Washing down jackets in the washing machine is a good and right thing to do. On what mode to wash down jackets in a washing machine? How to wash down jackets in the machine

There is an opinion that down coats can only be brought into proper form by dry cleaning. At home, in comfortable conditions, it is very difficult to wash feather clothes, especially if you need to wash white. As an option, the hostesses consider hand washing, but not machine wash, because they are afraid to wring out in it. The fact that the “washer” is able to “ditch” downy clothes is a myth, however, it did not arise just like that. Indeed, some down-filled coats can only be restored to their proper appearance by dry cleaning. However, some does not mean all.

It is easy to find out if a children's down jacket can be washed in a washing machine. That's what the label is for. Study it. No prohibition characters? Feel free to send your favorite down jacket to the machine. But first, familiarize yourself with the nuances of washing and drying down clothes, pay attention to what degree to wash, then the jacket will last a long time.

If it is indicated that 50% of the coat is camel hair, then washing it in any way is prohibited. Clothing with such a composition, upon contact with water, loses its shape and shrinks. To bring the thing in proper form will help in dry cleaning.

Proper preparation: 4 steps

Washing a down jacket in an automatic machine requires preliminary preparation of the product. The preparatory phase consists of the following four steps.

  1. Checking pockets. All sorts of things often remain in the pockets of a down jacket: money, public transport tickets, candy wrappers - this is just a small list of what can be found. Be sure to check your pockets before washing your coat, even if you feel like you're always taking everything out.
  2. We take care of the fur. Do you want your down coat not to lose its presentable appearance after washing? Unfasten fur details. Faux fur can still withstand delicate washing (and even then not always), but natural fur is deformed from water and loses its attractiveness.
  3. We wash stains. When wearing outerwear, the sleeves, collar, and hem get dirty the most. Check these areas for heavy soiling. Washing down jackets in the washing machine will not get rid of old stains in “problem” areas if they are not pre-treated. It is better to use a special soap designed to combat stains. Powder stain remover is not worth taking. It foams well, but in the case of a down jacket, this should be avoided. The foaming agent is difficult to wash out of outerwear, which leads to streaks.
  4. Zip up and turn out. Down jackets are washed inside out only. Mechanical damage may appear on the visible side. Fasten all zippers/buttons/velcro before sending outerwear to the drum. That way they stay intact. A holofiber or natural down jacket washed buttoned up retains its shape better.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine: questions and answers

Read the label carefully before washing your down coat. Many manufacturers post tips on how to care for the product on it. Every housewife needs to know the answers to three questions regarding washing a down coat.

  1. On what program to wash a down jacket? It all depends on your technique. The optimal mode for washing a down jacket is "Delicate wash". It is found in all modern cars. The Wool or Synthetics mode is also suitable. These are also safe programs. Some models are even equipped with a special program “Washing a down jacket / duvet”. The water temperature is set to 30°C. It is possible and lower, but higher - a taboo: the outer down clothes are deformed from high temperatures.
  2. How to choose a detergent for washing down jackets in a washing machine? Natural fluff requires the use of special products that do not affect the thermal insulation characteristics of the fillers and are easily washed out. Look for a suitable option in the household chemicals department. Capsules are also suitable, non-specialized powder, but not granular.
  3. How to rinse? Bio fluff actively absorbs the detergent, but does not want to “give it away”. In order for the jacket to rinse well, you need to “drive out” a couple of cycles. Add about four extra rinses.

When washing coats with down filling, you need to select the minimum spin speed. If you neglect this rule, the outerwear will lose its shape, the filler will roll up.

ball secret

Many housewives do not dare to wash a downy coat in a typewriter, fearing that after such a manipulation the filler will deform. Yes, it really can happen. But if you know one secret, then all fears will be in vain.

How to wash a down jacket in an automatic machine so that the fluff does not go astray? Don't forget to throw in the balls for washing down jackets with your coat. They "break" the fluff when the drum is scrolled. Thanks to the balls for washing down jackets, the filler will be distributed evenly, you will not find “slides” inside the thing.

No special accessories? Suitable balls that are used in tennis. Enough three or four pieces. They are placed in the drum along with the product, which guarantees the integrity of the filler of the outerwear. Washing a down jacket with tennis balls has its own nuances. It is recommended to wash the balls first. You need to make sure that their paint does not fade. Do not ignore this advice, especially if you have a light-colored jacket: low-quality paint can ruin your favorite winter outfit forever.

