How to clean synthetic carpet at home. How to clean a carpet: general rules, difficult stains and cleaning products. How to clean carpet from urine smell

Knowing all the intricacies of carpet cleaning, you can freshen it up and remove dirt at home, since dry cleaners do nothing supernatural. Do you have a good idea how to clean the carpet at home? Yes, dry cleaners have special equipment that allows them to quickly and easily do what you have to tinker with. But their work costs a lot of money.

With the help of home remedies, you can remove almost any fresh dirt, as well as clean dust that has eaten into the base of the carpet. Difficulties will arise with old dried spots. True, you can safely take up cleaning the carpet yourself if it is synthetic. Carpets made of wool or silk require a delicate attitude, and if you are not sure that cleaning will not spoil the thing, then it is better to contact a dry cleaning salon.

How to clean carpet with baking soda and vinegar

Exist different variants cleaning with these ingredients. It is necessary to start cleaning the carpet in any way with the obligatory vacuuming. Otherwise, the cleaning efficiency will be low.

In the first case, the carpet is sprinkled with soda like snow, after 15 minutes the soda is swept away or vacuumed. In addition to being a cleaner, baking soda also fights bad odors. Well, then refresh the color of the carpet with vinegar. The solution is prepared according to the standard scheme: 1 tbsp. spoon per liter of water. Dip a brush in this solution and run it across the carpet in the direction of the pile.

For the second method, dilute 100 g of soda in 5 liters of water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray on the carpet without over-wetting it, otherwise it will take a long time to dry. After about half an hour, when the soda is already absorbed into the dirt, and the carpet dries up, remove the soda with a vacuum cleaner. You can finish cleaning by cleaning with vinegar solution.

Third option is suitable for carpets with dried stains. Dilute the vinegar with four equal parts of water. Apply to dirt and blot immediately with dry cloths or paper towels. Sprinkle with baking soda after a few minutes. Wait a little longer and vacuum well.

How to clean a Vanish carpet

To clean the carpet with Vanish shampoo, you need to know one very important nuance. The foam prepared from this shampoo cleans the carpet, not the liquid. Very often, people prepare the foam according to the instructions, and then literally rub it into the carpet with a sponge, i.e. practically wet the carpet. It is not right. And won't give desired result. Vacuum the carpet thoroughly before cleaning. Before cleaning the entire carpet, test the effect of the product on a small area that is not the most noticeable place.

Dilute the shampoo according to the instructions. Fill one cap of shampoo with nine caps warm water. Beat until thick foam. A sponge helps a lot. Then you need to quickly, until the foam has settled, put it on the carpet. You can do this with a sponge or brush, and preferably with a children's spatula. The foam applied in this way will slowly settle into the carpet, absorbing all the dirt. A large carpet will need a lot of foam. Now leave it to dry. It is desirable to create good ventilation for this at home. After drying, the carpet must be vacuumed again to remove any remaining dirt.

Salt cleansing

Take ordinary salt and sprinkle it over the entire surface. It is not difficult to clean carpets with salt: with a brush or a broom dipped in soapy water, rub the salt into the pile. Let it dry for an hour or two, and then collect the salt with a broom. Rinse the broom as it gets dirty. As a result of this procedure, the villi acquire shine.

Steam cleaning

This method should not be used for carpet products made of natural wool.

To clean the carpet with steam, you need to choose the right device. It should have enough power to knock out stuck together dust and dirt, while not wetting the carpet too much. It is best to use a steam cleaner when the room is warm and dry so that the carpet can dry faster. Long drying at home is fraught with the appearance of a musty smell.

Remove all items from the carpet, including furniture. Pour hot water into the steam cleaner according to the instructions. Start cleaning from the opposite corner from the entrance, gradually moving towards the door so as not to step on the cleaned surface. At first, brush only. This will help lift the dirt from the depths of the carpet base. Then brush with a rag to collect all this dirt. I must say that this method requires some skill. If you are going to clean the carpet with a steam cleaner, the steam supply must be adjusted so that there is no waterlogging. After cleaning with a properly adjusted appliance, the carpet dries in just a few minutes. If necessary, go over the carpet with the steam cleaner again.

Now the carpet needs to dry. Provide warm air, adequate ventilation, and try not to walk on it.

Cleaning with ammonia

Prepare the next solution. Fill a bucket with 5 liters of water. Dilute 3 tbsp. spoons of washing powder and add a spoon ammonia. Dip the brush into the solution and scrub the carpet. Then wipe the carpet surface with a damp cloth. Dry the carpet by wiping with dry rags.

Urine odor removal

Everything happens, and sometimes puddles with an unpleasant odor appear on the carpet. Someone Small child got carried away by an interesting game and forgot about the potty, while another cat decided to show its character, or the dog did not endure. And the result is the same - the carpet has the smell of urine. How to clean the carpet in such a delicate situation? If it was possible to detect an incident as soon as it happened, then, as soon as possible, this puddle should be blotted with a paper towel or rag. But sometimes only the smell indicates that there was a puddle on the carpet. You can find its exact location using the sense of smell or by highlighting it with a blue lamp.

Pour table vinegar diluted 1:3 with water onto the stain. Do not rub the stain or try to wash it out with water, the urine may spread further down the carpet. Let the vinegar dry, then sprinkle baking soda on the stain. Pour 100 ml of peroxide into a plastic bottle. Add half a teaspoon liquid soap and half a glass of water. Shake the mixture and use a spray bottle to spray the stain with baking soda. There should be foam. Leave to act and dry for approximately 2 hours. Remove dried residues with a vacuum cleaner. Works well with odors and cleaning with a steam cleaner.

Rules for cleaning light carpet

For cleaning light-colored carpets at home, it is recommended to use special powders with adsorbents. Sprinkle the carpet with the so-called powder, evenly rub the balls into the pile, leave for a while, and then vacuum. The advantage of this tool is that it does not require water at all, the carpet does not get wet, there is no risk of stains. But it is better to use it to refresh not very dirty carpet, it will not cope with heavy stains.

