Mobile crochet for a crib. Mobile, educational toys. Mobile over paper lantern changing table

If you are tormented by the question “What to give a child of 3 months?”, then you will surely like our idea of ​​a knitted carousel mobile for a crib. Even if your child already has a music mobile for a crib, bought in a store, you probably noticed that your baby is tired of the toys on it and the carousel has become uninteresting to him. This is a typical situation. That is why the toys suspended from the carousel must be changed from time to time. You can attach ordinary purchased soft toys, but it is much more interesting if you supply a musical carousel to a crib with knitted toys.

To make a knitted mobile carousel for a crib, you will need

  • Remains of multi-colored wool yarn

It is better if you use yarn of bright rich colors - yellow, red, blue, green. Avoid halftones: a child of 3 years old, such colors as purple, blue, lilac, etc. are poorly perceived.

For some, the moon is just a night luminary, and for moms - a great idea for a knitted toy for a musical mobile on the bed.

Knitting the moon is very simple, especially if you crochet it. Cast on a chain of 3 air loops with yellow yarn and then knit in a circle, adding loops in each row (at first, the number of increases should be equal to the number of loops cast on). Knitting is the best. At the end of knitting with a few stitches with a brown thread, mark the eyes, nose and mouth on the moon. Tie the second part as well, sew the parts together and stuff them with cotton wool or padding polyester.

If you make 15-20 yellow yarn (you can also use) and attach them along the edge of our moon as rays, you get ... the sun.

You can not even knit the second part, but bend the resulting yellow “pancake” in half, sew it, leaving a hole, fill it with cotton wool through this hole, embroider the mouth and eyes. Instead of the moon, we got ... a month.

And now more about how to make knitted ducks - they can also be used as interchangeable knitted toys for a carousel on a crib.

  • Take or buy knitting needles or a hook
  • If you don’t have one, then by all means buy a table lamp - with it you can do your favorite hobby without compromising your eyesight.

Knitted toys with own hands

We will make knitted toys with our own hands, which we will later hang on our mobile.

You can make a ring out of a polyurethane pipe, by tying it, you will get excellent fasteners for knitted toys. But you can use the existing fasteners. Then we will only have to complete the toys.

We suggest you knit a duck, cockerel and chicken to start. The fact is that knitting the knitted toys of these characters with your own hands is not at all difficult and even a beginner needlewoman will cope with the task. Moreover, over time, having got the hang of it, you will be able to knit more complex toys for the carousel on the crib.

When the child grows up, these knitted toys will become an excellent teaching material. With their help, you can illustrate a fairy tale or make a farm together with your child (an ordinary cardboard box is suitable for this) and place knitted toys in it - a duck, a cockerel, a chicken, a kitten and others.

knitted duck

For a knitted duck we need

  • a little white wool yarn (for the body)
  • a little bit of brown wool yarn (to embroider eyes)
  • some yellow cotton yarn (for the beak)
  • The needles are not very thick (about #2.5 or #3 depending on the thickness of the thread you have chosen).
  • Crochet hook of the same diameter.
  • Tapestry or wide eye needle (for embroidering duck eyes)

Description of knitting duck

Cast on 22 stitches with white yarn and knit 3 rows.

From the 4th row we knit as follows: we knit the first 2 loops 2 loops together in the facial way, after that we knit the remaining loops with the facial ones to the end of the row.

When 10 stitches remain on the needles, knit another 9 rows straight and cast off the stitches.

Now let's start assembling

We bend the resulting knitted item in half as indicated in the drawing, and sew the edges, leaving a small hole. Stuff the part of the duck with cotton through this hole and sew it up.

Crochet a beak from yellow yarn. To do this, make a chain of 5 air loops and knit 3 rows with single crochets. Sew on the beak.

From the brown yarn, embroider the eyes with a few stitches.

Knitting a hen and a cockerel

The body part of the hen and the cockerel are knitted the same way. The difference lies in the fact that we still knit paws, a tail and a yellow beak for a cockerel.

Description of knitting chicken and cockerel read here.

By the way, according to this description, you can execute Easter hen knitting.

Good day to all lovers and connoisseurs of needlework))
Today I suggest you link a mobile. Knitted from children's hypoallergenic acrylic, it will be a wonderful and safe gift even for babies, it can be hung over the crib or in the stroller.

The work is quite difficult and painstaking, but it's worth it. I knitted with crochet No. 3, if you take a thicker hook, the details will be too large.

