Perfect facial skin is the dream of every woman. How to achieve it? How to achieve perfect facial skin: tools and products that will help you achieve your goal

The expression "perfect skin" is familiar to many, but what does it mean? First of all, it is a healthy epithelium. That is, the skin of a healthy face does not have irritations, acne, acne and any other rash. Secondly, clean covers. It is enough to wash your face regularly and wash off impurities from your face.

There are several important criteria that affect the appearance of the face:

  • nutrition;
  • care;
  • properly selected decorative cosmetics.

Tired skin will never look good. Before you achieve perfect facial skin, you will have to reconsider your daily routine a little. It is believed that for a normal rest, at least 8 hours a day are required for sleep. From how well the body rests at night, it also depends on how exactly the skin of the face will look in the morning.

However, sleep alone is not enough for the skin. It is necessary to carefully plan and daily diet. So, for example, the more fresh and it contains, the healthier and more radiant the skin of the face will look.

Fish oil, which should be included in the nutrition plan, makes the skin more elastic. Vitamins and minerals affect the body as a whole, which is reflected in the appearance of a person (especially useful for facial skin).

Refusal of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, uncontrolled portions of caffeine) is one of the prerequisites for improving the skin and body as a whole. It is worth remembering that nicotine, alcohol and coffee greatly and ahead of time age the skin, change its healthy color to gray and lifeless.

Properly selected care helps to make the tone smoother and the covers cleaner. For urban residents, the biggest problem is the lack of truly clean tap water. Usually it is spoiled by various impurities that adversely affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, for washing it is recommended to use thermal or bottled water without gas.

How high-quality and suitable decorative cosmetics are used for makeup also depends on how clean and fresh the skin of the face will remain for a long time. And, of course, do not forget that "everything is good in moderation", including the amount of this very cosmetics.

Cleansing and moisturizing the skin

Modern girls and women most often limit skin care to just buying a cream and some kind of lotion, forgetting about the two elementary rules of a healthy epithelium: cleansing and moisturizing. There are a number of simple steps that aim to do just that. And most importantly - do not take much time.

1. Firstly, it is enough to cleanse the dermis twice a day with low-fat kefir or lotion, the composition of which is as natural as possible. The product is applied to a cotton swab, then to the entire face, excluding the area around the eyes. When the composition is slightly absorbed (10-15 seconds), all fats, clogging of pores, impurities will begin to soften. After that, they are easy to remove with wet cotton pads. So that the product does not linger on the skin itself, does not make it tight and dry, it is washed off with weak tea leaves or chamomile infusion.

2. Secondly, you can improve the condition of the skin of the face and even make it perfect with the help of a regular and inexpensive baby cream that moisturizes and nourishes without causing irritation. It does not need to be applied in a thick layer, a small amount is enough, carefully massaged into the epithelium in a circular motion.

Of course, you can buy a cream that suits a certain type of skin, but most industrial products do not contain the most useful substances in the composition. In addition, there is no guarantee that it will really fit, will not cause irritation or allergies.

Olive oil is also good as a moisturizer, which is desirable to apply at night, as it is absorbed for a long time. A perfectly smooth face is achieved through the simple use of this affordable and natural remedy: first you need to wash your face with clean water, then lubricate the skin with oil in a thin layer. With this method, a greasy film on the skin will not be felt, which means that there will be no discomfort.

Olive oil has long been used by women as a skin care product, as it is a source of antioxidants and vitamins. For a person whose skin suffers from a lack of sun and trace elements, such a simple but effective moisturizing is very important.

3. Thirdly, you need to drink more fluids during the day. Water is the main component of the human body, so it is important to maintain its amount in the cells and in the skin. The more fluid you drink, the more vibrant your skin will look.

Home peels and masks

Despite the rich selection of industrial masks and peels, it is worth taking care of your face at least once a week with the help of home remedies. This way you will know for sure that natural ingredients are being used. And a fresh and disposable mask will have a deeper and more thorough effect than a long-term remedy due to preservatives. To get perfectly clear skin in just a week, try some simple and affordable skin care recipes.


