection of a fragile body and the preservation of its health long years. Doctors recommend using special washing powders for children from the first day of life. Conventional products contain components that are harmful to the skin of an infant. As a result, he may experience allergic rashes, lower immunity, and metabolic disorders.

To avoid this, Expertology experts have compiled a rating of the best baby powders, based on the opinions of dermatologists and mothers' reviews. So, let's figure out what substances should not be in baby powder at all.

    Phosphates. Reduce immunity and protective functions of the body.

    Chlorine. Causes severe allergic reactions, very toxic substance.

    Optical brightener. Unlike oxygen, it is poorly rinsed out and causes unpleasant rashes and redness.

    Surfactants (surfactants). Exceeding the maximum allowable limit may cause various diseases and developmental delays.

    Perfumes. Their Strong smell also negatively affects the health of the baby.

The most optimal are washing powders based on soap and plant extracts. They don't provide negative impact on delicate skin baby. Many natural substances included in the composition have anti-inflammatory, wound healing and bactericidal properties.

Rating of the best children's washing powders

Nomination place Name of product price
The Best All-Purpose Washing Powders for Newborns 1 360 rub.
2 569 RUB.
3 92 RUB.
4 119 RUB.
The best baby laundry detergents based on natural soap 1 70 RUB.
2 295 RUB.
3 270 RUB.
The best disinfectant baby laundry detergent 1 390 RUB.
The best BIO baby washing powder 1 133 RUB.
2 338 RUB.

The Best All-Purpose Washing Powders for Newborns

Universal powders for newborns are suitable for use from the first days of life, both for hand washing and in automatic machines. They cope well with the waste products of the baby, carefully care for clothes. Colored fabrics do not fade and do not lose their original color even after repeated washings. The composition of washing powders includes ingredients that are safe for the baby.

Meine Liebe is a safe washing powder for manual or automatic washing of children's clothes from birth. It washes difficult stains even at a temperature of 30 °, does not contain phosphates, chlorine, fragrances and dyes. Being hypoallergenic, it eliminates the appearance of irritation and redness on the delicate skin of the baby.

The baby powder rinses out well, prevents the appearance of scale in the machine, and prevents shrinkage and deformation of clothes. The concentrated composition helps to reduce consumption by 3 times compared to a conventional product. Comes with a measuring spoon.

Being biodegradable, it is harmless to the environment. Dermatologists recommend this powder for children from the first days of life, as well as people with sensitive skin.


    effectively removes pollution;

    approved by dermatologists;

    for all types of washing;

    economical consumption;


    safe for health;

    does not contain phosphates.


  • not detected.

The next in our ranking is Frosch, an effective German product that copes with the most persistent pollution even at a temperature of 30 °. It is hypoallergenic, does not contain phosphates, preservatives and dyes. Removes stains from juice, puree, dirt, grass. Recommended for children and people with sensitive skin prone to allergic manifestations.

Chamomile extract, which is part of the composition, gently cares for the fabric, gives it softness. The garment retains its color vibrancy even after multiple washes. A product made from natural ingredients does not harm the environment.

The gel consistency eliminates the risk of dust formation, which can occur when using the powder, thereby preventing it from entering the baby's respiratory tract.


    gel for all types of washing;


    effective at persistent pollution;

    rinses well;

    Contains no phosphates or dyes.


  • high price.

"Eared nannies" is the most popular baby powder for moms. It is suitable for children from the first days of life. Thanks to the enzymes included in the composition, it well washes protein contamination from cotton and synthetic fabrics. Oxygen bleach removes easily yellow spots and flying.

It effectively copes with traces of grass and dirt, so it is also used for older children. Mild active additives protect the structure of the fabric, retain brightness, which is especially important when washing children's underwear frequently.

The product is well rinsed out of fabrics, does not contain fragrances. The mass fraction of dust is 0.7% (with an allowable 5%), so it does not enter the respiratory tract and does not cause irritation. The hypoallergenicity of this remedy is confirmed by Russian pediatricians.



    for any type of washing;

    rinses well;

    removes any dirt;

    acceptable price.


  • contains phosphates.

