How and with what to remove grass from clothes - useful knowledge. How to remove grass from clothes

Often, after outdoor recreation, the question arises of how to remove grass from things. This problem is of particular concern to mothers of young children. Initially, such a task may seem impossible, but in fact everything is much simpler.

To make clothes look clean, attractive again, you just have to listen to the tips that will be discussed and purchase the necessary funds.

When deciding on the choice of the necessary products, it is important to understand that using only laundry detergent, even of the highest quality, may not be enough.

Dirty clothes should be soaked first, and most often, the soiled areas should be treated separately. For these purposes it is good to use:

In addition, you will need improvised means, namely:

  • Bowl;
  • napkin;
  • sponge;
  • soft cloth.

The sooner you start getting rid of the green stain on your clothes, the easier and more efficiently you will cope with the task.

So, how to remove grass stains.

  • First way. Try to clean the item using boiling water and regular laundry soap. As a rule, it is this option that helps to quickly remove stains from clothes. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the stain, then, after rubbing it with soap, wash the stained area. If necessary, repeat this procedure again. After that, you need to wash the thing in a washing machine.
  • The second way. Soak stained clothes in your favorite powder, but only if the grass stain is fresh. Leave the thing soaked for a couple of hours, then wash it well by hand, rinse.

7 tips to get rid of herbal stains on clothes

To combat old, stubborn stains, we have prepared simple but effective tips that will help you quickly return your things to their former appearance.

You will need ammonia, water, and laundry soap. Use them like this: pour ammonia (1 teaspoon) into one glass of not very hot water. Dip a cotton swab into the resulting solution and rub the dirt on your clothes with it.

Then rub the soiled fabric with laundry soap. It is necessary to leave the product on the stain for a couple of hours, then thoroughly wash the thing by hand.

It is no secret that vinegar is considered an excellent oxidizing agent of natural origin. It is he who helps to cope with the stains left on the things from the grass. Dilute vinegar (1 tablespoon) in 100 ml of warm water and apply the resulting solution exclusively to the contamination, leaving for forty minutes.

Then rub the contaminated area well, then wash the clothes completely by hand or machine.

The action of vinegar will enhance oxalic acid. It is enough to put this substance (1 tablespoon) into the solution and process in the same way.

Since ancient times, ordinary edible salt has been considered one of the most effective means for removing old grass stains from clothes. We recommend preparing a solution for which you will need not too hot water (one glass) and table salt (1 tablespoon).

Next, you need to pour the resulting solution into a container suitable for soaking, placing there not the whole thing, but only its contaminated places. Leave for thirty minutes, then wash well by hand or in a laundry machine.

Denatured alcohol is also an excellent remedy if necessary to get rid of grass stains left on clothes. After all, it is this tool that is considered an excellent solvent, which lends itself to this type of pollution.

Use alcohol as follows: dip a sponge in it and wipe the remaining marks well. As soon as they are completely dissolved, wash the clothes by hand or in the machine.

Glycerin has a cleansing effect, which is why it has also found wide application if it is necessary to eliminate various contaminants.

Add glycerin (2 teaspoons) to the egg white and apply the resulting mixture to the stained area. After forty minutes, wash the clothes and rinse them well.

To get rid of grass stains from light and even white things, we recommend using peroxide. You will need to prepare a solution of water (100 ml) and peroxide (20 ml).

Wipe the stains with the resulting product, then wash the item in a way that is convenient for you.

Citric acid is great for completely removing even heavily ingrained grass stains from clothes. It is necessary to cover the stain with acid (1 sachet), slightly wetting the material.

Wash the item after forty minutes.

How to effectively get rid of grass stains on clothes?

Here are some more great options for dealing with grass stains.

  • Stain remover. This is one of the proven products that must be applied to a contaminated surface, then removed from it according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Laundry soap, as well as ammonia. We recommend combining these two products in this way: you should rub a bar of soap on a coarse grater and put it in preheated water. Then add ammonia (1 teaspoon) and soak the contaminated clothes in the resulting solution. After fifteen minutes, you need to wash your clothes.

