New Year how to create a New Year's mood. How to create a Christmas mood

This note is for those who want to get into the holiday spirit.

What makes a holiday so special? Why do all children burn with impatience and anticipation in childhood, while adults are often indifferent or even irritated?

It seems to me that one of the key components of the New Year's mood is anticipation. Expectation.

As children, we expect gifts. We are waiting for magic. Santa Claus.

Now we are looking forward to the weekend. And all the hassle: pre-holiday hysteria in stores, cleaning, cooking, windy salads.

That is, we expect everyday life. Naturally, this is incompatible with the expectation of a holiday, which, in fact, creates a special mood.

Can be expected have a good vacation, meeting with friends, bright entertainment, pleasant rest, delicious treats and gifts.

We can look forward to next year. If you look at it with optimism, expect it, then you will wait for its arrival. And that means a transitional stage.

How to readjust?

When we were little, we were not set up to do anything but enjoy the holidays. Everything was done for us. Including mood. We were told it would be good. And we expected this.

When we grow up, there is no one to really set you up. Yes, and expect magic is no longer from anyone.

But if you want to enjoy the holidays, you have to take responsibility for your mood.

A few tips in the spirit of yellow psychology:

1) Prepare gifts with soul.

When you're gift-picking and you want to REALLY make your loved ones happy, it takes effort. But when a gift is chosen, you always want to give it as soon as possible. And even efforts are required in order not to give it right now, but like on New Year.

Secret gifts hidden in secret places are waiting for the New Year to be presented and bring joy to your loved ones.

Gifts are waiting. And you too. And look forward to the joy they will bring.

Isn't that the spirit of the New Year?

2) Decorate everything around

You can look at it as a labor service. You can make it a blunder, for a formal presence. But such decorations will not please, but will only evoke thoughts that they are still to be removed in May.

So. If you get creative with the decoration and try to really make it very beautiful, invest in this project, then a transformation will occur.

Jewelry that you make with soul bears your imprint. You hang garlands expecting (!) that they will look beautiful and create an atmosphere.

And if you do it with that intention, then they will actually create it!

Do the same, but for the sake of formality, and they will only annoy and evoke thoughts about the falsity of the holiday.

Fake efforts make the holiday fake.
Real effort makes the holiday real.

3) The same goes for treats

Get creative. Don't make formalities. Don't do what you don't need or don't want to. Make a holiday menu. For yourself and for your loved ones.

Invest in a treat to "surprise, delight, indulge, experiment, express yourself" and it will set you in the right mood.

Make salads and potatoes because "they will need to have something to eat" and "so that the table is not empty" and the festive treat will start to taste fake.

4) Plan your leisure time

Waiting for WANTED events, trips, entertainment and meetings. Isn't it like waiting for magic and gifts as a child?

Plan some fun time with your loved ones. Do something classic. Without the internet, I mean.

You can play board games joint creativity, needlework, crafts. We can go for a walk together. Skate up and down the mountain.

Communication. New Year holidays- the opportunity to spend a lot of time with your friends and family. Take advantage of it!

Plan less household stuff like "fix the door while there's time" and more joyful events like "buy a new board game and cut into it with friends. "

Such intimate communication, in such quantity, with such unusual activities for everyday life, they will definitely leave good memories of this holiday.

Briefly speaking

Many are mistaken when they are waiting for the arrival of the New Year's mood in order to start doing New Year's things.

Everything happens in reverse. Decide to do something good. Decide not because you have to, but because you want to. Decide and do.

This action will give the sprouts of the New Year's atmosphere. Develop them by doing all the other traditional things.

New Year's mood is not the reason for traditional preparations and plans. This is a consequence. Make something truly New Year's from what you want yourself, what makes sense. And you will see how it will appear Christmas mood.

If you are preparing for the New Year as a fake, it will be a fake.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, we have a lot of trouble: we need to think over gifts, make a list festive dishes, buy all the necessary food and drinks, decorate the Christmas tree. However, not everyone is so happy about the upcoming new year holidays and related preparations. After all, every day and so you have to solve a lot of urgent matters and tasks that there is no strength and mood left for fun. But do not despair! There are many great ways to get into the Christmas spirit. And 12 ways to create a New Year's mood will help you with this.

