What topics to talk with a girl. Questions and interest. We start communication. Getting to know the girl better

How to originally start a conversation with a girl on the Internet VK, Vkontakte, examples of dialogue and phrases, read in this article.

A virtual conversation is good because the interlocutors do not see each other's live reactions and can take a pause for a thoughtful answer.

Without additional worries, the dialogue at a distance proceeds in a relaxed manner.

But fears will finally dissolve if the guy correctly enters into a conversation with a girl.

How to start, start chatting with a girl on the Internet:

1. Study your profile

When meeting a girl on the Internet, a guy should look at his page. Obscene language, jargon, explicit photos are prohibited.

Before you start talking to a girl, take a close look at her profile. Examine the photos, the page will certainly contain information about it: birthday greetings, posts, music.

3. Say hello and ask about her interests

With an interesting girl, the first remarks will arise by themselves. The first message in the style of "Favorite movie -" Titanic "? Did you fall out of the 90s here? no good. Praise her cat, clarify the name, breed, diet is acceptable.

4. Compliment

The girl is pretty. Tell her about it. You can’t talk about the merits of the figure, the chances of effective acquaintance and further communication will fall before our eyes. Talk about your appearance in a streamlined way: “You are special. I have never met anyone like you." Without platitudes about captivating lips, sparkling eyes. Get blacklisted.

5. Make a joke

If you are a joker by nature, use your natural gift. Start the conversation with a casual joke. It is desirable that it was invented by you for a specific acquaintance, and not spied on the Internet.

According to the information on the page, determine the range of topics in which it understands. After that, greet her and ask if she has any advice. Young girls are especially responsive and willing to give instructions.

In order for the first message to turn into a long conversation with a girl, follow the following rules:

Write correctly, following the rules of spelling and punctuation. Install an auto-corrector on your computer for safety net.

Hints of a sexual nature are unacceptable. The subject of sex is forbidden.

A good option to start a conversation would be the theme of the girl's hobby.

It is premature to talk about feelings in the first messages. Excessive obsession is meaningless.

If the chosen one read, but ignored the first message, there is no point in writing again. More stupid than this step are only attempts to be indignant and organize a skirmish.

How to start communication in VKontakte

Social networks greatly simplify the efforts of guys to meet an interesting girl. There you can pick up a girl according to your interests, then communication will take place without rough edges and awkward hitches. VK remains the most popular and convenient network for virtual meetings. In addition to photos of the "goods face" it provides information about the place of study, work, friends, favorite music and hobbies.

Procedure when meeting a girl through the Vkontakte social network, it’s easy to remember:

1 . Look at the page of the future interlocutor.

2. Adjust personal information from your page to her hobbies.

3. Clean up bad photos, join her groups, add her music, put a similar status.

4. Leave a comment under her avatar.

5 . Send a private message with a greeting.

6. Offer virtual friendship.

What to write in a private message?

The stereotype of personal messages when meeting people speaks of a lack of imagination. Better to use individual approach if you want to get to know beautiful girl. We still recommend asking for help. If she is a polyglot, ask to translate the phrase into several languages, an athlete - find out effective exercise for triceps.

Exist taboo words when meeting a girl on a social network: hello, you are beautiful, how are you, how are you, beauty. Most men use them. Our task is to stand out from the crowd.

An emoticon as the first message will be perceived negatively. Statistics show that the probability of receiving a response to such a message is small.

Phrases for dating a girl on the Internet

If the muse of flirting flatly refuses to visit you, apply blanks. We bring to your attention the following examples of the phrase-cliché:

"Do you meet charming guys?"

"Hello! Can you tell me how to boil pasta?

"Hello! How many people did you kick today? I am five! Wow, the girls were cunning!

“I am calling the police immediately. You stole my heart!"

“Are you such a beauty in real life, or is your friend a photographer by profession?”

“Maybe I’m not the first to write to you with a proposal to meet, but the best. Shall we check?"

“You are inimitable! Do you mind if we switch to "you"?

“I stumbled upon your page by accident, and now I am tormented by curiosity. There is one question…. How often are you invited to the registry office?

"What are you going to do tonight after our date?"

“There are things that are so easy to imagine side by side: the moon and the stars, butter and porridge, honey and Winnie the Pooh, you and me…"

"Hello! I want to write a book: what do girls want so much? Won't you help?"

