How to make triangular Origami from triangular modules. Preparation of basic elements and interesting craft schemes

Modular origami is a very exciting activity that gives a lot of room for creativity to everyone who has mastered the simple technique of making paper modules.

Before you make origami modules, you need to prepare a dense and cutting tool.

You can use special paper sheets designed for making origami, but their cost is usually quite high, so at least at the training stage it is better to use plain paper for a high-density printer - from 80 g / m 3 and above (for example, Spectra Color).

Before you make the modules, you will need to cut many identical rectangles out of paper. As a cutting tool, you can use ordinary scissors. But it is tedious to cut a large number of blanks with them, so it is more convenient to use an office cutter with a self-leveling mat.

We take a sheet of A4 format. Depending on the size of the modules, the paper sheet will need to be divided into 16 or 32 fragments. If we need 16 parts, fold the sheet horizontally two times, if 32 - three times. In the figure below, we folded the workpiece three times, if you need 16 workpieces, then do not do the last bend.

Now unfold the sheet and fold it in half vertically (the fold should remain on the left side). Then fold it in half horizontally 2 times. Expand the sheet. On it we will see the fold lines along which we have to cut blanks for the modules.

The sheet to be divided into 16 parts looks like this.

And this is how the sheet looks like, which will be divided into 32 parts.

Cut the sheet along the fold lines. From each small rectangle, we have to make an origami module, the assembly diagram of which is presented below. For beginners, it is better to start assembling modules from a 1/16 paper sheet. Modules from 1/32 turn out to be more miniature and elegant, but the process of assembling them requires some skill.

Module assembly diagram:

1- take a small rectangle;

2- fold it horizontally in half;

3- now fold in half vertically;

4- expand;

5- bend the "wings" on both sides;

6- turn over (curved ends are longer);

7- bend the corners;

8- we turn the protruding part together with the corners;

9- bend the module, it takes the form of a triangle.

10-expand the triangle and get a finished module with pockets, reminiscent of an airplane.

11, 12 - fastening modules with each other using pockets.

We collect chains of ready-made modules of 10 pieces. If there are more of them, then the chain will not be strong - this will affect the quality of the craft.

Using the modules as parts of the designer, you can create the most bizarre voluminous ones from them, which your imagination only tells you.

Materials and tools

What paper is best for crafts? How to make a lot of modules faster? What is the best module size? This section will reveal the secrets modular origami and help you take your first creative steps.

Paper selection

Office paper. This is the most suitable paper for modular origami: it is quite dense and not too smooth, so the modules do not slip when connected and hold well. Colored office paper is dyed on both sides and does not turn white on the folds.

Blocks for records (stickers). Square stickers are suitable for the Superball Kusudama module and the Shamrock module. Triangular modules are usually made up of rectangular pieces of paper. The approximate aspect ratio of such a leaflet is 2:3 (for example, 14x6 cm). However, square stickers cut in half can be used. The aspect ratio will then be 2:1. The module will be thicker. For some crafts, it's even good. There are also rectangular stickers that do not need to be cut.

Advice. When using sticky note pads, fold the sticky side inward.

Origami paper. special paper for origami also called "kami" ("paper" in Japanese). It is already cut into sheets of a certain shape, usually square. The value may vary. Usually one side of such a sheet is white and the other is colored, there are several different colors in the set. There is colored paper on both sides and paper with an ornament.

Colored paper for children's creativity. Some types of such paper can be used, but you need to check if it is torn at the folds. For modular origami, as a rule, you need a lot of paper of the same color, and in sets for children's creativity there are only a few one-color sheets. However, for example, black or brown paper is difficult to find, and you have to take it from such sets.

magazine paper. Paper from modern glossy magazines (both with pictures and text) is well suited for modular origami. Choose not too thin paper. If you sort the modules by color, you can get very interesting pictorial effects in the assembled product. Several of these products are presented in this book.

