How to make decorations for halloween. DIY crafts and decorations for Halloween. Transforming a table lamp

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the last day of October. It is celebrated on a grand scale in the USA, Great Britain, Ireland and other countries. Recently, in our country, many began to celebrate the Day of All Saints. But our youth treats it as another occasion to have fun in themed costumes and in the right environment.

A bit of history

The ancient Celts believed that on the day of Samhain, evil spirits come out that can harm people. To appease them, the villagers prepared various goodies and put them out the door. Over time, the mystical component of this day was forgotten, and Halloween became happy holiday for the whole family.


On this day, it is customary to decorate the house with cobwebs, pumpkin lanterns or other materials, make ghosts and other evil spirits. Halloween crafts can be done with the kids. An indispensable attribute of the holiday is the culinary component. Dishes are also decorated in a sinister theme. And, of course, costumes for the carnival, when children and adults dress up in different evil spirits. The children go around the neighbors, collecting sweets.


Lanterns are required attribute holiday. They can be made from pumpkins or oranges. If there are no vegetables and fruits, you can use jars that are painted in the appropriate colors. By the way, a pumpkin can be not only a lantern, but also just decorative element. Several vegetables can be colored as you wish and arranged in different ends Houses.

Making a pumpkin lantern For him, you will need a pumpkin directly. An incision is made in the upper part, the pulp is cleaned as thoroughly as possible. Holes are made in the remaining crust to imitate the eyes, nose and mouth. A small candle or LED flashlight is inserted inside. By the way, the latter option is preferable because it is safer. Holes can also be made curly, cutting along ready-made templates or using cookie cutters.

By the same principle, you can cut awesome faces from orange peels.

If there are no vegetables and fruits, you can make lamps from glass jars. The container must be covered with paint or transparent paper. Stick on stencils corresponding to the holiday and install a glowing element inside. The soft light of such devices will create a mysterious atmosphere.

Cans - great material for flashlights, besides not combustible. Halloween crafts are easy to make. Fill empty containers with water and freeze. Using a hammer and a nail, make holes in the given order. It can be the silhouette of a bat, a scary muzzle, or just randomly located holes. Ice is needed so that the jar does not deform from impacts. When the work is finished, it must be melted and poured out with water. Then you can paint with paint or leave it like that. Place a candle inside, the holes will create a play of light.


What is All Saints Day without ghosts? Halloween crafts in the form of ghosts different sizes can be hung and placed in the most unexpected places and scare guests.

We make a garland of ghosts. Even kids can make do-it-yourself Halloween paper crafts in the form of ghosts. You need a roll to work. baking paper. On a piece of paper you need to draw a silhouette of a ghost, preferably with "handles" so that the garland has a connection. From the roll it is necessary to cut off a piece of the desired thickness. Then fold it with an accordion, the width of which corresponds to the drawn pattern. Circle the stencil and cut along the contour. Expand the garland and draw the eyes of the ghosts.

Making flying ghosts. You can make a real ghost chandelier or place them in doorways. Halloween crafts for kids are an opportunity to experiment and have fun. For work you will need balloons, plastic cups, gauze and PVA glue. Connect the cups with the bottoms and fix with tape. You can take small bottles or other improvised materials. Need to inflate not big ball ik and fix it in a glass. Cut out a square of fabric from gauze so that it completely covers the workpiece. The edges can be torn for a more realistic effect. Glue must be poured into a cup and diluted with a little water. Soak the fabric with glue and cover the workpiece. After complete drying the ball must be pierced and the ghost removed from the frame. Don't forget to draw the eyes and mouth. Attach a hook or paperclip to the “head” of the ghost and hang it on a fishing line in right place. They will look great against the backdrop of a luminous window, surprising passers-by.

You can also make a fairly large ghost. You will need a large piece of gauze, a plastic water bottle, a large ball (you can use foam), wire and starch, which must be cooked in a good concentration. Tape the balloon to the neck of the bottle. From the wire you need to make hands, fancifully bending them. Soak the fabric well with starch and cover the frame with it. Straighten and give desired shape. In order for the gauze to hold the volume well, as it dries, it is necessary to spray it with a solution of starch poured into the spray bottle. When everything is ready, you need to draw the details and remove from the frame. These Halloween crafts are easy to make and do not require expensive materials.