Wash the down jacket, if there are no tennis balls and special balls, you can use massage rubber balls. The result will be the same. Isn't there something like this in the house? Tie balls of thread into clean socks: when the drum is scrolled, they will break down like tennis balls.

We dry according to the rules ...

Washing outerwear correctly is only half the battle. In order for the appearance of the down coat to continue to please the owner, you need to dry it without making mistakes. How to dry a down jacket after washing? Follow the simple instructions.

  • Take your outerwear out of the washer and turn it inside out.. It is necessary to beat the fluff in the down jacket after washing. If you used balls, then just shake the coat, and then distribute the filler with your hands.
  • Hang your down jacket on your hanger. All fasteners must be fastened. So the uniform will be restored.
  • Dry your coat in a well-ventilated area. You can place the down jacket near a heat source, but not too close. Periodically turn the product inside out and shake. This will loosen the fluff.

... and how not to dry

Sometimes housewives make mistakes at the drying stage, and the coat loses its appearance. Remember not to dry.

  • On the battery. From hot air, the filler will begin to "climb".
  • On a horizontal surface. Air must circulate, otherwise the fluff will rot. As a result, an unpleasant odor will appear, the thermal properties of the filler will be lost.
  • With a hair dryer. Under the influence of a stream of hot air, the filler can be deformed.

Found that the down jacket is crumpled after drying? Don't be upset. A special steamer will help bring outerwear into proper shape. Do not use an iron. Normal ironing of down jackets is strictly prohibited.

If something went wrong: we analyze 3 problems

Have you washed a down jacket, but the result is not happy? Let's try to deal with three problems that owners of popular outerwear most often face.


Reason. Feathers and down, acting as a filler, were poorly processed by the manufacturer. During washing, the fat is washed off from them and appears on the fabric in the form of yellow stains / stains. If the stains are white, the reason lies in the large amount of detergent. They also appear if you use ordinary washing powder, and not a liquid detergent.

How to fix . Dishwashing liquid will help remove stains on a down jacket after washing. Apply to stains and soak for ten minutes, then rinse. The method is used when oily yellow spots appear on outerwear. In order for the down jacket to be free of stains from the powder, you need to rinse it thoroughly. Send the washed thing with white stains back to the drum and repeat the “Rinse” mode several times.

Filler outta

Reason. You did not use balls or there were not enough of them. The wrong mode may have been selected.

How to fix . If the fluff has fallen into lumps after washing, tennis balls will come to the rescue. Load the down jacket with balls into the machine, select only the spin mode - this will help straighten the fluff in the down jacket after washing.

Bad smell

Reason. Drying rules violated.

How to fix . To get rid of the unpleasant smell, you will have to wash your outerwear and dry it according to the rules. Don't forget to fluff your down jacket after washing. Beat with your hands, twist. Be sure to air the down coat in the fresh air for two days.

Found your perfect down jacket and want it to please you for as long as possible? Here are three helpful tips on how to take care of your outerwear.

  1. Get your sleigh ready in summer. The down jacket should be washed after the end of the season. If, with the onset of heat, the coat is put into the closet without washing it before, then there is a high probability that the dirt will remain on it forever. Dirt has the ability to eat into the fabric, it will be more difficult to get rid of it. In addition, if the down jacket is clean, then a sudden cold snap will not scare you.
  2. Evaluate and learn. Checking the label before washing is an axiom. But it is also important to objectively evaluate the quality of outerwear. When wearing a coat, did the filler climb? There is a chance that the down jacket will not survive the machine wash.
  3. Follow the "rule of one". If you have several down jackets, put them in order in turn. Do not stuff other things into the drum along with the coat.

Did you manage to properly wash the down jacket in the washing machine at the end of the season? Now you need to put it into storage until next winter. Be sure to make sure that the coat is completely dry, as moisture deteriorates the fluff, rots, and acquires an unpleasant odor. Before sending it to the closet, hang the down jacket for two days on the balcony for ventilation. Store outerwear on hangers. You can not use cellophane, because it prevents the fluff from "breathing". The optimal solution is a cotton cover. Put a lavender sachet inside and moths won't touch your jacket.

A mourning stripe on the collar, dark stains near the pockets…yes, your down jacket definitely needs a wash! But before you get to work... wash the down jacket in an automatic machine- some theory...