Mudol paper size

The size of the pieces of paper for folding the modules can be different - large or small. The size of the future craft depends on this. For triangular modules, it is convenient to use sheets of 1/16 or 1/32 size of a standard A4 sheet.

♦ If the long and short sides of an A4 sheet are divided into 4 equal parts and cut along the marked lines, then rectangles of approximately 53 x 74 mm will be obtained.

♦ If the long side of an A4 sheet is divided into 8 equal parts, and the short side into 4 and the sheet is cut along the marked lines, then rectangles of approximately 37 x 53 mm will be obtained.
You can choose another size. For example, almost all the crafts in this book are made from modules with the original size of pieces of paper 38x60 mm (or 4X6 cm). In some cases, 76 x 76 mm stickers cut in half were used. But no matter what size of the module you choose, it is most convenient to focus on it when making all crafts. Then they will be compatible with each other and the Christmas tree, folded for the New Year, will be able to turn into a palm tree, and then into a peacock or something else.

Tools and additional materials

Stationery knife and ruler. Before you start folding the modules, you need to cut the paper into rectangles or squares if you are not using stickers of a suitable shape. It is convenient to cut several layers of paper at once. It is very difficult to do this with scissors. It is better to cut paper with a good stationery knife along the ruler. The ruler should be solid, preferably with a recess or a handle for holding. Place a solid board under the paper. If possible, purchase a special paper cutter.

Glue. Most of the triangular pieces presented in this book were made without the use of glue. It is very comfortable. Any craft can be disassembled and create something new. Glue is used only for attaching small parts - a peephole, jewelry, etc. If desired, it can be replaced with an adhesive mass. However, if you plan to use the craft as a children's toy, as a gift or an exhibition item, then it makes sense to take care of durability. You can use thick PVA glue or an adhesive stick when assembling. And when working with the Shamrock module, glue is needed. With the help of glue, flower petals are connected, it is also needed in the manufacture of stems and fastening of leaves.

Adhesive mass. A very handy invention! Reminds me of a cross between double-sided tape and white plasticine. You can tear off a piece, roll it into a ball and attach any
detail outside or inside the craft. When necessary, the part can be removed. This mass leaves no traces.

Paints. The whole craft can be made from white office paper, and then coated with paint from a spray can - golden, silver or any color.

Sewing thread with a needle. Kusudama "Superball" modules are interconnected with a needle and thread.

Additional details. When making crafts, you will need ready-made eyes for toys. They come in different sizes and shapes. You can draw eyes yourself on thick paper or print ready-made images of an eye of the desired size and type on a printer, which can be found, for example, on the Land of Masters website. Ribbons, beads, sequins, beads, etc. are suitable for decorating crafts.

Origami modules

There are many varieties origami modules: flat - for mosaics, voluminous - for kusudam and various figures. Modules for mosaics are simply glued to the base close to each other. Volumetric modules can be glued to each other, sewn together or connected in a constructive way (the protruding parts of one module are inserted into the pockets of another). Let's consider how three types of bulk modules are performed, from which all the products presented in the book will be assembled.

triangular module

The triangular module is the basis of the crafts presented in the book. As mentioned above, to complete such a module, you need a rectangular piece of paper.
1. Fold a rectangular piece of paper in half lengthwise.
2. Bend across to mark the middle line, and unbend. Lay angle up.
3. Bend the edges to the middle.
4. Turn over.
5. Fold the bottom up.
6. Fold the corners over the large triangle.
7. Unfold the corners and the bottom.
8. Fold the corners again along the marked lines and lift the bottom up.
9. Fold in half. The resulting module has two lower corners and two pockets. Such modules can be inserted into each other in various ways and get three-dimensional figures. The figure, folded from modules, can be easily disassembled. One of the possible connection methods is shown in the photo.

Attention! The side lying in the triangular module opposite the right angle will be called the long side. The side opposite the 60 degree angle is short.