We will need:

Threads of rainbow colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple), also black, white, lilac, dark blue. You need quite a bit of thread - a suitable way to "attach" the remains
- Hook suitable for size
- synthetic winterizer for stuffing


RLS- single crochet
ETC- 2 sc in one loop
UB- 2 loops in 1 sc
VP- air loop
PRSP- half-column with a crochet
SSN- double crochet
C2H- a column with two crochets
SS- connecting column

We start knitting rainbow: Important! In each row, the air loops (I highlighted them in the description) do not count and do not knit in them!

purple color:

Having measured the tail about 15 cm, we knit a chain of 30 VP, close it in a ring
1 p: ​​(4 PRS, PR (2 PRS, PR) * 2 times, 4 PRS, VP)* 2 times(36)
2 r: (5 RLS, PR (3 RLS, PR) * 2 times, 5 RLS, VP)* 2 times(42)

Change color to blue

3 r: (4 RLS, PR (3 RLS, PR) * 3 times, 4 RLS, VP)* 2 times(50)
4 r: (6 RLS, PR (5 RLS, PR) * 2 times, 6 RLS, VP)* 2 times(56)

Change color to blue, knit for the back half of the loop:

5 r: (5 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, 6 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, 5 sc, VP)* 2 times(64)
6 r: (8 RLS, PR (6 RLS, PR) * 2 times, 9 RLS, VP)* 2 times(70)

Change color to green, knit for the back half of the loop:

7 p: (13 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc, 13 sc, VP)* 2 times(74)
8 p: 37 sc, VP, 37 sc, VP(74)

Change color to yellow, knit for the back half of the loop:

9 r: (10 RLS, PR (7 RLS, PR) * 2 times, 10 RLS, VP)* 2 times(80)
10 r: (14 sc, inc, 10 sc, inc, 14 sc, VP)* 2 times(84)

Change color to orange, knit for the back half of the loop:

11 r: (12 RLS, PR (8 RLS, PR) * 2 times, 11 RLS, VP)* 2 times(90)
12 r: (10 sc, inc (9 sc, inc) * 2 times, 14 sc, VP)* 2 times(96)

Change color to red, knit for the back half of the loop:

13 r: ((15 RLS, PR) * 3 times, VP)* 2 times(102)
14 p: (25 sc, inc, 25 sc, VP) * 2 times (104), do not cut the thread.

In the photo with a white dotted line, I showed a line from VP, she is the fold line

We fold the rainbow along the fold line, with a purple tail we sew the bottom edge with a seam "over the edge"

We tie the upper edge with a red thread, stuffing in the process. Rainbow ready.

For sunshine we knit yellow thread two details:

1 p: ​​6 sc in the ring (6)
2 r: 6 PR (12)
3 r: (1 sc, pr) * 6 times (18)
4 r: (2 sc, pr) * 6 times (24)
5 r: (3 sc, pr) * 6 times (30)
6 r: (4 sc, pr) * 6 times (36)
7 p: (5 sc, pr) * 6 times (42)
8 r: (6 sc, pr) * 6 times (48)
9 p: (7 sc, pr) * 6 times (54)
10 r: (8 sc, pr) * 6 times (60)
11-12 p: 60 sc, cut the thread.

We strengthen orange thread, knit rays, connecting both parts, stuffing in the process of knitting.

R 1: *sc, dc, 3 dc in 1 st, dc, sc*, repeat from * to * to end of row
2 r: * 3 sc, knit at the top (sc, pico of 3 ch, sc), 3 sc *, repeat from * to * for each beam.

Nose And eyes:

yellow thread:

1 p: ​​6 sc in the ring (6)
2 r: 6 PR (12)
3-4 p: 12 sc
5 p: 6 UB, cut the thread, leaving a tail for sewing, fill.

Black thread:

1 p: ​​6 sc in the ring (6), change the thread to white

2 r: 6 PR (12)
3 p: 2 RLS, PSSN, 2 PSSN in 1 loop, PSSN, 7 RLS (13), cut the thread, leaving a tail for sewing.

Sew on the nose and eyes, embroider a smile. Sun ready.

For clouds we knit blue thread 4 such circles:

1 p: ​​6 sc in the ring (6)
2 r: 6 PR (12)
3 r: (1 sc, pr) * 6 times (18)
4 r: (2 sc, pr) * 6 times (24)
5 r: (3 sc, pr) * 6 times (30)
6 p: (4 sc, pr) * 6 times (36), cut the thread, leaving a tail for sewing.