1. Decorate your workspace

It's no secret that almost half of an adult's life is spent at work. Before the New Year 2019, each of us has a time of constant deadlines, reports and blockages, the presence of which can drive even the most notorious optimist into depression. Therefore, it is worth starting preparations for the holiday from or the office. In addition, nothing unites the team like joint work related to creativity. After all, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money to buy jewelry!

It is quite enough to decorate the windows with pictures created with a spray can artificial snow and stencils, arrange baskets with tangerines and vases with a couple of pine branches. And now, when you come to work, smelling the smell of fresh pine needles and citrus fruits, you are already beginning to be charged with a feeling of approaching the holiday. By the way, don't forget about the screensaver on your desktop and smartphone screen - urgently change your usual picture for a snowy landscape with fabulous animals and Santa Claus at the dressed-up Christmas tree!

2. Create a mood for others

Yes, yes, start with other people. After all, psychologists have proven that when a person tries to improve the mood of others, he himself does not notice how he becomes happier and happier. Moreover, no serious feats are required of you: you can simply devote ten minutes a day to searching for virtual postcards that you send to colleagues and relatives by e-mail. Looking at these pictures in itself sets you up for a holiday.

Or you can remember the times when the Internet has not yet become an integral part of our lives, and please friends with the help of ordinary paper postcards. While you choose them in the store and write words of congratulations, be sure to recharge with positive! No wonder the tradition of sending handwritten postcards by mail is one of the main new year customs the Japanese, who are otherwise a highly technological and modern nation.

3. Take care of your appearance

Even if you don't feel like doing it at all, book a salon for a haircut, spa treatment, or manicure. After the procedures, you will definitely feel better and more invigorated, and an excellent appearance add a positive outlook on life. One of the most better ways to create a New Year's mood is to buy new outfit. After all new year parties and corporates are great occasion finally buy something gorgeous dress, which you have been looking at for a long time, and incredible shoes to go with it!

4. Create a Christmas mood with music

Music is truly magical action when creating a festive mood and harmony with the outside world. Do not forget to prepare a themed playlist to listen to New Year and Christmas songs on your way to work and home, doing chores and shopping. New Year's tracks will instantly drive away the feeling of apathy and despondency! Do not forget about the traditional components of such a playlist.

Be sure to download the wonderful compositions "Jingle Bell Rock" by Bobby Helms, "Happy New Year by ABBA, "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" performed by Frank Sinatra, "Snowflake" and "Three White Horses" from the movie "Wizards", "Last Christmas" performed by Wham! and "A song about five minutes." By the way, modern performers also sing about Christmas, so you can also look for fresh compositions to fill your player or smartphone. For example, include "White Christmas" by Lady Gaga in the list of songs.

5. Decorate the Christmas tree

This way to create a New Year's mood is a win-win. When we open boxes with old, familiar toys from childhood, we instantly plunge into the atmosphere of the New Year. All these balls, cones, snow maidens, bunnies, fruits and icicles are associated with unforgettable childhood memories, when moms and dads, grandparents decorated a Christmas tree for us on the eve of the winter festivities, and we willingly helped them.

Remember how you looked forward to the appearance magical gifts from Santa Claus? Engage in manufacturing homemade jewelry— and you will feel the magic of the New Year 2019 again! By the way, you can decorate a Christmas tree more than once: install a forest beauty at home, help your parents, take care of your aunt, create a New Year's mood with friends and colleagues!

6. Don't Forget Aromatherapy

Aromas of needles and tangerines are indispensable smells of the New Year, so fill your home with them. Every evening, light candles that will envelop the apartment with notes of orange, cinnamon and spruce needles, arrange tangerine peels on batteries, take relaxing baths with citrus oils. You will not notice how you will look forward to the onset of the holidays! In addition, aromatherapy is one of the most effective ways to relax and relieve stress, which is not at all superfluous in the New Year's fuss.

