Tests for the bride and groom. Modern wedding contests: for newlyweds with good taste

“What is a wedding without a button accordion!” - said our ancestors, emphasizing the great importance of fun at the celebration of the birth of a new family. Modern weddings amaze with the scope of their organization, but the main principle has remained unshakable since ancient times: young people and guests should laugh heartily and have fun in such a way that it will be remembered for a lifetime.

To understand whether a guy and a girl are suitable for each other, they need to make repairs together. This modern humorous wisdom holds true for weddings as well. The coherence of the young in passing playful obstacles is a sign that they will be able to agree in family life. Clockwork tests liberate, create a mood, give positive emotions. If any of the participants of the event feel awkward, involving him in the competitive whirlpool will make him feel free.

Note! A wedding is associated with family life, so the event should not be measured and dull. Natural lyrical moments must be generously interspersed with funny numbers, competitions and competitions, in which the main culprits of the holiday, the bride and groom, will directly participate.

Cool for newlyweds

When preparing cool tests for the young, which they will have to pass together, it is customary to pay special attention to the theme of love and fidelity. At the same time, it is important not to forget about delicacy.

Even for humor do not mention past relationships on one side or the other, allow inappropriate jokes that can offend one of the newlyweds. Competitions are held well, in which it is proposed to recall the joyful moments of the acquaintance of the young, to demonstrate how well they got to know each other, to predict on what principles their family life will be built.

swaddle baby

For this competition, you will need two fairly large dolls, preferably in the form of baby dolls, clothing items for them, diapers and diapers. The bride and groom will have to demonstrate how prepared they are for parental responsibilities. According to the rules, each of them needs to swaddle the baby as best as possible. To complicate the test, you can run it with a time limit, for example, within one minute. The winner is the one who, according to the guests, will cope with parental responsibilities better than the other.

Eat, my good!

In this competition, a very appetizing prop is implied: a cream cake. The bride will have to feed her beloved with them .... blindfolded. To keep the costume clean, it is better to pre-wrap the groom with a film, and when performing these manipulations, it is better not to spread about their true purpose. Guests themselves will make all sorts of assumptions, creating an atmosphere of fun.


This competition will require a red ribbon as long as possible. Its ends should be tied around the young and parted in opposite directions of the hall, as far as possible from each other. The facilitator in turn asks each of the participants a question regarding his spouse. For example, he can ask the bride what the groom’s favorite dish is, how many times he can do push-ups, whether he was sent to the camp as a child. You can ask the groom what size shoes his beloved has, at what age she learned to swim, what kind of chocolate she likes.

Before the participant answers the question put to him, the facilitator must clarify the correct answer from his other half. If the answers are the same, the young ones make a turn so that the tape is wound around their waists, while becoming closer to each other. At the end of the competition, they must come together in a close embrace and dance together.

Understand me

For this contest, the props are a hat or a box containing papers describing situations of future family life. For example:

  • He came home tipsy;
  • She spent all of her husband's salary on shopping;
  • On all New Year's holidays, a husband's friend comes;
  • She and her friends go dancing to a nightclub.

Interesting: it is allowed to call guests from the hall to make scenes from family life even more fun.

The host invites the bride and groom to demonstrate how well they understand each other. First, the bride takes out a piece of paper from her hat, reads what is written there and depicts it so that her beloved understands her. Then they change places.

wedding portrait

In this competition you will need a drawing paper and drawing tools: paints, felt-tip pens or pencils. Whatman paper is carefully cut in half, one part is given to the groom, the other to the bride. The task of each of them is to draw a portrait of their other half.. Finished works are combined with adhesive tape, a family portrait is obtained.

Route built

Not only the bride and groom, but also guests take part in this competition. The essence of the test is to lay a route, bypassing obstacles. The system of conditional alerts is preliminarily agreed upon:

  • "B-i-i-i-p!" means left;
  • "Prrrr" - to the right;
  • "Pip-Pip" - right.

The groom is blindfolded, chairs and guests are arranged in picturesque poses in the hall. His task is to go to the opposite end of the room. The bride helps to cope with the task, indicating where to move by means of conditional signals.

For the groom

The groom at the wedding should be ready for the most active participation in competitions. It has long been customary that a demonstration of strength, dexterity and ingenuity is the lot of brave fellows. That is why many competitions are designed for strong representatives of humanity. Witness and friends can help the groom in every possible way in overcoming trials, well, the bride - to reward with kisses.

Reality or fiction?

For this competition, you need to prepare facts and tales from the past of the bride by writing them on a piece of paper. The host reads them out, and the groom needs to determine whether this actually happened or not.

Everything for your beloved!

In this test the groom needs to reach the intended goal, for example, to the opposite wall of the hall, carrying the bride in his arms. However, steps are allowed to be taken only under a certain condition: in the case of an affirmative answer to the questions that the moderator will read out. The list of questions might include:

  • Will you always love your bride?
  • Will you bring coffee in bed?
  • Will you clean the house?
  • Will you let her go alone with her friends to a party?
  • If she wins a one-person tour of the United Arab Emirates, do you mind if she goes?

dad hairdresser

This competition can be held if a girl with long enough hair is present at the wedding, not taken into a complex hairstyle. The essence of the test is for the groom to prove himself as a future dad. who has it all. Including combing your daughter when mom is not at home. To accomplish the task, he is given multiple props: all kinds of combs, bows, hairpins, ribbons. In terms of all this, he should soon demonstrate his hairdressing masterpiece to those present.

