Education portal. Crafts from geometric shapes - variety and options House made from geometric shapes

Raising a child begins at birth. Growing up, he begins to explore the world around him. At approximately 3-4 years old, the child goes to kindergarten. In the garden, he is given the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, which the child develops through the systematic repetition of the necessary exercises.

What do they teach in kindergarten?

Education until the age of seven. After this, the child is sent to school, to first grade. In kindergartens, children are taught work, basic skills, and given the necessary knowledge.

At 3-4 years old, children learn to properly hold pens, pencils, spoons, etc., take care of themselves and their clothes, become familiar with numbers and letters, as well as geometric shapes. To consolidate acquired knowledge and generalize existing knowledge, the teacher conducts didactic games.

At the age of 5-6, children begin to prepare for school. At this age, they learn to count within 10, compare objects, navigate in space, write and letters, read, make crafts from geometric shapes, and get acquainted with geometric bodies.

In addition to knowledge and skills, it is necessary to develop in children to teach them to think outside the box, to find unnecessary objects or words. Logic needs to be developed with the help of certain didactic games aimed at this topic.

Ideas about geometric shapes

First of all, children are introduced to such shapes as square, circle, oval, rectangle, triangle. When preschoolers are well versed in them and can accurately name each one, it is necessary to introduce new concepts: polygon, trapezoid and rhombus.

Having introduced existing figures, the teacher not only repeats their names with the children, but also teaches them how to make crafts from geometric figures, for example: a house, a tree, a chicken, a bunny, etc.

In the future, geometric figures will be found in tasks in mathematics, drawing, and appliqué.

As soon as the children have memorized all the figures, the teacher introduces the concept of “geometric bodies.” differ from geometric bodies, so the teacher focuses the attention of preschoolers on their differences and features. It is very important to teach kids to draw shapes on a sheet of paper, as well as cut them out of colored paper.

When making paper crafts, geometric shapes must be placed in front of you for comparison or as a sample. In the first stages, you can use templates for clarity.

Volumetric crafts

If at the very beginning children are just getting acquainted with geometric bodies, then by the age of 5-6 they should be able to draw the desired figure and be able to cut it out. All work should be done without the help of adults or peers.

Also, at the age of 5-6 years, children should be able to make crafts from three-dimensional geometric shapes. The work takes place under the supervision of a teacher and with step-by-step instructions.

  1. Preschoolers examine and analyze a sample of work (they clarify what geometric shapes they have to draw).
  2. Draw a drawing of the desired figure on colored paper.
  3. After making sure that all the figures are depicted correctly, cut them out.
  4. Using glue, connect all the parts into a single whole.
  5. The work is ready, you can turn it in to the teacher.

As a result, children get the desired volumetric craft.

Any object can be represented using colored paper in the form of geometric shapes. The main thing is your imagination. For example, if you need to depict a house, then the walls and windows will be in the form of a square, the roof will be a triangle, the chimney and door will be a rectangle. We “draw” a bear: the head, paws, ears are a circle, the nose is a triangle, and the body is a square. The fish has a body - triangles, eyes - circles.

The procedure for completing a craft consisting of geometric shapes

  1. First you need to decide on the application.
  2. Having chosen the desired picture, children examine and name all the geometric shapes located in the picture.
  3. Select certain colors and draw the necessary shapes.
  4. Cut out each shape along the contour.
  5. Start gluing the parts. It is important to remember that the largest part is glued first, and the smaller ones are placed on top of it.
  6. When completing the work, the children demonstrate the craft to the teacher.

Thus, by making crafts from geometric shapes, children develop their hands, as well as skills in working with geometric material. Using your imagination, you can create any applique from the desired shapes.

Zoya Reasonable

GCD for application of geometric shapes “Snow-covered house”

Target: learn to create a simple composition on a sheet of geometric shapes and stick them on yourself.


Educational: teach children to compose an image from several parts, following a certain sequence; Correctly position the image on the base, stick it yourself.

Educational: develop skills when working with paper, continue to develop coordination in the work of eyes and hands, improve coordination of movements, precision in the execution of details, develop an interest in creativity, aesthetic perception and aesthetic taste.

Educational: instill in children interest in their surroundings and neatness.

Preliminary work of the teacher:

production of demonstration and handout materials.