You can cut out ghosts from paper or fabric and attach them to Christmas garland. They will glow in the dark, creating a cheerful atmosphere.

The bats

These nocturnal vampires have terrified people since ancient times, it is not surprising that they have become one of the symbols of the holiday. How to make a Halloween bat craft is described below.

You can make great winged vampires from toilet paper rolls. Paint the used tube black. Glue one end and arrange pointed "ears". Glue on the eyes below. Cut wings out of paper and attach to the back. DIY Halloween crafts are ready. Just hang them up.

By analogy with a garland of ghosts, you can build a garland of bats. DIY Halloween Paper Crafts - Exciting and useful activity for children.

A mobile made of these winged monsters will look very impressive. To work, you need to take three rings, slightly different in diameter. It can be wire rings or hoops. They need to be painted or wrapped with black threads. Attach three or four long fishing lines or ribbons to the larger ring, attach the second ring a little lower, and the third even lower at an equal distance. Cut out the silhouettes of bats from double-sided black cardboard and attach them to the ribbons.


Spider webs and spiders are must-have Halloween crafts. They can decorate doors, walls and windows. You can draw them on glasses and postcards.

How to make a Halloween craft in the form of a spider web? Easily! On a wall or door, you need to stretch thick threads or yarn in the form of an eight-pointed snowflake. Fix on the surface with adhesive tape. The size is determined depending on the wishes. Next to be done circular weaving, as on a cobweb, gluing with pieces of adhesive tape. Finished work decorate with a toy spider.

You can make small cobwebs. For this, ice cream sticks or twigs of the same size are useful. 3-4 sticks need to be connected in the form of a snowflake, fixed in the center with glue. Fasten the end of the thread in the middle and braid the sticks like a real spider. If necessary, you can fix it with glue or wrap the stick with a thread.

There are many ideas on how to make Halloween crafts. And there will be even more, you just have to get down to business.

Every year more and more enthusiasts are ready to put on scary rags and decorate the house for Halloween for the sake of entertainment. If you belong to them, here are a few tips on how to decorate your house for the holiday very simply and quickly. In this master class, I will show you how to make DIY Halloween decorations - 20 options with step by step photos how to decorate a house beautifully!

How nice it is to dilute the gray autumn weekdays with bright, warm and delicious holiday. Although this holiday came to us from the Celtic countries and its roots go far into Western history, this does not prevent people from other countries from treating it with warmth.

In Russia, the attitude towards Halloween is still ambiguous. Someone considers it an incomprehensible and uninteresting event, which only young people are interested in, and someone is waiting for it with enthusiasm to have fun from the heart!

In any case, you should start preparing for this holiday in advance. To make the party happen desired style, you should first of all take care of the decor of the rooms in which it will take place. Unfortunately, there are very few places in Russia where you can buy worthy decorations for this holiday.

It is best to order them online, although chain stores often add themed accessories to their assortment before the holiday. But you can do everything with your own hands. So, let's make our house scary for Halloween!

The most popular decorations are:

  • Pumpkins with carved eyes
  • Webs and spiders
  • Ghosts and Witches
  • The bats
  • Walking zombies and mummies
  • brooms, magic wands and other belongings
  • Black cats in all manifestations
  • Candles, dry leaves and other attributes of autumn.

A pumpkin walked around the garden ... and got to a party

The main attribute of Halloween, of course, is a pumpkin, and it has many options for embodying the wildest fantasies: it can be carved into the shape of a head with a terrifying smile and crooked teeth, dressed up with an elegant hat, painted with paints, wrapped in bright threads or covered with black lace stockings - whoever wears it. what is capable.

Pumpkins ripen in the fields in October. And you can bring one such huge fruit into the house, extract all the pulp, cut out a terrible face and put a candlestick inside.