Oatmeal flakes crushed in a blender are poured with warm water so that a homogeneous thick slurry is formed. It is applied to the skin with light massaging movements, starting from the forehead to the chin and décolleté. Wash off the gruel with the same movements using a cotton pad dipped in water. After the mask, a nourishing cream or olive oil can be applied to the skin. Applying such an oatmeal peel for seven days, it is possible to completely get rid of acne, blackheads and fine age wrinkles.

pomegranate seeds

Such a nourishing scrub mask is especially relevant in the winter. Firstly, it is at this time of the year that pomegranates are the most ripe and natural. Secondly, it is ideal as a moisturizer and protector for weakened and dull skin. Pomegranate seeds (half a handful) are crushed in a blender, mixed with half a small spoonful of honey and a large spoonful of orange pulp. The resulting mixture is applied with trampling movements on the skin (with the exception of the area around the eyes) for 10 minutes. You can use the scrub mask every day. In a week, the color will even out, the pores will become cleaner, and problematic rashes will disappear. The tool is not recommended for those who are allergic to at least one of the components.

Kefir and rice

This homemade mask has no contraindications. Rice grains are crushed (not into dust), mixed with a tablespoon of low-fat kefir, then applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. You can wash it off with running water or a suitable lotion. Such a simple combination of ingredients refreshes the skin well, nourishes it, prevents acne and rashes. Mimic wrinkles are smoothed, provided that the mask is applied at least 2 times a week.

For many, the ideal is clean, healthy, radiant facial skin. To achieve such a result is not at all difficult, as one might think. It is enough to fill in a few simple recommendations:

  • Before applying decorative cosmetics, you need to lubricate the skin with a protective and nourishing cream. The oily film will protect the skin from the negative effects of the components of cosmetics.
  • Touching your face less with your hands: a mass of bacteria often accumulates on the fingers, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, begin to multiply. Scraping and rubbing your face with your hands without special need is not worth it: the integrity of the covers is violated.
  • Do not squeeze pimples and blackheads on the skin. This is the simplest advice that many neglect. The more mechanical influence on the inflammatory processes of the skin, the faster they progress. It is more expedient to choose a good remedy for treatment and prevention.
  • To even out the tone of the face and make it perfect, it is advisable to pay attention to creams and lotions that contain retinol. It rejuvenates and heals the skin, makes the color more even and more pleasant.
  • Before you make your skin perfect, pay attention to your diet. The less preservatives and unhealthy foods you eat, the healthier you feel and, therefore, look. Cut down on sugary and fatty foods. These foods can cause a rash that first appears on the face. Excessive sugar in the diet causes acne and blackheads, not to mention extra pounds.
  • Protect your skin from direct sunlight. The better the face is protected, the longer it remains young and beautiful. The sun, despite some of its usefulness, ages and dries the skin.

Daily care, which takes only 10 minutes, will make the face young, fresh and clean. What else do you need for perfect skin?

Clean, beautiful skin, with imperceptible pores and healthy color is the dream of every girl. To achieve this, you need to know a few simple rules on how to make your face perfect. To do this, it is important to follow certain nutritional principles and take proper care of yourself.

Three rules for perfect skin

The condition of the epidermis depends on the influence of external factors and hormonal changes.

Therefore, in order to achieve the perfect epidermis, it is important to follow three rules:


Clear skin is healthy, this is the first thing to remember on the way to a perfect face.

The cleanser is selected depending on the type of epidermis:

In addition to washing, the cleansing process includes periodic scrubbing of the epidermis. High-quality peeling will help to make the face perfectly clean and smooth, without acne, roughness and other problems. This procedure allows you to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, cleanse the pores, normalize blood circulation and remove the remnants of cosmetic products.

Most store-bought scrubs can be easily made at home. To do this, you need a base oil (you can choose any available, but coconut or shea butter is best) and hard ingredients.