Another dry way. In order to clean a light-colored carpet, take 3 tbsp. spoons of grated soap, better than household soap. Mix and sprinkle on carpet. Gently spread over the entire surface with a broom. Vacuum after an hour, trying to collect all the starch-soap mixture.

Take 3-4 peeled raw potatoes and grate them. Fill with a liter of water. Insist 2 hours, then strain. You will get a starch solution with which you can clean the carpet. Pour it into a small bowl, dip the brush in the solution, and scrub the carpet. Wait until all carpet is dry and vacuum it.

You can clean a light carpet with salt. AND good effect obtained from cleaning with ammonia.

When you need to bleach a light-colored carpet, try next mixture. In a liter of water, mix a teaspoon of peroxide and ammonia. With a piece of clean cloth soaked in the cleaning mixture, wipe the surface of the carpet. Then walk on the carpet with a wet rag, and then with a dry one. At the same time, as soon as the rag becomes wet, replace it with a new clean and dry one.

Lemon juice also has a whitening effect. Squeeze it out and mix this juice with a packet of salt. Apply the mixture to the carpet. As the salt dries, sweep it with a broom. Then vacuum to remove any remaining salt and dirt.

Cleaning the carpet from dust and dirt in most cases is possible with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle. Carpets with long pile are cleaned with a medium-hard brush using weak solutions of vinegar and citric acid. Durable stains are covered with soda to completely dissolve almost any contaminant. Soda and fungicides actively destroy mold and fungi. In the most advanced cases, you need to turn to effective household chemicals, as well as manual and stationary steam cleaners of the Karcher type.

Carpets on the floor are one of the most polluted places in the house. Something constantly spills on them, wakes up, cats and puppies sway on the surface, as a result of which wool and earth remain on the pile. Therefore, we will look for methods on how to clean the carpet at home with minimal effort and time.

Carpet cleaning by type of pile and material

Depending on the type of pile and the material that was used in the manufacture of the carpet, it is necessary to apply various methods cleaners and detergents.

Long pile

Long pile carpets are cleaned in two stages:

  • surface cleaning lint with a vacuum cleaner relieves long threads of dust and debris between them. Most visible dirt can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, if you first equip it with a special nozzle;
  • deep cleaning with help detergent pastes and specially designed tools for this.

To remove dirt ingrained in a long pile, a solution of table vinegar is usually used. For 1 liter cold water 1 tbsp is added. l. vinegar and mix thoroughly. Use a medium-hard manual brush to apply on carpet. Cleaning is done in one direction, along the pile. Additional washing is not necessary, it is enough to let the carpet dry.

More effective will be a solution of ammonia (or hydrogen peroxide) and washing powder, which is prepared in 5 liters of warm water. It adds 5 tbsp. l. washing powder and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia, mix thoroughly until smooth. Use a moistened soft brush to apply to the rug. But here it is already necessary to clean the resulting foam with a damp cloth, which removes the remnants of detergent from the pile.

Note! After processing a long pile liquid means dry it thoroughly!

Short pile

Short pile does not require thorough cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, because dust and small debris practically do not linger in it. For the treatment of stubborn stains, the same solutions that are described above are useful. They can be applied to the carpet with both soft and hard brushes. Washing a short pile after soap is much easier.

Carpets made from natural materials

Silk, wool and wool blend fabrics do not tolerate intensive mechanical processing and detergents based on liquids, so powdered cleaners should be preferred.

It is ideal to process them with the help of specialized equipment in a gentle mode - washing vacuum cleaner, steam engine, Karcher.

Advice! To clean the carpet at home, you need to use brushes with the softest bristles.

Synthetic carpets

On carpets made of synthetic fabrics, stains should not be allowed to dry. If something is spilled on it, you should immediately blot the stain with a dry rag or napkin. The rest of the dirt is easily removed with a conventional vacuum cleaner at high power. After work, do not forget to clean it.

To clean dried stains, weak acetic and alcohol solutions are used.

Light and dark fabrics

Dark-colored carpets should not be cleaned with products that have bleaching properties.

Such products include soda, salt, starch, bleaches and stain removers. It is ideal to use solutions of ammonia or ethyl alcohol, weak acetic solutions.

Not suitable for use on light fabrics. citric acid, which perfectly removes dirt, but leaves durable yellow stains which are much more difficult to remove. You can't use the popular sauerkraut containing food acids - the effect will be similar. On white and light carpets, it is good to use something that cannot be used on dark ones - products with a bleaching effect.

Special cases

For each individual case, certain products should be used that will effectively clean the carpet from specific contamination. This will save you a lot of money and time.

How to remove pet hair

If the animal has just deflated on the carpet, the remaining hair can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner. Some models are equipped with special brushes and rollers for cleaning wool and hair.

If the wool has already dried up, it is removed with a slightly damp cloth, which tends to attract wool, threads and villi.

Very old dog hair can be cleaned with special combs that comb out animals. In the direction of the pile, wool is removed even from a deep pile. Don't bother with physical strength so as not to damage the material.

How to remove mold and mildew

The processing of rugs and carpets should be carried out on outdoors. The carpet is neatly rolled up and taken out into the street. A stiff brush removes the mold that has grown on the fabric. The remains are removed with a vacuum cleaner, which then needs to be cleaned. If mold is observed only in some places, they need to be slightly moistened and covered with plenty of soda (remember, soda cannot be used on dark carpets). Soda can be rubbed inside with a soft brush. After 20-30 minutes, the carpet should be vacuumed.

Dark carpets, as well as products that are badly damaged by a fungus that can be found in a hardware store. Check out the ABEDIS 06, Dali and Fongifluid Alpa, they come with handy triggers that make spraying easier. They can even clean large carpet within minutes. At the end of the treatment, the carpet needs to be aired for several days.

