How and with what to smooth natural, patent and artificial leather on a leather jacket, bag, boots at home: methods, tips. Is it possible and how to iron and steam natural and artificial leather in the product? How to remove creases from a leather jacket

It often happens that your favorite leather jacket during the winter "spend the night" in the closet has lost its former shape, you can see creases and many small cracks on it. You can return things to their former state at home without spending large sums on special products to care for the product. In this case, quite ordinary products that can be found in everyone's house will come in handy. Not all hostesses can answer the question of how to iron a leather jacket so as not to deform it.

It is rare to see folds and creases on a leather product, because this material is quite plastic by its nature. The most common cause of cracks and creases in a leather jacket is the wrong way to store things for a long time. Do not store the product in a folded state, placing it in a bag.

Dents on the jacket can occur if an unbearable burden has been placed on it in the form of a large number of all kinds of things. So things are stored not only at home, but also in the warehouse of a store or market. The buyer, therefore, is not immune from the mistake of the seller and the purchase of an already rumpled product, which, of course, will straighten itself out, as the seller claims.

This problem can also arise if the jacket hung on a shoulder that does not fit her in shape, and the zipper on the product was not fully fastened.

Here are the most common causes of deformation of leather clothing that people encounter.

Methods for smoothing leather items

At home, you can deal with creases on the skin with the help of:

  • Steaming.
  • vaseline treatment.
  • Ironing.
  • Hanging.

Hanging up the jacket

Not all people can tell you how to smooth out the skin on a jacket with simple hanging. With a large margin of time, after buying a thing in a store, you can level the jacket using a chair or an ordinary hanger.

The product should hang on the back of the chair until it is leveled on its own. If the product is thick, then under its own weight it will be smoothed out in a week. If the jacket is very thin, then two days will be enough to take the desired shape.

This method allows you to eliminate minor cracks, but with strong creases, it becomes powerless. To eliminate severe deformation of the product, it is necessary to use more radical methods.

Vaseline massage

Many can confidently say how to straighten a leather jacket with a special massage with petroleum jelly. If the creases on the jacket could not be simply leveled by hanging it on a chair, and the iron in this case seems out of place, then you can use petroleum jelly. It costs a penny, and is sold in every pharmacy or cosmetic store. Before performing the procedure, you need to lay out the product evenly and grease each room with petroleum jelly.

The procedure must be carried out carefully. Intensively rub the ointment into the product is not required. A small amount of time will be enough Vaseline to soften the skin and straighten the jacket. The whole procedure will take several hours. And most of the time the thing just has to hang on a trempel in the closet.

Using a hot bath

You can smooth out a natural leather skirt or a sheepskin coat without care products in almost 1 hour using ordinary steam. For the procedure it is necessary:

  • Fill a tub or basin with hot water.
  • Hang the product on hangers above the basin or bath. It is worth remembering that the skin should not be in water.
  • In this position, the thing should hang for an hour. The bathroom will need to be closed while steaming the leather item.

The steam in the room will help smooth the jacket. A person should wait until the product is completely dry and cool, and only then put it on. After all, hasty actions in this case can cause skin deformation.


It is difficult to imagine how to iron a leather bag or other item at home. At home, a leather jacket can be ironed to get the proper neat look. This method should not be used if the skin has a ribbed and rough texture. In order to straighten a leather product with an iron, it is necessary:

  • First, a person must set the temperature on the iron, which will be used to iron the product. Do not use steam in this case.
  • A jacket or other leather item should be laid out on a table or a special ironing board. You can iron the jacket both from the wrong side and from the front side.
  • When ironing, it is worth using an additional thin fabric or wrapping paper, it will provide additional protection to the product. In this case, you should not opt ​​for gauze or a waffle towel. After all, they can leave a visible mark after the procedure.
  • Do not press hard with the iron on the leather item. The procedure must be carried out slowly and calmly. After performing a separate section of the procedure, you need to look at the result. If it is satisfactory, you can continue the procedure. If the fabric is still not smoothed out, then ironing must be carried out again. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that has been ironed must be completely cool, otherwise, putting on the product, a person may wrinkle it again.

It is worth remembering that to iron small parts of clothing (sleeves, pockets and collars), you can use a special stand, which is on the ironing board. So the ironing process will be easier and more enjoyable.

