Wet to put on! How you can and cannot dry clothes in quick ways after washing. How to quickly dry things after washing? How to quickly dry a jacket after hand washing

When you need to quickly dry clothes, someone remembers grandmother's advice, and someone goes experimentally. All this is not needed if you know some secrets of safe and intensive drying of things. Such little tricks will come in handy in everyday life more than once and will help out with a lack of time.

The most gentle way of emergency drying is the special mode of the washing machine. Clothing is not exposed to prolonged heat exposure, which is why it retains its qualities. Program the machine for maximum spin and set the drying mode. Absolutely dry things that can only be ironed will fall into your hands. A relatively light fabric will quickly dry the hair dryer. Set the power to the highest setting and dry clothes evenly. Depending on the density of the material, it will take from 10 minutes to half an hour to work. Instead of a hair dryer, a heat fan is also suitable.

Most things will dry with an iron. Turn off the steam function and iron the clothes on all sides. Then hang it up for 10-15 minutes to air it out. And iron again to achieve excellent results. If the fabric is synthetic, cover it with a thin cotton cloth and only then iron it. Drying with an iron is contraindicated for products made of wool and other delicate fibers.

Extremely carefully, you can dry things near an open oven. To do this, turn on the blowing function and hang clothes at a distance of up to half a meter from the stove. You should first wipe the inside of the oven so that things do not become saturated with the aroma of a pie or baked meat.

In winter, small wardrobe items can really be dried on a radiator. It will take a lot of time, but it will be faster than with classic drying on clothespins.

In summer, it is easiest to hang clothes in a sunny place. Even better if the weather is windy. In such conditions, things will dry in 15 minutes.

When you need to dry clothes made of thick fabrics, such as jeans, extra effort is required. First, we wrap the thing in a terry towel and twist it according to the tourniquet principle. When the towel is thoroughly wet, repeat the procedure with another dry towel. So we will remove excess moisture from the fabric. And for final drying, any of the above described methods is suitable.

For safety reasons, it is not recommended to dry clothes using the following methods:
  • above an open fire or close to it;
  • directly on the electric heater;
  • at a temperature exceeding the manufacturer's recommendations (usually such information is placed on the label).

No matter how you hurry, always take care of the safety of things. The wrong drying method can ruin clothes, which is much more unpleasant than wet clothes. And it’s even better to be prudent and not get into force majeure, at least in relation to the wardrobe.

Sometimes life brings surprises, requiring from us an adequate response and considerable ingenuity. For example, everyone at least once in their life had to convulsively decide how to quickly dry clothes. Perhaps, somehow fresh linen suddenly ended, damp weather summed it up, I had to wash my shirt right at work. But you never know what awaits us around the corner! The main thing is to urgently find a reliable source of heat.

Tumble dry

If you need to dry one thing very quickly after washing, send it back to the drum, turn on the drying function. Just don't overdo it with the temperature! Select the maximum mode according to the type of fabric. It is better to spend another 10 minutes and dry the wet clothes with an iron.

How to quickly dry clothes if there is no dryer in the washing machine? No problem! Together with a wet thing, put a couple of dry terry towels into the drum and set it to the maximum spin that the fabric can adequately withstand.

Towels will absorb excess moisture, and the process of parting with excess moisture during the spin cycle will be faster. After such a kind of drying, walk over the product with a warm iron. You will be able to get a completely dry thing in half an hour.


Heat the iron, be sure to turn off the steam function. Iron damp clothing on both sides. Then hang the product on the shoulders, the back of the chair. After 10 minutes, iron again from the wrong side and the front side.

Dry socks with an iron only through a layer of fabric.

Hair dryer, fan heater

But how to quickly dry clothes made of wool, because it can neither be twisted nor ironed? To do this, use a hair dryer, fan heater. Hang a sweater, a woolen blouse on the back of a chair or hangers at a distance of half a meter from the device, direct warm air onto the product. Even jeans can be dried quickly this way. Try to blow clothes from all sides. After half an hour, the thing should dry. By the way, it is very convenient to dry synthetic socks with a hairdryer.


