A woman should know her worth. And never call her. Knowing your worth - good or bad? If a person does not know his own worth

Know your worth Only carry. More often 3 l. present temp. or past. temp. Correctly assess their capabilities, dignity. From noun. with meaning persons: architect, engineer… knows his own worth.

All real poets knew their worth, starting with Pushkin. (M. Tsvetaeva.)

Perfectly knowing his own worth, he kept himself independent and did as he saw fit. (D. Granin.)

(!) Do not confuse with phraseological phrase .

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

See what "know your worth" is in other dictionaries:

    Know your worth- ENA, Shy, wine. price, pl. prices, prices, prices, w. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Know your worth- Objectively evaluate their own merits, capabilities. He was a man of ambition, arrogant and knew his own worth. He looked and spoke like that, as he knows his own worth (Dostoevsky. Notes from the House of the Dead) ...

    Know your worth- Razg. Correctly assess their capabilities, dignity; be proud, don't be humiliated. BMS 1998, 612; SHZF 2001, 84 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Know your price- Obsolete. The same as knowing your worth. He is the most secular person: he loves and knows how to speak; speaks boldly, in order that he knows his price (Karamzin. Letters from a Russian traveler) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    know- vb., nsv., use. max. often Morphology: I know, you know, he/she/it knows, we know, you know, they know, know, know, knew, knew, knew, knew, knew, knowing, knowing 1. If you know something ( about something), so you have information about what ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    know- 1) I know, you know; incl. present knowing; nesov., trans. 1. also about whom or with an additional clause. Have information about whom, than l. Know the enemy's intentions. Know about someone's illness. □ From the road, he knew that Captain Minsky was traveling from ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    know- I know / yu, know / eat; knowing; known/known; know / m, a, o; nsv. see also know, know, know, know, know yourself, how to know ... Dictionary of many expressions

    More often than not. Correctly, to appreciate someone or something; value someone or something. From noun. with meaning persons or sets of persons: leader, father, team, class ... knows the price of whom for what? specialist, employee, time, friendship, help ... ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

    know- Know that (colloquial) every now and then, all the time. From him and to him then know in the morning all the couriers with papers jump. Nekrasov. To know the value of oneself, to know the value of someone to what. to be able to appreciate, to properly evaluate someone that n. Know… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    know- I. KNOW I know, you know; knowing; known; we know, ah, oh; nsv. 1. what, about whom, or with an appendage. add. Have information about who, what. Z. the enemy's intentions. Z. about the illness of someone l. I know old people love to talk. We know that Caucasians are hospitable... encyclopedic Dictionary


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Every girl should be weak at the behest of nature, because even her gender is called precisely this adjective. Otherwise, why then do you need a reliable strong shoulder next to you, defenselessness that attracts men so much and quivering vulnerability that conquers and falls in love with you forever?

And, nevertheless, for many women, such an opinion is considered a "relic of the past", because the modern representative of the fair sex should radiate self-sufficiency and confidence. How can this be achieved?

Women's psychology itself is full of doubts: this is how the female body works, its hormonal background and moral warehouse. No one is immune from weakness in the difficult struggle with the life circumstances of a cruel world. But the following 7 rules will help turn uncertainty into a source of inner strength.

To do this, you need to learn:

    know your worth: no "I'm worth nothing", "nobody needs me" or "who am I anyway?" - such installations should be eliminated, as they say, "on the vine". Find someone who really needs you. No human - get a pet. Be necessary to some living being, the center of his little universe. Thinking about it, you will understand your importance in this world, because there are simply no absolutely lonely people.

  • think about people: if you are convinced that self-doubt is your only fate, then you are very mistaken. As well as absolutely lonely, and ideally self-confident people simply do not exist. Pay attention to people who consider you an authority, help them raise their opinion of themselves - and then you yourself will become more confident.
  • demonstrate one's abilities : you probably have your own individual talents and unique abilities that are not inherent in every person, even if it seems to you that this is not so. Find something that makes you stand out from the crowd and don't stay in your "lodge". Creativity exists to be shown to the world.
  • be flawless . Raising this high bar to the right level is quite difficult, but the desire itself will help you understand how to become a confident girl. Every woman aspires to some picture perfection - well, think about it carefully. What do you want to become? Draw the most vivid image in your head, enjoying every wave of fantasy.