Steaming things

Steaming can help straighten the leather product. To steam a jacket with an iron at home, you need:

  • Hang the jacket so that it can be easily touched. The skin should have direct access to itself and not be covered with something, as is the case with ironing.
  • The next step is to heat the iron in the "steam generation" mode.
  • After that, you can steam through those parts of the thing that have cracks or creases. During the entire procedure, gently make sure that the iron does not come into contact with the skin, as it can simply ruin it. For safe operation, it is necessary to keep the iron at a small distance from the product, which is approximately 15 cm.

It is worth remembering that this procedure can be carried out not only with the help of an iron, but also with a special clothes steamer. It will help straighten the thing in minutes without much difficulty.

Very often, you can make a leather item attractive and even in just one procedure using an iron or steam. If a person is afraid to carry out the procedure for leveling a leather item at home on his own, then he can resort to the help of dry cleaning professionals. They will return things to their proper state in just one session, which will last no longer than two hours.

I bought a leather product in a store. I dreamed about him for a long time. In the process of trying on, creases were visible on the jacket, which I informed the seller about. The girl assured me that the wrinkling of the product will pass on its own at the first wear, but this did not happen. I learned about the Vaseline method from a friend. And, lo and behold, an expensive item from the store was saved in half an hour. I recommend a fast and reliable way.

Attention, only TODAY!

Leather products, especially jackets, do not lose their attractiveness over the years. Due to good quality, such things can be worn not for one season, but for decades.

In the spring, when everyone takes off their outerwear, it is necessary to clean the leather jacket and put it away for storage. And in the fall, you have to get it out of stock again, and then the question arises of how to smooth out a leather jacket at home, because during storage, folds and creases formed on it.

When is it needed?

If the jacket is wrinkled, then you need to remove the folds.

Situations when smoothing is necessary:

  • storage folded after washing;
  • tightly folded during transportation;
  • the thing was bought from another person who took care of it incorrectly;
  • restoration of clothes after long wear and improper care.

The folds on the jacket are ironed, similar to the processing of a leather jacket. The process is the same.

Without the use of aids

For the onset of spring, you need to prepare, get light outerwear from the closets and put it in order.

Straightening the folds of a leather jacket is the hardest thing to do. Such material looks great, but it is not easy to care for it.

If you are afraid to use an iron or a steam cleaner, you can always straighten the wrinkles on a leather jacket without the use of auxiliary methods.

How to smooth:

  1. Take the product out of the cabinet and shake it well.
  2. Pick up the hangers, they should fit in size. A hanger that is too small will cause bulges to appear on the shoulders, while a hanger that is too long will cause bulges to appear on the sleeves.
  3. Hanging on the shoulders, it is necessary to align the product and fasten.
  4. Hang clothes in a separate closet or away from other things so that the jacket does not come into contact with them. Otherwise, she will wrinkle even more.

Thus, in 2–3 days you can remove small bumps, but strong creases on a leather jacket cannot be removed.

Another method of leveling without aids is to wet the surface with ordinary water from a spray bottle and put on outerwear on yourself or on a mannequin.

This way is faster. It is enough to walk in clothes for 2-4 hours. The material will fall in shape and there will be no trace of folds.


It happens that due to improper storage or other troubles in life, leather jackets are very wrinkled. A wrinkled item can be ironed by steaming.

Can I iron a leather jacket with a steamer? This method of straightening is allowed to be carried out. This is the best method on how to straighten a leather jacket after purchase.

Steaming is less traumatic for the product, but it also has its own nuances. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with how to stroke the skin with such a device so as not to spoil it.

In order for manipulation to bring only pleasure from the work done, follow the instructions for using steam.

How to steam a leather jacket - the correct procedure:

  1. First you need to remove any dirt and clean the product with a damp cloth from dust.
  2. you can use a steamer, steam brush, iron with this function or a steam generator. Any device should only be filled with clean water. Not from the tap, but filtered.
  3. Bring the steamer to the product at a distance of 20 cm. So the skin begins to warm up slowly, you can’t immediately hold it too close, you can injure the material.
  4. Then the distance is slowly reduced to 15 cm. Watch how the steamer straightens the wrinkles.
  5. To remove creases on the sleeve, apply steam from the inside, from the side of the armhole.
  6. Wrinkling on the collar is fought by applying the steamer from the side of the collar.
  7. The steamer must not be left in one place for too long. Condensation may form on the material, which will ruin the fabric.

It may not be possible to straighten the folds the first time. Then you need to use method 1 - without the use of auxiliary means, so as not to injure the crumpled thing once again.


Is it possible to iron the skin with an iron? Yes, you can. A wrinkled leather jacket can be flattened and restored to its attractive appearance with the help of an iron.