Attention! All tools that were used in cleaning are treated with a fungicide.

How to remove honey and oil stains from carpet

Such dirt should be washed with hot water using a soft cloth, cleaning the dirt in one direction, along the pile. After processing the carpet from machine and sunflower oil it must be dried thoroughly.


There are situations when the carpet needs to be cleaned quickly and efficiently, but there is no way to take it to a dry cleaner or call a specialist to your house.

In most cases, carpet cleaning can be done at home using folk remedies or household chemicals. It will be easier to cope with the task if the house has a conventional or washing vacuum cleaner, a steam generator.

In any case, it is necessary to know the basic rules for cleaning carpets and take into account the characteristics of a particular carpet.

The choice of methods and means of cleaning depends on the material, length and color of the pile of the product. Only in this case the carpet will not be damaged.

It is most advantageous to clean the carpet with folk remedies, because they are inexpensive, and their effectiveness has been confirmed by the experience of several generations.


This powder, which is in the kitchen of almost any housewife, is an excellent absorbent, besides, soda softens and disinfects. It can be used to clean the stain, especially if it is fresh. To do this, 5 tablespoons of soda are poured onto the contaminated area, and after half an hour it remains only to vacuum it.

washing powder

It can be used in the same way as soda, but a more effective complex tool based on it.

To prepare it, you need 150 ml of warm water. A tablespoon of washing powder is dissolved in it for hand wash, add the same amount of soda and 50-70 ml of table vinegar. The resulting liquid is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the contaminated area.

After 10 minutes, the stain should be rubbed with a brush, then just with a damp cloth. In conclusion, the cleaned area is blotted with a dry cloth and allowed to dry.

Hydrogen peroxide

This product is good for carpets. light shades if tea or coffee is spilled on them. The stain should first be blotted, then poured with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and immediately rubbed with a soft brush or cloth. A large stain is wiped, as if collecting dirt to the center, small tinder in one direction, as if smoothing the pile.


Great for removal greasy spots. If the speck is very small, you can moisten it in ammonia cotton pad and rub a spot on them.

If you need to clean a large area, it is better to prepare a soapy solution with ammonia. For two glasses of water, you need to take literally half a teaspoon of washing powder and two teaspoons of ammonia. Moisten the place of contamination with the solution, rub it with a soft brush, then wash it with a damp cloth, wipe it dry.

Lemon juice

Squeeze juice on fresh spot, leave for an hour or two, then wash with a wet brush, dry with a dry cloth. This method is especially suitable for removing ink blots. If there is no lemon, it can be replaced with a 10% citric acid solution.


It not only removes stains, but also refreshes paints, but in its pure form it cannot be used to clean the carpet. Usually a solution is made from one part of table (9%) vinegar and 15-20 parts of water. In other words, you can make a solution of one and a half glasses of water and a tablespoon of vinegar - you get the most suitable concentration. Abundantly wetting a rag in the solution, clean the carpet with it, then ventilate the room. While the vinegar smell disappears, the carpet will just dry out, and it will be possible to walk on it.

Laundry soap

Copes with almost all types of pollution, including stains from wine, tea, coffee. However, if you lather the stain itself, the carpet will look washed out, the pile will take over and stick together. Therefore, in order to clean the carpet with laundry soap, you will have to make a soap solution.

To do this, the soap is rubbed on a fine grater and 5 g of the resulting chips are dissolved in half a liter of water. Spots are treated with this solution. Residues must be removed from the carpet with a damp cloth.


Before cleaning the carpet with salt, it should be vacuumed. Then salt is scattered over the entire surface of the carpet product. It must be swept away with a broom dipped in soapy water. You can make it using specialized products or by dissolving ordinary dishwashing detergent in water (a tablespoon is enough for a bucket).


You will need cabbage, fermented traditional way, that is, without vinegar, and it needs a lot, at least 2 kg. It should be thoroughly rinsed and scattered on the carpet. After half an hour, the sauerkraut is swept away with a hard broom and washed. If the water drains from it dirty, it is again scattered on the floor, and after half an hour it is swept away and washed. Repeat the procedure until clean water begins to drain from the cabbage when washing it.

Cold water and snow

Snow has been used to clean carpets for a long time. To do this, the product should be taken out into the street, covered with snow, then knocked out. The procedure can be repeated several times.

If you leave the carpet in the cold for a day, you will be able to get rid of dust mites - the source allergic reactions. clean the carpet cold water is also not difficult: a brush is dipped into ice water and the pile is cleaned with it.


Pour clean sawdust with a soapy solution with the addition of gasoline so that it completely covers them. The solution can be prepared from a liter of water, a teaspoon of washing powder and 100 ml of purified gasoline that does not contain any impurities. After 15 minutes, the swollen sawdust is scattered over the carpet. After that, you should wait until they are completely dry, and sweep them with a broom or brush.


After you have drunk your tea, remove the tea leaves from the teapot and place them on the stain or spread them on the carpet. After half an hour, rub the rug with a hard, clear one and sweep away the tea leaves. The tool is only suitable for dark-colored rugs.


Peel raw potatoes, finely grate. Fill the potato mass with water so that it completely covers it. After half an hour, squeeze the potatoes, spread the resulting liquid over the carpet. It can be sprayed or applied to the carpet with a rag, brush. Scrub the carpet with a brush, wipe with a clean, damp cloth. Wait for it to dry.


It copes well with greasy stains, including from soup, milk. First, the stain should be blotted with a napkin, then rubbed with a cloth soaked in gasoline, then treated with a cloth soaked in ammonia, and finally rinsed with a clean, damp cloth, wiped dry.

