Which is better to buy washing powder machine. What is the safest baby laundry detergent?

As you know, advertising is the engine of trade, and the quality of washing powder does not always meet expectations. What are the best tools? How to choose washing powder? Reviews of famous brands - should you believe them? An overview of popular laundry detergents in this article will help you decide on the choice of powder, as well as dispel a few myths about some products.

Tool Selection: The Basics

When buying a powder, the following nuances are important:

Chemical composition;


The presence of allergic reactions;

Type of washing;

type of washing machine;

The origin of the stains to be removed.

The task is greatly complicated by factors such as:

Excessively wide selection of detergents;


Regular changes in the main composition;

Features of operation.

Classification of washing powders

  1. With the presence of biological additives.
  2. Designed to remove contaminants.
  3. Designed for whitening.

Some tools may combine the above functions. Their effectiveness is best described, for example, by such reviews: this type of washing powder is quite capricious in “combat” conditions, and under certain circumstances may not be able to cope with the job.

In accordance with the functional qualities, the funds can be conditionally divided into the following large groups and types of pollution:

What is laundry detergent made of?

The principle of operation of any washing powder is the dissolution of active substances in water, due to which the process of hydrolysis begins - the splitting of solid starting elements with the subsequent formation of new compounds, otherwise foam. Thus the erasure begins. The foam collects dirt from the fabric and absorbs its particles.

Touted for the quality of washing results, most often contains a large amount of phosphates and polymers. If the former make the water softer, then the latter prevent the detached dirt particles from settling back onto the fabric.

Silicates are included in powders for automatic washing - substances that protect the internal parts of the washing machine from the harmful effects of water and foam. Whitening products have either certain sodium compounds that directly remove stains, or compounds with special optical properties that only camouflage stains.

SMS with so-called enzymes deserve the best reviews. Washing powder with these additives is used to remove stubborn stains. Enzymes are synthesized proteins that are able to cope with fat, blood, wine and other particularly complex contaminants.

Some products are a concentrate that is diluted with water, or used in much smaller quantities than conventional products. This method somewhat reduces the cost of washing, but the wrong dosage can cause allergies. For example, AOS is a concentrated washing powder, reviews of which, although positive, should be carefully measured. Otherwise, the underwear will at least smell very strongly of fragrances, and at the maximum it will cause irritation.

Powder and type of washing machine

Since washing machines come in different types, then the powders for them should be selected appropriate:

  1. For an activator washing machine, SMS recommended for hand washing is suitable. This is due to the fact that at the bottom of this device there is a shaft with blades, which mixes clothes rather slowly and at the same time does not create foam well. Accordingly, the lower its number, the worse the result will be.
  2. As manufacturers' recommendations and numerous reviews show, washing powder for automatic machines should not emit a large amount of foam - cleaning occurs due to strong mechanical action during the rotation of the drum. Thus, lush foam will only interfere with effective washing.

The choice of washing powder for children's things

Despite the fact that the bulk of children's washing powders are positioned as products that cannot harm babies, they contain the same components as conventional laundry detergents. That is why very often you can hear reviews that children's laundry detergents do not justify the hopes placed on them. The result is numerous allergic reactions on delicate baby skin.

The main aggressor enemies are chemical and therefore, before buying a children's washing powder, the reviews of mothers of babies, or rather, a thorough study of them, will be the best explanation of the composition indicated on the package. Most often, baby powders are produced with bioadditives. For example, the best washing powder, reviews of the properties of which scored the most useful votes, is "Karapuz". However, there is one caveat: they cannot wash woolen items.

The production of baby washing powder is a real test for each manufacturer. The main criteria by which the quality of such a product is determined are:


Good rinsing;

No fragrances;

The most famous and proven baby products among mothers are Eared Nanny, Pemos and Nanny washing powder. Reviews about their qualities are positive: linen after washing is soft, after contact with delicate baby skin does not leave irritation.

The choice of washing powder by type of fabric

In order not to be mistaken, the best way out is to purchase washing powder for each type of fabric separately and wash, sorting linen and things. It is known that wool, colored linen, silk, items requiring bleaching require different washing conditions.

When choosing, it will not be superfluous to read consumer reviews. Detergent will also be effective depending on the program and water temperature required. If the SMS is correctly selected according to the type of fabric and in accordance with the model of the machine, it will be possible to avoid not only damaged things, but also the breakdown of washing equipment.

For delicate types of fabrics, it is better to look for powder individually. Some products have a strong synthetic smell, others are uneconomical compared to their counterparts. When washing with third parties, you will need to add a protective agent for the machine.

Powder testing

The main and indisputable property of a synthetic powder is its ability to effectively remove contaminants from fabric surfaces. The more carefully the manufacturer selects, frees from excess impurities and weighs the main components, the better the product will be washed. However, for buyers, the cost of the powder, its availability, and ease of use are also important. It was according to these criteria that specialists selected several washing powders of five completely different brands for further examination: Amway, ARIEL, "Gloss", Persil with a volume of 1 or 1.5 kg for colored linen.