In order to smooth out the wrinkles and not spoil the product, you must strictly follow the instructions, and do not deviate from it during the procedure.

To make it easier, write down the sequence and steps on a piece of paper and keep them handy when performing the manipulation.

How to iron a leather jacket at home:

  1. The product must be placed on a flat surface and covered with a cloth (cotton). Wrapping paper can be used instead of fabric. The main thing is that the skin does not come into contact with the soleplate of the iron. It is better not to use kitchen towels and others with drawings. Leather is a soft material and can be imprinted on it.
  2. Check leather items for dirt before ironing. Also remember to remove all items from your pockets.
  3. To iron the skin, turn off the steam supply and set the iron to the lowest setting.
  4. It is necessary to iron the jacket carefully, do not apply force and do not press hard on the fabric.
  5. You need to iron from the front side, periodically looking under the fabric to make sure that the process is going correctly.
  6. The sleeves are put on a special plate that comes with the ironing board. How to iron the skin: when one is often smoothed, turn over the hands and repeat the procedure. To straighten the skin completely, do not rush from one place to another, do everything in sequence.

Ironing will not take much time, but much less than if you used the method without the use of auxiliary tools.

The ironed material must be hung on a coat hanger and kept away from other things. Otherwise, the clothes will wrinkle again and the procedure will have to be repeated every time before putting on in order to look good.


How else can you straighten things made of leather? You can iron your clothes with a press.The press is created from scrap materials. You can use magazines, books, bales with things.

How to iron leather jackets:

  1. Wrinkled material can be removed if the manipulation is carried out correctly. First you need to lay out the jacket on a flat surface.
  2. Then we remove all the little things from the pockets and smooth the thing with our hands. Don't try too hard to stretch the garment, just straighten out the folds.
  3. Zip up the jacket and check that the lining is also flat.
  4. Then put a fabric without a pattern or gradient on the jacket, and put a press on top of it. Under the weight of the press, new folds and creases do not form.
  5. The procedure lasts all night.

In the morning, before putting the product on a hanger, inspect it. If not all the folds have disappeared, then you can hang it on a coat hanger and let it hang for a few more hours.

Additional Methods

If you are afraid to use other methods, you can try to straighten wrinkles and creases with other home remedies.

How to iron a leather jacket:

  1. Use vaseline. What to do: Hang clothes on hangers and apply a small amount of Vaseline to the folds. This ointment softens the skin. You do not need to wash the item after using it. Vaseline is well absorbed, but can leave a greasy residue. After a few hours, simply wipe the jacket with a soft cloth to remove any residue.
  2. You can straighten your skin with steam in the bath. To do this, draw hot water into the basin, hang the product on a coat hanger above the container and straighten it. Close the bathroom door so that the steam does not escape and leave the thing in this state for 1 hour.
  3. Spray the inside of the jacket with plain filtered water and hang it over the back of a chair. The thing itself will take the desired shape and the creases will disappear.

Such measures do not deform the product. You can also use castor or nut oil, a moisturizing hand cream to straighten creases.

Folk methods, of course, are budgetary and easy, they will remove wrinkling and creases, but in order for the skin to look presentable, it is necessary to store it properly.

What can't be done?

What some owners of leather jackets just do not come up with to smooth them out at home.

Under no circumstances should this issue be resolved. by using:

  • hair dryer;
  • processing material with hot water;
  • stretching the folds with your hands.

All these methods will not give the desired result, but they will easily ruin your favorite jacket.

The hair dryer dries out the skin. It makes the fabric stiff, but the wrinkle will not disappear.

Hot water must not be processed, because the fabric may deform and change color due to high temperatures. But the creases and folds will remain.

It is also impossible to stretch the skin with your hands. The fabric is injured and cracks may appear on it, which can be either by contacting the atelier, dry cleaning.


In order not to look for how to smooth the jacket yourself, you need to properly store such products.

Always use the right hanger. Such things should not be put on a shelf when folded, they should always hang on a coat hanger.

Also, leather jackets should be stored in a closet with enough space. To avoid pressure from other clothing, keep them a short distance apart.

As you can see, there are many smoothing methods, but each of them has its own nuances. Before embarking on any method of removing creases, familiarize yourself well with the chosen method.

Genuine leather clothing - a jacket, vest, trousers - is a frequent attribute not only in women's, but also in men's wardrobes. Naturally, the skin needs special care and the use of special cleaning products. It is generally not recommended to wash such things, only in case of especially strong pollution, and only by hand. But after washing, a completely logical question arises - how to iron a leather coat and other products made from this material so as not to spoil the fabric?

