Birthday games for a fun company. A selection of the best contests for a birthday or corporate party. original contests in video format

Do you have a birthday coming up and want to celebrate it with fun? Then you should come up with interesting contests. They are popular at birthday parties. Don't be put off by passive friends who are sure to be found. There are people who always dislike everything. But if you are an active person, you will definitely be able to convince your friends to take part in contests.

And if they refuse, lure them with gifts, which can be various trinkets. It will be easier for a person to decide on a game when he knows that a prize awaits him.

Milk a glove

This birthday contest is not trivial, few people have heard of it. Therefore, you will be able to surprise your friends. You will need two gloves for the competition. Take them out of the package and use a needle to make a small hole in each finger. How to hold this interesting birthday contest? Pour water into gloves, tie them to a chair, and place them in a basin below. Call two active friends. Their job is to milk the gloves. Whoever does it faster wins. But participants should be warned that it is impossible to cheat and enlarge the holes. To avoid this, you should buy not thin latex, but thick rubber gloves. This competition is for the birthday of adults. Cool entertainment will appeal to children, but they are unlikely to be able to complete the tasks, as they will not have the strength to “milk” all the water.

Game "I"

This much-loved fun can be turned into a birthday contest. Even those who do not like to get up from the table can take part in it. What is the essence of the game? Every person with a serious face should pronounce the word "I". For the first half minute, everyone usually succeeds, and then, someone is sure to laugh. This person should come up with a nickname. And the game resumes. Everyone continues to say "I", and the laughing person adds a nickname to the "I". It can sound like "I'm a scapegoat" or "I'm a furry orangutan." Now it will be a difficult task to keep a serious expression on your face. And each laugher, in turn, comes up with a nickname. If a person who already has one “drive” could not restrain himself, another one is attributed to him. And now it can sound like "I am a furry orangutan with six ears." How to make a birthday contest out of the game? It will be interesting to see who can remain without a nickname the longest. This person should win the prize.

Pop the balloon

This birthday contest can be held at both an adult and a children's party. And at one and the other event, he will be successful. How to run this competition? Inflate balloons of two colors. Now you need to tie long ropes to them. Then you should divide the guests into two teams. Members of one of them are tied to their feet, for example, with red balls, and the other with blue ones. At the signal, the competition begins. The task of the teams is to burst the opponent's balls, while keeping their own intact. Naturally, you can't use your hands. You should also warn guests not to push or bite. And this should be announced not only to children. The team that bursts other people's balloons faster wins.

guess who

Funny Birthday Contest is a converted sticker game. Probably everyone has experience of such entertainment. This fun is equally well suited for both children and adults holiday. Stickers should be prepared - colored adhesive papers. Each of the players is given one of them, and pens are also distributed. You should set a topic, for example, actors, cartoon characters, or just media personalities. Each of the guests writes a name on his piece of paper and glues it on the forehead of the neighbor on the right. Now you need to give everyone 5 minutes to read what was written, and then you can start playing. Each of the guests asks in turn a question that can be answered yes or no. If the answer is yes, then you can ask another question. If the answer is negative, then the right to move is transferred clockwise. The first person to guess who he is wins. But in this competition, not one, but three prizes. But the game can continue until the last player wins. But it's getting boring. This birthday contest is suitable for a woman, a man and even a child.

Competition for luck

Wondering how to entertain your guests? Run a funny contest. On a birthday, people come to have fun, eat delicious food and drink. So invite your guests to do all this, and at the same time. Two people will participate in the competition. Glasses are placed in front of them, and a snack is laid out: cheese and sweets. What's in the glasses? They need to pour different types of red wine: dry, semi-sweet and sweet, as well as something red and non-alcoholic: juice, fruit drink or compote. Participants at speed, choose glass after glass and drain them. And then someone will be lucky, although everyone will consider a different drink as luck. After the “meal”, the contestants need to quickly say a saying. Who will cope with this task better, he won. This competition, for a man's birthday, can be slightly modernized. Instead of glasses, put glasses and pour vodka and water into them.


For children, they can be exactly the same as for the holidays of adults. For example, invite the kids to play forfeits. You should prepare task cards in advance. For example, you can write something funny - put a pot on your head and tap it with a ladle, or something difficult - do push-ups 5 times. Now you need to "undress" each of the guests. Children donate one of their toys, earrings or something similar to a shared hat. The host pulls out the task first, and then the subject. You can hold it in the form of a competition and calculate which of the children will cope with a large number of tasks, or you can simply make forfeits a fun game.