1. We prepare a down jacket for washing in an automatic machine

And why prepare for it - the impatient hostess will say: put it in the machine, pour in more washing powder, set the temperature higher so that it is better washed, set the maximum spin mode so that it does not dry for so long, and - go ahead, it’s business ... It’s better to take it right away your down jacket in the trash: save at least water and electricity!

And in order for the thing to be like new after washing, nevertheless, it should prepare for laundry, namely:

  • Take everything out of your pockets;
  • Carefully inspect the down jacket: if there is even the smallest hole, it's time to sew it up now;
  • Turn the down jacket inside out so as not to damage the outer fabric during washing;
  • Fasten the zipper, otherwise the jacket may be deformed, and the zipper will stretch during washing and go in waves;
  • And finally, the most important thing: prepare 3-4 balls for washing. If there are none, ordinary tennis balls will do. We will put them in the machine along with the jacket. For what? They, hitting the down jacket during washing, do not give the fluff and feathers to stray into clods. But, attention! If your balls are brightly colored, do not be lazy - “wash” them first at the highest possible temperature (it is possible along with some dark things), otherwise you will have an unpleasant surprise in the form of paint stains on the surface of the down jacket.

Well, now everything is ready to wash the down jacket. But it's still too early to turn on the washing machine.

2. Set the correct mode

All precautions may be ineffective if the wrong washing mode is selected. Recommendations from experienced housewives, how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine :

  • Set the washing temperature to no higher than 30 degrees;
  • Washing mode - as for delicate fabrics;
  • Rinse mode - the longest (detergents are very difficult to wash out of fluff and feathers, and subsequently can cause untidy stains on the surface of the thing)
  • Spin mode - at minimum speed.

And the last thing: the washing powder, even after the longest rinse, is not completely removed from the fluff and feather, so use only liquid detergents when washing down jackets.

Well, now, finally, you can turn on your automatic machine. Just make sure that there is nothing in it except for a down jacket and tennis balls - otherwise, all things washed with a down jacket will be in down, and you won’t be able to get rid of it.

3. Rules for drying

When the wash is over, turn your jacket inside out and shake it, then hang it on a coat hanger wrapped in a terry towel: it will not allow the shoulder line to deform during drying. Zip up. It is best to dry the down jacket at room temperature. Do not forget to shake it periodically so that the lumps of fluff and feather fall apart.

The most common mistake is trying to speed up the drying process with some kind of heat source. Never do this: firstly, the feather acquires an unpleasant odor, which is impossible to get rid of, and secondly, under the influence of high temperature, animal fat is released from the fluff - lanolin, which can leave stains on the surface of the jacket.

It is also impossible to dry the down jacket by laying it on a towel: the effect will be approximately the same as in the previous case - an unpleasant smell and stains.

Well, here, they washed and dried it, but ... no matter how hard you tried, did you manage to completely get rid of the lumps of fluff? Then the very last piece of advice: put again down jacket for washing machine along with the balls and turn it on in the easy spin mode. The balls will break up the lumps and return your down jacket to its original appearance.

And now it's all for sure!

Do you still buy down jackets in boring gray shades? Do not do it this way. Here is a comprehensive care guide for you. downy products. Now the fluff will not clump when washed!

Almost any jacket with synthetic or natural fillers can be washed in a washing machine. But for many readers down jacket washing, like a roulette wheel, turns into a test. After all, you never know if you can wear an expensive thing again. Of course, you can use the services of dry cleaning, but this is by no means a cheap pleasure.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

Today " So simple!" will tell you how to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not go astray, and why hand washing is an edge case. If the thing is of high quality, nothing will happen to it. Otherwise, it's more a pity for a typewriter than a down jacket. Read the instructions and be confident in your own abilities.


The first thing to start with home cleaning is to make sure can the down jacket be washed at all. Some products are dry clean only and this information is indicated on the label. It looks something like the one shown in the picture.

Product cannot be machine washed if it has leather inserts. The skin can sit down or even worse - shed. Also beware of non-removable fur edges near the pockets and hood. One wash can turn natural (and faux) fur into shreds.

Easiest to wash quilted down jackets. They wash easier, dry faster, and retain their attractive appearance longer. But frequent washing is not helpful at all. The outer layer of the fabric loses its wear resistance, the product begins to pass air, moisture, and the fluff loses its warming qualities. Therefore, do not be lazy and remove small spots locally.


Rules for washing down jackets in a washing machine

  1. Do not wash the down jacket at high temperatures with stain removers and bleaches.
  2. What places on a jacket are always the dirtiest? Yes, collar and sleeves. Before washing in the machine, wash these places with laundry soap or dishwashing liquid. In extreme cases, you can lightly go over the dirt with a brush. But don't overdo it! Holes are very easy to make.