First of all, the packages were studied for ease of opening and storage, as well as for the availability of detailed instructions for use. The leader in this category was the Loska washing powder, ARIEL and Persil are slightly worse: although they have detailed instructions, economical plastic bags are not very convenient in terms of storage.

The next stage of the examination was the washing process itself. The most typical conditions were selected for her: a medium-priced washing machine with a load of 5 kilograms, everyday items with varying degrees of soiling (bed linen and towels, adult and children's clothing - shirts, T-shirts). The fabric was stained with edible oil, tea, coffee, grass, blood, red wine and cosmetics.

Washing was carried out in two stages - quick (in cold water, 25 minutes) and full (in warm water, 65 minutes). The results are like this.


Washing is quite good. Reviews of the results of a full wash correspond to the manufacturer's stated guarantees - pollution has been completely eliminated. But in cold water, the product did not cope well with stains from coffee, blood and wine.

General data: can be purchased in online stores or through distributors. Packed in carton and plastic bag. There is a protection of the washing machine from scale. When using the conditioner is not required.


ARIEL left behind pale coffee and red marks. In warm water, all stains were washed off. Quite a budget powder for its qualities.

General data: sold in any store of household goods and supermarkets. Packed in a plastic tight bag. If desired, you can use anti-scale and fabric softener.


"Gloss" during a quick and complete wash was unable to remove traces of red wine and coffee, although very pale by the end of the process. Powder economy class.

General data: can be bought in supermarkets and hardware stores. Has a polyethylene package. Additional anti-scale protection is recommended. Fabric softener is recommended to eliminate synthetic odor.


Persil is the latest laundry detergent among those tested. Reviews based on the results of use indicate the following: he could not cope with coffee, wine and blood, but in warm water he eliminated all pollution.

General data: sold in most chain supermarkets. Packed in a tight opaque package. There is protection against scale. Air conditioning is optional.

As can be seen from the test, all the studied powders almost equally coped with pollution. "Gloss" is a little behind its competitors. In this regard, the experts decided to recommend the choice of washing powder for the price and the presence and harshness of the fragrance. The data for these criteria are shown in the table below.

Average price per 1 kg

585 rubles

145 rubles

135 rubles

155 rubles



Not concentrated

Not concentrated

Not concentrated



Barely noticeable

Strong synthetic

Weak, pleasant


70%, extra rinse required

80%, light residue left

85%, the presence of a small amount of turbidity

Consumption per 1 kg of linen

11 ml of powder

41 ml of powder

40 ml of powder

44 ml of powder

Average customer rating on a 5-point scale

The most economical with a full wash cycle were ARIEL and "Gloss". Persil and Amway did not justify themselves in this regard, Dda and their cost is somewhat higher than other powders. Apparently, the funds included in the price went to an extensive advertising campaign. Profitability was determined by the number of washes that could be done with 1 kg of powder, according to the instructions for use from the manufacturer.

Based on the results obtained, it can be seen that not always active PR is a guarantee of the quality of washing powder. Even those products that are not advertised on TV, but are sold through intermediaries, although they are positioned by manufacturers as the only optimal solution for home washing, are not always able to guarantee an absolutely positive result. In addition, it should be borne in mind that different buyers have different evaluation criteria. For example, the fairly well-known Phoenix Professional washing powder, reviews of which are mostly positive, in fact turns out to be no better than a regular store one. It attracts buyers with a low price, the presence of a measuring cup and the possibility of buying a large volume at a time with delivery. If you want to test the next miracle of network marketing, it is best to start with a test sample. The same Phoenix washing powder, whose test reviews are full of on thematic forums, or Amway is recommended to be purchased in this way: first a sampler, then a large package. However, you can still find a suitable powder. Most of the time this happens through experience.

Have you ever thought about the properties of the powder you use? And about what means most effectively wash clothes? Below you will find recommendations on how to choose the right washing powder for washing in the machine, manually, as well as which products are suitable for children's clothes.

If we had the opportunity to ignore the advertised trademarks, then the choice of washing powder was carried out according to completely different criteria. It is not necessary to conduct a test purchase in order to choose a good laundry detergent. Just pay more attention not only to the brand or the cost of the product, but also to the composition indicated on the package. Thus, you can conduct a test purchase without purchasing many different powders, but simply by reading their composition.

In numerous products, a large proportion of the composition is given to the so-called surfactants (surface-active elements). These ingredients are the main ones, and it is due to surfactants that clothes are washed from dirt. Least of all these aggressive elements in children's washing powder or biopowders.

The effectiveness of fabric treatment with washing powder is determined by the proportion of substances contained in the composition. Moreover, not only the percentage of the content of one or another component is important, but also, in general, the quality of the raw materials that are used in production.

If you need to remove any stains, use detergents specifically for the items you need to clean. As a rule, manufacturers indicate on the packaging what type of thing this or that product has been developed for.

How to choose a quality laundry detergent in CMA?

Most consumers choose washing products in the machine, paying attention only to the cost of products, as well as whether they wash stains in principle. Consumers buy several kilograms of the product and use it to wash any substance. It is impossible to approach the issue of choosing a powder in this way, because it is not necessarily suitable, for example, for white and colored things.