Best Writer

All your guests are different people. Some of them work as doctors, others as artists, and others as sellers. Everyone in life had funny situations related to their profession. But not everyone is willing to listen to such stories. So you can convert them into birthday contests. Home holiday will be more fun. What should be done? You should choose any well-known fairy tale. For example, "Scarlet Flower", "Goldfish", "Snow White" or "Cinderella". The task of the guests is to describe the chosen fairy tale in their professional language. Then these literary masterpieces are read out and the best one wins. It's funny to read about the adventure of Cinderella, who broke through to success through the wilds of criticism and misunderstanding and became a designer. And how do you like the version of "The Scarlet Flower", where the girl treated a seriously ill animal, putting him on a dropper and taking him to the hospital for tests? Such a competition at the birthday party of an adult at the table will be a success. But you can dream up with children. In this case, the guys should write a fairy tale on behalf of a person of the profession that they want to get when they grow up. Such compositions will be interesting to happen not only to children, but also to their parents.

Read the verse

Don't know how to entertain guests at the table? A grown-up birthday party can be a lot of fun. You will need to prepare for it. Find some short literary work, or a half-page excerpt. You can choose a little-known verse. Now you should choose one host, and divide the rest of the guests into two teams. The host must fill his mouth with a piece of holiday cake. Moreover, the piece should be so large that it was problematic to speak. This is where you need to read it. The task of the teams is to write down what they hear. At the end, the results are read out in turn. The team whose text was closest to the original wins.

Take off your sock

This birthday contest for kids is a lot of fun. The participants of the feast are divided in pairs. They are seated on the floor and given a start. From this point on, the children must remove their partner's socks. However, you cannot use your hands. You should also observe safety precautions and do not kick. The winners are paired up again. And, accordingly, in this way the two reach the final. The winner is the one who wins all the games. The competition is interesting, and not only children can play it. It is also suitable for fun students who don't know how to have fun at a party.

Unbutton the buttons

Thinking about what kind of birthday contests to hold at home? One of the fun ones is the strip contest. But not in the most ordinary sense of the word. To carry out this fun, you will need two men's shirts. They should be worn on girls, over their main clothes. But the guys should give out mittens. And the thicker they are, the better. The task of the guys is to unbutton all the buttons on the shirt of their partner. It will be fun to watch how men will perform their usual action in a non-trivial way. The one who completes the task faster wins. But terms must be negotiated. Buttons may not be torn off, and girls should not help men.

What is in the box

Would you like to try yourself as a psychic? Your guests will certainly not refuse to test their supernatural abilities either. How to do it at home? Very simple. You will need a crate or box. For entourage, you can paint them black. Now you have to figure out what will become of the contents of the box. It could be something alive, like a turtle borrowed from a neighbor, or something edible, like a piece of birthday cake. You can put any item of clothing, such as a hat. In general, it's up to you to decide. In any case, it will be fun. The main thing is not to hint to guests about the object inside. Have them walk around the box, wave their hands, but don't open it. Write down any assumptions that will be made about the content. The guest who comes closest to the correct answer wins.

Eat an apple

This children's competition will be quite appropriate for an adult holiday. What is its essence? Guests are divided into pairs. Now one person climbs onto a chair, the second remains below. Each team is given an apple with a string tied to it. The player who is standing on the chair must hold the thread, and his colleague below must eat the apple. But there is one caveat. Hands cannot be used. The team that eats the apple faster than the others wins. If you often hold such a competition, and have already become professionals in it, you can complicate the rules a little. For example, blindfold a person who will eat an apple. In this case, the task of the player on the chair is not only to hold the fruit, but also to direct the actions of his colleague.

Draw a birthday boy

One of the interesting birthday table contests is the cartoon contest. Do you think only children can draw them? Nothing like this. An adult accountant will do it just as well. In order to equalize the chances of all participants to win, because some of the guests can draw better, and some worse, everyone should be blindfolded. Now in front of each guest you need to put a piece of paper and give a pencil. Record the time, for example, 3 minutes. Each participant portrays a birthday person. There are no restrictions. Guests can portray a portrait, a full-length figure, or some kind of scene. Those players who have the skill to draw in one line without taking their hands off the paper will be lucky. After three minutes, the participants untie their eyes. The cutest drawing wins.

Who knows the birthday person better

What are the table contests for a birthday? One of the fun ones is a birthday quiz. Prepare tricky questions in advance. This can be done both by the birthday person himself, and by the person who helps organize the holiday. Guests need to be divided into two teams. Each of them is asked questions, for example, what was the name of the first friend of the birthday boy, what school did he go to, what was his first job, etc. If one of the teams does not answer the question, the right to answer passes to the other. This contest helps to get to know the person you came to for a birthday closer.

Birthday script

To make the holiday fun, it should be planned. Write a script for a birthday with contests. It will help to make the holiday fun and entertain guests. You can take ideas for contests above or come up with your own. There must be a leader at the party. Or it will be the birthday boy, or one of his friends. But there must always be a responsible person. Here is an approximate scenario for a birthday.