"Umka for children" is included in our rating, thanks to the positive reviews of mothers and the recommendations of dermatologists. Baby powder based on natural soap removes any stains, even the most difficult to remove, does not contain phosphates, fragrances and other harmful ingredients. It is absolutely safe, does not irritate the baby's skin.

Natural emollients make ironing easier and give the fabric softness. The product is intended for washing clothes of newborns and people with sensitive skin. Suitable for cotton, synthetic, linen and mixed fibres.

Designed for washing by hand and all types of machines in which it prevents the formation of scale. The tool copes well with any type of pollution, even at a minimum dosage, which allows it to be used economically and reduce interaction with the tissue.


    soap based;

    deal effectively with difficult spots;

    economical consumption;

    without smell;

    facilitates ironing;


  • not detected.

The best baby laundry detergents based on natural soap

Washing powders based on laundry soap are recognized as safe for the health of the child, they do not allow allergic manifestations, do not harm the unprotected skin of the baby, and at the same time they perfectly cope with any complex contaminants: waste products of the baby, stains from baby food. Powder with this composition is recommended for use by pediatricians and dermatologists.

Tobbi Kids - washing powder based on laundry soap and soda has gained recognition from Russian mothers due to its safe composition and effective washing most difficult spots. It does not contain enzymes, fragrances, anionic surfactants. Its pH corresponds to the pH of the baby's skin.

The manufacturer took into account the difference in soiling as they grow up and presented a line of powders: from 0 to 1 year, from 1 year to 3 and from 3 years to 7. Due to this, each type of product is designed to remove stains of different origin.

Baby powder is suitable for manual and automatic washing of white and colored laundry. Providing careful care, it retains the structure of the fabric and the original brightness, the clothes do not shrink or deform. 100% biodegradable composition does not harm the environment.


    base - soap and soda;

    safe for health;

    without smell;


    for different ages;

    removes even stubborn dirt.


  • not detected.

The representative of the German brand, included in our rating, is recognized the best remedy based on natural soap for children from the first day of life. It does not contain phosphates or fragrances. Safe oxygen stain remover effectively copes with the most persistent stains.

The special formula allows you to wash clothes even at low temperatures, and the concentrated composition allows you to use the powder sparingly: 1 pack is enough for 20 washes. It is approved for use in machines of any type, the substances included in the composition prevent the formation of scale.

The safe composition eliminates the occurrence of redness and irritation. Clothes keep their original view even with multiple washes. The product is suitable for white and colored, natural and synthetic fabrics.


    effective removal spots;


    stain remover in the composition;

    protection against scale;

    economical consumption.


  • not detected.

Baby powder "Our Mom" ​​is made from soap shavings, does not contain harmful substances such as phosphates, synthetic additives, fragrances. Does not cause allergic reactions, suitable for newborns and people with sensitive skin. It is used for soaking, hand and automatic washing in all types of machines.

The tool does not dry the skin of the hands, gently cares for the plant extracts included in the composition. To improve the quality of washing before use, the manufacturer recommends dissolving it in hot water, then pour into the drum of the machine or a basin for soaking.


    safe composition;

    well removes any stains;


    does not dry the skin of the hands.


  • high price.

The best disinfectant baby laundry detergent

For many mothers, it is not enough just to wash baby clothes from stains and dirt. Preserving the health of the baby and protecting the still fragile organism is the priority task of every parent. Therefore, bacteria, viruses and microbes have no place on a child's clothes. To prevent their occurrence and spread, manufacturers offer special tools. Our rating includes the best disinfectant powder according to the results laboratory research and opinion of dermatologists.

Burti Hygiene is ideal for washing and disinfecting baby clothes. It eliminates 99.9% of harmful infections, bacteria and viruses without boiling and using special products. The powder does not contain phosphates and others harmful components, therefore, it is absolutely safe for the health of the baby.

It is completely rinsed out. Oxygen bleach restores the original whiteness of things, removes yellow tint. Colored things do not lose their brightness. The tool is especially relevant when pets live in the apartment or during the period of the spread of viral infections.

In addition to washing, the powder can be used when cleaning the premises where a newborn child lives. It is suitable for use in machines of any type, prevents the formation of scale and mold, and disinfects the drum.



    removes stubborn stains;


    safe composition;

    economical consumption.