“You are so gorgeous that I am ready to drink all the water from the bathroom after you!”

"Hello! I didn’t recognize you right away…”

" Hello! Is it okay that I look so smart?

"Hello! Do you think I want to meet you? Did not guess. I want to invite you on a date!”

How to start a conversation with a girl in VK examples and phrases

Any dialogue with a girl begins with a greeting. Let's consolidate the information we've learned.

"Julia, hello! We are in the same group "Socionics" (for example). I've been sick of this topic for a long time. And you? By the way, my name is Artem. Common interests will make the girl respond.

"Hi Natalia! I'm sorry to trouble you. My cousin birthday soon. I haven't seen her since I was five years old. I don't know what to give as a gift. I decided to ask her peers on social networks. Do you mind helping? What would you like to get for your birthday? The request for help will not leave her indifferent.

“Hello girl Maria! If without the official part, I saw your comment about the concert of the group "____". So did you like it or not? I am a longtime fan of theirs. Recommend?" Once again, common interests overlap.

"Hello Tatiana! I beg you, become my ... muse! Such an unexpectedly romantic start will intrigue the interlocutor.

“Today, a gypsy woman predicted that I would see a girl in (clothes color), and she would become my destiny. Does the description remind you of anyone? The young lady, in anticipation of a great and bright love, will grow mad.

"Hello Kate! Lech is our mutual friend. Saw your comments on his wall. You seem to be an extraordinary person. Maybe we can hang out a little?" Mutual friends act better joint interests. Then the task of getting acquainted is greatly simplified.

The first message is not too intimate or intrusive. His goal is not to make a repulsive impression at all, but to achieve addition to friends.

How to correctly build the first conversation with a girl

First response received. Now you are friends. What is the plan for continuing the conversation? If a girl is financially secure, it makes sense to show her social status. Write about material possessions, a father's position, or an overseas resort.

If a girl does not prioritize material wealth, you will have to think carefully. Talk about the vacation, spent or planned, about the future. The conversation should be mutual, not your monologue.

To ingratiate themselves, many guys make up stories about country houses and cool cars. If you do not rule out meeting in reality, you should not lie. Facts that you prefer not to talk about, it is better to omit, but not to embellish.

Proper communication with girls on the Internet implies:

Be positive.
With a positive person, the conversation is easy and fun. All life problems leave it on the sidelines.

Don't be a whiner. Complain less. Women don't like it.

Remember dignity.
Don't impose. The girl has the right to refuse, it must be accepted calmly and without persuasion.

Be polygamous.
Do not slow down near one girl. Write to a few young ladies. So you get a unique experience of virtual correspondence.

Be careful.
Changes in her appearance in the photographs play important role in your non-verbal contact. This is done just for you.

Communication will not last long if one of the interlocutors speaks too little. Give your partner a chance to speak.

Don't ask too difficult or negative questions.

Do not reply to all messages quickly.
Create the illusion of being busy, log off the network periodically.

Does the girl herself find topics for conversation, send emoticons and answer questions in detail? Time to ask her out! She shows a clear interest in your person.

Favorite theme of a workaholic.

Don't get carried away with the topic of money. You run the risk of appearing greedy.

By touching on the topic of a hobby, you can learn a lot of interesting and even strange things.

Be careful with religious topics, do not say too much. Better discuss religion in other countries of the world.

ancient monuments and interesting places cities.
The topic is boring, but it can reveal your erudition and become the starting point for a date.

Computer games.
The topic is relevant if the girl is fond of them.

Start a conversation with what you see on the page. Suppose she quoted a famous philosopher. Why not say that you are fond of his teachings?

There are no quotes on the page, but there are recipes? Cookbook to help you. If a girl says she loves to cook, you can ask for her favorite recipe.

Complete layman in fashion trends no need to write about it. Discuss a recently watched movie and invite your interlocutor to the cinema.

How to interest a girl in VK example of a dialogue

Hello! I saw your status. You want to go to Yegor Creed's concert.
- Hello! Yes, I'm a fan of his.
- A friend gave me two tickets for today. Will you keep me company? I'm too lazy to go.
- Don't know. But we have not met yet.
- Let's meet at the club!
- I agree. Write my phone number.