Host: Hello friends! Good to see you all. Today we have not just a party. We are here to wish Serezha a happy birthday. Well, we will start, perhaps, our holiday with a competition. Who wants to participate?

Volunteers come out and the competition "Walk the glove" is held

Host: Well done guys. It is a pity that this female occupation is worse for girls. Your arms are completely weakened. But it's okay. You don't need to milk cows, and tender hands are a woman's pride. Now let's all have some fun.

There is a game of stickers.

Host: Well done everyone. No wonder they say that women's intuition is better developed than men's. Olya, Marina and Yulia proved it to us. And now let's check who is more lucky with us.

An alcohol game is held with different varieties of red drinks.

Host: And here the men excelled. This is not surprising, they have a nose for alcohol. Something we sat up friends, let's play something moving.

The competition "Burn the ball" is held.

Host: Are you excited? So let's continue. Let's play crocodile.

There is a game of pantomime.

Leading: Let's finally congratulate our birthday man on the holiday and sing a congratulatory song to him.

Guests sing Happy birthday to you and a birthday cake is brought out to the song.

The host asks questions about the birthday man, and the guests answer. The fastest and smartest guest, who gave the most correct answers about the hero of the occasion, deserves a prize. Sample questions: What is the birthday boy's favorite fruit? birth weight? what position does he hold? what movie do you like? and so on.

Unique congratulations

Each guest in turn gets up and congratulates the birthday man on his birthday, inserting a certain word into his speech, which will be given for forfeits. Words should be interesting and complex, not used in everyday life, for example, transformer, collider, and so on. And if the company allows, then instead of words, you can prepare forfeits not with one word, but with whole sentences, for example, Argentina beckons a black man, the Boar fell and his paw on its side. It will be very funny and fun to listen to congratulations with a special accent.

Spell Description

In a circle, the guests call one word each, characterizing the birthday man by the order of the letters in his name. For example, Irina. The first guest - and, playful, the second - p, luxurious, the third - and, interesting, the fourth - n, unusual, the fifth - a, artistic, and the sixth starts again with the first letter of the name, i.e. - and, and so on until the last guest. Who stumbles - flies out of the game. The most resourceful guest wins a prize.

Exclusive among guests

Guests receive sheets and pens. The facilitator in turn sets the task, for example, write your favorite fruit. The guests write their favorite fruit on the leaves and take turns calling it, whoever has the same fruit written on the leaf, he gets up, and the guest who named this fruit, and the guest who repeated it, leave. Guests who fail to match continue the game. The facilitator sets the task: write your favorite non-alcoholic drink, and the game continues along the same chain. The guests who stay until the end and who do not have matches with anyone are considered the most exclusive and receive prizes.
Task examples:
Favorite vegetable; favorite color; favorite direction in music; favorite season; favorite flower; favorite gem and so on.

We collect the birthday boy in parts

You will need a large sheet of paper or whatman paper and a marker. Each guest gets up in turn, they blindfold him and bring him to the drawing paper, naming a certain part of the body of the birthday man, which he must draw, for example, eyes, the second participant - the hips, the third - ears, the fourth - fingers, the fifth - the navel, and so on. . The result is a fun and interesting portrait.


It would seem a simple and unpretentious contest, but it is addictive and will be able to cheer up even the saddest guest at the holiday. Each participant is provided with soap bubbles, which can be bought at any market or children's store. The task of each participant is to blow the biggest soap bubble. Each participant has 5 attempts. Who will inflate the most-presame big soap bubble, he will receive a prize, for example, a pack of bubblegum.

Sushi in Russian

3-4 people participate. Each participant is given Chinese sticks, with which the rivals must transfer sweets from one vase to another as quickly as possible. Whoever completes the sushi task the fastest will receive a prize, such as a jar of soy sauce or a tube of wasabi.

Symbolism for the birthday

Guests are divided into several teams. Each team is given a large sheet of paper and markers or pens. Everyone is given 5-10 minutes to imagine and complete the task. And the task is this: you need to come up with a flag and rowing for the birthday man, depict them accordingly and explain the meaning, as well as compose a short hymn in a few lines. For the most fun, interesting option, the team will receive a prize and gratitude from the birthday man.

Clap the song

Each of the guests chooses a card from the general pile of cards on which songs known to everyone are written. Then each guest in turn must clap their song, and the rest of the guests must guess it. Song titles are chosen depending on the contingent of guests.

Steam locomotive guests

This competition is best held before the start of the celebration or before the next seating of guests at the table. The main engine is the birthday boy, he drives up to each of the guests and asks any question about himself, for example, what is my eye color or what is my favorite season. If the guest correctly answers the question - he joins the composition, if not - then he remains on the sidelines. The assembled composition is invited to the table, and those guests who could not correctly answer the questions of the birthday man-carriage fulfill the wish of the birthday man in turn so that they can sit down at the table.