Consider what components can be used for peeling:

  • Sea salt. An ideal home remedy for cleansing the pores of combination and problem skin. Hypoallergenic, but highly abrasive. Helps to get rid of scars and marks after acne, has a slight brightening property;
  • Sugar. It dissolves faster than salt in water, so it is recommended to use it for oily skin so as not to scratch already sensitive areas. Helps to even out the color, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, make the epidermis soft and velvety to the touch;
  • Coffee. Perfectly massages and cleanses problematic and mature epidermis. It has a strong antioxidant effect, leaving a lifting effect after use. Like salt, it is characterized by high abrasiveness and is absolutely insoluble in water. Therefore, for peeling it is better to use finely ground coffee, as for a coffee machine.

To make an affordable and effective scrub, you need to combine 10 grams of any of the listed products and a little oil (at your own discretion). Apply the mixture on a moisturized face, it is better to slightly steam it. Within 5 minutes, you need to actively rub the skin along the massage lines, then rinse the mixture with water. After scrubbing, apply cream. Repeat at least 1 time per week.

Video: My daily face care

Nutrition and hydration

At this stage, it is important to understand that before how to make the skin of the face perfect from the outside, you need to take care of the internal processes that occur in the tissues. To ensure the saturation of cells with useful substances, you need to make nourishing masks and use creams.

Care is selected depending on the type of epidermis. To simplify this process, we have compiled a table for different types of epidermis with suitable procedures.

skin type masks Creams
Oily skin Masks with blue clay and honey will help normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Excellent anti-inflammatory agents, which include tea tree essential oil. After cleansing and caring procedures, a light nourishing cream should be applied to it. It is recommended to buy products with an air structure: foams, fluids.
Dry For intensive nutrition, a mask with natural yogurt and banana is suitable. It will not only improve hydration, but also saturate the cells with vitamins and mineral compounds. For the purpose of its nutrition, it is most convenient to use dense compositions. Priority is given to products containing hyaluronic acid in their ingredients.
Combined It needs special care, so it is recommended to make masks from kaolin, milk or herbal decoctions for it. To reduce secretions, it is recommended to wipe your face with cucumber lotion. For its nutrition, you can use the same fluid creams or mousses as for oily.
problematic Remedies made from honey, clay mixtures, egg whites and yeast will help relieve inflammation and reduce redness. To cleanse the pores, a mask of oatmeal and kefir is recommended. To further strengthen the fibers of the epidermis, as well as nutrition, it is important to use light moisturizing formulations. It can be serums or mousses. It is better not to experiment with dense creams.
Normal This type does not need specialized care, it is important to simply maintain its condition. For this, all kinds of fruit and vegetable products, recipes with clays and other restorative masks are used. Suitable for any cream with a nourishing base. In the warm season, it is better to give preference to moisturizing products with vitamin supplements.

A working way to restore skin in a week:

  1. Regularly wash your face with antibacterial soap, which will eliminate foci of inflammation and relieve redness;
  2. Every other day, in the morning, scrub with soft abrasives (with intense peeling - large ones);
  3. Refuse to use cosmetics - let the skin breathe. Instead of a classic tonalnik, it is better to use a regular cream. Or any available butter;
  4. Rinse off the cream only with the means intended for this. In the morning, it is better to simply wipe the epidermis with micellar water or an ice cube;
  5. Do cleansing masks with nourishing ingredients twice a week. The best option is clay with aloe or honey;
  6. Do not expose your face to aggressive environmental influences. Protect your face from wind, scorching sun and snow;
  7. In nutrition, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, minimize the amount of salty and smoked. It is advisable to completely exclude sweet, fried and fast food from the diet.