7. Decorate your home

A beautiful festive environment for the New Year 2019 is a wonderful way to create the appropriate New Year mood for yourself and your family. Yes, and the chores of decorating an apartment can only be called pleasant, so a few weeks before the holiday, start getting boxes with purchased or handmade decorations from the mezzanine and start decorating your home.

On the windows, draw snowmen, deer and Christmas trees using artificial snow and stencils, stick paper snowflakes, hang multi-colored ones on the cornices, hang Christmas wreaths on the doors and be sure to arrange baskets with oranges and tangerines. gloomy winter days and in the evenings, the soft flickering of colored light bulbs and the sparkle of tinsel will surely create an atmosphere of a fairy tale soon in your home.

8. Arrange movie screenings

Forget about showdowns and news programs with daily incidents and negative events - have a New Year's movie show in your house every night! Gather the whole family in front of the screen and enjoy. Even if you don't have a family yet, this great way cheer yourself up, because what could be better warm blanket, fragrant tea and a great movie after a hard day's work?

9. Make your own jewelry

Any creativity in itself is a great way to relieve stress, and making is even more effective! You can create yourself, for which you have enough patience, diligence and talent. These can be themed glasses for a party, candlesticks, balls, snowflakes and garlands. Connect children and relatives to this business - such evenings are sure to evoke a lot of memories and create a sense of celebration.

10. Buy gifts

New Year 2019 is not without reason a time of surprises and fulfillment of desires, and absolutely anyone can feel like a little bit of a magician. Make a list of family and friends that you will gift with nice things. Think about what exactly will make the recipient smile and joy, and then go shopping. While you are looking at colorful shop windows, listening to Christmas songs and choosing gifts, you will definitely not be able to avoid the New Year mood.

11. Play winter games

Spend New Year's Eve with friends or family enjoying all the fun that brings us snowy winter. Create an army of various snowmen, go skiing, have snowball fights, build fortresses, ride the city ice rinks around the Christmas trees to the sound of Christmas tunes, do snow angels, and then watch movies with a cup of hot cocoa with the same cheerful company.

12. Expect the holiday

And most importantly: remember that New Year 2019 is a time when we all must take a break from a hard working year, clear our thoughts and believe in a miracle - and then the New Year's mood will come by itself, giving us all an unforgettable holiday!

The editors of the Vegetarian are shocked: there is a little more than two weeks before the New Year, and there was still no festive mood. If you, like us, do not know how to create it, then we suggest you follow these tips and create a New Year's atmosphere on your own! We solemnly swear to do the same, who is with us?

As we get older, it becomes more and more difficult for us to awaken the magical spirit of the New Year. Remember the time when you were a child: you yourself wanted to decorate the Christmas tree, went to the New Year holidays, brought sweet gifts from there with true delight, put them under the Christmas tree and looked forward to the evening of December 31st to see what Santa Claus brought . To create a New Year's mood, you need to become this child in your soul. Here are some obvious but powerful things to help you do just that.

Set up and decorate a Christmas tree

It's time to get the main character of the New Year from the mezzanine / closet / balcony / garage and decorate it. Think about what color balls you will hang on it, what tinsel, garlands and a star. Create a tradition: before each New Year, buy at least one new Christmas decoration to welcome the coming year.

If you have small children or playful pets at home, you can decorate a small Christmas tree or hang Christmas tree garlands on the wall. Check out Pinterest or Tumblr for inspiration, which have a lot of cool ideas for New Year and Christmas!

And if you have not decided yet - artificial or live Christmas tree choose, then read our on the subject.

Decorate the house

Don't stop at one Christmas tree lest it be the black sheep in the room. Let the LED garland under the ceiling, decorate the doors, cabinets, put on the shelves christmas toys, hang snowflakes, wrap yourself in a magical atmosphere!

As you know, helping others helps us too. Help your neighbors! Hang on their door by Christmas ball preferably at night or early in the morning. They will definitely be happy with this. unexpected surprise and will puzzle over who did it.

