Feeding menu by the hour for a 7 month old baby. Recipes for delicious and healthy meals. Norms and Products

At seven months, the baby becomes more mobile, his body needs additional calories, vitamins and trace elements. Of course, new foods should appear in the diet of crumbs. All young mothers need to know what to do so that a 7-month-old baby has a balanced diet and menu.

Pediatricians say that after the first six months of life, children should begin a gradual transition to an adult diet. Therefore, the changes apply not only to the list of permitted products, but also to the time and frequency of their use.

Breast milk or formula is still given a significant place in the baby's menu, but the list of complementary foods is expanding significantly. The diet of a child at 7 months should be replenished with proteins (meat, eggs), calcium ( dairy products), carbohydrates (cereals), vitamins and fiber from vegetables and fruits.

But this does not mean that the baby can already be transferred to an adult table. All meals for the baby are prepared separately, in compliance with age recommendations and careful control of the freshness of products. Despite the presence, solid and difficult-to-digest food is pre-crushed to a mushy consistency.

Child nutrition

In the diet of a baby at seven months, in addition to the main products, a sufficient amount of liquid must be present. Permitted drinks include ordinary purified water, compote from pears, apples, prunes with a small amount of sugar, and preferably without it, fruit juice diluted with water, kefir.

New foods are introduced into the diet gradually. At the beginning of the seventh month of life, the first to be added vegetable puree, a week later - cereals, after 2 weeks - meat, egg yolk, cottage cheese. The last crumb is offered kefir. Consider the nuances of cooking and combining dishes of a 7-month-old baby.

vegetable puree

Usually at this age, children are already familiar with several types of vegetables - zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. At 7 months, you can add pumpkin, boiled potatoes, carrots, legume dishes: peas and beans. The latter, due to the irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, should not be given in pure form, only their addition to vegetables that the baby perceives well is allowed.

Purees can be either single-component or consist of several ingredients. In vegetable dishes, you can put 0.5 tsp. olive or sunflower oil.

Many mothers buy ready-made canned purees, but homemade ones will be just as good.


Grains give the baby energy and help to smoothly transition from liquid foods to more solid ones. The nutrition of a child at 7 months should include buckwheat, oatmeal, corn and rice porridge. All of them are prepared liquid and unsweetened. If ordinary cereals are used, and not specially designed for baby food, after cooking, grind them with a blender to the desired consistency.

If the porridge is too thick, add a little milk formula, breast milk or vegetable broth to it. To obtain the optimal consistency, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of cereal. In the early days, 1 tsp is required for 100 ml of liquid. After 2 weeks, the density of the porridge is gradually increased, putting 1.5 and then 2 tsp on the same volume of water. cereals.

Porridge is introduced into the menu in small portions. With good tolerance, starting from 1 tsp, the amount of the product is increased daily until it reaches 120-150 g. best time for feeding porridge is considered a second breakfast.

You can add a little for taste. vegetable oil. The first porridge must be made one-component. Later, if the product is normally digested, it can be combined with a small amount of vegetable puree or other cereals.

Egg yolk

After the introduction of cereals, the child's nutrition at 7 months can be diversified with yolk. Most parents give their children chicken eggs, but for kids prone to allergies, it is better to start with quail eggs. Of course, both must be fresh and cooked until cooked (you need to cook for at least 10 minutes).

The yolk contains valuable fatty acids, vitamins D, E, A, phosphorus, but is a strong allergen, so it is introduced gradually, observing the reaction of the baby. This product is best given in the morning.

The first portions of the yolk should fit on the tip of a teaspoon. If within 3 days the child absorbs the product well, the amount is increased to a quarter of a teaspoon.

Despite the benefits of the product, it should not be on the menu every day. Egg yolk in the seventh month of a child's life is allowed to be given twice a week.


Meat is another novelty in the diet of a 7-month-old baby. It serves as a source of protein, B vitamins, iron and many other useful trace elements. Meat is especially important for children who are not gaining weight well or have low hemoglobin levels. At 7 months, beef, veal, rabbit, as well as chicken and turkey fillets are allowed.

If you don’t want to bother with cooking mashed potatoes (only in this form does the child absorb these products), you can purchase it at ready-made. The production of baby meat food is carried out by a lot of domestic and foreign manufacturers: "Agusha", "Grandma's basket", "Hipp", "Gerber", etc.