Such drying will take only about an hour of your precious time (depending on the fabric). Turn on the oven. While it is warming, place a chair with clothes hanging on it closer. Open the door and do not close it until the very end of the process. Turn the product periodically so that the fabric dries evenly, especially if it is a wool jumper.

Some extreme sports enthusiasts hang things directly on the oven door to speed up the process. You can take a chance if you are not afraid to fry your favorite sweater (or whatever you dry). Another caveat: inside the oven must be clean. Otherwise, you will smell not of fine French perfume, but of baked duck in apples or fish pie. However, it will give your image a delicious zest.


Hang the laundry on the battery immediately after washing. After a couple of hours you can shoot. Especially well on it mittens, gloves, socks are dried. But large things will need to be turned over for uniform heating. A heated towel rail in the bathroom will also perfectly replace the battery.

Natural drying

On a windy sunny day, clothes after washing can be quickly dried outside. Use the balcony, open the windows on the loggia: let the sun's rays and the warm breeze do their job.


A microwave will help you dry small items quickly. Carefully place socks and other small items on the bottom of the oven. Turn on the warm-up function for 30 seconds. Repeat several times. Don't go too far from the stove. Attention! Make sure that there are no metal elements in the clothes.

Electric dryer

If you have to wash an accidental stain at work, use an electric hand dryer. This appliance is the perfect way to dry clothes. First, soak up excess moisture with paper towels, then boldly expose your wet blouse to the warm air flowing from the electric dryer.

Terry towels and your body heat

  1. Thick clothes (jeans) can be dried in several steps:
  2. Wrap the washed item very tightly in a dry towel.
  3. Sit on this structure so that the moisture from the fabric is transferred to the towel.
  4. After a couple of minutes, remove the product from under you, unwind. If the cloth is very damp, change the towel and repeat the procedure.
  5. Iron with an iron without steam or dry with a hair dryer.

Fast is not always good

There are ways that, at first glance, speed up the process of drying clothes at times. But practice has shown that the quality of the fabric may suffer. So, if you do not want to spoil your favorite little thing, do not neglect simple tips:

  • Refrain from wanting to dry clothes on an electric heater.
  • Do not use open flames (such as a gas stove) when drying clothes.
  • Do not put shoes to dry on the radiator, it is better to push more newspapers into it, changing them from time to time.
  • Never tumble dry woolen garments.

Knowing such subtleties in the art of drying things, you will cope with any surprises in life!

It is known that for any thing it will be better if it dries naturally, on the balcony. But the situations are different, and each person had to face the fact that they urgently need to wash one or another element of the wardrobe, and then think about how to quickly dry the clothes.

The easiest way is to iron the thing with an iron or put it on a hot radiator, but this is not always possible. There are a number of methods to speed up the drying of clothes without ruining the fabric.

Where to dry clothes in the apartment

The best place to dry clothes is fresh air. If you live in an apartment, properly equip the balcony with tight ropes, or, if space permits, install a horizontal dryer.

But what if there is no balcony? In this case, you have to look for a suitable place in the apartment. Many people put on strings in the bathroom, but this only prolongs the drying time of the laundry, since the humidity is high in the room.

Also, do not dry things in the kitchen. Although this room is the warmest in the apartment, wet clothes do not belong there. By hanging clothes in close proximity to food, you run the risk of ending up with a dry, but abundantly “decorated” thing with stains.

It is undesirable to dry clothes in the kitchen due to proximity to food and smells.

The best option for drying wet laundry in the apartment is a room located on the sunny side and well ventilated. In this case, the clothes will quickly become dry, and excess dampness will not appear in the room.

How to quickly dry things after washing at home

As mentioned above, it is better to air dry things. If it's warm and sunny outside, hang your clothes on the balcony, after turning them inside out, and you won't have to wait long for them to dry.