And 2 such circles:

1 p: ​​6 sc in the ring (6)
2 r: 6 PR (12)
3 r: (1 sc, pr) * 6 times (18)
4 r: (2 sc, pr) * 6 times (24)
5 r: (3 sc, pr) * 6 times (30)
6 r: (4 sc, pr) * 6 times (36)
7 p: (5 sc, pr) * 6 times (42)
8 p: (6 sc, pr) * 6 times (48), cut the thread, leaving a tail for sewing.

We sew clouds, focusing on the photo:

We fasten the white thread to the corner of the junction of the middle and outer clouds, tie the edge of the middle cloud, !! without capturing the second part !!

We tie up to the middle cloud, then again we knit only one part at a time, cut the thread, leaving the tail for sewing. We hit hard. Here's what should happen:

Sew the cloud to the sun by inserting the lower edge of the sun into the cloud

droplets, 2 pieces dark blue thread, stuffing in the process:

1 p: ​​6 sc in the ring (6)
2 r: 6 PR (12)
3 r: (1 sc, pr) * 6 times (18)
4 r: (2 sc, pr) * 6 times (24)
5 r: (3 sc, pr) * 6 times (30)
6 r: (4 sc, pr) * 6 times (36)
7-10 r: 36 sc
11 p: (16 PRS, UB) * 2 times (34)
12 p: (15 sc, dec) * 2 times (32)
13 p: (14 PRS, UB) * 2 times (30)
14 p: (13 PRS, UB) * 2 times (28)
15 r: (12 RLS, UB) * 2 times (26)
16 p: (11 PRS, UB) * 2 times (24)
17-18 p: 24 sc
19 p: (2 PRS, UB) * 6 times (18)
20-21 p: 18 sc
22 p: (4 PRS, UB) * 3 times (15)
23-24 p: 15 sc
25 p: (3 PRS, UB) * 3 times (12)
26-30 p: 5 PRS, UB, 4 PRS, PR (12)
31 p: 12 sc
32 p: 6 UB, pull off, cut the thread, hide

Embroider eyes, eyelashes and a smile

Ladybug, 2 pieces:

Bottom part black thread:

1 p: ​​6 sc in the ring (6)
2 r: 6 PR (12)
3 r: (1 sc, pr) * 6 times (18)
4 r: (2 sc, pr) * 6 times (24)
5 r: (3 sc, pr) * 6 times (30)
6 p: (4 sc, pr) * 6 times (36), cut the thread.

Top part red thread:

1 p: ​​6 sc in the ring (6)
2 r: 6 PR (12)
3 r: (1 sc, pr) * 6 times (18)
4 r: (2 sc, pr) * 6 times (24)
5 r: (3 sc, pr) * 6 times (30)
6 r: (4 sc, pr) * 6 times (36)
7-8 p: 36 RLS, do not cut the thread, connect the upper and lower parts of the RLS, stuffing in the process.

black head thread:

1 p: ​​6 sc in the ring (6)
2 r: 6 PR (12)
3-4 p: 12 sc, cut the thread, leaving a tail for sewing, fill.

Sew the head to the body.

Embroider stripes and dots on the back

butterflies, 2 pieces:

Begin lilac thread:

1 p: ​​5 VP, we close the SS ring
2 r: 3 VP, (2 VP, 2 SSN) * 7 times, 2 VP, SSN, SS
3 p: 3 VP, under the arch of 2 VP we knit - 2 SSN, 3 VP, 3 SSN; (3 SSN, 3 VP, 3 SSN) - in the next 7 arches, SS

We bind white a thread, lilac do not cut

4 r: VP, we knit under the arches of 3 VP: (6 CCH, VP, 6 CCH, we knit RLS between the fans) * 8 times, SS, white fasten the thread, cut, then knit again lilac

5 p: we tie the edge of the RLS. This is the detail we got

Fold in half

White we knit with a thread body with whiskers:

A chain of 20 VP (body) + 9 VP (antennae), from the 2nd loop from the hook 7 PSSN, SS, 9 VP, from the 2nd loop 7 PSSN, SS, then along the body 20 RLS, cut the thread, leaving the tail for sewing. Sew on the wings

Collecting mobile:

Into the top beam sunshine fasten the loop of the desired length

Rainbow fasten to little cloud in two places, it is better to do it on weight to center

To the extremes rainbows fasten droplets

We attach to the internal parts ladybugs, I attached them to different lengths

Between droplets And ladybugs fasten butterflies I also have them in different lengths

The mobile is ready, make the kids happy

Knit with pleasure, light loops for you))

You will need: remnants of multi-colored yarn, hook No. 2, 3, bells - 6 pcs, a package from Kinder Surprise - 3 pcs, beads of various calibers for filling packages, stuffing material, 2 suitable sticks for a cross, a circle of any solid material under harness with four holes, ring.