    After the work on the "picture" is completed, take active steps to bring it to life. Don't be afraid to be perfect in every aspect of existence - manners and dress, gestures and conversation, conversation and shy silence. Everything you touch, do with dignity, always make contact, but remain silent only in extreme cases.

  • be communicative and friendly - with a constant lack of confidence, this is the hardest thing to do. The main thing is to try to take the first step, if there is a first one, there will definitely be strength for the next ones. Just say the word, take your open look. Don't be afraid to be pushy.
  • attract attention : discard any doubts about the lack of attractive appearance, natural beauty and other things. Change your image, buy the thing of your dreams, go to a beauty salon - and do not forget to show your new self to others, even if they are random passers-by. This will help boost your self-esteem.
  • don't be afraid of mistakes - each person commits them, and not one of the people has a stable “insurance” against any kind of blunders. It is important to understand that no mistake can shake the uncertainty. Learn to be yourself by turning shyness into a "highlight", not a flaw. Treat insecurity like a bad habit, like a cigarette, that is not only necessary, but also possible to get rid of. Of course, if you really want to.

Adequate self-esteem: where does confidence begin?

Failures and misunderstanding, indifference and resentment that daily surround a person in life is not a reason to engage in self-abasement. To learn how to increase a girl's self-esteem, you need to start small:

  1. Analysis of parental settings . Mentally divide your childhood memories into 2 halves - warm and those that your psychology classifies as unpleasant. It is important to come to the conclusion that a small child cannot serve as an instrument of criticism and discontent of adults. If you came to the conclusion that in your childhood you did not have enough love from loved ones, be sure to compensate for its lack with bright feelings for yourself.
  2. Self-knowledge. Do you consider yourself stupid, stupid and incapable of anything? This does not happen: each person has his own precious gem of talent. Do what brings you maximum pleasure - perhaps then you can finally find that one, exclusively your own uniqueness.
  3. Accepting your own shortcomings . The psychology of insecurity is based on the fact that every mistake continually “scrolls” in the head. But it does not need to memorize and try to remember. It is enough just to face your shortcomings openly. Are you too short? But your legs are unlikely to interfere with someone in crowded public transport. Don't know how to sing the way you would like? Surely your vocals are still better than at least 10% of the stars of domestic show business.
  4. Introspection and self-development . Building on your greatest strengths, go ahead and work on yourself daily, in small steps.
  5. Choice of friends. Limit communication with people who are unpleasant to you and try to keep it with your family and loved ones. After all, you will never be able to raise yourself in your own eyes, constantly coming into contact with people who lower your self-esteem "below the plinth."
  6. Trying on the perfect look . If you've always dreamed of learning how to become a confident girl, it's time to do it, and not in words. Every woman is an actress by nature, so play the part! A role in which your character is cool, confident, and self-sufficient. Well, if you have before your eyes a specific example of such a woman.
  7. Refusal of perfectionism and search for unnecessary, far-fetched problems. Remember that the world is not perfect.

Self-irony and special psychological techniques

Are you familiar with the following situation: you “blurted out” something out of place, just got into a mess - and all this makes you want to “fall through the ground”? So, before they start laughing at you, start laughing at yourself, saying something like: “Well, I said it!”. Such self-irony can disarm even the most inveterate cynics who simply do not dare to prick your self-esteem.

For training self-confidence, special exercises are also good.

  1. Stand in front of a mirror and try to smile with slightly raised corners of your lips. Make your face and eyes as open as possible and try to remember this facial expression, holding it for as long as possible. If necessary, retire to touch up the "make-up".
  2. Imagine your insecurities in the form of an old worn dress. Mentally visualize how you throw away a boring outfit and get a new one - fashionable and beautiful.

Women's psychology knows how to help you - and so do you. So get started right now.