If it is rainy and cold outside, it is better to use other drying methods. There are many of them, and you can easily choose the one that suits you.

Dry in the machine

In the "spin" mode, you can dry things if you put them in the machine along with a terry towel.

If the "washing" unit is equipped with this useful feature, take advantage of this and send wet things to the drum. The main condition is to choose the appropriate mode for the material so as not to overdry it.

For those who have a machine installed without “bells and whistles”, you can apply a little trick: put a few terry towels into the drum along with wet clothes and turn on the spin mode. Thick fabric will absorb excess moisture, and the thing will dry faster.

Electric hand dryer

This method is suitable for "local" drying of clothes if you had to wash the stain.

Substitute a wet area of ​​​​cloth under a stream of warm air, and after 5-7 minutes there will be no trace of a wet spot.

Drying in the closet

If the heating is turned off in the apartment, and the weather does not allow drying things on the balcony, you can hang them on hangers in the closet. As a rule, the temperature inside the wardrobe is higher than in the room.

This method of drying clothes cannot be attributed to instantaneous, but nevertheless things will become dry a little faster.

How to quickly dry your pants after washing

To dry trousers made of thick fabrics, such as jeans, you can use the following method:

  • Wrap the wet thing with a terry towel so that it is all hidden in the "cocoon".
  • Gently “unscrew” the bundle several times, as with a manual spin. It is not worth making too much effort - you risk tearing the towel. If you do not want to wring out the fabric, you can simply sit on a bundle of clothes, moisture will be absorbed into the material under the weight of the body.
  • Remove the terry cloth and shake a few times to straighten out the wrinkles. If the pants are still too damp, repeat the procedure.

To speed up the process, you can dry the clothes with a hair dryer or iron.

How to dry socks quickly

If you need to dry your socks urgently, use a towel or a piece of material that absorbs moisture well.

Wrap the fabric around the socks and wring them out well. After drying the wet thing with a hairdryer.

How to dry socks quickly without a hair dryer

Socks can be dried in the microwave in 30 seconds.

In cases where it is not possible to use a hair dryer for some reason, lay out the socks after spinning on a warm radiator, and they will dry very quickly.

During the period when the heating is turned off, you can dry your socks in the microwave. Lay out your clothes, smoothing out the folds, and turn on the heating for 30 seconds. To completely dry the fabric, the procedure will need to be repeated several times.

How to dry a t-shirt quickly

A fan heater or hair dryer will help you quickly get rid of moisture from a T-shirt. In this way, you can dry clothes from any fabric without fear of damaging the material. It is important to remember that you cannot set the maximum temperature, and things must be placed at some distance from the heat source.

If you do not have a fan heater and decide to use a hair dryer, try to “blow” the surface of the fabric evenly. Otherwise, you will dry out some of the material, and some areas will remain wet.

How to dry a jacket quickly

Clothes can be dried quickly by placing them in front of a preheated oven.

To dry blouses made of dense materials, you can use the heat from an open oven. Preheat the oven, open the door and place a chair opposite it with a thing hanging on the back.

It should be remembered that you can not move wet clothes too close, in addition, you will need to periodically turn the chair. This is necessary so that the jacket does not “burn” and dries evenly. During the experiment, it is better not to leave the room.

How to dry clothes quickly

A number of means can be used to dry underwear, in addition to hanging in the air, such as:

  • fan heater;
  • heating battery;
  • microwave.

You should not just “twist” wet linen in a towel - you risk tearing thin fabric and lace. If we are talking about a bra, then such drying will lead to a loss of shape and deformation of the bones.

How to quickly dry a shirt after washing

A shirt made of natural and sufficiently dense fabric, such as cotton or linen, can be dried in this way:

  • Gently wring out the item in a towel.
  • Iron with a moderately hot iron, after turning inside out.
  • Hang on a coat hanger to dry completely.

If the shirt is made of thin material, use a hair dryer. Strong spin and heat exposure will not have the best effect on the condition of the fabric fibers.