Hello! You stunned me!! I can't look away! You are something extraordinary!
- Then enjoy!
- Laughing at me! And you with a twist, I like it. As soon as I saw you, inspiration appeared, and all the work went like clockwork.
- You make me blush.
- Let's go for a walk, my queen! What if I'm your destiny?
- Perhaps, my eloquent subject, I agree!

Hello, I'm interested in your page. - Hello.
- We have mutual friends, you visit gym"Taurus"? - Yes, you know me?
- No, but I saw you there a couple of times. Maybe we can get to know each other?
- OK.
- Have you been going to the gym for a long time?
- About a year.
- Visible results.
- Thank you.
How about a run together?
- Fine. I will be at Dynamo at 7.00.
- Till tomorrow.

Hello. I'm sorry for digressing. I am conducting one sociological survey. Your opinion is important to me. Can you answer the question?
- Which?
- What should I write to you to get acquainted and get consent to go on a date?

Hi Natalia! I am Anton. I stumbled upon your page by accident and wanted to get to know you. You have such kind eyes.
- Hello Anton. Thanks for the compliment.
“Maybe we can meet for a cup of coffee?”
- I'm sorry, but I don't go on dates with the first person I meet.
- You can go to my page - there is quite a lot about me. By the way, I also have a dog. Do you want to go to a cafe, maybe we can walk in the park with the dogs? How about the weekend?
- Fine.
- Oh, what do I know about you ... I did not believe at first.
- It's a joke? But we do not know each other.
- You combine two qualities that men usually do not like. But I consider them positive.
Yes, I'm special. I'm happy for you.
- How I'm interested in special girls ... Write your phone number, I'll tell you what I was talking about.
- Here is my number. But I still don’t understand anything ... I was intrigued.
- Fine. I'll tell you tomorrow!

- Hello! How are you
- Hello! Fine. How are you?
- Wonderful! What are you doing now?
- I'm going shopping with a friend.
- Cool. Am I distracting you?
- I almost left, but then your message. There is still some time.
- OK. How long have you been on this site?
- No. And you?
- Some years. How often do guys meet?
- Sometimes they write.
- Met someone real life?
- A couple of times.
- Good luck?
- How to see...
- It's clear.
- I invite you to the cinema!
I don't mind, but not today.
Write your phone number, I'll call you tomorrow.
- (She wrote the number). I ran away.
“Here’s my phone number, you never know…
- OK!

- Hello! What do you think about dating?
- Hello. What is your goal?
Tell me your phone number, I'll call you.
- Write down: ___.

- Hello! At your place beautiful eyes. How are you?
- Hello. Great. Weekends, after all.
Tell me your phone, I want to call.
- So fast! For what? What are you looking for on my page?
— I'm on the site for communication. I want to call you to hear your voice and talk not on the Internet. You can't write everything.
- My number:___.

Hello, I'm Kostya. Cool guy. You interesting girl so we have to meet next week.
- It is strange that such a cool guy only two people are friends.
- Keep a link to another page.
- Another thing.
- I do not like long correspondence in VK. Can we go somewhere on the weekend?
- I don't mind. Where?

- Who gets to know each other like that? Silently added to friends ...
— Hello, Olesya! It doesn't make sense. If you didn't like me, you wouldn't add me. You agree?
- No! I always reply to messages so as not to be rude.
- So, I made a mistake in you, I'm ready to atone for my guilt. I have an offer for you...

Imagine you are walking down the street, thinking about something. Suddenly I appear on the way and say: “Hi! Are your thoughts no longer important? What is the answer?
-Smile and walk past.
-I'll slow down. She smiled, which means she likes me. But for some reason she didn't answer. Maybe she was embarrassed ... I’ll catch up with you and say: “Wait, my name is Seryoga! And you?"
- I will stop and say: "My favorite name. My name is Marina.

If earlier it was extremely difficult for most men to make new acquaintances with the opposite sex, today, thanks to the era of the Internet and social networks, this process has been greatly facilitated and simplified. Despite this, many inexperienced guys are interested in experts on how to communicate with a girl on VK, for example, since Vkontakte has become one of the most popular social networks.