According to customer reviews, the following aspects should be considered when choosing:

  • The same powder will most likely not be suitable for bright and light colors, so it is better to stop at several detergents for washing in an automatic washing machine.
  • Some types of clothes dry powders do not wash, so you will need to find a suitable product in the form of a liquid gel.
  • To wash children's clothes, especially newborn babies, you should use special products that are hypoallergenic and do not contain aggressive components, since the skin of the child is quite sensitive.
  • Be careful and attentive! It is not recommended to use those products, the content of surfactants in which is higher than 15-20 percent, as they are likely to provoke an allergic reaction in you or your loved ones.
  • In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the content of phosphate elements in the powder. The percentage of phosphates among the ingredients of a particular product should not exceed 0.8%.

Funds from foreign manufacturers

Below are the best products from foreign companies that manufacture products for use in a washing machine:

  • "Super Effect"- a German product, which is indicated on the packaging as "universal". In fact, "SuperEffect" is not suitable for processing silk or wool, but it is quite effective and economical due to its high concentration. "SuperEffect" washes many types of fabrics, and also does not contain harmful aggressive components.
  • liquid gel "ColorUltra"- effectively washes colored clothes, and also rinses out without any extra effort. In its composition you will not find phosphate elements. However, be careful not to use ColorUltra on white and delicate garments.
  • « Amway SA8"- a fairly popular product among domestic buyers. Despite the relatively high price, "Amway SA8" is quite economical, and allows you to remove most types of pollution.

domestic products

If you want to know which powder is best to use for washing clothes in a machine, the following list of domestic products will come in handy:

  • « Losk"- a fairly common tool for processing products in the machine. Despite the relatively low cost, "Losk" is not inferior in quality to foreign products.
  • « Index» - Compared to other products, this one is not as advertised. However, it is inexpensive, it contains a small concentration of phosphates and other harmful substances. "Index" is suitable for cleaning colored clothes in the machine. Unfortunately, at the point of sale "Index" is quite rare.
  • "Weasel"- a derivative cleaning product from the Losk trademark. It is produced in the form of a liquid, which is intended for processing products made from delicate fabrics. "Weasel" will not harm the structure of the fabric, however, it will allow you to eliminate dirt in the machine and maintain an attractive appearance of clothes.

The most effective hand washing products

It is rather difficult to choose an effective detergent for washing clothes by hand, since it must not only be effective, but also not negatively affect the skin of the hands, and also be washed out of the fabric without any extra effort. If consumer reviews are to be believed, there are a number of proven products that are safe and fairly effective for hand washing.

  • "Persil Expert Scan System". This powder is made on the basis of ingredients that are focused on cleaning clothes from a certain type of stain. Also, in the composition of this product, you can find substances that protect the color of fabrics and help maintain their attractive appearance. It dissolves easily even in cool water, works effectively and is easily washed out. "Persil Expert Scan System" is designed for hand washing, however, it dries the skin of the hands somewhat. Therefore, during its use (however, like any other household chemicals), it is recommended to wear rubber gloves.

  • Sarma. This product is designed for processing light-colored garments. "Sarma" not only washes stains that have eaten into the fabric structure, but also disinfects it. After its use, a pleasant aroma remains on the linen. The product is perfectly washed out, and it can also be easily dissolved even in cool water. Use this powder both for hand washing and for soaking, boiling and washing in activator machines. If you do not want to expose your hands to the ingredients of the product, wear rubber gloves before using it.

  • Ariel DeLuxe. Among consumers, it is considered one of the most effective hand washing products. If you are looking for a powder that will wash all kinds of difficult stains, as well as take care of the structure of the fabric, then Ariel DeLuxe will undoubtedly suit you. It dissolves perfectly in cool water, and its active ingredients can penetrate the fibers and expel dirt. If you intend to use "Ariel DeLuxe" in water at a cool temperature, its amount must be increased.

  • "Tide 2 in 1 Lenor Touch". This product can be used for hand washing. "Tide 2 in 1 Lenor Touch" is quite economical and also highly effective. Among the ingredients of this product you will find a complex of substances that will ensure the most economical possible use of "Tide 2 in 1 Lenor Touch", while maintaining the excellent quality of fabric processing. By applying this powder, you can remove a lot of complex contaminants that have eaten into the structure of stain fibers. Also, it should be noted that "Tide 2 in 1 Lenor Touch" preserves the appearance of your clothes and does not adversely affect the fibers of the fabric.

  • "Myth". This is one of the most affordable and economical to use means designed to wash by hand. Despite the relatively low cost, you will be convinced that the "Myth" perfectly washes dirt. This powder will cope with difficult stains on fabric, and it can also be used to soak clothes, for washing by hand, and also used in activator washing machines. Feel free to use "Myth" in water of both cold and hot temperatures. In cold water, "Myth" washes as well as in warm. The powder does not contain dangerous aggressive components, but if you do not want to negatively affect the skin of your hands, put on rubber gloves before you start using it.