Turn on New Year and Christmas music

You can put it in the background while decorating your home, cooking, even work. Remember what New Year and Christmas songs you love: Frank Sinatra's Let It Snow, Jingle Bells, or maybe Five Minutes by Lyudmila Gurchenko? You can even set one of them as an alarm clock! New Year's mood from the very morning is provided to you.

Prepare cookies, New Year's gingerbread ...

...or any other truly New Year's pastries! Cook using deer, tree, bell, cone molds and decorate with frosting, sweet multi-colored sprinkles and glitter. Add winter spices, including ginger, cloves, cardamom, and more, to your cookies, pies, and drinks. If you have kids, they will love this activity!

Go for gifts

Agree, gifts are nice not only to receive, but also to give. Make a list of friends, family and think about what you would like to give them for the New Year. Optional to do expensive gifts After all, the New Year is just an excuse to do something nice. Let it be warm gloves and socks, sweets, cute trinkets. In general, something that will make your loved ones smile. Go shopping to shopping centers, which already have a festive atmosphere, but be sure to follow your list so as not to buy too much.

Host a New Year's Movie Night

After decorating the house and making cookies, invite your family or friends (or both) to watch New Year and Christmas movies. Turn off the lights, turn on the LED garlands and turn on the atmospheric movie: "Home Alone", "The Grinch Stole Christmas", "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" or even "The Irony of Fate, or C light steam!" (despite the fact that the latter will soon go on all channels).

Plan your holiday menu

It might not create festive atmosphere, but will definitely reduce stress levels on December 31st. Think about what you would like to see on the New Year's table? What outlandish dishes will surprise the household? Write a list of dishes and ingredients and go to the store for those that will definitely “survive” until the end of December. You can safely buy canned corn, peas, chickpeas, beans, coconut milk in a jar, flour, cane sugar, chocolate (if you cook the dessert yourself) and much more.

Come up with contests for New Year's Eve

Down with the boring feast! Do not think that contests are purely children's entertainment. Adults will love them too! Search the Internet different variants and buy or make your own small prizes for the winners. Let it be the same sweets, toys, scarves, mittens or even notebooks with pens: it is not the prize itself that is important, but the joy of the winner. Thinking through such things in advance can create a New Year's mood today.

How do you create yourself festive mood? Share your secrets!

Ekaterina Romanova

16 chose

Only a week and a half left before the New Year, But, when it's wet and slushy outside, it's easy to forget about it. Let's think together how to overcome the unfavorable weather and still create a magical festive mood for yourself and your loved ones.

You can create a festive mood with the help of the so-called "anchors". Remember What activities do you strongly associate with the holiday?, make them, and the New Year mood will not keep you waiting.

home decoration

One of the surest ways to create a New Year's mood is to decoration of the apartment for the holiday. You can get by with a banal Christmas tree, or you can turn the whole house to the residence of Santa Claus or the castle snow queen . There is no snow on the street - it does not matter, place it in your own apartment. To do this, you need to buy decorative felt snow and carefully sprinkle it with small snowdrifts under the Christmas tree and on the windowsill. Felt molds well, so you can even play snowballs with it.

Drape old and unloved furniture with a white cloth - let it also turn into snowdrifts for a while. For reliability, you can draw snowflakes and a snowman with gouache on the fabric.

Do new Year decoration do it yourself - very nice and useful. Think back to your passion for carving snowflakes as a child. No one bothers to do this work today.

If the view outside the window kills any thoughts about the holiday in you, create your window into winter. Draw a wooden frame on whatman paper, and draw a New Year's landscape behind it: snowdrifts, snowflakes, snowman. This "window" can be hung on the wall, and when there is a gray slushy city behind the real window, behind yours you will see perfect winter. Special artistic talents are not required to create such a picture - even I managed it.

Astrologers have their own view on decorating an apartment: since next year corresponds to the water element, they recommend using elements of a marine theme - shells, artificial stars and corals. Also beautiful and unique. With enough diligence, you can turn the house into a cave with treasures - the abode of a real dragon.

