Conversations what is the new year. Conversation on the topic "New Year on Earth is coming ...". Children take pictures near the Christmas tree

Project type:

By topic: creative - informational


New Year is a holiday with fluffy white snow outside the window, the smell of fir branches, the sparkle of colorful toys and tinsel, obligatory fireworks, gifts, as well as elegant Santa Claus and the beautiful Snow Maiden. Acquaintance of children with the traditions, heroes, musical repertoire of this holiday becomes relevant. The educators set themselves the goal: to form in young children primary ideas about the New Year holiday, the traditions of its celebration and to involve parents in joint activities with children and educators. An important place in this project is the study and preservation of the traditions of celebrating the New Year, which helps to satisfy the cognitive interest of children in this holiday. The project is aimed at children of early preschool age and allows you to create a joyful emotional atmosphere on the eve of the New Year holiday.


  • To form in children a primary idea of ​​the New Year holiday, its traditions.


1. To form children's ideas about the New Year holiday, to acquaint them with the traditions of celebrating the New Year, the customs of meeting the New Year holiday, its paraphernalia, characters.

2. Acquaintance with objects and actions with them.

3. Unleash the possibilities and creativity of children through a variety of activities.

4. Generate interest in the proposed activity.

5. Promote the development of imagination, attention, memory and speech of children.

6. Stimulation of the natural process of development of motor abilities and qualities.

7. Strengthen the ties between the preschool and the family. Encourage parents to collaborate with their children.

8. Create a positive attitude on the eve of the New Year holiday.

9. To form the ability to answer the simplest questions.

10. Develop interest in didactic games.

11. Cultivate a desire to listen to poems.

12. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

By number of participants: group (12 people)

Project participants: pupils of the II group of early age, educators, parents.

Age of participants: children 2 years old.

By time: short-term (from 14.12. to 31.12.2015)

Expected Result:

In the process of conversations, looking at illustrations, reading poems and fairy tales, creative and musical activities, to form the initial ideas of children about the New Year holiday, about the customs of meeting the New Year holiday, its paraphernalia, characters.

The project is being implemented in three stages:

Stages of project implementation:

Stage I - preparatory.

1. Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

2. Long-term project planning.

3. Selection of the necessary literature on this topic.

4. Selection and production of didactic games on the topic of the project.

5. Selection of musical works for listening and musical and rhythmic movements.

Cooperation with parents:

  • Making a folder - moving for parents "New Year in the family"; "Learn with us."
  • Selection of poems and nursery rhymes about the New Year's holiday, Christmas tree, Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden. Offer to participate in the competition MADOU "Kindergarten No. 16" - "New Year's Bouquet".
  • Assistance in preparing for the New Year's party (making animal costumes).

Stage II - the main stage (practical)

Complex - thematic planning on the topic of the project. Direct introduction into the joint activities of the educator and the child of different educational areas for the implementation of the goals and objectives on the topic of the project.

Physical development

Finger gymnastics

"Bunnies", "Winter walk"

Physical education minute

"The wind is blowing in our faces..."

Synopsis "December"

Outdoor games:


Chase the bunny,

snow carousel,

"On the snow bridge"

"Fluffy Snowflakes"

"Find the Snow Maiden! ",

"Watch out, I'll freeze."

Breathing exercises:

"Blow on the snowflake"


Conversation "Mittens will warm the hands in the cold"

hardening procedures

Massage paths, air baths.

Preservation and strengthening of physical health

morning exercises

Finger gymnastics

Education of cultural and hygienic skills

Continue to develop the ability to independently put on socks, tights, put on sandals, slippers.

To form the ability to use a handkerchief with the help of an adult.

cognitive development

Acquaintance with the environment

"Winter" (Litvinova, p. 221)

"The Tale of the Little Christmas Tree"

"Santa Claus, who are you?"

sensory development

"Decorate the Christmas tree with toys (colored corks)."

"Find the tallest tree"

"Let's make beads for the Christmas tree" (stringing various wooden figures on a cord),

“We draw a Christmas tree, a snowman” (on cereal scattered on a tray, under the guidance of a teacher).


Behind the snowfall

Behind the ice

For clothes for children and adults;

At the games of older preschoolers;

Behind the spruce on the territory of the kindergarten;

Behind the festive decoration of the corridors and halls of the institution;

Behind the actions of teachers in the design of group rooms for the holiday.


