Summer holiday in kindergarten on June 1. June 1 - Children's Day. Summer fun for kids. The song "Good mood" is performed

Project type : information - creative

Project participants :

Children of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old);

Educators - Kraeva A.V., Khaeva V.S.;

Musical director Leontyeva O.P.;

Parents of pupils.

Relevance : June 1 is the first day of summer. On this day, more than 30 countries around the world celebrate a holiday - International Children's Day - this is a holiday for children, their day of protection, a day that encourages adults to think about children, various entertainment events for children are organized. Among them are competitions, with gifts, concerts, various exhibition and educational events. In our country, this holiday also does not go unnoticed. Childhood is the happiest time for many of us, but not all children in the world can share joyful memories in childhood. So let's make every effort to make our children feel happy on this day. After all, absolutely every child has the legal right to a happy childhood, and this right is the same for all children.

Target: Expansion of knowledge and ideas of children about the international holiday "Children's Day", the development of creative initiative, with the provision of equal opportunities for each child.


To acquaint with the life of children in other countries, with the life of children of different social strata in our country;

Contribute to the formation of self-esteem, awareness of one's rights and freedoms, a sense of responsibility (for another person, for a business begun, for a given word);

Lead to an understanding of social norms and rules of conduct;

Develop respect for the dignity and personal rights of others;

Cultivate an indifferent attitude towards peers, mutual assistance.

Expected result:

Children know about the life of children in other countries and about children who need support and attention;

They will strive to do good deeds, they will feel attention, care;

The activities carried out will bring joy to children.

Educational areas:

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development,

artistic and aesthetic development,

physical development.

Stages of project implementation


event title



Istage. Preparatory


Collection and analysis of literature;

Development of a project plan;

A selection of illustrative material;

Selection of poems, riddles, songs, cartoons;

A selection of mobile, finger games;

Preparation of material for visual activity;

Selection of fiction and educational literature for reading to children.

Preparation for project implementation, creation of necessary conditions.

Kraeva A.V.,

Khaeva V.S.

With parents:

Involvement of parents in the work on the project.

Kraeva A.V.,

With pupils:

Khaeva V.S.

IIstage. Project implementation

Watching the cartoon "Congratulations on Children's Day."

Create a positive attitude, interest children in the topic of the project.

Kraeva A.V.,

Conversations with children "International Children's Day - Children's Day"; Examination of illustrations on the topic of the project.

Expanding children's ideas about the history of the holiday.

Kraeva A.V.,

Listening to the musical works of V. Shainsky "It's fun to walk together", "When my friends are with me", "Smile".

Development of artistic and aesthetic taste and interest in musical works.

Khaeva V.S.

Finger gymnastics "Family", "Friendship", "Home".

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, a sense of rhythm. Develop the ability to act on a signal, restrain oneself, expressively perform movements; develop imagination.

Kraeva A.V.,

Khaeva V.S.

Outdoor games "Find a couple", "Rivers and lakes", "Sun and rain".

Increasing motivation for gaming activities, creating conditions for physical activity.

Kraeva A.V.,

Khaeva V.S.

Role-playing games: "Kindergarten", "Family trip on the bus"

Continue to teach children in the game to obey certain rules, to develop strong-willed qualities, the ability to play in a team.

Kraeva A.V.,

Khaeva V.S.

Reading of poems: I. Surikov "Childhood", "Golden Childhood", "How quickly children grow up ...", I. Bunin "Childhood"; Reading V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories"

Develop interest in literature, stories; develop speech, attention. evoke patriotic feelings.

Kraeva A.V.,

Khaeva V.S.

Visual activity:

Drawing on the theme "Colors of summer",

Drawing with crayons on the pavement "Let there always be sunshine"

To develop the creative potential of children, the desire to embody their impressions in drawings, to develop independence.

Khaeva V.S.

IIIstage. Final

Organization of the holiday "Children's Day",

Launching balloons into the sky with the wishes of children,

Demonstration of drawings on asphalt "Let there always be sunshine!",

Photo exhibition.

To evoke positive emotions in children. Create a happy mood. Develop motor activity of children.

