Beautiful statuses in VK about the new year. New Year is a time of fairy tales and magic. An interesting selection of New Year's statuses

Very little time will pass and the most anticipated New Year 2018 holiday will come. It so happened that along with the search for new bright outfits and original recipes, active users of social networks want to update their status. At the present time, this is a kind of "clothing", which is met in the virtual world. It should always be attractive and memorable, so statuses about New Year 2018 must be original and reflect inner world person.

New Year statuses 2018 for VK and Odnoklassniki

  • parents;
  • relatives;
  • loved one;
  • close friends;
  • work colleagues;
  • with guests of our social media accounts.

Yes, we have a New Year - it really is unforgettable holiday. Both adults and children are waiting for him. With the exception of holidays, this is, perhaps, the only days in a year when you can relax and take a walk "for the glory." Of course, everyone under these two words understands something of their own. Someone devotes the New Year holidays to a foreign tour to exotic countries with an emerald sea, snow-white sand and unforgettable palm trees, others “give themselves up” as much as possible household and want to spend more time with their families. They organize a New Year's Eve at the very high level. The table is bursting with gourmet dishes, expensive spirits, exotic fruits and culinary delights. Young people "come off" in full at discos or nightclubs. No matter how you prefer to spend New Year's days, from the very first minutes of the New Year you are overwhelmed with impressions that just ask for an outlet.

New Year's statuses 2018 for VK and Odnoklassniki is the “place” where you can express your feelings and impressions about the first minutes, hours or days of the coming year with a few phrases.

The most visited social networks in Russia are Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. Here it is very easy to customize your status and set the desired background image. The design of sites is such that when the status changes, all your friends will immediately know about it. This is very convenient, since such efficiency allows you to instantly inform loved ones about your mood or a new event in your life. The changed status will appear in the news feed, and your thoughts will be seen by friends of your friends, and this is already a huge audience.

The choice of status must be approached very seriously and deliberately, especially for those people who value their reputation. Agree that the text will not decorate you if it contains grammatical errors. Your social media account is a kind of business card by which a person is judged.

We are all very different, therefore, the statuses of all are completely different:

  • If you serious man, then, despite the fact that the New Year is in the yard, your statuses should be meaningful.
  • Funny expressions are suitable for a cheerful, never discouraged person.
  • Constantly busy man, will certainly choose short and capacious sentences.
  • Full of energy and mischief, youth will prefer cool statuses. They will surely amuse more than one user.
  • A lyrical person will like, of course, texts in verse as the title text of their page on social networks.

If you do not want to "bother" and think for a long time about choosing a status, then we will try to help you. We offer you several dozens of current statuses on New Year's Eve 2018.

Statuses in verse

Good luck - smile!
End of the world - canceled!
Life goes on!
New Year is coming!
Christmas trees - dress up!
The garlands are on fire!
The light of the soul - turns on!
Miracles happen!
Holiday starts...
Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the night starfall
He will look into your window.
On this wonderful night
Can't be without a smile
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy new year friends!
Problems don't scare
And the crisis will not beat!
We are still beautiful
We welcome the New Year!
In the New Year 2018!
I wish you to enter without worries!
In the work of success
Happiness in the family
And to be in this life always on horseback!
A difficult year is not melting,
We were old friends for all,
Problems were all around
And everyone walked with a sad look,

But we believe and we are not silent,
That in the New we will definitely win!
Russia is a strong country!
It's you, it's me!
Of all the favorite holidays,
We are looking forward to it
He brings joy to every home,
And gives people only good!
And fulfills all desires
It's called New Year's Eve!
He lifts the mood
And it's here, it's coming to us!
long-awaited new year,
He will bring us joy
New forces, new friends,
You meet him quickly!

He will take away all the sorrows
All the problems and trouble
We've been waiting for him for so long
Happiness to you in the New Year!
The clinking of glasses is heard
Laughter and joy are pouring everywhere
It's time to celebrate the New Year
Don't miss the old year
We love this holiday very much.
May the New Year be happy!
Give new dreams
Whatever you want, me and you!
We are celebrating a wonderful holiday
He brings happiness to people
Dreams become reality
And fills the world with good!
The holiday hurries to visit us,
Our New Year's prankster
All people have fun
Don't be shy!
After all, this is the main holiday,
We were waiting for him whole year,
He brings us only happiness
And the Christmas tree is a bright round dance!
May the New Year, which is on the threshold,
Enter your home like a good friend!
Let them forget the way to you
Sorrow, adversity and disease!
And let them come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you! -
It will be the best year
And the happiest for everyone!
Let's thump in the New Year, erase the bad from memory.
Let's leave only hope light ... for a year or for many years ...
Let the old one take with him everything that disturbed peace,
That the soul was torn by crying, and in the New there will be only good luck!