As you have seen, today there are a huge number of effective options for dealing with herbal contamination on clothes. And remember, the main thing is to get rid of them in a timely manner. But be that as it may, if there is a similar problem, be sure to use our tips, and you will definitely appreciate their effectiveness, and, of course, you will be satisfied with the result!

If in winter and in the off-season, dirt and slush are considered the “enemies” of clean and tidy clothes, then in summer grass takes on this role. Natural pigments, thanks to which the greens acquire a rich, juicy color, instantly eat into the fabric, leaving clearly visible traces. But do not give up, this problem can be dealt with using folk methods and purchased stain removers.

Any stain remover is considered a universal remedy against traces of green grass. Most formulations are suitable for all types of fabrics - it is only important to observe the dosage and clearly maintain the time of action of the "chemistry" on the fabric (detailed instructions are in the instructions). Stain removers of the brands Antipyatin, Vanish, Frau Schmidt, SARMA are in demand.

General rules for removing grass stains

  1. Get rid of contaminants immediately. The older the stain, the more time and effort it will take to remove.
  2. Do not soak things in cold water!
  3. Do not rub dirt into the material. Treat the contaminated area with gentle point movements.
  4. Do not use household chemicals with chlorine to clean colored items.
  5. After removing the stains, do not forget to first rinse the clothes thoroughly in warm water, and then wash them as usual.

Regular soaking will help remove fresh grass stains. Dissolve laundry soap shavings or washing powder without bleaching granules in warm water (determine the proportions “by eye”, the water should be soapy, but without foam), soak the affected item for 30-40 minutes. If the result is unsatisfactory, repeat the procedure. This method is suitable for clothes made of any fabric.

How to get grass stains out of delicate clothes

Delicate materials (wool, silk, fine synthetics, "loose" knitwear) do not tolerate the effects of solvents and abrasives.

  1. To get rid of dirt on light-colored things, mix 2 teaspoons of glycerin and one egg white. Apply the composition, after an hour send the item to the wash.
  2. A good effect is given by a solution of table salt (1 tablespoon per glass of warm water). Treat the stained area with a cotton pad soaked in the product, and then thoroughly rinse the clothes under running water.

How to remove grass stains from cotton, linen, knitwear

  1. The easiest way for clothes made of light or dyed dense materials: pour boiling water over the green mark, then wash the item immediately.
  2. Cotton trousers or a shirt will save medical alcohol: before you start the machine, moisten the stain liberally.
  3. A soapy solution with the addition of ammonia (2-3 tablespoons per liter of water) will return the purity to things made of cotton or linen. Soak clothes for 15-30 minutes (depending on the degree and age of contamination).
  4. 3% hydrogen peroxide paired with soda will bleach the fabric: gently rub the peroxide into the dirt, generously cover the area with baking soda. Wash off the remaining dirt after 5-10 minutes under running water.
  5. Citric acid has a similar effect: it is enough to treat the stain with lemon juice, and rinse the clothes after half an hour.

Carefully! Lemon juice can change the color of a dyed item.

How to remove grass stains from jeans

  1. Apply a paste of baking soda and warm water to the stain. Keep gruel on contamination for at least 15 minutes, then remove with a brush.
  2. Dilute table 9% vinegar with water (1 tablespoon per glass). Soak a sponge or piece of rag in the solution, apply to the dirty area for half an hour.
  3. Purified gasoline will get rid of stains on dark jeans. After processing the contamination, rinse the thing, remove gasoline residues with glycerin.

Difficult stains on jeans are best removed with vinegar

And now, the long-awaited warmth has come, the sun is outside the window, on the thermometer the strip has long been beyond the “20” mark and everything around is actively turning green. This is how a real nightmare for mothers begins. The task of keeping your children's clothes clean becomes something very dubious. Especially if the kids are given plenty to frolic in the playgrounds. The same applies to adults who decide to go on a picnic or visit a dacha with the first warm days. In greenery, everything is fine, except for the stains that remain on clothes from grass and other vegetation. The question becomes an edge, how to remove grass stains and at the same time not completely ruin things. This is the question we will try to answer.

Folk remedies should be immediately put aside. These include:

  • A solution of ammonia;
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • A mixture of hydrogen peroxide 3% and soda;
  • bleach solution;
  • Soda poured on the stain + vinegar;
  • Alcohol, vodka, etc.;
  • Vinegar;
  • Boiling water.