In the dark, such a head will look very scary.

jack o lantern

Now you can make a real work of pumpkin decorative arts. You can paint on it as well as regular pen intricate shapes and patterns for every taste. Can also be cut beautiful lines over the entire surface or make through holes bizarre shapes, so that the chiaroscuro from the candle creates beautiful drawings.

Pumpkins are perfect different colors, shapes and sizes. Large pumpkins should be placed near the entrance to the house. Smaller ones can be placed in rooms. They can be decorated with beads, sequins, rhinestones (suitable for light pumpkins) or fabric, bows and buttons (for bright orange pumpkins). On the surface, you can depict drawings of spiders, cobwebs, bats, etc.

Check out how to quickly and easily make a pumpkin bat.

You can also cut funny faces and scary pictures. The pumpkin can also be used as a flower vase. You can put asters, chrysanthemums and any other autumn flowers in it. Here you can also use rowan brushes and autumn leaves. Small pumpkins can be made into candlesticks. It will look very neat and cozy.

Perhaps because Halloween takes place in the fall, the pumpkin is the centerpiece of the day. It can be a decor item, a costume, or a children's craft. The main thing is to ask a terrifying appearance, scare everyone.

We, on our website, offer a craft option for young children, since they are the ones who like to sculpt from plasticine. A pumpkin can be molded from an orange bar, and not one, but 3 pieces at once. You can also draw wonderful faces with plasticine and a toothpick on soft surface. And also then make an unusual pyramid design, so to speak, a snowman from pumpkins.

To create a plasticine Halloween decoration, prepare:

  • orange and black plasticine;
  • toothpick.

We will make the autumn fruits themselves from orange plasticine. You will need black for the eyes, and you can also put a black witch's cloak on the figure.

Divide the orange block of plasticine into 3 portions, but not equal, but gradually reducing the amount of mass in each of them. Knead each piece individually in your hands. Of these, pumpkins will be made, they will become a kind of lumps for creating a snowman. Ready muzzles will need to be collected in a pyramid.

Roll into balls from prepared pieces. Then press each one on top with the palm of your hand to make the balls more flattened. And it is convenient to push the veins with a toothpick.

Now turn each prepared part into a muzzle. It will not be just a vegetable, but a kind of instance, which is one part of a single structure. The first largest pumpkin has a hard time, because it is located at the foot of the pyramid. Make for her a nose, a distorted mouth and pits for the eyes.

Also stick a patch for decoration to show that the pumpkin-strongman has burst more than once, it was sewn up to be repaired.

The second pumpkin is in the middle. It is also difficult for her, but not as much as the previous one. She is surprised and tries to gather her strength. Give her a facial expression.

For decoration, make a black blot on the side.

Now the smallest and most cunning pumpkin is next in line, which completes the entire structure. She smiles and winks at everyone around her, her cheeks stand out, she is not at all hard, because she does not hold anyone on her.

When the pumpkin fantasy is ready, assemble the snowman. Stick one piece on top of the other.

Knead a large amount of black plasticine in your hands, crush with your fingers, pulling out a very thin rectangular cake. From the prepared part we will make a long cloak with a cap. On one side, close the corners and smooth the seam with your fingers, pull out the sharp cap.

Stick the cape on the head, or rather the muzzle. The cap will be put on the head and go down in the form of a long cape.

This witch is made from improvised materials - from plastic bottle, garbage bags and ribbons. The peculiarity of this one is that it can be used for Halloween to decorate the garden and yard.

The bat can be placed on any surface, as well as suspended from the ceiling or door jamb. The bigger, the better! They can be made from black bags, black tape, fabric, and other materials. You can just buy a toy in the store. You can put a web nearby and put it on a not huge spider. It is convenient to make a web from gauze or thin woolen threads. Most guests will be impressed.

How to make a Halloween decoration - cork bat

These bats are made from corks and black paper.

To bring your finished mice to life, don't forget to glue on the eyes!

Black Cats

black cats like ancient symbol sorcery, will be appropriate always and everywhere. These can be stickers, carved figures, toys, figurines and even drawings.