Translation of design results

Kraeva A.V.,

Khaeva V.S.

Conclusion: The children got acquainted with how the Children's Day is celebrated, how difficult it is for children who do not have a family. There was a greater desire to show respect for the dignity and personal rights of others. The children took part in the celebration with great pleasure.

Children line up around the perimeter of the playground.

Presenter: Oh, how many of us have gathered here. And why, you know? The guys will tell us now!

Children read:

1. We celebrate the holiday of summer,

Festival of the sun, festival of light.

Come visit us.

We are always glad to have guests.

2. Birds will arrive for the holiday

Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.

Will click and whistle

Sing songs with us.

3. Buzz around the dragonfly,

Smile poppies, roses.

And the tulip will dress

In the brightest sundress.

4. We celebrate the holiday of summer

Festival of the sun, festival of light

Sun, sun, brighter gray

The holiday will be more fun.

5. In a good mood

We are going to kindergarten

And we congratulate everyone

Happy wonderful summer day!

6. The first day of summer, become even brighter!

Meet the first of June everywhere!

After all, this is the Day of protection of all children,

People celebrate it for a reason!

7. The sun warmed us with a beam,

We invite all our friends to visit.

Let's dance merrily

Meet the red summer!

8. Summer has come to us again

This is very good!

Hello sunny summer

How much sky, how much light!

Summer, warm the earth,

Don't feel sorry for your rays!

9. First day of colorful summer

He brought us together, friends.

Festival of the sun, festival of light,

Holiday of happiness and kindness!

10. Birds chirp on this day,

And the sky brightens

And daisies with cornflowers

They lead a round dance in the field.

Presenter: And in order to create a cheerful mood for us, I invite everyone to stand in a big round dance.

Dance "Big Round Dance"

Presenter: Guys, I am glad to welcome you to the holiday of the sun, holidays and summer.

Bully appears

Bully: Hello, I welcome you too!

Presenter: And who are you?

Bully: I, Petrushka - a bully, came to the holiday! I will disturb you, muddy the water.

Presenter: Today it is not necessary to muddy the water, but it is necessary to spend the holiday of summer, the sun, because today is June 1 - and this is a holiday.

Zabiyaka: I have never heard of such a holiday: I know the New Year, I know my birthday, but I don’t know anything about June 1.

Bully: (interrupts) Ah, now it’s clear, so get ready everyone, now we’ll defend ourselves! Take sticks, bricks, drag everything here.

Presenter: You're confusing us all bully. On this day, the guys can talk about their dreams and desires, about how they can be friends, how they all play together.

Bully: Can you tell me about your desires?

Presenter: Tell me!

Bully: I love to fight and call names. What about you guys? It seems to me that the guys here are fighters and bullies and all the beeches are bullies. (shows faces)

Presenter: In vain, you think so badly of us. Now the guys will tell you how friendly they are and sing the song “Real Friendship”.

The song "Real Friendship" (senior group).

Bully: Yes, you are really good, kind. But on the other hand, you are very small and do not know how to do anything. For example, I can sing, listen how.

Performs the song: “A grasshopper sat in the grass” (screams terribly when singing)

Presenter: Well, is that how they sing, you scream, but you don’t sing, listen to how you should sing.

The song "Kindergarten - a magical country" is performed (preparatory group).

Bully: Think about it, but you definitely don’t know how to dance. I know such a wonderful dance. You definitely can't dance it.

Presenter: And let's check. Guys, get up all together and repeat all the movements after Zabiyaka!

Dance "Radiant Sun"

Presenter: Yes, your dance is good, very cheerful and groovy. But the guys also danced it. And now, bully, look what the children have learned and how wonderfully they dance.

Dance "Butterflies" is performed (II junior group)

"Flowers" (middle group)

"We made friends" (I junior group)

The bully sits in a corner and starts crying:“Now you definitely won’t be friends with me, you know how to do everything and you are friendly, but I have no friends”

Presenter: Well, why don't we be friends? Only you have to become kind and friendly, and the guys will help you with this.