Put a few beads in each Kinder Surprise package.

flower: tie the base from the “kinder” with a yellow thread. Dial 2 air. p., knit b st. b / n in the first loop, then knit in a spiral with uniform increases: 2nd row - 12 tbsp. b / n; 3rd row - 18 tbsp. b/n. Starting from the 4th row, knit evenly without additions, trying on the part on the base.

Finish with several rows of decreases. Then string 6 bells on a burgundy thread and attach the thread to the fifth row of the binding. Tie a row of st. b/n. 2nd row: 1 tbsp. b / n, 3 tbsp. s / n in one loop, 1 tbsp. b / n - repeat 6 times = 6 petals. At a distance of 2 rows along the strapping, tie another row of petals. Connect them together. Art., stuffing in the course of work with a filler.

Bee: knit the base in the same way as in the flower, but alternating colors in the following order: 5 rows of yellow thread, 2 rows of black, 2 rows of yellow, 2 rows of black thread, etc. Tie the wings with a white thread. To do this, knit on the harness 4 tbsp. b / n, 2nd row -2 tbsp. s / n in each previous column. Tie the wings around the perimeter with b / n columns.

Sun: tie the base in the same way as a flower, with a yellow thread. Then with an orange thread at the level of the 5th row, knit a row of st. b / n - 2 tbsp. in every loop. Next, knit each beam separately. To do this, on the b columns of the previous row, knit 12 tbsp. b / n, turn knitting.

The next row is 10 tbsp. b / n, turn knitting, 8 tbsp. b / n and so on up to 1 tbsp. b/n. Cut the thread. Thus, tie 6 rays. Stepping back 2 rows, tie another row of such rays. After that, attach the thread to the front row of rays between the triangles. Tie the 1st beam with 2 rows of st. b / n, knitting at the peak of the triangle a decrease of 2 p. 3rd row - connect together both sides of the rays of the conn. Art. Stuff the beam with filler. Do not cut the thread, but continue tying the next beam in the same way.

cloud: dial 2 air. p., knit 6 tbsp. b / n in the first loop. Next, knit in the round, increasing on the sides to get an oval shape. Having tied the oval to the desired size (depending on the thickness of the thread), knit the uneven edges of the cloud as follows: art. b / n, 2 tbsp. s / n in one loop - 2 times, art. b / n, semi-st. + Art. s / n in one loop, art. s / n + art. s / 2n in one loop, 2 tbsp. s / 2n in one loop, art. s / 2n + art. s / n in one loop, art. s / n + half. in one loop, 2 tbsp. b / n in one loop and so on. Attach the thread from the bottom of the clouds, tie an arbitrary amount of air. p, tie st. b / n, knitting 2 tbsp. in each loop to form a spiral. Repeat 4 times.

frame: tie 2 sticks st. b / n with a blue thread, connect them crosswise. At the ends of the cross, tie toys on chains of air. n. With a green thread, tie 2 circles: knit a ring of 3 air. p., in the center of the ring, knit 6 tbsp. b/n. On the next row, double every st., on the next row, double every 2nd st., on the next, every 3rd st. and so on up to the desired diameter. Connect 2 parts together. Art.

Thread the threads through the circle, attach to the sticks, thread again through the circle, attach the ring.

Every mother always wants the best, natural and safe for her baby.

In modern times, crochet is gaining more and more popularity among young mothers.

Crochet toys for newborns can embody the expression of the most interesting fantasies, and for this you do not need to have all kinds of knitting techniques.

There is no kid who would not like soft toys, especially if they are connected by mother with love. Very often it is with such toys that children are inseparable.

When a mother has a moment of free time, she thinks how else she could express her love for the baby. Usually at such moments, mothers begin to do needlework. It is knitting that has a beneficial effect and calms the mother, who, in turn:

  • expresses himself and sees the wonderful results of his creativity;
  • achieves specific skills and experience;
  • decorates your interior with a new toy;
  • realizes creative potential;
  • gives the child pleasure with a new toy;
  • affects the physical and emotional development of the baby;
  • shows his love and care for the child.