Kusudami module "Superball"

One of the objects modular origami is kusudama - a spherical figure assembled from modules of various shapes. The classic Kusudama "Superball" consists of 40 modules in the form of flowers, also called flower.
These modules can serve as the basis for creating various crafts, such as dolls. In addition, they can be used to make hearts for flowers or the flowers themselves. Kusudama module "Superball" is made from a square piece of paper. For kusudama, it is better to use double-sided colored paper, for other crafts - depending on the design.

1. Lay a square piece of paper upside down. Mark the lines of the diagonals by bending and straightening it. Flip.
2. Mark the middle vertical and horizontal lines by bending and unbending a piece of paper. Flip.
3. Fold along all the marked lines at the same time. The result is a basic shape - a double square.
4. Position the form with the "entrance" down and fold the edges to the middle in front and behind.
5. When bending the edges, four "pockets" were obtained. Open one of the "pockets" and flatten it.
6. "Flip" the left side of the workpiece to the right.
7. Perform the same operation with the pair "pocket", as well as with the remaining two.
8. Open the blank on the side without the "pocket". Fold the edges towards the middle.
9. Fold the corner.
10. Perform steps 8 and 9 three more times, "flipping" the workpiece.
11. Fully expand the resulting workpiece.
12. Press in the middle of the piece of paper with the marked folds so that it becomes concave. Now assemble the final module. Start in the top left corner. Grasp the edges of the paper with your hands in the places marked in the photo with dotted lines.
13. Bring the folds back, around the corner of the square. The folds marked with a dotted line should meet at the back.
14. Bend the edges of the resulting "petal" to the middle along the previously outlined folds.
15. Bend the corner inward.
16. "Flip" the right side of the resulting figure to the left. Do the next "petal" in the same way.
17. Bend the edges of the "petal" and the corner again.
18. Perform steps 16 and 17 twice more.

Shamrock module

From such modules, you can make various mosaics, applications and bulk products. To fold the module, you need a square piece of paper.

1. Lay a square piece of paper upside down. Bend diagonally and straighten.
2. Bend the edges to the middle.
3. Bend the corner up and tuck in.
4. Bend the side corners to the middle.
5. Now the corners need to be filled inside the workpiece. Unfold the left corner, then unbend the entire left side of the workpiece.
6. Adjust the corner inward, fold the left side.
7. Do the same on the right side.
8. Rotate the workpiece 180° and fold the edges down.
9. Turn over to the other side.
10. Fold the edges to the middle, while the back layer of paper should come up.

The art of folding figures from modules came to us from the East, where, more than ever, manual labor is valued. Painstaking and demanding work will fully reward you with the charm of the created three-dimensional figure. So, let's figure out how to create crafts from modules.

To create each model, origami color schemes are needed. Studying such sample charts will be a great pastime, as well as a way to relax and get rid of stress.

Origami from triangular modules: the first steps

Any figure of modular technology begins with the preparation of triangular modules. Like bricks, these blanks contribute to the birth of a new paper masterpiece. The manufacture of these modules is done according to the traditional origami scheme - from one rectangle of paper:

Step-by-step MK for making an origami vase from triangular modules

The simplest object created from modules is a vase. It will take you about 30 minutes to make it. As a result, you will get a very stylish interior detail or a great gift for loved ones or relatives.

So, for work, prepare 380 modules of any color.

We start with a row of 20 modules.

We connect the corners one after another, then closing the workpiece into a ring. We collect another 15 rows of 20 modules:

Please note that in the 16th row, the corners must be placed with a long base inside the workpiece:

Now we form the wedges of the vase. To do this, every 2 modules we have 4 corners.

In the next row, we attach 3 modules on top of the previous 4, then 2 each. We complete the wedges with 1 module. Bend outwards:

The vase is ready! You can add more colors made in this or another origami technique

After you have learned how to assemble a round vase, you can try your hand at creating other shapes that have a similar structure. For example, the figure of a cat.

