Amuse the baby. Large puzzles, mosaic. Useful activities - putting things in order after the game, washing doll clothes, cooking, etc.

Even if you are a housewife, it is impossible to devote all your time to games and other activities with your child, because you have plenty of other things to do: you need to do laundry, clean up, cook food. Do not fall into despair and immediately turn to the help of grandparents, nannies or friends. There are many ways to keep a child busy while mom is busy, and at the same time your baby will be constantly in front of your eyes, under your reliable supervision.

What can you do with a small child in the kitchen

Many mothers notice that a child's favorite toys are by no means expensive musical machines and robots, but simple pots, lids and cups. What to do with the child in the kitchen while you are busy preparing food? Designate a separate drawer with unbreakable and safe kitchen utensils for your child and go about your business while he plays music on pots or builds castles from sponges and napkins.

Games with cereals and water are great for the kitchen, because there are many surfaces that are easy to clean and sweep. So put several types of pasta in a jar or box and invite your child to make beads for mom or grandmother. By the way, you can color the pasta in different colors, then it will be possible to come up with even more games: sort by shape and color, push them into the neck of the bottle, make pasta pictures, etc.

What can you do small child while you are in the kitchen? We are sure that every housewife has a lot of small containers (jugs, measuring cups, thermos lids, etc.), let the child pour water into them using a ladle or spoon. You can add dyes to the water and experiment with mixing colors.

Whisks and garlic presses are great fun for a preschooler. With a whisk, you can whip clouds of foam, and with the help of a press and soft plasticine, amazing worms are obtained.

Do not forget about one of the central items in the kitchen - the refrigerator. Theatrical performances and fairy tales can unfold on its surface. With the help of magnetic letters and numbers, you can learn to read and count, while not looking up from peeling potatoes for soup or decluttering kitchen cabinets.

Ways to keep your child busy in the bathroom, living room or bedroom

If you want to clean up the living room or bedroom, do your favorite hobby, or just started another cleaning, you can invite your child to play the game "Bring Me". The essence of this way to entertain a child is very simple: you give the task "bring me a yellow ball" or "bring me three cars with orange headlights." This great option, than to take a child to good use, because in this way you kill two birds with one stone: the child is busy and, without realizing it, repeats the concepts of “color”, “shape”, “quantity”, etc. Many children, starting to look for what their mother asked for, find long-forgotten toys and start playing on their own.

There is nothing better than sorting children at home - this is a task and activity for all ages, the main thing is to choose the right items and complexity in accordance with the interests of the child. You can sort toys, clothes, buttons, spools of thread, scraps and sheets of paper, and anything!

If your kid already owns scissors, and what you are going to do requires that you will be in close proximity to him, then cutting as a way to keep your child busy with something useful and interesting will definitely suit you. It is not necessary to print any special templates, you can use old coloring books, newspapers or magazines.

What else you can do with children of small children at home is playing with clothespins. They develop well fine motor skills, so keep a box of clothespins and a few templates made from cardboard or scraps of fabric at the ready.

Stickers, post-it notes and post-it notes (small sticky notes) are a must-have for every mom because they can give her a few free minutes to spend on household chores or a short break.

And what to do with the child in the bathroom while you clean up or perform hygiene procedures? In this case, the child can be offered to play in a doll beauty salon, when the doll must first be washed, then combed, changed, etc. By the way, are the doll's clothes dirty? After all, washing small items clothes in a basin soap bubbles able to occupy any fidget. Do not rush to throw away empty bottles of creams and shampoos, they can be put in a basket and given to the baby, with the task of choosing the right caps, you can also send a few bushings from toilet paper: from them you can build wonderful houses and castles.

And one more piece of advice to parents on what to do with the child at home while the mother is busy. Of course, you can turn on cartoons or a game on your phone, but this is not the best option. Better save this way for special occasions- when you can comfortably sit on the couch next to the baby to watch and then discuss or even beat some interesting cartoon together.

Look at the pictures of what to do with your child at home, and use the options you like:

What activities can you think of for a child at home

The "Employment Card" will help you solve the problem of what you can do with your children at home, and at the same time remain calm and unperturbed. After all, you know exactly what your child will be doing: will he help you and directly participate in the process of cleaning or cooking, or will you occupy him with something useful and interesting while you yourself are busy with household chores.

Below are examples of what activities to come up with for a child at home, while mom can not pay attention to him.