Get at home meat puree a suitable consistency is possible by passing the boiled product twice through a meat grinder or grinding in a blender.

If the resulting mass is dry, it is diluted with a small amount of broth. Giving meat broth in the form of soup to 7-month-old children is not yet recommended, it is also worth refraining from offal in any form: liver, kidneys, chicken stomachs, hearts, etc.

Like other products, meat is introduced into the menu gradually. For the first portion, 0.5-1 tsp is enough. Within 10 days, the amount is increased until it reaches the daily norm - 50 g. Meat is a satisfying and hard to digest product, so it is given to the crumbs for lunch.


Proper nutrition of a child at 7 months is impossible without fruits. By this age, kids are already familiar with them, so problems with the introduction of new products are not expected. A 7-month-old baby should receive about 80 g of fruit puree per day.

One of the best options- banana. It is tasty, nutritious, well absorbed by the body, rich in vitamins and glucose. banana puree it is prepared quickly and simply - the fruit is crushed with a fork or a blender.

Also, the baby can be given apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries. All of them must be thoroughly washed, pitted, peeled, grated or crushed in another way. In addition to a banana, the child should be given only seasonal fruits. In a period when there are no fresh fruits, it is better to purchase ready-made fruit purees for babies.

Dairy products

For 7 months of life in the diet of a baby who is on artificial feeding, introduce fermented milk products that give the growing body required amount calcium. For children who eat mother's milk, their introduction can be postponed for 4 weeks.

First, the crumbs are given to try children's kefir. Starting from 1-2 tsp. per day, the amount is gradually increased to 100 ml. A contraindication to the introduction of this product is the baby's tendency to diarrhea.

With good assimilation of kefir, the child is offered a little cottage cheese (20-30 g), intended for baby food. So that it is not too dry, a portion is diluted with kefir.

How to cook food correctly?

All meals for babies at this age are prepared separately. Roasting meat and vegetables, adding spices, mayonnaise, various sauces is unacceptable.

All vegetables are thoroughly washed, boiled, chopped with a blender or rubbed through a sieve. Meat is acceptable only cooked on the stove or cooked in a double boiler.

Fruits can be either raw, grated on the smallest grater, or baked, and then pureed. Adding sugar to food should be avoided, salt is allowed in a small amount for cereals.

Menu for a 7-month-old breastfed baby

The diet of a child of 7 months, subject to breastfeeding, involves 5 meals a day.

IN sample menu includes the following products:

  • breast milk;
  • any permitted porridge (150 g), fruit puree (50-80 g) or juice (40-70 ml);
  • vegetable (100-150 g) and meat puree (50 g) or 0.5 egg yolk, compote (100 ml);
  • children's cottage cheese (30 g), supplementary feeding with expressed breast milk or kefir (100 ml), biscuit or other cookies for the smallest;
  • breast milk.

Menu for a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby

The nutrition of a 7-month-old formula-fed child differs slightly.

  • milk mixture (about 200 ml);
  • baby porridge (up to 150 g), fruit in the form of puree (up to 80 g), juice (70 ml);
  • vegetable puree (100-150 g) and meat (50 g) + half the yolk, compote from allowed fruits (50-100 ml) or juice (70 ml);
  • mixture or kefir (100 ml), children's cottage cheese (30 g) and cookies;
  • mixture (200 ml), can be replaced with kefir.

Of course, the list of products and the sequence of their intake may differ slightly. If the child is underweight, with the approval of the doctor, a more nutritious menu can be drawn up or special mixtures can be added to help him gain.

Diet plan for a 7 month old baby

Pediatricians recommend from the very early age accustom the child to a certain daily regimen, and, accordingly, nutrition. Parents who wish to care for their child generally accepted norms, should take into account that the normal interval between feedings at 7 months is 4 hours.

The daily diet is divided into 5 meals as follows:

  • first breakfast at 6:00;
  • second breakfast at 10:00;
  • lunch at 14:00;
  • afternoon tea at 18:00;
  • dinner at 22:00.

This distribution will initiate the formation eating habits at an older age. The first and last feedings are made easy, and the remaining three should account for the bulk of the calories.

