Hairstyles drawn with a simple pencil. How to draw hair with a pencil

After we have learned, it's time to move on to such a difficult detail as hair.

Hair presents a certain difficulty for beginner artists. However, even experienced artists sometimes try to avoid this long and dangerous procedure - after all, incorrectly drawn hair spoils the whole drawing and you have to start all over again. However, the devil is not as scary as he is painted, and this lesson will tell you how to make your hair beautiful and voluminous.

Take paper, soft, medium and hard pencils (eg H, B and 5b), a double eraser and a clean tissue.

Short hair

If your ward wears a short haircut, then, first of all, make sure that the skull and ears are drawn as accurately as possible. Start with darker, thicker areas, painting with jerky movements against the direction of hair growth, gradually shifting to lighter areas.

Draw in short strokes, trying not to smear on light areas. Use a hard pencil to smooth out the transition from dark to light areas. On very short hair or at the intersection of light and dark strands, keep the strokes as short as possible. Further lightening is created with an eraser or blade.

How to draw long hair, read on page 2

How to draw long hair

The most in drawing hair is trying to draw each hair with a separate pencil line. But after all, a monochromatic pencil cannot convey the entire structure and change in tone and illumination. hair. The second common problem is lack of patience. You should spend as much time, if not more, on drawing the hair as well as on drawing the head.

At the same time, drawing long hair is somewhat easier than short hair. a long haircut is smoother, with large light and dark parts. Curly and curly hair can make you sweat, but if you are persistent, patient and, most importantly, attentive, the result will justify itself. However, you can also ask the model to lightly style her hair before drawing.

First, take a close look at the model. Reveal all the main strokes and directions in the hairstyle. Curls will often be quite flat, like twisted ribbons. Try not to initially focus on the secondary strands, focusing on the mass of the hair as a whole and highlighting the main strands.

Then, with a soft pencil, draw the dark areas, carefully separating the light areas. Here, you might want to highlight some of the dry hair, positioning it at the border of light and shadow, which will help to avoid problems with erasing and transitions between tones. Where the hair tone matches, apply short shading to separate the hair from each other. Follow the direction of the curl.

Now that you've sketched the hairstyle and highlighted the dark areas, you're halfway there. The drawing turns out to be quite realistic - the result of patience and observation. If you only need a sketch, then the job is done. If you want a more realistic drawing, then take a deep breath and start detailing.

Now use a medium-hard pencil, drawing the hair with strokes along the direction of growth. Draw dark lines separating the strands and slowly draw dark strands behind the light ones. This is where a hard pencil comes in handy.

We are approaching the final. Let's add a few subtle strokes around the edges. smooth some hair with an elastic band. And in the end, let's go over with a hard pencil for a more accurate delineation of areas.

The final article in the series "how to draw hair with a pencil in stages." In it I will try to show how to draw straight hair in stages. So, we take simple pencils and start drawing.

Straight hair with a pencil step by step

draw lines pencil hair step by step pretty easy. This is the type of hair where you just need to stroke in the direction of hair growth. The same as we did in the tutorial on how to draw brunette hair. Only here the pencils will be lighter. You can see how to draw brunette hair.

We start drawing hair with a pencil from a sketch. I sketch the "3B" markings with a pencil.

When the sketch is ready, we begin to hatch. From the parting of the hair, with a pencil H, I stroke in the direction of hair growth. Near the parting, the hatching should be a darker pencil - I use pencils "2B" - "3B". When you draw hair with a pencil near the parting, use feathering - a few strokes, then feathering, and again a few strokes.

Next we go down. When you see that the parting looks good, you can go down from it. Simply, in the direction of the hair from top to bottom, you need to hatch a lot, with long strokes. Be sure to highlight the dark areas of the hair.

On light strokes, draw with a dark pencil "3B" or "4B". A dark pencil will merge well with a light one, which will give more realism to the hair. This is clearly seen in the following figure.

The next stage is a continuation of the previous one. It's pretty boring to constantly stroke your hair with a pencil. But, do not stop until the moment when you see that you get the desired tone. Use shading with a cotton swab, then again apply strokes with a pencil.