Kitchen (cooking, washing dishes, serving, cleaning):

  • Unbreakable tableware
  • Drawer with safe cooking utensils
  • Grain games
  • water games
  • Beating with a whisk
  • Peeling fruits, vegetables, spreading butter, laying out sausage, cheese on sandwiches
  • Fridge magnet games

Living room (tidying up, cleaning, hobbies):

  • "Bring me"
  • "Hit the target"
  • Sorting linen, things
  • Watering flowers, dusting
  • Ball game while mom knits
  • Clothespin games

Bathroom (cleaning, laundry, hygiene procedures):

  • Toilet paper roll (tear, wrinkle, unwind, reel)
  • Pick up a lid for jars / tubes from under cosmetics
  • Whipping foam in the bathroom
  • Puppet "beauty salon"
  • Drawing on shaving foam
  • water games
  • Washing doll clothes
  • Folding and unloading laundry

Cabinet (work at the computer, preparation for classes with the child):

  • tear, crumple, cut paper with scissors
  • "Magic bag" - an opaque bag with various small interesting items
  • stickers
  • Paper + hole punch
  • Home sandbox in the basin
  • Adhesive tape, post-it sheets, colored price tags in ribbons (stick, tear off)
  • Cartoons, .

The article has been read 2,347 times.

"Rain again! You won't walk!" - the mother of a three-year-old boy exclaims with longing in her voice, looking out the window.

This woman is not a jogger at all. fresh air, it's just that now she is faced with the task of how to take the child at home. Of course you can wear rubber boots and go to visit or the library, but there are circumstances that do not allow you to go out - for example, the convalescence period. In this case, parents should look at the day at home not as a boring imprisonment within four walls, but as an opportunity to have fun together, try something new.

How to keep your kid busy and free up your time

Choosing entertainment and useful activities, you can not go too far, turning into an animator under duress. The child always feels mother's mood. It is best to follow the following principles:

  1. Half an hour of "quality" time spent together will free up two hours for mom to household. The kid needs these moments that his mother devotes only to him, he feels that his mother loves him, gets new ideas for the game, and then he is ready to occupy himself for some time, only occasionally running up and sharing his successes.
  2. Each type of activity that the parents present to the child should go to an independent game.
  3. Parents should not dictate clear rules for the game, it is better to offer some new materials or ideas for its development, and then disappear for a while on business (for example, if dad gave the child a soft PVC pipe, do not insist that it should be a pipe for the house maybe a child will make a water pipe out of it).
  4. The goal of parents is not to entertain their son or daughter, but to show them all the variety of activities.

Children's outdoor games for the home

If the child is quite healthy, and he needs to dump the accumulated energy, and the mother wants not all things in the apartment to be thrown into tartarara, then you can try the following proven entertainment for home leisure.

obstacle course

Even in the smallest apartment, there is an opportunity to make an obstacle course with improvised means together with the baby:

  • a board placed on two books is a bridge;
  • sponges for washing dishes - bumps;
  • thick rope - winding road;
  • pillow is an island.

Passing along the route, the child not only has fun, but also works out various skills - balancing, jumping on one or two legs; plus, it will also be a massage path for the feet.

When choosing what to do with children at home, arrange fairy world and then leave the kids to play in it on their own. It is enough for mom to occasionally come up and offer various complications for the track, but, most likely, all this will not be required, the baby himself will continue to improve the obstacle course.

Ready or not, here I come!

Try to play hide and seek, the game has hundreds of interpretations, the difficulty depends on the age of the son or daughter. You don't have to hide yourself. The kid can be offered to hide a few toys, and the mother will look for them, then the roles change; players help each other with the words "Hot - Cold."

When thinking about what to do with older children, it's good to arrange a "Treasure Hunt" with a simple map or clues, for example, "The treasure is hidden in the wild jungle under the tallest palm tree" (i.e., on the windowsill under the largest flower).

Hide-and-seek can become educational if you send the kid to look for three items with the letter R, or give the child a magic box (paint the egg boxes in different colors) and give the task to collect small objects around the apartment by color, and then compose a funny one with all the treasures a fairy tale or tell the story of each thing.

My funny soft ball

You should not completely abandon ball games, wanting to keep the apartment in order, just make soft ball(loosely fill a sock or stocking) or take small lung pillow. With such inventory, you can safely play "Edible-Inedible", "Letters" and other games that require throwing the ball.

Balloons for all occasions

Parents should always be ready air balloons, they will amuse and occupy the young fidget in any situation: at home, in the country, on vacation. Children will enjoy the ball fight ( long balls), volleyball or tennis with balloons. After playing one of the active games, you can leave the baby to paint the balls with a felt-tip pen, it is very exciting to turn a pink ball into a funny pig, and a long blue balloon in an air train and run around the apartment with it.