  • high price.

The best BIO baby washing powder

Recently, BIO powders with an environmentally friendly composition containing natural ingredients. They exclude the content of allergens, fragrances, dyes, petrochemical products. Such products not only do a good job of removing stains, but also carefully care for clothes, do not negative impact on the fragile body of the baby. In the rating, we included the two best washing powders according to dermatologists.

Garden "Kids"

Garden "Kids" is an eco-friendly baby powder made with natural soap from palm and coconut oils. It does not contain phosphates, dyes, optical brighteners, chlorine, fragrances, is a hypoallergenic product recommended for children from birth.

The silver ions included in the composition destroy viruses and microbes, prevent their appearance within 30 days. The concentrated composition allows the use of 3 times less powder, which significantly increases the consumption time of one package.

The powder is suitable for washing colored and white laundry in automatic machines or by hand, greatly facilitates ironing, making the laundry soft and fluffy. The recommended washing temperature is 60°. Washing powder is biodegradable, so the harmful effects on environment excluded.

BioMio is suitable for washing baby clothes from the first day of life in all types of machines, as well as by hand. Delicate texture does not irritate the skin of the hands. enough concentrate for long time use.

Liquid detergent is ideal for washing all types of fabrics, including delicate ones: silk, wool, cashmere. Absolutely safe for the environment.


    safe composition;

    removes old pollution;



    for delicate fabrics;

    takes care of clothes.


  • not detected.

How to choose the right powder for children

By choosing the right washing powder, you can be sure that your baby is reliably protected from the first days of his life. What you should pay attention to in order to buy a really effective and at the same time harmless baby powder.

    We study the composition and exclude washing powders containing phosphates, dyes, fragrances, petrochemical products. The safest are made on the basis of natural soap with the addition of plant extracts.

    Be sure to check that the label "hypoallergenic" is on the packaging. This means that the manufacturer guarantees that the risk of allergic reactions on the delicate skin of the baby is excluded.

    We choose baby powder depending on the age of the baby: for newborns it is suitable with the “0+” icon. Many manufacturers produce them for certain ages, they are designed taking into account what pollution appears in different periods life.

    We look at what types of washing is suitable. Almost all modern washing powders are designed for all types: manual and automatic.

    Concentrates contain more detergent compounds, so by choosing them, you can minimize consumption, thereby saving money.

    If there are pets in the house, then a disinfectant powder that destroys bacteria and prevents them from reappearing will be ideal. It is suitable not only for washing, but also for cleaning the room.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Powder for baby clothes must meet a number of requirements: high-quality washing of traces of the child's vital activity, natural composition, absence of a pungent odor. Otherwise, you may encounter allergies. How to choose the very brand that you will have to stick to for months, or even years? Experts advise to focus on the following characteristics:

  1. Compound. Inadmissible components are phosphates, which reduce the body's immune resistance and destroy protective functions, as well as surface-active substances (surfactants) in excess of the accepted norm.
  2. Packing tightness. A loss useful properties powder is possible due to a violation of the tightness of the pack.
  3. Delicacy care. Powder for newborns should not have a pronounced aroma. In addition, the agent should not form abundant foam.
  4. Manufacturer reputation. A manufacturer that cares about reputation invests not only in brand promotion, but also in preliminary research on product quality.
  5. Price. Washing baby clothes, especially at first, can occur daily, or even several times a day. Therefore, the difference in cost in this situation is "on the face."
  • characteristics (composition) of the powder;
  • cost (price-quality ratio);
  • user reviews;
  • recommendations of specialists (pediatricians, dermatologists).

The Best All-Purpose Washing Powders for Newborns

4 Stork

The lowest content of surfactants
Country Russia
Average price: 247 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Among the nominees good price demonstrates children's washing powder "Stork Magic Whirlwind". This universal remedy, which is suitable for manual and automatic washing of cotton and synthetic laundry. Distinctive feature of this powder for newborns - the smallest amount of surfactants - no more than 5% against the background of other drugs containing up to 15%. As for the non-ionic surfactant indicator, it is the standard 5%.