Bully: Well, I'll try. I even know a lot of games and fun that help to become friendly and strong. Will you play with me? Well, then let's start, the first game "If you want to have fun, do it"

Bully: And for you guys, I have riddles, but they are not simple, but with answers. You need to listen to the answers carefully, because there may be errors in them.

In more often, he lifts his head, howls with hunger ... giraffe (wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown ... wolf (Bear)

Daughters and sons are taught to grunt ... ant (Pig)

The fastest of all rushes from fear ... turtle (hare)

In his warm puddle, he croaked loudly ... Barmaley (Frog)

From the palm tree - down, deftly jumping onto the palm tree again ... a cow (monkey)

Presenter: And now I will give you a riddle.

The forest is full of songs and screams,

Strawberry juice splashes

Children splash in the river

The bees are dancing on the flower.

What is the name of this time?

It's not hard to guess... (Summer).

Presenter: And now, the guys from the senior group will sing the song “Good Summer” to us.

Song "Good summer" (senior group).

Presenter: Well done, they answered all the riddles correctly, sang, danced, and now it's time to test your dexterity.

Together: Attention, attention we start the competition!!!

Relays: "Pass the ball over your head"

"Roll the ball between your legs"

"Pass the balloon on the racket"

Bully: A little tired, I propose to dance a little

Dance-game "We turned to the left ..."

Bully: Here are some interesting games I know, will you be my friends now?

Children: Yes!

Bully: And we will never - never fight?

Children: No!

Presenter: Well done, bastard! We wish you dear guys all the best. Be healthy, grow up soon and make our world beautiful. Live in peace and friendship!

Presenter: So our holiday is over, how are you feeling? Do you want to dance?

Disco .

Bully: I know that you can still

Great to draw.

Your talents can

Now you show?

But the pencil won't work

I work with such…

And I'm colored crayons

I took you with me!

Presenter: And now, guys, you will all go to your sites and draw what you think the word “FRIENDSHIP!” means!

Competition: "Drawing on asphalt"

The children go to paint.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Presenter: And so that we can end the holiday merrily,

I want to treat the guys with sweets!

Distributes meals.

educator MBDOU No. 149 Kindergarten "Ryabinka"

Kemerovo, Russia

Presenter 1: Dear friends, the long-awaited holiday of the sun has come for us. Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated to the International Children's Day and the preservation of peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear children.

Host 2: The holiday dedicated to "Children's Day" is considered open Hurrah!

All together: Wow!

Child: We celebrate the holiday of summer
Festival of the sun, festival of light
Sun, sun, brighter gray
The holiday will be more fun.

Child: We all dream together about one thing,

So that everyone has a family and a home,

Child: So that both us and we are loved,

And in childhood, without worries and grief, we all lived.

Child: Therefore, we ask all people

To protect and appreciate us - children! "

Child: The first day of summer, become even brighter!
Meet the first of June everywhere!
After all, this is the Day of protection of all children,
People celebrate it for a reason!

Child: All the best songs and fairy tales in the world
Give to all the children of the Earth.
So that kind, kind children grow up,
So that the brave children grow up.

Child: Childhood - what is it?

Childhood - the sky is blue!
Childhood - peace on earth
And love for my country.

Child: In childhood, the sun shines brightly,

Laughter rings here and there.
These are the children of the whole planet

They sing a resounding song.

Children sing the song "Big Round Dance".

1. We were born

To live happily.

To play together

To be strong friends.

To smile at each other

Give and flowers

To be fulfilled in life

All our dreams.


So let's arrange

big dance,

May all the people of the earth

They will get into it with us.

Let it sound everywhere

Only joyful laughter

Let the song become without words

Understandable for everyone.

2. We want to roll

In the green grass

And watch them float

Clouds in blue

And into the cool river

Dive into the summer heat

And catch in the palms

Warm mushroom rain.


So let's arrange

big dance,

May all the people of the earth

They will get into it with us.

Let it sound everywhere

Only joyful laughter

Let the song become without words

Understandable for everyone.

3. We were born

To live happily.

So that flowers and smiles

Give to each other.

For sorrow to disappear

The trouble is gone.

To the bright sun

It always shone.

At the end of the song Dunno rides on a scooter to the music.