If you urgently need to put yourself in order, and clean pores and even color are still far away, then you can use cosmetics.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make the perfect face at home using makeup:

  1. Before applying foundation, it is important to moisturize the epidermis with cream or foundation. This will not only protect the skin, but also greatly simplify the distribution of the product;
  2. For problematic skin, corrector should be applied to all red and inflamed areas. It will hide pimples and dark circles, as well as even out skin color around the nostrils and on the eyelids;
  3. The foundation should be applied with a sponge. Gently dab the skin on your face and neck. This will hide the roughness and dry patches and also ensures the natural distribution of the color. Especially it will help to hide problem skin;
  4. For naturalness, the oval of the face must be decorated with blush and powder. The most preferred are products containing mineral particles - they absorb excess fat and do not clog pores;
  5. Do not, under any circumstances, apply multiple layers of makeup. If you need to fix the tonal - use thermal water in a spray. But you can’t re-spread it - she will instantly react to this appearance of subcutaneous and comedones.

Once again, we draw attention to the fact that this method is an emergency. Reviews claim that only with an integrated approach can real results be achieved in just 7 days. Each use of tinting products moves you away from the dream of becoming the owner of a perfect face.

Every girl dreams of perfect facial skin, because it symbolizes health and is admired. In addition, you can experiment with makeup. In order for the skin to be clean and healthy, it must be regularly taken care of. In this article, we will tell you some care secrets and give you useful nutritional advice.

First of all, it should be said that the condition of the epidermis directly depends on what kind of food you eat. The skin reflects the state of your body. That is why the cause of any problems associated with appearance should be sought in the way of life. Believe me, smoking, lack of sleep, depression, long-term work at the computer, unfavorable environment and unhealthy diet - all this provokes the appearance of wrinkles at an early age, acne and swelling.

Proper nutrition

Many girls ask how to achieve perfect facial skin with proper nutrition? First of all, you need to cleanse the body. Once a week, arrange fasting days for yourself, in which you will eat only fruits and vegetables. Exclude from your diet flour products, pork, fatty, fried and sweet. And here the question arises: "What products should be used for perfect facial skin?"

For breakfast, be sure to cook oatmeal, buckwheat and millet porridge. Alternate them. For dessert, you can eat low-fat yogurt. The interval between meals should not exceed three hours. For lunch, be sure to eat vegetable soups. For an afternoon snack, you can afford a small piece of fish or chicken breast. In the evening, if you are very hungry, eat cottage cheese. It is digested for a long time in the body, so the feeling of satiety will not leave you for a long time. As you know, the body is cleansed at night. In order not to load it, you should not eat less than three hours before bedtime.

Be sure to treat yourself to tuna or salmon twice a week. They contain a lot of omega 3 acids, which have a beneficial effect on the production of elastin and collagen. Eat foods containing antioxidants regularly. These include blueberries, grapes, peaches, apricots, kiwis, apples, and other fruits. Be sure to eat tomatoes. They are also a powerful source of antioxidants and lycopene.

Diet for perfect skin

As you know, each person has a different skin type and, accordingly, the problems are different for everyone. Everyone needs their own diet. Above we outlined the general rules of nutrition, now we will talk about each option separately. Here you will find out which foods to exclude and which to include in the diet in order to acquire a beautiful complexion and clear it.

In case of inflammation and irritation, it is necessary to abandon refined foods, sweets, pastries and fancy products. Try replacing it all with fruits and honey. They also contain glucose. Eat beans, vegetables, and whole grains. For breakfast, be sure to eat oatmeal, walnuts. For lunch, you can treat yourself to seafood or turkey meat. All products that contain zinc will do. It reduces inflammation and improves regeneration.

What to do if the skin is dry?

How to get rid of peeling? Eliminate spicy, fatty, smoked and salty foods. It is not recommended to drink alcohol and very strong coffee. These products dehydrate the skin and the body as a whole. Drink two liters of water daily, eat foods high in antioxidants and vitamins E, A and B. The last group includes cereals, asparagus, dairy products, chicken and quail eggs.

With a bad complexion, dermatologists recommend drinking cocoa, black, chamomile and green tea. Dairy products should be included in the diet. They will stimulate the nervous system. If you have a bad complexion, eat foods high in iron (organ meats, beans, buckwheat), as well as vitamins A and C.

If blood vessels protrude on your skin, this means that you should refuse food that contributes to their expansion. It includes fried liver, various marinades. As for drinks, avoid strong coffee, cocoa, black tea, and alcohol. Fatty, hot and spicy foods should be avoided. Try to eat citrus fruits, apricots, blue berries, grapes, white cabbage, cilantro, greens and rose hips.