The composition indicates that the powder has bleach and enzymes - necessary components for high-quality cleansing of things from pollution, but phosphates are completely absent in it, which is a big plus of the product. Buyers positively evaluate naturalness, emphasizing the safety of the composition, affordable cost and ease of use in reviews.

3 Eared babysitter

The most popular
Country Russia
Average price: 596 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

According to a user survey, Eared Nanny is a bestseller among washing powders for baby clothes. The manufacturer's slogan "Because there is a child in the house" fully corresponds to the principles of the product - natural composition and high-quality cleaning of synthetics and cotton items. In particular, there is a content of bleach to remove yellow plaque from fabrics and enzymes designed to combat complex protein stains. The key characteristics from the point of view of safety comply with the standards: the content of surfactants is less than 15%, nonionic surfactants - less than 5%.

The hypoallergenic powder is suitable for newborns, as evidenced by the label on the package "From the first days of life." Baby clothes with this product can be washed both manually and in a typewriter. Most users prefer this powder, calling it the best in reviews due to the lack of fragrance, effective composition, high-quality rinsing, and inability to cause allergies.

2 Tokiko Japan

Very economical, keeps the color of things
Country: Japan
Average price: 370 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

We put Tokiko Japan in one of the most worthy places with a special substance that can remove caustic stains. The powder has a slight antiseptic effect, things smell like flowers after washing. The agent softens the fabric, does not wash out the color, does not deform the fibers. There are many components in the composition, but there is nothing harmful or allergenic. It is safe for the delicate skin of the baby, completely rinsing out from the tissues. The manufacturer claims that the powder can be used without conditioner, things will still be soft.

Users say that the funds are enough for many months of regular washing. The manufacturer notes that 2 tablespoons of powder is enough for 5 kg of laundry. Given the price, the tool can be called very budget. The powder is sold in a nice box, but there is no measuring spoon. Enzymes even remove old dirt, coffee stains, traces of children's activities. Some customers don't like the scent, although most say it's pleasant.

1 Meine Liebe

Doctor approved, effective
Country: Germany
Average price: 200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Opens the rating of the most worthy products for newborns Meine Liebe, designed for hand and automatic washing. The tool copes with stains even at low temperatures. The powder comes without phosphates, chlorine, dyes and fragrances. Linen does not cause irritation and redness on delicate skin. The product is perfectly rinsed, does not allow clothes to deform. The consumption of the composition is very economical, enough powder for a long time. The tool is recommended by dermatologists for children from the first days of life. A nice plus is safe for the environment.

Buyers say that the linen has a very pleasant unobtrusive aroma. It is advised to buy an air conditioner from this manufacturer so that things are even softer. The stains are washed well, although there are no chemicals or bleach in the composition. Dirt leaves any kind of fabrics. There are no traces of powder on black things. The only inconvenience is that in small packages there is no measuring spoon or cup. And there is nowhere to put large boxes, as they are very wide. When falling, the contents will immediately spill out, there is no plug.

The best children's washing powder concentrates

4 Ecolife

Best for allergy sufferers and the most delicate skin
Country: Belgium
Average price: 1,200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Opens the rating of Ecolife concentrates, created on an enzyme basis. This product is great for washing baby clothes with sensitive skin. The manufacturer claims that stains from food, tea, fat, wine and blood are removed from things. The composition does not contain fragrances, dyes and fluorine, and the particles of the agent are completely rinsed out of the fabric. As stated on the packaging, the dirt is separated from the item, so the fibers are not deformed. The consumption is very economical, 10 grams is enough for a full load (1 kg of powder in a can). Only this company has insured its product in Russia in IC "RESO-Garantiya" against causing harm to third parties.

Users note the absence of chemical odors, so the risk of respiratory irritation is minimal. Skin the child does not respond to the concentrate. The reviews say that clean things do not electrify, they are pleasant to touch. However, stains from branded food, especially from baby purees, are not cleared the first time. Parents recommend adding more powder when washing problematic items. This leads to a disadvantage: the product is very expensive, but it lasts for 2 months with an excess consumption. However, many are willing to spend more for the sake of security. The jar itself takes up very little space.