Dunno: Look how beautiful
Green, fresh all around,
It's like we were all invited
Stay in a green house!
— Oh, where am I? How many guys around! Why are you all so beautiful? What are you doing here?

Presenter 1: Dunno, today is June 1st - Children's Day! Summer has come! Children spend a lot of time outside. Do you know what are the rules of safe behavior on the street?
Dunno: I don't like any rules! What are they needed for? I do what I want! Wherever I want, I ride there!
Leading: Dunno, if you follow the safety rules, then nothing will happen to you! Listen to our guys and remember these rules!

Child: You are chasing a friend
Or hurry up for the ball,
Don't run on the road
Then no trouble

Child: The kids love sunbathing.
Will be black by autumn!
But Panama will not be forgotten
Always wear them.
Child: For sorrow to pass
To avoid trouble
Don't go swimming alone
Stay away from water!
Child: Eat good foods
So that you don't get sick.
My all vegetables and fruits
And more often my hands!
Child : If the rules are simple
We will remember forever
In the summer they will be our family
Sun, air and water!
Leading: Do you remember, stranger?
Dunno: Thank you guys! I remember everything, and I will follow all the rules!

Dunno: And I, guys, also want to check how attentive you are, listen to my questions and try to answer them correctly:

Carp live in the river. (clap) and say yes

Mushrooms grow on pine trees. (Stomp.) and no

The bear loves sweet honey. (They clap.)

A steamboat is in the field. (Stomp.)

The rain has passed - there are puddles. (They clap.)

The hare and the wolf are close friends. (Stomp.)

The night will pass - the day will come. (clap)

Mom is too lazy to help you. (stomp)

Celebrate the holiday together. (They clap.)

And you won't go home. (Stomp.)

There are none scattered among you. (They clap.)

Everyone is careful with us. (They clap.)

Dunno: Well done! Everyone was attentive and answered questions in unison.

Leading: Here, you see what friendly guys we have, and they also know how to play different games together.

The relay game "Sun and Rays" is being held.
Participants are divided into two teams. The leader draws two huge circles on the pavement in chalk. This is the "sun". When the “Start” command sounds, all the players take turns, to the fast music, run up and draw the sun along the ray and immediately run back, passing the crayon to the next one. The winner is the team that added more rays in the allotted time interval.

Dunno: The sun warmed us with rays,
Summer has given us flowers.
We will celebrate the holiday
Let's sing and dance!

Children sing the song "Summer is joy."

1. On a small path

I will run through the forest.

I'll take a bowl with me

And I'll pick berries.


It's a joy, it's a miracle

That blooms all around

In summer, the sun meets us.

It's a joy, it's a miracle

That we go hand in hand with you.

2. Sing forest songs

Like the nightingales of the Earth,

And life is interesting to us,

There is a lot of love around.


3. Dancing in the meadows

Daisies, cornflowers,

And the boys are running

Along the river bank.


Dunno: Guys, there are many fairy tales in the world,
sad and funny
And live in the world
We can't live without them...
How many fairy tales do you know?
- I will guess riddles according to fairy tales, and you in unison, unanimously answer from which fairy tale it is:
1. Heals young children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Kind doctor. (Aibolit)

2. Mixed with sour cream

It's cold on the window

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled. (Kolobok)

3. The nose is round, patchy,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what

The brothers are friendly.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three piglets)

4. Grandma girl

I loved very much

Red hat

Gave her.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

5. My father had a strange boy

Unusual, wooden,

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere the nose sticks its long.

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

6. Gobbling up rolls,

The guy rode on the stove.

Ride through the village

And he married a princess.

Who will answer me immediately

This, brothers, is himself (Emelya)

7. Alyonushka's sister

They took away the brother of the bird,

They fly high

They look far.

What kind of birds were they?

You must have forgotten? (Swan geese)

Dunno: And now the game is for you, as in any fairy-tale country, a fabulous wind blows here - a mischievous one, and in our clearing he made a mess ... Petals flew away from the flowers and scattered throughout the clearing.
The game "Collect the flowers."