The first thing a man should clearly understand for himself is that women love persistent, but not obsessive men, between these two concepts is very a fine line. It directly depends on the beginning of the conversation whether the girl wants to conduct a dialogue, and also whether it is possible to translate virtual communication into reality. The preparation stage is extremely important, so a man needs to think carefully about all the nuances that psychologists talk about. Namely:

  1. Analysis of your page. A man needs to monitor his account, delete unnecessary and compromising photos, notes and jokes. Next, add a few quality photos, where the versatility of a man, his interests and field of activity will be seen. In the questionnaire, you must indicate your hobbies, priorities in life and other personal information. Few of the girls are ready to get acquainted with guys on whose page there is no information and photos.
  2. Analysis of the page of the chosen one. Thanks to the study of her page, a man will be able to understand what the girl is interested in, and possibly where she often spends time. Such personal information will help build a constructive and lively dialogue, and a man will have no problems how to start communicating with a girl on VK without knowing her.
  3. Refusal of banal phrases. The main key to success is originality and a sense of humor, which is appreciated by many of the fairer sex. At the same time, you need to try not to be too smart, so as not to remain misunderstood.
  4. . Before trying to arrange an object of desire for a productive dialogue, a man needs to sketch out a list of topics that will be of interest to her. They can be gleaned from the profile and hobbies of the girl indicated on her page. There are also a number of neutral topics that everyone can easily talk about without exception.
  5. understatement. You don’t need to throw out all the information at once when communicating with a girl, especially at the very beginning of building a dialogue. During the conversation, it is important not to pull the blanket over you, it is better to show a keen interest in her life.

You need to start communication with the motive for writing a message, for example, “Good afternoon. I noticed you in the community (name of the group), and since I am also fond of these issues, I think to get to know you. Further communication is based on common interests which can be seen on her page. Girls love to help out of the kindness of their hearts, you can ask for advice about a gift for a sister or mother, etc.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Expert on family relations. Family psychologist.

You need to start dating with sincere and honest intentions, so you need to use your personal photos without creating the illusion of a handsome man or more. successful man than he actually is. This kind of deceit will never lead to real meeting With girl.

Basic rules of communication

The art of communicating correctly with the opposite sex is taught by psychology and pickup skill. Despite the fact that all men can talk, not everyone succeeds in winning over a girl with the help of correspondence on the Internet. Psychologists advise to move away from patterns and stereotypes virtual communication to impress girls with their creativity, originality, but also literacy and sociability.

There are several simple rules how to correspond with a girl on Vkontakte and other social networks, namely:

  • "No!" obsessions. Despite the fact that men are characterized by determination and perseverance, it is important not to seem too intrusive to the girl. If the girl is not disposed to dialogue, it is better to postpone the conversation until later, do not put pressure on her, do not show excessive care and interest.
  • "Yes!" originality. It is better to forget the banal and hackneyed phrases “how are you” or “what are you doing” at all, the girls immediately begin to get bored with such an interlocutor. If you look at the page of the object of sympathy or her photos, you can find many options for topics that will be of interest to her.
  • "No!" unnecessary questions. If a man bombards a girl with question after question, in the end, communication will be tedious and painful. It is better to create such “islands” between questions for discussions and outstanding conversations.
  • "No!" permanent mode online. If a man is regularly online, she will get the impression of him as a boring and boring person who has no other interests and affairs, perhaps he will appear in her eyes as a lazy, motionless person.
  • "Yes!" humor. No wonder the classics say that in order to make a woman fall in love with him, a man needs to make her laugh. A sense of humor is perceived by a woman as male charisma, and a cheerful dialogue full of jokes and laughter will be accompanied only by pleasant emotions.

It is better to communicate with a girl in a dosed way with interruptions in order to leave some understatement and intrigue. At the beginning of communication and further, you need to avoid hackneyed phrases that cause only apathy. It is much easier to start a conversation with a girl with whom you have mutual acquaintances, for example, “I read your comments under the photos of our mutual friend, I liked your view of the world (life, humor). I think we have a lot in common, let's talk?