They really can help, about 10% of the users. And all because each of these remedies, although it can cope with a grass stain, at the same time affects either the fabric or the color of the fabric, and only in 10% of cases everything does without consequences if a particular fabric turned out to be resistant to . Separately, we can say that the salt solution is actually the only one that can really help and not cause consequences.

If a grass stain was placed during a picnic, then it would not be superfluous to find out in parallel how oil stains are still washed off, as described.

The best way to get rid of grass stains

The best option is, first of all, not to forget about the stain and, if not immediately send the item for washing, then for a maximum of two days, until the dirt has completely eaten into the fabric and dried out.

From folk remedies, you can immediately use a solution of table salt before removing grass stains. Dissolve one tablespoon of salt in one glass of water. They moisten the contaminated area and after half an hour they wash it in warm water or immediately send it to the wash.

You can also immediately soak the thing for half an hour or an hour, after rubbing it with laundry soap, and after washing send it to the washing machine.

For washing, a simple washing powder may not be enough. It's worth going to your nearest hardware store or supermarket and looking through the soak or stain removers available there. The instructions should indicate that the product is suitable for the type of fabric and will be able to remove grass stains. Then it remains only, following the instructions, to wash the thing.

In most cases, the problem disappears, especially if the choice of an aid is approached responsibly, taking into account, among other things, the characteristics of one's own wardrobe, priority by type of fabric, so that it can be used effectively later.

More about folk remedies

What to do when there was not enough choice of cleaning products at hand, but all the chemicals turned out to be. reagents indicated at the very beginning of the article, and there is a great desire to experiment, trying to reduce grass stains on clothes?


As mentioned above, you can use a solution of table salt, in which the soiled part of the fabric is soaked for half an hour or an hour. For the solution, a tablespoon of salt should be completely dissolved in one glass of water. After soaking, the item is washed in warm water and washed with laundry soap.

This option is suitable for virtually any type of fabric and for any degree of soiling, sometimes it even copes with old stains, you just need to hold it in the solution longer. Nevertheless, the result will be maximum if everything is done promptly, when the dirt has not even dried yet.


More objective information can be found on the use of ammonia for staining. Many natural dyes, under the action of ammonia vapor, change not just the shade, but the entire gamut. This is actually the best indicator that it should be used very carefully to remove grass stains. Suitable for cotton or linen, natural fabrics, preferably undyed. For dyed, you should first check the effect of ammonia on a small inconspicuous or closed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.

To remove dirt, one tablespoon of ammonia is diluted in a glass of water and the stain is wetted with this. You can moisten a gauze swab with the solution and apply it to the stain to soak it. After half an hour, you can rinse in warm water and then send for washing.

Hydrogen peroxide

A fairly productive option, but you should also pre-test hydrogen peroxide in an inconspicuous area. Peroxide can significantly discolor not only the grass stain, but also its own dye in the fabric. Suitable in most cases for synthetic fabrics with exclusively chemical dyes.

For this method, you should use a 3% solution, which is sold in pharmacies. It is applied to the soiled area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing and kept for twenty minutes. After that, rinse with warm water before removing grass stains in the machine. If it remains the first time, then the procedure is repeated.

bleach solution

In general, it is better to ignore such ideas. Well, if you want to bother with bleach, then it’s easier to take bleach and do whatever you want with your things, brightening up your world around.


The option is very doubtful, even with vinegar, even without. If with their help the ability to get rid of the stain, it means that it could be removed with ordinary washing, without bothering with experiments.

Alcohol, wine vinegar, etc.

To a greater extent, alcohol and alcohol-containing solutions contribute to an even greater bite of dirt into the fabric, especially synthetic.

Boiling water

It certainly should not be poured onto fabrics that, in principle, are designed for washing in water of 30-40 degrees. It can help if you figure out how to remove grass stains from jeans, or other rough natural fabric that can withstand boiling water, but can ruin the color just as easily, especially if the thing is new. Read how to wash jeans. If there are no concerns about the effect of boiling water on the fabric, then the soiled part is stretched, for example, by putting a small bowl into the trouser leg, and watered with water from a freshly boiled kettle. After 30 minutes of such actions, you can stop and send the item for washing, the dirt will most likely leave without a trace.

