Relationship with a married man. Personal experience. Advice for lovers Reflections on relationships with a married man

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The question of the consequences of having a relationship with a married man comes up so often. Let's take a look at the issues that concern women. Why are such connections dangerous? Consequences of delusions on the male account for the woman? How to break this unpromising relationship? Tips on how to survive a breakup if you love a married man?

Relationships between men and women have been and always will be complex. But even more of them are added when a girl starts dating a married man. The consequences of a relationship with a married man will surely bring only problems and grief. Do not flatter yourself about them, they only need new sensations. And pink dreams and greed for flattery, in the end, lead a woman to despair and loss.

Any psychologist will tell you that relationships with married people have no future. A man by nature is not permanent. New emotions of impression are important to him, and if a woman can gradually come to terms with the routine, devoting herself to children, then a man will not burden himself. He will go to look for new impressions on the side, and what the consequences will be, he will think about it later.

The problem of a woman in quick attachment to a partner. Not everyone can fall in love at first sight. A woman loves with her ears, which is what notorious womanizers use. Single ladies fall into the category of particular risk. Those who have their own business or are simply so insecure that the manifestation of attention is already becoming an event in life. Such women want to find an outlet, and sometimes they find out about the marriage union of their chosen ones when they have already fallen in love.

Upon learning that a loved one is busy, smart and strong natures will immediately break off relations. But not everyone is like that, most believe in fairy tales told by married people regularly. As advice, it is better to immediately run away from such a man.

There is no guarantee that you are the first or the last. He can easily meet with others in parallel. But there is still a wife who also suffers from the adventures of her husband. Put yourself in her place, then you will understand the illusory nature of all his promises, he also swore eternal love to her when he got married, right?

Why does a man take a mistress

What guides a married husband when he starts looking for a mistress? Here is how the men themselves answer this question:

  • Looking for another partner is a natural instinct, you can't run away from it. That is why any of the friends will always cover for the unfaithful spouse if his wife starts asking questions.
  • The search for new sensations is an opportunity to know the forbidden, and best friends can incite this, putting pressure on the most precious thing, the pride of a man. Like: "You're a man, but it's weak to have an affair on the side?" And the like.
  • Tired of housework. The wife is always tired, with a sore head, too busy.
  • Family problems and scandals. Daily sawing and pressure from the wife do not contribute to strengthening the marriage.
  • Just because they can afford it. Sometimes prosperity makes men think that everything is allowed to them, and the wife will endure everything.

This is only a small part of the excuses that men themselves convince themselves. In fact, the main reason lies in the male attitude to life in general. They are sick of looking for complicated ways to solve family problems, it is much easier to run away from them. And then, when they get tired of wandering, they return to the family, asking for forgiveness, someone sincerely, someone, afraid to end up alone.

A woman should be aware that a man is a big child who does not want to have only one toy. At first, he is interested, but how he plays enough, he wants another. And the fact that there are many more women than men plays into their hands. Do not flatter yourself about them, love yourself first of all, then you will force yourself to be respected.

Likes or dislikes, where is the truth

A woman wants to be loved. And a married man, knowing this, after all, already has experience, seduces with promises and assurances of eternal passion and love. And sometimes it is difficult to understand what is true and what is false.

Psychologists say that a man goes through several stages of love:

  1. Attraction, passion, desire. He feels these emotions for any girl who attracts his attention. This feeling, which men put on a par with love, lasts for a year at most two.
  2. Attachment - they begin to experience this only with very close people, with those who are told the most secret secrets, they ask for advice. This does not happen often, and happens mainly with wives. It is with them that a man spends more time, a mistress is only a temporary refuge.
  3. Habit, responsibility, care - such feelings awaken in a man after 5-7 years, it all depends on the individual. Of course, children make a significant contribution to the development of attachment. It is difficult to break such a relationship, especially a fleeting hobby.

If a man really loves a woman, he will not cheat. He will make the right decision and quickly, there is no need to push, the initiative will come from his side.

Of course, feelings can fade over time, and new ones appear for another person. Therefore, if you feel that you are falling in love with a married man, then it is better to talk to him directly right away. True love will not be built on tricks and lies, to you or your wife. The truth is cruel and painful, but better than wasting precious time in a relationship with the wrong person.

What problems arise in connection with a married man

Relations with an unfree man will give little joy. After all, being a lover means being constantly alone, and only furtively experiencing happiness. Only here is a logical question, is such happiness worth the loss of the best years of life?

Family for a man will always come first. And all the fairy tales told to you in private are just a distraction. To make you feel sorry for him. Therefore, men try to play on the biggest weakness of a woman, the maternal instinct. When a person dear to your heart feels bad, you instinctively try to get closer to him, thereby driving yourself further into the abyss of sadness and suffering that will come after his departure.

Tip: Give your love only to worthy men who will appreciate you.

Sooner or later, a woman begins to think about her own family, children. A married man will not give you such a guarantee. You should not reassure yourself that you are an exception and your lover will definitely fulfill his promises. According to statistics, only 2 percent of men leave families, but even in this case, there is no guarantee that he will not return as soon as he gets tired of you.

