Flowers from plastic cells from quail eggs. The most beautiful roses from egg trays. Master Class

Are you still throwing away egg trays? But in vain! This is not only an indispensable material for making papier-mâché, you can create very beautiful roses for creating flower arrangements in the interior or to decorate gift wrapping self made. See for yourself how beautiful) These are the most beautiful roses I have ever met. Moreover, I already tried to do it, have you seen my golden topiary? From personal experience I can recommend you to paint roses from egg trays with spray paints, which are sold by the most different colors and shades. It is rather dreary to paint them manually with a brush)

Before you start watching a photo tutorial and get inspired to use egg trays, I want to pay attention to the beauty of our eyes) Eyes are given extraordinary beauty and charm long, lush and thick eyelashes, it is so? You have probably already heard about the miracle product that makes eyelashes irresistible? I suggest you buy Careprost, ideal remedy for eyelash care, in the online store at a very affordable price. You can start reading reviews about Careprost to determine for yourself several reasons in its favor)

For work we need:

egg trays, scissors, glue (hot glue gun works best), paint, stem wire, green floral tape, green leaf paper (premade artificial leaves can be used)

Cut the egg tray and cut the cells, as shown in the photo

We paint the petals acrylic paint, gouache, nail polish... or, as I recommended above, spray paint

Gathering rose petals

Cut out the sepals

The papier-mâché technique is in great demand not only as a way to create the most beautiful crafts, interior items, but also as one of the types of recycling of outdated newspapers and egg boxes. This skill is now very common, used in educational institutions including kindergartens. The created products are durable, smooth and resistant to weather conditions, so they can be placed in rooms, left on the street, as an element of decor in the courtyard of a private house or garden.

The technique involves the use of two methods - pasting a certain base with newspaper pieces or modeling from a special mass. In this case, egg trays are often used. Having collected them, you can make a fairly large sculpture for winter or summer garden. And all you need is egg trays, water, glue.

PVA is the most common option. Its advantages include ease of use and the ability to form a waterproof film on the surface of the craft. This allows you not to use varnish to cover the surface in the future and expose the products to the street without fear that they may be deformed.

Craftsmen often use wallpaper glue.

But for papier-mâché, it should be slightly diluted with water. Crafts made using such an adhesive will not be "afraid" of mold and fungus.

If it is not possible to purchase glue in a store, you can cook a well-known and affordable paste at home.

With the help of cheap components, especially egg trays, which are almost always thrown away, you can make any gizmos, decorate the living room, nursery, kitchen with them. Often, it is with the help of this technique that craftsmen create beautiful sets for decorating the kitchen, desk lamp as fairytale heroes, or Egyptian cats for living room decor.

A feature of the technique and the main key to success is the accuracy of the modeling. One of important factors- let each piece of crafts dry well. In this case, it will not fall apart and will not change over time.

Papier-mache master class: flowers

Using glue and egg trays, you can make beautiful flowers.

This will require:

  • 5 egg trays;
  • Water;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • White acrylic or gouache;
  • Thermal gun;
  • Thick wire (will act as a stem for a flower);
  • Paints, brushes.
  • Colorless nail polish.

Depending on how many colors you plan to make, you will need a certain number of pieces of wire. There can be 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 - as many as you like. By the way - for flowers, you can make a beautiful vase using the papier-mâché technique.

The adhesive composition is pre-prepared: egg trays are soaked in warm water, after swelling, the water is drained and PVA or paste is added. The composition should have the consistency of not liquid, but not thick sour cream.

First of all, you need to stick the composition on the wire. Moreover, if you plan to make a rose, you immediately need to blind the stem with thorns. Leave until completely dry.

Flowers and leaves are made using the sculpting technique. They can be different sizes, shapes are curved or have even contours. To understand how to mold them, it is enough to remember how plasticine crafts are molded. The technique is identical.

All parts of the flowers are covered with white. It is better to give preference to gouache or acrylic coatings. Any paint is then easily applied to them. After drying, the parts are painted in the appropriate colors: green - stem, red, orange, yellow - flowers, depending on which type of flowers is chosen.

The buds are attached to the stems with hot glue. At the end, the surfaces are torn with a colorless nail base. On the flowers you can seat butterflies, ladybugs.

Papier-mache decor elements using egg trays (video)

Papier mache for the garden

Hedgehog. It will look beautiful and original in the garden with hedgehog flowers and you don’t need expensive components to make it. Papier-mâché hedgehog for the garden is a wonderful element of decor. You can blind them a whole family. The main thing is to show maximum imagination. The hedgehog is based on an ordinary light bulb, because it resembles a hedgehog in structure. But, it is possible to make an animal by sculpting from a mass of papier-mâché (egg trays, water, glue).

If the method of using the base is chosen, then the light bulb is pre-lubricated with oil so that it is not difficult to remove it later. Things will go faster if two light bulbs are at hand. The composition is applied to half the base, and immediately you need to form the muzzle of the animal and spines. After drying, the halves of the future crafts are removed, glued together with the “Moment”. Legs are made from adhesive.