  • "Dreft-Wool". These products are made specifically for processing items made from delicate fabrics, such as natural silk or wool. "Dreft-Wool" quickly and easily removes dirt from problem areas, and also keeps your things looking attractive. It regenerates the fibres, making the delicate material soft and long lasting. "Dreft-Wool" will not cause an allergic reaction in you and your loved ones, since it does not contain aggressive substances.

What washes better - gels or powders?

On the market today you can find both liquid laundry products and regular powders, the choice of which is quite wide. What is the best tool to use? If we compare dry powders and liquid gels, then they have the following distinctive characteristics:

  • The ingredients from which the gels are prepared must be specially activated, which is possible when used in washing machines. If you use powders, this is not required; on the contrary, they will show their best properties when you wash by hand.
  • Many people experience discomfort when washing clothes with powder, as it can cause irritation, and even an allergic reaction. Gels most likely will not cause you such discomfort.
  • Bulk products dissolve in water for some time (even at hot temperatures), and are also rinsed out of laundry for a long and difficult time. Gels, in turn, are much easier to wash off.
  • Aggressive components in the composition of dry products have a bad effect on the structure of the fabric, resulting in a deterioration in its appearance due to frequent washing. The gel works differently, gently washes dirt and does not negatively affect the fibers.
  • Before deciding which product to purchase, look at the ingredients and the directions on the packaging. Today, many powders have the properties of gel products, and they have the properties of dry products. First of all, you should pay attention to the composition and the presence of harmful substances in it.
  • Less often, you can find gel products, among the ingredients of which there will be phosphate elements. Powders, on the contrary, are most often made on the basis of phosphates.
  • Dry products work better on stains, while gels often contain beneficial ingredients and herbal supplements.
  • In order to wash things often, gels are better suited. If you need to wash clothes by hand, feel free to use dry powders.
  • If you want to wash clothes made from delicate fabrics, such as natural wool or silk, trust the gel products, which are much gentler and can show up even in cold water, as well as allowing you to restore the original colors and sizes of things.
  • Loose powders work better on cotton and linen fabrics that need to be washed in hot water. Liquid products are relevant for those who need to frequently process children's underwear and clothes.

Summing up, it should be said that only good quality powders wash off stubborn stains and dirt. But gels are useful for those who suffer from asthma, lung diseases or allergies to household chemicals. Thus, you should not choose any one product, because, as practice shows, for various purposes it is best to have both means at hand.

The best baby laundry detergents

If you are looking for which powder should be used for washing children's clothes, then among household chemicals intended for these purposes, according to customer reviews, the following products can be called the best:

  • Concentrate "Our mother". This is a liquid for processing children's things, which has hypoallergenic properties. This tool not only copes well with stains characteristic of children, but also disinfects children's underwear.
  • Powders "The world of childhood". They are made on the basis of soap, which is why they are called soap powders. This product is also hypoallergenic and does not contain aggressive ingredients. "Mir detstva" perfectly washes children's clothes and does not harm the health of babies.
  • "Aistenok" is a children's washing powder that perfectly washes both stains characteristic of newborns and any other types of complex dirt.

The abuse of phosphates, surfactants, chlorine and other hazardous substances in the composition of household chemicals for the care of linen and clothes forces one to buy organic and safe for health, in a word, the best washing powders on the market. Finding them is quite difficult, but we have selected for you the most effective, versatile and reliable products for washing children's and adult clothes, both manual and automatic, in a typewriter. This rating was created specifically to make it easier for you to choose the most suitable option for you.

Below is a table with the pros and cons of the two types of funds:

Type Advantages Minuses
DryLower price compared to the liquid optionMay cause allergies
Absorbs moistureAble to enter the lungs when inhaled particles
Long shelf lifeSometimes remains in the tray, which makes consumption uneconomical
LiquidEffective at all temperaturesDoesn't work well on heavy stains
Usually softens fabricsBig expense
Has an unobtrusive scentDoes not always whiten in addition to clearing impurities
Washes off easilyHigh price

Based on the results of this table, we can draw the following conclusion: for children and parents with a tendency to allergies, liquid and encapsulated products will be the best choice. The dry version is relevant in all other cases, mainly for washing things from coarse fabrics and when removing heavy dirt.

Which brand of laundry detergent should I buy

In this TOP, the first place can be deservedly given to GrabGreen, a fairly well-known company in its niche. Other manufacturers are less popular, but also create natural, safe and effective products for the care of linen and clothing.

Meet today's leaders:

  • GrabGreen- today it is the clear winner of our TOP, from this brand it presents 3 cleaning products for clothes at once. It produces exclusively organic products, the use of which does not harm the health of adults and children. The company pays special attention to the delicate care of completely different fabrics. She has options for both automatic washing and manual washing.
  • method is an American manufacturer of household chemicals headquartered in San Francisco. In the line he has means for washing dishes, washing, cleaning the house. It offers large volumes at relatively affordable prices, while the composition of the products is safe for health.
  • Nellie's All-Natural- the manufacturer produces liquid and powder detergents for washing children's and adult things. They do not damage fabrics, fight stains well and cope with their duties in both cold and hot water.
  • Charlie's Soap- here the assortment is not limited to products for house cleaning and clothing care, although this is its basis of production. It is represented by bleaches, softeners, stain removers, powders. Many of them combine all this and are universal, which makes them even more in demand on the market. The company's field of vision includes both adults and children, including allergy sufferers who need natural household chemicals without harmful fragrances and dyes.