In time, the diet of a child at 7 months may deviate from the above, if it has already been formed and suits you perfectly, nothing needs to be changed. But the recommendations regarding the regularity of feeding should not be neglected, they ensure the optimal functioning of the baby's gastrointestinal tract at this age.

What to do if the child refuses the offered food?

Mothers often face this problem when it comes time to introduce New Product. If the baby does not want to try and spits out meat, cottage cheese, yolk or other pure food, you can go for the trick - mix a little of this ingredient into the dish that the child eats with pleasure.

So the use of the product usually occurs more readily, soon the baby gets used to it and the amount can be increased. But if this does not help, you do not need to insist on eating the cooked food immediately, it is better to wait and offer a similar dish again in a week or two.

Caring for a child of 7 months, his feeding, daily routine, development are completely dependent on the parents. Pawned in early childhood the resource is very important for the health of the baby in the future, so you should take into account all the recommendations of pediatricians and, of course, listen to the individual needs of the child.

Useful video about how much a child should eat at 7 months (opinion of a pediatrician)

Every day your baby changes and matures. By six months, he already has many achievements both in physical and in emotional sphere. However milestone its development is the introduction of complementary foods. Acquaintance with new products goes gradually, but after a short time its menu is becoming quite diverse. After adapting to complementary foods, the question arises, how to feed a child at 7 months? What foods are useful to give to the baby, and which ones are better to refrain from at this age?

Formation of the regime

It is important that catering for seven month old baby carried out in such a way that he developed a clear daily routine. As before, children tend to eat 5 times a day:

  • twice in morning time(at 6 and 10 o'clock);
  • twice at lunchtime (at 14 and 18 hours);
  • once in the evening (at 10 o'clock).

Despite the usual feeding schedule, his diet has already been significantly expanded compared to previous months. An approximate choice of food for a baby in months 7 and 8 may be as follows.

  • The first meal at 6 am consists entirely of milk. This is an adapted mixture for a 7-month-old baby on IV and mother's milk for an infant on GV. At this stage, it is not yet time to stop giving milk, it continues to be the main element of nutrition. little man.
  • The second feeding at 10 am is children's breakfast. By the seventh month, the baby probably has a favorite porridge, which he eats with special pleasure. It is she who is the basis of breakfast. If on this day you do not give the crumbs an unfamiliar cereal, you can also treat him to fruit puree. The number of products is: 160-170 g of porridge and 40 g of puree. You don't need to feed your baby.
  • The third meal at 2 p.m. is lunch. This is the most satisfying feeding, after which a walk is expected. At lunch, you can introduce new foods into the child's diet, provided that you did not give anything unfamiliar in the morning. You can drink juice from green apples or water. In the afternoon, you should also not supplement the child.
  • Fourth meal at 6 p.m. light dinner when you can not give the little man any unfamiliar products. The menu should include already tested and favorite food. It can be fruit puree or juice. You can also treat your baby to special cookies for babies. After the child has eaten, he can be supplemented if necessary.
  • The fifth meal at 10 pm completes the little man's diet for the day. The last feeding consists of adapted mixture or mother's milk. It is no longer recommended to give other food at this time in order to prevent overeating.

You can supplement the diet of a child at 7 months with soups, which can be completely vegetable or mixed (for example, with cereals).

The advantage of such dishes is that they best help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and adapt children's body to adult food.

Sometimes, despite the fact that the baby eats all the portions offered, the weight of a 7-month-old baby stands still or increases very slowly. This means that five times feeding is not enough for him.

You can understand this by regularly weighing the crumbs in the clinic, thanks to visits to which you know exactly how much the baby should weigh at a particular age. If the baby does not have enough food, he can also often act up, become irritable and sleep restlessly. Then you can additionally feed him milk at night. However, it should be borne in mind that it is advisable to make such adjustments after consulting a pediatrician.

In what form to give products?

The menu for feeding a child at 7 months becomes quite diverse. For modern mothers available big choice finished products, which is convenient to feed the little man. He can eat:

  • fruit and vegetable purees, which may consist of one or several components;
  • cereals that you just need to dilute: with water - dairy and milk - dairy-free.

This is a list of what you can give your baby at seven months without fear. However, it is always better to feed your child exclusively with meals that you have prepared yourself. In this case, you can be sure natural properties food, its rich taste and right technology cooking. However, you should remember in what form you should give your baby this or that food.