The craft is covered with acrylic and painted in the appropriate color. Eyes, nose are drawn with a marker.

Dwarf. Thanks to the papier-mâché technique, craftsmen make most interesting compositions. And in the event that artistic talent is present, then there is an opportunity to create large sculptures for the garden, for example, a gnome. Of course, it will take much more time to make, because street gnomes are quite voluminous sculptures. And here it is important that every detail dries well for the strength and durability of the structure.


  1. 5 liter empty plastic container (torso);
  2. Balloon or ball (head);
  3. 30-40 egg trays;
  4. Water;
  5. PVA glue or paste (about 1.5 l);
  6. Paints and brushes;
  7. White enamel;
  8. The coating varnish is colorless.

A plastic container and a ball are covered with a mass of papier-mâché. After drying, the bases are removed, and the cut halves of the torso and head are glued together. A mass of papier-mâché are interconnected. The face and hands are formed from the adhesive composition. After a while - the rest of the parts - a headdress, fingers, legs. After drying - cheeks, nose, eyes, beard. There is nothing complicated about this, the most important thing is that the material should dry well, so there will be a lot of it even if it is violated this rule the sculpture will float. You can make a gnome for the garden in different poses - he can sit, stand or look out, as fantasy will tell.

In order to create a beautiful craft, a decor item, as well as get rid of old and unnecessary, accumulated egg trays, you can use a wonderful technique - papier-mâché. Crafts made in this way are increasingly gaining popularity in educational institutions and not only.

Products created in this way are of very high quality, withstand almost any weather Therefore, they can be placed both indoors and outdoors. Check out the photo of egg tray crafts to see what they are.

Technique for creating papier-mâché from egg trays

Two methods can be used to perform it: the first is pasting with pieces of old newspapers, and the second is stucco molding from a specialized mass. IN this case here you can use egg cartons. If you are overwhelmed a large number of such an object, then with only water and glue, truly huge works of art can be created.

It is recommended to use PVA glue as glue. His positive qualities are waterproof and easy to use in operation. PVA glue will allow you not to process the final result with varnishes, but to immediately expose it to the street under any weather conditions.

You can also use wallpaper paste, but for papier-mâché it is recommended to dilute it with water in small quantities. In case you can't or don't want to buy glue from a store, you can always make and use a homemade paste.

Interior items created using this technique are no worse than expensive decorations, and the cheapness of the original elements will not hit your pocket. You can decorate any part of your apartment with papier-mâché figures, from the bedroom to the kitchen.

Think of the idea of ​​what can be made from trays, and your imagination will have no limits. Very often you can find elements of lighting or services that are made using the papier-mâché technique.

The main trait that you must possess is accuracy. All the elements that you create must be well dried, this is how the resulting figures will remain strong, and time will not affect them in any way.

Flowers from trays

Let's look at an example detailed instructions how to make crafts from trays in the form of flowers.

Required Components

  • 5-6 egg cartons
  • PVA or paste
  • Scissors
  • Gouache or acrylic paint
  • Wire
  • Thermal gun
  • Paints of various colors
  • Colorless varnish

One wire must be allocated for each flower stem. In advance, it will be necessary to soak the egg boxes in warm water, then drain the water and add glue, stir everything until a homogeneous mass. From the resulting mass, you need to blind the stem, where the wire will play the role of the frame, after which the product must be given time to dry.

Further, a master class on crafts from egg trays involves the creation of the flowers themselves and the leaves, which are created by modeling. Show courage and imagination and create something unique. The modeling technique is 100% similar to plasticine modeling, so this should not cause any special problems.

When the product is finished, it is necessary to cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower with white paint - gouache or acrylic, since a layer of colored paint will need to be applied on top.

When the flower is completely dry, you can start coloring: paint the stem green, the flowers with any other colors.

The flower bud must be glued to the stem with thermal paste. It is important to do this carefully, but properly, so that it does not fall off in the future. Upon completion of this process, it is important to cover the entire product with a colorless varnish to preserve the shape and color.

Making crafts from egg trays with your own hands for the garden

As a decor for your garden, you can mold any animal, such as a hedgehog. This will require the same components that we used to create the flower.

The hedgehog's body can be molded either entirely from papier-mâché mixture or using a light bulb, which must first be lubricated with oil for later easy removal from the base. Next, a muzzle is molded, as well as needles. It is important to properly glue all parts of the "animal" so that the structure does not fall apart in the future.

Elements of the eyes, nose and mouth can be drawn with a regular marker or use multi-colored markers to add color.

The process of preparing mass for papier-mâché from egg boxes

Preparing the mixture from which the figure is made is very easy and simple. For creating quality material it is recommended to take the following proportion: 14 egg trays against 14 liters of warm water.

It is better to crush the boxes into small pieces beforehand, so the mixture will turn out faster and much more homogeneous, without unnecessary lumps. Keep in water for at least 10 hours, and it would be better to keep it for about a day.