Rating of the best washing powders

Customer reviews have become a reference point in the construction of this rating. To do this, we also took into account the following indicators:

  • Release form;
  • Natural composition and types of ingredients;
  • Aroma;
  • amount of foam;
  • Consistency;
  • Ease of rinsing with water;
  • Efficiency at different temperatures;
  • Purpose - for use manually or in washing machines;
  • Versatility - stain removal, bleaching, fabric softening;
  • Hypoallergenicity and safety of use;
  • Focus on caring for children's things;
  • Volume;
  • Economy of consumption;
  • Price.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the experience of the manufacturer and the number of positive reviews in his favor.

This rating includes 6 time-tested products that are recommended for purchase by the buyers themselves. Among them are dry, encapsulated and liquid, the best automatic washing powders and manual types of products for caring for things.

GrabGreen, 3-in-1 Laundry Detergent, Vetiver, 60 Loads, 2 lbs 1080 g

This is a versatile tool that can serve as a good powder, as well as a stain remover and bleach. It effectively copes with both fresh pollution and old ones. Reviews show that the composition here is effective and allows you to remove even greasy stains. True, for this it needs to be used only in a washing machine, the temperature is not particularly important, 30C is also suitable. With its help, the complete destruction of an unpleasant odor is ensured from the first time, which will be very important, for example, for athletes.

GrabGreen, 3-in-1 Laundry Detergent, Vetiver, 60 Loads, 2 lbs, 4 oz (1080 g)


  • For one load, 1 nugget is enough;
  • Versatility;
  • Washes dirt just fine;
  • Light pleasant smell;
  • Portions are individually packaged;
  • Suitable for washing children's clothes.


  • After dissolving the package, the product may be collected in lumps;
  • Not relevant for hand washing.

When washing large volumes of linen and clothes, according to customer reviews, you may need to re-rinse, since the product is not completely washed off from things in one pass.

GrabGreen, Delicate Laundry Detergent, Fragrance Free, 24 Servings, 240 g

Like the aforementioned competitor, this good laundry detergent can also be a 2-in-1, effectively removing even tough stains, but it cannot bleach. But it gently cleans both thick and thin fabrics from different materials, since it does not contain aggressive components. Despite the presence of citric acid and polyvinyl alcohol in the composition, the product does not cause allergies, including in children, but when in contact with the skin, it can still provoke irritation. This option is suitable for both automatic and manual washing.


  • Hypoallergenic;
  • No phosphates;
  • It dissolves well in water;
  • Effective at any temperature;
  • Soluble sachet packaging;
  • It is also designed for cleaning children's things;
  • It does not need to be loaded into the tray, it is placed directly into the drum;
  • Works great on a variety of fabrics, even delicate ones.


  • Softens clothes not very well, you have to use conditioner.
  • Virtually no foam.

GrabGreen can wash both light and dark clothes. At the same time, its economical consumption practically does not change, and the composition is easily rinsed out of the fabrics with water.

Method, Liquid Laundry Detergent, 85 Washes, Fresh Air Scented, 1020 ml

The packaging here is not the most convenient, but the manufacturer warns that it should be immediately poured into a bottle of detergent and diluted with water, as it is a concentrate. You can pour such a solution both into the tray of the machine and inside the drum; it is suitable for any type of equipment. His consumption is small, for 85 downloads you need 340 clicks of the dispenser. Several fragrances are available for sale - fresh air, lavender and cedar. Clothes and underwear after applying this, one of the best liquid laundry detergents, become clean, soft, pleasant for the body.

Method, Liquid Laundry Detergent, 85 Washes, Fresh Air Scent, 34 fl oz (1020 ml)


  • Does not lead to fading of the color of clothes;
  • Removes grease stains from food
  • Does not leave streaks;
  • Works great on both dark and light fabrics.
  • Economical;
  • Safe for health, including for children.


  • Sometimes an extra rinse is needed;
  • Not very convenient packaging;
  • High price, even for an effective concentrate.

Method household chemicals are actually relatively natural, biodegradable. She does not remain on linen and clothes, easily washed out even in cold water.

Charlie's Soap, Inc., laundry detergent, 1.2 kg

You should definitely not expect any miracles from this participant in our TOP of the best washing powders. They can wash colored things without any problems and remove fresh small dirt, but, alas, serious stains are not “on the shoulder” for him. This household chemicals, in fact, are not at all, parents often use it to care for the things of their children, including those with dermatitis. It makes them clean and gives freshness, but it does not whiten in any way. Since the tool is relatively inexpensive for the proposed volume, it is not particularly necessary to claim something more here.

Charlie's Soap, Inc., Laundry Detergent, 1.2 kg


  • Does not cause allergies even in people prone to it;
  • Carefully removes dirt;
  • Little foam, because of which it is easily washed out;
  • Small consumption;
  • Weak smell;
  • The presence of a measuring spoon inside the package.