How to avoid acne?

Pimples appear when the skin of the face is too oily and the pores are enlarged. In order to get rid of them, it is necessary to exclude from your daily diet spicy and fried foods, various smoked meats, semi-finished products and other foods that promote the sebaceous glands. If you want to know how to achieve perfect facial skin, follow our tips. Eat cereals, onions, white cabbage, almonds, garlic, lettuce. Brazil nuts are very good for the skin. When you start consuming all of the listed products, the process of cellular renewal will start in the body, and the sebaceous glands will begin to work less actively. This will enhance antibacterial protection. Do not forget to consume dairy products daily, as they improve bowel function.

It should be noted that the secrets of perfect facial skin lies not only in proper nutrition. You need to spend most of your time outdoors. Even if your work schedule does not allow it, take yourself hourly walks in the park. This will allow you to relax after a hard day, relieve stress and saturate your skin with oxygen.

Sport improves the skin!

If you want to always look flawless, but do not yet know how to achieve perfect facial skin, we will find a way out for you. Playing sports will help you become more attractive. Regular exercise increases the production of collagen, which is a type of connective tissue. The fact is that fibroblasts - skin cells that are responsible for the production of collagen - lose their productivity over the years. Physical exercise increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells. This creates excellent conditions for the production of natural collagen. If you exercise regularly, the skin will acquire a beautiful shade and become more elastic.

How to choose the right cream?

It should be noted that the epidermis needs regular nutrition, proper hydration and timely peeling. The condition of your face depends on the right choice of cream. Here you will learn how to choose a cream for perfect skin. We will also advise you on the best means to eliminate defects.

If you are a happy owner of beautiful skin, you need to maintain its condition. Moisturize it constantly. You should choose products with reflective particles. Your skin will look like it glows from within. Ideal Cream Idealia from Vichy and Ideal Flawless from Avon. To even out your complexion and add radiance to your skin, use Clarins Creme Perfect Skin Cream. This product will make you look like a queen.

Mask for perfect skin

Do you want to give your skin a fresh look? Then an oat bran mask is perfect for you. Mix them with lemon juice, honey, egg white and milk. Mix the ingredients and apply on the face. Do not rinse for 20 minutes. To reduce inflammation, apply a decoction of chamomile with a sponge. Then rinse and apply cream. You should perform this procedure every day.

The best face mask for perfect skin is olive oil. After applying it, you must wait 15 minutes until it is absorbed into the pores. Then the oil should be washed off with boiled water. The effect will be amazing! Olive oil contains many useful trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the skin.


How to achieve perfect facial skin? It needs to be moisturized regularly. Be sure to cleanse your face of dead cells. Exfoliate yourself once a week. In the daytime, use products with hyaluronic acid and SPF, which will serve as a good base for your make-up. At night, we recommend applying olive oil or a natural nourishing cream. It should include hyaluronic acid, which allows you to retain moisture for a long time. If you suffer from oily skin, you should use a cream containing chamomile or calendula. This will soothe the sebaceous glands.

It should be noted that the condition of the skin depends on the season. In winter, rigidity and dryness are characteristic, and in summer - intensive release of fat. Depending on this, funds should be selected.

How to choose the right foundation

Foundation is a tool for perfect facial skin. Thanks to him, you can hide almost any flaws. Before applying it, be sure to treat the face and moisturize. Many neglect the foundation for foundation. This is not worth doing, because it creates an even relief and contains natural vitamins and extracts that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Before you buy a foundation, choose a reliable foundation for it.

As for the tinting agent itself, several factors must be taken into account when choosing it. First, correctly determine what type your skin is. Secondly, choose cosmetics according to the color of your face. You can buy foundation one tone darker, no more. It should not stand out too much against the background of your arms and neck.