Leading: And we also know how to dance cheerfully and provocatively. Guys, let's show how we dance Dunno! Let's dance together the dance of little ducklings!

Children perform "Dance of the Little Ducklings".

Leading: Our holiday continues and now we have fun competitions - funny competitions!

Games are played:

  1. "Who's more likely to drink juice."

Leading: Every little child
Likes to drink fruit juice.
Who is faster, who is faster
Would you be able to drink this jar?
I'm inviting two teams of three who are the most thirsty and want the holiday prizes.

  1. "Don't drop it."

Scoop the balls (tennis) out of the water with a spoon and transfer them to the other side, throwing them into an empty container.

  1. "Who is more likely to score a ball into the goal with a stick."
  2. "Who will collect the most balloons in magic pants."

Dunno: You guys are great, you did a great job.

Leading: Yes, Dunno, our guys are athletic, dexterous and mischievous. Now they will show you how they can do fun exercises.

Performed "Charging" ("Kukutiki").

Presenter 1: Well, here our holiday ends,

But we won't be sad

May the sky be peaceful

To the joy of good people.

Host 2: Let the children on the planet

Live without worries

To the delight of dads, moms,

Rather grow up!

Dunno: And at the end of the holiday I propose to dance!

Dancing is always nice.
This, in general, is clear to everyone.
We turn on the music
Dances are announced!
Are the kids all gathered?
The disco has begun!

DISCO is on!!!

Leading: Our holiday was a success, but did you children like it?
I wish you smiles, peace and happiness! May there always be sunshine, may there always be peace, may children always smile!

The children are handed out balloons. The children leave to the music.

Municipal preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 40" of the Oktyabrsky district of Saratov

Matinee script


Educator of the highest kv. categories

Presnyakova Natalia Valerievna

Saratov, 2015

Children line up around the perimeter of the playground.

To the song "Childhood"

Children from all kindergartens participate.

Leading. Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. Today we have a fun holiday dedicated to Children's Day.

1st child.

On a bright and big planet

Happy children meet summer

Let's meet the red summer

Yes, we celebrate Children's Day!

2nd child

Happy holiday

We've all gathered

Come on friends

Get into the round dance!

Round dance "So let's have a big round dance"

presenter . And now guys

Please solve the riddle:

The sun is shining for you and me

Above us the sky is blue

Noisy green grass

The flowers are blooming, the leaves are green!

All nature is warmed by warmth.

We've got it guys...


1st child.

We celebrate the holiday of summer

Festival of the Sun, Festival of Light!

Sun, sun, hotter gray -

The holiday will be more fun!

2nd child

First day of colorful summer

We were brought together by friends.

Festival of the sun, festival of light,

Holiday of happiness and kindness

3rd child

On this day the birds chirp

And the sky is brighter

And daisies with cornflowers

They lead a round dance in the field!

4th child

Hello sunny summer

How much sky, how much light!

Summer, warm the earth,

Don't feel sorry for your rays!

Song: "That's the Summer"

Rubbing his hands, with his back to the children, enters Vraka-Zabiyaka. To the music

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Well, I successfully did one more nasty thing: I poured salt into the compote. Let them drink salty compote now! Ha ha ha!

Turns and sees the children.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Aha! This is where I need to be! Hello!

Leading. Where is "here"?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Where, where ... Yes, here, where there are a lot of children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading. Who are you?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. I am Vrakochka-Zabiyakochka. You can simply - Vraka-Zabiyaka. I heard you have some kind of holiday here?

Leading. Today June 1st is International Children's Day.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. I have never heard of such a holiday. And I realized that now we will all defend ourselves! Take sticks, bricks, drag them all here!

Leading. No Vryak-Zabiyaka. our children have matured, wiser, become a year older. And they came to the party to have fun. We will sing, play, dance.

Vraka the Ruffian . Are these big little kids?! Oh, laugh! (Laughs).

Leading. Wait, wait, Vraka-Zabiyaka, to find out if our guys have really matured, you need to test them in games, in dances, in songs.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Check, right? Please! (Pulls out the ball.) Here is the ball. Whoever does not catch him, he did not grow up, but remained a little shorty.