  • To remove tough stains, you will need a stain remover;
  • May leave residue on the drum of the washing machine.

As the reviews show, the Charlie’s Soap, Inc option will be very useful for caring for colored fabrics, but it does much worse with whites.

Nellie's All-Natural, Wash Nuggets, 50 Loads, 1/2 oz Each

This laundry detergent comes in the form of nuggets that simultaneously remove fresh stains, refresh and clean any fabrics from dirt. Ideally, it should be used in a typewriter, but can also be used for manual processing of things. The product restores the natural color of the clothes and makes the laundry fresh. It dissolves well in water, does not spoil products, and is safe for allergy sufferers and children. The solid packaging makes it practical by preventing moisture from penetrating inside.

Nellie's All-Natural, Wash Nuggets, 50 Loads, 1/2 oz Each


  • Rapid dissolution;
  • Convenient application;
  • Effective composition;
  • No allergies.


  • Aroma for an amateur;
  • Doesn't always work well on old stains.

After applying Nellie's All-Natural, you may need to use a softener for heavy fabrics, as they often remain stiff.

Which powder is better to choose for washing

If you suffer from allergies or have children in the house, then you should forget about phosphate products, which can irritate the skin. With frequent loading of the machine, the best option would be special capsules, which are very economical in consumption, and liquid gels and dry powders are better suited for manual procedures.

  • For those looking for the best washing machine powder, Nellie's All-Natural Nuggets are specially made.
  • If you're looking to save on bleach, stain remover, and conditioner, GrabGreen's 3-in-1 All-Purpose Powder, Vetiver, is worth buying.
  • Those who are interested in delicate washing, for example, silk fabrics, should pay attention to the appropriate option from GrabGreen, designed specifically for this purpose.
  • If you want to save money and at the same time wash both light and dark clothes effectively, it is recommended to choose a liquid detergent from Method.
  • If you are prone to allergies, especially when it comes to children, Charlie's Soap, Inc. is the most practical option.

The best washing powders collected in this rating are slightly more expensive than those offered in offline stores, but since they are economical in consumption, versatile, effective and, most importantly, safe, you can spend money on them with peace of mind.

Powder for washing clothes is a modern household product that is used by housewives to gently clean fabrics of various types and colors. To figure out which powder is better for removing grease and dirt, it is recommended to know the types of products, composition and functionality.

The composition is the key to a favorable wash. The main elements of a powder detergent product are surfactants. There is also the abbreviation SAW.

  1. They have detergent and antistatic functions.
  2. Reduce electrical charge.
  3. Soften water.

Surfactants also have disadvantages. The package shows 5% surfactant in the composition (optimal proportion). The component in large quantities is harmful to the health of the consumer and his pets. The composition of the powder includes salts of phosphoric acid (phosphates), not exceeding the limit of 12% in the norm. The loose powder contains polymers, bleaches and bioadditives.

The detergent should remove stains of any complexity, soften water, rinse out easily and leave no marks or streaks, provided that it is added in sufficient quantity.

How to choose

Before going to a hardware store or supermarket, you need to arm yourself with knowledge about the types of detergents, compositions, components, substances and price segments. Pay attention to the composition, the main indicators of which we have analyzed. Powders are divided into two groups: universal and special.

All-purpose laundry detergent can be used in any occasion, with different fabrics and levels of soiling. Do not pay special attention to the temperature: the detergent will equally cope with stains at any temperature. But sneakers in hot water will stick out, lose their presentable appearance, and the shoes will deteriorate.

Special powder washes delicate fabrics (silk, underwear, woolen, tulle, lace). Such things deteriorate at high temperatures.

For which fabrics can special powder be used:

Review of the best laundry detergents

Having dealt with the types of funds, the important aspects that need to be taken into account, the composition, a person wants to start going to the supermarket for household goods. On the shelves of shops, a lot of products from foreign and domestic manufacturers are sold. Is the one that is well-known, more expensive, or a product in the lower price category with modest recognition and unpopular better? For each type of washing, a certain powder is needed.

For manual cleaning

  1. Myth 2 in 1. This is one of the cheapest products on the market. The price is 10 rubles per 100 grams (180 rubles - 1.8 kg). Low cost doesn't mean terrible quality. Difficult stains are removed with ease, properties are not lost due to temperature. Although the Myth is safe, use rubber gloves when hand washing, the skin may dry out or become irritated.
  2. Persil Expert Scan System. It well cleans different types of fabrics from pollution for its price segment (80 rubles - 450 grams). Clothing retains color and saturation, the thing looks like new. Persil dissolves and rinses out easily.
  3. Pemos Authority. High-quality powder, costing only 40 rubles per 0.3 kilogram. Substances retain their properties during hand washing and washing in activator machines. In cold water and hot. Difficult pollution, spots, divorces - a trifle for a product. There is no pungent smell on clothes.
  4. Tide 2 in 1 Lenore Touch. Hostesses choose "Tide two in one", it stands out for its advantageous use (it is slowly consumed, it lasts for a long time) and for its high-quality effect on pollution. To achieve the desired result, a small pinch of the substance is used, which helps to save a lot of money. Old, absorbed dirt is easily removed. Tide does not spoil the material of clothing, but rehabilitates their condition in a new, fresh form. The cost of a kilogram package is 150 Russian rubles.