How to do black cat from plasticine - master class

Such a cat can be made together with children - because they love plasticine modeling so much!

You should definitely remember the mummies when you decorate the bathroom, kitchen and toilet. The element of surprise is important here. And since guests usually enter these rooms one by one and relaxed, the effect will be very unexpected. Decorate a zombie costume with red spots, and a mummy can even be organized from toilet paper.

Items related to magical world, can be evenly placed in all rooms, giving preference to the hallway and living room. These can be brooms, magic wands, old hats, bowlers, etc. The picture is perfectly complemented by candles of different colors and shapes, wreaths of dry multi-colored leaves, as well as red apples and oranges.

An owl is one of the attributes of Halloween, it can also be molded from plasticine.

Feel free to decorate any candlestick!

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out! Candlesticks and candles are no less important objects for a Halloween feast than a pumpkin. As a basis, you can take an ordinary candlestick from the IKEA range, and then as your rich imagination tells you.

You can paint it, wrap it with a white bandage and pour it with red paint for a bloody effect, scrape a cobweb pattern onto a wax pattern, stick blanks in the shape of flies or bats - everything is very simple!

How about without a festive table ???

Halloween is the perfect holiday for those who break the rules, and that goes for table decor too. Only for Halloween delicious meals severed fingers or dead spiders can be found. For those who prefer more classic style, we recommend using autumn natural decorations: yellowed leaves, mountain ash, chestnuts, hay, etc. Burning candles on the table will add a mystical atmosphere.

This is a master class - how to decorate a table for Halloween.

Decorating your home for Halloween doesn't take much time or effort. The main thing is a little creativity, good mood and company. Decorating a house in a terrifying style in a fun circle of friends is a good warm-up before noisy party, is not it?

There is probably a lot more to talk about Halloween decorations, but these are the most spectacular and popular of all. It is worth adding some treats, music and good company and the party will be a success!

Preparing for a holiday often delivers much more positive emotions than the holiday itself. IN Lately many began to celebrate Halloween, and even create their own family traditions about this date. One of these traditions is the production of various themed decorations for the home and souvenirs. You can make Halloween crafts with the whole family, it's great fun and unites.

Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins

The most famous attribute of the holiday is a pumpkin. As you can see in the photo, not a single party can do without this vegetable. The pumpkin is also used to make traditional lanterns, and is simply used for decorating rooms or a garden. Therefore, when planning to make crafts for Halloween, you can’t do without a “pumpkin” theme.

How to make a traditional lantern out of a pumpkin? This work is quite simple, not only an adult, but also a teenager will cope with it. It is necessary to cut off the lid from the vegetable on the side where the stalk is located, and then carefully cut out the pulp and seeds. Pumpkin pulp, of course, does not need to be thrown away, it can be used to prepare a variety of dishes that will decorate festive table. If you plan to make several lanterns, then the carved pumpkin pulp can be frozen and used later.

After the pumpkin turns into a hollow "pot", you need to cut a "face" on it. To do this, outline the silhouettes of the eyes, mouth, nose with a marker, and then cut them out with a small knife. The expression "faces" can be anything - angry and ferocious, or, on the contrary, cheerful and sweet. It remains to insert a candle inside the resulting flashlight.

Carving masters know how to carve real masterpieces from a pumpkin, however, for those who take up work for the first time, it is better to choose a simple option.

Pumpkin lanterns are a traditional craft, but they have short term storage, so making them in advance will not work. If there are many other worries on the eve of the holiday, then you can make crafts in the form of a pumpkin from other materials in advance. For example, sew a sofa cushion in the form of a pumpkin, mold an image of a vegetable from polymer clay or salt dough, etc. Now many are fond of weaving rubber bands, you can use this needlework technique to make small pumpkins. Such crafts can be used as key rings.