We start shading the right side. I am skipping some places because it will be light highlights on the hair. I draw light strokes with a pencil marking "H".

At the last stage, over the strokes with a light pencil, I put strokes with a dark pencil "3B". Just like I drew the hair with a pencil on the left side of the head. You can wipe a little on the strokes with an eraser - this will also make light highlights on the hair and give more realism to the hair.

After that, you can look at the drawing and correct it where necessary.

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing difficult in drawing hair. If you draw hair darker or lighter, respectively, the hardness of the pencils must be selected according to the shade of the hair.

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See the next lesson on how to draw hair with a pencil -

In previous lessons on drawing hair, I talked about the need to show patience and endurance in order to draw hair beautifully with a pencil. This, of course, takes time. But sometimes, when you need to quickly draw a portrait, there is not much time. Why fast? Well, maybe you decided to check yourself for time - can you draw a portrait in one hour? Or, for example, you need to quickly place an order, etc.

So, in this lesson I will tell you how to quickly draw hair with a pencil.

pencil hair step by step

I will say right away that the lesson may seem similar to other hair drawing lessons, in particular the lesson, but the difference between them is that here I am missing a detailed drawing of the hair. Let's start.

I use only three pencils: "2H", "HB", "5B". I start with a “rough” sketch with a 5B pencil and determine the parting of the hair “for myself”.

As usual, I start from the top of the head, from the parting of the hair. Using the strokes of a 5B pencil, I do shading, and again I stroke a little on top. If you look closely, you can see that I wiped it with an eraser by shading. I would classify all these actions as a sketch - they allow you to see how to draw further pencil hair.

Pencil 5B is soft, dark, but with light shading gives the right tone for brown-haired hair. Do not focus on the details - the main thing here is to separate the light and dark sections of the hair. This is clearly seen in the figure below. The eraser should help you a lot.

Add darkness with a 5B pencil where the hair is darker, and lighten with an eraser light parts of the hair.

We spend a few more minutes to draw the hair with a pencil that falls over the shoulder. Do not dwell on the details - they drew with a “5B” pencil with strokes in the direction, slightly shaded, wiped with an eraser where necessary, slightly corrected with a “HB” pencil.

It remains only to draw the hair on the right side of the head, in exactly the same way. I have not traced the places where the hair begins to grow, but I draw them along with the face when I finish the whole portrait.

I would also like to say that if you are not good at drawing hair with a pencil, try to forget that you are drawing hair. Haven't tried it myself but I've been told it helps a lot).

You can see how to draw straight hair with a pencil.

Lesson for beginners, for those who are just learning to draw. From the lesson, you can take the main steps and draw the hairstyle you need with the right color. If there are difficulties with the image of the face, nose, eyes, you can follow the link above to another article, which describes in detail all the proportions of the human head and a little about the shapes of individual parts of the face.

Necessary materials for work:

Simple graphite pencil "HB"
Sharpener and eraser
Colour pencils
Sketch pad or landscape sheet of paper

Before proceeding to work with colored pencils and directly to drawing hair, it is worth sketching your image, portrait with a simple HB graphite pencil. At the first stage, we draw the main features of the face, and then we move on to the hairstyle, although everyone decides for himself what he draws first and what at the end. The whole sketch is done with a pencil with light lines, and then detailing is already introduced.

Drawing hair is not difficult at all, it's just simple lines.

When the main strands are drawn, you can move on to a more detailed drawing of the hair. It is worth remembering the basic principle: when drawing hair, follow the lines of hair growth, many many lines and realism is achieved in this.

For coloring hair with colored pencils, I used: black, brown, yellow, orange and flesh colors.

It is worth remembering the highlights in the hair and leaving these areas white, but you can add a little neutral color. It was with this flesh-colored pencil that I began to paint over the strands.

From light to darker, the next color is orange and yellow.

So that the strands do not merge, add shadows between them, use brown and orange, apply one color to another.

As they say: there is no limit to improvement, you can still work on the drawing, I shared the main stages and decided to finish the work and leave the drawing in this form.

