Is good taste an innate or acquired quality? Five details that betray bad taste in clothes

People with good taste are noticed by everyone, even those who have bad taste. It is very easy to calculate such people - an admiring glance clings to them, they want to imitate and be in the circle of their close friends in order to “infect” themselves with a sense of style, an understanding of beauty and the ability to create it in everyday life. Do you want to understand if people have such feelings towards you? Look for signs in yourself that tell you that you have unrivaled taste.

Sign 1. You are constantly complimented, especially by women.

Everyone loves compliments, but not everyone wants and knows how to give them. Unfortunately, many are stingy with them, because they believe that by frankly recognizing other people's merits, they thereby devalue themselves. Women often sin with this in relation to other women. Therefore, if you hear regular sincere compliments and praise from different people no doubt you have good taste.

How often are you asked to reveal your favorite tailor, stylist, hairdresser or manicurist? If often, then you can also consider this a compliment to your excellent taste. People want to look as elegant, fashionable and stylish as you. Can something else be the same telling sign good feeling taste?

Sign 3. It is difficult to blame you for the lack of a sense of proportion and relevance.

Have you ever heard remarks or felt that you are dressed too flashy (simple, smart, etc.), out of place or out of time? No? Well, it is very likely that this subtle instinct is guided by your good taste. Not everyone knows what to wear, when, why and what effect it will have on others. If you have never been in such an awkward position, then you can be a style guide for others. But even if you suddenly dress strangely, everyone will consider this a new trend.

Sign 4. You do not have a painful addiction to fashion and brands

You are not completely enslaved by fashion, you do not chase brands headlong, you do not accumulate fabulous debts, if only your dressing room resembled a boutique fashion clothes. You have some very stylish, high-quality and expensive things. You know how to combine them with each other, combine and diversify images original accessories. There are more modest things in your wardrobe (both at the price and the designer's fame), but no one will even think to suspect you of dressing expensively for cheap.

Sign 5. You are often asked to help become a personal stylist and choose a wardrobe.

You can be proud of your taste if your relatives, friends or colleagues ask you to storm stores with them so that you help them choose nice clothes. Rest assured, a person with bad taste will not be asked for this. This means that you are already an example of style and an object to follow.

Sign 6. There is nothing worse for you than being like everyone else.

To merge in one stream with the fashionable crowd for you is like death. It is difficult to captivate you with fabulous discounts, lure affordable luxury and massive "exclusive". You are not chasing quantity, reserving the right to have quality. Your indicator of taste is simplicity, moderation and individuality.

Sign 7. You learn from the worthy, but do not imitate anyone

Not everyone is born with excellent taste. Often this is a gainful business, but even here you need to have a special flair in order to choose worthy teachers and authorities for yourself. And if you are lucky enough to find such people, then you understand that taste is formed not by blind imitation and copying of style or behavior, but by the ability to create original chips, the ideas of which will be borrowed from you.

Sign 8. You understand more than the art of fashion

Taste is a concept that goes far beyond any fashion. A person with good taste has it not only in the ability to select and wear clothes. If you are a style icon, but your musical preferences are limited only to pop, and the names of Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael only tell you that that was the name of the Ninja Turtles, it is too early to call your taste exceptional.

Sign 9. Your bad mood is not a reason to look bad and scruffy

Every woman has the right to a bad mood, apathy, depression, depression and weakness, but not every woman will allow herself to look untidy or lax at the same time. true feeling taste is a distinctive characteristic of female queens who, in any condition, will find the strength to look and behave with dignity. Taste for life is an unconscious trait that deserves admiration.

Sign 10. Your opinion is considered authoritative and with enviable constancy they turn to you for advice.

You have a clear position in life and your own opinion, which, perhaps, often differs from the stereotypical views of the crowd. It is strength and inner freedom. They are an invariable indicator of the main taste - the taste for life, therefore they attract people who need an authoritative opinion. If you are approached for advice, relying on it as the ultimate truth, never doubt your own good taste.

The famous French architect and designer about art, inspiration and the most beautiful girls peace.