If an allergic reaction occurs, choose a gentle foundation. Pay attention to its texture. To achieve perfect facial skin, in the summer you should use beauty products, thanks to which it will not suffocate. In winter, it is best to choose creams that are dense in texture. They will hide imperfections and at the same time nourish delicate skin.

How to apply foundation

Makeup artists advise applying it in two stages. First with a sponge and then with your fingertips to even out the color. Thanks to this, the tinting base will look as natural as possible. You can apply cream with a sponge or a large brush. The main thing here is to move from the center of the face to the periphery. Work out the transition to the neck. It shouldn't stand out.

After reading this article, you have learned how to achieve perfect facial skin. Take a holistic approach by applying masks and creams along with proper nutrition.

Due to the economic situation in the country, prices have increased not only for products. Unfortunately, now not everyone can afford a weekly trip to the beautician and manicurist. However, you want to remain beautiful regardless of the state of finances. Of course, there is a way out, and it is simple: take care of yourself. In this article, we will look at simple ways to make your face beautiful at home.

foundation of the foundations

The very first rule that you need to learn and follow even on autopilot in any state, if you are looking for how to make your face beautiful, consists of three steps: cleansing, toning, moisturizing.

Be sure to remove makeup in the evening, even if you are lazy. This simple action will take no more than 5-10 minutes, followed by washing. But in the morning, the skin will not “please” you with such “wonderful” surprises as various kinds of rashes and If you add more reddened and swollen eyelids due to mascara ... To get rid of the consequences, it will take much more time than the saved evening 10 minutes.

You also need to wash your mind. Ordinary soap, even advertised and with a supposedly appropriate ph level, will not work for this. It is suitable for the body, but not for the face. Facial skin is more delicate and needs delicate cleansing. There are many special washbasins from different manufacturers, so choosing the right one for both skin type and price is not difficult. Foams, gels, special cosmetic soap - your skin will only thank you.

Be sure to use a tonic or lotion. It removes residual impurities and prepares the skin for subsequent application of the cream. If you are looking for a way, and a beautiful one, do not neglect this stage.

Before you start building care, you need to know your skin type.

Oily skin care

Well if you are sure that you have oily skin. For those who doubt, there is an easy way to check this. Take or a regular napkin and attach to your face a couple of hours after washing. Do not apply any cosmetics or creams. If there are stains on a napkin or paper, then you are a happy owner of oily skin. So, how to make faces with such initial data?

It is often believed that oily skin is a real nightmare and very difficult to care for. No more difficult than dry. In addition, there is a bonus: wrinkles will appear much later. Oily sheen, enlarged pores, black spots and inflammation can be dealt with by choosing the right care.


Any care begins with cleansing. Train yourself to wash your face with warm water, not hot. Hot water promotes the expansion of pores and increased production of sebum. Suitable foams or gels with antibacterial components, without alkali. Avoid products with a high alcohol content. It may seem that this is the ideal solution - to dry the skin a little. But soon you will see the opposite: fat production will increase and shine will appear faster than usual. This is a completely normal reaction of the body to aggressive care.

Choosing peels and masks

Looking for a way to make your face beautiful and clean, pay attention to peels and masks. They will help even out the tone of the face, and remove impurities. Choose exfoliants with coarse or medium abrasive, clay-based masks. There are products that combine the caring properties of the mask and at the same time perfectly remove blackheads. Pamper your skin with these treatments at least 2-3 times a week. After any mask or peeling, apply a thinning tonic or serum to your face, after a couple of months of regular use, the result will be noticeable.

How to make a beautiful face, what else do you need? That's right, cream. The choice of cream must also be approached responsibly. Basic requirements: anti-inflammatory components, zinc and oil free. A good result is the use of products with snail mucin on oily skin. They normalize the production of sebum, minimize inflammation, heal existing pimples and improve complexion.

Dry skin care

Dry skin is even more sensitive than oily skin. Feeling of tightness, redness, irritation and hypersensitivity are constant and faithful companions. An even tone, haze and a rare appearance of rashes slightly improve the picture. However, if you take care of this type of skin poorly, you can easily get overdrying and premature wrinkles.