The easiest way to prepare mashed vegetables. To do this, you just need to peel the product, boil it and chop it. Do not be afraid if the child comes across small pieces in the finished dish, they will help him quickly and more correctly adapt to the process of chewing food and teach him not to choke.

Fruit puree is made in the same way as vegetable puree. The difference is that they can be given to a child both raw and baked. In the first case, you don’t even need a blender, just rub the fruit through a grater.

To achieve the desired consistency, you can first pass especially hard foods through a meat grinder, then grind them in a blender. Regardless of which dish you decide to cook for your baby, try to use natural products which you can be sure of. If you do not have your own garden or vegetable garden, choose local markets for shopping, where vegetables and fruits are usually fresher. In addition, there you can find local harvest, while in stores it is more likely that you will buy foreign products that have survived transportation and customs inspection.

If before you did not pay attention to such things, the birth of a child and his proper feeding- it's just right time to begin to be more attentive to the choice of food.

It is worth focusing on the cooking time. You should not digest foods - they lose vitamins and useful material during heat treatment.

Feeding plan for a baby on breastfeeding

Sample menu for seven month old baby, which is located on breastfeeding, is presented in the table.

The list of products may vary slightly, the main thing is to observe the principle of regime.

Infant nutrition scheme on IV

The nutritional pattern of a formula-fed baby is slightly different from the nutrition of a breastfeeding baby.

There are no significant differences in power schemes. A child at 7 months on artificial feeding uses everything the same as a baby on breastfeeding.

If you establish a feeding regime already at this age, it will become a guarantee right habits baby in the future. That is why it is extremely important to close attention not only what exactly you give your child, but also how many times a day and at what time you do it.

Experienced mothers, after reading the title of the article, will say with confidence: the diet of a child at 7 months is individual. And, of course, they will be right. But what should young mothers do, who for the first time encountered the joy of motherhood, how can they discover this very “individuality”, understand what her baby loves and what he can’t stand? What can already be given to a child, and what should not be rushed? We are trying to help them now.

We compose the menu

First of all - Why is complementary food so important?? After all, it would seem that the child eats breast milk rich in all essential vitamins and minerals, the baby likes it, it is enough. In addition, mothers whose children are on breastfeeding, often complain that children refuse complementary foods - so why transfer them to "adult" food? The well-known Ukrainian pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky once said wittily about the need for complementary foods: “Supplementary feeding is when there is not enough, and complementary foods are when we want the child to be like dad.” The thing is that the child grows up, his body is rebuilt, and he just needs to get used to adult life. You should also not lose sight of the fact that by the age of six months the value of breast milk is significantly reduced (zinc, iron, and some vitamins disappear from it).

If you started complementary foods correctly, by seven months you are already feeding your baby with fruit and vegetable juices with pulp, curds. What and how can be added to complementary foods for a seven-month-old baby?

At this age, in feeding a child protein food appears- first let it be half boiled yolk moreover, preferably quail (to prepare his body for more "serious" proteins - meat). The ideal option young veal, rabbit meat, white chicken meat become meat complementary foods - after boiling, the meat must be ground into a puree in a meat grinder, slightly diluted with broth (do not forget - you need to add meat to complementary foods carefully, in small portions). Meat is first given separately, then you can gradually mix it with vegetable puree (potatoes, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, celery).

Porridge becomes an indispensable product. At first it should be rice and buckwheat, later semolina and oatmeal are added to them. Do not immediately refuse porridge if the baby did not like it the first time (which happens often): after all, this food is new for him, incomprehensible. You can try, like, for example, Irina, adding pumpkin to the porridge, which she had already begun to give as complementary foods earlier, or white fish, which her little Alina also liked.

Do not forget about vitamins and minerals - they are no less important for a baby at this age. Banana puree can be added to an apple already familiar to a child, which, as you know, is incredibly rich in trace elements such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. Plus, bananas are hypoallergenic. If your child suffers from constipation, you can introduce prunes into your diet - cook compote or steam it with water and grind it in a blender.

Here is the menu for her baby, seven-month-old Zhenya, mother Natasha - the boy feeds on breast milk:

  • 1 feeding - breast milk
  • 2 feeding - rice or oatmeal(150 gr) + fruits (50 gr.)
  • 3rd feeding - vegetable soup (150 gr) with meat puree (50 gr) + fruit juice
  • 4 feeding - cottage cheese (70 gr) + fruits (70 gr)
  • 5 feeding - breast milk.