Combining the above methods is highly discouraged, because the result, most likely, will be an irretrievably damaged thing that will only be thrown away.

What to do if the jacket, suit is dirty

Everything that should not be washed by default in a typewriter or in general at home is better not to be tortured by independent attempts. If you want to remove a grass stain from a jacket or other outerwear, then keep in mind that they need a delicate wash, so we do not recommend experimenting with folk methods. With all the problems of how to remove grass stains, dry cleaning will do an excellent job, they have a complete set of necessary tools for this.

How to remove grass stains from clothes

After fun and sports games, many housewives are faced with the problem of how to remove grass stains on clothes. In fact, this is not difficult to do if you know several effective ways, many of which were used by our grandmothers.

Effective Methods

At home, you can use the following methods to remove green grass stains from children's and adult clothes:

  • fresh stains are usually easily removed with laundry soap. You can also soak the item in soapy water with the addition of acetic acid;
  • you can also prepare shavings from laundry soap and mix it with a small amount of ammonia. The mixture must be applied to the stain for ten minutes and rinse the thing well;
  • another effective way to remove grass stains involves treating the contaminated areas with a cotton swab dipped in denatured alcohol;
  • the following method will not leave a single chance for green spots: the pollution is wetted with water, and then with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Next, sprinkle the stain generously with baking soda. After that, the stain must be properly rubbed with a brush or sponge. If the dirt does not leave immediately, you can add a little peroxide;
  • from silk and wool, herbal juice can be removed with a mixture of glycerin and. The mass should be applied to the stain for an hour, then rinse the thing and wash it as usual.

Dealing with old stains

If you do not start washing immediately after returning from outdoor recreation, the grass juice on the clothes will dry out and be deeply absorbed into the fabric. In this case, you will have to think about how to remove the old grass stain without ruining the garment. Worst of all, dried grass is washed off cotton fabrics, including jeans, but even here the problem can be eliminated with ordinary table salt.

A tablespoon of salt must be added to a glass of water, and pour the contaminated area with the resulting solution, leaving for twenty minutes. After that, it is recommended to wash the thing with laundry soap. If you need to remove a stain from white clothes, you can use hydrogen peroxide with the addition of ammonia.

Grass stains on clothes are a fairly common problem, especially in young children. Many kids are very active and at the same time they are not neat. They love to play on the grass, swing, but in the end they get so dirty that poor mothers clutch their heads with thoughts of how to wash it off.

Some grass stains are very easy to remove. But sometimes, it’s not enough just to soak a thing and wash it in a typewriter. There is such a persistent dirt, over which you need to work hard.

Before you start removing stains, you should determine their origin. Sometimes it may seem that a green trace is from grass, and then it turns out that it is green tea, jelly or paint.

To correctly diagnose grass stains, you need to rub the thing in a polluted place and sniff it. If it is grass, then the smell of fresh greenery is formed. If this is a confectionery, then there will be a sweet aroma. The unpleasant smell of the solvent, this indicates that these stains are from paint.

How to remove green blots?

Almost every housewife believes that it is very difficult to remove them, but you should not be upset in advance and throw away contaminated clothes. In fact, there is a way out and there are various ways to deal with such a problem.

The use of ammonia.

The fact that ammonia can ruin a thing is a misleading opinion. With this liquid, you can gently remove stains, even from delicate fabrics.

To do this, dilute one glass of warm water and one teaspoon of ammonia. Pour this mixture over the contaminated area and leave until it is completely absorbed into the fabric. After that, rub it well with laundry soap and let it lie down for about two hours. Then wash with ordinary powder, no difference by hand or in a washing machine.

Miraculous vinegar.

Even to solve such problems, you can use ordinary vinegar, preferably without additives.

For large, well-stuck stains, you need three tablespoons of vinegar, which must be poured onto the dirt and left for a couple of hours. Further, without rinsing from the liquid, wash in the usual way. If the contamination is small and fresh, one tablespoon will suffice.