Hello, dear friends and guests of the blog about original gifts and congratulations! Let's discuss fun birthday contests for adults, shall we?

So, I give the floor to Lena.

Hi all! I think that before the next holiday, which is planned to be celebrated at home, you are also visited by a variety of thoughts. How to cook a delicious table, how to clean and decorate an apartment or your own yard. But in order for the celebration to be remembered not only by fatigue and a bunch of envelopes with money, special emotions are needed. And achieving this state is much easier than you might think. All you need is an interesting program of the event.

What is included? And everything that your imagination can suggest: games and fun contests, unusual ways of presenting gifts, and even various theatrical performances. In the past, birthdays left us with a very ambiguous feeling. They were all similar. And sometimes, on a seemingly solemn day, tears even welled up from this routine.

But now, before each holiday, I try to arrange something new so that not only the guests, but also us, the hosts, have pleasant emotions from the time spent.

In general, today I share my best practices! I really hope that this article will help you create your own interesting and vibrant holiday program with your own hands. All elements of the entertainment program, which I will give below, have already been successfully tested by us. So feel free to use if you like something.

This article is about birthday contests. So, choose to be happy!

Competition "Rhyming"

Until the guests are very warmed up, it is pointless to take them out from the table. Therefore, you can start with "sitting" contests. This competition is simple, its essence lies in the fact that the participants are given cards on which 3 any words are written. The task is to compose a poem in honor of the holiday, the birthday man and other heroes of the occasion, using all these words in the text. The number of participants is not limited.

The winner is the one who gets the most creative, funny verse.

A variation of this competition: a well-known poem is given. The task is to remake it under the meaning of the holiday and certainly in rhyme. We played like this at a friends wedding, there were two teams with a fairly large number of participants. Let me tell you, we laughed non-stop.

Competition "Fairytale"

This competition can also be held while sitting at the table. 2-3 participants (or two or three teams) are selected who need to tell a well-known fairy tale in the genre of comedy, thriller, melodrama, horror film, etc. Participants draw genres in the lottery. The most exciting story wins.

The competition is very unusual in fact, it requires a creative approach, but it's worth it! We made fun of the pockmarked chicken 🙂.

Competition "Sausage"

This game is also from the category of "sedentary", but it is better to conduct it when the guests have had enough fun. Everyone plays! The task is this: the facilitator asks questions. And the participants take turns responding to them with the word “sausage” or single-root adjectives, participles, adverbs (for example, sausage, sausage, etc.). Everything would be simple, but you need to answer only with a serious face. The one who smiled and even more so laughed - out. The most persistent wins. You can even make a diploma for endurance.

The more inappropriate, the merrier. By the way, it is better to think over the list of questions in advance and make it as long as possible.

The guests enjoyed playing this game, it was a lot of fun, especially when not very adequate and not very decent questions were asked.

Well, is it time to leave the table?

Competition "Perfect Gift"

Funny birthday contests for adults can be not only feasting, but also moving and noisy!

To participate, you need 2-3 teams of 2 people each. As well as props: wrapping paper (you can use thin corrugated paper, which is sold at any stationery store), ribbons and blank boxes with small gifts for the birthday boy. It is better if these boxes are of a non-standard shape, for example, round.

Team members sit / stand next to each other, and they are tied with one hand each (that is, one is left, the other is right). At the edges of the tandem, hands are free. Task: in 5 minutes, pack a box with a gift in paper as neatly and creatively as possible, tie a beautiful bow. And then hand over your work to the birthday man, saying, of course, your sincere congratulations.

The catch is that the participants can use only one of their hands. The second hand is the partner's hand. Try to rebuild right away)))) We tried, the gifts turned out to be what we need 🙂!

Paper Shredder Contest

Need 2 participants, 2 A4 sheets, 2 bowls and a stopwatch. Task: in 30-40 seconds (maximum a minute), tear a sheet of paper into a bowl into small pieces with one hand. The winner is the one who has the smallest piece left in his hand (well, or there is no paper left at all). You can’t cheat, and the pieces in the bowl should be small!

Competition "Catch, ball!"

We need 2 teams of 2 members. Props: 2 plastic bowls, a pack of ping-pong balls. In each team, one of the participants holds a bowl at chest level. And the second participant moves away at a distance of 3-4 meters. Task: within a minute, he must throw as many balls as possible into that bowl. Naturally, the team with the most balls wins.

The funny thing is that the balls bounce off easily and it is very difficult to keep them inside the bowl even after it seems to be hit.

Creative birthday contests (my favorites)

These competitions allow you to show your talent, which many may not even be aware of.

Competition "Clip"

The essence of this competition is to show a famous song with the help of acting: facial expressions, gestures, characteristic sounds. Be sure to prepare a few of these songs. So, the song turns on, and then the participant (s) in the image comes out and begins to show everything that is sung about in the selected composition.