Precautionary measures

In order not to spoil things and not harm yourself by starting a fire or getting an electric shock, you cannot do the following when drying:

  • hang clothes near an open flame;
  • dry things by spreading them on the included electric heaters;
  • apply high temperatures if it is prohibited for a certain type of fabric.

Even if you are in a hurry and you need something urgently, you should not take risks and resort to "extreme" methods. It is better to pick up another thing in your wardrobe to replace the one that did not have time to dry.

Not really

Everyone in life has circumstances when it is necessary to dry clothes very quickly. The reasons are very different - they got caught in the rain, washed all the clothes, and then had to urgently leave, spilled something ... We all remember from the school physics course that the intensity of water evaporation can be increased by heating and creating intense air movement. Therefore, the drying process, one way or another, is usually associated with heating the thing or the air next to it. From this article, you can learn how to quickly dry clothes.

Method 1 - battery
What to dry: underwear, socks, cotton T-shirts and plain T-shirts.

This is a method well known to many, because it really works, but not so fast. Almost everything can be dried on a battery, but, of course, only small items of clothing will dry faster. If you got caught in the rain and got your feet wet, and one of your friends kindly offered to come to your house to warm up, you can leave your socks to dry on the radiator - so they will not only dry out, but also heat up. This method is also great for gloves, mittens and hats (especially for children).

Method 2 - hair dryer and fan heater
What to dry: almost everything.

This method is quite versatile. Warm air helps clothes dry faster without causing any harm to them. It should be remembered that the mode should not be the hottest, and it is better to place the source of "wind" away from the product.

Here you can encounter the following disadvantages: drying with a hair dryer is quite tiring, since you have to keep it in your hand all the time, and the fan heater has a limited air direction area, so the product may not dry evenly and, as a result, not completely dry.

Method 3 - wind (summer and nature)
What to dry: everything

If you've been swimming in a river, for example, and now want to dry your bathing suit, try hanging it in a windy place. It is desirable that the sun shine at the same time. Under these conditions, your clothes can dry fairly quickly.

This is a well-known method for drying things in the countryside. But I advise you to be careful and drive away flies and birds that can stain clothes hung to dry, so it’s better to initially dry them turned inside out.

In urban settings, a balcony can help.

Method 4 - iron
What to dry: Not very delicate items (works better if the garment is not completely wet)

Everything is simple here: the hot surface of the iron strongly heats the fabric, as a result of which the water simply turns into steam. This is a very quick and effective way, but you must be very careful not to ruin the item of clothing you are drying.

Method 5 - oven (only for very attentive and responsible people!)
What to dry: T-shirts, thin jumpers.

Turn on the oven, open the door, put a chair next to it and hang your thing on it. Then periodically turn over and do not go anywhere - it is dangerous to joke with the oven in this way.

Method 6 - washing machine
What to dry: Convenient for large items.

Modern washing machines often have a drying function. Just press the desired button when washing - and as a result you will get an almost dry item that can be dried using one of the methods presented above.

Method 7 - Wardrobe (extravagant method, but sometimes works)
What to dry: Anything that will fit on a hanger.

Somewhat strange way, but sometimes it works. If the heating is turned off in the apartment, it often happens that the closet is a little warmer - you can hang one or two hangers with wet clothes there. It will not dry very quickly, but still faster than with ordinary drying in a cold apartment in the air.

How not to do
It will be useful to remind you what is best not to do when trying to quickly dry clothes:

  • do not hang the product on an electric heater;
  • do not place the thing over an open fire or in its immediate vicinity;
  • do not dry shoes on the radiator - push newspapers into it and place it next to the heater. If you put shoes on a battery, then your sole may be deformed.
  • carefully read the labels on the products - they often write recommendations for drying. For example, you should be very careful with woolen things - they can lose their shape and sit down a lot.
As you can see, drying clothes quickly is quite simple. There are many different ways, one of which can definitely help in this matter. You just need to be careful during the drying process so as not to damage your item and so that nothing catches fire. Do not forget about fire safety and carefully read the labels on the product.