Carefully! When creating a hairstyle, you need to be careful not to cause pain with careless movements.

For the bride

Brides are so diligent in preparing for the wedding event that they often approach it in a state of great tension. Participation in competitions allows them to relax and feel the festive atmosphere.

When choosing tests that involve the participation of the newlywed alone, it is necessary to correlate them with the character of the bride, her level of physical fitness, her wedding image and other factors. So, if the bride is in a position, you should not prepare competitions for her with a pronounced sports component. A young woman in a complex outfit with a long train will not demonstrate Olympic success, and it will be difficult for a modest woman to participate in broken competitions.

Find out!

The props for this competition is minimal - a blindfold. The essence of the test is that the bride recognizes her betrothed from a number of other representatives of the stronger sex. Men are selected from among the guests, they stand in a row. The host blindfolds the bride and leads to the participants. According to the rules, a girl must identify her husband by touch. A small correction: only noses or earlobes are allowed to be felt.

Clean your testicle

This contest requires boxing gloves and a hard-boiled egg. The host means that it does not hurt for the wife to have strength skills so that her husband respects. She is solemnly put on boxing gloves. And, of course, she can easily cope with any culinary task. Especially something as simple as peeling eggs. The essence of the test is to clean the egg with gloves. The competition can be complicated if it is held with a time limit. For example, you need to peel an egg in one minute.

home stylist

A good wife always takes care of her husband's appearance. To prove this fact, the bride is given a roll of toilet paper, from which she needs to build a tie for her beloved. The task is not easy, since the entire roll must be used up. However, there is some indulgence: the design of a tie can be absolutely anything. Obviously, as a prop for this competition, a sanitary roll is needed, it’s good if it is pink so that the tie is smart.

How to organize?

The selection of contests for a wedding must be approached individually.. and moving tests are suitable for a sports couple, song tests - if the bride or groom has musical abilities, romantic newlyweds will be happy with beautiful competitions using candles, guys with a sense of humor will like to overcome cool obstacles.

Important! The host needs to coordinate the selected tests with the newlyweds in advance in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

In order for the atmosphere at the wedding to be fun and relaxed, and for all guests to receive positive emotions, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • For contests that involve elaborate props and dressing up, it's best not to call ladies with tall, elaborate hairdos;
  • If one of the guests stubbornly refuses to participate in competitions, you should not pull him by force;
  • When holding competitions, one should not forget about taking pictures, because it is at these moments that you can catch the most genuine emotions of the participants.

Even the simplest test can lead to unbridled fun if the facilitator and the participants themselves actively use humor. You can wittily comment on what is happening, use funny props, make fun of the guests. Those who know how and love to joke can actively help in holding contests.

But do not arrange too many contests in a row. Both participants and other guests can get tired of this. In addition, there are many other important things at the wedding. After holding a couple of competitions, the host must assess the situation and decide whether to arrange another test or let the guests raise a toast, have a bite, dance.

Spicy contests should not be held at the beginning of the evening. Their time comes after 2-3 hours from the beginning of the celebration, when the guests have time to relax from the festive atmosphere and intoxicating spirits. Care should be taken when holding such contests so as not to cross the line of decency. Especially if the bride is the participant.

Useful video

And, finally, another interesting competition for the bride and groom is the distribution of responsibilities. Here's how it goes:


Diplomacy, a sense of humor and knowledge of human psychology are the main things that are necessary for holding at the highest level. If an upbeat atmosphere reigns at the festival, young people and their guests willingly participate in the tests, and smiles spread on the faces of those present and laughter is heard from time to time, it means that the organizers coped with their tasks perfectly.

As the old proverb says, "a wedding dinner is boring if there is no fun at the table." Not a single celebration dedicated to the birth of a new family is complete without games and competitions. After the solemn registration, the guests and the hosts of the holiday gather in the banquet hall, where they are waiting for refreshments.

It is impossible to dedicate most of the time to the absorption of delicious dishes, because the wedding invitees have gathered here to celebrate this event in a truly fun way. Cheerful and interesting wedding contests, invented in advance, will help to amuse those present.

At each wedding, guests are invited to take part in a variety of games and competitions, which are chosen:

  • in accordance with the theme of the wedding;
  • considering the age of the majority of those invited;
  • paying attention to both adults and children.

Having a snack after a walk, guests show a desire to have fun and are happy to become participants in entertainment, including not only dancing, but also interesting games. Many of them are well known for a long time and enjoy well-deserved popularity. However, new modern competitions are attracting more and more attention of young people.

For their implementation, several couples, musical accompaniment, certain props are required.


The first may be a competition-auction. Its essence lies in the fact that guests are offered to buy the missing cutlery, to become owners of small souvenirs.

If this competition is held in the final part of the festive evening, then you can put up for auction things belonging to the young: the bride’s bracelet or garter, the groom’s boutonniere, but most often they sell pieces of wedding cake at auction. The host, selected from among the guests, or the toastmaster, can lead the process.

The starting price is set for each lot. Participants, remaining in their places at the wedding table (everyone except the host, the bride and groom), receive plates with numbers and the right to name their own price for each lot.

After the presenter announces the initial cost of the item, one of their wedding guests loudly announces their price, seeking to buy the offered item.

After it grows to the maximum, the organizer of the auction counts up to three and, declaring the thing sold, transfers it to the new owner. Money from the sale remains with the young, replenishing the family budget.

What can serve as a lot? Any toy or trinket:

  1. Automobile model.
  2. Pocket or desktop calculator.
  3. Case for phone.
  4. A bottle of soap bubbles, presented as a fulfiller of the most unrealizable desires.

Under the guidance of the toastmaster, the guests, armed with signs, choose the lot they like the most. You can intrigue the participants of the competition without showing, but only by naming the objects.

After the ransom, the toastmaster with a solemn air hands over the acquired "values" to the new owners to the noisy applause of those present.

Guess the melody

One of the most beloved music competitions, in which both young and older guests, and children present at the banquet, aspire to take part - guess the melody.

Those who wish to play are divided into two teams and are offered to alternately name the piece of music, the first notes of which will sound.

One of the members of each team is given the floor to answer. The host gives one attempt each, the one who did not guess leaves the team.

The team that will remain in the majority wins and, accordingly, will name the greater number of melodies.

With signs He, She

This is a honeymoon competition. Its essence lies in the fact that the bride is given a sign on which HE is written, and the groom receives a sign with the inscription SHE. The facilitator reads the questions, the answer to which will be a raised sign:

  1. Who gets up first?
  2. Who loves chocolate?
  3. Who does not eat without mayonnaise?
  4. Who was the first to confess their love?
  5. Who is better at washing dishes?
  6. Who cleans the apartment?
  7. Who spends the longest time in the bathroom?
  8. Who snores louder?
  9. Who sits at the computer the longest?
  10. Who burns eggs more often?
  11. Who has a hundred dresses?
  12. Who doesn't love to shave?

You can ask about anything, but it is better not to ask vulgar questions. This will only spoil the mood and break the created atmosphere of the holiday.

The winner receives a certificate of the most attentive and caring spouse.

With clothespins

The clothespin contest is one of the most fun. He likes both young and old. Many of those invited will agree to take part in it.

The hero is blindfolded and a lot of clothespins are attached to his clothes, trying to do it very carefully. The participant should not understand exactly where the clothespins are.

At the signal of the toastmaster or the presenter, he tries to remove all the clothespins as soon as possible to the music. No more than 3 minutes are given to complete the task, and as a result, someone is completely freed and receives a prize, and someone, unable to cope with the task and part with clothespins, will have to complete the task of the bride.

You can complicate the conditions of the competition by inviting the participant to remove clothespins, accompanying the score in verse.

Competitions for couples

The biggest variety distinguishes competitions for couples. Newlyweds, witnesses, and couples of guests invited to the wedding take part in them.

Such contests can be:

  • dance;
  • song;
  • gaming.

Most often, one of the participants, or two at once, is blindfolded and offered to complete the task, providing support to each other. Without a blindfold, couples are offered to eat candy, biting it in half. The difficulty is that you can only take caramel with your teeth, then you need to unfold it and bite it. All actions are performed together.

Basically, during the competitions for couples, participants are waiting for cool jokes, kisses, hugs.

So, the kiss contest requires knowing your partner. The guy is blindfolded, forced to turn around his axis several times, and when he stops, he will have to kiss several girls.

The hero guesses the kiss of his beloved, and if he guessed it, they are admittedly an ideal couple. In another competition for couples, the participants stand facing each other and at the same time begin to sing different songs.

They try to sing louder than the opponent, not to lose the rhythm and not lose the melody. No less exciting competition is the mummy. For his behavior, you will need to invite 2-3 couples and take a few rolls of toilet paper.

The first player tries very quickly, but quite qualitatively, to make a mummy.

This means that his partner in the shortest possible time should be completely wrapped in toilet paper. The winner is the pair in which the mummy is made faster and there are no gaps between the strips of paper.

A fun and exciting competition in which several couples participate. They will have to be smart, but the game is that one of the participants tells a joke about adultery, speaking one phrase or a few words.

One of the players holds a bunch of balloons in his hand. The partner reworks the text so that the story remains funny, but its theme has changed dramatically. After the retelling, the anecdote will already be about loyalty and devotion. Any comic stories are allowed, but vulgarity is unacceptable!

The competition is held between couples. After telling a good anecdote, a representative of each of them pierces a balloon. The winner is the one who has fewer whole balls left.


The stocking competition will bring a lot of fun to all participants. A girl turns out to be the performer, since it is impossible to put a stocking on her head without damaging her makeup. Men who agreed to participate in the competition should be prepared for the fact that a nylon stocking will be put on their heads.

Girls, having extensive experience in handling this wardrobe item, will do their job quickly, but according to the conditions of the competition, you need to take off the stocking very slowly. You should pull the toe of the product, and the guests will watch how the faces of men change.

For more fun, men at this time are offered to read poetry, sing a song or tell a funny story. If only men take part in the competition, then this game is an excellent school of communication and an opportunity to gain skills in handling such a detail of a women's wardrobe as nylon stockings.

True, the process of putting on is much slower, forcing guests to laugh heartily.

Game "What, Where, When"

The most interesting game can also become a fun wedding contest. Famous players answer difficult and sometimes unexpected questions, and the contestants have to prove how well they know each other.

Most often, such a test is prepared for the parents of the bride and groom. One of the participants is asked to leave the hall for a while, and the second is asked a few questions:

  1. When did you meet?
  2. Who was the first to know about the upcoming wedding?
  3. Who is the first to give a gift on the next wedding anniversary?
  4. How and where did you meet the matchmakers?
  5. Favorite color of the spouse (wife)?
  6. Favorite dish?
  7. How long did the bride and groom meet before they decided to introduce each other to their parents?
  8. Who chose the wedding date?

If the answers or most of them match, the guests are in front of an ideal couple. Newlyweds will be interested to know how attentive their parents are to the events taking place in the life of the young.

What you need to prepare for the competition

Every holiday requires careful preparation. This also applies to wedding games and competitions. It is impossible to arrange exciting competitions without the appropriate equipment; a mysterious atmosphere cannot be created without the necessary accessories.

Prepare everything you need long before the wedding day. This:

  • satin ribbons;
  • spare chairs;
  • kapron stockings of different colors and different densities;
  • toilet paper (several dozen rolls);
  • plates;
  • felt-tip pens for drawing competitions;
  • dressing suits.

Regardless of which competitions are chosen, it is necessary to organize them in accordance with the style of the wedding. For example, bride kidnapping may resemble bride kidnapping in the East or the Caucasus. Another tradition is the abduction of the newlywed's shoes. In this case, you need a sign by which the alarm will be announced and the witnesses will start searching.

You should think that for one active game you will need a set of accessories and a set of equipment.

Contests with dressing up are held in the presence of a wide variety of items of men's and women's wardrobe. Have a fun game with a large number of couples or all the guests? So, you need to stock up on balloons, oranges, apples, raw eggs. Of course, you will need napkins to wipe your hands after painting with your palms or your face after trying to eat an apple floating in a basin of water.

A very fun wedding contest:

It is necessary to prepare in advance everything necessary for the competitions, under the terms of which the hands of the participants will be tied. Soft towels or ribbons will come in handy.

Regardless of which contests will be chosen to entertain the guests at the wedding, it is worthwhile to think over the scenario in advance and determine the sequence of the games. If guests have to recite poems, you need to take care of the presence of an additional microphone. For active outdoor gamesprepare a level ground. What else do you need to think about beforehand? It all depends on the wedding theme and the features of the competitions chosen for the entertainment program.

Hardly any modern wedding does without contests, but many of them are so old, boring and predictable that they only spoil the overall impression of the holiday. What to offer guests and young people at a wedding celebration, so that they definitely want to escape from the aspic and participate?

Although the global network is full of options, most of them are long outdated. It would seem that everything has already been invented before us. Is it possible to develop a unique scenario? Undoubtedly, and for this it is often enough to introduce something of your own into the old competition, to adapt a familiar scenario to modern realities.

It is important to remember that:

  • wedding is a private event, even if a large number of people participate in it, therefore, the entertainment program of the celebration should correspond to the personal tastes and preferences of the majority of those present;
  • “freshness” and novelty of entertainment should improve the mood of guests, captivate, intrigue, not cause irritation or resentment, and therefore it is worth avoiding vulgarity and excessive individuality;
  • contests can be "tied" to the style of the wedding and then they harmoniously fit into the atmosphere.

Important! Remember that creativity, creativity and originality have no boundaries. Don't be afraid to experiment and be creative!

Top 15 Modern Ideas for Fun Youth Entertainment

We offer several scenarios for inspiration.


Since the fashion for selfies does not slow down, the first we dedicate the contest to the habit of filming yourself in unexpected places or in the most ordinary activities.

Number of participants: two to four people.

Props: everyone has a phone with a front camera.

Several people are invited to the impromptu stage. Boys or girls, men or women, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the participants should be active and sociable. The essence of the competition is quite simple: in 3 minutes, take as many selfies as possible with those without whom no wedding takes place.

The task is complicated by the fact that the host has already prepared a list in advance of which of those present can meet this criterion. It is desirable to include in it some funny observations.

For example, in addition to the bride and groom themselves, you can not ignore:

  • the groom's mother;
  • father of the bride
  • leader;
  • a guest who constantly eats;
  • a guest who sits in a corner;
  • the same contestant who takes a selfie.

The winner is the one who finds all the people from the list and takes a selfie with them faster than others.

I'm an artist, that's how I see it!

Guests are given the opportunity to demonstrate their artistic talents. This contest, although well-known, but if adapted to it, it will sparkle with new colors.

Number of participants: eight or more people (an even number is required).

Props: two A3 sheets, two easels and two markers.

The competition is held in the form of a relay race. The players are divided into two teams and line up one behind the other. Each line is given a piece of paper and a marker. The guests are faced with the task of drawing the newlyweds. Only one team will draw the groom, and the second team will draw the bride.

The catch is that everyone is only given a few seconds to demonstrate talent. What you managed to draw, you did it, you pass the marker to a teammate, and you yourself stand at the end of the line.

The presenter, meanwhile, turns on some dynamic song and controls the honesty of the competition. The winner is the team that, at the end of the music, will draw the most details in the portraits of the young.


A very fun competition that increases the level of adrenaline in the blood. Before it starts, it is recommended to move away from the tables.

Number of participants: six or more people.

Props: two loose ties (one should be shorter, the second longer).

All participants must be at the same table. If there are a lot of applicants, but there is not enough space, then you can split into two teams. In this case, you will need two ties.

One of those sitting throws a short tie around his neck, and his neighbor on the right is a long one. At the signal of the leader, they begin to tie them on themselves, untie them and pass them clockwise.

Advice! The host must first conduct a brief briefing on the types of tie knots.

A prerequisite: a shorter tie is tied with a simple knot, and the one that is longer is tied with a complex one. The participant on whom two ties converge is eliminated from the game.

The winner is the one who leaves the competition last. In the case of two teams - the table at which one player will remain.

Silent Spy

A game that lasts throughout the wedding banquet.

Members: all present.

Props: sticker packaging.

Even at the entrance to the hall, each of the guests receives a sticker. In the future, the task is to carefully monitor the rest of those present and identify those who sit with their arms or legs crossed. You can take a sticker from such guests.

The one who is left without a sticker is not out of the game. He should get a sticker from the same "onlooker". The owner of the most stickers by the end of the evening receives a prize.

Get smart

Competition for a cheerful and resourceful groom.

Members: groom.

Props: A3 sheet.

On the drawing paper, you should first write a number of certain numbers that have one or another relation to the bride. For example, her age, date of birth, shoe size, weight.

The groom will have a difficult task: to find a match between these numbers and the data of his beloved. If he does not know the answer, he is forced to pay a compliment to the bride or do some nice deed for her.

Simon says

When the guests sat at the tables, the cheerful ones will come to the rescue. This is one of them. It's nice that this entertainment can be organized impromptu, because props or special preparation for it are not needed.

Number of participants: 12 or more people.

Props: not required.

All participants are divided into small groups and begin to dance to popular music. Without warning anyone in advance, the leader approaches one of the dancers in each group and quietly tells him that he has been assigned the role of "Simon". This means that he has to get the rest of his band to repeat the way "Simon" dances.

The difficulty is that “Simon” cannot inform his teammates about the task set by the leader. He will have to contrive somehow, attracting attention to himself and without words encouraging others to repeat the movements after him. The winner is the team that will be the first (in full force!) to imitate their "Simon".

garment factory

Often a caring wife has to sew up something, in particular, things of her husband, so this competition is suitable for newlyweds and for their friends who are just planning to get married.

Number of participants: six or more people (even number).

Props: half as many needles and threads as participants, that is, for six guests, three needles and three spools will be required.

Couples (guy and girl) participate.

Advice! It is not necessary to call couples who are together in life. You can create new ones.

Each young man is given a piece of thread, and he stands on one side, and a girl is given a needle, and she stands on the other side, on the contrary.

At the signal of the presenter, the guy runs to his girlfriend and tries to thread the needle eye without her help, while the girl keeps the needle completely motionless. As soon as he succeeds, he takes a needle and thread and returns back. The first pair to complete the task wins.

Mafia at... a wedding?

If you are looking for not vulgar entertainment for a chamber youth celebration in the style of Chicago, then you will definitely like the interpretation of the famous wedding-themed game.

Members: groom, bride, ten guests.

Props: as such, it is not available, but you should prepare for this contest even when decorating the hall / cafe, in advance attaching cards with the names of the characters on the back of the seats of the chairs of future players.

It is desirable for the host to make some intriguing introduction before the announcement of the game. For example: “Dear bride and groom, I just found out myself, and before the irreparable happens, I hasten to warn you: the mafia has sneaked into our wedding! You will have to act as a sheriff to figure her out among those sitting in this hall.

Next, the host invites those present to check their chairs. Those who find an attached card in themselves become direct participants in the game. The rest of the guests are spectators who should not tell the players anything.

Of the ten selected people, two mafia clans were formed. One guest receives a doctor's card, one - a lawyer, the rest - civilians. Unlike the classic way of playing this game, the sheriff is known in advance - this is the bride and groom. They can consult among themselves and voice a common decision.

The mafia has no right to "eliminate the sheriff". Her task is to divert suspicion from herself and “kill” other players one by one. After the facilitator announces that "The city is falling asleep", all participants close their eyes. After the phrase "The mafia is waking up", only those who got cards with the inscription "mafia" open their eyes. Trying not to make unnecessary movements, not to creak, not to rustle with candy wrappers, they look at each other and silently point to one person out of ten whom they want to “eliminate”.

The host remembers their choice and says: "The mafia falls asleep, the sheriff wakes up." Now the bride and groom open their eyes. They need to point to who they consider the mafia. The host either nods to them or shakes his head in the negative, thus showing whether they guessed right or not.

The Sheriff falls asleep. The doctor wakes up next in line and tries to determine who the mafia just shot at. If he actually pointed to the victim, that person is considered cured and is not out of the game. The lawyer closes the circle of "awakening". He provides an alibi to one of the participants.

Important! The lawyer will not be able to express his opinion during the discussion, but he cannot be voted against, so he always automatically advances to the next round.

Announcing "The city is waking up", the presenter sums up: who was "killed" over the past night, whether the doctor was able to save him and who is currently immune. The victim of the mafia shows his card and joins the audience. The remaining players, as well as the bride and groom discuss the suspects. Their discussion turns into a vote. The one who gets the most votes against shows his card and also leaves the game. After that, a new round of the game begins. The "Mafia" has won if at least one undetected representative of the clan remains by the fifth round of the game.

Silence is gold

Attention Competition.

Number of participants: leader's choice.

Props: not required.

At the beginning of the game, the host stipulates that there are a number of words that cannot be spoken for half an hour / hour / the entire event. It is desirable that these be the most common words at the wedding celebration., for example, “Bitter!”, “bride”, “congratulations”, “wedding”, “flowers”, “glass”, “dress”.

After that, the host selects several people from the audience who will be asked tricky questions, forcing them to use "forbidden" words. It is recommended to interview not everyone at once, but everyone at certain intervals, so that the guests have time to “relax” and lose their vigilance.

An example of a trap dialog:

- Can you tell me what the event is today?

“Um…my friends marriage.”

- And who is the most beautiful at this wedding?

The most resourceful gets a small one.


Another dance competition for your wedding, which will appeal to everyone without exception.

Number of participants: six or more people (couples).

Props: pack of waffles "Major".

Couples are invited to the dance floor. Each of them is given one package of Major. The couple clamps the wafer with their teeth on both sides. The host turns on fast rhythmic music and controls the competition.

A duet whose “Major” breaks during the dance is eliminated from the game. The pair that lasts the longest wins.

Singing heart

This competition requires careful preparation, including the selection and cutting of certain music tracks.

Members: preselected guests.

Props: plush toy in the shape of a heart.

The introduction could be: “It's no secret that when pleasant and long-awaited moments come in life, our heart sings. What songs are sung by the hearts of the guests of today's celebration? Now we'll find out!"

Further, the host reports that he has a special invention for just such a case, disguised as an ordinary plush toy. He begins to take it in turn to bring it to the selected guests and ask them questions, and the one who is sitting at the computer, meanwhile, switches the selected songs. The main thing is to make it as believable and funnier as possible.

Idea! The presenter can ask the groom what he was thinking about before the wedding ceremony, and then turn on an excerpt from the song "The Bride" by the Mumiy Troll group, where the words sound: "How lucky you are, my bride!"


This variant of another famous game will spice up your wedding, encouraging guests to stay active until the end of the banquet. It is great that everyone present can participate in it, which means that no one will get bored.

Members: all present.

Props: 3-5 decks of "UNO" cards (regular cards are also suitable in extreme cases).

Before the start of the wedding celebration, give each of the guests 4 cards. Explain that, as in any card game, cards must be disposed of as soon as possible. This can only be done by participating in other contests. One contest is equal to one card. When the participant has the last card left, he must shout "Uno!", otherwise he will have to take two more cards.

The game can be diversified by the fact that a certain color or value of cards will indicate a certain action. For example, a participant will need not only to participate in some kind of competition, but also to say congratulations, fulfill a small wish of the bride and groom, and change places with a neighbor.

Morning of the bride and groom

Pantomime performance performed by the groom's friends and bridesmaids.

Number of participants: four people.

Props: not required.

Two friends of the groom and two bridesmaids are invited to the center of the hall. Mandatory condition: participants should not be witnesses and should not have been present at the morning gathering of the newlyweds. Each pair forms its own team.

The bride and groom prepare a piece of paper for them, where they list three things that they used this morning, and write any three phrases that they said during that time.

Friends and girlfriends are given 5 minutes to discuss and prepare a silent demonstration of the newlyweds' morning preparations. All pantomime is shown silently. Only the phrases proposed by the young people need to be pronounced.

The winner is the duet that most accurately and artistically recreated the morning of one of the newlyweds and did not forget to focus on the items mentioned in the leaflets.

Reliable friends

The competition is designed for the bride, but all guests will certainly like it.

Number of participants: seven people (the groom and six of his friends).

Props: seven chairs or stools.

Chairs are placed "facing" the audience, but the participants sit on them with their right side. At the head of the corner (on the right side) is the position of the groom.

At the command of the leading man, they kneel down with their backs to each other, starting from the one closest to the groom and ending with the left edge. Meanwhile, the presenter praises the bride of her lover's friends, notes how faithful and reliable they are, after which, in support of his words, he invites her to check it herself.

The bride needs to pull out one chair from under any of the participants until only the groom's chair remains. The result will stun everyone!

Nobel laureates

We all love to be rewarded for something, and wedding guests are no exception.

Number of participants: the choice of the bride and groom.

Props: diploma templates, marker.

The award ceremony is held at the end of the celebration. The bride and groom or one of their assistants, on the basis of observations made during the holiday, single out some of those present in funny or serious nominations.

For example, the one who danced the most deserves the honorary title of “Disco Dancer” or “King of the Dance Floor”, and the one who tried to participate in almost every competition is more suitable for “Gambler” or “Most Active”.

Idea! The winners in the nominations can be awarded special gifts that will differ from those given to other guests.

Useful video

Down with banality! Guests need not only to feed and drink, but also to entertain. One of the options for the artist contest from this video is perfect for this:


Having picked up the original, it is easy to carry out. If there is not enough time, you can attract an active friend or girlfriend who will help with the props. Take as a basis ready-made scenarios that can spice up a modern wedding, and interpret them in the right way to make your holiday memorable with fun and creativity.

No one should be bored at a wedding. AND the task of the presenter is to think over the scenario for the wedding day so that both young and old guests feel comfortable. For this, funny, funny are intended. There are mobile entertainments, but there are also “sitting” contests, for participation in which you don’t even need to get up from the table.

The main task that competitions for a wedding at the table solve is to entertain those present and not let the banquet turn into a banal booze. Therefore, contests should be funny, comic: there is no place for sadness and boredom at a wedding. However, vulgarity should not be tolerated.

Table wedding contests can be divided into several large groups:

  1. chants;
  2. congratulations games;
  3. quizzes;
  4. lotteries;
  5. comic games;
  6. musical and creative competitions.

Important! It is necessary to discuss with the newlyweds which contests and prizes are worth using and which are not. Not everyone will be happy with the lottery, in which the winner will be a roll of toilet paper or a toothbrush. If you do not know which prize to choose, use sweets (sweets or small chocolates) - they will suit almost all guests.

For acquaintance

Behind the excitement of the grand registration, a stroll through your favorite city spots. The guests have gathered. As a rule, not all of them are familiar with each other. And the first task of the host of the wedding ceremony is to choose such competitions for the wedding banquet so that each of the guests feels comfortable at the table, so that everyone gets to know each other and make friends with each other - no matter which side this guest is from. The family is now alone, and relatives and friends are common.

The first table competitions at the wedding are aimed at rallying and liberating the guests. They will be interspersed with toasts, congratulations to the newlyweds.


There are many options for such games, they consist in the fact that after the words of the host, the guests must pronounce the same phrase in unison. Here is an example of such an oath game that the host can beat at the beginning of the feast:

We, friends, are together today

Let's say a lot of kind words

Groom, his bride...

Be ready! Always ready! (the last phrase is spoken in unison)

We congratulate the young

Have fun again and again.

Let's dance, let's play...

Be ready! Always ready!

We will sing songs loudly

And walk until dawn

Be ready! Always ready!

Bride and groom - glory!

Let's raise a toast to love.

And drink to their health

Be ready! Always ready!

Let's all shout together: "Bitter!"

Let the shelter be reliable

For happiness to be complete

Be ready! Always ready!

Newlyweds vow

Since the guests promised to be cheerful and friendly at the wedding celebration, the groom and his bride must take an oath in return. To compose its text, the host asks the guests to name ten adjectives (any, for what purpose - the host should not speak). Then he inserts them in order into the text of the oath and invites the newlyweds to solemnly pronounce it in the presence of guests.

After such a cheerful start to the banquet, it is unlikely that anyone at the table will remain gloomy and gloomy. Good mood is guaranteed to everyone.

Toast games, congratulation games

Usually, at the wedding table, the sequence of pronouncing toasts and congratulations to the newlyweds is established according to different principles:

  • by kinship: first, the closest relatives - parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters;
  • in place at the table- starting with those sitting closer to the young and then in order;
  • on a voluntary basis.

However, this order can also be established with the help of a fun game.

Unusual alphabet

In advance, on the back of the chairs or under the plate, small cards with the letters of the alphabet are laid out - from A to Z (if there are more guests, you can use the letters two or three times). When the time comes for congratulations, the presenter suggests that the first to congratulate the young of the guest who had a card with the letter A, then B, and so on.

We wish the young

So that guests do not get tired of toasts and feasts, you can invite them to organize collective congratulations to the newlyweds, illustrating it with gestures. The host announces that his words of congratulations must be accompanied by actions:

  1. if words about love sound, you need to draw a heart in the air;
  2. if about health - men demonstrate biceps, and women check and admire them;
  3. if the word "luck" is pronounced - everyone depicts the sign "OK!";
  4. when it comes to happiness, the guests blow a kiss to the newlyweds.

For newlyweds - "Who is in charge in the house?"

While the guests are getting to know each other, it's time for the young spouses to distribute responsibilities around the house. You can choose various options for conducting: use pre-prepared notes with comic duties, such as “throw back a strand from your spouse’s forehead during a quarrel”, “sing songs in the morning on the balcony” and others. You can offer to make a list of duties for the guests: let them write them down, and the host will invite the young people to take turns getting notes from the bag.

Prop options can also be different:

  • small balloons;
  • paper chamomile with tear-off petals;
  • a bag or box where notes twisted into a tube will be placed;
  • a bag for a lotto, where containers from “kinder surprises” will play the role of kegs: inside them are notes with duties.

For parents - "Who will be born first?"

The presenter introduces the parents of the newlyweds, talks about the difficult path that they went through while they put their children on their feet. After the parents say parting words, the presenter asks if they dream of grandchildren, and offers to find out who will be born first in a young family - a boy or a girl.

Future grandmothers make up one team, future grandfathers make up another. Each team is given a head of cabbage. The host says that a coin is hidden inside each head of cabbage. If the grandmothers find her first, the first-born of a young family will be a girl, if the team of grandfathers, a boy will be born.

Future grandparents, on command, “undress” cabbage to the music. When the bare stump remains, and no one has found the coin, the presenter says: “Dear parents! You are adults, are you still looking for children in cabbage?

Lotteries, quizzes

Lotteries and prize draws are a traditional part of a wedding party. They suitable for both adults and children. You can pre-attach a token with a number under the seat of a chair or put a token with a number under the plate, and during the feast, hold a comic win-win lottery. You will need to think about prizes for her in advance - prepare them and small poetic descriptions.

Finish the phrase

Games are popular when the host invites one person to randomly choose a question or half of a phrase, and his neighbor to complete it. What answer option will fall out and sound - no one knows, and such a quiz causes a lot of laughter.

Through the mouths of the people

The host says the beginning of the proverb about family life, the guests must finish. For each correct answer - a small prize or token. Then, at the end of the game, the one who has the most tokens can be awarded the “Most Smartest” medal.

A slightly modified version of the game: before the toast, guests are invited to choose and name as many synonyms for the word “drink” as possible. Whoever calls more - he won.


This one of the most popular entertainment during the wedding feast. There can be many options:

  • remember and perform the song on the first line;
  • who knows more songs that begin with a certain letter;
  • who knows more songs in which some kind of paint is named (an excellent option for a “rainbow wedding”, and you can change it to any “color”: for example, to red - to sing songs about everything that has a red color, to blue - everything , which is associated with shades of blue, and so on);
  • who knows more songs with a certain word (for example, “love” is a wedding!);
  • and, finally, a traditional competition similar to the television game "Guess the melody", when the participant needs to guess the song by 3, 4 ... 7 notes.

Such musical games are liked by guests, they can be used during the pause period when guests are sitting at the tables, for example, waiting for hot dishes. Their main advantage is that both young people and representatives of the older generation play with pleasure, for whom it is difficult to endure, for example, dance marathons.

Don't know how to diversify your wedding program? How to entertain guests? Portal for newlyweds Svadbka.ws is pleased to offer ready-made wedding contests. An original and fun scenario for a wedding with actual games will become the basis of an unforgettable wedding celebration.

We also offer interesting competitions for hosts. This will be especially true for the newlyweds, who are far from being satisfied with the entire entertainment program of the presenter. By adjusting and diluting the script, future spouses can be sure that the event will be held at the highest level. More

Why is there entertainment for guests?

Recently, more and more often the question began to arise: are competitions really necessary at wedding events? After all, weddings without competitions are regularly held around the world. However, it should be understood that such a scenario is more suitable for small weddings, where everyone knows each other and will feel at ease.

And yet, we are FOR entertainment at the wedding, and here's why:

  1. Acquaintance of guests from both sides. As a rule, most of those invited by the bride and groom are not familiar with each other. General competitions contribute to the unification and acquaintance of strangers to each other. The main thing is to avoid games like "team of the bride against the team of the groom";
  2. Fun and colorful wedding. If you approach the choice of entertainment responsibly, avoiding well-known and boring games, the entertainment program will surprise you with richness and freshness. In new entertainment, all guests will definitely want to take part;
  3. Funny wedding games are a way to defuse the situation and really enjoy what is happening;
  4. Competitions for newlyweds help each of the couple to open up, show themselves in new conditions. The lovers get to know each other even more, discovering new emotions and abilities of the chosen one.

When planning the wedding of your dreams, it is up to you, the newlyweds, to decide whether centuries-old traditions and fun entertainment will be included, or you will succumb to a new round - a wedding without entertainment and a host.

Wedding contests 2019: for guests and toastmasters

The world of wedding trends is constantly changing. And these changes have not bypassed wedding scenarios. Fortunately, hackneyed and trivial games are gradually fading into oblivion, and new wedding contests for toastmasters pleasantly delight newlyweds and invited guests. It's so nice when you don't know what to expect from the upcoming games and entertainment!

When choosing wedding entertainment for guests, consider:

  • Guest status;
  • Age category, because a number of competitions for a young audience may simply be unacceptable for the older generation;
  • Religious views. For example, if Muslims are present at the wedding, it is better to abandon the traditional witness striptease and wedding contests 2019 with intimate overtones. Remember, every guest at the wedding should be comfortable and fun;
  • wedding party contests should entertain, not bore participants. Consider the physical fitness of the guests;
  • Little guests. If the presence of children is planned at the wedding celebration, then select several contests on the wedding day just for them. For younger children, you can choose games with parents so that the little guests are not afraid and also have fun celebrating your holiday.

When planning and discussing the wedding program with the toastmaster, find out all the details as carefully as possible: an entertainment program for guests, a scenario for the ransom of the bride, fun for the bride and groom, etc. So you can protect yourself from unpleasant surprises.

Funny wedding games

Include games for the wedding in the festive program, and you will see that every guest still has a small child who is interested in everything new, fun and unusual.

Right now we are ready to offer you some of them, which are:

  • They will test the ability of young people and guests to deal with children;
  • Introduce funny ditties to the wedding;
  • Will reveal artistic abilities;
  • Experience sharpness of mind and intellect;
  • Help to develop acting skills;
  • Demonstrate the physical fitness of the strong half of humanity;
  • And… many other games for weddings are already waiting for you in thematic materials!

Active and passive games will always come in handy at wedding celebrations. You do not want your wedding to be remembered only by a luxurious table and an abundance of alcohol, do you? A truly interesting and addictive entertainment program is exactly what you need for a perfect evening.

wedding table contests

Too active and energetic games can tire those present at the holiday. Who needs tired guests? We suggest paying attention to an alternative program, namely, wedding entertainment at the table.

Why passive games are needed:

  • As a rule, each guest participates in table competitions. This makes it possible to attract even shy participants of the celebration to the general fun. And once again there is an opportunity to get acquainted with guests from both sides;
  • Guests will be able to take a break after active competitions, anticipating the upcoming entertainment program;
  • Table games give those present an opportunity to take a break from pronouncing toasts and congratulations, and young people from the endless “Bitter!”

Games at the wedding table are sure to amuse everyone present. The abundance of modern entertainment allows each couple to choose contests that suit the style and theme of the wedding, taking into account life principles and tastes.

Board games will also be relevant for wedding anniversaries. Interesting wedding anniversary contests already!

How to entertain guests without getting up from the table:

  1. In passive games, the emphasis is almost always on intellectual entertainment: a variety of quizzes, charades and puzzles will not only test the ingenuity of the participants, but also amuse those present;
  2. Holding auctions no less relevant in table games;
  3. Interesting wedding contests cannot do without fortune-telling for a happy family life;
  4. Why not sing? Funny ditties you will find on the pages of the site. Guests will definitely appreciate the similarity of the famous Guess the Melody game or clippings of phrases from popular cartoons and movies.

By choosing games and contests, you fill the celebration with positivity and positive emotions. Do not be afraid to give preference to new and unknown contests, because they will help make the celebration original and unique!

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