3 Garden Eco Kids

Odorless, natural ingredients
Country Russia
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Garden Eco Kids is considered one of the most environmentally friendly baby products made from coconut and palm oil. Phosphate-, bleach-, fragrance- and chlorine-free formula safely cleans baby's belongings. Pleased with silver ions, known for their ability to kill germs and viruses, preventing the spread of infection. The concentrate is spent much more slowly than the powder, the funds are enough for several months. Garden Eco Kids can be used for any type of laundry at a temperature of 60°. The tool is considered very budgetary, since the expense is minimal. Pleased with a biodegradable composition that does not harm nature.

Buyers warn that the product is poorly washed out if the instructions are not followed. For example, the concentrate really does not like the quick wash mode. The temperature must be above 35 degrees. The composition contains soda, which means that over time, colored things may lose their brightness. If in the past washing machine was phosphate powder, it is necessary to rinse it thoroughly. Although the smell of chamomile is indicated on the box, it is not felt on the clothes.


Eco-friendly, suitable for all fabrics
Country Russia
Average price: 340 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

We put BioMio BIO-WHITE from a Danish manufacturer in a worthy place, created specifically for very sensitive skin. Phosphate free, chlorine free essential oils and chemistry carefully washes children's things. It contains soap-based ingredients that fight stains, while natural extracts make things softer. The product is suitable for washing both in a typewriter and by hand, the consistency does not irritate the skin. The manufacturer advises using the powder even for natural whimsical fabrics: cashmere, silk and wool. The kit comes with a handy scoop with divisions. It's nice to know that the drug does not harm the environment.

Buyers note the absence of smell, many people like it. You can still feel it in the box floral fragrance nothing remains on the clothes. The reviews emphasize the softness of things, although many still add air conditioning. They talk about the amazing ability to remove even old stains from coloring drinks. The only thing that confuses some buyers is the finicky of the laundry detergent. You need to carefully read the instructions and set the correct temperature. Otherwise, the powder will remain on clothes and in the machine.


Best quality natural ingredients. Biodegradable
Country: Germany
Average price: 930 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The best quality of natural ingredients is a nomination in the rating, which was awarded to Sodasan hypoallergenic washing powder for baby clothes. The first thing worth mentioning is the improved formula, enriched with organic herbal oil, silicates, protein polymer compounds, citrates. Phosphate free, fragrance free. It is a biodegradable product, which means almost natural composition, no harmful effects, easy rinsing.

The powder is intended for machine wash underwear for children, including newborns. Users share positive feedback about the eco-friendly composition, unambiguously recommending it for purchase.

The best baby laundry detergents based on natural soap

4 Our mother

Natural composition, linen becomes soft
Country Russia
Average price: 130 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

This category opens with soap from Our Mom, created on the basis of palm and coconut oil. It has one of the most natural compositions that do not cause allergic reactions. The product can be used in the machine and hand wash. First you need to dissolve the powder in water, and then pour it into a drum or bowl. The composition contains oxygen bleach, cleaning the fabric from stains and plaque. Colored clothes do not lose their brightness even after many washes. The product is completely rinsed out, does not dry and does not deform fabrics.

Customers talk about a pleasant, gentle fragrance that does not irritate or linger on clothes. The consistency of the soap is gel-like, soft. It is very slowly consumed, but foams little. At first it seems that it is poorly washed off, especially when compared with concentrates. A little depressing is the need to accurately measure the amount of funds. In case of an overdose, a soap film will remain on the fabric. Before use, the solution must be diluted with water, not everyone likes it.

3 Tobbi Kids

Preserves the structure of the fabric, washes gently
Country Russia
Average price: 70 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

As part of this tool there is laundry soap and soda, which clean things. No phosphates, chlorine or chemicals. Only mild hypoallergenic surfactants without dyes and fragrances. The product is consumed slowly, washes clothes efficiently. The manufacturer has developed 3 lines designed for children different ages. They feature active ingredients that cleanse different types pollution. Buyers warn that there is practically no foam, this is a feature of the soap. There is also no smell, for most this is a plus. Temperature instructions are given on the package.