An established marital relationship is a comfort zone from which no man wants to get out. At home, a delicious dinner is always waiting for him, a clean house, loving children, a forgiving wife whom her husband has known for many years. Well, what kind of a man would drop all this and go to an unfamiliar woman, not knowing what kind of life awaits him there.

The problem of women is that there is no solidarity between them, unlike men. Not a single mistress will put herself in the place of her wife in order to understand how she feels deceived. But after all, the husband deceives not only his wife, but also his mistress, showering her with promises that he is not going to fulfill. And at the first sign or talk about a joint future, he will simply leave and find another.

Another important problem that can arise in a married relationship is a child. For a woman, this is happiness, but a married man will immediately see this as a huge problem. And it will do this:

  • Will leave her mistress to solve this problem on her own;
  • He will send him for an abortion because he does not need obligations, so he has his own family.
  • At best, he will support the child, occasionally seeing him.
  • Well, quite a rarity, he will take responsibility for telling everything to his wife. It is impossible to predict the consequences of such a decision, but one thing is clear, someone will suffer.

Can a relationship with a married man bring pleasure

Married people do not need problems, but they want new sensations that they are deprived of in the family. They are careful and will not call at the wrong time, it is easy to meet with them on the sly, there is no need to constantly give expensive gifts, because the husband may start asking uncomfortable questions. But there are still diseases that can be contracted by having promiscuous relationships.

Therefore, if a married man wants to start a relationship on the side, it is most convenient to look for a married woman. Smart people do just that. But not all are married, beautiful and young. Therefore, a man faces a dilemma: security or pleasure, which he values ​​​​higher.

Feminists are extremely scrupulous in matters of their own freedom. They value it more than family happiness. And the maternal instinct may wake up too late, if never at all. The destiny of such women is loneliness, surrounded only by pets.

Attention: How to build your life is up to you, but you should not believe that your own happiness, built on the grief of another person, can bring joy.

Women associate fate with married men for various reasons:

  • Naively, this is especially true of inexperienced young girls who believe that princes exist.
  • Fear of serious relationships and responsibility. This is inherent in notorious ladies whose childhood was problematic. So it is worth contacting a psychologist.
  • Complexes associated with many things: appearance, manner of speech, fear of men. In such cases, it is also worth consulting with a specialist and taking courses to improve self-esteem.
  • This is the easiest way to achieve success and prosperity at the expense of wealthy men.

Whatever your desire to date a married person is, stop for a moment and think about your future. What will it be like in two, three, five years? What guarantee can he give you?

The youth of a woman is not eternal, it flows through her fingers, and men always look at beauty, and only then they only try to look into the soul. Don't waste your time and energy on the unworthy. Not free guys are only able to promise, speak their teeth, put pressure on pity. Appreciate yourself, do not be content with the crumbs that a married man gives you.

How to cut ties with a married man

Breaking up with a married man is difficult. And the point is not only that it will be bad for you, your heart will begin to yearn and mental suffering will become unbearable. The main problem is in the man himself, because if you break with him, then you hurt his pride and male pride. And this is worse than all your experiences.

Because social problems can also be added to them. A man will start insulting you in front of all the acquaintances he knows, trouble at work will begin. Even if the wife finds out, he will present the story in such a way that it was you who treacherously seduced his unfortunate man.

No man will ever admit his mistakes, trying to blame others for them. And the mistress, like no other, fits the role of an evil witch. If you decide to leave, get ready for the fact that he will not let you go just like that. He will start calling and again promising mountains of gold. Therefore, change your phone number, ideally, of course, work and city. Thus, you will minimize even casual meetings.

Most after a while will simply fall behind and find a new object. And you can start all over again and maybe meet your true love.

How to restore peace of mind after a breakup

Breakup always hurts. No matter how long you've been together, it's harder for a woman to bear the loss. Unlike men, a woman loves first of all with her heart and soul, and then with her body. Emotionally attached, then it's hard to get rid of feelings. A man experiences much easier by switching his attention to another object.

Take a break for something. Find an interesting hobby, delve into work, it helps not to think every minute about the betrayal and meanness of a loved one. Make new friends, do not close yourself off from the world, communication heals.

Instead of looking for businessmen, look for single promising guys. After all, a strong and successful man is brought up by a woman, with her support, advice, love and care. So is it worth wasting energy on someone who does not appreciate all this, already having a wife?

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An affair with a married man is a very complex type of relationship. This cannot be called a union of two free people, because, as a rule, other people are involved in such relationships - children, spouses, relatives.

Whatever the advice of psychologists, they all urge you to first adequately assess the situation and understand what the woman herself wants. After all, intrigues with married men rarely end in marriage. Even if the mistress manages to take the person away, there is no guarantee that life with him will be happy.

A married man is the same man, only with limited abilities.
Roman Gusev

Relations with a married man: are they true?