Our today's hero is a stunningly stylish and interesting interlocutor. real french, architect and designer of unique, inimitable colorful interiors. Meet Pascal Gravo and his attitude to the world of beauty!

Our readers hardly know you, tell us about yourself, where are you from? Why did you decide to become an architect?
I was born in Paris, and I must admit - this is absolutely my city, the only place where I want to return after long and frequent travels. I studied architecture at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Les Beaux-Arts de Paris. And frankly, one of the reasons why I went there is a fantastic building. The School of Art in Paris is located on the opposite bank of the Louvre. It was founded in 1671 and in my opinion is one of the most beautiful buildings in Paris. It was the architectural solution of the complex that made me choose the place where I spent 6 wonderful years. It is impossible to miss the fact that I have always loved and love to draw. Often, teenagers at the time of making an important decision about their future profession are not yet ready to make this very decision. My love for drawing led me to the direction of art, which I am now infinitely happy about.

Tell us about inspiration? Where do you get it?
I really love modern Art, flea markets, antique markets. I go through every project with my heart, I always try to mix in different things, such as vintage and the most modern details. And I also travel a lot, and if there is no inspiration at all, or fatigue appears, I just go to a new place .. or an old one, but very beloved!

What is your favorite style in interior design and decoration?
If we talk about the work of other designers, then I am a fan of Kelly Wilson. I like her way of combining architectural and stylistic solutions in her work. By my first education I am an architect, so I especially appreciate the combination of several areas of art in one work.

If we talk about trends, what is fashionable in design now? What are the details, styles, colors?
​I warn you, now there will be a cry from the heart: please stop doing design in the Scandinavian style, it is already so uninteresting and not new that you just want to leave the next, rather banal and boring project. I think it's time to mix, find new solutions, mix. Everyone has already gained certain skills, it's time to put them into practice. Mixing styles is where the real art is.

And if you choose color or light - which is more important?
Nothing can exist without light, but color is also extremely important. We always have to think about color when designing a single apartment, for example.. To be honest, I can't choose the most important. I even wrote an article for a Russian interior portal where the main idea was - stop using 50 shades of beige, and finally start adding color. A true professional always evaluates the situation and, based on the data provided, suggests using either more color or more light.

What's happened french style? What do you think is the secret of his popularity?
Oh great question. It's really very interesting, because I don't really understand what people mean when they say "French style". Tomorrow at the lecture I will devote the first part to the so-called "French style". For example, Provence is, of course, the French style, and minimalism is also characteristic of the designers of our country, and even elements in the style Ottoman Empire It's all France too! I have written many articles on this topic… (laughs) I prefer to talk about French inspiration or French spirit, this is much closer and more correct! It's all at the level of sensations - subtle matter.

And if we talk about Russian - is there a Russian style in the interior, what is its peculiarity?
I cannot speak positively about the Russian style in design, but there is definitely an evolution. What I would definitely like to note is your public, public places- restaurants, bars, hotels. They are truly unique. The design is absolutely unique and thought out to the smallest detail. I love! And of course, we must not forget about Russian folk art It has influenced many design trends.

You traveled a lot in Russia, what do you remember the most and why? It's hard to say, I really like to explore cities, different ones. The first thing that instantly comes to mind is Lake Baikal. There is an absolutely fantastic island - Olkhon. Yes, it's cold, but very beautiful. In general, I really like to travel, as I have already said, traveling inspires me, broadens my horizons. It is on trips that I come up with my most daring projects. It seems to me that I have already traveled a good half of the world and I am not going to stop.

What does your own home look like?
ABOUT, interest Ask, Thank you! (laughs) My apartment is a real art studio, because I can't stop working even at home, and I like to relax surrounded by works of art. I have a lot of paintings, different design pieces from real masters. There are even my sketches, which also have a separate place in the house.

What is the difference between working with French customers and Russian ones?
Actually there is no difference. Now Russian people travel a lot, develop, are interested, so the border between the nationality of customers is practically erased, and this is very nice.