Buying gifts

We all know that giving gifts is even more pleasant than receiving them. True, a search marathon New Year's gifts V last days December can turn not into pleasure, but into real stress. To avoid this, I propose to approach the choice of gifts seriously.

Write on a piece of paper the names of everyone you plan to gift. Then think about what each of them would like to receive, how to please him. After all good gift- it is first of all an idea, and then a purchase. When for each item on the list you come up with several wonderful options you can start shopping. Imagining how your friends or relatives will be happy with this or that gift, you will get into the holiday spirit.

To reinforce this mood wrap selected gifts by hand.

Little Christmas joys

Mandatory attributes of the New Year we think from childhood sweets, tangerines, crackers and sparkling sparklers. Feel like a Snow Maiden - stock up on this stuff and distribute it on occasion to adults and children (only with the permission of your parents, of course), colleagues and neighbors, and maybe ordinary passers-by. Create a festive mood among those around you, and it will not bypass you either.

Such New Year's promotions were recently used by my stretching teacher. Stretching is actually not the most pleasant activity, but, frankly, very painful. So, on one of the exercises, when everyone had to reach forward, the coach put a piece of candy in front of each student so that they would reach for it. Stretching immediately became more fun and interesting.


Each person has his own song, which is strongly associated with the New Year. And someone will have a whole playlist of such songs. It may contain foreign Christmas hits, songs from New Year's films and cartoons, classic children's songs that we remember. kindergarten. Turn them on in the evenings, sing along, dance, and the New Year mood will inevitably appear.

Here my favorite Christmas songs:

ABBA – Happy New Year

K/f " Wizards" - Snowflake

What are your favorite New Year's hits?

New Year films

Another reliable way dive into Magic world holiday - watch one of the Christmas movies, old Soviet or classic american. It can be children's fairy tales, for example, Morozko or 12 months, and touching romantic comedies such as Real love or Exchange leave.


What smells do you associate with the New Year? I have with spruce, tangerines and cinnamon. Everyone may have their own associations, but those-smells can easily set up for a holiday. Pick up your special New Year's cocktail of aromatic oils and take a bath with them, or use an aromatic lamp to fill your apartment with these smells.

Letter to Santa Claus

Of course, we are already adults, we don’t believe in Santa Claus, and we certainly don’t plan to send letters with the address "to the North Pole, grandfather." But as a joke, writing such a letter is even useful - thanks to it you will be able to decide what you really want. And at the same time think about what needs to be done to realize these desires. And in general, dreaming, especially before the New Year, is useful.

Choice of New Year's outfit

It is believed that shopping always cheers up a woman. New Year's shopping choosing an outfit for the new year- allows you to feel the atmosphere of the holiday. Think carefully about your New Year's image: dress, shoes, jewelry, makeup and hair, and go shopping.

Fashion astrologers vying with each other advise what it is worth celebrating the New Year. There are so many tips that, choosing one of them, you can create any New Year's image.

Tip 1. Gold and black

coming year - Year of the Black Dragon, so some astrologers recommend meeting him in a black outfit. On the other hand, Dragons are known to love precious metals and stones, so you can dilute the elegant black dress bright gold jewelry. Decorations in the form of snakes, lizards, dragons and other "reptiles" are welcome.

Tip 2. Bright outfit

IN Chinese tradition dragons are always depicted in red. And for good reason, because dragons love fire and bright colors. So the second tip is choose a bright New Year's outfit.

Tip 3. Nautical theme

Third option New Year's outfit associated with the fact that the coming year - year of the water dragon. And, therefore, in clothes it is worth choosing cold marine tones: blue, blue, silver. Jewelry can also be maritime theme: in the form of shells and starfish.

In general, as you can see, there are a lot of options for outfits for New Year's Eve - choose, I don’t want to. The main thing is to do it for the benefit of the mood.