Starts randomly, deceiving children, throwing them a ball (to the perky music)

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Wow, how clever you are! OK then. And now I'll check how friendly you are. How do you play together?

The game is being played: "Two floods ... .."

Two stomps, three slams

Hedgehogs hedgehogs.

Forged, forged scissors, scissors

Run in place, run in place

Bunnies, Bunnies

Come on together, come on together

Girls, boys (scream at the same time)

Leading. Now Vryaka-Zabiyaka, the guys will tell you how friendly they are.

Poems about friendship.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Think about it, but you definitely don’t know how to dance.

Leading. But you are mistaken, the children prepared a dance.

Dance of the senior group "Friendship".

Vraka-Zabiyaka. (crying loudly) Now you definitely won’t be friends with me, you know how to do everything, everyone is friendly, but I have no friends.

Leading. Well, why don't we be friends. Only you should become kind, and the children will help you with this.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Well, I'll try.

Leading: Children, I know with whom I need to introduce Vryaka-Zabiyaka so that she stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With the clown Klepa. But in order for him to appear here, you need to loudly, heartily, clap, stomp and laugh. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. Vryaka-Zabiyaka hides to the side. Plugs ears.

The clown Klepa enters to the music (with soap bubbles)

Bypasses children blowing bubbles.

Klepa. Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really guys?

Children. Yes!

Klepa. And I'm Klepa the clown. I really want to get to know you. And for this, you will now loudly and clearly tell me your names at the expense of 1,2,3. Well done! For you children, I have prepared a contest:

Bubble Contest

Klepa . What are you friendly, well done!

Do you have a holiday, fun? How I love it all!

Leading. Yes, Klepa, today we all decided to have fun and meet the summer.

And now the children read verses:

Poems about summer: 2 junior group.

Klepa. And how many impressions are waiting for everyone in the summer! Many of you will travel, swim, walk in the woods, sunbathe on the beach, relax in the countryside.

Klepa. I know the game, which is called: "Grandma bought ..."

Repeat after me.

Leading . Yes, you have a game, very fun and groovy. And the kids prepared a dance of little ducklings.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. I have for you guys

There are magical mysteries.

I start - you continue

Friendly, answer in unison!

    In the spring, wreaths of dandelions are weaved, of course, only ...... .. (girls)

    You will find screws, screws, gears in the pocket of ... ... ... (boys)

    We chatted for an hour without a break in colorful dresses………

    Skates on the ice drew arrows, they played hockey all day .......

    With everyone to measure strength, of course they love only……….

    Afraid of the dark, cowards, they are all one and the same……

    Silk, lace and fingers in rings - go for a walk……..

Klepa. Look Zabiyaka, what guys are attentive.

Vraka the Ruffian . Oh you! You are all so good and kind. Why am I so unlucky?! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me?! (crying)

Klepa. And you still ask?! Look at yourself: is it possible with such a mischievous face, on which there is never a smile, to find friends?

Leading. But Klepa is right. Only other people are drawn to a kind and cheerful person. Here, listen to what a good, good song our guys will sing to you. Maybe Vraka-Brawler will improve.

Song-game "If life is fun, do it."

Vraka the Ruffian (claps hands). What a wonderful song! I haven't heard this one yet!

Klepa. Friends, a miracle happened! Vraka the Ruffian spoke the truth for the first time and smiled.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. How? It can't be! What is it with me?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whimpering).

Leading. A mWe will give you a new name. And you will become good and cheerful. Want?

Vraka the Ruffian (embarrassed) Well, I don't know... Can I...?

Smeshinkin. You can, you can! And the guys will help you.

Leading. Guys, let's come up with a new good name for Vraka-Zabiyaka. (Consult with children). Right! The guys and I consulted and decided to give you the name Veselushka-Laughter. We think you'll like it.

Klepa. But from now on, you should only do good deeds and always smile. Agree?

Vraka the Ruffian . And how to do these good deeds? I don't know.

Leading. The guys will sing you a song and you will understand everything.