Preliminary work with children:

looking at illustrations about winter, talking about winter, working with geometric shapes.

Handout: colored paper rectangles, triangles, colored paper squares, glue, glue brush, oilcloth, brush stand, napkins, scissors.

Demo material: illustrations depicting winter houses, finished applique work.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

Educator: Children, now we will listen to music, and after listening, each of you will share your impressions and ideas.

(music sounds)

Educator: What ideas did the music evoke in you (blizzard, creaking door, steps in the snow, cold)

Educator: It's winter now. When it snows, it covers the trees and roofs of houses with a white fluffy “blanket”. (children share their impressions of winter)

Educator: children, the topic of our lesson: “Snowy winter”.

Educator: Remember the poems about winter. (children optionally read poems about winter)

Educator: Now listen to the poem by S. Marshak

It pours and pours snow in armfuls.

It's winter in the fields.

Covered up to the eyebrows with hats

In the courtyards of the house.

At night the blizzard played tricks,

The snow was knocking on the glass,

And now - look

so funny

And white and white.

Educator: What hats are we talking about in the poem? (children's answers)

Educator: In our lesson we will make an applique from colored paper and cotton wool. We will make a house and a Christmas tree from colored paper, and we will depict snow from cotton wool.

Educator: Before work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Walk”.

Let's go for a walk, fingers

(The fingers are clenched into fists, the thumbs are down and seem to move along the table in jumps.)

And the latter to catch up,

(Rhythmic movements of the index fingers on the table.)

Third fingers run,

(Moves the middle fingers at a fast pace.)

And the fourth on foot,

(Slow movements of the ring fingers on the table.)

The fifth finger jumped

(Rhythmic touch of the table surface with both little fingers.)

And at the end of the road he fell.

(Pounding fists on the surface of the table.)

Practical activities.

Educator: We have stretched our fingers, we can get to work. Go to your seats.

The teacher demonstrates a sample.

Educator: What parts does the house consist of? (wall, roof, window)

What shape does the wall of the house resemble? (rectangle)

Roof of the house? (triangle)

Window? (square)

Educator: Look, children, each of you has a set of geometric shapes. Try to make a house out of them on a sheet of cardboard.

Educator: First, what figure should we take? (large rectangle - it turned out to be a wall)

Educator: What geometric shape should be taken for the roof? (triangle)

Educator: What shape will we use to represent the window? (small square)

Educator: How should we position the window? (in the center of the wall)

Children place geometric shapes on the base - the teacher walks through and prompts.

Educator: Well done, they put together wonderful houses. Now, in the same sequence, begin gluing the parts of the house onto the base.

Clarify the rules for working with glue. Why do you need a napkin?

The teacher draws the children's attention to the beautiful placement of the applique on a sheet of cardboard and to its careful gluing.

Educator: Well done, we have created beautiful houses. And now everyone will plant a Christmas tree next to the house.

Educator: What geometric shapes will we use to create a Christmas tree? (from triangles)

Children place the Christmas tree on a sheet of paper.

Educator: Now carefully glue the Christmas tree.

Educator: What will we use to depict snow? (cotton wool)

Educator: Let's put some snow on it. To do this, you need to apply glue to the place where you want to glue the cotton wool, then tear off a piece of cotton wool and stick it, pressing it with a napkin.

The children do the work, the teacher monitors and provides assistance.


At the end of the lesson, the teacher hangs up the children's work.

Educator: Look what kind of houses you got? (bright, beautiful, snowy)

Educator: What caused you difficulty?

Educator: How can I supplement the application?

Educator: Did you enjoy making a snow-covered house?

Thank you to everyone who visited my page!

Publications on the topic:

Dear colleagues! Glad to see you on my blog! I have been conducting circle work for two years now - Application of geometric shapes.

Dear teachers and parents, I offer you an applique of geometric shapes that you can do with your children. Applications will help your.

Didactic game "lotto from geometric shapes" Developed by teacher Mamedova Ekaterina Fetullahovna GBDOU kindergarten No. 45 of Kirovsky.

Goal: to give children the opportunity to see the beauty of the winter landscape. Preliminary work: looking at paintings with winter landscapes. As they say,.

I Org.moment. slide (splash screen)

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you.

They sat well, the backs were even.