How to make beautiful facial skin of this type without the help of a beautician? And is it possible? Yes, it's possible. It is necessary to properly build care, starting with washing and ending with peels and masks. Dry skin needs gentle cleansing, so choose gentle products with a gentle composition, if you like to use sponges or brushes, do not rub hard so as not to cause irritation. Choose a tonic or lotion with a minimum alcohol content so as not to overdry the skin. So you will avoid feeling of tightness and peeling.

Every skin needs deep cleansing. But here it is necessary to act without excessive fanaticism. In this case, the best will become the enemy of the good. Therefore, one, maximum two times a week will be more than enough. It is better to dwell on delicate peeling rolls, due to their features, they do not contain abrasive particles at all, but the skin is perfectly cleansed of any impurities. If the soul still requires scrubs, choose those in which the abrasive particles are small.

Masks should also be approached with caution: clay can do more harm than good. It makes sense to either keep less than the specified time, or even switch to fabric.

Choosing creams for dry skin

Dry skin needs to be moisturized and nourished. Choose creams with a dense texture, they may take longer to absorb, but the effect is worth it. If peeling appears, it means that the skin lacks moisture. You can add local serum or try to make a course of moisturizing masks.

If an antiage effect is required, choose products with collagen and elastin. Avoid creams with mineral oils and glycerin, they will only dry out the skin and will not give any effect.

When working at a computer and during the heating season, use thermal water, and your skin will thank you.

Normal skin care

Lucky people with a normal skin type can only be envied. There are not many ways to make a face beautiful with such initial data. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of care, choose a light, non-overloading cream, and do scrub-masks 1-2 times a week.

To preserve the beauty of normal skin, you can wipe it from time to time with ice cubes from prepared herbal decoction or mineral water. Then for a long time you will not have to look for how to make a beautiful complexion. The skin will delight with natural radiance and a healthy look.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Thinking about how to make a beautiful face at home, do not forget about the area around the eyes. She needs care the most and is the first to show her age. It is better to start taking care of this delicate area earlier than to throw heavy artillery into battle in the form of fillers or powerful lifting creams.

The most important rule: do not stretch. Apply the cream with light patting movements, rather than smearing it. This will help to avoid the appearance of new wrinkles and will not deepen existing ones.

If you want to get an immediate effect, for example, before an important event, use an express product containing caffeine and alcohol. The skin will be smoothed out for a while, it will look rested and toned. However, the action will pass in a couple of hours. For everyday care, choose vitamin C as well. They do not give a magical instant result, but they work slowly but surely, and this is the best way to make your face beautiful at home.

Little beauty secrets

To lighten dark circles under the eyes, you can use proven "grandmother's" methods: put thin slices of raw cucumber or potatoes under your eyes for 10-15 minutes. They will also help get rid of bags under the eyes. But for this, thin plates of vegetables must be held in the freezer, then removed, wrapped with gauze, let them warm up a little and put under the eyes.

And a little more

The final touches in personal care will be the right makeup and manicure. Understanding how to make faces is not difficult at all. The most important rule: choose the perfect tone. Clear, even skin attracts more attention than bright eyes or lips. With the help of concealer, it remains only to hide minor imperfections. A little mascara and lip gloss will make you look like a queen.

All women dream of perfect skin. Unfortunately, few people can boast that nature has given them such a gift. To maintain youth, freshness and a radiant appearance, you have to make daily efforts. There is no secret to preserving the beauty of the face at home.

The main thing is constant care, properly selected products, masks, a healthy lifestyle.

Why do signs of wilting appear?

The ideal face is considered to be a face that does not have wrinkles, spots, black dots, irritations and pimples. Beautiful skin glows from within. But excessive dryness, oily sheen or rashes can be a serious obstacle to the goal. To avoid these problems, you need to properly care for your face, make homemade masks for the perfect face, and follow simple rules.

Very often, girls say that perfect skin can only be achieved with the help of expensive cosmetic products. This is a big misconception. The cover reflects the general state of health, so an integrated approach is needed.