New Year's table

Lovers of cooking and delicious food mood will raise thinking holiday menu . You can abandon proven recipes and try to cook new ones, unusual dishes. Astrologers are trying to give advice here too: since the Dragon is a predator, it means that there should be an abundance of meat dishes on the table. But still, give up rabbit dishes as a sign of respect for the symbol of the outgoing year.

Exotic dishes can be prepared using seafood - we still have a water dragon, so it will not refuse this food. Maybe on New Year's Eve you should try unusual dishes of octopuses, eels and squids.

Christmas story

This is a way to create a New Year's mood from my childhood, or rather, from adolescence. When I realized that I was already too old for the New Year mood to come to me by itself, I started a tradition of inventing and telling little sister for the night of the New Year's fairy tale. My fairy tales were long, multi-part and invented in the course of the story. (as in a joke, each series ended the same way, with the words "xrr-pysh"), so that the story could stretch for the whole of December. Over the years, my sister grew up, and it was no longer she who asked me to tell a fairy tale, but I persuaded her to listen (and it was no longer possible to force her to wash the dishes in exchange for a fairy tale story). At a certain point, I realized what to say New Year's fairy tales it is much more important to me than to her to listen to them.

Try to come up with your own fairy tale for the New Year. It can be told to children or friends in the company instead of jokes. After all, many of us only want to appear adults, but at heart there are still children. Especially before the New Year.

To main holiday became truly memorable in the year, it is not necessary to go on a trip or book a table in an expensive restaurant. New year's night can become special at home if you show imagination and think in advance how to create a festive mood. Especially for you, we have prepared 8 inspiring Christmas decor ideas.

1. Set the tone for the holiday

First of all, choose the base color for decorating your holiday. The house for the New Year can be decorated in colors characteristic of the winter season - pastel, blue, red, brown or green. Choosing suitable color, keep in mind that it should be in harmony with the interior of the house. Having decided on base color decoration, add additional accents: for example, decorate a tablecloth and Christmas decorations silver or gold paint.

2. Decorate the Christmas tree correctly

The main element in New Year's decor It is, of course, a tree. But this does not mean at all that you need to hang all the toys in the house on it. Choose only those that are combined with the base color of the design and are in harmony with the interior. The Christmas tree should not be overloaded with decor. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase new, more suitable toys, buy tinsel - it is cheaper, but looks stylish.

3. Turn off the light and light the candles

You will be surprised how much the atmosphere in the house will change if you replace the lamps and fixtures with ordinary candles. With the help of glue and sewing materials (beaded beads, ribbons, strips of bright fabrics and unnecessary buttons), you can easily give them holiday look. Create whole candle arrangements throughout your home by grouping them into New Year's wreaths. To keep the candles burning longer and not going out before morning, put them in a bag and put them in the freezer the day before the holiday.

4. We hang garlands

Garlands hung around the house will also create a New Year's mood. Hang them literally everywhere - on the railing of the stairs, along dining table, on the walls, windows and, of course, on the Christmas tree. Thanks to this, the house will immediately change and shine with new colors.

5. We decorate the house with natural materials

Let into the house winter nature- cones and fir branches I can be original design decor. Decorate them with silver paint or tie them with ribbons, and you can safely decorate the Christmas tree with them, festive table as well as the doors and windows of the house.

6. Serve the table

Like the tree New Year's table also should not be overloaded various accessories. Lay a tablecloth (it is desirable that it matches the base color of the design), arrange beautiful dishes. The picture will be complemented by candles, New Year's wreaths, decorations from cones and fir branches.

7. Decorate the windows

Draw on windows Frost patterns. To do this, mix toothpaste with water, dip a sponge into the resulting mixture and blot the windows with it. Now let your imagination run wild and draw snowflakes and frosty swirls on the glass.

8. We select textiles

Soft decorative pillows with thematic prints and inscriptions - this is perhaps the easiest and most effective way create a festive mood at home. Decorate sofas and armchairs with them - and your home space, as if by a wave magic wand, will begin to fill with the long-awaited atmosphere of celebration and magic.