Together with children, you can make lanterns in the form of pumpkins out of paper. Work process:

  • from thin cardboard we fold the cylinder, fastening the edges of the workpiece with glue, tape or a stapler. Let's paint the cylinder orange;
  • next you need to take a sheet of orange paper, the width of which is greater than the height of the prepared cardboard. Moreover, the greater the difference in size, the larger the flashlight will turn out;
  • fold the sheet in half along the length, then from the fold side you need to make parallel cuts not to the end of the sheet. The interval between adjacent cuts is about 1 cm;
  • now you need to unfold the sheet and wrap it around the cylinder, matching the edges. Since the width of the sheet is greater, you get a three-dimensional flashlight;
  • it remains to decorate the craft. From green paper, you can cut out "leaves" and a crossbar for hanging, from black paper - elements of "mugs".

You can make a lot of such lanterns and assemble a garland from them to decorate your home.

Bats and spiders

Traditional crafts on the theme of Halloween are not only pumpkins, but also the inhabitants of old crypts and cemeteries - spiders and bats. These representatives of the animal world can be made at home from a variety of different materials.

Eg, bat can easily be made from paper and cardboard. For the manufacture of mice, you will need to make a cylinder out of cardboard, you can use bushings on which it is wound toilet paper, and if you want to make a larger copy, you can take a paper towel sleeve.

The cylinder must be folded so that a semicircular notch is obtained on top, the ends of which will represent the ears of the mouse. Prepared cylinders should be painted with black paint, white or red paint, you can draw a muzzle of a mouse.

Next, you need to cut out the wings of a figured shape from black paper. Fold them on one side with an accordion. Make holes in the cylinder and insert the wings into them. The mouse is ready, it remains to hang it on a thread or “plant” it on curtains or in any other places.

Spiders can be made from different materials. Large spiders are conveniently made from wire and yarn. Small ones can be woven from beads.

Ready-made spiders can be hung on threads under the chandelier, and the chandelier itself can be entangled with white threads depicting a web.

Decorations for windows and doors

Windows can decorate paper crafts on Halloween. On New Year It is customary to attach snowflakes to the windows. But since Halloween is a holiday of evil spirits, various scary things can be cut out to decorate windows - silhouettes of black cats, spiders, witches, etc.

You can hang a wreath on the door, like a Christmas one. Only in its design you need to use autumn leaves, small souvenir pumpkins, bows of black and orange color etc.


Ghosts are frequent "guests" at Halloween. These incorporeal creatures can easily be made with your own hands from gauze, tulle or organza.

To make a ghost you will need balloon, it is better if it is filled with helium. Throw a white mesh fabric over the ball, and tie it under the ball with a thread. On a fabric that fits the ball, felt-tip pens or paints can depict the “face” of the cast. It remains to release the ball so that it soars under the ceiling. If an air-filled balloon is used, then the ghost will need to be hung on a string.

Ghosts small size easy to make from simple paper napkins. You need to roll up a ball of cotton wool, put it in the center of the napkin. Wrapping cotton wool with a napkin, we tie it with a thread. Draw a face with a felt-tip pen. If you make a lot of such ghosts, then you can make a garland out of them.

Crafts frightening

If there are no kids in the house, then you can do scary crafts. For example, from small balls and round shape easy to make eyeballs. Pour sand or any cereal into a ball of any color. Cutting down upper part so that we get a spherical blank with a hole. Cut two more balls in the same way, one of them should be white.

We put another ball on the prepared workpiece so that the hole is inside. Now we put a white ball on top. It remains with the help of paints to depict the iris of the eye and the pupil in the place where the one that was put on second looks out from under the white ball. On a white ball with a thin brush and red paint, you need to depict several blood vessels.

Worms made of jelly look very realistic. For their manufacture will require wide cocktail tubes and several packages of semi-finished jelly different color. The semi-finished jelly must be diluted according to the instructions, after cooling, you need to carefully pour the jelly into the tubes. For convenience, the tubes must be installed vertically in a glass. Put the glass with straws in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning you will need to remove the worms. To do this, you need to either cut the tubes, or lower each one for a couple of seconds. hot water and squeeze the contents out of it. You can simply put such worms on the table in a bowl or decorate ice cream with them.