  3. Never wash your down jacket with powder! It foams a lot and sometimes it is impossible to rinse it out. From the powder, white spots appear on the upper fabric.
  4. Before washing, remove everything that can be unfastened from clothes: fur, collar, patch inserts, brooches, belt. Don't forget to take everything out of your pockets.


  5. Fasten the down jacket with a zipper, buttons, Velcro, buttons and turn it inside out. This is necessary so as not to deform the outer fabric or lining.
  6. It is not necessary to completely soak the item before washing. An extreme case is a white or very light down jacket. You can soak for no more than 2 hours and always with a detergent.


  7. Wash down products only liquid agent! Look in stores, sometimes they have a mark “for washing down jackets”.
  8. The washing mode should always be "delicate", "gentle" or "hand wash". If your machine does not have a special mode, choose the minimum speed and temperature no more than 30-40 degrees.
  9. You can wring out a down jacket in a typewriter! Pooh is only good. For the best effect, add 5-6 tennis balls to the drum. Wash them first to make sure the balls don't shed. And yes, it will not harm the machine.


  10. Always wash one down jacket at a time. Fluff absorbs a lot of water, the machine may give an error during the spin cycle. In extreme cases, you can put a non-fading light towel in the machine.
  11. To avoid streaks on the fabric after washing, run the rinse cycle twice. You can use fabric softener.


  12. Ideal if your machine has a dryer. Use it by selecting the mode for synthetic fabrics and a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. Don't take out the balls.
  13. Natural drying should take place as follows: turn the product on the front side, hang it on a coat hanger and fasten it. Leave to dry indoors, but not in the bathroom. Sushi is always upright! When unfolded, on any surface, the down jacket will not dry, but will rot, and yellow spots will appear.


  14. Stock up on patience. During drying, periodically shake the thing, knocking it with your hands, like a pillow, so that the fluff is evenly distributed in the right places. Knead the feather tangles with your hands. You can speed up the drying process by placing a heater next to the product. Nearby is at a distance of no closer than 1 meter.
  15. If the top fabric looks wrinkled, use a steamer to smooth it out.

  16. Fluff, strayed in the corners of the product, was vacuumed at low power and dried with a hair dryer. If your vacuum cleaner has a curtain cleaning function, be sure to use it. The fluff will definitely fluff up.
  17. To return the down jacket water repellency, use a special impregnation, which must be evenly sprayed over the outer fabric.

In general, a down jacket is a jacket filled with down from waterfowl. However, not everything that we now call so is stuffed with exclusively natural material. Therefore, Lifehacker will tell you how to wash a product with any insulation.

How to prepare for washing a down jacket

ladyideas.ru, nashdom.life
  1. Read the manufacturer's information on the label of the down jacket. Often there are recommendations for the care of the product.
  2. The label also indicates what the down jacket is made of. For the top cover, synthetic fabrics that are resistant to external influences are most often used: polyester, polyamide, nylon, eco-leather. Fillers can be either synthetic (synthetic winterizer, holofiber) or natural (down, feather, wool). The latter must be handled very carefully and do not ignore the manufacturer's recommendations.
  3. Regular powders are not suitable for washing down jackets. Use liquid products instead. And to clean products with natural filler, it is better to buy a special product that protects the fluff from damage.
  4. If there is a down jacket, remove it before washing. If the fur does not come unfastened, it must be thoroughly combed with a comb with rare teeth immediately after washing and several times during the drying process.
  5. But if the fur is also dyed and very different in color from the down jacket, it’s better to go to the dry cleaner. Fur can shed and ruin the product.
  6. Make sure that the pockets of the down jacket are empty and there are no holes in it. Be sure to sew up the gaps, otherwise the filler may come out through them.
  7. Zip up the down jacket and pockets and unzip the hood. To prevent the product from deforming, nothing should hang out during washing.

As a rule, the most contaminated places on a down jacket are the sleeves, collar and hem. Before washing, they can be moistened, lathered with laundry soap and rubbed gently.

Turn the down jacket inside out before washing.

Put it in the washing machine. To prevent the filler from getting lumpy, add 2-3 special laundry balls or ordinary tennis balls to the drum.

Pour detergent into a special compartment. Calculate its amount using the instructions on the package. Additionally, you can use fabric conditioner.