What to talk about with a girl in contact: the best topics

How best to build a dialogue in social networks, are ready to share advice and recommendations not only psychologists, but also men experienced in these matters. And another important factor that is better thought out in advance will be possible topics for conversation with a particular person. The most neutral and conducive to long-term communication topics are as follows:

  1. Hobbies- you can ask about her hobbies and interests, how the girl spends her leisure time, in order not only to maintain a dialogue, but also to understand for herself whether such a person would be interesting to a man.
  2. Weather- this topic is traditional among the British, in some situations it dilutes the dialogue with ease and among Russians as well.
  3. Trips- you can have a dialogue about the impressions received after trips to different cities and countries.
  4. Sport- Not best hobby uniting people than sports. You can even advise the gym in which the man is engaged, which will help to see each other in real life.
  5. Relationship- in this topic, it is important not to talk about your former companions, and not to ask about the former interlocutors, but to find out her views on life and relationships in general.
  6. Pets- a fairly casual and relevant topic, since many people have a pet at home.
  7. Sex- the topic is not for the first dialogue with a girl, but after some rapprochement in communication and establishing a trusting contact, you can discuss preferences in intimate matters.

Can you quickly find common topics while chatting on social media?


It is very important to maintain the ease and ease of communication in order to properly win over the interlocutor, without repelling with excessive officiality and strictness. You don't always have to push yourself different topics in dialogue, most often, as their character is revealed, the girls themselves take the initiative into their own hands. A man only needs to interest her at the first dialogues.

Displace correspondence with live communication

It is extremely important not to correspond with a girl long time, otherwise positive emotions and impressions from acquaintance will fade away sooner or later. Therefore, all the rules and tips on what to talk about with a girl on VK when meeting you should be used only at the very beginning. As soon as a man sees a reciprocal interest and trust in communication, you can invite the girl to a meeting.

  • greetings- display of courtesy;
  • superficial questions- questions about nothing will help to relax the girl;
  • compliments- this should not be flattery or fawning, but rather a mark of her good taste and external attractiveness;
  • humor- jokes and anecdotes will relax the atmosphere and relieve embarrassment;
  • presentations should be pleasant trifles e.g. chocolate balloon or soft toy.

On the first date, you need to talk modestly about yourself so as not to seem like a braggart and selfish. When talking about yourself, you need to be interested in the personality of the girl, her life, activities and priorities. If there are pauses, you can talk funny stories from childhood, causing tenderness in her. It is extremely important not to touch on topics about former relationship. To impress, you need to show your best qualities and interest in the girl.


Psychologists say that the first impression rarely fails girls when they meet the opposite sex. On the Internet, it is quite difficult to show all your true motives and good character traits, but it is much easier to start an acquaintance. Following the above advice from psychologists, it will be easy for a man to start a dialogue with any girl, the main thing is to translate virtual friendship into real connections by inviting the object of sympathy on a first date.

Probably, every guy faced a situation when he did not know how to start a conversation with a girl he liked on the network. "Where to start? What to ask?" - these are the main questions that torment many representatives of the strong half of humanity with girls. First of all, you should pay attention to her interests, analyze the page, study the statuses and posts on the wall. This will give you a rough idea of ​​the person and give you a lot of ideas about what questions to ask.

Many guys make a lot of mistakes when communicating, and the principle of dialogue is simple, just be careful, you can use compliments, but without being sophisticated, find as many as possible common themes. Of course, at the first communication it is important to make an impression, and not visually, as was customary in the past. If a girl is educated and smart, she will not be impressed by the huge number of errors in the dialogue, writing herself with capital letter or a name with a small one, the use of a large font, a huge number of emoticons, this is perceived by many as stupidity and frivolity.

What to talk about with a VK girl if you thoroughly studied her page and all her experiences. This is a huge advantage, because you can ask something from her life, where this photo was taken, adding that she turned out very well, ask about the music and other simple nuances.

What can you talk about with a VKontakte girl?

It is important to consider topics that are better not to start a conversation, especially during the first communication. For example, no positive emotions won't trigger your mention of ex girlfriend, this immediately speaks of the qualities of the person himself. It’s also not worth littering with compliments, as doubts immediately arise about the sincerity of the words. It is necessary to conduct a conversation on topics that are interesting to both interlocutors, therefore it will not be very convenient for a girl who is not interested in sports, cars to talk on a topic in which she does not understand anything at all, and the impression of such a man is created as if he is a bore, and not an erudite interlocutor . Thinking about what to talk about with a girl in VK, immediately exclude the topic of sex from the list. It is a real taboo, especially at the first communication, to ask questions, to conduct such frank conversations on this topic, introducing the interlocutor of his partner, will completely discourage her from corresponding with you in the future. From here it immediately becomes clear for what purpose he writes to her and that, apart from satisfying his needs, he is not interested in anything else.