Cat from modules

As you can see, the body of the cat has approximately the same structure as the vase. The only exceptions are some details: the tail and ears. For this model, we need 1000 white modules and 130 pink paper corners.

Owl origami from triangular modules

And this is what an owl from triangular modules looks like:

There are even fewer differences from the vase we have already created. Having shown imagination, you can add eyes, a colored beak, and also make wings on the right and left. For example, like this:

For this model, we need 157 purple modules, 62 white, 2 black and 7 orange.

We start with 5 white and 13 purple corners:

Having collected 3 rows in this way, turn the work inside out:

In the next row add 6 white and 12 purple corners:

The base of the owlet should consist of 6 rows. In the 7th row, we unfold the corners with sharp corners inside the workpiece.

In the 8th row, we again turn the two central white modules with sharp corners inward, attach the remaining corners in the usual way:

In the next row, add an orange beak to the white "inverted" modules of the previous row:

In the next row add black eyes:

After that, we begin to make out the top of the bird. Above the beak we place 1 purple module, the rest of the colors are unchanged - white and purple:

We reduce the number of modules to 8 purple:

Now we form the ears by adding 3 corners symmetrically to the nose:

We finish the ears with the 1st module:

The paws of the bird consist of 3 corners for each:

For the tail, we attach 2 more modules. And glue wings to the base of the figure, each consisting of 3 modules:

Owlet is ready:

You can also watch video tutorials.


Previously, we have already analyzed how a swan is made from modules.

For those who have not read that article, we attach video tutorials.

By the way, it is also based on a simple round shape.

By adding a tail, wings and a neck, we were able to give the figure the shape of a bird, the curve of the neck of which can be easily changed.

At first glance, the simple art of origami from triangular paper modules turns out to be a masterful embodiment of all kinds of shapes and silhouettes.

Combinations of different arrangement of modules relative to each other help to create quite realistic 3D figures. Pay attention to the dove figure from the modules:

To create this figure, I prepared a separate master class.

By the way, another popular Japanese figure in the modular origami technique is a hare.

The scheme of the hare and the stages of the model are very reminiscent of assembling a vase:

The finished bunny can be supplemented with eyes and a muzzle cut out of paper.

triangular module

This module is used in most crafts modular

A4 sheet is divided into equal rectangles, and choose the size yourself. The more rectangles, the smaller the modulus. I make modules based on this ratio.

1. Bend the rectangle in half lengthwise.

2. Bend across, find the middle, and unbend. Lay at a bent corner

3.Fold the edges towards the middle.

4. Turn the product over

5. Fold up the raised edges.

6. Lay the corners behind the triangle.

7. Unfold the bottom

8. Lay the corners along the resulting lines and lift

bottom up

9.bend the module in half

10. triangular module ready

assembly video

Here is another paper origami module, although the first one is running. The process of flattening the sheet

The rectangles are narrower, they fit almost the same, but there are slight differences in module assembly.

Folding modules for tangram models.

Tangram models are assembled, as a rule, from modules folded in a triangle, the so-called basic modules. The second type of modules - additional - due to its narrow long shape is used to create leaves, heads and necks. The basis of both types of modules is a square. Folding modules is a fairly simple process.

Origami modular assembly scheme:

Basic module from a square.

We begin to arrange origami from paper -


1. First, lay a sheet of paper on the table with one corner towards you. Then bend it diagonally up so that you get a triangle. The long side is at the bottom.

2. In the second step, attach the right corner to the upper, middle corner and make a crease.

3.Now the left corner is next in line. It also needs to be attached to the top corner. Now you have a square.

4. Turn the square upside down, all corners should remain at the top.

5. Bend the top sheet of the square down, make a crease.

6. Then fold down the right square.

7. Do the same with the left corner: bend it from top to bottom. If you did everything right, you will get another triangle.

8.Finally, fold the right half of the triangle to the left.

9.Basic module is ready for assembly modular origami from paper.