Get on the charger!

Try to arrange a fun exercise with inventory and musical instruments, picking up positive music, better melodies different in tempo:

  • a car will drive around the room to the first song: the baby runs and turns the hoop steering wheel;
  • under the second - butterflies flew: the baby waves his hands with two scarves;
  • under the third - the cat went out for a walk: she walks on all fours, rolls the ball into a ball, etc.

Several times you need to do the exercises together, select what you really like. Then it will be enough to turn on the music and leave the inventory, and the child will have fun on his own.

Now there are many ready-made systems of this type, for example, the Ekaterina Zheleznova complex "Music with Mom", but no one forbids you to pick up songs and movements on your own. Simple "dances with a tambourine" and other musical instruments will also bring pleasure.

Little owner of a big house

Building your own hut from pillows, blankets, chairs will never lose its popularity. Take the time to light up the inside with a flashlight, invite all the toys to visit. Mom can start the game with the baby, and then only “go into the light” and offer new material for construction.

Frog in the pond

This is not a complete list of activities that parents can use when puzzling over what they can do with their child at home or in the country. Of course, in last resort if mom is sick and very busy, then you will have to turn on some good cartoon or get a tablet with an educational game, but this should not become a routine.

If parents entertain their child in this way too often, they deprive themselves of a lifesaver that could save them in critical situations. For example, with cartoons and a tablet, it is easier to inhale or measure the temperature if the child is not spoiled by them.

If a student is growing in a family, read about. Don't let your kids get bored!

One day, every mom runs out of fantasy: the children whine or misbehave, and you don’t know how else to entertain them ... Let this list be your lifesaver, bookmark it and gradually try all the ways.

1. Try hosting a picnic at home - trust me, it can be a lot of fun.

2. Using chairs, armchairs, and any other materials at hand, build a fortress out of blankets.

3. Find instructions on the Web and make cute little dolls out of old socks.

52. Invent and make your own journal - if the child can not write yet, join your efforts to create one.

53. Bake a cupcake. Let the kids do most of the work.

54. Plan and prepare a family vacation together.

55. Teach children how to sew up holes in, for example, socks.

56. Rearrange the furniture in the children's room.

57. Open a homemade cocoa cafe. Cocoa in it can be served with marshmallows, whipped cream, chocolates - your imagination is not limited by anything.

58. Make a bird feeder out of a plastic bottle. Pour seeds there and hang outside the window.

59. Make mini pizzas using bread, tomato sauce, cheese and any ingredient you like. Readiness is easy to determine - as the cheese melts.

60. Let the kids try out as makeup artists - it will be a lot of fun!

61. Play patient and doctor. Any child will be interested in being a doctor at least for a while.

62. The game "the mummy returns" - the role of the mummy can be played by anyone. The “Mummy” is wrapped by other participants in the game in many layers of toilet paper.

63. Throwing balls. Place several buckets of different diameters and invite the children to leave the balls in them from different distances.

64. Offer to children bright lipstick, which can leave traces of kisses on relatives and friends.

65. Read a simple story to the children, and then invite them to try themselves in the role of theater actors.

66. Play with the children in the grocery store. Goods in the store can be blanks from the pantry.

67. Take a bath! Let your child bring toys into the bathroom that you wouldn't normally allow (it's important that they're waterproof!).

68. Do a spring cleaning together. Of course, children do not always like to work around the house. However, it is very important to teach your child to help around the house at an early age.

69. Draw comics with the children and color them.

70. Let your child choose and print beautiful color pictures from the Internet.

Children don't like to be bored. If they have nothing to do, they begin to act up, whine, break toys, follow their parents with their tail and look at them with pleading eyes. Moms have to constantly think of ways to entertain children. Let's talk about how to fill a child's leisure interesting games, activities, and also manage to carve out some time for yourself.


Babies don't know how to play. In the first year of life, their main need is good and strong relationship with adults. Left alone for more than 5 minutes, the baby feels abandoned.

What kind of entertainment for children can be offered in such tender age besides rattles? To develop speech, sing songs more often, say nursery rhymes, play finger games with your child. Hang on the walls bright pictures, bring a crumb to them and tell about the images. Change the exposure once a month. Spin to the music, holding the baby in your arms, do fun massages and fitball exercises.

After six months, children are happy to play hide-and-seek, patties, crumple paper and scatter cereals in containers. If you give the baby jars of buckwheat, semolina, beans, bells, wooden and ordinary spoons, you can arrange a home orchestra. Having learned to sit, the child happily rolls a ball or a car, builds a tower with his mother's help and then brings it down. Swings, walkers, jumpers will help parents to allocate a few free minutes for household chores, but try to keep the baby in sight.