Expressions with meaning

I want to wish everyone a short return to childhood, when on New Year's Eve the parents' house smells of tangerines, and a favorite toy hangs on the Christmas tree, which seems to reflect an unknown small world with its own New Year's wonderful fairy tale.
Remember - if during the decoration of the Christmas tree it broke Christmas tree decoration- very soon the most secret desire will come true. You can't hit on purpose.
On the eve of a magical holiday, I would like to wish all my family and friends a fairy tale and a miracle.
I wish Santa Claus put three gifts for all my friends under the Christmas tree - boundless happiness, selfless love and good health.
Getting older list new year wishes getting shorter and shorter, but what we really want, money can't buy.
Dear Santa Claus! I don't need gifts! Please make sure that all people on Earth are happy.
From the height of the past years and on the experience of four dozen celebrated New Year's celebrations, I affirm that an accidentally broken Christmas tree toy - sure sign fulfillment of desire.
I wish everyone for the New Year to return at least for a short time to their distant childhood, when the air is saturated with the aromas of tangerines, pine needles, and in their beloved Christmas ball, hanging on a prickly paw, reflects another world with its own fairy tale.
Frosty air, the aroma of pine needles and tangerine, bubbles burst in a glass of champagne ... Everything seems to be according to the rules, but it's so dreary to celebrate the New Year alone ...
May the New Year be happy and give many earthly blessings. And Santa Claus will come with a bag and fill the house with joy!

funny notes

I wanted to go to the matinee with a snowflake - White dress, white tights. And I looked in the mirror - I’ll go in a snowdrift.
Good Santa Claus, do not put me new year gift under the tree Better get it in the garage right away.
The main thing is not to forget to leave Odnoklassniki on December 31 at 23:59 and celebrate the New Year.
Santa Claus! I can’t have sweets ... but semi-sweet can be.
What to give me for the new year? Yes, whatever! The main thing is to touch and with red headphones.
It's time to eat last year's food, watch eternal films and absolutely do not remember New Year's Eve.
I've been doing very well all year! Santa Claus, can I behave very badly on New Year's Eve?
I wish everyone good health in the body, crazy love in bed, dough in the briefcase and no rigmarole!
Proven advice: hostesses, do not put croutons in the New Year's salad! They hurt the face...
I really hope that at least this New Year a beautiful young Santa Claus will come to me. Or at least sober...

Short and cool statuses

Short Cool
Santa Claus come to visit me, I have prepared a herring under a fur coat for you !!! Santa Claus, you are no longer needed. The snowmen have arrived.
Childhood is over - instead of Santa Claus, I'm waiting for the Snow Maiden. Actual advice: in the New Year, do not click your happiness with the mouse!
I want Santa Claus to put 3 gifts under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve - Happiness in the house, Love in the family, Health to loved ones. The New Year is rushing towards us, happiness will happen! Vodka along with beer - women are beautiful. And then viskarik - it will become more fun! And in the morning pickle and it’s very bad ...
Tangerines went into action - it means the New Year is coming soon! Santa Claus, don’t be a goon, this year you will go broke !!! Give "FERARI" to me, well, and to all my relatives!!!
Soon - soon the new year! Rejoice planet! This is the first new year after... the end of the world! ! To the sound of the chimes, I will say that Santa Claus with a big bag will bring me not a goat, but a rabbit ... and fill the house with joy ...
I am sitting in a room alone and thinking about him, when will this new year come ... And my husband is the best On New Year's Eve, he decorates not only the Christmas tree, but also me!))
Away with sadness and longing - after all, the NEW YEAR is already on the nose. I wonder if I became someone's New Year's wish?
Hello Santa Claus, cotton beard! I'll buy everything for myself - increase the salary! They say that on New Year's Eve, the dollar will fall sharply! To know where he will fall, there and meet the New Year !!!
How I want your wish for the New Year to be me. Grandfather Frost is coming to visit us. He brings joy to our home. We will meet him as it should and give him cognac to drink.
I'm sorry figure! New Year is calling! Putin announced: - there will be no winter! Otherwise, Medvedev will fall asleep!