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Bunny. Slide "Forest"

Hello guys! Did you find out who I am?

I'm very cold, why?

You think it's winter, or maybe not?

But I don’t have a home, and neither do other animals, can you help?

I will bring gifts for this. I want the house to be neat and beautiful. I ran, got to work. Then I'll run.

Teacher: Well, shall we help the bunny?

II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Tell me the topic of the lesson. What are we going to do today?

I’ll just add that today we will be making a “House” applique from geometric shapes.

Why do we need this work?

During the lesson we will remember: geometric figures, colors, sides of paper.

Let's learn: continue to work with scissors and learn to work independently.

Let's find out how you can decorate your work.

Those who work actively will receive stars, and at the end of the lesson we will choose the best works - and these guys will receive big stars.

So, be active, and your work will be decorated with magic stars.

What work is ahead today?

W.Repetition .

But first, let's remember what geometric figures do you know?

So we earned our first stars.

Now let’s play, the bunny handed over a magic bag, there are different seeds in it - here they are. And among them are geometric figures, you need to find out by touch what kind of figure it is, then name it and show it, and the guys will find objects of this geometric shape, for this you will receive stars.

Our favorite activity is repeating colors and what they look like - associations.

Everyone gets stars for this task.

In addition to color, paper has two sides. What are their names?

What is the difference, on which side do we trace the templates, why?

Here are some more stars for you. Well done!

Guys, why did you get stars now?

Teacher: The bunny is worried that you might forget, you won’t make the house like this. Let's take a closer look at the sample: let's figure out what and why.

IV Sample Analysis slide sample

What it is?

What geometric shapes does the house consist of?

Are the squares the same?

On which side of the square is the porch located?

What material is the applique made of?

What tools will help us?

Why do we need a craft?

Smart guys! You get stars for your answers.

V Fizminutka.

Now let's rest a little.

VI TB with tools and rules for working with glue.

Remind me what we will do today?

What dangerous tool should you be careful with? Who will tell you the rules for working with scissors? Your star.

What material do you need to be careful with? Who will tell you the rules for working with glue? Your star.

Guys, why did you get stars?

VII Preparation for work.

Place a large square in front of you. We will glue the applique onto it.

Prepare geometric figures from the envelope - these are templates.

What are we going to do with them? (circle) slide

Then we’ll cut them out. slide

After this, we will assemble the picture according to the sample. Slide

Now again, using the slides, tell us the order of the work. Slide

Now let's play a game: I say the task, and you complete it.

1 Place a large square on the large blue rectangle at the bottom.

2 Place a small square in the middle of the large square.

3 Place the triangle over the large square. What happened?

4 Now place the triangle to the right of the large square, to the left. Did you get the house? Where should the triangle be?

What else needs to be glued? (ladder) on which side of the square?

And now I will teach you how to make your work more beautiful. WITH laid

To do this, you need to draw a line of glue along the edges of the triangle and sprinkle cereal on top. And if you have time, you can make snowflakes. It will be very beautiful!

VIII Finger gymnastics.

Let's get your fingers ready for work.

No hammer and no nails

We will build a house for guests.

What should you wear before work? For what?

IX Practical work slide order completed

Look at the screen and remember how to do the job.

Where do you start?

In this lesson we will learn to work independently. Let's get to work. Slide sample

While working I ask questions

Whoever finishes, put the work on the board.

X Summing up.

What did you do today?

For what?

Can you make such an application yourself?

We choose the most accurate work - you get big stars. Well done to all of you! Let's clap for ourselves!

The bunny runs in.

What beautiful houses! And how many stars? Why did you receive them? Thank you guys, I will give out houses to all the animals, and for this you will receive gifts. Goodbye!

The lesson is over. Well done! Homework - make a house for mom.

Now let's play.

1 find the figure according to the instructions: take the square that is small and not green. Etc.

2 Magic wand. For eyes. What kind of figure is this?

3 Good Beast (For Breathing)

To get acquainted with colors and shapes, as well as to develop thinking and imagination, you can create appliqués from geometric material with children. These activities are good not only because they allow children to develop and explore the world, but also because the materials themselves are accessible. In this article we will tell you how to make different applications from geometric shapes.

Applique: house made of geometric shapes

"House". Application for the little ones

Applications for young children should be as simple as possible and consist of a small number of parts.