How to entertain a one year old

At this age, children learn to control their body. Very helpful active games ball, catch-up, hide-and-seek, dancing to music, overcoming an obstacle course. It is important to develop the fine motor skills of the baby. Teach him to draw scribbles with pencils, buy finger paints, sculpt sausages from plasticine and dough. Children also enjoy watching puppet shows played by parents. Act out simple stories.

How to captivate a child when mom has a lot to do? Give the baby a box with nylon lids, plastic bottles, bowls, spoons. Let us rattle unbreakable pans, try on old skirts, scarves, shirts and caps. One year old baby toys are not as interesting as real objects. The young technician will ecstatically break the old alarm clock or camera, while the mother will cut the vegetables for the soup at this time.

Learning to play

Should a parent always play the role of an animator, inventing entertainment for children? As long as the child is small, this is inevitable. However, already at 2-3 years old, you can teach kids to play on their own.

Let's see how to do it right:

  • Teach your child to play with dolls and cars. Simulate familiar situations together: going to the store, to the doctor, feeding, traveling in transport, etc. Create a variety of stories, suggest unfamiliar words. When the kid is carried away, leave him alone for a while, giving the task (cook soup for the bear, put the truck to bed).
  • To develop imagination and horizons, read more books, listen to audio fairy tales and act out their plots.
  • Buy simple Board games. Let the kid learn to follow the rules, win and lose. He will need this when communicating with peers.
  • If a child stares at a caterpillar for 5 minutes or touches the dirt while walking, do not interfere with him. Encourage any attempt to take care of yourself.

Conditions for independent play

There are families in which the children themselves come up with activities for themselves. Parents can do household chores without worrying about how to entertain children. How to achieve this idyll?

  1. Turn off the TV and put away the tablet. Children quickly "get hooked" on cartoons, turning into passive spectators. For parents, this is convenient, but the development of initiative and imagination in a child is inevitably inhibited.
  2. Set aside a place to play. Buy simple toys leaving room for creativity. Blocks and a teddy bear are much more useful interactive dolls and radio controlled cars.
  3. Periodically hide some of the toys, giving out a similar bag with already forgotten bunnies and trucks as a replacement.
  4. Start the game yourself, and then remember the urgent business and leave the child alone. Watch him. If the game has become sluggish, join for a while. Suggest an unexpected development of the plot or another activity (plasticine modeling, drawing).
  5. Be sure to praise the children when they play by themselves. Rejoice if the kid came up with an interesting story or built complex model from constructor.

Attention required

Sometimes children follow their mother with a ponytail and demand entertainment, not because they are bored. They are looking for affection and attention. Often this happens with babies who spend the whole day in kindergarten. In this case, you can arrange "hugs", playful fuss or involve the child in household chores. Let him help you wash vegetables, sort laundry, dust. Be sure to find time to collaborate.

What crafts can be done with children? The ones that encourage them to self-play. It can be:

  • dollhouse or box parking;
  • characters from plasticine, paper, disposable or wooden spoons, socks, etc. for staging your own performance;
  • a freeway made of cardboard, on which you can arrange races;
  • a TV from a large box in which the baby fits entirely;
  • dolls and animals made of cloth or thread;
  • skittles from empty plastic bottles;
  • foam boats that can be launched in the bath.

What to do with a sick child?

There are situations in which it is difficult for children to think for themselves interesting activity. For example, a disease. When the baby heat, he is not up to games. But after 2-3 days, the state of health improves, and high loads are still contraindicated. How to entertain a child of 6 years old at home, if he is prescribed bed rest? We offer several options:

  • Read interesting books listen to audio tales. Try writing your own compelling story.
  • If your throat hurts, transport yourself to the land of the deaf and communicate with gestures.
  • Give your child a "doctor's set", toy patients and play hospital.
  • Arrange puppet show. In the evening, take a lantern, organize a shadow theater.
  • Play guessing game. Choose an object in the room or in the picture. The second player must guess what it is by asking leading questions. You can only answer "yes" or "no".
  • Organize workplace taking a tray. On it you can draw, cut paper dolls, glue, sculpt, collect puzzles and models, make collages from magazine clippings.

In the country

What games to entertain children on garden plot where there is no TV, a bag of toys and true friends? It’s great if a bicycle, a scooter, an electric car, a swing are available. A ball, a jump rope will also work. Involve dad in the construction of a hut. Give your child their own garden for experiments. Hide toy insects in the area, offer to collect them in a jar.