While most of us aren't born with incredible self-esteem, it's something to develop as quickly as possible. Knowing that you are valuable means being a strong, independent, tough woman who always does the following:

1. She always puts herself first.

A decent woman knows that putting herself first doesn't mean she doesn't care about others or that she's selfish. Rather, she knows that first of all, the satisfaction of her needs makes her a happier person, who is therefore capable of good relations with others.

2. She confirms her expectations

The only expectations that a woman who knows her worth must fulfill are her own. She sets her own standards and expectations and works at her own pace. No one tells her who she is or who she should be. After all, she knows she's in charge of her own life, which is why she's the only one leading the parade.

3. She sets boundaries when necessary.

A woman who knows her own worth knows when to set boundaries with people who do not make her life better and do not increase her self-esteem. She protects herself, her heart and her head at all costs. She will never suffer for fools of her own accord.

4. She selects who should stay in her life.

A decent woman does not allow everyone to enter her life and stay. She surrounds herself with people who make her feel alive and vibrant and doesn't let anyone who takes those feelings away from her stay in her life.

5. People treat her with respect, especially in relationships.

Respect is necessary and non-negotiable. A woman who knows her worth refuses to let other people treat her worse than she needs to. This is due to respect for her individuality, mind, career, home. Respect is one of the keys to a successful relationship and she won't settle for someone who doesn't give her what she deserves.

6. She believes in her potential

Sometimes in life the only person you have is yourself. A woman who knows she deserves better understands this and stays true to herself every day. She believes in herself at all costs, especially because envious people continue to hate her. She knows that the only person who can make her life the way she wants is herself.

7. She forgives herself for choosing bad people in her life.

It is important. Sometimes a woman who knows her own worth makes not entirely successful life choices, but she always forgives herself. Of course, she would have to take stock of what she had done. She acknowledges the lesson, promises to do better next time, and moves on.

8. She invests in her future.

A million dollar woman finds a way to invest in her future. It could be something big, like buying a house or getting a higher position, or something small, like moving into her own rented apartment, or putting aside small amounts each month. Whatever it is, such a woman finds ways to invest in herself and in her future so as not to depend on a man.

9. She is sure of everything

It's complicated. How can you be confident if you don't feel like that? Well, a woman who knows her worth will focus on something that will give her confidence, even if it's not something serious, and find a way to increase her confidence.

10. She knows when to say no.

A woman who is familiar with dignity is not afraid to say no to someone. The crowd didn't rock her, she didn't follow the others. She knows what she likes and what she doesn't. She knows that always saying "yes" to people and events when she really doesn't want it will take away her dignity. Saying "no" is a sign of a powerful, tough woman.

11. She has great opportunities

It's about being ready for all the challenges she faces. She sees an incredible opportunity and rushes to it instead of dodging it. From love and acquaintances to her career, a decent woman understands that there are many opportunities, and that at any moment she can simply lose if she does not risk something.

The behavior of women in relationships with men largely depends on how confident she feels, how high her personal self-esteem is. This changes even her gait, head turn, look, speech.

Details that indicate a confident woman

The most important point by which you can determine the level of self-esteem will be the choice of a partner. If a woman knows her worth, then she chooses a man with whom she will be comfortable at every moment of her life, and not just his presence. There are a number of details that give out such a woman.

1. Photo in social networks

She won't post hundreds of photos together to brag to her friends. Love is inside.

2. Focus on your feelings

In making a decision about a wedding, joint housing focuses only on itself, and not on the opinions of others.

3. Partner support in all endeavors

This applies to a change of job, field of activity, a new hobby partner. She is not afraid that she will not have enough time.

4. Attention to detail

A glass of water served on time, a napkin, bread - everything speaks of a desire to please another person.

5. Doesn't require proof of love

She simply enjoys the feelings that a partner shows for her, because she herself chose him.

6. Can admit mistakes

Not only to admit, but also to speak openly about it, drawing conclusions and passing the lesson.

7. Knows how to part

If the relationship has exhausted itself, then the separation will be calm, without tantrums. She really understands that not all couples are perfect for each other, so it's best to let go and not waste time.

Of course, a person's high self-esteem cannot serve as a guarantee that a woman will immediately find "her" man and they will live happily ever after. But it will always give faith that she is worthy of love.