Water games "Freeze the ice"

"Catch all the balls"

"Catch all the cubes"

Build from Builder

"Chair for Father Frost and Snow Maiden"

"Path to the Christmas Tree"

Manual labor

"Snow Maiden (decorate the outfit)"

Social and communicative development

Educational games

“Fold the Pattern” (“Lanterns”, “Fur Coat of Santa Claus”)

Games with Gyenes blocks (“Collect the Christmas tree”, “Decorate the Christmas tree with toys”)”

“Fold the picture” (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, Gift, Snowflake), the pictures are cut into 2 parts.

Didactic games

"Collect the Christmas tree" (from sticks, buttons, colored caps)

"Third wheel"

"Let's collect beads for the Christmas tree"

Story - role-playing game

"Dolls have a holiday"


Conversation "The Christmas tree is afraid of fire!"


Self service

To form the ability to dress in a certain sequence

Household work

Help the teacher to restore order in the environment.

Manual labor

"Snow Maiden"

labor in nature

Assist the teacher in cleaning the playground equipment.

Bird feeding.

Speech development

Activities for the development of speech

2. "New Year's holiday is coming soon"

3. "Santa Claus comes to us"

Introduction to fiction

"Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree" by V. Petrov,

Snowman's New Year's greetings "A. Usachev,

"Snow everywhere" A. Brodsky,

"The Christmas tree is dressing up" Y. Akim,

“Daddy chose a Christmas tree” A. Usachev,

"Christmas ball" in Berestov,

"Balloons hang on branches"

It's snowing, it's snowing"

“Mom decorated the Christmas tree” by V. Petrov,

"Who Came" by E. Blaginina,

"Santa Claus paper" S. Pshenichnykh,

"Quietly the snow is falling."

Reading fairy tales

V. Suteev "Snowman-mailer"

Development of communication

Examination of illustrations, books, story paintings "Roll the balls", "Away", "Santa Claus"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Examination of illustrations for the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Snowman-mailer"

Narrative pictures on the New Year theme


"Hang the balls on the Christmas tree"

"Christmas toys" (salt dough and molds)

"Decorate the Christmas ball"


"The little Christmas tree is cold in winter" (finger painting)


Listening to songs

"Father Frost"

"The little Christmas tree is cold in winter"


"Winter Dance"

Musical and game activity

"Hares and Fox"

GCD according to the plan of the music director

Stage III is the final one.

Final event: exhibition of children's creativity, photo exhibition "Our Merry New Year",

New Year's celebration.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday in the 2nd group of early age

Children enter the hall with the Snow Maiden, approach the Christmas tree, examine it. Music sounds, the dance "Kids-pencils" is performed.

Snow Maiden: The Christmas tree is green, elegant, cheerful!

Why, why don't the lights sparkle?

We all need very friendly

Shout: "Christmas tree, burn!"

(Christmas tree lights the lights).

Now let's put out the Christmas tree -

We will blow on needles!

(They blow on the Christmas tree, the lights go out)

Snow Maiden: One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

Let them burn, blink,

Happy New Year congratulations.

And on a holiday on our

We will sing and dance now!

(The song “Little Christmas Tree ...” is performed)

Snow Maiden: Guys, are your hands frozen? Let's warm them up and dance a fun dance!

(The dance “We clap our hands ...” is performed)

Snow Maiden: We are waiting for guests for the holiday to make it more fun.

I hear a noise outside the door. Come quickly!

(A girl in a fox costume appears.)

Foxy: Hello my friends!

Santa Claus couldn't come

Somewhere he got stuck along the way.

I told you to amuse

Decorate the Christmas tree with you . (hangs the ball on the Christmas tree).

The Christmas tree is dressed up, decorated for the holiday.

I brought you rattles and I want you to dance with them.

(Dance "Rattle" is performed).

Snow Maiden: Chanterelle-chanterelle, play with us!

(The musical game "Fox and Hares" is performed).

Snow Maiden: Chanterelle, and our guys love to play snowballs. Play with us too!

(Children with Chanterelle play snowballs).

Snow Maiden: Chanterelle, do you know where Santa Claus left gifts for our children?