Very soon the brightest and most emotional winter holidays. During this period, everyone wants to surround themselves and loved ones with a special fabulous atmosphere, as well as cheer up friends on social networks by posting funny new year statuses 2019 for VK and Odnoklassniki.

Now, the settings of accounts in public portals allow you to decorate your page with meaning: themed photos and a beautiful background image in the style of the New Year. But nothing can make it more lively and interesting than cool statuses.

Every social media user knows that short sayings written by the owner of the page occupy a special place. They are in a central location, moreover, all friends receive notifications about their change. They are also automatically placed in the event feed. Therefore, if you want to congratulate all subscribers on the New Year holidays in one fell swoop or just write what you think about, then change the status and be sure that everyone will see it!

Now you do not need to rack your brains and invent original statuses. They have a huge trailer and a small cart on the Internet. We have selected the best short sentences, which are perfect for any New Year's page.

New Year's statuses in the Year of the Pig

To give mood to yourself and your loved ones, we recommend paying attention to humorous statements with meaning that can be safely used as a cool New Year's status:

  • “Dear Santa Claus, I am on a diet, so I can’t have sweets. Come, please, a box of semi-sweet!
  • “If you want everything to be fine in the New Year, put a bar of chocolate under your pillow and on January 1 you will have everything “in chocolate”!”;
  • “So the New Year has come, and I’m still ashamed of the past!”;
  • "Don't expect miracles from the New Year, wonder yourself!";
  • "The most inexplicable magic of the New Year is the disappearance of money from the wallet";
  • “If you are “torn off” from the soul by New Year's corporate party, then you will definitely start the New Year by looking for a new job”;
  • “Only he will remember the New Year who does not smoke or drink!”;
  • “There is no tastier drink on January 1st than cucumber pickle”;
  • “In the New Year, the doors to new life, but, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to get into them”;
  • “The longest night of the year begins on December 31st, and ends on December 14th”;
  • "Dear Santa Claus! Last time my letter didn't reach you, or I misspelled the word "Ferrari" in it.

Cool and funny statuses about the New Year

To cheer up yourself and your subscribers, we recommend paying attention to humorous statements in prose. Among the many short messages, we have chosen the most interesting in our opinion:

  • Dear Grandfather Frost, I can’t have sweets, so it’s better to send a box of semi-sweet!
  • If you want everything to be fine with you, then put chocolate under your pillow for the New Year. In the morning EVERYTHING will be in chocolate.
  • The New Year is approaching, and I am still ashamed of the past.
    The most inexplicable magic of the New Year is the speed at which money disappears from the wallet
  • With the advent of the New Year, the doors to better life, but, unfortunately, not everyone is able to get into them.
  • Don't expect miracles for the New Year! Wonder!
  • If you had a good New Year's corporate party, then you will start the new year by looking for a new job!
  • Only he will remember the New Year who does not smoke or drink!
  • What is the worst thing for a woman new year holidays? - Get on the scale!
  • There is no tastier drink on January 1 than cool water!
  • Boys' childhood ends when they want their wishes to be fulfilled not by Santa Claus, but by the Snow Maiden.
  • Dear Santa Claus! I have been very good boy so please give me a gift to some bad girl.
  • Dear Santa Claus! I've been good all year. Can I at least behave badly on New Year's Eve?
  • I wish everyone in the coming New Year not to click through their happiness with a mouse!
  • What to give you for the New Year? - Give whatever you want! The most important thing is that it should be touch-sensitive and with headphones.
  • Childhood is when you wait for the new year, you wait ... you wait, you wait ... and at half past twelve you pass out.
  • Father Frost! Make sure you don't tease me. Vova Kakashkin. 7 years.
  • Do not forget on December 31 at 23:55 to leave the Contact and celebrate the New Year.

Beautiful congratulations in verse

This small selection contains wishes for friends. New Year's poems are perfect for those who want to congratulate their subscribers in an original way:

I wish you health
In the nineteenth year!
For happiness to come
Generous to every family!

Be happy friends!
May the Pig help you!
Scratch your ear gently
Become a true friend!