I read that your "collection" of customers includes the amazing Sophie Marceau?
Yes, indeed, it is! Sophie is very fond of unusual things, for her house we found unimaginably unusual details. All in flea markets. Truly valuable and expensive sculptures, paintings, sets. She is an aesthete and it was a pleasure to work with her.

In the age of globalization, endless social networks, selfies and other joys of scientific and technological progress, how do you feel about the fact that designers and architects have practically stopped drawing by hand?
Too much photoshop, different filters and very little handwork. We use everything, we do a lot of freehand drawings, but we also actively use 3D-max if necessary. Yes, I also noted that now you can’t surprise anyone with the use of 3D-max layouts. For example, 10 years ago, when such layouts were new, they caused a wow effect. Now people love individual approach and really admire personal drawings on the theme of their apartment, office, house or some rendered details.

Rendez-Vous is the largest chain of shoes, bags and accessories stores, and it seems to me that the creation of shoes is a process that includes both architecture and design? Do you agree?
Yes, I absolutely agree. I think these are very similar processes. Clear, precise lines, beauty, but most importantly convenience and comfort - creating a pair of shoes is no different from creating an architectural object. Plus, both directions have their own trends, styles, and, most importantly, people just love to surround themselves. beautiful things. A person with good taste will never wear ugly shoes and live in an untidy house.

The beauty of Russian women is recognized all over the world, but what do you think about it? Do you agree or do you still prefer French women?
Oh, I'll get girls who like me! (laughs) But I can't help but agree: Russian girls are the most beautiful and well-groomed! They are extremely elegant, even in the conditions of the Russian winter, for example. I always thought that when it's really cold, it's not a trend, but my Russian girls I know always manage to find balance and look fantastic.

I know that you are fond of and perfectly versed in the aesthetics of flea markets, what will you say if we agree when I arrive in Paris, most likely in September, you will show me the most secret places, and I will tell readers about it on the pages of our magazine ?
Yes! I agree! And with great joy!

Photos provided by the press service of Pascal Gravo

So, good taste. You can often hear that someone is dressed completely tasteless. And it's not even that the things in his image are poorly combined with each other. Lack of taste is the absence of internal aesthetics, beauty and harmony. This concept is very broad, but most clearly manifested in clothing. Your shirt, as you know, is closer to the body.

I am glad that it is possible and even necessary to cultivate a sense of taste in oneself. Moreover, it is within the power of a person with absolutely any budget. Money here does not matter and sometimes gets in the way. Thrift makes us more selective and critical...

1. One story

When you're trying to snatch a little from everyone fashion trends and vending styles, then inevitably fail. Having good taste means that you have your own narrow preferences. And that's great. Because this external narrowness helps to work in depth. Certain style in clothes that suit and like you, eliminates the need to foolishly experiment and wear things that do not correspond to the situation, temperament or appearance.

2. Connected wardrobe

Going to the store, you should not buy a jumper, skirt or dress according to the criterion: “Oh, what a!”. Well, let's say your wardrobe consists mainly of calm classics, skirts and tailored trousers, and then some invisible force makes you buy a gold sequin jacket. This happens too, trust me. Usually impulsive purchases gather dust in the closet and do not bring their owner anything but disappointment and the eternal “nothing to wear”.

3. Good quality

It is better to have five things in the closet, but those that will not lose their face or relevance. Silk blouse, which is not ashamed to pass on to the granddaughter with quality fittings, perfect seams and no threads coming out. The cashmere dress is simple yet elegant and will look spectacular even without additional accessories. Shoes without rhinestones, spikes, fashionable metallic inserts, but from genuine leather, With comfortable heel and on a comfortable block.

4. Correct fit

We often hear from women that it is difficult to find something worthwhile in stores if you do not have model parameters. I will say more: it is difficult to do, even with a more or less good figure. Because the patterns are now made strange, the styles also leave much to be desired. When sewing a thing somewhere in Vietnam (even eminent brands do this now), the worker does not care too much that the tucks sit well on the magnificent chest of a Russian woman. Look for what suits you personally. Something that hides the flaws of your figure. Do not be stingy with the services of the studio to fit the thing to the figure.