Chanterelle: Of course, I know, and I'll show you!

(The chanterelle takes out a large “snowball” from under the Christmas tree, opens it, inside there are gifts. The Snow Maiden takes the gifts and leads the children to the group. The distribution of gifts takes place in the group).

Analysis of the progress of work:

Throughout the project, the interest of the kids in what the teacher offered for them was visible - a variety of games, conversations, creative activities, search and research activities. Children actively responded to requests, suggestions of the teacher, sought to participate in the proposed activities. All the children watched with interest how adults decorated the New Year tree in the group, decorated the premises of the group room. All children learned to recognize and show the main attributes of the New Year's holiday - Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the Christmas tree, they were looking forward to gifts. Especially for the implementation of the project, didactic games "Decorate the Christmas tree", "Make a picture" were made, illustrations on this topic, fiction were selected, special attention was paid to the development of creative abilities (children drew, sculpted, glued). The children responded very emotionally to games and other activities offered by adults, tried to imitate his actions, accepted the game task. At the end of the project, it can be concluded that the children received the initial ideas about the New Year holiday, were looking forward to it, received a lot of positive emotions from preparing for it.

And get a certificate for attestation?

Program content:

To expand and enrich children's knowledge about the history of the New Year holiday;

Continue to acquaint with the artistic word;

To form the ability to coordinate a noun with an adjective;

Develop the ability to navigate in time and space, work with a plan;

To educate in children goodwill, responsiveness, the desire to help.

Equipment: multimedia accompaniment - presentation "What is the New Year?", logarithmic exercise "New Year's Train", video projector, winter trees, station layout, city plan, letter from Africa, New Year's toys, photos for a surprise moment.

Integration of educational areas:"Physical culture", "Health", "Safety", "Socialization", "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Music".

Methodical methods:

Psychological org. moment, conversation, word of art, viewing and talking on slides, using motivation, working with a plan, using health-saving technologies, TRIZ - creating a problem situation, surprise moment, noise special effects.

The course of directly educational activities

Educator: Hello children! You are the best kids in the world. These are the good and handsome ones I invite today to talk about ... and what we will talk about you will find out when you guess the riddle.

Educator: Come in and take your seats.

Listen carefully.

A young guy stood on the first step,

a gray-haired old man came to the twelfth step,

a young man stood on the first step.

What kind of young guy stood on the first step?

What kind of gray-haired old man came to the 12th step?

What are these steps?

Educator: What is the riddle about?

Children: About the old and the new year.

Educator: What is the name of the holiday that we celebrate at the time of the change of the old and new year?

Children: New Year.

Educator: Who knows the poems about the new year.

Children read poetry.

(Knock on the door, the postman comes, brings the letter.)

Educator: Guys look what is this?

Children: Letter.

Educator: Let's read what is written here.

Text of the letter: Dear children from Russia, we live in Africa. Africa is always warm and never snows. For the New Year, we have such a tradition: you need to touch the elephant, which is led along the street, because it gives people strength, courage, wisdom. We heard that you celebrate the New Year in a different way. They decorate a Christmas tree for you, and some kind of Santa Claus comes to visit. Why is he coming and who is he? We know what a Christmas tree is, but how you decorate it, no. We would very much like to know this. Please tell us with respect African children.

Educator: Guys, what do we do children from Africa do not know how we celebrate the New Year.

Educator: You want to help them, tell them how we celebrate the New Year in Russia.

Children: Of course we do.

Educator: In order for you to help African children, you yourself must learn a lot from the history of this holiday, so pay attention to the screen.

Educator: Take your seats in the auditorium.

Viewing the presentation "What is the New Year?"

Educator: Now, if you find yourself in Africa or somewhere else, you can tell us about where this holiday came from and how we celebrate it. I propose to send this presentation to African children. Do you agree.

Children: Certainly.

Educator: We will send the film to them, but they do not know how we decorate the Christmas tree, let's show them. Where can we get it?

Children: In the shop, in the market, in the forest.

Educator: Well done, I want to invite you to visit the Christmas tree in the forest.

And we will go there on the New Year's train. Do you agree?

Educator: Does anyone know where the train leaves from?

Children: From the station

Educator: Is there a train station in our city?

Children: There is a railway station in our city of Barabinsk.

Educator: Who knows where he is?