If you choose a suitable folk remedy, you will be able to significantly refresh the color of the carpet product, clean it of dirt and dust, and even remove stains if you act quickly (it is almost impossible to remove old traces with home remedies).

However, the use of household chemicals allows you to get the same result, spending less effort. There is no need to wait for it to evaporate. bad smell, worry that not all residues of the products used to clean it have been removed from the carpet.

Carpet cleaning with chemicals

Chemicals with which you can clean the carpet are divided into household and professional (the latter are used by cleaning companies). Professional ones are more efficient, but more expensive. Plus, you have to order them online.

Household chemicals are more affordable, and in most cases help solve the problem. So it’s worth starting with her, and only if she hasn’t coped with pollution, you can try more strong means. We offer a brief overview of chemical carpet cleaners.

  • Shampoo for carpets "5+".

Can be used diluted to clean the entire surface of the carpet or concentrated as a stain remover. Users characterize this tool as effective, economical, pleasantly smelling. Shampoo can be used for washing vacuum cleaners. An additional effect is the removal of static electricity.

  • "Drop Vox".

It looks very liquid, but it foams a lot, so it is not consumed too quickly, and it is inexpensive. So the tool can be considered economical. Big advantage is the absence of the need to wash off the foam after application. After using the product indoors, it remains for a long time light fragrance, pretty pleasant.

  • Help for carpet cleaning.

It is used as a stain remover, but does not cope with all types of pollution. Equipped with a convenient spray. You can work with it only with gloves, after which you need to ventilate the room.

  • Shampoo for manual cleaning of carpets Vanish.

Despite the rather high price, it is one of the most popular carpet cleaning products. It copes with most fresh stains, but “does not take” old pollution. May leave streaks and lighter spots on the surface.

  • Remove Ultra.

An enzyme based product oxygen bleach, powdery, which is why it is poorly soluble in water. Works on most stains, but does require a few sweeps. Repeated brushing can adversely affect the color of the pile.

Used as a stain remover. Has a sprayer for easy application.

To clean off old spots, you need to make an effort, but, most importantly, the product still copes with these spots. True, and wash off the tool is not easy.

You need to work with him with gloves, in a ventilated area.

  • Soap "Antipyatin".

Cheap, efficient. There is only one drawback - the product is difficult to wash off.

  • Active foam for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture Nordland.

Suitable even for cleaning long pile carpets. Effective, but expensive, and consumed very quickly.

  • Karcher.

Professional German product. Does not contain toxic substances and bleach. Copes with any pollution, creates a protective layer, has an antistatic effect.

  • professional brand.

Produced in Russia, it costs no more household products, although he copes with the tasks professionally.

  • Professional Stop Lifter (USA).

It is used undiluted, so it ends quickly. Can be used to clean wool carpets. Refers to professional tools.

  • Kill Odor Citrus.

If you need not only to remove stains, but also to eliminate the stubborn smell, you should pay attention to this tool.

  • Teppichshampoo PUDOL.

Not only cleans, but also has an antibacterial effect. Suitable for both carpets and upholstered furniture, car interiors. Can be used for washing vacuum cleaners.

Professionals advise you to start cleaning carpets with light products, and only if they do not help, try to solve the problem with the help of professional chemicals.

Mechanical cleaning methods

Household appliances often help to cope with carpet cleaning without the use of expensive chemicals.

Conventional dry vacuum cleaner

To do this, it is enough to vacuum it at least once a week. It is very important to choose the right brush for this. For wool carpets, a brush with long bristles is most suitable.

For synthetic carpets with short pile, choose a brush with short bristles.

If your carpet has a high pile, use a smooth brush. Before cleaning, visually divide the floor into squares. Start in the right corner, away from the door, moving to the left (if you are left-handed, it will be more convenient for you to start in the left corner). Finish cleaning with a square in front of the door. The brush should only move along the pile, otherwise you risk ruining appearance carpet.

Washing vacuum cleaner and carpet shampoo

A washing vacuum cleaner can also be used, but only after dust and debris have been removed with a regular vacuum cleaner.

After pouring detergent into the container and choosing a suitable nozzle, you should clean the carpet in the most inconspicuous place to make sure that it does not shed, there will be no stains on it. Then you can start cleaning the carpet in the same way as when cleaning with a conventional vacuum cleaner. You can also move the brush only along the pile.

After finishing wet cleaning carpet must wait until it is completely dry. Only after that it will be possible to walk on the carpet.

Steam generator: how to clean the carpet with it?

Steam will not remove dirt from the carpet, but after using it, it can be easily cleaned or removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Vacuum the carpet before using the steam generator. Then the pollution is treated with steam, while staying in one place for a long time is not worth it. After steaming, stains should be cleaned with a clean cloth or brush. Then it remains to wait until the carpet dries.

After watching this video, you can evaluate the operation of the steam generator.

Mechanical cleaning methods are suitable for regular maintenance of carpet products.

Choosing a cleaning method depending on the material

Carpets from natural materials and synthetics require a different approach.

wool carpet

Natural wool carpets need to be vacuumed regularly, twice a year they are shown wet cleaning on both sides.

Wet cleaning should not be subjected only to carpets self made. Can be used to remove stains special means, soap solution, baby shampoo.

Salt must not be used. Dry only in a horizontal position.


Natural silk carpets are not vacuumed, but shaken out regularly.

A vinegar solution can be used to remove stains and wet clean such products. At heavy pollution It's better to take it to the dry cleaners.

Cotton and fur carpets

Natural carpets made of cotton and linen are afraid of wet cleaning. You can't even wash them. You can only shake it out, if necessary, give it to dry cleaning.

Natural fur carpets should be spun out regularly. If the fur is white, it does not hurt to treat it with hydrogen peroxide. Fur carpets can be cleaned with gasoline or vinegar. They can not be strongly moistened, especially washed.


Synthetic carpets can be vacuumed, washed, cleaned with foam and various solutions.