To master simple crochet skills, you need to have the desire and time. The corresponding material is sold in every specialty store or haberdashery.

Having mastered the basic skills, a mother can easily knit any character for her baby.

Benefits for the child

Due to their embossed surface, knitted toys are very useful for babies, they contribute to:

  • the development of fine motor skills;
  • the study of flowers;
  • mastering the form;
  • size perception.

Ideas for making toys

A lot of techniques are used for knitting toys: from the simplest to complex combined techniques. To make a small toy, simple crochet methods and patterns are usually used. The hardest part of this process:

  • correctly read the diagram;
  • shape your creation.

Rattles knitted

Crocheted toys with a description and corresponding patterns will help mom develop her imagination and surprise her baby and relatives with a new creative masterpiece.


Rattle is a favorite game for newborns. The texture of threads, bright color, sound effects - these characteristics will attract the attention of any kid. To make a rattle, you can use any item that can be placed:

  • buttons;
  • cereals;
  • beads;
  • metal ball.

Homemade rattle

Elements that create a noise effect are placed in a small voluminous container, which is then crocheted with subsequent decoration. As additional details of decoration can be:

  • decorated on the toy parts of the face;
  • auxiliary details (bows, hearts, stars, etc.);
  • shreds;
  • large beads on a string;
  • bell.

For the baby, such a toy will become a source of unique tactile sensations, sounds, entertaining images that will affect his perception of the world around him. Moreover, when a mother, having tied a toy “friend”, puts all her love and warmth of her heart into it, it turns out to be especially expensive and sunny.

If the rattle is small, it can be sewn onto the baby's socks. When he moves his legs, the rattles will make a noise effect, which will help develop motor skills and hearing in the child.


A newborn baby needs a mother all the time. Especially there is a need to feel it at night, during rest. The sleep of babies is not very calm, and the mother also needs rest. The way out of this situation can be a crocheted comforter. This is a cozy, practical, soft and kind of "cloth hugging".

To provide the baby with a complete sense of comfort, it is necessary:

  • hold the toy near mom for a while;
  • put in a crib with a child;
  • thanks to this knitted toy, the baby's sleep will be calm and healthy;
  • when he wakes up and sees his favorite toy, he can immediately play with it.

Crochet comforter

There are detailed free master classes on the Internet with clarifications and ready-made patterns of toys for newborns. To facilitate understanding of the knitting of individual elements, their connection and decoration, video tutorials are offered from where you can get the necessary knowledge.

A toy connected for a baby should perform a number of functions:

  • be useful;
  • safe;
  • develop hearing, vision and tactile senses;
  • soft and warm to the touch;
  • available for a child to bite on.

knitted toy

They must also meet the following specifications:

  • consist of soft materials - threads, shreds;
  • wash well;
  • be light;
  • not have an elongated flat shape so that when putting them in the mouth, the child could not choke;
  • have a bright color;
  • it is desirable if they are with sound.

Secrets of Successful Knitting

An experienced mom who has already made more than one toy knows approximately how many loops need to be added or reduced to create the desired configuration. Any yarn is individual in its structure.

Different types of material can project different textures:

  • with the help of shaggy threads, you can create the effect of wool, mane, hair;
  • glossy viscose will visually highlight the plexuses, their surface will turn out to be shiny and grainy;
  • yarn with protruding threads will give the effect of volume, such a product can be combed;
  • an unusual visualization is created by yarn, which turns into a new color every 10-30 cm;
  • an interesting effect will be obtained from the use of beads in knitting;
  • toys knitted from linen and viscose are very environmentally friendly, this combination is durable.

Crochet patterns for toys should certainly include the hook number and type of yarn that the toy maker suggests. It is better not to consider small products for children without a scheme at all as an option for work.

Care for crocheted toys

Children are fidgets, so often toys and everything that surrounds them get dirty. Children can stain them with food and drink. To keep them always neat and clean, you should follow these rules:

  • the toy must be washed exclusively by hand;
  • squeeze water out of the toy, should be done with your hands and very carefully;
  • do not soak the product;
  • no need to wash the craft in hot water;
  • for washing it is necessary to use baby shampoo or bath foam;
  • if there is a need to iron the product, it is better to moisten it and wrap it with a dry towel, and let it dry in this position.

The popularity of knitted toys has always been relevant. Previously, mothers looked for schemes in various magazines, today a lot of ideas and detailed descriptions can be easily found on the Internet.