We will tell you about the best ways to smooth the material, which will help keep things in their original state.

How to iron leather - the best methods

Experienced craftsmen who constantly work with leather say that there are several basic ways to iron this material. Let's look at each of them in detail.

We use a hanger

If the jacket is wrinkled due to the fact that it has been lying on the shelf for a long time, then to restore its presentable appearance, you will need a regular hanger. The principle of "ironing" is as follows:

  • Unfold the jacket, grab the shoulders and shake lightly.
  • Hang the product on a hanger and put it in the closet for a few days. To achieve the best effect, hang a hanger between other jackets or fur coats.

True, it should be noted that this method is only suitable for new products, if you want to tidy up an old jacket, then the hanger trick will not help you.

Using a water bath

If the folds are "serious" in nature, you should use a water bath. To do this, you need to hang the product over a hot water bath, do not forget to close the door to the room so that the steam remains inside. The jacket should hang in the bathroom for at least 30 minutes - during this time the product will soften under the influence of steam, and all the folds will straighten out.

Tip: it is very important that water does not get on the skin, as this can lead to the fact that the product is too wet and loses its presentable appearance.

This method works best for thick leathers where the hanger option doesn't work.

Method of local "crumpling"

If the folds of the jacket, spoiling its appearance, have formed in only one place, then the method described above should not be used. It is better to resort to the help of a steam generator, which is provided with every modern iron.

To do this, simply pour some water into the iron and turn on the full heat function. When the iron is warm, turn on the steam setting and aim the air jet at the wrinkled area.

Tip: the iron should be kept at a distance of about 15 cm from the jacket so that it does not become covered with moisture droplets.

Repeat the release of hot steam 2-3 times - in the end you will get a perfectly even and beautiful product.

How to correct the situation with the help of such a press?

There is another possibility to remove all wrinkling. So, a desktop press will help you with this, which is the highest quality device that helps to cope with wrinkles on leather things. The press is somewhat reminiscent of an iron, but it is much larger and heavier, and the temperature regimes of the press are initially adjusted to work with leather and other delicate fabrics.

This unit has a fairly large size and a considerable cost, so do not rush to buy it as soon as possible, because you do not stroke the skin so often. Just look for it in stores that sell leather goods. For a small fee, you can ask the store to have your jacket ironed.

How to iron the skin - a few important nuances

Many are interested in whether it is possible to iron the skin with an iron. In fact, you can, most importantly, do it carefully and only as a last resort, when the methods described above did not help you. Let's look at how to stroke the skin:

  • Lay the jacket on a horizontal surface and cover with a cloth.
  • For ironing, you need to set the minimum mode and turn off the steam supply.
  • Iron things gently, without pressure. After slightly warming up the crumpled area, remove the iron and slightly stretch the material with your hands. Cooling down, the jacket will take an even state.

Thus, without resorting to extraordinary methods, you will get a completely smoothed product and you can safely wear it without worrying about the appearance of the jacket.

So that you do not have to puzzle over how to smooth out the wrinkles on the jacket, you should follow a few easy rules:

Things made of genuine or artificial leather can easily wrinkle, especially if stored improperly. Therefore, the question of how to smooth a leather jacket so that it is not embarrassing to go outside in it can be relevant for many people. What are safe home methods for smoothing?

Smoothing your jacket naturally and with steam

The need to decide how to iron a leather jacket can appear in any season of the year. Creases and folds on such a thing are formed both from constant wear and when it is stored folded. A wrinkled jacket made of soft or thin leather can look wrinkled, or immediately after purchase if it was packaged incorrectly. To get rid of minor and short-lived creases, you should turn to the natural method of smoothing the product.

How to smooth a leather jacket at home without using any aids

  1. Taking the thing in hand, it should be shaken well.
  2. Then you need to choose the most suitable hanger with wide shoulders.
  3. Having placed a leather jacket on a hanger, you need to fasten it, smooth it with your hands, but do not try to stretch it.
  4. And then hang the product in such a way that it does not come into contact with other things, a closet, a wall.
Allowing the jacket to sag for 2-3 days, you can easily get rid of minor irregularities on its surface. However, this method of smoothing a rumpled leather jacket is only suitable for light, thin and genuine leather products.

Deciding to let the faux leather jacket naturally smooth out on a hanger, you need to spray the entire surface of the product with a small amount of water. Moisture will soften the artificial material, straightening it. Water will be used exclusively for jackets made of leatherette (artificial leather). For natural material, the use of water is strictly prohibited.