The reviews say that the product does not clean up old stains immediately, it may not be able to cope with coloring substances. It is difficult to determine the dosage, there is no measuring cup. Having poured a little more, plaque will remain on the fabric. The tool is very dusty, and the excess sticks together in lumps (the soda in the composition is to blame). Therefore, you will first have to experiment with the dosage. But many people like a convenient pack with a special spout, the powder does not crumble. To clean stains from mashed potatoes, juices and cereals, it is recommended to look at other products.

2 Umka

The best soap powder from domestic
Country Russia
Average price: 389 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Umka children's washing powder based on natural soap is one of the best on the market. Russian market. Indicators of the content of surfactants correspond to generally accepted standards - no more than 15% of surfactants and no more than 5% of surfactants. The composition of the domestic powder does not contain phosphates, which unscrupulous manufacturers add to further soften the water.

The soap is completely suitable for washing clothes of newborns. On the package there is a mark indicating this - "0+". In reviews, buyers share the advantages of this powder - it washes well, suitable for various types fabric, odorless, economically consumed.

1 baby line

best stain remover powder
Country: Germany
Average price: 739 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

BabyLine laundry detergent based on natural soap is one of the best for newborns. A distinctive feature in comparison with other nominees of the rating is the inclusion of an oxygen stain remover in the composition for better washing of specific contaminants from the life of a child. The manufacturer claims that the concentrate powder is enough for about 1.5 months - about 20 uses. And most importantly - customer reviews about the cost-effectiveness of the product confirm this.

Washing powder is suitable for all types of fabrics - cotton and synthetic, colored and light. The content of surfactants does not exceed the approved standards - up to 15% surfactants and up to 5% nonionic surfactants. Additional pluses are an activator of washing at low temperatures, as well as substances that prevent the formation of scale.

The best disinfectant baby laundry detergents

3 Nordland Laundry powder ECO

Multifunctional, long lasting
Country: Spain
Average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Opens this category Nordland Laundry powder ECO without phosphates and artificial dyes, which is suitable for washing any fabrics except silk at a temperature of 30 to 90 degrees. The tool can be used for white and colored things, synthetic and natural fibers. It works great with children's outerwear. The manufacturer claims that the powder is rinsed out, does not leave marks on black linen, and does not smell. A pack of 1.8 kg is enough for several months. Pleasantly pleased measuring cup and detailed instructions with temperature conditions for each type of fabric. Unlike chemical bleaching powders, where the granules are blue, here they are gray and made from laundry soap.

Buyers warn that the solution foams very poorly, this is normal for its composition. However, they object that the consumption is not as economical as indicated on the packaging. It is noted that the tool may not cope with coloring matter without additional help, but most problems go away. Linen after washing becomes soft, conditioner is optional. However, it is difficult to find it in a regular store. It is important to observe the temperature regime specified in the instructions. Then the powder will cope with the greasy sleeves of a down jacket, and with the baby's soiled clothes.


Makes things soft, gently removes dirt
Country Russia
Average price: 130 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

In second place, we put natural PURE WATER powder without dyes, flavors and chemical bleaches. It has an antiseptic effect, does not cause irritation. The manufacturer claims that the powder copes with any contamination on most fabrics. The tool is designed to keep appearance clothes, maintain bright color. The powder gently displaces dirt, so the fibers of the fabric do not lose their original quality. The product itself comes in a cute box with a cardboard dispenser and washing instructions. The main condition is that the water temperature is from 40 degrees, otherwise the powder will not wash out.

Users say that a pack of 800 grams is enough for several months, but silk and wool cannot be washed. Clean things do not smell of anything, do not irritate the child's respiratory tract. Contrary to the assurance of the manufacturer, the reviews complain about problems with washing juice, compote, fat and complementary foods. But with lighter tasks, the tool copes perfectly. The powder has an unusual consistency, more like soap shavings. It lathers surprisingly well and leaves things soft. Air conditioning is optional.

1 Burti Hygiene Plus

Excellent rinsing, prevents infections
Country: Germany
Average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Closes the top three of the best Burti Hygiene Plus, designed to disinfect baby clothes. The manufacturer claims that the powder kills 99.9% of bacteria, infections and viruses. The product without phosphates and chemicals is safe for the child, it does not leave marks on the linen. With the right temperature regime the powder is completely rinsed out. The packaging says that bleach returns things to their original color, does not deform them. The tool is recommended during the spread of infections, as it can also be used for cleaning rooms, toys. The manufacturer recommends disinfecting the drum of the machine. The price is quite high, but it is spent economically.