If the rug is not adhesive-based, then it can even be washed, but this is already an extreme measure.

Synthetic carpets are much easier to care for than natural ones. You can clean them in almost any way. It is only important to consider the color and length of the pile.

The choice of method depending on the color and length of the pile

When choosing a carpet cleaning method, it is necessary to take into account its color and pile size.

If you want to refresh the appearance of such products, you can sprinkle them from a spray bottle. cleaning solution and vacuum or brush the carpet. If you need to quickly clean the stain, you can treat it with the chosen agent, rub it with a brush or cloth, and rinse off the agent.

  • Carpets with long pile cannot be brushed.

You can vacuum them with a smooth nozzle, you can only wipe off stains from them with a sponge or cloth. Fluffy items can be best cleaned with a steam cleaner. If you don’t have such a device at your disposal, then it is best to clean a carpet with a long pile with foam. You can make a soap solution yourself, but it is advisable to purchase a special shampoo in a household chemicals store

  • Carpets with dark pile can be cleaned with ammonia or tea.

A vinegar solution will help refresh their color. When using store products, you need to check if they leave light spots or divorces.

  • Carpets with light pile can be cleaned with lemon juice or laundry soap. White products can be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

By choosing a carpet cleaning method based on the material it is made of, its color and pile length, you can be sure that you will not ruin it. However, you need to know a few more rules.

How to properly clean carpet at home

Specialists of cleaning companies notice: housewives, while cleaning the carpet at home, make mistakes due to which the product loses its attractiveness.

Warning against making typical mistakes, they advise adhering to the following rules:

  • Many people think that The best way clean the carpet - knock it out.

Such an aggressive method leads to the fact that the pile is damaged. The carpet becomes clean, but not beautiful. Its service life is reduced. Therefore, the first rule is never to beat out carpets.

  • Some housewives believe that if you wash the carpet carefully, nothing bad will happen to it.

However, in reality, most carpet products do not withstand such a test. You can wash only a synthetic carpet, and even then only if it is not made on an adhesive basis. So the second rule is not to wash carpets and wet clean them as little as possible.

Hot water helps to remove the stain with less effort, but it does not affect the condition of the carpet. in the best way. Use cool water to clean carpets.

  • Stains must be cleaned immediately, without postponing this matter until general cleaning.
  • Brushes should only be used on short pile carpets and should be selected with soft bristles.
  • It is not necessary to clean and vacuum the carpet against pile.
  • Strong reagents can cope with any contamination, but they should only be used as a last resort.
  • Start cleaning with soft remedies, and if necessary, use potent agents, they should be taken in a minimum amount.

Knowing these rules, you will not make common mistakes. So your carpet will look great even after cleaning.

How to clean carpet at home different ways. They should be selected based on the type of pollution, quality characteristics the carpet itself. If you choose the methods and means of cleaning the carpet correctly, then it will last a long time, while maintaining an attractive appearance.

A carpet is not only an interior element that makes the floor warmer and the space of the room more comfortable, but also a collector of dust, scattered small debris, and spilled liquids. It is important to regularly clean the carpet, and you need to do it right.

Rules for cleaning carpets at home

There are several important rules cleaning carpets in a house or apartment, following which will help not only to get an excellent result, but also greatly facilitate the process itself:
  • At least a couple of times a week, you need to clean the carpet from the ubiquitous dust with a regular vacuum cleaner.
  • Be sure to use a washing vacuum cleaner or a steam generator to kill bacteria and disinfect 1-2 times a month.
  • At least one day a year should be devoted to beating a carpet. It's best to do it outside winter time. Cleaning with fresh snow, which is done after knocking out, will only benefit your carpet.
  • If you have soiled the carpet - proceed to remove the pollution immediately. To remove old stains, you will have to make much more effort.
  • Never use hot water to clean carpets. She is capable of hopelessly spoiling the pile.
  • In order not to damage the fibers, it is better not to use brushes with very hard bristles. It is also not recommended to rub the carpet against the wool. If you ignore this rule, you risk getting a carpet with huge bald spots.
  • If your carpet is made from natural materials or has a light color, use any new detergents, both store-bought and folk, with caution. In order not to accidentally ruin an expensive coating, try out a new product on a small area on the least visible side.

Secrets of cleaning carpets of different types

Not all carpet cleaning methods are universal. Some products are suitable for cleaning surfaces only certain types. For example, if you decide to clean your snow-white rug with tea leaves, the result is in the form dark spots, tightly ingrained in a light pile, is unlikely to please you. That is why it is important to take into account the following tips and recommendations regarding the care of carpets. various kinds and flowers.

Long pile

The longer the pile of the carpet, the more difficult it is to clean. For high-quality cleaning of such a coating, you should not use folk remedies that involve scattering something small on the carpet: sawdust, tea leaves, and the like. You will have to spend more than one hour before you manage to “pick out” scattered sawdust or bran from the bases of the villi. Of course, the quality of such cleaning is unlikely to satisfy you.

Long pile should also not be cleaned with brushes with hard bristles, otherwise there is a chance of damaging the base on which the fibers are glued, as a result of which they will fall out.

To the most forgiving and safe methods Cleaning carpets with long pile includes cleaning with soap suds. Soap foam quickly removes dirt, easily penetrating inside the villi, and leaves no traces behind.

Modern steam cleaners do a good job of cleaning “hairy” carpets. With their help, you can not only refresh the entire surface, but also get rid of stains.

Short pile

Short pile carpets are much more popular than long pile ones. They are easy to clean, dirt and stains from such coatings are removed without any problems. If you are the proud owner of a carpet with short piles, choose any of the cleaning methods below.

Light shades

Carpets of light shades are not recommended to be cleaned with folk remedies that can leave traces behind ( lemon juice, tea leaves, etc.).