In the typewriter

  • Sarma. The product will cope with washing colored, white, black and white, cotton and synthetic types of fabrics. The composition includes enzymes, enzymes that cleanly remove dirt and grease stains from clothes. Sarma also acts as a bleach. The cost varies within hundreds of rubles per 800 grams;
  • Eared nanny. It is often bought for children's things, newborns, but a person of any age can use it. Allergy sufferers will find a particular advantage in it, the substance is hypoallergenic. "Nyan" copes with all types of fabric, except for wool and silk. There is almost no smell left on clothes. Packing a powder weighing 4.5 kilograms costs about 460 rubles;
  • Losk 9 automatic. A universal product suitable for white, black and multi-colored underwear. All fabrics are effectively washed, except for silk and wool. "Gloss" can also be poured into the machine, into a basin of water for hand washing. 9 components included in the composition remove stains of any complexity.

For 450 rubles you can buy almost 5 kilograms of powder.

Ariel Mountain Spring for automatic machines. Ariel has long settled in the Russian market of household products; this is a good choice for caring housewives. There are many competitive products, but Ariel will remain at the top of various ratings for a long time to come. The spring is suitable for washing natural things, cotton bedding, but it is harmful to knitwear, it “sets” them. There are no phosphates in the list of components, but they exaggerate the norm of surfactants (15 percent instead of the established five). Among the advantages stand out whitening clothes made of cotton materials, good rinsing, low price, not exceeding 120 rubles.

There are several more disadvantages of the powder:

  • dark, woolen, multi-colored, knitted, silk things cannot be washed;
  • fast consumption;
  • surfactant output beyond the normalized limit.

How to use for best results

For more effective washing, follow the rules indicated on the packaging of the product.

There is no need to pour the product into the drum compartment of the machine: the remnants of the substance settle on the fabric of the clothes. Add powder and other products to the special departments provided by the developers (usually located at the top of the machine on the left).

Choose the right amount of detergent, otherwise the washing machine will deteriorate faster, burn out or fail. The type of agent (dry powder or liquid gel) does not affect the machine.

All housewives want the washing machine to work as long as possible and perform its functions with high quality. Few people think that the service life is affected not only by compliance with the rules of operation, but also by the choice of powders for automatic washing machines. How to choose the right detergent so that it can wash clothes well and at the same time does not harm appliances? We will try to answer this question in this article.

General requirements for washing powder

Often, when buying household chemicals, we are guided not by common sense, but by advertising broadcast from TV screens. Most consumers choose washing powder exactly according to this principle: the hand habitually reaches for a familiar color label with a well-known name. Sometimes the decisive factor is the low price or reviews of friends. Unfortunately, the last thing the buyer thinks about is the effect of the powder on the condition of the washing machine.

When choosing a detergent, it is worth considering not only its cost, hypoallergenicity, washing quality, but also the effect on the internal elements of the machine. Many manufacturers add phosphates to the powders, designed to reduce water hardness. Despite certain benefits, additives adversely affect the service life of some parts of the equipment. It is impossible to check the presence of phosphates in home products, and unscrupulous companies may not indicate information about them on the label.

Often, housewives draw conclusions about the properties of washing powder based on the results of washing, which is not always true. The powder must meet the following requirements:

  • do not contain hazardous additives;
  • do not cause allergic reactions and other skin irritations;
  • qualitatively wash things from pollution;
  • wash out well from fabric fibers;
  • do not leave sediment on the internal parts of the machine;
  • give linen freshness and a natural pleasant aroma;
  • do not clog filters.

If a laundry detergent meets the above criteria, it can be considered a high quality product. Next, we will tell you what to look for when choosing a powder for an automatic washing machine so that it meets each of the requirements.

What you need to know about powders?

Any powder consists of chemical compounds. In the composition of the product, surfactants are usually in the first place. They react with fats and other contaminants, dissolving them and removing them from clothing. These are the main components that play the role of soap and ensure the washing process. Other ingredients include dyes, fragrances, bleaching agents, fragrances, enzymes, anti-scale active additives, etc. Today's popular biopowders and laundry detergents for baby clothes contain a lower percentage of surfactants (compared to conventional ones).

Powders vary in the content of various additives. But how to make sure that among them there are no substances dangerous to humans? Pay attention to the packaging - it should have a special mark of conformity. If it is, then the product has been tested and received a safety certificate. Unfortunately, on fake funds you can also find a similar sign applied without the permission of the checking organization.

Experts advise choosing laundry detergent in boxes rather than plastic bags (the latter are easier and cheaper to fake).