Country house - the best place for water fun. Fill the pool, give your son a water gun and offer to squirt plastic bottles. If there are old sheets in the house, hang them up. Load the weapon with a colored solution and engage in "artistic" shooting.

During a trip

A long journey by car is very tiring for a child. It is difficult for him to be in a confined space where you can not run and jump. What entertaining games for children are suitable in this case?

  • "Diary of a traveller". Give your child a notebook, pen and colored pencils. Offer to draw or describe what impressed him most today; paste pictures from booklets, photos, tickets, dried flowers.
  • Radio story. Give your child a voice recorder and ask them to dictate. an interesting fairy tale or history.
  • Turn on funny songs and sing them together. You can record your performance on a cassette.
  • Recite familiar verses or the alphabet different voices: loud, quiet, fast, slow, squeaky, rough, creaky, etc.
  • "Grandma's Chest" The first player says: "I climbed into the attic and found ..." Then any item is called: gold coin, beautiful vase, treasure, teddy bear, Magic wand. The second player repeats everything that was said before him, and adds his item. This continues until someone gets confused.

If your child has a birthday soon, but there is not enough money for an animator, you will have to organize a celebration yourself. How to entertain children so that the holiday is remembered for a long time?

  • First, congratulate the birthday man together. To do this, you can sing a song in chorus.
  • To introduce the guys, start with the phrase "I have a friend ...". Next, describe one of the kids present. Whoever guesses first who it is about becomes the leader.
  • Play a stress relief game. Turn on the music and invite the children to dance. When the music subsides, you need to complete the task of the presenter. For example, say hello to a child whose clothes have Blue colour. Or smile at a girl with a pigtail.
  • Play famous outdoor games: "Blind Man's Buff", "The Sea is Worried", "Extra Chair", "Salki". Don't forget dancing.
  • Give the children a pile of clothes, wigs, noses, ears, mustaches, glasses. When they're dressed up, have a fun costume show.
  • You can end the evening with a general photo shoot and fireworks on the street.

When deciding how to entertain children, do not overdo it. The child must have free time which he can do as he pleases. This is how babies learn to make independent decisions and trust themselves.

Why do children sit on a tablet for days? Because they are just bored at home, and their parents do not try to keep them busy with something interesting. And in vain, because there are so many cool ideas how to entertain a toddler at home. We'll show you the top 15!

Let's cure all the animals?

Play doctor Aibolit with your baby. Let the child see if his favorite bear, plastic soldiers and a plush elephant are healthy. Tell your baby about illnesses such as colds, high temperatures and conduct a “diagnosis” of toys.

creative necklace

Take a thread, buttons, a ring and other trifles that will fit to create an original necklace. If your child is older and loves to play with dolls, show them how to make outfits for their favorite Barbies. And then the baby will be able to try himself as a designer!

Drawing from the future

Let the child draw your family in 10 years. Ask the baby "How do you see dad, mom and yourself in the future?". The kid should draw it on paper.

Fancy Fleet

Fill a baby bath (or basin) with water and launch lots of boats in it. It can be plastic lids, soap dishes, empty cream boxes. Tell the baby that this is his personal fleet, he must organize a sea voyage.

Guess who?

Put some of your child's toys in the bag. Then ask the baby to close his eyes and guess by touch which toys are hidden in the bag.

Postcards for friends

Ask your child to make some cards for friends and family that he misses. Then, by the way, postcards can be sent by mail.

Shadow play

Arrange a real shadow theater! The same as in our Soviet childhood. Show your child a wolf cub, a bunny, a snake. He himself must also come up with figures and show them on his fingers.

cardboard house

Take cardboard box and arrange it like a doll house or pet. Place a toy rug inside, paint the walls, make windows and a door.

Pillow and blanket castle

Feeder for titmouse

You can cut a small house out of cardboard, fill it with grains and hang a feeder on a tree in the yard. And let the child watch how the titmouse flock there.


Take three cups and hide a coin under one of them. Rearrange the cups a few times and tell your child to guess exactly where the coin is hidden.


With the help of special children's cosmetics, create for your daughter unusual makeup. Let the baby also draw something on your face - see who did the task better!

Find a bear

Another game of hide and seek, only in this case, the baby needs to look for his favorite toy. Put Teddy bear to a secluded place and let the child guess where he is.

Who knows more fairy-tale characters?

Start naming characters from fairy tales that you know (Cinderella, Gnomes, wizard). Let the kid do the same. Whoever remembers more characters wins.

home concert

With the help of improvised means - plastic cups, villages of sticks, empty boxes, create some new melody. Or "tap" the rhythms of familiar songs - the baby must guess them.