Some machines have a mode for washing down jackets or outerwear. Modes for delicate items, wool or silk are also suitable. The water temperature should not exceed 30 °C.

If possible, turn on the extra rinse function or run it yourself at the end of the wash. This is necessary so that there is no detergent left in the down jacket.

The spin should not be too strong - 400-600 rpm.

At a higher speed, the filler of the down jacket can go astray or even crawl out of the seams.

Fill a large basin or tub with lukewarm water. The temperature should not exceed 30 °C. Dissolve detergent in water. Calculate its amount using the instructions on the package.

Soak the down jacket for 15-30 minutes. Then gently wash it with a soft brush or sponge. Rubbing the parts of the down jacket against each other, as when washing ordinary clothes, is not recommended.

Wring out the product lightly and rinse several times in clean water. You can also add some fabric conditioner. You can not twist the down jacket, otherwise it will deform.

Unfasten all fasteners, turn the product inside out on the face, pull out the pockets.

Hang your down jacket on a hanger. If you have washed by hand, place it over the tub for a while to let the water run. To speed up the process, you can periodically lightly wring out individual parts of the product with your hands.

In no case do not put the jacket on the radiator and do not dry it with a hairdryer, especially if the filler is natural.

High temperature destroys the structure of the down, it becomes brittle and loses its thermal insulation properties.

Leave the down jacket to dry completely. Beat the filler periodically and distribute it evenly by hand so that it does not crumple.

Down coats and jackets are very popular. They not only correspond to fashion trends, but are also practical, they will easily warm you even in severe frosts, and will give you comfort in any weather. When dirt appears, many people rush to take their outerwear to dry cleaning, but you can get rid of them yourself. If you wash a down jacket in a washing machine, you need to follow a number of rules, otherwise the product will be damaged, and you won’t be able to avoid going to the store for a new jacket.

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since it depends on the filler. For example, jackets with thinsulate, holofiber or other synthetic filler can be washed at home in compliance with a number of rules. Outerwear with camel hair should not be sent to the washing machine or washed by hand. You can clean such coats and jackets only in dry cleaning, otherwise they will be irreparably damaged.

To understand if you can wash your down jacket yourself, carefully read the label. The label usually contains this information, as well as other care and washing recommendations that will be useful to you.

How to wash and what: the choice of detergents and type of washing

  1. The detergent will be difficult to rinse with your hands, which means there is a risk of streaks after drying.
  2. When washed by hand, the fluff is easily knocked down and deformed, loses its thermal insulation properties, and the jacket or coat becomes unattractive.
  3. Outerwear can easily stretch during drying, as the fill absorbs a large amount of water, which significantly increases the weight of the down jacket.

If you follow simple rules, washing in a machine will not harm the product, it will help get rid of dirt and maintain an attractive appearance. Hand washing should only be done in an emergency.

What to wash: 4 options

To wash a down jacket without streaks, it is important to choose the right detergent. The fact is that the fluff has the ability to absorb washing particles well and it is very difficult to give them away. If the product is not chosen correctly, whitish spots will appear on the coat. For this reason, it is not recommended to use regular powder.

To wash a down jacket, it is better to choose one of the following products:

  • Detergent for washing delicate or woolen items. Their choice is huge in stores, but it is worth buying a detergent in the form of a gel, but you should refuse to buy a powder;
  • gel capsules. It perfectly copes with pollution of various origins and is well washed out of down. When choosing, please note that the capsules are for white and colored things;
  • shampoo. An alternative to special products can be a regular shampoo with which you constantly wash your hair;
  • liquid soap. Works well on stains, but only dye-free soap is suitable for washing. Otherwise, the down jacket may shed.

Note! Do not use stain removers on down coats. If there are stains on the jacket after washing, you should use the services of dry cleaning.

If you want to remove stains at home and decide to use folk tips that recommend using citric acid, vinegar, ammonia or gasoline, be careful. Aggressive substances can ruin not only a dark, but also a light down jacket forever. Not only the top layer, but also the filler can shed.

Preparing for washing

It is important to properly prepare the down jacket for washing. Just a few simple steps will help prevent damage to outerwear and help maintain its properties and attractive appearance. You should perform the following actions:

  1. Be sure to unfasten the fur. Clean it separately. If faux fur can still be attractive, then real fur is likely to be forever ruined.
  2. Check all pockets carefully. Remove change, public transport tickets, checks and other items from them.
  3. Close all zippers, fasteners and Velcro so that they do not damage the down jacket during washing.
  4. Before washing, the product must be completely turned inside out, including the sleeves.