If the traces do not disappear after the first time, you should repeat the process again, then everything will definitely be washed off.

water procedure.

Also, grass stains can be removed with ordinary boiled water. You need to pour it on a damaged item and immediately wash it in a washing machine.

This method will not bring any harm to the clothes and it can be repeated, if necessary. It should be remembered that it is used exclusively for cotton fabrics. Never use on delicate fabrics that must not be washed above 40°C.

The use of citrus

Good lemon helps , which is used in daily life.

Cut the citrus into two parts, squeeze the juice from one slice, pour on dirty clothes and do not touch for about an hour. After, wash with laundry soap.

If desired, you can add lemon juice during washing to give things a citrus scent.

Alcohol help.

You can use denatured alcohol. To do this, soak a swab in it and rub the stain until it disappears. To avoid the alcohol smell, you just need to wash the thing with a scented powder.

This method helps to get rid of dirt in just a few minutes. You can also use ethyl alcohol or diethyl ether.

Multifunctional laundry soap.

Green stains are best removed while they are still fresh. It is advisable to immediately rub with soap, dip in cold water and leave for half an hour.

You can also grind it, dilute it with a glass of warm water and 15 drops of ammonia. Mix everything well, pour on the necessary thing and leave for an hour. Wash after.


If dirty clothes have not been washed for some time and the stains have dried, then it will be more difficult to remove them than fresh ones.

Salt can help with this. It is necessary to dissolve it in a glass of hot water and soak the thing in it for half an hour. The spots will disappear instantly.

If traces remain, they can be washed and rinsed with cold water.

Folk remedies

  • Dip a dirty thing into unboiled milk and hold until the stain comes off, then wash.
  • Plain linen, you can simply boil in water without powder.
  • Dilute half a tablespoon of water with a spoonful of baking soda. Stir to make a homogeneous paste, apply it on a dirty place for 10 minutes. Scrub with a clothes brush and rinse in cold water.

Summer Method

This method is performed mainly in summer when it is warm. It is very simple and uncomplicated.

It is necessary to wash clothes in the usual way, with powder or soap and hang them outside, in direct sunlight. Soon the green traces will burn out.

It is important to consider that this cleaning option is used only for plain and light-colored things. Since dark and colored clothes may lose their natural color.

How to save jeans

The most difficult thing is to remove herbal pollution from denim items. They will be able to cope, only certain means. There are several such practical ways:

  • Dilute 1 tsp. soda a little warm water. Apply this mixture to the stain using a clothes brush. You can also just sprinkle baking soda on the stain and pour vinegar on top.
  • Peroxide use. You just need to pour it on the stain, then rinse and wash. There will be no trace of stains.
  • Ethanol. Apply a little liquid to the denim item and leave for 30 minutes. After, wash well in warm water.
  • Another good remedy is white toothpaste. The process is the same as with baking soda.

Greenery on whites

There are several ways to remove green stains from white cotton clothing.

  • Dilute a teaspoon of bleach with 250 ml of water and apply to the stain. Also add liquid during washing.
  • Rub the stain with hydrogen peroxide and wash with laundry soap.
  • In a glass of water, dilute a teaspoon of oxalic and acetic (30%) acids. Such a solution instantly removes green spots.

Before you start removing grass stains, you should prepare the thing for the upcoming process. Shake it well from dust and check the stability of contamination. This will help you choose the right cleaning option.

That's right, clean from the wrong side, and moisten near the stain with water so that stains do not appear.

Need to know:

  • agents such as acid and alcohol can destroy paint on some materials;
  • do not use bleach for cotton fabrics;
  • acetic agents and acetone can destroy acetate silk;
  • bleach, best used on whites only.

Each person has situations when it is necessary to solve the problem of removing green spots from grass or yellow spots from dandelions.

Why are these contaminants so difficult to remove? It's all about chlorophyll, the substance that turns plants green. It is because of him that these stains are so eaten into clothes.

Most housewives do not dare to use new products, because they are afraid to spoil the thing. Therefore, home methods are used. In truth, traditional methods may take more time, but they are very effective and without extra spending.

Common home remedies can help you quickly and easily remove nasty grass stains and save the item.

Do not be discouraged, because any green pollution has its own simple solution!