We tried this for the new year to the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, moreover, in 2 versions - one year as a team, and another time one person showed. It was very interesting and fun.

Competition "Universal Artist"

I won’t say which show exactly the meaning of the next contest is close to, because. I just don't watch TV, but the essence is this: you need to sing a song in the style of a famous person.

Props: cards with the words of songs on the theme of the holiday or just the birthday's favorite songs, cards with famous characters (politicians, show business stars, cartoon characters and other public figures). The number of cards in both categories must match.

Participants (there should be no more than character cards) take turns drawing a piece of paper first from the first pile, and then from the second.

We put on a real show, where I was the host, announcing, as expected, each participant. Of course, there were applause, ovations and a lot of positive. Especially when VV Zhirinovsky appeared on the scene. I highly recommend this contest, it's not for you to look for clothespins on someone else's body 🙂!

Actually, you can still find a lot of interesting and fun birthday contests for adults on the Internet. I brought you just a small part of what was tested and remembered from the recent (and how much more is lost in the depths of memory!).

So try, don't sit at the table. Well, if there is where to run around, look for gifts. But even in an ordinary apartment, you can arrange a real fun holiday, moreover, without disturbing your neighbors with a stomp and getting real positive emotions. And I talked about how to arrange a holiday in nature on my blog Domovenok-Art (see the article at the link).

These are such fun birthday contests for adults that each of you can arrange. I am very grateful to Lena for this interesting material. I hope that you will definitely use the information prepared by Lena and arrange an unforgettable holiday! Write your opinions and your favorite contests in the comments below this article!

Who said adults don't like to have fun like little kids? Does a birthday have to be celebrated at a big table and be accompanied by boring gatherings, at which some pretty drunk guests will want to indulge in boring memories and perform the same songs of youth? Stop! Get only pleasure and positive emotions from the holiday. Play and have fun as you want, because such a significant date happens only once a year. And in order to properly tune in to the upcoming festive atmosphere, prepare cool toasts, funny congratulations in advance and do not forget that you can arrange funny birthday contests. And we will definitely help you with this!


For this competition, several couples are invited (boy-girl). The leader in the hall sets the boundaries (it will be a river). After that, a competition called "Gentleman" is announced. The guy must carry the girl across the river in various poses. The number of poses is guessed by the presenter or the birthday person. The one who has shown the greatest ingenuity wins.

"Give Your Feeling"

Funny and funny blindfold birthday contests will always amuse everyone present from the heart. So, to participate, you need to invite 5 players. Each of them should be seated on a chair. All but one must be blindfolded. The host must approach the hero of the occasion and whisper the names of several feelings into his ear, for example, fear, pain, love, horror, passion, etc. The birthday boy must choose one of them and whisper it into the ear of the player with open eyes. That, in turn, must show this feeling tactilely to the second, sitting on a chair with a blindfold. The second - to the third, etc. The very last participant must say aloud what feeling the birthday man thought of. Such funny birthday contests are suitable for both corporate events and weddings.

"Understand me"

For this contest, you should prepare a small tangerine (so that it can fit in the player's mouth) and cards with difficult to pronounce words. The participant must place the fruit in his mouth and thus read out what is written on the cards. The guests must guess what the "unfortunate" is saying. Whoever guessed the most words wins.

"The Power of Touch"

Like many funny birthday contests for adults, the game called "The Power of Touch" is blindfolded. So, a few girls should be seated on chairs. One young man is invited to participate, who needs to be blindfolded and hands tied. Thus, the player without the help of hands must determine who this girl is. You can do this in any way - rub your cheek, touch your nose, kiss, sniff, etc.

"Real Boxers"

Funny, funny, interesting birthday contests will surely appeal to everyone without exception, if more guests are involved in them. So, the host should prepare boxing gloves. Two young people are invited to participate, preferably stronger and bigger. For the look, you can use the ladies of the heart.

The host must put on boxing gloves on the knights. Guests should come up and cheer on each boxer, stretch his shoulders, muscles, in general, everything, as before a real fighting match. The facilitator's task is to recall the main rules: “Do not hit below the belt”, “Do not push”, “Do not swear”, “Fight to the first blood”, etc. After that, the facilitator distributes candy to the participants, preferably a small one, and announces a competition. The one of the "fighters" who quickly frees the sweetness from the wrapper will win. Similar competitions are suitable for children and adults.

"Cherished ... bang!"

You can invite more than one person to participate in this competition. And so that funny birthday contests will please more guests, divide the participants into teams. So, the presenter must prepare balloons, pushpins, adhesive tape (as an option, adhesive tape) and threads. Each participant is given a ball, the thread of which must be tied around the waist so that the ball hangs at the level of the buttocks. The other players need to be given a piece of adhesive tape through which the button was pierced, and stick it on each forehead (with the tip out, of course). The leader turns on the music. Participants who have a button on their foreheads have their hands tied so that they cannot use them. The task of the players is to burst the balloon using the button. Whose team will do it faster, that one will win.