Of the folk remedies for cleaning white and light carpets, shavings of ordinary soap intended for household needs are best done. The shavings are dissolved in a small amount of water (approximately 250 ml per half of the soap bar). With the resulting solution, treat (with a brush) the entire surface or only the most contaminated areas.

If you prefer cleaning chemicals, choose those that are designed to care for light-colored carpets.

dark shades

Dark carpets should not be cleaned with soda and starch-containing products, as they leave behind noticeable whitish spots and streaks.

Otherwise, carpet care dark shades presents no particular difficulty. To clean such a carpet, you can use any vending shop or folk remedies.

From natural materials

Carpets, for the production of which natural materials were used, need the most careful and gentle cleaning. To care for them, it is better to use special chemicals or mechanical cleaning methods.

From high humidity fungi and mold easily start in natural fibers, so it is not recommended to subject carpets to frequent wet cleaning.

Coatings with the addition of silk do not tolerate moisture at all, so they can only be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Fibers from fur, wool, sheepskin best tolerate cleaning with soda and a brush with soft bristles. They can also be treated with a steam generator.

Many insects (for example, moths) are not indifferent to natural fibers, in which lumps of dirt and dust instantly accumulate, therefore, in order not to turn your carpet into a kind of “reserve”, you need to vacuum it at least 2 times a week.

From synthetics

Unlike surfaces made of natural materials, synthetic carpets are unpretentious and do not require any special care. So that the coating does not lose its original view, and the pile has not faded or crumpled, it is enough to vacuum the carpet a couple of times a week. From time to time, for high-quality cleaning of synthetic fibers, you can do wet cleaning using chemical detergents or folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Housewives seeking to minimize the amount of household chemicals used will like folk remedies tested by our great-grandmothers. They not only clean carpets with high quality, but are also very affordable, unlike expensive chemical carpet cleaners.


Ordinary sauerkraut is able to remarkably clean the carpet from accumulated for a long time dust. For this, cabbage that has been fermented without the use of any additives and acetic acid is suitable.

Put the cabbage in a colander and rinse thoroughly (this will help remove the characteristic sour smell). Squeeze out the washed cabbage and spread it over the entire surface of the carpet. Wait about 10 minutes, walk with a brush, then sweep the cabbage into one pile, place under running water and rinse thoroughly. Lay out the washed cabbage again on the carpet. Repeat the whole procedure 2-3 more times. Finish the session by drying the carpet and using a vacuum cleaner.

Bran, sawdust, fine salt

Finely ground salt, as well as sawdust or bran, is an excellent natural remedy for dry carpet cleaning. To clean a dirty carpet with salt (bran, sawdust), you need to evenly distribute it over the entire surface, and then walk with a stiff brush. Salt, which has absorbed dirt molecules, is collected with a vacuum cleaner or a broom. Repeat the manipulation until the collected salt is clean.

Vinegar Soda

You will need a spoonful of soda, 100 grams of vinegar, 100 grams of water, a spoonful of any laundry detergent. Mix all ingredients. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the carpet with a freshly prepared product, wait 10-15 minutes, then clean with a sponge. In the end, it is advisable to use a washing vacuum cleaner or walk with a wet broom.

Another carpet cleaning method using baking soda, toothpaste, and vinegar:

tea leaves

With the help of tea leaves, you can not only clean the carpet, but also get rid of the unpleasant odors that have soaked it. Do not try to clean a light-colored carpet with welding, as it may leave noticeable stains.

To clean dark carpet, spread 6-8 tablespoons of fresh tea leaves over the entire surface, wait for it complete drying, vacuum.

You can use brewed leaves of not only black, but also green tea, preferably without additives.

snow cleaning

With the help of recently fallen snow, you can clean and refresh carpets, rugs and other coverings with high quality. To succeed, it is important to choose the right weather. You should not take the carpet out of the house on a warm or slushy day, since in such weather it is unlikely that all the dirt will be knocked out of it. Rather, it will only smear and seep even deeper into the fibers. Frosty, snowy and sunny day - perfect time for carpet cleaning with snow.

The carpet must be spread on a clean and dense snow cover. Sprinkle the surface of the carpet with snow and start knocking out the dust (using a long strong stick or a special device for knocking out). Then transfer the carpet to clean snow and repeat the procedure. You can stop the process of cleaning the carpet after there is no dirt left on the snow after knocking it out.

To make it easier to dry the carpet at home, the remaining snow must be swept away with a clean broom or brush.

Detergent chemicals

Chemical detergents clean carpets more efficiently than traditional ones. Chemical substances contained in store funds, due to the low concentration do not pose a danger to children and pets.

The most effective and popular detergents among experienced housewives include:

IN this video clip compares the results of cleaning a carpet with a Vanish chemical and a steam generator of one popular brand:

Mechanical cleaning methods

Mechanical carpet cleaning methods include the use of a washing and conventional vacuum cleaner, as well as a steam generator.

A conventional vacuum cleaner is designed for weekly dry cleaning of carpets at home. It removes dust, litter and other small contaminants, but it cannot cope with stains.

The washing vacuum cleaner is designed for regular wet cleaning of carpets and other textiles. A washing vacuum cleaner provides a better and more thorough cleaning, as it allows you to literally “wash” and “rinse” the fibers of the coating. In combination with a good chemical cleaner, a washing vacuum cleaner cleans the carpet almost perfectly.

The steam generator is another wonderful device that not only perfectly cleans the carpet, but also disinfects it, and also removes stains, dirt, removes bacteria that live and multiply rapidly at the base of the villi. With a steam generator, there is no need to take the carpet to dry cleaning.

How to remove stains


Fresh stains from spilled liquids (tea, juice, coffee, lemonade) are easily removed with ordinary soapy water. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a quarter of a piece of laundry soap in 500 ml of hot water. Moisten the contaminated areas with soapy water and rub with a brush.