(children's answers)

Educator: A map will help us get to the station.

(Working with a map.)

Educator: Let's take a look at it and hit the road.

We figured out the map, in order to hit the road you need to get dressed.

Educator: We dress quickly, and rather go to the station, otherwise we will miss the train.

Children put on clothes (imitation of movements).

Educator: Is everyone ready? We get up in pairs and go.

logorhythmic phrase:

We go straight first, and then we go left, at the pharmacy we turn right, then another right, and now left, we come to the bridge. The bridge is a zone of increased danger, so everyone should be careful, we follow each other slowly, do not push.

Educator: Here is the station.

The New Year's locomotive leaves for the forest from the first track, we ask passengers to take their seats (noise special effect).

Educator: We are invited to board, take your seats in the carriage.

logarithmic exercise

"New Year's locomotive"

Educator: So we got to the forest. Guys, look how beautiful, and how fresh, clean the air.

Let's breathe with you. (Breathing exercises.)

It is easy to breathe, but frosty, my hands are a little cold, and yours? Let's warm them up. (Finger gymnastics.)

Educator: Look here is the tree. What is she?

Children's answers.

Educator: She really is a beauty, it’s a pity to cut, but what can happen if everyone comes into the forest with an ax?

Children's answers.

Children: You can decorate a Christmas tree in the forest.

Educator: Good idea, and I brought the toys too, I knew you wouldn't want to chop down the Christmas tree. Here is a chest with toys, let's decorate the Christmas tree.

Educator: Guys, I suggest taking a picture near the Christmas tree and sending the photo to Africa along with the disk, let the guys see what a smart Christmas tree can be. Do you agree?

Children are photographed near the Christmas tree.

Educator: How much snow in the forest, let's play snowballs.

Imitation of a snowball fight. (Physical minute.)

Locomotive whistle sounds (noise special effect)

Educator: It's time to go back.

They return to kindergarten.

Logo-rhythmic exercise "New Year's train"

Educator: Here we are at the station. You and I visited a magical forest, and I learned a little to do miracles, if you close your eyes, then I will make sure that you find yourself in a kindergarten, do you want? Close your eyes. Open up. See where we are?

Children: In kindergarten.

Educator: Take off your clothes. Is everyone undressed? (Imitation of movements)

Educator: And while you were undressing, I have prepared a surprise for you, check out these photos from our trip.

Educator: You liked today's trip, you were satisfied, we did a good deed, it's very good. Now we need to send the film and photo to Africa. Let's go to a group to write a letter to African children.

Abstract of the conversation "New Year at the Gates" in the senior group.

Target: Pos get togetherchildren with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia and in other countries of the world. To systematize children's knowledge about the celebration of the New Year in different countries, to form a cognitive interest.

Tasks : to expand children's ideas about the history of the holiday, to cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian people.

The course of the conversation.


What a beautiful Christmas tree!How she dressed up - look!Dress on a green treeBright beads shine on the chestOur tree is tall and slender,In the evening it will all sparkleShine of lights, and snowflakes and stars,Like a peacock's open tail!Christmas tree in its golden pocketsHid a lot of different sweetsAnd extended thick branches to us,Like a hostess, she welcomes guests.You won't find a better tree anywhere!With a good tree and a good holiday!O.Vysotskaya

Educator: Today we will talk about the celebration of the New Year.I think that our conversation will be interesting. After all, the meeting of the new year -an ancient tradition that exists among all peoples of the world.