5. Color range

In our latitudes, this somehow imperceptibly became a problem. In principle, it is clear where the legs grow from. In times of scarcity, the choice was so small that the question of color seemed to be out of the question. At least get something. Yes and beautiful shades was a bit. And now people prefer “something universal, grayish, non-marking”. Therefore, when the soul asks for colors, experiments with habit are not the most successful. Basic colors, of course, should be the basis of the wardrobe: black, white, gray, dark blue, beige. And now on such a base bright color accents will go to bed as needed.

6. Beautiful and comfortable underwear

It is hidden from the eyes, but in a surprising way it affects the sense of self. Yes and appearance Same. It is absurd and ugly to hide under graceful dress a washed and worn bra or put on tights with an arrow that went under the boots only because no one will see them anyway.

7. Appropriateness of the outfit

Dear girl in mink coat, with a Michael Kors handbag, massive gold earrings and hefty heels, what are you doing on the minibus? This, of course, is an extreme manifestation of bad taste. No status will be justified or achievable if you are trying to create something that does not exist. The same goes for specific cases: why not wear Evening Dress to the club with friends, but it is better to put on a cocktail; why come in jeans and knitted sweater to the theater is bad manners, and you should not wear a frivolous chiffon dress to work.

8. A drop of perfume

Cheap perfume is bad taste. A fragrance can create an image from scratch or destroy it, and this cannot be neglected. If you are unable to buy good perfume- don't buy them at all. It is better to smell of soap, fabric softener and cleanliness than the sharp and flat notes of cheap fragrances. Equally bad taste can be considered an abundance of different perfumes, which their owner constantly puts on herself and smells different every day. First, it deprives her of her own “ business card”, and secondly, creates a cacophony of the image.

What else brings up good taste? These points are purely utilitarian, and in a broad sense it helps to develop environment, good books, movies, interesting hobbies and broadening one's horizons. From a person with narrow thinking and primitive interests, one cannot expect a subtle sense of beauty.

When we try a dish, we first of all evaluate its taste. If food makes you feel good, how can you not exclaim: “Very tasty!” Otherwise, no words are needed, the people around will understand by our dissatisfied grimace that the dish failed - it was oversalted, undercooked or burnt. But what does it mean when they say that this or that has a taste? Perhaps it came into Russian speech from the lexicon of cannibals? ..

Etymology and interpretation of the word

Looking at any dictionary, you can read that taste is a feeling that occurs in the mouth when some food is absorbed as a result of irritation of the receptors of the tongue and adjacent mucous membranes. The taste can be bitter, salty, sweet, insipid, spicy, etc. Depending on the individual preferences of a person, the same dish, drink, fruit or vegetable can be evaluated differently. Someone will say that a sour apple tastes good, another will call it disgusting.

The origin of the word is not known for certain, but most linguists believe that it is formed from the verbs "bite" or "touch", that is, in the literal sense, one way or another connected with food. The word "taste" itself, as a part of speech, is a noun. male, can vary by cases and numbers. But in the plural, the word is used in rare cases, for example, in such expressions as "there is no arguing about tastes" or "everyone has different tastes."

Perception of beauty

The semantic meaning of the word "taste" is not limited to eating habits. When they say that someone has a delicate taste, they mean that a man or a woman is well versed in the purpose of various things and objects, knows how to combine them with each other, has a sense of style, and is creative in performing any work that requires extraordinary solutions in aesthetic terms.

Thus, good taste is an innate or acquired ability to perceive beauty, harmony in actions, deeds, manner of communication, choice of clothing, interior design, etc. For example, dressing with taste means beautiful, elegant, in accordance with fashion and own individuality, without going beyond the boundaries of generally accepted norms.

Signs of impeccable style

Obviously, taste - which is given from birth, some people bring it up in themselves consciously, but it is impossible to buy it for money. How to understand that in front of you is the owner of a perfect style? How advises folk wisdom, you need to meet “by clothes”.

Both women and men of good taste always look impeccable, do not get into awkward situations, do not seem funny or clumsy. Every thing of their festive or business wardrobe sits perfectly on the figure, accessories complement the overall image, are appropriate according to the chosen outfit and environment. Taste is both a sense of proportion, and accuracy, and sophistication.