"Congratulations all together"

When the guests pretty much run in and have fun, you can take a break. An excellent option in this case would be birthday contests at the table. No, there will be no songs and intellectual games, only entertainment and laughter. So, for this competition, the presenter must prepare a small text of congratulations, in which all adjectives must be excluded (in the text in place of adjectives, a large indent must be left in advance).

Here is a short excerpt as an example: “... guests! Today we have gathered at this ..., ... and ... evening in order to congratulate our ..., ... and ... birthday man.

The host must say that he had serious problems inserting adjectives into the congratulatory text, and that the guests simply have to help him out, otherwise the holiday will end. Participants, in turn, must pronounce any adjectives that first come to their mind, and the host must write them down.

If you want these funny birthday contests to have even more fun, complicate the task. Ask guests to pronounce adjectives related to, for example, medical, legal, erotic topics.

"Rich Cavalier"

What other games and contests are suitable? A birthday will be just great if you use various paraphernalia in competitions. So, the host should prepare 30 bills in advance. To participate, you must invite 3 couples (boy-girl). Each girl is given 10 bills. The host turns on the music. Girls should put the money in the pockets of their gentleman (and not only in the pockets). When the whole stash is hidden, the “pleased liar” must perform a dance (while her eyes must be blindfolded). When the girls dance enough, the music turns off. Now the ladies must find the whole stash.

The catch is that while the girls are dancing, the insidious presenter changes the gentlemen.

"Eastern dance"

What other birthday contests can be prepared? Funny and funny, no doubt associated with dancing.

So, the presenter invites all the girls present to participate. Each of them should loudly announce to the audience which part of the body suits her best in herself. For example, one says shoulders, the other - knees, the third lips, etc. Then the leader turns on beautiful oriental music, and asks everyone to dance in turn with that part of the body that she has just named.

"Guess the Color"

The host invites a certain number of people (you can at least all those present) and puts them in a circle. The music turns on. The host shouts: "Touch the blue color!". Everyone should find clothes of the corresponding color on each other. With each round, the late or not found person is eliminated from the competition.

"Where are you, my love?"

This competition will require one participant (male) and 5-6 girls. One of them must be his missus. So, the girls need to be seated on chairs. The main player is blindfolded and asked to determine by his legs which of them is his favorite. For colorfulness, you can add two or three guys to the girls.


One player is invited to participate. The leader needs to prepare a long rope in advance. The player is blindfolded and invited to go through the maze (along the rope). Guests must prompt the player in which direction he should go. Naturally, the insidious leader is simply obliged to remove the rope, and the guests will laugh heartily at how the participant carefully follows their instructions.

"Slow Action"

The facilitator should prepare in advance as many cards as there are participants in the competition. Phrases like: “kill a fly”, “drink a glass of vodka”, “eat a lemon”, “kiss” should be written on them. Each participant, without looking, takes out a card, for example, from a hat or basket. Players take turns in slow motion to depict what is written on the card. Believe me, only such birthday contests can make guests laugh and amuse from the heart. Contests and games in this design can easily defuse a boring atmosphere.

Birthday contest

In order for the birthday to be a success, it is necessary to involve more of the hero of the occasion in the competitions. It will be great if you arrange some interesting game out of the banal presentation of gifts. To do this, the host should prepare several small paper cards in advance, which will indicate guidelines for finding gifts.


For this competition you will need inflated balloons. The leader needs to scatter them on the floor. Participants must collect as many balloons as they can in their hands. The most "greedy" wins.

"Dress Me"

For this competition you will need men's and women's clothing. It can be anything from socks to family shorts. A man's attire is placed in one bag or bag, and a woman's attire, respectively. Two people are invited to participate (preferably a man and a woman) and 4 more assistants (two each). The leader distributes the packages to the teams. It will be funnier if a man gets a bag with women's clothes, and a woman with men's. So, the presenter gives a signal and marks the time (1 minute). The assistants must take out the contents of the package and dress the main participants. Whoever does it the fastest wins.

"Take me to work!"

5 people are invited to participate in this competition. The host must prepare the costumes of fairy-tale characters in advance. It is not necessary to rent them in the nearest salon, you can do everything yourself, believe me, it will be much funnier. So, the host announces the interview. For example, in order for participants to get to work, they should dress up as written in the dress code rules. The rules, of course, must be prepared by the leader in advance and hidden in the hat. Participants, without looking, take out a card and dress as it is written there. After that, they go out into the hall and pitifully ask, for example, the birthday man (let him be the employer) to hire them. Believe me, a man with a cowboy hat, with a mop sticking out between his legs (like a cowboy), pitifully asking to accept him for a position, will cause a storm of positive emotions among all the guests present.