If you scratch the belly of our Yellow Pig,
And the desire to guess - quickly, without hesitation,
That, of course, it will come true with a vengeance.
Good luck is destined for a whole year with you!

May the Year of the Pig bring good luck
All difficult tasks will be solved,
And shower like rain
Gold and silver!

On soft snow flies on skis
To you careless, young New Year.
Let luck become closer in life
Bring prosperity and fun!

Fun, joy, success,
Soul toasts, songs, laughter,
Kindness, like stars under the sky,
In short, Happy New Year to all of you!

Happy New Year, I congratulate you
May every hour be happy
May fate smile sweetly at you
And all your dreams - let them come true.

May the New Year be happy
Quietly wakes you up in the morning
Magic will open doors
Wake up all dreams and faith
Gives you hope again
Also joy and love.

Let the year not be stingy
For fun, happiness, laughter,
Prosperity will knock on the house,
Awaits success in any business.

May New Year's dreams come true
Grievances will forever be forgotten
And let it happen
Everything you dream of today!

New Year statuses 2019 with meaning

And finally, I would like to add a few more beautiful sayings about a wonderful holiday:

  • As we get older, the New Year's wish list gets smaller and smaller, and what we really want for the New Year can't be bought with money.
  • I want Santa Claus to put 3 gifts under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve - happiness in the house, love in the family, health to loved ones.
  • On the eve of the New Year, I want to wish all friends and family magic and a miracle, just like in childhood, when the parents' house smelled of pine needles, sweets and tangerines. When each Christmas toy seemed like a small world with its own New Year's fairy tale.

New Year's aphorisms and quotes

One of the most popular statuses on social networks are aphorisms. catch phrases are able to stand out among the general mass of various statements with wit and originality. Also, some of them are written in a humorous spirit, so they will cheer up even phlegmatic and melancholy people:

  • Dear santa claus! All I want for New Year's is your list of girls who have misbehaved.
  • The new year is always better than the old one, but not always for you.
  • I read so much about the dangers of alcohol and smoking that I decided to quit on New Year's Eve. Read.
  • To adequately celebrate the New Year, you need to rehearse for a long time, and you can start today.
  • If you want your children to celebrate the New Year at home, go to visit.
  • December 31 is the day when the Calendar comes off in full!
  • On New Year's Eve, fifty people and fourteen snowmen were brought to the sobering-up station. The cause of the police error is being investigated.
  • How you celebrate the New Year, so you need it!
  • The beginning of January for Russians coincides with the beginning of the month "drabadan".
  • No matter how much Santa Claus poi, he will not forget his bag.
  • Old New Year is not a holiday. This is a control shot in the liver!
  • There is no sadder story in the world than the New Year and the thought of a diet.
  • Again comes the year of the name of some regular cattle ... and so I wanted to live like a human being!
  • The celebration of the New Year is a joyless farewell to old illusions and joyful meeting with new ones.
  • Let in new year's eve Happiness will knock on your door ... And God forbid that you are at home at this moment.

The seconds before the chimes on New Year's Eve are always very exciting, we make wishes and believe that they will come true. Seasoned with subtle humor and sincere wishes beautiful statuses pro New Year will help you to congratulate your friends and relatives. Either short or long - beautiful New Year's statuses with meaning, posted a few moments before the holiday on your VK or Odnoklassniki page, will seem truly sincere to everyone.

For the New Year I will make it a present… for my birthday I will make it a present… for Christmas I will make it a present. I will get all the magical evil spirits with my desires, but they will drag IT to me!

May the wish made under the New Year's chimes be fulfilled. And the New Year will bring a sea of ​​new experiences, interesting acquaintances, useful knowledge and grandiose plans. Wish each other happiness, sitting at festive table! May real miracles happen in your life on New Year's Eve!

I hope that the New Year will welcome me cordially, give me hopes, plans, save me from enemies, unnecessary worries and human envy ... In general, I believe in miracles for a year in a row!))

The anticipation of the New Year awakens a child in me ... As in childhood, waking up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it ... I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick ..

How much New Year's fuss. And all this…..only because of one!!! seconds!!

I want to kiss you on December 31 at 23.59 and January 1 at 00.01… It will be the perfect end to the old and an amazing start to the new year!

When in the New Year the door to the new happy life don't crowd. Get on your knees and crawl towards your happiness!