It is best to show interest in the personality of the interlocutor directly. This is the key to the question of what you can talk about with a girl on the Internet. Communication should be as delicate and tactful as possible without questions about personal life. You can talk about distant topics, such as music or cinema, thereby inviting her to the just-released premiere. The girl will rightly appreciate if you start a conversation about the sights of the city and invite her to take a walk in these places, especially if she has never been there. You can ask about studies, work, habits, for example, morning jogging can be continued by drinking coffee together. Having found a topic to talk about with a girl on the Internet, you can quickly translate the dialogue into a personal meeting and thereby start a relationship. Choose the lungs interesting topics that cause positive, for example, children, pets, various funny cases, you can write a joke to a girl.

What to talk about with your beloved girl VKontakte?

Any representative of the beautiful half of humanity will rightly appreciate if she is asked for advice in what she is well versed in. You can ask about her plans, dreams, thoughts. These are the answers to the question of what you can talk about with a VK girl for the first time or with the one you know for more than a day, or maybe a year.

During the first meeting with a girl or at the next date, if there were few of them, there are uncomfortable hitches or pauses in the conversation. The reason for silence is often excessive excitement, because of which even a very sociable person awkwardly falls silent at the most crucial moment.

To avoid such problems, it is worth preparing in advance for topics for conversation that will come to the rescue in difficult times.

The complexity of communication by correspondence lies in the impossibility of determining a person's emotions. It is difficult to understand whether the topic of conversation is pleasant or unpleasant for the girl.

If the answers are monosyllabic, the conversation is "not going well" - she probably does not like the subject of discussion.

It's a slippery slope, so it's important to choose universal and harmless themes:

  • animals;
  • hobbies, hobbies;
  • dreams, goals;
  • study, work;
  • rest;
  • trips;
  • favorite, memorable places;
  • literature, cinema, music;
  • relationship;
  • food, drinks;
  • holidays;
  • Friends;
  • clothes, fashion.

The best phone conversation topics

If it seems that the girl is trying to get away from the conversation, you should immediately change the subject.

No need to "squeeze", stubbornly ask questions to which she reluctantly answers. The conversation will be pleasant for both, if you follow the rules.

It is forbidden:

  1. Always talk about yourself.
  2. Interrupt the girl.
  3. Discuss ex.
  4. Ask too open questions.
  5. Disrespectful of the answers (perhaps her hobby will seem ridiculous or ridiculous, but this is the choice of the girl you like - you need to respect it).

Topics for conversation at the first meeting (date, walk)

Before the first date, guys and girls are worried, so they prepare for it carefully. But at the time of the meeting, so that the experiences do not turn into panic, it is better not to allow long pauses in the conversation. An awkward silence will only increase the excitement.

Topics for a first date:

  1. Favorite food. good theme for discussion with multiple directions: National cuisine, the best restaurants and more. When food preferences are still unknown, one should not speak negatively about some dish, because it may be on the list of favorites of the interlocutor.
  2. Animals. It is not necessary to discuss only pets, it will be interesting to talk about wild animals.
  3. Rest, leisure. Ways of relaxation, preferred options for filling free time.
  4. Art (cinema, music, theater, painting). An extensive topic with a 100% hit on the interlocutor (there must be preferences).
  5. Trips. You can discuss your recent travels: where you were, what you liked, tell about your vivid impressions.
  6. Social connections. Are there friends, girlfriends? One or two close people or a large company - it is important to find out at the first meeting, perhaps the interests do not coincide.
  7. Interests, hobbies. An excellent topic for rapprochement if there are common ground (both are fond of swimming, reading, games). In the absence of such, there will be a reason to learn something new, perhaps to change the formed opinion.
  8. Anecdotes, funny stories. On the first date, it is better to talk about harmless situations from life. Black humor and vulgarity should be abandoned, since the reaction of the interlocutor is unknown.
  9. Study, work. You need to know where the girl studies or who works, so as not to get into an awkward situation. You should not immediately talk about a hated profession, suddenly she works just in this field or studies in a similar direction.
  10. Future plans. What goals do you want to achieve? Imagine your life in 5 or 10 years, invite her to do the same and describe the picture of perspectives.

Vulgar and anonymous topics for a sharp conversation

The similarity in sexual preferences with a girl is an excellent link for a couple's relationship.