"Most dexterous"

To participate in this competition, you need to use 5 couples. Women should be seated on chairs. Opposite each make a path of bottles. Men must remember their location and, with their eyes closed, without dropping a single bottle, make their way to their missus and kiss her. The insidious presenter, of course, arranges the bottles as he likes, and swaps the girls.

We hope that you will not have any more problems with funny contests. Have a nice and fun time!

If you work in a friendly team that loves good parties, then contests for a fun company will definitely come in handy for you. And if you just throw parties for your friends or children from time to time, then you know how interesting contests are held in high esteem, especially when people in the company are not very familiar with each other, but you still want to overcome embarrassment.

Why is all this necessary

Many people (we will not point fingers, but most often these are not our most positive comrades) sometimes ask the question - why all these contests? Usually I get off with jokes or weightily answer that otherwise it will be boring. In fact, the reason, of course, is not boredom. Any holiday for adults most often involves alcohol, and in order for guests not to be too zealous with breastfeeding, they need to be a little distracted, amused, and simply raised to dance.

Another important aspect is embarrassment, which I often face when throwing a party for my children or nephews. They have already gone beyond the age when you can just come up and start playing together, and when children who are unfamiliar with each other are in the same company, you need to help them overcome a little chill in communication.

The only place where you can do without additional entertainment is a youth party in a good club, where it’s not boring even without fun competitions for adults, and it’s better to help any company of adults to spend time with pleasure and fun.


Do not think that you can prepare the entire party, including adult board games, literally at the last second. I usually set aside a few days for this, because it will require:
  • write a script;
  • select contests for adults;
  • find or buy props;
  • stock up on small prizes for the winners;
  • minimally rehearse (for example, if it is assumed that several large aunts from the accounting department will compete in bag jumps, then you need to check in advance whether the room can withstand such a scale and whether there is where to turn around).
Ideally, you need an assistant for all this.

Birthday Toast Game

How to prepare fun birthday contests? It is best if they are at least a little connected with the hero of the occasion. An example of the simplest birthday word game is, compiled right there at the table.

What is required for this entertainment? A pen and a postcard in which you need to write a congratulatory text in advance, making gaps instead of adjectives - you will fill them in together with the guests.

The text of the blank for congratulating the birthday man:

Those who do not know what should happen in the end will diligently praise the hero of the occasion, listing his best qualities (young, smart, handsome, experienced), and those who are a little closer familiar with this type of table creativity will definitely screw something something sudden and caustic.

While the guests are praising the birthday boy, you diligently fill in the words instead of the missing adjectives, and then read the result loudly and with expression to the friendly laughter of the whole company.

Pick up one or two outdoor games on your birthday - for example, a small quest that can be arranged anywhere. Don't make it too long, three to five steps will be enough.

By the way, if you have enough courage, then try to make the main subject of the quest the key, on which the banquet hall is closed.

Good funny birthday contests also come from the usual restrictions - playing with forks makes guests moan with laughter. To hold this contest, you need to take a few ordinary items (if you are organizing a game on your birthday, these can be especially durable gifts that cannot be scratched or broken) and two dinner forks, as well as a thick scarf. The hero of the occasion is blindfolded, given forks, with which he can touch this or that object, and offered to guess what is in front of him.

Children's or teenage holiday? Fun competitions for teenagers will help to defuse the situation no worse than competitions for adults. Fun entertainment can be done with four bananas and a stool (a coffee table will do). The essence is simple - you need to get on all fours, and using only your teeth to clean and eat a banana for a while.

Good contests for young people should be fun and very funny. Competitions for teenagers can also be theatrical. Prepare several sets of props (ordinary household items in unexpected combinations - for example, a comb, a burnt out light bulb and a chair cover in one set, and a mop, a soft toy and a bright plastic glass in another), and also prepare several names of popular films, focus on your audience - it is better to take what is familiar to everyone.

The essence of the task is to act out a scene from the film using props. The winners are determined by applause.

"Seated entertainment" at the table

But what if mobile contests for a feast are not suitable? In this situation, it is better to pick up something neutral - the usual verbal games at the table like "crocodile" go very, very well.

The game "In my pants"

Take ready-made or come up with your own contests for adults - for example, you can use the idea "I'm in my pants."

You don't need to declare a name. The guests sit at the table, each tells his neighbor on the right the name of the film that came to his mind. And he remembers what his neighbor will tell him.

And then the facilitator announces: Now each of you in turn will say the following aloud: "In my pants...", and then - the name of the movie that your neighbor told you.

All guests speak in turn. It will be funny if someone has “Office Romance” or “300 Spartans” in their pants.


Fun table contests can be based on anything. For example, there are several varieties of "I"-games. One is predominantly teenage - in it two players compete to see how many candies fit in their mouths, after each candy you need to more or less clearly pronounce any stupid phrase, for example, "I'm a fat-cheeked lip slapper."