Old drink stains are removed in the same way, only before using a soapy solution, stained surfaces are treated with glycerin.

Blood stains are perfectly removed with cold water without the use of any aids. A dried blood stain must first be soaked. To do this, use a wet cloth. After 20 minutes, when the stain is soaked under a rag, remove it with a sponge moistened with plenty of cold water.

Paraffin, wax

Wax or paraffin marks left on the carpet can be cleaned by exposure to low or high temperatures.

Take a small piece of ice, wrap it in a bag or cling film and apply to the site of contamination. After a couple of minutes, the frozen drops of wax will easily separate from the villi.

You can also use a heated iron. Prepare a napkin that has the ability to easily absorb liquids, place it on the stain and iron it several times. Under influence high temperature The wax will melt and be absorbed into the cloth.

Chewing gum

To remove chewing gum that has stuck to the carpet, you need to apply ice to it and leave it for 10 minutes. Frozen chewing gum can be easily peeled off with a knife (it is better to take a butter knife or any other non-sharp knife).

Pet urine

Traces left by poorly educated pets can be removed with a vinegar and soap solution. To prepare it, you will need a liter of water and a couple of tablespoons of acetic acid and grated laundry soap. Mix all ingredients. Using a sponge, apply the resulting cleaning solution to the stains, leave for a couple of minutes, rub, rinse with water.

The fresher the stain, the easier the vinegar-soap solution copes with it, so it's best to start removing the stain as soon as it is discovered.

Turpentine is an excellent grease stain remover, so it is recommended to always have it in stock. To remove both fresh and old stains of any fat, use the following recipe: 1 tablespoon of turpentine, 1 tablespoon of laundry soap, 1 liter of water, mix everything. Apply the resulting stain remover with a sponge to the dirt, leave for 10-12 minutes, then walk several times over the carpet with a brush dipped in clean water.


Stains left by alcoholic drinks spilled on the carpet should be moistened with cool water as soon as possible. After 2-3 minutes, cover them with clean absorbent towels to remove excess liquid. Then mix a spoonful of vinegar (apple or wine), a spoonful of dishwashing detergent, 800 ml of water. Clean the carpet with a brush dipped in the resulting composition. Wait for the carpet to dry completely, then vacuum it.

cologne, perfume

Cologne and perfume spilled on the carpet leave noticeable stains. To get rid of them, try to thoroughly lather the area of ​​​​contamination with ordinary laundry soap, wait about 20 minutes, wipe with a wet sponge.

Perfume stains can also be removed with ammonia and oxalic acid. First, wipe the contaminated areas with a rag soaked in ammonia, then dilute a spoonful of oxalic acid in 250 ml of water and treat the stains with this composition.


Ink stains are removed with medical alcohol. Take a small piece of cloth, soak it in alcohol and blot the stain. Do not rub it, so as not to smear the ink all over the carpet. The carpet cleaning procedure will take 25-35 minutes. Moisten the cloth with alcohol from time to time and apply again to the stain. After the stain is gone, go over the carpet with a damp sponge.

Chocolate, nail polish, plasticine

Gasoline with sawdust is an excellent remedy for stains from chocolate, nail polish, plasticine and some other types of dirt at home. This remedy remarkably removes not only fresh, but also old stains, which are very difficult to clean even with store-bought chemical detergents.

Before proceeding with the removal of stains with gasoline and sawdust, it is necessary to vacuum the carpet, and then sprinkle the stained areas with sawdust soaked in a mixture of soapy water (500 ml) and gasoline (50 ml). Drying, the sawdust absorbs dirt, as a result of which the stains disappear. After 2-2.5 hours, when the sawdust is completely dry, it is necessary to sweep the carpet with a broom, and then vacuum it.

The carpet can be cleaned with both chemical and folk remedies. To keep his appearance long years, it is important to do this regularly and according to the rules, as well as to be able to select cleaning products for each specific type of carpet.

Floor carpet despite modern methods floor insulation is still in demand, creating coziness and comfort in the house.

At a cost, it is much cheaper than a warm floor with plastic water pipes laid under it. And the effect is almost the same: it is pleasant to walk on it barefoot, without slippers.

Such a natural, centuries-old floor covering is also perfect place for children's games.

How to clean carpet at home: types of carpets and cleaning options

Carpets are different types: with and without pile. Lint-free carpets include carpets, kilims, sumakhs (with ornaments) and their varieties. Pile carpets are often used, less often felt ones.

How to clean the carpet at home without spending a lot of time and effort on it, extra money and nerves. Today, the "home" industry offers a wide variety of chemicals for this. There are, however, quite simple ways, which can be compared with folk recipes from different kind sores.

Exist certain rules which must be adhered to when starting this work.

Clean carpets with hot water;

Use hard brushes;

Leave old stains;

Use chemicals for natural fiber carpets.

Many villagers make sauerkraut. It turned out that not only healthy dish for the dining table. Someone once drew attention to the fact that sauerkraut is quite suitable for cleaning carpets. Over time, a recipe appeared on how to do this as efficiently as possible.

They take sauerkraut prepared without vinegar, scatter it on the carpet and begin to brush it. Soon the cabbage will darken, absorbing the dirt. It is swept away with a broom, washed with a colander and used again. After doing this procedure several times, you will see that the cabbage remains clean. This will indicate that now your carpet is free from dust and dirt. After drying the carpet, it will be useful to walk on it with a vacuum cleaner.

Another recipe involves using regular table salt. The principle is about the same: salt, preferably fine, of the Extra brand, is scattered over the carpet. We wipe with a brush and again sweep with a broom. And so several times.

Some people use sawdust, bran instead of salt to clean carpets, acting in the same way as in the cases described above. There is another very simple, but effective remedy- this is tea. After brewing it several times, sprinkle thin layer tea leaves on the carpet, which will absorb dust particles. Then wipe the carpet with your cheek or vacuum.