Santa Claus exists, I know for sure. I see it in my eyes little son who wishes health and happiness for his family, confident that this will certainly come true! I can't let him down...

New Year's Eve - amazing, fabulous, enchanting, the night when miracles happen and the most cherished desires and dreams. So let this wonderful night fulfill all your desires!

Soon the New Year - I have only two wishes .... snow…. and you are near...

Everything froze in anticipation of a fairy tale, the snow sparkles with all the colors outside the window and, holding your breath, you wait for the clock to start counting down to a new life.

I want the New Year to be not like that one, but to be truly new, a new beginning in my life ...

I ask you, Santa Claus, let there be no tears in the New Year. Let the war end, let the wall fall between people that life has built and the one who is only waiting for this benefit ...

I have already grown up and I know that Santa Claus does not exist. Which does not prevent me from making wishes for the New Year and believing in miracles.

Do you want to be a child? ... Snow, a blizzard on the street, and you, wrapped in a jacket, are being taken on a sled ... full packages sweets and tangerines on my knees ...

When making plans for the coming year, we always hope for the best, dream, make wishes. I would like to wish that everything that you wished and wished for the New Year came true! So that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, that good luck accompanies you in business, that love surrounds and fills you and your home.

I want Grandfather Frost to put three gifts under the Christmas tree for the New Year - happiness in the house, love in the family, and health to relatives.

In my letter to Santa Claus, I put a hundred dollars, otherwise he always doesn’t have enough for what I thought of and gives him what has been lying around since last year.

With a quiet step, slowly, only with rustling wings, with a red crest, the New Year is sneaking up to us without worries!

Winter was created in order to be in white colors, so that it would be possible to start your life from a white sheet.

They say New Year's Eve is the night of wish fulfillment. I wished that all people become happy on the whole planet. I am sure that this will certainly come true. Happy New Year!

In the New Year, every time I want to flip the page forward and think that from now on, the books will only have an interesting plot and not a single crumpled or torn-out sheet ...

The best gift for the New Year is when your loved ones are with you, everyone is healthy and happy, and there are many, many ahead. happy moments together.

It doesn’t matter that it’s raining, snowing, a blizzard or a blizzard outside the window. The main thing is to always be warm in the heart, which is what I wish you in this coming year!

The new year 2019 will knock on our doors very soon. On the eve of this long-awaited event, as well as during the New Year holidays, every Russian strives to surround his loved ones with warmth, care and the atmosphere of a real fairy tale. The smell of tangerines, pine needles and a glass of hot mulled wine with a cinnamon stick are all an integral part of New Year's preparations. However, do not forget about friends who will celebrate the New Year in other cities. You can cheer them up and express your emotions with the help of funny and funny thematic statuses by posting them on your pages in Odnoklassniki and VK.

To each user social network it is well known that calling card account is a short saying that expresses the thoughts and emotions of the page owner. As a rule, the status takes center stage on the “wall” and can be seen by all the guests of your profile. In addition, your friends can see your status changes in their news feed. So the status is ideal option in order to simultaneously wish Happy New Year to all friends and subscribers of your page.

Funny and funny statuses for the New Year 2019

Of course, you can come up with your own extraordinary status, which you will share with your friends. However, not everyone and not always manages to show imagination. That's why ideal solution V this case is the choice of New Year's status on one of the Internet portals.

In order to make it easier for you to choose, we offer a list of the most striking and witty New Year's statuses that are perfect for any New Year's page.

Cool statuses 2019 for VK and Odnoklassniki

New Year's statuses with meaning

  1. If a toy breaks while decorating a Christmas tree, your most secret desire will come true in the New Year. But remember - you can’t beat on purpose!
  2. I wish everyone to return to that happy time when on New Year's Eve the smell of tangerines and pine needles hovers in the parental home, and that favorite toy hangs on the Christmas tree, which reflects a small fairy-tale world.
  3. I want to wish that this New Year Santa Claus put three gifts under the tree: good health, selfless love and boundless happiness.
  4. Dear Santa Claus! I don't need gifts. Fulfill my only one wish: that all people on the planet smile at each other on this New Year's Eve and become at least a little happier!

Short statuses in verse

  1. Let everything dashing sink into eternity with the last breath of December,
    And everything wonderful, alive will come to you in the morning of January!
  2. Let the magical holiday at home come to you!
    Happiness, prosperity and a bright year!
  3. Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle,
    Let new happiness look into your window!
  4. New Year's Eve is impossible without smiles,
    Sadness and sorrows away, with New happiness, friends!