The second option for smoothing outerwear from any leather option is a simple sock product. Thanks to this, the jacket will be able to ideally “dress” on the body, taking shape, and small or minor creases are eliminated on their own. For such a procedure, it is enough to walk in a jacket for 2-4 hours. The method is especially suitable for solving the question of how to smooth a leather jacket after purchasing it in a store.

However, natural smoothing methods may at some point be ineffective, and they also require a sufficient amount of time. When you want to bring the jacket into proper form quickly, you should turn to steaming.

How to iron a leather jacket at home using warm steam

First option. Carefully hang the product on a hanger, placing it in the bathroom. Turn on the faucet hot enough to steam. Leave the faucet open, drawing water into the bath and creating a “greenhouse effect” inside the room. The door to the bathroom must be closed tightly. Under the influence of steam, the leather product will be smoothed out quickly.

Second option. To get rid of creases and bruises, you can use the steam generator, placing it at a distance of at least 15 cm from the leather product. Or arm yourself, which is equipped with a steaming function. In this case, it is not required to touch the surface of the iron to the jacket, it is only necessary to put steam on the product.

How to straighten a leather jacket: ironing and home "press"

If you don't want to take your leather jacket to the dry cleaners, but don't get the benefit of steaming or straightening it naturally, there are two other effective ways you can turn to.

How to iron a leather jacket with an iron

Before ironing, doubts often arise, but is it possible to iron a leather jacket with an iron, will such a product not harm the appearance?

jacket from genuine leather ironing is not allowed. Moreover, this procedure can be carried out both from the outside and from the wrong side. For things made from leatherette, as well as having rough embossing, any embossed pattern, embroidery ironing is not recommended. Otherwise, outerwear may lose its shape, the surface may melt or crack.

The process of ironing a jacket with an iron is as follows:

  1. It is still desirable to turn the product on the wrong side.
  2. Gently straighten the leather material, align the lining.
  3. Cover the jacket with a cloth through which ironing will take place. This will protect the thin lining from damage and additionally protect natural leather from thermal exposure.
  4. Select the minimum heating mode on the iron by turning off the steam supply.
  5. Ironing the product with the usual movements is not particularly recommended, as you can only stretch the surface of the skin. However, in some cases, such ironing is allowed. In other options, you only need to apply, pressing, the iron to the places of bruising.
  6. After smoothing, the jacket should be shaken, turned inside out and hung on a hanger so that it cools down and does not deform.
The video below demonstrates how to iron leather outerwear:

What else can you try to restore an attractive look without creases to leather outerwear? You can try to straighten the product with press created from improvised materials. For example, it is permissible to use as gravity: heavy books, bales of clothes, containers of water. This option is suitable for products made of artificial leather.
  • Lay the jacket out on a flat surface.
  • Straighten the material, smoothing with your hands, but without stretching too hard.
  • Align lining.
  • After that, place the selected options for the “home press” on the surface of the leather jacket, making sure that no new creases or folds form under the weights.
  • Leave the item overnight. In the morning, hang it on a hanger, giving you the opportunity to hang for a couple more hours.
Not wanting to expose your favorite leather little thing to a serious impact, you can turn to "gentle", but quite effective methods. They are suitable for both natural and artificial leather.

Method One

Taking a cotton swab or disc, generously lubricate it with petroleum jelly. After hanging the jacket on a hanger with wide shoulders, wipe all areas with folds and creases with cotton wool with the agent applied to it. Repeat the procedure 2-4 times. Then leave the product to hang for another two to three hours.

Walnut oil can be an alternative. It also softens and straightens the leather material easily.

Method two

Taking glycerin, dissolve it in a small amount of water. Then moisten a dense cloth in the resulting solution and wipe the jacket hanging on the hanger with it. Leave it like this for a couple of hours.

In the process of deciding how to iron a leather jacket at home, you need to take into account some recommendations.

  1. Genuine leather does not tolerate water, easily stretching. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of condensate on the surface of the jacket at the time of steaming.
  2. Before starting the smoothing process, it is necessary to air the outer clothing well if it has been hanging in the closet for a long time. And then clean or even wash. If there are stains on the surface of the leather and smoothing with steam or an iron is applied, there is a risk that the dirt will eat into the jacket material more strongly. It will be impossible to clean it up afterwards.
  3. When planning to iron a jacket using an iron, it is best to test the effect of heat on the material beforehand. Having covered a small area of ​​skin with a cloth, having chosen the appropriate temperature regime, you need to press the heated iron to the product for 5-10 seconds.
  4. It is necessary to store the smoothed product in a suspended position on a hanger, packing it in a special bag for clothes or making sure that the leather jacket does not come into contact with other things.
  5. If the jacket is torn, read our article on how to restore it:.
Even in situations where leather outerwear is stored correctly, slight creases may appear during wear. Getting rid of them will not be difficult by choosing one of the available ways to smooth a leather jacket at home. And then your favorite thing will look like new.