And yet, where did the tradition to celebrate the holiday and decorate the Christmas tree come from? New Year is considered one of the most beloved and fun holidays. We are waiting for fluffy white snow, an elegant and decorated Christmas tree and Grandfather Frost with the Snow Maiden. However, not always the onset of the New Year was celebrated on January 1st.Our distant ancestors, the Eastern Slavs, celebrated this holiday in the spring - March 1, when nature wakes up from sleep and comes to life. And now we are celebrating Maslenitsa during this period.After that, the period of the New Year began to be celebrated according to the Orthodox church calendar - September 1. On this day, the king gave his servants fur coats, silver and money as gifts. Feasts were arranged in the houses - they baked pies, pancakes, cooked jelly.On January 1, New Year's celebrations in Russia began in 1700 - by decree of Tsar Peter 1. It was he who ordered fireworks to be launched on this day, small cannons and guns to be fired, rockets to be launched and fires to be lit, and the house to be decorated with juniper and pine branches. People didn't want to put up Christmas trees at home. The king had to enforce this custom. And if he did not find a Christmas tree at home, he severely punished the owner.At first, they were installed not inside the house, but in the yard, attached to the gates and roofs. And later, the custom appeared to put up a New Year tree decorated with lanterns, flowers, ribbons, sweets and even apples.The custom of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year came to us from Europe. Once upon a time, the inhabitants of the Germanic tribes considered spruce a symbol of life and eternal youth. They were sure that the Christmas tree is able to protect the house from evil spirits. Therefore, they revered her, hung decorations on her branches and cast spells. All this happened right in the forest. Then the Christmas tree was installed only in the royal and royal palaces of France, Germany, England, etc. Only later did the Christmas tree appear in the homes of ordinary people.So, gradually the Russians got used to the custom of decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year and now they do it with great pleasure. And in our time, no one can imagine a New Year's holiday without a beautiful Christmas tree ....Who decorated the Christmas tree at home?- What is your tree?What toys did you decorate it with?(children's answers)Educator. Children, look, I have a Christmas tree. But is there something missing from it? (Decorations). Let's decorate the Christmas tree.

Exercise "Decorate our Christmas tree"

Educator: Well done guys, wonderful poems told!Now listen to me.New Year is the most favorite holiday for both adults and children. Previously, the new year was celebrated in March. It was at this time that field work began, and March was considered the first month of the year. So, for example, far away In Asia, the New Year is celebrated in the very heat, so when people meet, they pour water on each other. And in Bulgaria, when they gather for a New Year's celebration, they turn off the lights for two or three minutes. And in Italy, before the new year, people throw away old, unnecessary things and replace them with new ones.Today, almost everywhere the New Year is celebrated on the night of the thirty-first of December to the first of January.Educator: Guys , And who is the main character of the New Year's holiday? Solve the riddle.

This grandfather has many grandchildrenGrandchildren often grumble at their grandfatherOn the street, grandfather sticks to them,It grabs by the fingers, pulls by the ears. (Father Frost)

Finger gymnastics "Herringbone"

In the morning, the children were surprised (spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders)
What miracles happened
This New Year's Eve night.
Expected anything, (squeeze and unclench fingers)
And we saw the parade:
Snowmen stand in a row, (draw three circles in the air with their hands)
Eyes are burning merrily, (close and open eyes with palms)
And in front of them is a Christmas tree (clap their hands)
Fluffy, with needles.
Educator: Guys, let's draw a New Year's card now and give it to our friends so that they know how we celebrate the new year.(Children do the task)Educator: Well, our conversation has come to an end. It turned out interesting for us. Today you have learned a lot and will be able to tell your friends and acquaintances at home. Thank you!

Elena Ivanovna Chernenko
Abstract of the thematic conversation "How we celebrate the New Year."

Target: To introduce children to the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia and in other countries of the world. Systematize children's knowledge about the celebration new year in different countries, to form cognitive interest.

The course of the conversation.

Educator. Hello children. I'm glad to see you. Guys, look how beautiful and elegant in our group.

Did you guess why? Which soon we will have a holiday? (New Year)

That's right, well done. Children, what do you think, why decorate groups for holiday?

(To be beautiful, festive, elegantly, joyfully, cheerfully, in a magical way)

Educator. Today we will talk about New Year celebration.

I think that our the conversation will be interesting. After all, the meeting of the new year

an ancient tradition that exists among all peoples of the world. And although this the holiday is celebrated in different ways, its main decoration is that (Christmas tree)

And who decorated the Christmas tree at home?

What was your tree like?

What toys did you decorate it with?

(children's answers)

Educator. Children, look, I have a Christmas tree. But is there something missing from it? (Decorations). Let's decorate the Christmas tree.

Exercise "Decorate our Christmas tree"

Educator. Our Christmas tree turned out beautiful and elegant.

Many stories, fairy tales, poems have been written about the Christmas tree-beauty.

How many of you know poems about the Christmas tree? Let them tell us.

1. Herringbone, herringbone

Bright lights!

Beads, beads

Christmas tree ring!