And this is the menu of little Nastya, daughter of Yulia (the girl is bottle-fed):

  • 1 feeding - mixture
  • 2 feeding - cottage cheese or porridge + fruit puree(apple, banana)
  • 3 feeding - vegetable puree + yolk + supplementary feeding with a mixture
  • 4 feeding - meat or vegetable puree + fruit puree
  • 5 feeding - mixture.

By the way - many mothers begin to add as complementary foods babies cookies. But you need to be more careful with this: according to well-known American pediatricians and gynecologists Judith Schuler and Glade Curtis, a child under one year old is not able to absorb flour. Moreover, even in ordinary children's cookies such as "Maria" or "Zoological", in addition to water and flour, there are far from hypoallergenic products: margarine, granulated sugar, vanilla powder. So - no matter how sparing, in your opinion, the composition of cookies may be, it is still not recommended to give it to a baby up to a year. Well in last resort, up to 8 months.

Feeding schedule: is it really important?

Should you feed your child by the clock, as Benjamin Spock strongly recommended in his time, or, like pediatrician William Serze and his wife Martha, stick to the “natural” parenting style? Those mothers who from birth taught the baby to do everything “on schedule” have already managed to understand how this makes their life and the life of the child easier. The fact is that his body, getting used to a certain rhythm, already knows what he needs next - eat, sleep or walk, and, as a result, can prepare.

Each mother develops her own regime - it depends on various factors: for example, a mother is breastfeeding or the child is bottle-fed, a partially working mother or a non-working mother, the first child or there are older children in the family. For example, Regina, despite the fact that she works and the nanny looks after the baby at this time, continues to breastfeed her daughter Vika. Therefore, the child is awakened earlier and fed for the first time at 5.30 in the morning, dinner comes out early, at 18.30, and then, at 24.00, the baby wakes up again to eat. But Slavik, the son of non-working Svetlana, wakes up by himself at 8.00 am, the last feeding usually takes place at about 20.00 pm and he sleeps all night.

By seven months, the child usually sleeps three times a day, many do not wake up at night, night sleep extended sometimes up to eight hours.

A baby at this age eats five to six times a day. I think it goes without saying that you need to cook a fresh dish every time (this does not mean that you have to constantly come up with new recipes - it can still be the same broccoli with cauliflower, just freshly cooked).

When planning a child’s diet at 7 months, remember that the products need to be distributed in such a way that it roughly resembles the menu of an older person. That is, the first feeding (morning) still remains dairy, the second will subsequently become breakfast (at this time it is better to give porridge), the third - lunch (it should include meat and vegetable puree, which will then become a full-fledged first course), well, well followed by an afternoon snack (fruit puree, cottage cheese) and dinner (breast milk, kefir).


Well, in conclusion, Olga, twice a mother, shares her experience: Firstly When starting complementary foods, try to get a hand blender (if you haven’t got one yet): it saves time, helps not to install a meat grinder every time, and saves money - meat and vegetable purees are obtained no worse than purchased ones. Secondly- the time has come to also purchase dishes for your baby: it is better that it be from unbreakable safe material, with a rubber bottom or suction cups (so as not to slip), besides, it must be bright in order to attract his attention - Olga's girls, for example, really liked chameleon cups and pictures on the bottom of the plate. AND Thirdly- introduce products gradually, in turn; usually it takes five days to introduce one product, after which you can try to introduce the next one. And remember: after all, each baby has its own energy costs, your appetite and, of course, your preferences.

In this article:

Your baby grows up, he becomes more active, resulting in a huge loss of energy. The result is that there is not enough breast milk to replenish the energy supply before next feeding. Therefore, it is necessary to expand his diet and introduce more high-calorie and rich in vitamins and minerals food into it.

Complementary feeding of a child with breastfeeding (HF) begins a little later than with artificial feeding (IV). Therefore, the menu of a child at 7 months has slight differences.

Child's menu on GV

The most important component of your baby's nutrition at 7 months should be mother's milk. With it, he receives all the necessary substances that stimulate work. digestive system. The baby's ventricle is just beginning to master its new "role", it is difficult for him to digest food on his own, and the excipients that are in mother's milk help him cope with new "duties".