Song: It's Not Easy to Be Kind

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Now I really see that all the guys are kind, friendly. Oh, it seems to me that I am slowly turning into Veselushka-Laughing. I want to cheer you all up and invite you to dance:

Comic dance is performed by children of junior, middle and senior groups.

Klepa . Well, Veselushka-Laughing, what a fun dance.

Vraka the Ruffian . Still would! After all, I became completely different!

Leading. And our guys helped you with this.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. I want to thank them for this. I'll treat them to fly agaric!

Smeshinkin. Here's one for you! You go again? Can fly agaric be eaten?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Have you forgotten? I was reeducated, I became good. And this fly agaric is not simple, but magical!

Vraka-Zabiyaka with Klepa bring in a large fly agaric, inside of which there are soap bubbles. Give them to the leader.

Leading. Children, let's say thank you for the treat for the gifts to our cheerful guests.

Klepa. (Looks into the fly agaric), takes out colored crayons. And let's at the end of the holiday, we all draw our cherished desires with colored crayons on the pavement.

Leading. And now the celebration continues.


Guys, guys today in the world

On the whole planet, children are the masters.

Come on guys let's dance and sing

The hosts are children on the globe!

Flash mob to the song "Russia - we are your children" - all the children release balloons at the end.

Vraka the Ruffian . Oh Klepa, it's time for us to return to our fairyland.

Klepa. But, as soon as we hear your fervent, friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten!

Together: Bye guys.

They leave to cheerful music.

Leading. And so our holiday came to an end. But we will meet again.

We distribute crayons, children draw on the pavement.

Music sounds: "I draw on the window."

The music is playing, the presenters are coming out.

Presenter 1:
We celebrate the holiday of summer, the holiday of the sun, the holiday of light,
It will be fun with us, we are very glad to see you!
There will be a children's disco here, there will be joy, there will be fun!
The main thing today is a good mood, music, songs, movement will help us!

The song "Good mood" is performed

Presenter 2:

We live on a huge planet, there are adults on it, there are also children!
Adults are supposed to protect children, and children should listen to and respect adults!

Today is not only the first day of summer, but also a holiday: "Children's Day"
The soul is fun from the heat and the sun, I want to jump and jump,
Loud songs to sing and play with friends!
Tell me, are you guys friendly? (Yes)
Then the celebration continues, a new dance begins.

"Hello girls, hello boys" all the children dance

Presenter 3:

Now tell me and show me:
How do you have fun
How fast do you all go
How do you all swim together
How do you run away together
How do you play pranks with your friends?

Guys, do you have fun at our holiday? (Yeah), then we'll have more fun, and I'll check you for attention.
Here is a warm-up for the brains, is everyone ready to hear me? (Yes)
But one persuasion, speak clearly and repeat everything after me.

Flowers grow in the meadow (claps with the words YES)
Crayfish live on a pine tree (Stomps with the words NO)
Bear loves sweet honey (claps with the words YES)
The field is plowed by an airplane (Flushing with the words NO)
In the rain, the guys need an umbrella (claps with the words YES)
Early in the morning there will be dinner (Stomps with the words NO)
After the night there will be a day (claps with the words YES)
We are too lazy to do exercises (Stomps with the words NO)

What good fellows you are, well, since you are not too lazy to do exercises, then we will now conduct it to the music.
"Forward four steps" physical education minute

Presenter 1:
Answer me soon, do you like the holiday? Are you friendly, good kids?
Then get up one after another in the train, let's go for a ride.

Children perform movements to the music "Merry Travelers"

Presenter 2:
It's good that you have your own little country called Childhood. Miracles and fairy tales live here, and everything is painted in bright colors. And everything here is so clear, green, yellow, red.
The song "What is summer" is performed

Presenter 3:
The first day of summer, become even brighter
Meet the first of June everywhere
After all, this is the day of protection of all children.
People celebrate it for a reason!

Let the sun laugh for you
And the birds sing for you
After all, our children know
They will not be offended

The musical composition "Childhood" is performed

Presenter 1:
Our disco has come to an end, but we will be glad to meet again, and now, by tradition, we propose to hold a drawing contest on asphalt.

(for children of older groups, a competition of drawings with crayons is held, younger children go to their sites)