If the down jacket has heavy soiling and stains (usually they appear on the sleeves, near the pockets or on the collar), it will be difficult to wash them in the machine. In this regard, it is recommended to wash them with your hands first. To do this, pour some warm water into the basin. Moisten the problem area. Pour it with liquid soap, shampoo or special gel and rub it with your hands, then rinse with a stream from the shower.

Washing Features

To wash the down jacket is not the last for him, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Carefully fold the down jacket and send it to the drum of the washing machine.
  2. Pour a suitable detergent into the powder compartment.
  3. Choose the appropriate mode. Some automatic machines have a program for washing down jackets and blankets. If there is no such program, select one of the modes - "Washing woolen items", "Washing delicate clothes", "Sensitive washing", etc.
  4. If you manually set the water temperature, make sure that it is not higher than 30 degrees. At high temperatures, the filler can go astray and lose its properties.
  5. At the end of the program, additionally turn on the "Rinse" mode. It is advisable to rinse the down jacket 3-4 times. This will help rinse the detergent well and prevent streaks.
  6. The jacket should be wrung out at a low speed (about 400-500 revolutions).

Hand washing tips - video:

Laundry with balls

The main difficulty in washing a down coat is that the filler is easily knocked off. As a result, outerwear becomes ugly and uncomfortable to wear. You can prevent the problem if you wash the down jacket with balls and tourmaline spheres. They will allow you to wash the jacket with high quality, provide fluffiness and softness to down. In addition, they have an additional antibacterial effect.

If there are no special spheres, tennis balls can be used instead. You need to throw them into the drum of the machine along with the down jacket. Consider a few simple tips:

  1. Before you send the balls to the washing machine, make sure that they do not shed.
  2. Wash tennis balls separately, as dirt from them can be transferred to the jacket.
  3. To wash a light down jacket, do not use balls of bright colors.

Balls or balls in the process of washing and spinning well fluff the fluff, preventing it from knocking down and deforming. If the coat is washed without balls, it will be much more difficult to return its appearance to it.

Important tips when washing a down jacket in a washing machine - video:

Advice! If you do not have tennis balls or special spheres, you can replace them with rubber massage balls. Women who love to needlework can put a ball of thread or yarn in a sock and send it to the machine. The main thing is that they do not shed.

Proper drying

A down jacket can be ruined not only when washing, but also when drying. To properly dry your outerwear, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the down jacket from the washing machine and turn it inside out.
  2. If you used balls, shake the jacket well and hang it on a coat hanger. If you washed without balls, fluff the fluff with your hands, otherwise it will dry for a long time and lose its ability to warm with heat.
  3. Fasten the zipper or buttons so that the product takes the correct shape.
  4. Dry the jacket in an upright position, hanging on a coat hanger. It is important that air circulates from all sides.
  5. Shake the down jacket periodically and turn it inside out.

You should also follow a number of simple rules if you dry a down jacket at home:

  1. Do not lay the down jacket for drying on a horizontal surface. Lack of air access to the fluff will lead to debate and decay. A sign of this process is an unpleasant odor.
  2. Do not dry the down jacket on a synthetic winterizer or with other filler in the bathroom. Due to the high humidity, it will dry for a long time and may begin to deteriorate. It is better to hang your coat in the living room.
  3. If you are drying the product outside, choose a dark but well-ventilated place. Drying in the sun promotes uneven drying of down and the appearance of streaks.
  4. It is forbidden to dry the down jacket near heaters and heat sources.
  5. Do not use a hair dryer to dry.

Advice! If after drying the down jacket looks wrinkled, a special steamer will help fix this. But the use of an iron for these purposes is strictly prohibited. After ironing, the filler will be irretrievably damaged.

If the fluff is still lost, do not rush to get upset. You can make a little effort and solve the problem in two ways:

  1. Send the still damp down jacket back to the washing machine. Throw 3-4 tennis balls into the drum and turn on the "Spin" mode again. The balls will help break up the fluff.
  2. Remove the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner and gently vacuum the down jacket at minimum power. The air flow will help the filler to be evenly distributed.

It is advisable to tidy up outerwear after the season. If it is stored for a long time with pollution, it will be much more difficult to remove them.

When washing a down jacket in a washing machine, follow simple recommendations and be sure to read the label. This will help keep outerwear, which can keep you warm for a long time.