In conclusion, I would like to wish all Russians good, happiness and family well-being in the New Year 2019. And it does not matter at all what status you choose, in prose or in verse, the main thing is to draw from them everything that will help make the life of your friends and loved ones a little better!

New Year is perhaps the most wonderful holiday which not only children but also adults look forward to. This is the time of gifts, fulfillment of desires and real magic. IN pre-holiday days children write letters to Santa Claus, and parents run around the shops in search of cherished gifts for their children. Traditionally, the holiday begins to be celebrated on the evening of December 31, before meeting it, you need to spend the outgoing year. There are many jokes about the fact that the holiday begins on December 31st and ends at least on January 7th. Still, for new year holidays there is so much to do: meet all the friends and visit all the relatives. In that magical holiday everyone deserves warmth and attention.

In 2019 I wish you 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 365 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love, and 315360000 seconds of pleasant moments.

The anticipation of the New Year awakens a child in me... As in childhood, waking up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it... I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick.

May Happiness knock on your door on New Year's Eve ... And God forbid that you are at home at this moment!

Tangerines are on the move, so the New Year is coming soon!

I love winter and the feeling that the holidays are approaching ... New Year's Eve ... Days of wish fulfillment, faith in miracles and fairy tales!

New Years is soon! May all of you ... have someone nearby who will clean your tangerines ... And the one who will steal these tangerines from both of you ...

My status went into the forest, probably behind the Christmas tree.

Funny and Cool Quotes

I want a little man... small, plump, with gifts... Santa Claus, I'm waiting!

Soon we will sit out on the Internet, we will not celebrate the New Year, but update it.

Never stick snowflakes on the refrigerator for New Year's Eve - they resemble the letter J to drunken guests.

Only in our country on New Year's Eve the congratulations of the president go through all channels, but they watch it only through the first one.

New Year's Eve is a dinner ending with breakfast.

Grandfather Frost, I would ... Gazprom shares - so that I don’t bother you anymore.

If a fat uncle comes up at night and puts you in a sack... don't freak out! It's just that someone asked Santa Claus for you for the New Year;)

Dear Grandfather Frost, for the New Year, put a piece of happiness under the Christmas tree for me..180 cm tall, please.

My children are already writing a letter to Santa Claus! And Santa Claus sits next to him on the couch and goes nuts!

Get ready for the New Year! I even moved the scale back 5 kg ...

December is nearing the middle, it's time to decide what to dress up for the night from December 31 to January 9.

How did you spend New Years?
I don't know, they haven't told you yet...

Statuses with meaning

Snow… Adults say that it is frozen water, but children know better: these are small stars with a magical taste of the New Year.

I'm getting ready for the New Year, it seems the liver suspects something.

Dear Santa Claus, cotton beard, I don't need gifts! Increase your salary!

New Year is such a time when a call at 3 am is more glad than a call at 10 am.

New Year - A good reason leave some people in the old.

Someone dreams of a new life. And for some, the New Year is enough.

Every man should be a little Santa Claus for his family, help his Snow Maiden create a fairy tale and give gifts, well, and if this does not suit anyone, there is also a deer vacancy.

Beautiful statuses about the New Year

New Year gives us great chance- change your life for the better. This is an occasion to abandon the familiar, but so boring, step over fears, leave doubts behind, smile at the world around and start building your own destiny according to your own, exclusive project.

To the beat of the clock, exactly at twelve,
The world will change around.
We are in a fairy tale, as if
Let's go back to childhood...

They say that everything always comes true on New Year's Eve, even the fact that the whole year cannot be fulfilled!

Dear Santa Claus!!! I want to apply! Put only five boxes under the Christmas tree for my friends: fill the first with health, the second with good luck, the third with kindness, the fourth with patience, and put faith in the fifth! And one more thing - I beg you, tie all these boxes with a ribbon of happiness! Thanks, Santa Claus. I will be waiting very much...

As we get older, the New Year's wish list gets smaller and smaller, and what we really want can't be bought with money.

There are many aphorisms about the New Year. Some of them are playful and amusing, while others inspire philosophical reflection and encourage change. Choose the expressions you like for your statuses, give Christmas mood to yourself and those around you!