As you can see, cleaning the carpet at home is not difficult at all.

Tea or coffee spilled on the carpet can cause a lot of trouble. To avoid stains, immediately remove moisture with a dry cloth, and then wipe the stained area with a brush using soapy water or shampoo. If it was not possible to do this immediately after contamination and the stain still dried up, then rub glycerin into it and leave it overnight. In the morning, take a brush and treat this place with soapy water.

Blood stains may also appear on the carpet. They are easily washed off clothes with cold water. It should also be used when cleaning the carpet from such stains. If the stains have had time to dry, put a wet rag on them, which will soften and absorb the blood. Then wipe the carpet with a wet brush.

Some young housewives get lost when they notice wax, paraffin, or chewing gum, which are far from easy to remove if you don't know how to do it right. Freezing them in an ice pack is the easiest way to get them out of your carpet.

Excellent tool a mixture of one teaspoon of laundry soap, the same spoon of wine vinegar and a liter of warm water has proven itself. This detergent you can clean the carpet from stains formed from scattered lettuce, urine of a pet or child, chocolate, fruit. This should be done immediately, while the stains are fresh.

If there is a cat or dog in the house, then it becomes necessary to clean the carpet from their hair. After walking on the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, it will be useful to wind the tape around your hand and carefully check the surface of the coating with the sticky side: the wool remaining on it will definitely stick to the tape.

How to clean carpet with vinegar at home: step by step instructions

Vinegar is one of the most effective carpet cleaning ingredients. How to clean carpet with vinegar at home? There are at least five arguments in favor of using it:


Wide availability;


Soft effect on the carpet;

Removing both dirt and stains.

One of the recipes based on vinegar can be called universal..

To prepare it, you need:

Half a tablespoon of vinegar;

One tablespoon of soda;

The same spoon of washing powder.

All these components are mixed in one liter to the extent of hot water. The powder is added and the mixture is sprayed over the entire surface of the carpet, which is then cleaned with a cloth.

Second way how to clean a carpet with vinegar at home is considered specialized. The composition prepared according to the proposed recipe is also intended for removing stains. For this you will need:

One tablespoon of vinegar;

A teaspoon of pounded laundry soap.

All this is poured into one liter of water and stirred. The composition is applied to the stain (it is advisable to do this while it is fresh) and after some time the carpet is cleaned with a sponge or soft brush.

If the stains on the carpet have dried up, you can apply this option: dilute the vinegar in four to five parts of water, apply to the dirt. After that, blot with paper towels. When everything is dry, turn on the vacuum cleaner.

Those who have used these recipes speak very well of the cleaning properties of vinegar-based compounds: the carpet looks like new.

You can prepare the solution quite simply: a liter of water is poured into a small basin, to which a tablespoon of vinegar is added. Wetting the brush in the solution, we clean the carpet. When cleaning the carpet with vinegar at home, it is better to use rubber gloves so as not to hurt your hands. After cleaning, the carpet can be dried outside.

Knowledgeable people It is advised not to use vinegar on artificial fiber carpets.

How to clean carpet with baking soda at home: step by step instructions

Baking soda is in the kitchen of every housewife. Cleaning a carpet with it is not only easy and affordable way but also effective.

Before you start cleaning the carpet with baking soda, you need to check if it will change the color of the carpet. To do this, select small plot. If the color has not changed, then you can proceed to the procedure for cleaning the entire carpet.

To clean the carpet with soda at home, you need to dilute half a glass of baking soda in about five liters of warm water. Using a spray bottle, spray the solution all over the carpet. If you do not have such a device, then in another way you can evenly distribute the liquid over the carpet, but do not wet its surface too abundantly. This is especially important if the carpet has a long pile.

In thirty to forty minutes, soda will do its job:

Removes contaminants;

Eliminates unpleasant odors;

Enhances the color scheme of the carpet.

After completing this cleaning process, use a vacuum cleaner.

How else can you clean the carpet with baking soda at home? This can be done dry. To do this, you just need to simply sprinkle it evenly over the carpet and gently rub the soda into the carpet with a dry cloth. After some time, the soda can be collected with the same vacuum cleaner. The effect achieved in this case will be practically the same as in the first method.

Baking soda is convenient in that it is always at hand, and completely harmless, which cannot be said about chemicals.

How to clean carpet at home without ruining it

When starting to clean the carpet, it is necessary to remember what it can be cleaned with and what it cannot be.

There are special tools for these purposes, sold in stores, and there are no contraindications. Can clean carpets washing powder, dishwashing detergents, soapy water, a mixture of starch and salt, shampoos, soda, vinegar solution.

Carpets must not be cleaned with bleach, toilet and sink cleaners, chemicals not diluted with water, or car interior cleaners.

In order not to ruin the carpet when using the dry cleaning method, it is important to vacuum it several times. Such careful processing will completely remove the remnants of soda or other adsorbent powder from the pile coating.

After wet cleaning, be sure to dry the carpet or other similar type of floor covering. To speed up the drying process, use old newspapers or wide, clean sheets, pressing them down with your own weight.

Often advertised on TV "Vanish". He certainly won't do any harm. Take advantage of it. To clean the carpet with this shampoo, remember that the foam cleans the carpet, not the liquid itself. Read the instructions carefully. The recipe is as follows: one cap of shampoo is poured with 9-10 caps of warm water, all this is whipped to a thick foam. You can do this with a sponge. With it or with a brush, the foam is applied to the carpet. In the process of slow settling, the foam will absorb dirt. Open the vents for quick drying. Then vacuum the carpet thoroughly.

Carpets have many benefits. But their ability to attract and accumulate dust makes it necessary to regularly care for them. At least once a week you should clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. In winter, it is useful to knock out dust on the snow. And using the above carpet cleaning methods, you will extend the life of this useful and necessary product in the home that makes your life more comfortable.