To create a children's applique in the form of a house made of geometric shapes, we will need:

  • templates for cutting out shapes;
  • cardboard with the final picture printed on it;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • brush.

Application “Big House”

After the child has mastered simple applications, you can move on to complex ones. To make it easier for your child to create large applications on their own at first, you need to print ready-made templates on thick paper.

Templates usually consist of two parts. On one there is an outline of the drawing, and on the second there are the geometric shapes themselves that need to be glued along the contours.

Applique: car made of geometric shapes

Boys are very interested in cars made of geometric shapes. The figures themselves for creating appliqués are cut out by older children on their own, but young children need to be given already cut out blanks.

Applique: animals from geometric shapes

Making animal appliqués from geometric shapes is no less exciting, but small children will need the help of adults, since they consist of a large number of parts. The principle of application is the same as in previous master classes.

Applique: chicken made of geometric shapes

You can not only glue applications, but also play with this process. In order to play a fun game for kids we will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pens or paints;
  • glue;
  • brush.
  1. On a sheet of white cardboard we draw the main outlines: the sun, hen and chickens, and also draw the grass and clouds.
  2. From cardboard of the corresponding colors to the cutouts there is a chicken, a sun and four yellow circles that will become chickens.

We lay out a sheet of cardboard with drawn contours and details on the table and begin the presentation for the child:

“The chicken went out for a walk, to nibble some fresh grass,

And behind her are the kids - yellow chickens.

The sun walked across the sky and ran behind a cloud

(roll the sun across the picture and remove it).

It's dark, don't go outside the gate:

Whoever got on the street got lost and disappeared

(remove the chicken figures).

The hen looked around, but there were no chicks in sight.

The chicken began to call the sun

“Come out, honey, quickly! I feel sad without the sun -

And there are no chickens in sight!”

The child is asked to “find the chickens” by gluing them to cardboard.

Much has already been said about the importance of developing a child’s fine motor skills. It is for this purpose that children are asked to sculpt from plasticine, sand, string rings onto a pyramid, and make crafts from natural materials: leaves, chestnuts, pine cones, acorns, etc. However, there is another equally interesting and useful activity for children - appliqué from geometric shapes , during which the child will not only develop precise finger movements, but will also become familiar with geometric shapes and their names.

Preparing the workplace and materials

To make an applique, as, in fact, for many other types of activities, the child needs to prepare a comfortable place - a table and a chair that correspond to his height. In addition, it is important that the work surface is well lit. Particular attention should be paid to the materials themselves with which the child will make a paper applique. Geometric shapes, a simple pencil, a ruler, glue, scissors, cardboard, standard sheets and a set of colored paper - this is the main list of tools and materials needed for exciting creativity.

Geometric shapes can be bought at a stationery store in the form of plastic templates, or you can draw them on cardboard, cut them out and give them to your child. If the child is already a little older, you can teach him to draw the figures necessary for the appliqué on his own, using a pencil, ruler and compass. In addition, there are wide rulers with many different geometric shapes in small sizes.

The simplest applications of geometric shapes

At first, until the child learns to see geometric shapes around him, an adult will need to be next to him and help him distinguish them, and then, thanks to the baby’s imagination, each of his new applications of geometric shapes will be more and more interesting.

One of the simplest crafts is a house. To make it you need rectangles, squares and triangles. All these figures can be seen quite easily if you look at an ordinary house, so it will not be difficult for a child to make what he saw in reality out of paper. A drawing by an adult, depicting a house, can help a child in this situation. At the beginning of work, you should not use complex shapes such as trapezoids or hexagons - everything should be as simple as possible.

From the basic elements, over time, the child will be able to learn to make complex compositions, for example, “Summer Meadow” or “Winter Day”.

Flowers made from geometric shapes

Looking at flowers with a disinterested eye, it is impossible to visually isolate strict elements. However, if you show a little imagination, it turns out that it is quite possible to make an applique of geometric shapes in the form of a flower. The simplest composition can be chamomile. To understand what shapes a daisy consists of, just remember any children's drawing. Each petal has the shape of an oval, although very elongated.