Buyers note that the powder washes things well, removing even old stains and dyes. The product has a slight fragrance, but it is not felt on the linen. I am glad that it can be used at low and high temperatures, wash any fabric. The manufacturer strongly advises using the drug for white linen, as the ingredients in the composition remove yellowness. One pack should be enough for 18 washes. There is no measuring cup inside, although for such a price I would like to see one.

With the advent of the child, the need for laundry arises almost every day. Even when using disposable diapers Babies have to change clothes several times a day. But for the care of linen, you can not use standard powders. We will figure out how and how to wash baby clothes for newborns.

The purpose of washing soiled linen is clear - to remove stains, dust, bad smell and microbes, as well as give clothing attractive appearance. But many mothers are wondering if it is necessary to wash the new clothes of the newborn? Doctors answer it in the affirmative.

The immune system small child does not operate at full capacity. It is better to protect it from contact with pathogens and dirt that may be present on purchased clothes and diapers. Parents cannot know for sure under what conditions things were stored: maybe there were rodents, fungus or mold in the warehouse. In addition, there is no guarantee that the laundry has only been touched with clean hands.

It is better to prepare the "dowry" of the baby 2-3 weeks before the birth. How to wash new clothes for a newborn? For these purposes, baby soap is perfect. It is necessary to soak clothes and diapers for 10-15 minutes in a soapy solution, rub them with your hands, rinse thoroughly, dry them in the fresh air, iron them and wrap them in an airtight bag.

Detergents for washing children's things

What is the best way to wash newborn clothes? From whether mom can pick up safe remedy to clean the clothes of the baby, his health largely depends. The protective barrier of children's skin is imperfect. Aggressive substances easily penetrate through it, causing allergic reaction in the form of redness, itching, pimples and peeling. In addition, household chemicals contain volatile elements that enter the respiratory tract. Constant contact with them can provoke respiratory allergies, weakening of local immunity and other unpleasant consequences.

So how to wash baby things for a newborn so as not to harm him? Main types of funds:

  • laundry soap;
  • special powders and gels;
  • soap nuts.

Baby soap

Many doctors and experienced moms in the first month of a baby's life, it is advised to use baby soap. The product does not contain fragrances, dyes and aggressive synthetic substances. It contains:

  • softening ingredients - lanolin, boric acid, glycerin, oils;
  • antibacterial components - extracts of string, chamomile, calendula and so on.

The cleaning properties of soap are based on the ability of the foam to absorb dirt and prevent it from recombining with the surface. Advantages of the baby product:

  • skin safety;
  • easy washing out of fabric fibers.

Its disadvantage is low efficiency in the fight against stubborn stains on things. But in the first months of life, the discharge of a breastfed baby is odorless. They are relatively easy to wash if the thing is immediately soaked and lathered. Some moms don't use at all detergents for washing diapers soiled with urine.

Is it possible to wash newborn things with laundry soap? It is characterized by a high content of alkalis (0.15-0.20%). Fatty acids in it no more than 72%. The pH level is 11-12. The product has antibacterial properties.

You can’t use laundry soap for a child’s skin, and it copes with dirt on things perfectly, including complex stains. The disadvantage of the product is a specific smell, but with thorough rinsing it disappears.

When buying laundry soap, you should pay attention to the composition. traditional remedy contains only natural ingredients. But some manufacturers add bleaching agents, dyes and flavors to it. This product is not suitable for washing children's clothes.

Note: For the convenience of housewives, baby and laundry soap is produced in the form of shavings. It dissolves easily in water, forming a rich foam.


What kind of powder to wash things for newborns? It should not contain potentially harmful substances. It is impossible to completely remove the powder from the fibers of the fabric, its particles remain in them after drying and come into contact with the baby's skin, and can also penetrate into the bloodstream.

How to safely wash baby clothes for newborns? When choosing a powder, you should pay attention not only to the mark "for newborns" or "0+", but also to its composition.