There are very few holidays for which you can decorate your home thematically. But luckily Halloween is one of those. Today it is very popular all over the world, so there is a rich assortment on the market. various decorations. But it is much more interesting to start the holiday even before its onset, i.e. to do the preparation of decorations for the house with their own hands.

Below are detailed MK of 10 types of decor, which are quite enough to make a real castle of sinister power out of your house.

bright flashlights

As you probably know, pumpkin is the main attribute of Halloween. In the article "How to make a festive pumpkin for Halloween" we already talked about how to make a Jack-o'-lantern yourself. If you have read this article, you should have noticed that this process quite labor intensive. Therefore, today we offer you an alternative - paper lanterns that resemble jack-o'-lanterns.

You will need:

  • orange and black paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • transparent glass;
  • candle.

To begin with, we will make that flashlight, which is larger. From the orange paper, cut out a 20 x 15 cm rectangle. Now, using a knife, make strips along the length of the flashlight (= 15 cm), leaving 1.5 cm at the top and bottom. The width of the strip is 1 cm. From black paper, cut strips 3 mm wide. Now decorate the top and lower part flashlight with three black stripes using the weaving method. Making a decoration for the middle will be a little more difficult. Take black stripes that are two to three times longer than the length of the flashlight. When you bind, then simultaneously push the orange stripes. So you can make the flashlight convex as in the photo.

Now it's time for the little lights. First you need to measure the diameter and height of the cup. Cut out a rectangle from orange paper: the width should be equal to the height, and the length should be equal to the diameter of the cup. WITH reverse side with a simple pencil draw funny faces and cut them out with a utility knife. Glue the cylinder.

Now you can insert transparent glasses with candles into the blanks and enjoy your work. Such lanterns will fill good mood your home.

Fairy lights

Garlands are one of the most popular jewelry for Halloween: firstly, because of the ease of implementation, and secondly, they look very impressive.

You will need:

  • paper of black, orange, white, gray, coffee colors;
  • a thread;
  • needle;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • glue;
  • templates.

If you know how and love to draw, then creating such a decoration for your home will be a mere trifle for you. If you are unlucky and you do not have this skill, it does not matter - templates that can be easily found on the Internet will come to the rescue. They should depict various Halloween symbols: pumpkins, bats, witches, black cats, ghosts, ravens. You can also make a garland of ordinary isosceles triangles in the colors of the holiday. When the templates are prepared, it's time to start making decor.

Fold the paper of the desired color with an accordion and transfer the image onto it with a regular pencil. Now cut out the shapes along the outline. If necessary, draw eyes or mouths on the characters with pens or felt-tip pens.

*Helpful advice: If you cut out complex figures, for example, a Jack-o'-lantern, then cut the pumpkins themselves from the accordion, and already make the muzzles with a clerical knife separately on each copy.

After that, thread the needle and thread the cut out figures on it. Evenly distribute the clippings on the thread.

If you will make a garland consisting of triangles, then you need to cut out double figures, i.e. the two triangles must be connected to each other. Take one pair and put a thread between them, then glue the triangles together.

This is such a cute decoration that you can make in just a few minutes.

"Mouse" staircase decor and more

If you have a staircase in your house, then you can decorate it in a very original and unusual way.

You will need:

  • black paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • Double-sided tape.

One of the most popular types of staircase decor is mice. To make such a decoration, you need to find on the Internet or draw your own patterns of mice in different poses. You can also make mink. Fold the paper like an accordion and circle the template with a pencil. Then cut out the shapes. Using double-sided tape, glue the mice on the steps, you can decorate the baseboards in the same way.

Another variant of a similar decor is the shadow of a woman or a man. Cut out a figure on black paper and divide it into pieces, the length of which is equal to the height of the steps. As in the previous case, glue the image with double-sided tape.

Additionally, you can decorate the stairs black curtains by tying them to the railing. So the decor will look even darker.

What is Halloween without bats? These small creatures are one of the main symbols of the holiday. And today we will decorate our house with these small animals made of pumpkin.

You will need:

  • real or artificial small pumpkin;
  • matte black acrylic paint;
  • a lush brush or sponge for paint;
  • glue;
  • black and white cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher (optional).