To get a clearer picture, we can offer several situations:

  • Alone with the guy, the excitement grows, but he does not make any attempts to get closer. Will you show initiative?
  • The guy is not your type, but cute enough offers to move on to intimacy. Will you have sex out of pity?
  • A friend and girlfriend hint at a threesome, but the girl does not attract you. How will you do?
  • You're dating a guy who turns out to be a virgin. Can you help him become a man?
  • In a compartment alone with a guy, desire arises between you. Ready for sex with a stranger without obligation?
  • Imagine that for one day you turned into a man. What will you do? With whom would you like to try new sensations?
  • The guy suggests using sex toys. How will you react to this? Do you love role playing games?
  • You understand that only sex connects you with a young man, there are no other interests. Will you continue the relationship? For a long time?
  • He invited me to see a movie. We agreed to watch a comedy, but suddenly obscene photos appear on the screen. What is your reaction? Will you see?
  • Is it nice when they seduce you, speak frankly about their desire to engage in intimacy? Like compliments of an intimate nature?
  • I found out about a sale in a sex shop with a crazy discount (90%!). What will you buy?

If you run out of topics for conversation, what to talk about?

  1. Events for the day. Ask how the girl spent the day, what she did. Ask leading questions so that the answers are detailed. If she admitted to being sad, find out why.
  2. Shared fantasies. Set an unusual situation and imagine the development of events. For example, you were left alone on the planet or ended up on a desert island. What will your life be like?
  3. Global problems. Discuss/Suggest alternative ways solving the problem of world hunger, wars, and preventing an ecological catastrophe. There is a wide range of destinations here. You can fantasize or offer real, relevant methods.
  4. New shared hobby. Together with the girl, choose a hobby that none of you have previously been fond of. Joint learning (if required) will unite, there will be fresh topics for conversation.
  5. Details of past conversations. Among the topics that have already been discussed, there are bound to be understatements. For example, a girl told about her favorite movie. Find out which actor's performance impressed her the most. What tapes with his participation did she still watch. You can take any topic: a book, a picture, a cartoon ...

Don't slow down. . .

The VKontakte social network offers its users many opportunities: communication, watching movies, listening to audio files, video calls, etc. Also on the site, you can easily find friends, like-minded people, and even meet the opposite sex. Yet communication is perhaps the most important function of a social network. What to talk about with a girl in VK? This question is of interest to many young people who want to meet or make contact with the fair sex. So, first things first.

How to meet a girl "VK"?

First, let's define: we are talking about a particular girl that you saw, maybe you even know, but you don’t know personally, or about finding a girl?

Situation 1

If you already know which girl you want to meet, then the first thing you will need to do is find her on the site. If it is not your friends, then you will have to use the search. To do this, in the social network "VKontakte" select the item "People". In the window that opens, we need to set the search parameters (specify the first and last name, age, city of residence, place of study, and so on). As soon as the desired page is found, start dating. What to talk about with a girl in VK? You can start a conversation with a banal greeting (“Hello”, “ Good evening" And so on). If the girl does not answer for a long time, then there is no need to duplicate the message. Try sending her a gift, commenting on her photos, liking her to get her attention.

Situation 2

If you just intend to find a girl, then the People service will help you. In the search parameters, you can set the parameters you are interested in (age, place of residence, interests, life position, and so on) and start viewing the “candidates” for your heart. You can also search for girls through your friends.

What to talk about with a girl in VK?

After exchanging greetings with a girl, you can:

  • indicate why you decided to write to her (admit that you like her and you have a desire to chat with her);
  • continue casual communication, which can later develop into something more (make sure that the girl is single and really interested in your further communication).

What to talk about in VK?

You can communicate with the object of adoration on absolutely any topic, excluding personal ones (for example, the question of why the girl is lonely, and what happened to old relationship, is not entirely appropriate, unless, of course, the speech has already gone into this direction). Ask about her hobbies (movies, music, books) and talk about what interests you. If you notice that you are united by common hobbies, then be sure to note this. Take an interest in her activities (who works, who studies, and so on), further plans. Ask such questions so that the girl can answer in detail. Spice up the conversation with humor, a funny quote, or funny picture- she will definitely like it, and she will note for herself that you are a guy with humor.

So, now you know what to talk about with a girl in VK. Dare, get acquainted and communicate - after all, for this social media and created.