A sample menu for a 7 month old baby should include a variety of dishes:

  • porridge;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fruit puree;
  • vegetable puree;
  • meat puree;
  • juices;
  • cookie;
  • raw vegetables and fruits.

Cottage cheese is considered a rather heavy product, so it is in the diet baby, who is 7 months old is administered from small doses, starting with 1 tsp. and gradually increasing. The maximum amount of cottage cheese eaten should not exceed 30 g.

Vegetable and fruit purees also remain in the child's diet, not only boiled, but also raw. But it is worth remembering that the development of a child at 7 months involves teething, so his nutrition should be homogeneous. When offering your child raw vegetables and fruits, be sure to grate them first or pass them through a meat grinder.

If the baby refuses to eat "raw" puree, try it yourself, it may be sour and should be mixed with sweeter fruits (for example, sweet apple + carrots or sour apple + banana + carrots). But in no case do not add sugar and other sweeteners to it!

Including cookies in the diet of a 7-month-old baby, many mothers are afraid that their child will not bite off a large piece and choke. To avoid this, try soaking the cookies in milk or unsweetened tea.

Sample menu for a 7 month old baby:

  • 6:00 - breast milk;
  • 8:00 - porridge;
  • 12:00 - 30 g of chicken soup + a full portion of vegetable puree and some meat, you can also give 20 g of fruit puree;
  • 15:00 - breast milk + juice;
  • 18:00 - porridge + cottage cheese or fruit puree;
  • 22:00 - breast milk.

During the period of introduction of new products, it is important to observe the diet of the child for 7 months and not to overload his ventricle at night.

Formula-fed baby menu

A child who is artificially fed needs nutrition, with a high content of proteins and carbohydrates. To do this, such children are offered meat purees in larger quantities.

Here is a sample menu for a child on IV:

  • 6:00 - milk mixture;
  • 8:00 - porridge + fruit puree;
  • 12:00 - chicken soup 40 g + meat puree full portion + juice (you can also give cookies);
  • 15:00 - cottage cheese + cookies + milk mixture;
  • 18:00 - 50 g meat puree + 30 g fruit puree;
  • 22:00 - milk mixture.

You can add a little butter to the porridge.

Mixed-fed baby menu

There are cases when the production of mother's milk occurs in small doses, which are not enough for the baby. Therefore, most of these mothers, along with breast milk, give their children infant formula. And then the question arises - what should be the baby's menu?

Feeding a child who is on mixed feeding at 7 months should include:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cereals;
  • milk mixtures;
  • vegetable and fruit purees;
  • juices;
  • cookie.

In general, the diet of a child is no different from the diet of a baby who is on breastfeeding. There is one difference - the child needs to be given as much as possible fermented milk mixtures to normalize the digestive system.

What should I do if my child has an allergy?

If any product has caused an allergy in your child, be sure to exclude it from the baby's diet. Perhaps his body is not yet ready to accept such an innovation.

Try to give it to the baby in a month, and preferably in two. And it is desirable to start introducing it gradually, starting with 1 tsp. And it's best to contact pediatrician and talk to him about it.

Always monitor your baby's reaction to a new introduced food, try to give only fresh food and freshly prepared meals.

Useful video about what the menu should be in 7 months

The baby is 7 months old, he is already sitting and leading a fairly active lifestyle. What should be7 month old baby menu ? What does a baby need at this age, and what dishes can diversify his diet so that the baby’s body receives useful vitamins and trace elements, we will tell in our article.

In the menu of a 7 month old baby, you can already enter new products , especially if the process of complementary feeding has begun and the fruit and the baby have already tried. What new tastes can be offered to the baby?


Our mother Elya says : “I give meat for lunch, and since my son somehow doesn’t like him very much, I mix it into soup, or into vegetable puree. I tried to add breast milk to the meat, a little buckwheat porridge - does not want to. But he eats with vegetables, thanks for that too. ”


Another new product yolk , the most valuable part chicken egg. The yolk contains unsaturated fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D and carotene, as well as phosphorus and iron.