So, to make such a flower you will need one circle - this will be the middle of the flower, and seven narrowed ovals - the petals. For greater realism, the ovals can be glued to the back side of the core, and the flower can be attached to the cardboard only in the center - then the petals will be raised, like those of a real flower. You can use a narrow and long green rectangle as a stem, and the leaves can be made from the same ovals as the petals. The flower can be planted in the ground using a wide rectangle of black or green color, or it can be planted in a pot, which can be a trapezoid turned upside down.

How to make a little animal from simple shapes

Animals made from geometric shapes are no less interesting. The applique can be made of colored or white elements. However, it is worth keeping in mind that in the first case the craft looks more realistic. Although if you plan to make an applique in the shape of a bunny, then white paper is perfect. True, then it is better that the cardboard to which all parts of the animal’s body will be glued is colored.

By the way, to make a sitting hare you only need circles of different diameters, as well as half circles and two triangles. You can use a large circle as the body of a bunny, the heads - the same figure of a smaller diameter, the front (upper) legs - small circles, and the back (lower) legs - half of a large circle. For the ears you will also need half a circle, and for the nose and tail - two small circles. You can make eyes from triangles, and you can also give the bunny a carrot in his paws - an orange triangle. If you show a little patience, then soon a variety of animals from geometric shapes will come to life under children's hands. Application will become your baby's favorite pastime.

Vehicles made from geometric shapes

Boys will also want to make some applique out of geometric shapes. And since they love to play with various cars, buses, ships and other vehicles, then, most likely, they will prefer to make their creation in the form of these objects. If you look closely at any type of transport, you can see clear lines characteristic of geometric shapes.

So, for example, to make a train you will need circles of different diameters, half circles, rectangles and triangles. It is worth noting that the locomotive and carriages can be made from both rectangles and triangles - it all depends on the wishes of the child. As for the wheels, the child, watching the train, will be able to see their clear round shape, and when making an appliqué, he will use exactly this geometric figure, at least if he wants to get a realistic picture. If children like bright objects, then they should try a combination of different colors and shapes, which will make the applique of geometric shapes more interesting.

Application on the theme “Summer”

The application can be presented not only as individual elements, but also as an entire composition. On one sheet of paper you can depict summer using various creatures and natural phenomena made from ovals, circles, and rectangles. So, wanting to convey the beauty of summer, a child can use the knowledge that he received when he was just getting acquainted with such a concept as appliqué from geometric shapes. He may still have the patterns, but if not, then most likely he will need the help of an adult.

In order to create an application on the theme “Summer”, the child will need to imagine a summer meadow, park or river bank. Children's imagination is very well developed, so at this stage there should be no problems. Mandatory attributes of summer are flowers, green grass, sun and butterflies - and all this can be made from geometric shapes.

Application on the theme “Winter”

No less favorite time of year for children is winter: sledding downhill, snowball fights, and, of course, building a snowman. So why not transport yourself to a winter day and recreate it on paper by making a snowman applique. Moreover, this figure is very easy to make. All you need are three circles of different diameters cut out of white paper, two smaller circles for the hands, an orange triangle for the nose, two brown or gray rectangles for the hat and small black circles for the buttons, eyes and mouth.

You can place a Christmas tree next to the snowman - then the applique of geometric shapes will be presented in the form of a whole composition. To make a Christmas tree, you will need to cut out three triangles of different sizes from green paper and one narrow rectangle from brown paper. First, you need to glue a brown rectangle at the bottom of the sheet, replacing the trunk, then slightly overlapping it, glue the largest triangle, placing it with its base down, at its top place the middle one, and even higher - the smallest one. The tree is ready!

Application of a man from geometric shapes

Not only animals, plants and various objects can be assembled from the simplest elements. An applique of a person made from geometric shapes can be no less successful. Of course, such a person will look quite sketchy, but nothing more is required from the application.

So, as a human body you can use a rectangle, an oval or two triangles folded at the tops, for the head - a circle, for arms and legs - rectangles. To make the image more realistic, you can also make your fingers - narrow rectangles, and put your feet in shoes - two rectangles, folded in the form of a large English letter “L”. You can also “dress” the little man - this will not be difficult for children to do, especially for girls who are used to playing with dolls.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that a child must be taught to see the beauty and complexity of the world around him, to be able to analyze, and then he will be able to make a wide variety of applications from geometric shapes, because from them you can create almost any image, be it an object or a creature.