First of all, pay attention to your well-being and try to minimize the negative impact of external factors. An unbalanced diet, spicy and fatty foods, sweets, alcohol negatively affect the cover. The face acquires an unpleasant shade if a woman is in the cold for a long time, in the open sun or in a room with dry air.

Do not wash your face with too hot water - it disrupts the sebaceous glands. Do not rub your face after washing. Let it dry naturally or simply pat it dry with a towel.

If pimples and rashes regularly appear on the face, you need to consult a specialist and exclude diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and blood. Diseases of these organs can lead to swelling, circles under the eyes, pigmentation, and skin porosity.

Bad habits negatively affect the condition of the cover. Smoking leads to a gray, earthy tint, fading. Alcohol impairs the functioning of internal organs, causes swelling, "bags".

In women who lead a sedentary lifestyle, the skin loses elasticity much earlier than in their active and athletic peers, even if they make masks for freshness and beauty of the face. Incorrectly chosen cosmetics also leads to premature aging. If after use you experience discomfort or new fine wrinkles, pigmentation or redness appear, it is better to refuse the product.

What to do?

If you are determined to bring your face to perfect condition, it is imperative to minimize exposure to irritating factors.

It is important to pay attention to your lifestyle:

Don't forget to massage. It can be carried out independently, at home. It improves blood circulation, tones and makes the contour of the face more clear and toned.

You can pre-steam your face by applying an herbal hot compress. Massage is done along the main lines. During the procedure, do not stretch the cover - all movements should be gentle.

Fundamentals of the basics

Many well-known cosmetologists claim that "grandma's" skin care methods are much more effective than ready-made expensive products. They help you reach your goal faster and enjoy smooth and silky skin. Check your makeup bag and throw out all products that contain petroleum products. Daily care is based on three main components: cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition.

It is necessary to clean the cover in the morning and in the evening, especially if the skin is oily. This can be done with kefir. Apply it on your face, leave for a couple of minutes and remove with a cotton swab.

Wipe until discs are clean. Then rinse the cover with a decoction of chamomile or tea.

The composition of a moisturizer can vary, but ingredients such as water and oil should always be present. It is advisable to add a couple of drops of vitamin E to it.

As a fatty component, you can use almond oil, jojoba, sour cream. Self-prepared cream, if it does not contain chemicals, can be used as a base for make-up. At night, you need to apply a nourishing cream. To prepare it, you can use lard and margarine, an herb that suits your skin type.

Grind three tablespoons of raw materials in a mortar and mix with melted fat (100 grams). Apply for 15-20 minutes, and remove the residue with a paper towel. This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days.


Deep cleaning removes dead particles, cosmetics, blackheads. After the procedure, the skin is renewed and rejuvenated. You need to do peeling a couple of times a week, changing the compositions.

For a homemade scrub, coffee grounds, nuts crushed in a coffee grinder, sea salt, oatmeal are suitable.

Pour oat bran with water, leave for a while. When they swell, drain the excess liquid and apply to the face with massaging movements for 2-3 minutes. Leave on face for 5-10 minutes and rinse.

homemade masks

Masks for perfect facial skin can be prepared from base and essential oils, vegetables, fruits and berries, medicinal herbs, honey and fermented milk products. When choosing components, consider the type of skin.

It is very useful to wash your face with mint water every morning. In a glass of boiling water, you need to take a tablespoon of mint leaves. Leave for a while, and when the infusion has cooled, it can be used.

After the procedure, the complexion will improve, freshness will return.

To remove circles under the eyes and smooth out small wrinkles, make a compress of black tea. Brew the bags and put them on your face for 10 minutes. After that, you can wash yourself with strong tea and let the cover dry. The skin will be soft, tender and smooth if you regularly make curd masks.

Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, add a little ether or capsular vitamin and mix. Apply for 20 minutes a couple of times a week.

At home, it is easy to make a beautiful face if you are not lazy and follow all the rules. The key to success is natural care ingredients, giving up bad habits, a balanced diet, good sleep and taking care of your health. Be beautiful and irresistible!