Parents should be aware that we are talking about yolk , and not about a whole egg, since protein is a fairly allergenic product. However, giving the baby a yolk, you also need to make sure that the crumbs do not have any negative reactions to it. Like any new product on the child's menu, pediatricians recommend introducing the yolk carefully, not mixing with other new products. There is an opinion that a great way out for kids with allergies is quail eggs, however, allergies can occur to protein and quail eggs.

The opinion of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky on this matter is as follows: “There is no fundamental difference between a chicken egg and a quail egg. Whatever bird eggs you choose, they should be given to the child in a thermally processed state. give to a child raw eggs fundamentally wrong. For absolutely all birds can be carriers of such dangerous disease like salmonellosis. Sometimes, when a child loves eggs very much, it is difficult for parents to give him half a chicken egg, but a quail egg is just right.

When compiling a menu for a 7-month-old child, it is worth distributing dishes in such a way that the second feeding acts as breakfast, and a meal around 14.00 is lunch. Parents should gradually form in the child the traditional adult division of food during the day for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. After all, soon the number of meals for the crumbs will be reduced, and good habit eat porridge for breakfast, soup for lunch, and cottage cheese for an afternoon snack - will remain, and such a diet will seriously make life easier for parents.

However, if a child eats vegetable puree better in the morning or in the evening, and loves porridge during the day, there is nothing to worry about, feel free to focus on his preferences and tastes.

What, when and why

Aged baby food five times a day , the interval between meals is 4-4.5 hours. The first and last feeding is either breastfeeding or, if the baby is formula-fed, an adapted mixture.

Our mother- House tells: “We have the following menu: 7-00 breasts, at 10-00 porridge (any), at 13-00 meat puree with vegetables (half of the yolk 2-3 times a week), at 16-00 cottage cheese, fruit puree, in 19-00 chest, at 21-30 chest for the night. And he wakes up every 2 hours to eat all night. We drink juices rarely and then heavily diluted with water, sometimes I give dried fruit compote, and most often - plain drinking water.

If we take into account that vegetable purees, juices, cereals, meat, yolk and dairy products have already been introduced into the baby’s complementary foods, then An indicative menu for a 7 month old baby might look like this: :

After waking up

Breakfast - around 10.00

  • porridge with milk or - 150 g;
  • fruit puree - 70 g.

Dinner - around 14.00

  • vegetable puree or vegetable soup with meat - about 180 g;
  • in puree or soup, you can add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • 1/2 grated yolk;

afternoon tea - around 18.00

  • porridge with milk or dairy-free - 50 g;
  • cottage cheese - 30 g.
  • juice or fruit puree - 30 ml.
  • cookies - 1-2 pcs. (optional)

Dinner - breast milk or adapted formula

If the baby does not eat well or does not eat up the offered products, offer breast or formula after every meal .

If both meat and yolk are introduced into the baby’s menu, then first new products are desirable to share in meals, and give, for example, yolk for breakfast or afternoon tea, and meat for lunch.

And if he doesn't want to?

We are sure that parents should not be nervous if the baby flatly refuses to try one of the dishes we offer - all children are individual everyone has their own taste and different paces introduction of new dishes.

Our mother- Vikusia tells: “Lina wanted to try her first complementary foods at 10 months. Before that, only breasts, and everything that I offered her from cereals, mashed potatoes and soups turned out to be on the floor or on a feeding table. At first I was nervous, and my grandmothers insisted, how is it that, they say, nothing from mother’s milk gets to the child, she doesn’t have enough, she will earn rickets, she needs to be fed “like a human being”. But when we weighed ourselves at the pediatrician's appointment at 6, 7, 8 months, and the little one adds 800 g per month only on my milk alone, the doctor said that there was nothing to worry about. If he wants to, he will start eating something new, no one has ever eaten only breast milk before school. Relax, mom. And I relaxed, which is what I wish everyone. Listen to your child - this, of course, is difficult to admit, but he really knows better.

No aspect of raising a child causes so much controversy and worries as his nutrition. Of course, adults want only the best for the baby, but remember that chief assistant in drafting correct menu- your baby.

Indeed, sometimes the refusal of such important in your opinion and prepared with love products is justified, for example, the body of the crumbs still lacks the necessary enzymes for their digestion, and feeding the crumbs through force may subsequently become a reason for a visit to a nutritionist or endocrinologist.

Listen to your baby, and everything will be just fine!