How to quickly dry things after washing, if there is no machine with a dryer, but you need to wear clothes? To help dry things will help, at times, unusual ways, but very effective.

Spin mode

A good option on how to quickly dry clothes after washing is to run the washer on the spin cycle. Maybe you have a drying function in your car, then there will be no problems at all. But idle spinning also helps well if you run the machine on it for 10 minutes. Of course, the clothes will be pretty wrinkled, but almost dry. It remains only to iron it well.

Drying with a hair dryer

This option, how to quickly dry things after washing, is actually not so fast, but it saves if there is no washing machine or if things cannot be wrung out too hard on a long spin. You just need to lay out, or even better, hang the clothes and dry them with hot air using a hair dryer. But this method of how to quickly dry a jacket after washing will not work if the thing is made of capricious, delicate fabric.

Oven drying

To quickly dry the matter, you can use the oven. The whole process will take you about an hour. Turn on the full oven and wait until it heats up. Place a rack next to the open oven to hang your laundry on. The thing should be rotated periodically so that it dries faster. This is especially important if the clothes are thick, such as a knitted sweater.

This method is good if you are looking for how to quickly dry a dress after washing if it is very thick. But do not hang products directly on the door in the hope that they will dry out faster. This drying method can cause your favorite jacket to fry and completely deteriorate.


Of course, in winter, the easiest way to dry a jacket after washing, or in general, any linen, is to put it on a battery. After a couple of hours, absolutely dry clothes can already be removed. All sorts of small items are perfectly dried on a battery - socks, mittens, gloves, shoes, hats. You can install a heated towel rail in the bathroom, and if necessary, dry the laundry on it.

Natural drying

How to quickly dry sweatpants after washing or, for example, jeans? The easiest way on a hot summer day is to hang them in the sun in the air. The breeze and the sun will dry your clothes very quickly.


You can almost instantly dry small items such as socks or mittens in the microwave. Carefully place things on a plate in the oven, and turn on the heating for 30 seconds. You don't have to go far from the stove. Repeat several times until the product is dry. Be sure to make sure that there is no metal in the clothes!

Terry towels

How to quickly dry a T-shirt after washing or any other clothes made from natural fabrics? Clothes can be dried with terry towels. First, the product is squeezed out by hand, and then tightly wrapped in a large towel. Then they sit on the roller so that the towel absorbs moisture better. After that, the clothes are wrapped in a dry towel, and everything is repeated again. When the maximum water from the T-shirt or T-shirt is gone, all that remains is to iron it and dry it with a hairdryer.


In just a couple of minutes, you can dry wet things with an iron. There is one caveat here - you need to iron with the hottest possible iron. Set the temperature to the highest that the fabric can withstand. But you need to iron not just on the ironing board, but on a thick towel.

The fact is that the evaporated moisture will immediately go into the towel, and so the fabric will dry twice as fast as when ironing on a ironing board. You can dry a cotton shirt or thin trousers in just a couple of minutes in this way.

After ironing, the product should be hung in a draft, and held for several minutes - the remaining moisture will immediately evaporate. In conclusion, the clothes are ironed again.

It is necessary to iron damp wardrobe items on towels that do not shed, otherwise the paint can ruin the thing. It is better not to dry woolen things in this way at all. It is also advisable not to iron synthetic products. Usually natural, thin fabrics are dried in this way.

Remember that it is better not to dry woolen and synthetic products with an iron or near the oven. You should not take risks and try to dry the material next to a working gas stove. Shoes do not need to be dried near the oven or on a radiator that is too hot.

So that you do not get into such an unpleasant situation when the washed item needs to be dried urgently, make sure that you have clothes to change. It is better to prepare the thing immediately after wearing it by washing it and stroking it than to rush about in search of that wonderful way that will help you instantly dry your clothes. Then at the right time you will not have any problems.