The tool should not contain:

  • phosphate additives - they destroy the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin, reducing its resistance to external factors, and when penetrating into the blood, they change its formula;
  • chlorine - it dries out the epidermis, causing irritation and itching;
  • optical brighteners - they remain on the surface of the fabric after rinsing.

A-surfactants (anionic surfactants) must be absent or must be present in the composition minimal amount, since they disrupt the course of redox reactions in the body and destroy some of the enzymes;

Some powders use non-ionic surfactants instead of A-surfactants. They do not decompose into ions in water, keep contaminants in solution and are characterized by biodegradability.

How to wash newborn clothes in a washing machine? Almost all washing powders are designed for machine and hand wash. The most popular means:

Parents' reviews show that "Tide", "Eared Nanny" and "Karapuz" often cause allergies in babies, but "Aistenok" is the safest option in this regard.

Expensive trade marks(Amway, Garden, BabyLine, Sodasan, "Our Mom"), as a rule, produce baby powders with the safest composition. Their price is offset by a high concentration of active substances. In the lines of many manufacturers there are washing gels . Their advantage is small particles that are easily rinsed out.

Tip: When buying a powder, you should pay attention to the packaging. It must be intact, with a list of components and an indication of the expiration date. It is advisable to feel the plastic bag - when normal conditions storage substance should not be clumped.

Soap nuts

How to wash things for newborns without chemicals at all? You can use soap nuts - the fruits of the Sapindus plant. Their dry shell contains a large number of saponins are natural surfactants. It should be packed in a cloth bag and placed in the drum of the washing machine. Practice shows that nuts cope only with minor contamination.

General washing rules

How to wash baby clothes for a newborn? Key recommendations:

The subtleties of machine washing

Using a washing machine saves mom time and effort. Many models are equipped with the "Children's wash" function. When it is activated, the water is heated to a high temperature, and rinsing is performed in a large volume of liquid. In addition, this mode gives things softness.

If there is no special function, select the mode depending on the type of fabric and use double or intensive rinse. The amount of powder or gel is determined by the instructions. It is important not to exceed the dosage.

At what temperature should I wash clothes for newborns? diapers and bed sheets it is better to clean at 80-90 ºС. For delicate items, you can use low temperature, but not less than 40 ºС.

Features of hand washing

It is impossible to wash things by hand in water of 90 ºС. The way to solve the problem is to wear two pairs of gloves: cotton and rubber.

Washing steps:

  • Dissolve powder or soap in hot water. For convenience, the soap can be rubbed, pour boiling water and stir to form a foam.
  • Soap individual stains or apply powder slightly moistened with water on them.
  • Dip the products in water and leave for 15 minutes or several hours (depending on contamination).
  • Rub the fabric with your hands, paying attention to stains.
  • Rinse things, changing the water 3-4 times, its temperature should be lowered.

Diapers contaminated with feces after soaping are better to lower the water with potassium permanganate (it should have pale pink color). In the presence of complex stains on white things, you can use hydrogen peroxide - pour the solution on the contamination and rinse the product. Diapers can be periodically boiled in water with the addition of laundry soap. But not too often, otherwise they may turn yellow or gray.


Speaking about how to iron baby clothes for newborns, it is important to note that before the navel heals (in the first 3-4 weeks), baby things should be ironed on both sides, using the highest possible temperature and the steam function. This is necessary to prevent infection from entering the wound.

In the future, you can iron the clothes on one side. Some mothers believe that you can do without an iron. It is enough to fold things evenly after washing and drying.

Benefits of ironing:

  • gives things an aesthetic appearance;
  • disinfects tissue at the expense of high temperature.

Arguments of opponents of ironing baby clothes:

  • sterility prevents the baby's immune system from developing normally;
  • the use of an iron impairs the breathability of the fabric.

Washing children's clothes is a responsible task. It is important that the product not only provides cleanliness and aesthetic appearance, but is also safe for the sensitive skin of the child. The most reasonable is the combination of several detergents. Laundry soap is suitable for removing stains, baby soap or nuts - for cleaning lightly soiled items, powder without phosphates and A-surfactants - for daily use. It is important to rinse things thoroughly. After using a new remedy, you need to monitor the reaction of the child - even the most natural product can cause an allergy.