To answer the question of which powder washes better, you need to pay attention to the ratio of all components. Usually expensive powders have more additional additives designed for different types of contaminants. The more special components in the product, the more stains and dirt it can overcome. But this is just a theory. In practice, the testing of washing powders for the quality of washing is not included in the list of procedures mandatory for manufacturers. And if the product has a safety certificate, this does not mean that it will be able to wash clothes with high quality. By and large, you can only find a good product by testing products from different brands.

How to choose the right washing powder for an automatic machine

To choose the right detergent, you need to consider the type of fabric you plan to wash, as well as the type of soiling. For white things, you will need a powder with a bleaching effect, and for colored materials, you need to choose products that can maintain the saturation of tones. When you need to wash delicate fabrics, use a gentle liquid washing machine detergent that rinses completely off your clothes. This will extend the life of your favorite things. Also determine the degree of soiling of clothing. If you are constantly dealing with very dirty things, it is better to buy a powder with a lot of additives to help remove stains. The main characteristics of the detergent are usually highlighted in large print on the packaging.

For washing in automatic mode, you need to choose a special powder for an automatic washing machine, which forms less foam than a hand wash. If this rule is not observed, excess foam in the drum can lead to damage to the parts of the unit. Therefore, choose a powder with a special designation "Automatic" on the package.

Whenever possible, it is best to give preference to powders that say "non-toxic" or "environmentally friendly." They are less harmful to human health, because they do not contain hazardous substances.

The powder should contain less than 5% surfactants and less than 12% phosphates.

Before using the selected powder, you should read the instructions. Do not exceed the norm: this accelerates the wear of the unit parts. Manufacturers often specify the maximum allowable amount of powder in order to increase consumption and, consequently, sales. The following dosage can be considered sufficient for washing: 1 tbsp. l. powder per 1 kg of loaded things, i.e. 1.5-2 times less than what is written in the instructions. It will not be superfluous to also observe the following rules:

  • when using a liquid detergent, the water temperature should not be higher than +60 ℃, and pre-washing is not required at all;
  • if you wash a small amount of things, the amount of powder must be proportionally reduced;
  • for washing children's clothes, add the product not to the powder compartment, but directly to the drum to things (this will increase the effectiveness of the product).

TOP 5 washing powders: an overview of popular brands

We have compared several of the most popular brands of detergents so that you can choose the one that suits you best.

washing powderTidecolor(“Tide Color”) for colored clothes is an old-timer in the household chemicals market. It actively fights dirt and is suitable for all automatic washing machines. Due to the absence of bleaching components in the composition, the powder does not damage the fibers of colored fabrics and helps to maintain the saturation of the tone. It is characterized by good foaming, so it is necessary to carry out several stages of rinsing. The detergent is available in the form of powder, gel and laundry capsules.

washing powderAriel("Ariel"), like the previous sample, has been maintaining its leading position in the household chemicals market for quite a long time. The manufacturer positions the product as a means for effectively removing even old stains. The brand has a wide arsenal of products designed for different types of fabrics. Thanks to this, white things remain white, and colored clothes do not lose their saturation of tones even after repeated washings. The composition contains flavors that give things a light, stable aroma (for example, "Ariel Mountain Spring"). Various enzymes present in the composition make it possible to maintain the effectiveness of the product even in cold water. According to the manufacturer, Ariel powders also contain components that prevent the formation of scale and rust in the washing machine. A wide range of additives in these laundry detergents justifies the cost, which is in the above-average category.

Trademark Losk ("Losk") specializes in the production of universal detergents suitable for white and colored fabrics. The manufacturer's line includes powders that gently wash items made of natural silk, wool and synthetic fabrics. Losk laundry detergents are famous for their composition with a large number of additives. For example, Losk 9 Automat contains 9 active enzymes that effectively remove stains of various origins. According to customer reviews, the product gently removes dirt without harming the fibers of the fabric, and also has a pleasant aroma. The price of brand washing powders is in the middle category.

Domestic manufacturer "Eared nannies" produces detergents for washing children's clothes. The main advantage of the powder is that it can be used to clean things even for newborns. The tool has a hypoallergenic composition and is well rinsed out of clothes, so it will become indispensable for allergy sufferers. It contains active additives that reduce the hardness of water and protect the elements of the washing machine from rust. The powder is suitable for different types of fabrics (except wool and silk). The product has an unobtrusive floral aroma. Eared Babysitter Powder is recognized as one of the best cleanser options for children's clothing.

Detergent "Laska" in gel form suitable for many types of fabrics, including wool and silk. The manufacturer's line includes several types of products designed for a wide color palette. As indicated on the packaging, after washing, the clothes do not fade in the sun. Liquid detergent "Laska" is designed for use in water of different hardness, which distinguishes it from competitors. The gel is sold in a 1 liter plastic container with a molded handle for ease of use.

The range of washing powders on the market is huge, the products differ both in characteristics and in price indicators. If you choose household chemicals, taking into account both general requirements and your own preferences, you will be able to buy a high-quality powder that does not harm the washing machine.


We suggest watching a video that tells how to choose the right powder for a washing machine, depending on the type of clothing, type of fabric and other criteria:

Fresh lemon is good for more than just tea: clean stains from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with a half of cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.