Wash and dry the pumpkin well. After that, apply paint with a brush or sponge. Try to paint in such a way that natural color vegetables were not translucent. If you didn’t manage to do it right the first time, then wait until the paint dries well, and then apply another layer. While the pumpkin dries, make the rest of the elements. Find on the Internet or make your own template for the wings. Their length should be about 15 cm. Cut out two identical wings from black cardboard, leaving 0.5-1 cm for the fold for fastening. Cut out ears from the same cardboard, and eyes from white. The pupils should not be cut out separately - just pierce with a hole punch or cut holes with sharp thin scissors - these will be the pupils. Now it remains to put all the details together. To do this, use a good glue.

These pumpkin bats make great Halloween decorations. For example, you can plant it in a flower pot or draw the moon and plant our mice against the background of this poster.


Making a mummy is very simple, so even children can be involved in the process.

You will need:

  • aluminum wire;
  • bandage or white cloth.

Cut the fabric or bandage into strips 1-1.5 cm wide. Make the frame of our future mummy from the wire. Now start wrapping it tightly around the “skeleton”. Try not to leave empty seats- the wire should not be visible. When the strip is finished, tie it tightly to the wire to secure the end. Fasten the bandage in the same way at the beginning. Do this in several layers and tie off the end tightly.

Made mummies can be planted in various poses or create entire compositions.


Black spiders are an essential attribute of Halloween. Therefore, today we will make such beauty.

You will need:

  • foam ball;
  • black acrylic paint;
  • brush or sponge for paint;
  • glue;
  • decorative black wire;
  • eyes for toys;
  • half a toothpick (optional)
  • thread (optional)
  • scissors.

Apply paint to the ball and let it dry well. Now cut eight pieces of wire of the same size, bend them into the shape of spider legs. Pierce the ball with wire and put the legs in place. Glue on the eyes.

Such a toy can also be made in the form of a pendant. To do this, fold the thread in half and tie it tightly from the side of the blunt end of the toothpick. With the other side, pierce the ball from above.

*Helpful tip: For more believability, choose light-colored threads.

aerial web

Spider webs will decorate any home for Halloween. So handsome and unusual decor quite easy to do. But there are certain tricks that we will tell you about today.

You will need:

The whole secret is to stretch the thread as realistically as possible. One layer should go along, and the second, as it were, cross the previous one. But try to give the web a natural look.

Chandeliers, tables, lamps, etc. can be decorated with such a creative accessory. If you do everything right, your guests will not be able to distinguish the artificial web from the real one.


A large spectacular ghost will decorate any interior and create an unforgettable holiday atmosphere.

You will need:

  • large gauze;
  • balloon;
  • PVA glue or starch;
  • wire;
  • circles of paper, fabric or marker.

Inflate the balloon to the size you want to see the head of the future ghost. Place the balloon on the bottle. Attach the "hands" of the ghost to the latter, using wire for this.

Place a dry towel over the bottle to absorb excess liquid. Make a solution of water and starch or glue. After that, soak gauze in it. Now hang the workpiece on the previously prepared frame. The ghost should dry well, after which you need to pull out the ball and bottle with wire. Glue, sew or simply draw eyes with a marker. That's all, our decoration is ready. Thanks to this decor, you can make very beautiful compositions.

scary wreath

A spooky wreath would make a great Halloween door decoration. This decor is very easy to do with your own hands.

You will need:

  • thin branches of willow or other tree (they must be flexible enough);
  • spray black paint;
  • Halloween accessories (spiders, cobwebs, yellow leaves, clippings, etc.);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • Double-sided tape.

Take one fairly dense branch and roll it into a ring, wrap the rest of the branches around it, forming a circle. When you make the base of the required size, the extra branches must be cut off. Spray the paint evenly over the branches and leave for 2-3 hours until completely dry.

Now it remains to decorate the wreath with accessories using glue or double-sided tape. We leave the finished decoration for a couple of hours so that all the elements stick well (if glue is used). All is ready! Hang on the door and admire the result. Believe me, such a wreath will scare away even the most evil forces.