If a lady who came to a theatrical performance is wearing an expensive evening dress, and instead of a miniature handbag, a package from the nearest supermarket is in her hands, then her taste is not all right. The same applies to men. real gentleman he will never wear sneakers under a formal suit and will not tuck the legs of sports trousers into his socks.

The situation in the house can also tell a lot about the presence or absence of taste. Sometimes, when you come to visit someone, you involuntarily notice that, despite the high cost interior decoration, the apartment looks like a train station. The furniture is arranged randomly, cheap trinkets hang on the walls next to old paintings - this clear sign bad taste. And vice versa, the interior, designed in a single style, where each item is in its place, will tell you that the owners strive for harmony in everything.

Expression of special favor

The word "taste" can be used as a description personal relationship to things, events, people. For example, when a woman tells a man that he is not her type, it becomes clear that she does not like him, for some reason he is unpleasant.

Or imagine a person who happily takes on some kind of work. He happily rubs his hands: “This activity is to my taste!” People who have similar character traits, who are fond of the same activities, who have similar ideas about the world around them, are said to have the same tastes or common interests.

Having opened up many women to the previously unknown world of fashion, she believed that bad taste is very limited, and good taste has no boundaries. It is difficult to argue with this statement, because every morning we start with a search in the closet for clothes in which you can look fashionable, beautiful, stylish. A person with good taste has a sense of harmony in everything. And what does “good taste” mean, and how to instill it, nurture it in yourself?

Good Taste Rules

A child, just born, absorbs everything that surrounds him. If his parents are familiar with the rules of good taste, then the baby is surrounded by beauty from childhood - respectful attitude between family members, educational books, beautiful clothes and many others. At a conscious age, the lessons of good taste are presented to a person by life, as the horizon expands, opening up new facets of knowledge and self-improvement. It is not surprising that good taste in clothes is developed over the years. Taste is often associated with style, but this is the same as calling art fashion. Of course, these concepts are related.

Think you don't have good taste? It is possible to educate him in yourself, although it is more difficult. Sustained interest and regular classes are the key to success. So, how to form a good taste in choosing clothes and making a stylish wardrobe?

First, do not focus on the number of things. Main criterion when choosing, it is their quality. one good pair leather boots in much better than a few pairs of cheap and poor quality, which after a few exits to the street lose their appearance. Of course, for girls who are adorned with youth, this is forgivable, because for them the appearance and relevance of a thing is more important than its quality. In addition, most teenagers spend money earned by their parents on clothes. But a self-sufficient woman does not need low-quality clothes that look cheap.

Another sign of good taste is the perfect silhouette. Sometimes even the most bright trends can frankly spoil your figure, make your appearance faceless and gray. Blindly following fashion is harmful and in no way indicates the presence of taste. If the clothes are trendy but don't suit you, forget about them! These things are made for you, not you for things. Every detail of the wardrobe is designed to emphasize the beauty of your body, and carefully hide the flaws.

A good assistant in shaping the taste in clothes can be a glossy magazine with articles on relevant topics and photographs. Of course, not everything that is written there should be blindly followed, but there is often a rational grain in the recommendations of stylists. For the same purpose, it is worth viewing publications on the Internet, TV shows.

General cleaning of the wardrobe

Review all the clothes you have in your wardrobe. Each of us has things in our closets that we have been shifting from shelf to shelf for years in the hope of someday wearing them. Feel free to throw away! The rest of the clothes should be tried on and critically evaluated. Doesn't fit your body type? Covered in pimples? Doesn't match with anything else? Outdated? Then, without regrets, part with it! Arrange all the remaining things on the shelves in accordance with the color scheme and style. In the future, try to combine things that are stored on the same shelf in one image. Concerning colors which suits you, please refer to general recommendations offered by stylists to girls of a specific color type. Not sure if the color is right? Refer to the classic combinations.

Clothes that suit you good shoes, well-chosen accessories, original aroma - harmony in a person with excellent taste is noticeable in everything. You will succeed!