After soaking up the water, the residues must be drained, and the resulting mixture should be rubbed with hands until the state of sour cream of medium density using glue.

Most experienced craftsmen of their business, they give advice that it is better to mix the resulting consistency not with your hands, but with a mixer, so the mixture is of the best quality.

Children's crafts from egg trays

Here, the main advantage is that the egg box can simply be thrown away if nothing works out, moreover, sculpting figures with children develops their imagination and skills.

Here are a few ideas that you can do with your child that are not too hard but not too easy to keep the kids interested:

Garland of beautiful roses. Need christmas garland, since on top of the lights it will be necessary to make figures in the form of roses from papier-mâché, which will charmingly complement the multi-colored lights.

Unique frames for family photos. Decorate regular frame papier-mâché flowers. This great way update your old frame and give it new life and more colors.

Using egg cartons for home and garden

Papier-mâché is far from the last use of unnecessary egg trays. They can be used as a bird feeder in winter, a stand for artificial flowers and various small things, a container for seedlings in which sprouts feel great, as well as caskets in which you can put handicrafts.

Photo of crafts from egg trays

More new topic on our portal - crafts from egg trays. Previously, we did not write about this, but in vain, because such beautiful things turn out, especially flowers. And if you consider that they are completely from waste material, so it is generally beyond perfection. I want to introduce you today to amazing flowers from egg trays. And I'll start, probably, with the easiest to make, with violets, daisies and bluebells and other similar flowers.

We will need:

  • egg trays
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • paints
  • brushes

Violets and bluebells from egg trays

To make violets and bells, you will need to cut out a convex part from the trays, carefully cut it into four parts on top and round them in one case, and sharpen them in the other. And of course, paint desired colors. A bunch of violets looks great, and you can even make a curtain out of bells.

Daisies can be made in two ways. Firstly, you can make chamomile the same way as violets, only upper part cut not into four parts, but into eight and round off. Or you can cut the petals for the flower separately, using the curvature of the tray, so that the flowers turn out various forms. From the even part of the tray, you will need to cut a small circle and glue the prepared petals to it. Well, the center of the flower can be decorated at your discretion: you can simply paint the circle in yellow or decorate with stamens, or you can just glue a button in the center. Of course, the color of the flower also plays a significant role, well, this is up to you. The wreath with daisies and everything from egg trays looks fantastic. Here, even a master class is not needed, everything is visible and understandable from the photographs.

Egg trays also make gorgeous roses. And again, for the manufacture of these wonderful flowers, we need cone-shaped tops. egg packs. Carefully cut out the vertices from the cell. We cut one vertex a little into four parts, like a chamomile, and round the edges, thereby forming the petals. You can also round the edges by folding the top in half. Then we bend the edges of the petals back with our fingers, giving the petal the appearance of a blossoming flower. We form another cone-shaped top in the same way and cut it so that we can roll it into a tube. This will be the middle of our rose. We insert the tube into the first blank and glue it on the glue. If you want more volumetric rose, you can add individual petals to the flower. I haven't said anything important yet. It is best to paint a flower not in ready-made while still in preparation. This makes it easier to paint over the entire flower. In principle, the rose is ready. But to give it a more perfect look, you can glue green leaves cut out of fabric from below to it.

Daffodils and cyclamens from egg trays

Daffodils and cyclamens are also easy to make. The manufacturing scheme is the same as for daisies and roses. It makes no sense to describe all the steps in the manufacture of these flowers, you will understand everything by looking at these photos.

Hello, dear residents and guests of the Land of Masters! I want to tell you how I make flowers from egg packaging. This is how I get them. Many probably remember how they made such flowers at school for their mother on March 8th. I remember...
And now, when I buy eggs in a store, I consider the packaging more (so that it is plump and not wrinkled) than the eggs themselves. Funny from the outside. And I also shout to my husband: just don’t use plastic, take it in paper ...

So, apart from the paper packaging, prepare scissors, skewer, PVA glue and paints. Cut out all the whole parts in the form of caps. I use everything - both tetrahedral caps and triangular ones.

Then we cut it into 6 parts, or into 5, I do both.

And we begin to cut the petals. It can be rounded, or it can be with pointed edges, as you like. This is the first cup. I usually do 3 or 4 in total.

Each next cup is smaller than the previous one.

And in the core I make a tiny quatrefoil.

This is how the preparations are obtained.

Now we breed PVA with water 1: 1 and coat the flowers so that they are soaked, but not much, otherwise they will get wet and tear.

And with the help of a skewer we give shape. We twist the petals (almost the same as we twist the tubes), and trim the bottoms. And we compress the very middle in an arbitrary form.

This is how we lay it out to dry. Usually ready the next day.

This is what they get interesting view and serious strength. Now you can paint.

We paint in any colors, any paints. If you dip the flowers in the paint, then it is better to make it thinner so that the excess flows off.