I wish you to achieve your goal and get the desired result in your creative work!

Remember that this is only one way to draw hair.

In this tutorial, we will look at the basic techniques with which you can draw straight or slightly wavy hair.

Take any photo of the person you want to add hair to, or draw the person yourself, as the author did.

At the end of our work, we should get the following result:

In this tutorial, we will use such tools as: brush (brush), dimmer (dodge), clarifier (burn) and finger (smudge tools).
Remember that this technique is best used to draw straight or slightly curly hair.

Step 1. We outline the contours of the hairstyle.

Start drawing the hair along the contours of the head and shoulders, moving the brush along the hair growth, reaching the ends, release the left mouse button. (similar to when drawing with a pencil: making strokes, tear off the pencil from the paper.)
At this stage, you do not need to painstakingly and accurately remove everything, the main thing is to give shape to the hairstyle and fill the entire space without gaps.

Step 2: Use the Finger Tool

Take the tool Finger (Smudge tool), set the brush diameter to somewhere 10-20 px, hardness closer to 0% and intensity 85-95%.
Move your finger in the direction of natural hair growth, as shown in the picture:

As a result, you should have something like this:

Step 3. Tool dimmer and brightener.
Light-shadow work.

This part is the most tedious and painstaking, but if you practice, it will take you very little time.

Take the tool clarifier (dodge tool), in the tool settings you should have: Range - “Midtones”; Exposure is about 15-20% and the brush diameter is 2-4 px.

We begin to draw in the direction of hair growth. As a sample, you can take any photo that has long hair, on it you can see how light and shadows are located on the hair in a natural environment.

Now change the tool settings: set the Range - "Lights" and go through the dark areas again. This manipulation of the ranges allows you to change the color and brightness, giving the hair a more natural look.

Now take a tool Dimmer (burn tool) (for this you can just hold down the Alt key and the Clarifier tool will turn into a Dimmer, although the settings will remain the same and the icon itself will not change, but with the Alt key pressed, the Clarifier will darken!)
Repeat everything we did with the dark areas, switching the range from "Midtones" to "Light" in order to make the hair look natural in the light areas.
If something does not suit you in the result, then try experimenting with the settings:
Increase/decrease brush size, change brush shape, increase/decrease Exposure, switch in Range - Shadows\Midtones\Highlights.

Step 4. Tool dimmer and brightener. Source illumination.

After working out the light-shadows, all the same, the hair still looks unnatural, non-voluminous and flat. In order for the hair to lie in the volume of the head, you need to lighten what is closer to us, this is the front left edge and darken what is further, that is, the back of the head and crown.
The image shows the areas that the author lightened with the Dodge (bringing to the foreground) and darkened with the Burner (moving them away from us), using a large 50-100 px brush with a low % hardness.

In order to make the hair more natural, the author suggests experimenting with the settings of the Dimmer\Clarifier tools:

In the Dimmer tool, in the Range settings
- "Midtones" increase the saturation of the color, making it darker
- “Lights” are darkened in black / gray tones
In the Dodge tool, in the Range settings
- "Midtones" brighten, betraying a white tint
- "Lights" brighten, betraying a yellowish tint.

Try all possible options to get a natural result:

Step 5. Finger tool.

In conclusion, you need to remove all sharp borders, that is, make the hair at the tips thinner, in those places where they are adjacent to the face and shoulders.
The author prefers to use a brush (Splashes) with a large diameter of 39 px and intensity of 60% in order to make the tips thin.

Well, that's what happened in the end after using the Finger (Smudge tool).

Duplicate the layer and apply Hue\Saturation, then change the layer's opacity and change the blend mode (I prefer to use overlay or one of the light blend modes)
- Duplicate the layer and change the contrast by applying Levels or Curves, then change the layer's opacity or apply blending modes.
- use the tools sharpen (sharpen) and blur (blur brushes) to push some strand of hair to the fore, and some, on the contrary, move it away.

On my own behalf, I can add that this work will take far from 8 minutes to complete, and in order to achieve a very good result, you will have to sit for more than one hour, and maybe start work from the very beginning several times.
Hope everything works out for you.