The adult version of the game is slightly different - guests must introduce themselves (pronounce the word with a serious and unflappable look "I") in a circle until one of them gets confused or distracted (by the way, laughter is also considered a defeat), and the host invites other guests to give him a funny nickname.

After that, the fun begins, which unites all table contests like a chain reaction - it can be very difficult not to laugh, and after a couple of minutes everyone has a nickname that he introduces himself to (for example: “I am a furry pseudopod”, “I am a cheerful armpit”, “I am a rosy-cheeked lip-slap”, etc.)

In the next round, the laugher is given a second nickname, and he must pronounce it in full (“I am a furry pseudopod - green Chingachgook”).

Usually this game ends on the fourth round because everyone is laughing! This competition is best done when the guests are already a little "on the fun".

Not only birthday contests are remembered by guests, but also the end of the evening. At any party, it would be appropriate to pay a little attention to the guests, for preparation you will need several balloons (according to the number of those present, plus a few in reserve), and notes with good rhyming wishes - when the invitees begin to disperse or you need to change their mood to a more positive one, invite the guests to choose their own balloon fate and burst it.

Collective readings of good wishes are usually accompanied by good-natured laughter and cheer up everyone.

Sample wishes can be downloaded below, and then printed and cut:

Over time, you will collect your own collection of cool birthday contests and, according to the mood of the guests, you will understand which contests for the holiday will go with a bang, and which are better to arrange in a light drunk.

Save yourself universal competitions for the company - so you can be sure that in any situation you will find something to do. If you are a novice presenter and do not have much experience, then it is better to have a separate notebook for board games and contests, as well as prepare props - for example, some games require sets of cards with recorded song or movie names.

As a rule, competitions for a drunken company are often very scurrilous, and this is understandable - adults become liberated when drunk.

Game "Why did I come here"

Prepare entertainment that involves dancing or hugging, so that guests can express all the warmth of feelings in an appropriate way.

Game "I'll tell you a secret"

An interesting entertainment for which you need to prepare a little - "I'll tell you a secret." What is the essence of the game? Everything is very simple - each of the guests pulls out cards from a hat with a funny text prepared in advance in verse (here you have to try). All cards begin with the words “I’ll tell you a secret”, and then options are already possible, for example:
  • I’ll tell you in secret that I don’t wear underwear, if you have doubts, now I’ll show you;
  • I’ll tell you a secret, I’m on a diet, I eat only grass, I don’t look at cutlets.

If you're choosing a moving contest, like best dance or running around chairs, make sure there's enough space around for people of all sizes to feel comfortable.

Prefer contests for a small company? It happens that you need contests for parties, but for sure there will not be too big a company, try to play something chamber and not requiring a lot of people. These can be text games and contests for a small company, or verbal ones, for example:

  • burime;
  • writing a fairy tale line by line;
  • forfeits.

Changeling Games

Invite guests to guess the lines from the songs. Examples can be downloaded here:

or TV show titles:

Game Who We Really Are

Want to find cool contests for the anniversary? Then karaoke contests for an adult company and a table game were invented especially for you. Who are we really. This is a card game, the guests take turns drawing cards and reading the quatrains printed on them - usually each is met with smiles and laughter.

But karaoke contests are a great kind of entertainment for a large company of adults, and the older, the more emotional the game. It is necessary to select several participants, as well as to establish a jury (usually all the guests who gathered at the birthday table play its role).

And then there is the usual karaoke duel, but each participant must not only perform the song, but also artistically present it - you can play imaginary instruments, use simple props and invite "spectators". Good mood is guaranteed for everyone!

In general, if you need to celebrate a birthday at home, karaoke is a great way to entertain a motley company at the table. It often happens that elderly relatives and young people meet at a birthday party, and people who are simply not very familiar with each other - song games will help unite everyone, and you can play board games over tea and cake - fortunately, now there are enough of them.

If you decide to prepare interesting entertainment and games for a drunk company, then it is better to refrain from what can be perceived as offensive - unfortunately, people do not always separate the gaming genre from reality, especially if they are not sober, which often happens in the company of friends and friends on holidays. Choose the most neutral of your fun table contests, and have a fun gaming toast ready to help you change the subject in the event of the slightest negativity.

You should not stock up too many contests, a person who plays all evening gets tired, whether he is at least drunk, at least sober, but sometimes everyone will be happy to play between toasts and table conversations once or twice. The most interesting will be those competitions in which there was good preparation and organization - people love it when they are taken care of.

There are about fifty different fun games in my personal piggy bank, and I can’t say that this is a lot or a little - birthday contests for children are not used as games for a company of adults.

Now you have ready-made contests for adults, and enough ideas to come up with your own contest for a birthday or any other holiday that you want to make special!