Perhaps at first the process will seem complicated, but if you carefully follow the descriptions, then everything will definitely work out. And when the baby takes the beautiful creation of his mother's hands, both will get the best impressions.

You will need:
Remains of acrylic baby yarn in the following colors:
As well as the remains of acrylic yarn in white and black.

- hook 4mm;
- plastic rings with a diameter of 3 cm;
- thick sewing threads;
-4 eyes with a diameter of 9mm;
-4 eyes with a diameter of 6mm;
- synthetic winterizer;

Final dimensions:
The face is 9 cm in diameter.
With rays 14 cm in diameter.
18.5 cm wide, 8.5 cm high.
Drops: 5 cm diameter and 8.5 cm height.
Clouds (4 stitched together) 18 cm wide and 7.5 high.

The template is not a template. Design your mobile with your own sizes, colors and number of elements.

Face start from the center. Make a loop with yellow yarn. Knit 6 sc into it.
RLS. It turned out 12 columns.
Row 3 Work 2 single crochets in every second stitch of the second row. It turned out 18 columns.
Row 4 Work 2 single crochets in each 3 stitches of the second row. It turned out 24 columns.
Row 5 Work 2 single crochets in each 4 stitches of the previous row. It turned out 30 columns.
Row 6 Work 2 single crochets in each 5 sts of the previous row. It turned out 36 columns.
Row 7 Work 2 single crochets in each 6 stitches of the previous row. It turned out 42 columns.
Row 8 Work 2 single crochets in each 7 sts of the previous row. It turned out 48 columns.
Row 9 - 13SC in each loop of the previous row.
Knit eyes in 5-6 rows.
Embroider the mouth.
Row 14-20 Start contractions in reverse order. Do not forget to fill the sun with padding polyester. Close the loop.
Fasten off leaving a long thread with which to sew the hole.
Rays (8 pieces).
Make a loop with orange yarn.
Row 1 4SBN.
Row 2 6SBN
Row 3 8SBN.
Row 4 10SBN.
Row 5 Sc in each st of the previous row.
Fasten, leaving a long thread. After completing all eight rays, use long thread to sew the rays evenly around the outer edge of the sun (sun row 11).
Cheek (2 pieces).
Make a loop with pink yarn. Knit 5 sc in it.
Row 2 Knit in each loop of the previous row 2 sc - 10 sc.
Sew cheeks near the mouth.

Small cloud (2 pcs.)
Make a loop with white yarn. Knit in it with 1-4 rows - 24SBN. Fasten off leaving a long thread.
Big cloud (2 pcs.)
Make a loop with white yarn. Knit in it with 1-6 rows - 36SBN. Fasten off leaving a long thread.
When 4 clouds are ready, sew them together. Sew on a cloud under the smile of the sun.

Rainbow (2 pcs)
Tie a rainbow alternating colors (see photo).
At the end of the work, embroider the mouth, sew on the gas.

Make a loop with blue yarn. Knit 4 sc in it.
Row 2 Work 1 sc in each st of the previous row.
Row 3 Work 2 sc in each st of the previous row. It turned out 6 columns.
Row 4 6SBN.
Row 5 Work 2 single crochets in every 3 sts of the second row. It turned out 8 columns.
Row 6 Work 2 single crochets in each 4 stitches of the previous row. It turned out 10 columns.
Row 7 Work 2 single crochets in each 5 sts of the previous row. It turned out 12 columns.
Row 8 Work 2 single crochets in each 6 sts of the previous row. It turned out 14 columns.
Row 9 Work 2 single crochets in each 7 sts of the previous row. It turned out 16 columns.
Row 10 Work 2 single crochets in each 8 sts of the previous row. It turned out 18 columns.
Row 11 Work 2 single crochets in each 9 sts of the previous row. It turned out 20 columns.
Row 12 Work 2 single crochets in each 10 sts of the previous row. It turned out 22 columns.
Row 13 Work 2 single crochets in each 11 sts of the previous row. It turned out 24 columns.
Row 14-17 Knit in each. Sew eyes between 13-14 rows.
Start cuts:
Row 18 18СБН.
Row 19 12SBN.
Row 20 6SBN.
Fasten, leaving a long thread. Tie cheeks: make a loop from pink yarn and knit 5СБН. Sew cheeks.

Assemble the mobile as in the photo. Hang the elements on a thick white thread. Attach a ring at the top to hang the mobile.