Leather is an incredibly flexible and durable material. But over time, this fabric can wrinkle and lose its attractive appearance. What to do in this situation and how to smooth out a leather jacket to restore its attractiveness? I share my findings below.

Choose a method

Think it's hard to straighten creases in leather goods? I want to dispel all your doubts. You just need to choose the right way. I will help you understand these issues using leather outerwear as an example.

Method 1. Hangers

The easiest way to iron a leather jacket- hang on a coat hanger and leave for a while. However, one must take into account the disadvantage - the amount of time:

  • for products made of thin material, several days are enough;
  • but for dense - it may take several weeks or even more.

And make it a rule- after purchase, a leather jacket cannot be hung on a hook or put in a closet folded. Always use clothes hangers, in extreme cases - hang on the back of a chair.

Method 2. Vaseline

You can even out natural skin in another easy way. To do this, we need Vaseline and a clean napkin:

  1. Treat each crease with Vaseline.
  2. Leave the product for a while. You need to wait until the oil is completely absorbed into the skin.
  3. Then take the jacket out to fresh air to air it out.

Vaseline can be replaced with any vegetable oil.

If you don't know how to soften a leather jacket at home? Everything is very simple. The above method does a great job with this problem as well.

Method 3. Hot steam

We already know that hot steam works well on wrinkled clothes. It is in this way that you can steam the skin in a few steps:

  1. Pour hot water into the bath;
  2. Hang your jacket on a hanger above the water;
  3. Close the bathroom door and wait 20 minutes.

In this way, you can process almost all outerwear. Winter clothes will be an exception. Due to the abundance of steam, they can get wet through and stretch under their own weight.

Method 4. Steamer

The jacket can be straightened by other methods - a steamer or an iron with a steam generator. There are several steps to take here:

  1. Hang the jacket on the shoulders;
  2. Pour water into the iron compartment and turn on the steam generation mode;

  1. Walk over all wrinkled areas so that you do not accidentally touch the product with an iron.

The folds will quickly disperse if you hold the iron at a distance from the product - about 15-20 cm, the steamer can be brought closer - 8-10 cm.

Unlike steaming in the bathroom, this method is great for heavy winter clothes, as you have full control over the amount and time of steam.

Method 5. Iron

How to smooth natural leather without using steam? There is a dry ironing method. Please note that only natural material can be ironed in this way. Artificial leather will crack and become unusable.

Correctly ironing a leather jacket with an iron is not difficult if you follow the following rules:

Images Rules

Rule 1

Preheat the iron to the lowest temperature. Not more than 100 °C.

Rule 2

Lay the jacket on the ironing board so that the front side looks at you, as in the photo.

Rule 3

Be sure to use wrapping paper or a smooth cloth as a pad.

Gauze and a towel in this case will not work. Their structure can be printed on the skin.

Step-by-step instruction, how to iron leather goods:

  1. First of all, iron the back and large parts. on the front of the jacket.

Leather items that have a lining can only be ironed on the front side.

  1. Move on to a new area only after as the previous one cools down completely.
  2. Run the iron through the folds effortlessly. From strong pressure, the skin can be deformed.
  3. At the last stage, iron the small details: sleeves, pockets and cuffs.

In this way, you can straighten not only a jacket, but also pants, dresses and even a leather skirt. The main thing is to be careful and follow the rules.


I presented to your attention five effective ways to iron a leather jacket with your own hands. To make it easier for you to choose, finally, I will highlight the main disadvantages and advantages of each method:

  1. Hanger Alignment- not effective for products made of thick leather + takes a very long time.
  2. Vaseline or oil- can speed up the process of spontaneous alignment several times and at the same time soften the jacket at home. Didn't find any cons!
  3. Steaming in the bathroom- smoothes even strong creases, but is not suitable for heavy winter things.
  4. Professional steamer- one of the most effective methods with the only drawback - the high price.
  5. Dry ironing- effective method, but requiring great care.

The video in this article will show the proposed methods in action. For any questions, please contact in the comments.