10. This is how the base module looks from the side. Two slots for nesting other modules are clearly visible. In this perspective module stands on its long side, double end (goal) pointing back.

module assembly video


Additional module.

For those who have seriously decided to comprehend the ancient Japanese art of origami, I suggest starting with simple figures. This technique does not use glue at all. And this makes it very easy to work with paper, making it possible to create beautiful and neat products. The modular technique of this art allows you to give the figures volume and an interesting texture. Let's see how to make modular origami.

Origami from modules for beginners

Our acquaintance will begin with the manufacture of blanks for modules. Modules are paper folded into triangles. To do this, there is a paper folding technique:

First, we take sheets of A4 format, scissors, a ruler and a pencil. Carefully mark on the workpiece sheet. Exactly 16 base rectangles with dimensions of 5.3x7.4 cm are placed on one sheet.

After all the blanks are cut, we begin to make modules. Try to do the work as carefully as possible, because each module is like a puzzle in a mosaic, it must be even so that the rest of the details can seamlessly connect to it.

Creating origami crafts from modules for beginners: diagrams are very useful in order not to get confused in the sequence of connecting elements.


In the first couple, try your hand at assembling a simple tulip according to the scheme:

This diagram shows that work should begin with 15 yellow corners.

In total, the flower should consist of 7 rows, closed in a circle.

It is also seen that after 3 rows, the workpiece is divided into 3 wedges - future flower petals.

As a result, we should get this flower:

See the video for more details:

Origami from modules for beginners Snake

You can hone your joining skills by assembling a simple snake model. The scheme of this figure is very simple:

And as a result, we get such a harmless bright snake:

In total, we need 121 modules for work. You should start with the head of the figure:

Following the instructions of the diagram, we increase the body of the snake in the 5th row to 5 modules.

And make snake eyes.

All other actions are carried out strictly adhering to the scheme:

In places where the figure bends, we pay special attention to attaching modules of the following row:

We continue connecting the parts until we reach the tail of the snake:

The final touch in the work will be gluing the tongue:

Be sure to watch the video tutorials below.

slice of watermelon

Another simple origami scheme from triangular modules for beginners has an appetizing watermelon slice:

There is nothing complicated in this figure, and it is perfect for children's creativity.

In total, we need 213 pieces of different colors: 114 red, 66 green, 17 white and 16 black triangles.

We begin to create our slice from the green peel. In the first row we will have 15 green modules. They need to be placed with the short base of the triangle up.

Then in the second row we add 14 green elements, but now the long side should be at the top.

The third row of peel again consists of 15 modules. In the fourth row, again reduce the number by 1 = 14 elements.

Starting from the 5th row, we start adding new colors. First, we make a white layer between the peel and the pulp of the watermelon. We arrange the modules according to the scheme: 2 green, 13 white and again 2 green.

Now we have moved on to the very pulp of the future of a ripe watermelon. In the 6th row we will have 3 colors. We arrange the modules in the following sequence: 1 green, 1 white, 12 red, 1 white and again 1 green.

7 row will consist of 15 modules: 1 white, 13 red, again 1 white.

In the 8th row, we begin to add watermelon pits. We arrange the modules in turn, starting and ending the row with red elements. There will be 14 modules in total.

To give the watermelon slice a triangular shape, in subsequent rows we will reduce the number of modules.

The entire ninth row will consist of only 13 red elements.

In the 10th and 12th rows, we again place the triangles in the red-black sequence, similarly to the 8th row.

In the 11th row we will have only red modules. And from rows 13 to 21, we reduce the number of elements by 1. All modules will be red.

In the 21st row, we should have 1 triangle left.

For those who want to clearly understand how to make origami from modules for beginners, I also attach a video:

Our watermelon slice is ready. She looks very appetizing.

Try to use paper in bright, saturated colors in your work. It will help to give your figures even more realism.

Now you know how to make a modular origami for beginners, and this piece of watermelon will become a real treat.