2. Before happy winter

For the green tree

Dress white herself

Sewn without a needle.

3. Shake off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow

And is the most beautiful of all

In a green dress.

4. She looks green

Elka knows it

How is she under New Year

Well dressed!

Educator. Well done guys, wonderful poems told!

Now listen to me.

New Year is a holiday most loved by both adults and children. Earlier new year celebrated in March. It was at this time that field work began, and March was considered the first month of the year. So, for example, far away in Asia new year is celebrated in the heat so when people meet, they pour water on each other. And in Bulgaria, when they gather for a New Year's celebration, they turn off the lights for two or three minutes. And in Italy before new year people throw away old, unnecessary things and replace them with new.

Almost everywhere today New the year is celebrated on the night of the thirty-first of December to the first of January.

Educator. Children and who is the main character of the New Year holiday? Solve the riddle.

This grandfather has many grandchildren

Grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather

On the street, grandfather sticks to them,

It grabs by the fingers, pulls by the ears. (Father Frost)

Physical education is being held" New Year"

Educator. Guys, let's draw a New Year's card now and give it to our friends so that they know how we celebrate New Year.

(Children do the task)

Educator. Well, ours has come to an end. conversation. It turned out interesting for us. Today you have learned a lot and will be able to tell your friends and acquaintances at home. Thank you!

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Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, educator of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of JSC SPO "Chernoyarsk Provincial College", a structural subdivision of the Kindergarten "Golden Fish" of the Astrakhan Region of the Chernoyarsk District.

This material will be useful to educators when conducting a thematic conversation in the older group.

Target: To acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia and in other countries of the world. To systematize children's knowledge about the celebration of the New Year in different countries, to form a cognitive interest.

Synopsis of the thematic conversation "How we celebrate the New Year" in the senior group.

The course of the conversation.

Educator. Hello children. I'm glad to see you. Guys, look how beautiful and elegant in our group.
-Have you guessed why? What holiday will we have soon? (New Year)
That's right, well done. Children, what do you think, why decorate groups for the holiday?
(To be beautiful, festive, elegant, joyful, fun, magical)

Educator. Today we will talk about the celebration of the New Year.
I think that our conversation will be interesting. After all, the meeting of the new year
an ancient tradition that exists among all peoples of the world. And although this holiday is celebrated in different ways, its main decoration is what? (Christmas tree)
Who decorated the Christmas tree at home?
-What was your tree like?
What toys did you decorate it with?
(children's answers)
Educator. Children, look, I have a Christmas tree. But is there something missing from it? (Decorations). Let's decorate the Christmas tree.

Exercise "Decorate our Christmas tree"

Educator. Our Christmas tree turned out beautiful and elegant.

Many stories, fairy tales, poems have been written about the Christmas tree-beauty.
-Which of you knows poems about the Christmas tree? Let them tell us.

1. Herringbone, herringbone
Bright lights!
Beads, beads
Christmas tree ring!

2.Before the holiday winter
For the green tree
Dress white herself
Sewn without a needle.

3. Shake off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And is the most beautiful of all
In a green dress.

4. Green suits her
Elka knows it
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

Educator. Well done guys, wonderful poems told!
Now listen to me.
New Year is the most favorite holiday for both adults and children. Previously, the new year was celebrated in March. It was at this time that field work began, and March was considered the first month of the year. So, for example, far away In Asia, the New Year is celebrated in the very heat, so when people meet, they pour water on each other. And in Bulgaria, when they gather for a New Year's celebration, they turn off the lights for two or three minutes. And in Italy, before the new year, people throw away old, unnecessary things and replace them with new ones.
Today, almost everywhere the New Year is celebrated on the night of the thirty-first of December to the first of January.

Educator. Children and who is the main character of the New Year holiday? Solve the riddle.

This grandfather has many grandchildren
Grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather
On the street, grandfather sticks to them,
He grabs his fingers, pulls his ears. (Santa Claus)

Fizkultminutka "New Year"

Educator. Guys, let's draw a New Year's card now and give it to our friends so that they know how we celebrate the new year.
(Children do the task)
Educator. Well, our conversation has come to an end. It turned out interesting for us. Today you have learned a lot and will be able to tell your friends and acquaintances at home. Thank you!