Witch Potion

What could be more thematic and interesting than decorating your "shelter" with real bottles of a wonderful potion. Anyone can make such a decoration, and we will prove it to you today.

You will need:

  • glass containers of various types;
  • spray matte black paint;
  • wine corks;
  • kraft bag or kraft paper;
  • glue stick;
  • black or brown pen or felt-tip pen;
  • a spoonful of ground or instant coffee or a bag of black tea;
  • scissors.

Various bottles are suitable as glass containers: from wine, oil, vinegar, syrups, etc. Remove labels, wash in water with detergent. Dry well and treat with rubbing alcohol to keep the bottle clean and free of grease. Apply paint over the entire surface and leave for a couple of hours until completely dry.

While the bottles are drying, let's prepare the labels. Make a strong brew of tea or coffee. cut big rectangular sheet from paper or a bag and make a not too tight ball out of it. Now dip the ball into the solution and leave for 1-2 minutes. After that, take out the paper and straighten the sheet. Leave it for a while to dry. Write the names of the potions, for example, "Vampire's Blood", "Witch's Saliva", "Eyeballs", "Grave Dust", "Tears of Virgins", etc. Peel off each label very carefully, trying to give it as much detail as possible. natural look. Use a glue stick to stick the names on the bottles and cork them.

Now you can make a whole composition using the prepared potion bottles and the artificial web that we talked about above.

We wish you interesting training And happy Halloween 🙂

universal choice gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

DIY Halloween Decorations: 13 Ideas

Mostly the ideas will be for the home so that you can create the appropriate atmosphere. Many of them are so simple that in a day you may well have enough a large number of attributes of the theme of this holiday.

Halloween home decorations

By using different kind graces and fears we will achieve remarkable effects.

mouse flock

The simplest and at the same time affordable way decorate the room - cut out unusual compositions.

In order to make it, you will need bat templates. Cut them out of thick paper or felt, attach them to the wall.
You can do otherwise: glue the mice to long thick threads. Then you get a kind of "rain".


And again enough simple idea, which will allow you to complement the interior of the house with a fun accessory.

For a web, take a few sticks, shiny woolen threads, a needle and a glue gun (you can use regular glue).

Glue the sticks together in the center and wrap it with thread for strength. The final stage is the winding of the resulting frame with a thread so that a cobweb pattern is obtained. Threads can also be fixed with glue.


The little ghost will not only be a great Halloween decoration for your apartment, but will also pleasant surprise for kids and adults.

For him, prepare: rubbing for glasses or paper napkin, lollipop and ribbon. Wrap the lollipop with a napkin and tie the center with ribbon. Draw a muzzle.

To hang this miracle indoors, simply sew a ribbon loop to your head.

scary balls

All that is needed for such an accessory is balloons inflated with helium, beautiful ropes for tying them up and scary sticker silhouettes.

You can make such a composition in different ways: either inflate balloons, attach strings and stick stickers, or prepare templates for drawings in advance and apply a pattern using a can of paint, applying paper with a pattern to the balloon. The first option seems less expensive to me.

Special roses

Roses are made very simply here - a circle is cut out of felt and a spiral is cut out inside. Then the structure is folded (glued at the same time) and attached to the desired location.

IN this case this place is a Halloween wreath, rolled up from thin branches.

By the way, a great set of felt can be purchased Here. More than 40 colors, dense - what you need.

And you can also do something similar for the new year - it's great too

fruit madness

Decorations on the table, too, have not been canceled. But how to do this, I think, you don’t even need to tell.

Take bananas, peeled tangerines, chocolate and neutral greens with a dense stem (let's say lettuce). Stick green twigs into tangerines.

Peel bananas, cut into two parts. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, pour over a flat surface (for example, a large plate). Wait until dry. Cut out eyes and a mouth using some round cap, attach to a banana.

Scary terrible and scary healthy treats are ready

I hasten to wrap it up, because I told you 13 jewelry ideas for October 31st. Share your impressions and your ideas in the comments. See you soon!

P.S. Subscribe and repost.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva