Fashionable combination of clothes for teenagers. Fashion teens, trends and directions

Teenage fashion is the most difficult, because it is teenagers who are very demanding on clothes. The age from 13 to 17 years is a time of experimentation, the formation of personality, which is why teenagers are so difficult to please in terms of clothing. Very often, what parents like, children do not like, and vice versa. Therefore, you can often hear the exclamations of children that the things offered by relatives look disgusting or “the whole school goes in this”. Fashionable clothes for teenagers should be liked, of course, first of all by the child. Therefore, going to the store for shopping, you need to listen to the opinion of a teenager. Sometimes they understand fashion better than adults.

First and basic thing, which the teenager is ready to drag to holes, are jeans. Moreover, these fashionable clothes for teenagers should be in the wardrobe of both girls and boys. Different colors, scuffs, holes - this will not surprise anyone, so seeing huge holes on the legs should not be surprised. But still, it is better for the school to choose conservative models, you can ankle-deep, then they will not look too simple or boring. Girls should look at models with a high waist. Polka dots are a new trend in jeans, especially girls who follow fashion will appreciate it.

In the wardrobe of teenagers there are never too many t-shirts. Bright colors and youthful prints are what teenagers love, but basic colors should also be included. Since the boys are very active, their T-shirts should be loose. Girls can choose both fitted and loose models. Young men can take a closer look at the polo, which goes well with jeans, with chinos. Rolled up sleeves are another feature that teenagers will definitely appreciate.

Denim jacket or jacket is the most comfortable and fashionable clothing for teenagers that can be worn over a T-shirt, T-shirt or shirt. Interesting models will be able to find both girls and boys. A simple T-shirt and bright pants will look more stylish if the look is completed with a denim shirt draped over it.

Every young man needs to have in his wardrobe shirts. Plain, printed or plaid - among such a variety, even a non-lover of shirts will find something to their liking. But every young man must have a strict shirt. Just like dress pants.

Dresses and skirts- this miracle can afford only the female sex. Loose, fitted, flared - all these styles can be afforded by teenage girls. Moreover, every girl needs to have a couple of unusual and memorable models. But dresses of basic shades are suitable both for school and for walks with friends.

For the winter, a teenager can be insulated. From outerwear it can be a parka, a coat, a down jacket. Moreover, in terms of choosing the color of outerwear, teenagers can afford absolutely any shades: from light to dark, from dull to bright. Accessories in the form of a hat and scarf can also be bright. Such clothes only emphasize the youth of teenagers.

Backpack is a great accessory, especially suitable for school. But since many girls strive to appear more mature, it is also necessary to have a bag in the arsenal. A large bag is suitable for school to fit notebooks and textbooks, and a small one is suitable for walking with girlfriends or going to the movies. Boys also began to pay attention to bags, briefcases look too conservative, so you can take a closer look at youth models.

Every teenager should have sports stuff, this is especially true for guys. But since sports are even moving into everyday life, sweatpants, jackets and sneakers can be worn not only for physical education.

For solemn occasions, the boy should have classic suit, shirt and shoes. Girls must have in their wardrobe elegant dress or a beautiful blouse with a sophisticated skirt.

In fact, it’s not difficult to make a teenager’s wardrobe, it’s important just to follow fashion trends, as well as focus on your own preferences. It is important that fashionable clothes for teenagers be comfortable for them, because this quality is appreciated not only by adults, but by young schoolchildren.

In a video clip from the Fashion Project, a youth talent development society, you can see the most fashionable teenagers and their experiences. Perhaps it will help some of the parents to understand their child a little better.

Fashion for teenagers for spring-summer, autumn-winter 2017

Adolescence is a time of rebellion and self-affirmation. Teenagers are looking for attention - and dress in outrageous outfits. Teenagers want to be “like everyone else”, emphasize their commonality with their friends - and dye their hair blue. Fashion designers hear the conflicting desires of teenagers and every year they are looking for the line between the desire to stand out and the fear of being rejected by their peers. The two most common phrases in the departments of teen clothing are: “What am I supposed to walk like an incubator?” and “no one wears such crap!”. To create clothes for such demanding customers is not an easy and very interesting task. Let's see what designers offer teenagers for the 2017 season.

So, the hits of teenage fashion in 2017 from the point of view of fashion designers and stylists.
The first and eternal - a new generation of jeans. Or rather, ideas of what can be done with these jeans. The simplest thing is to roll the legs into a narrow roll just above the ankle or about mid-calf. I approve, very practical, in this version, no one will know that a teenager has already grown out of these pants. By the way, you can roll up any pants (except classic trousers) and even shorts.

Again, scuffs, cuts and holes are in fashion, and the more jeans are torn, the more fashionable they are. practical fashion.
Indeed, the novelty of teenage fashion 2017 is polka dot jeans.

Entrepreneurial sellers have already started selling special bleach markers that allow you to draw peas of any size and density on your jeans. No less fashionable and gradual bleaching from the traditional color of denim to white, and drawings

The fashion for various applications continues: you can stick inscriptions, and numbers, and embroideries, and pieces of lace fabric, separately or all at once, on the same jeans - everything is in fashion. Stylists serve this under the slogan "add personality to your image." Give the teenager the opportunity to experiment, he just follows the fashion

Teenage dresses in 2017 can be described with the word "memorable". Very different, from gentle, almost childish, to shocking ... however, the picture will tell better. We are watching

As you can see from the pictures - dresses can be very different. The stylists named the most fashionable colors of this season for teenagers - orange, turquoise, yellow, blue, coral and bright green.
The novelty of teenage fashion 2017 is jacquard. Dresses, blouses, shorts, skirts… fashion designers widely use jacquard fabric and its imitation in prints in collections for teenagers. The fashion for floral prints and polka dots is preserved, a large zigzag, zoological prints, inscriptions and silhouette drawings are in fashion. There are a lot more monophonic things in the collections for teenagers. Openwork and translucent fabrics have somewhat lost ground, but have not gone out of fashion.

The fashion for voluminous sweaters and T-shirts is gone. The line of the shoulder is normal or slightly lowered, but even jackets and coats are almost all in size. Popular jackets and vests are plain bright colors and floral or fantasy prints. Fluffy coats made of artificial fur of complex texture and tight-fitting leather jackets are in fashion.

Tops are mostly not monophonic, made of flying natural fabrics. The print is either quite small or very large. The fashion for the inscription remains in force, there are a lot of cat designs on T-shirts and accessories.

Fashionable teenagers in 2017, according to stylists, should wear either tight pants or very wide ones. Narrow ones can be plain bright colors or variegated, wide almost all with patterns.

In teenage fashion in 2016, you can find only three directions of hats. Caps of all colors, hats with flowers and all kinds of headbands with bows, beads and other decorative elements. Headbands often come with large jewelry in the same color scheme. In general, jewelry this season plays a big role in creating an integral image.

Hairstyles in fashion are very different, stylists prefer the classic "ladder" and large curls. The fashion for dyeing the ends of the hair in unusual colors, the coloring of individual strands, tricolor "happy" hairstyles has returned. In general, the whole mass can be divided into two styles: “creative mess” and “romantic curls”. Various elaborate braids and dreadlocks also remain in vogue.

Fashion for bags has not changed significantly, voluminous trunks have firmly gone into the “unfashionable” category. The girl's fashionable bag in 2017 is very similar in shape and size to a beauty case. Sports style fans can opt for a traditional backpack. Bright colors, any decorative elements, cat faces and key chains in the form of plush animals are welcome.

The list of fashionable shoes for 2017 for a teenager is headed by sneakers. All sorts of flip flops and flat sandals compete with them. For romantic teenagers "on the way out" the designers offered a richly decorated traditional "hairpin". A sharp, short toe returns to fashion, in the collections it is approximately in half with the round toe of shoes that has been fashionable in recent years. In the decor, cat figurines are often found, more often in the form of decoration, and not a print. Shoes and sandals decorated with beads and sequins, bows, ribbons and metal inserts are in fashion. Decorative zippers and chains are also in fashion.

Youth fashion 2017 is surprisingly conservative. A minimum of outrageousness, ordinary skinny trousers, completely disappeared from the collections of the “pants for diapers” model, no stunning colors. The novelty of the season is the fashion for a variety of vests, which also refers to a classic look. The only really fresh and unusual idea is hooded pants. It’s even interesting to see if we will see this novelty on the streets, and what the rebellious fashionable teenagers will wear.

Colors: black, white, orange, teal, yellow, blue, coral and bright green.
Prints: floral, zigzag, polka dots, jacquard, lettering, cat silhouettes.
Bijouterie: bright, large, plentiful.
Clothes - anti-crisis  Jeans in a hole, last year's fashionable outfits "two sizes larger" (most likely the teenager has just grown up). Jackets are bright or made of unusual faux fur. Dresses - any. The trousers are tight, the tops are flying loose.
Bags, shoes - bright. Cats in print or decor are welcome.
Hairstyles - either romantic or energetic; colored strands and just sections of different colors are in fashion.

This review does not describe the fashion of emo, goths and other rappers. If your child is a supporter of some youth subculture, you will have to take into account his ideas about fashion. Be patient, this will not last long, because adolescence passes so quickly. In the meantime ... mental strength and successful purchases!

The inner world of teenagers is very complex and bright. Parents need to support their children in a difficult period of growing up and give them the opportunity to experiment with clothes. Young people want to show their inner world, therefore, as a rule, clothes for teenagers are original, interesting and include fashionable novelties of the season. Parents need to take into account the interests of the child and help him find a suitable image, creating practical and mobile bright ensembles. Some global brands create clothing lines specifically for teenagers, while others offer options within adult collections. It is best to start any shopping trip after getting acquainted with popular youth styles and trends.

As in the adult world, there are trends for teenagers in fashionable clothes. Many of them resonate with design solutions and popular combinations of things among the older population. Some trends are aimed at looking cool, others are trying to give comfort in everyday life. Recent current trends include:

  • The combination of romantic dresses and sports shoes;
  • Hats with wide brim;
  • Metallic shades and gloss;
  • Boyfriend denim (loose cut cropped jeans);
  • High rise trousers, skirts and shorts;
  • Cropped blazers with crew neck;
  • Denim in any version from caps to dresses: jackets, shirts, jackets, sundresses and overalls;
  • Blazers and jackets;
  • Nude shades and bright colors;
  • Lace details;
  • Oversized format;
  • Glasses with an unusual shape and design;
  • Geometry and flowers in prints.

Teenage fashion in recent years, like adults, has become less open and more restrained, but among its trends you can see interesting extravagant combinations that adults will never dare to wear.

If we talk about the creativity of teenage clothes, it is worth noting several original solutions that could not enter the wardrobe of adult women in the new season, but successfully took their place among young fashionistas. Among them you can see feminine wide-brimmed hats and a combination of shoes of different colors in one pair. As an addition to the youth style, among the fashion trends, designers distinguish a large number of accessories, scarves, original bags and backpacks. For adults, saturation with details is unacceptable, and for boys and girls, it can become a real highlight.

Fashion trend styles

For teenagers, there is nothing provocative and strange in their clothing styles, but for some adults, the youthful image may be incomprehensible. To be closer and accept the choice of boys and girls, to help you combine things correctly, you should learn more about the currently popular teenage clothing styles.

  1. Free trash. Things in the trash format look untidy, rebellious and defiant. They have no restrictions in combinations and attract the eye with extraordinary accessories. Teenagers dress in this format based on personal preferences and momentary desires;
  2. Original kawaii. The term came to us from Asian countries. It directly includes manga, cosplay and anime that are gaining popularity in Russia, fashion for children's ease and youth. Style helps to stay in childhood as long as possible. As a rule, girls prefer this look, preferring pink, delicate flying fabrics and multi-colored hair. Girls use plain knitwear, short fluffy skirts, golfs and sneakers. Kawai is distinguished by originality and originality of accessories;
  3. Preppy format. Serious, responsible teenagers prefer such clothes. It is similar to the adult casual style, neat, well-chosen and discreet. As a rule, it is preferred by the elite among the youth;
  4. Nature and ecology. Respect for nature touched the hearts of not only adults, but also children. Young people who support the use of environmentally friendly products and materials choose natural fabrics and natural shades: brown, green, beige or gray-black;
  5. Hipster days. The convenient format of casual wear is distinguished by monochrome patterns and foreign inscriptions, trendy plaid prints, multi-colored sneakers, hoodies and interesting hats.

The five brightest trends that teenagers prefer are far from being the only ones in the world of youth fashion. A teenager can dress in a simpler and more understandable hip-hop, rock, military or lolita format. They can complement each other and intersect.

Preppy Eco

How to choose

When choosing clothes for a teenager, it is always necessary to take into account not only his personal preferences, but also his lifestyle, age and the team in which he will appear. Depending on the teenager's personal preferences, character and friends, his style can be more masculine, feminine or comfortable unisex. Among the fans of the latter, you can see those who like to pick up a set of straight or skinny jeans, a voluminous hoodie and classic sneakers. Most often, both a girl's and a man's look completes a backpack. If we talk about a more individual approach to girls and boys, then we will have to figure out in more detail what each of the categories prefers.

For girls

The most comfortable casual wear that every young lady has is jeans. In the new season, you can safely choose not only denim trousers, but also dresses, shirts, shorts. The latter options will be the perfect summer wear for teenage girls. Dresses with short sleeves or completely without it, are tied with a thin strap and have a fashionable bell shape or an elongated shirt. Shorts should not be too short, their design can be either classic or with scuffs, holes, rivets or embroidery.

The high waist of newer shorts and jeans can elongate the legs and visually reduce the waist. Girls choose boyfriend jeans and skinny jeans, which have been very popular in recent years. At the age of 14, you can give preference to practical overalls. Models of jeans with embroidery, scuffs, lace inserts, patterns or beaded decorations are relevant. Teenagers choose bright crop tops, airy blouses or T-shirts with prints of their favorite cartoon characters, movies, slogans, flowers or bugs. For tight trousers, tight leggings for every day, girls can pick up elongated T-shirts, long sleeves and shirts. To make such clothes different from the dress, the designers came up with a tricky move with long slits.

At 15-16 years old, in addition to trouser sets, girls may like more feminine outfits. Delicate dresses and flying skirts. For a disco, you can pick up short pencil skirts with a high waist, a bell and add cropped tops. Fitted dress models with a fluffy skirt, asymmetry and lace are suitable for every day. Teenage girls should choose practical shoes. A busy daily life requires a lot of movement, so sneakers, sneakers, comfortable ballet flats and moccasins are at the peak of popularity. Moreover, sports shoes look great with both jeans and delicate dresses. If a young fashionista prefers shoes with heels, then for everyday wear they choose a stable option with an average heel height or a wedge.

Popular white sneakers made of fabric materials get dirty very quickly. If there is no time for care and maintenance, it is better to choose more practical models.

For boys

Clothing popular for young men in the new season, regardless of age, from 12 years old and older, is radically different from previous years. Top jeans of the new season have a straight or tapered cut. They can be worn with a polo shirt, plain T-shirt with a geometric pattern or slogan. Teenagers choose comfortable kangaroos with a hood, they are great for the “spring wear” category and protect from light coolness. Passion for vests has moved to a new level. Young men choose options in military style or classic denim. Wear them over shirts or t-shirts, in combination with any style of jeans and trousers.

The cool idea of ​​combining shorts and a blazer is gaining popularity. Young men can pick up white sets for a disco, an evening look, or combine denim and suit fabric for every day. Down under the jacket, you can try on both a regular T-shirt and a wrestling shoe. Solid caps with your favorite logo, backpacks and comfortable shoes: sneakers or sneakers will help to complete the image. For a less sporty look, you can choose moccasins or slip-ons.

For children, teenagers, designers are trying to create interesting options for things. They think over bright images and stylish lines. Some popular mass stores have clothing collections designed specifically for teenagers. Knowing the trends of the season and the styles that young people are fond of will help parents create ensembles that are suitable for brightness and originality. Remember that cool clothes do not always have to be trendy, it is more important to find your own style and comfortable combinations that fit your lifestyle.



Hello dear moms and dads! Are you concerned about the appearance of your son or daughter? Don't know how to dress a teenager in fashion? Do you want to talk about it? You are always welcome! Many parents are surprised - what clothes do teenagers wear? Indeed, young men and women do not like adult clothes to a greater extent, and we do not like the outfits that they choose. How to be here? To begin with, it is worth understanding that it is important for a teenager to be like everyone else and at the same time be the most unique. Yes, it is difficult to understand and therefore we will illustrate with an example. Let's say your son likes the skate movement, he needs a board and clothes of certain brands - this is in order to be accepted into the group, to be like everyone else. But at the same time, he needs the brightest board and the most expensive / rare things - this is to confirm his uniqueness.

Do not try to buy a teenager any thing on your own, especially an expensive one. What to wear to a teenager - he knows himself, and you, with your initiative, can only spoil the relationship.

So, parents, make yourself comfortable. We begin our excursion into the world of youth fashion.

What do teenagers wear?: classic

Today, it is almost impossible to distinguish between clothing styles for teenagers and adults. Now fashion is loyal to adults who are fond of youth trends and to young people who prefer clothes that allow young people to look much more solid than their years.

The choice of clothing style for teenagers is always important, because they are in search of their role. Styles that have already become classics of youth fashion can be called:

- characterized by the presence of hats and caps, not strict clothes of soft fabrics and tones, narrowed shoes.

- suggests straight styles in strict colors, the length of the skirts is midi, closed blouses and shirts with a tie.

is a trendy style of clothing for teenagers: loose clothing made from natural fabrics with various decorations. Very hippie style.

- which has become a favorite among residents of megacities, is expressed in the presence of comfortable semi-sportswear in neutral tones. Shoes - only soft and comfortable without high heels. Perhaps this style can be a good compromise between parents and children.

Sports - of course, boys love it more, but they also like sports jackets, sweatshirts and sneakers.

Modern clothing style for teenagers:youth fashion

Emerging new youth subcultures contribute to the development of clothing styles for teenagers who consider themselves emo, metalheads, goths, etc. In addition to these categorical styles, there are also less aggressive ones:

Preppy- neat and practical clothes of the elite class, giving the teenager formality and efficiency.

Country- is gaining more and more popularity, the style is characterized by the presence of clothes that combine romanticism and cowboy accents.

American teen clothing style is the style of the guys from Beverly Hills 90210. Oversized washed jeans combined with white T-shirts, bombers, plaid shirts.

hipster style- has become more and more popular lately. It is characterized by tight jeans, voluminous scarves and scarves, glasses without diopters, as well as dimensionless sweaters.

Extravagant style- let your imagination fly free. This style exists solely to shock the public. You can dress up in a comic book hero costume, walk in slippers down the street, and so on and so forth.

Minimalism- this does not mean that there should be few clothes, it means - nothing superfluous in the image.

Eco style How to dress a teenager in this style? Very simple! You need simple clothes, unpretentious cut from natural fabrics without any impurities. The colors are also only natural: the color of the earth, foliage, sand, tree bark.

Vintage style(or in other words "") - things from the grandmother's chest. Suits and dresses, 50s, years. It looks unusual, but not defiant.

- the craziest teenage style. Bright, unusual and versatile.

It is perhaps difficult to determine which style is most present in youth fashion today. Moreover, teenagers love to experiment and often dress outside of any style.

Clothing styles for teenage girls

Modern youth style is characterized by a variety of different trends. Have you met girls with pink or green hair on the streets? Very young charmers who look more like Kipelov than a tender girl? What do teenage girls wear? Many people like to make up heavily and wear revealing dresses and blouses, someone prefers a strict style, and some generally consider Lady Gaga an icon of style and fashion.

In order to demonstrate inner feelings and express themselves through outfits and images, teenagers now have many options. We will tell you about the main directions and tell you what to wear to a teenage girl.

Trump- outfits in the style of the image of the Madonna of the 80s.

Gurley- similar to romantic, only more light and bright.

Baby Doll- the style combines childish spontaneity and emphasizes femininity.

Barbie is a clothing style for teenage girls who still like Barbie dolls. The style is characterized by the presence of clothes and accessories in pink glamorous tones.

oversized- this style is for those who love comfort. Sizeless sweaters, which are so cool to wrap up, spacious T-shirts, which are comfortable in any situation.

Clothing style for teenagers guys

As teenagers, boys are more vulnerable than girls, so you need to address the issue of how to dress a teenager boy.

Entering a certain age, the opinion of girls and their “gang” becomes important for boys, they want to make themselves known and stand out from the crowd. Therefore, some begin to work out hard in sports, someone immerses themselves in studies or hobbies, while others find a way to express themselves in clothes.

Military - in a different way "military" style. Many young men from childhood like military subjects. Khaki clothes, berets, caps.

Fan - style of clothing for teenage boys who are fond of football.

Today there is a huge variety, and you can pick up several options and discuss them with your child. Take a closer look at what teenagers boys are wearing now, try to understand youth fashion and you will be surprised by the reaction of your son.

Basic things that any teenager will definitely like

  • Many simple white, gray and black T-shirts do not exist! Buy a few pieces, and the child himself will decide what to combine them with, but he will wear 100%. These t-shirts are suitable for any outfit and style.
  • Also, everyone likes plaid shirts (both boys and girls). In another way, such shirts are called lumberjack. They are great for walking, school or outings.
  • No teenager will refuse a thin warm wool jumper. The main thing is to choose one so that it is without any inscriptions, drawings and rhinestones. Not a single teenager will “reject” an ordinary plain sweater.

Let your child express themselves the way they want. Buy what he asks, because it is better for a teenager to know how they dress in their environment.

Don't say, "You're still a child, you can't dress like that." Perhaps you are right, but teenagers do not consider themselves children at all. The main thing is that the outfit does not go beyond the limits of decency, but otherwise let them choose their own clothes.

Teenagers are a difficult category for the fashion industry. Indeed, often, fashionable clothes for a teenage girl of 11-15 years old can change literally several times a year, and sometimes freeze in place, passing from season to season without any changes. For the upcoming trend period, designers propose to use such nuances that unite these trends, balancing on the edge. So what will be fashionable in 2019 for teenage girls aged 11-15?

Trendy colors for trendy teen clothes

In this case, it is incredibly difficult to derive the exact range of actual colors, but it is possible. Therefore, His Majesty Fashion has prepared a lot of unique solutions for teenage girls that will delight teenagers, making them mega-modern.

Moreover, there was a place for both monophonic options and multicolored, bright, iridescent ones. It is simply impossible to do without this in adolescence, because it is they who form the ideological and fashionable position of girls. There is also a combination of several elements of different tones.

In the upcoming fashion season, the following colors will prevail among teenage girls:

Next year, jacquard prints will be incredibly trendy. They will adorn most outfits, as fashion designers predict. This has already been successfully demonstrated on the catwalks. A lot of similar options were used: stylists included jacquard in their collections not only in the form of full-fledged clothes, but also as a kind of appliqué.

If we talk about specific drawings, then next year in teenage variations should prevail:

  • inscriptions;
  • peas;
  • images of animals;
  • zigzags;
  • large circles;
  • floral prints.

In general, the last item listed is offered in an incredible abundance for girls 11 and 12 years old. Flowers can literally strew the surface of clothing - they are especially relevant on a white background.

Among the trendy accents will also be the combination of several components of different shades. This is a teen fashion hit. Up to four elements can be used at the same time. If there is more, it will come out excessively colorful even for that age.

Fashion fabrics for teenage clothes

Among the trend fabrics that will be in high demand in 2019 as the basis for teen clothes, several types will begin to dominate simultaneously. The fashion will include:

  • velveteen;
  • jacquard;
  • velours;
  • denim base;
  • jersey.

Naturally, the emphasis will be on naturalness, so that everything is not only beautiful, but also as safe as possible for children's health. One of the prevailing requirements, of course, is convenience, because girls are more sensitive to this factor. But he is not inferior to beauty.

The main styles of teen fashion 2019

Teenage fashion 2019, aimed at teenage girls, will be sustained mainly on the border of rock and pop styles. That is, on the one hand, you need a headdress, floral embroidery and shades of a dusty rose, on the other, a traditional leather jacket, soft raglan, high boots with durable soles.

So, in the coming year, every teenager can easily find a suitable outfit for everyday life, and for going out, and for school. Styles will be incredibly trendy:

Retro in teen fashion will be drawn to the 60s. Masters of the fashion industry recommend waist coats and flared skirts. Also, capes will become an obligatory detail for girls aged 11-15 in the 2019 season. They are narrow trousers - with cuffs at the bottom or simply with a tucked edge. Short skirts will also be relevant - an elegant hit of the 60s.

Minimalism will begin to reign in the school style. He will be paramount. In second place is British chic. Incredible interest is that the masters of the fashion industry have prepared a lot of feminine solutions for girls for the upcoming season - much more than usual. Everything is like that of older sisters or mothers - woolen raglans of dense knitting, warm leggings for the cold season with a dimensionless coat, a straight skirt made of soft fabric.

Biker style and military will help to form a harsh, even brutal image, which is harmonious and popular among teenage girls. In the coming year, they will manifest themselves in the form of:

  • leggings made under the skin;
  • metal large and small buttons;
  • massive iron clasps;
  • overhead epaulettes.

Natures who love romantic style, blouses with frills, skirts with lush frills are suitable. It was on this that the fashion designers decided to focus, judging: it is at this age that the concept of sexes begins to be actively distinguished. That is, teenagers are more clearly aware of which decor details, colors and cuts are more focused on girls, and which ones are more focused on boys.

Sports direction manifest itself in the form of paradox and extravagance. The key detail will be such an element as a high hairpin. She will cross out the unisex trend that prevails in this direction, creating a purely girlish image - gentle and feminine.

What will be included in the fashionable wardrobe of a teenage girl?

Dresses. This is the “backbone” of summer 2019 outfits for girls. The proposed cut is fitted, narrowed, with moderate asymmetry and a lush bottom. A combination of colors and shapes of a wide variety of options is expected. A combination of calm textures and materials with sequins and beads is also expected. In general, practicality, romanticism and a bit of sportiness will rule among this type of clothing. At the peak of fashion will be extravagant, unusual designs, which will include both children's and classic models with frills.

Jeans (jackets and jeans) . Of course, scuffs, cuts and elongation will be welcome on them. The trend in this regard is unchanged: the more worn and worse the jeans look, the more trendy it is. New decors are also possible - for example, flowers on jeans, polka dots, a gradual transition from blue to white. A characteristic feature in 2019 will also be multivariance:

  • lace;
  • numbers;
  • inscriptions.

Shorts. Some experts say their age in teenage girls' fashion is over. However, this is not quite true. Shorts will remain, but will be transformed. The most trendy options will be mid-thigh wide cut, one-piece overalls. There is also room for short shorts in indie style, sewn from light denim.

Outerwear. In the 2019 fashion season, muted coats and vests will prevail along with bright jackets and down jackets. Convenience will be paramount for them. At the same time, seriousness will also be among the dominant trends, which will manifest itself in the cutting technique.

General conclusion

In the zone of fashionable attention of teenagers in 2019, there will be two contrasting clothing lines: brutal biker-military-rocker and romantic-retro-sporty. Both of them will peacefully coexist without intersecting with each other. That is, in some situations it is better for girls to use a tough image, in others - a gentle one. Mixing is undesirable.

And further. In addition to the above, modern teenage girls aged 11-15 should prefer denim jackets, voluminous sweaters, plain skinny, raglans that open the wrist, contrasting belts and tutu skirts.