Every second mistress is convinced that the married man she meets loves her, not his wife. The other half of the women will argue that the legal spouse is somehow worse than a mistress, therefore. So the “infidels” themselves can say this, because otherwise how will they start relationships on the side? Roughly speaking, usually a man just lies to assert himself or diversify his personal life with good sex.

The desire to find very rarely pushes a married man into extramarital affairs. Even if he becomes attached to his mistress, he is unlikely to be ready to leave his wife, with whom he is connected by common property and years of marriage. It can take quite a long time to make a responsible decision. A man has a lot of reasons not to leave his family - the age of the children, the general business, the opinion of relatives.

Such a relationship may well suit a man who decides to sit on two chairs. But for a woman, this situation will become more and more dramatic, especially if she has feelings.

It is pointless to make claims against a married man, but in order to understand his true attitude towards his mistress, she needs to clarify several questions:

  • What? Is he really unhappy with his wife and is he trying to compensate for this on the side?
  • Does she need such a relationship and can they replace her real family?
  • Will a woman be satisfied with a supporting role, is she ready to be content with what remains after her family?
  • Does she agree to wait until the man "ripes" and decides to divorce?
  • Will she be able to calmly accept the fact that the novel has exhausted itself?

How to maintain a relationship with a married man?

If a woman decided to maintain such an alliance, despite all the negative points, psychologists recommend the following:
  • Keep this relationship a secret from everyone. If the wife finds out about the novel, she may demand to part with her mistress.
  • Do not say anything bad about his wife, even if the man himself complains about her. There is an invisible connection between spouses, and a man can be offended by offensive words addressed to his wife.
  • Do not put pressure on a man and do not demand anything from him.
  • Constantly convince a man how important and loved he is.
  • Be skillful and relaxed in bed.
The mistress must always be prepared for the fact that these relationships can end at any moment. Keeping a married man is both simple and difficult. Many husbands today do not mind having an interesting time with a pretty girl, but not everyone will do this to the detriment of the family. A man has to sneak away from his wife, find reasons to come home later, hide money for gifts to his mistress. She is forced to adjust to his schedule, and is never sure when the next meeting will take place.

How to end a relationship with a married man?

If a lover understands that a man will never leave his family, and such relationships have no future, you should get rid of them as soon as possible. Of course, if a woman is satisfied with a relationship without obligations, she can continue to spin a forbidden romance. But if she sincerely loves her chosen one, it is better to give up such love so as not to ruin her life.

To make it easier to leave a married lover, it is recommended to write down all his shortcomings on paper and re-read them before each date. A woman also needs to ask herself what in this man causes her admiration or respect, and look around. Are there really no more men with the same qualities?

To part with a married man for sure, you need to break off relations sharply and decisively. The lover should directly tell her chosen one about this and ask him to never look for a meeting with her again. You do not need to answer his calls and SMS, as well as call yourself. If you still have to communicate, for example, at work, you need to talk only about business, and at first you can generally ask for a business trip or vacation.


If thoughts about a married lover have become an obsession, and you can’t forget him in any way, you need to go to another city, change the situation or find an interesting activity for yourself, for which there will be no time to be sad.

Do not forget about other men and doom yourself to loneliness. It is possible that true love will walk somewhere nearby - a person with whom we will be able to build a reliable family fortress. Don't miss out on your chance.

The modern world does not exclude a relationship with a married man. Many women find their love exactly where a marriage contract has already been concluded. And what to do, how to build a long and happy relationship with someone who is already married?

To answer such a question, it is necessary to conduct an initial analysis and answer the question of why this should be done at all. Most often, the desire to meet and build a relationship with someone who is truly attractive in every sense of the word. If a man is successful, handsome, of course, everyone will want to get him and become the one with whom he will be all his life. Some kind of attraction between people arises, regardless of whether a man has a wife or not. Therefore, answering the question of why this happens does not even make sense.

Pros of being in a relationship with a married man

If we consider relationships with a married man, psychology indicates that a woman in this case receives a lot of advantages. Here are some of the main benefits you can see:

  • If a woman or girl starts a relationship with a married man, then she is truly confident and strong. It should be understood that such actions are very difficult. You have to go through many difficulties that can arise at any moment. If a female representative enters into such a difficult battle for a man, then she can understand for herself how strong she is. Isn't it an advantage?
  • One of the main benefits of being with a married man is that you don't have to be in a serious relationship. You can just meet for your own pleasure, but at any moment there is an opportunity to break up with a man, saying that you are very tired of all the secrecy.
  • A relationship with a married man can be considered a relationship of lovers. A hundred obligations that can tire you out do not fall on your shoulders. You are a free girl in your actions and decisions, who can do whatever she wants.
  • If you meet just a girl or h a married woman and a married man, relationships in this case do not imply all that is characteristic of relationships between unmarried people. Neither you nor your partner will need to meet and see new relatives, which is often a big problem when starting a family.
  • Being in a relationship with a man who has been married for several years can give you a lot of experience. For example, a male representative, having a certain experience in family life, can clearly know what to do, how to act in certain situations.
  • Even a banal relationship in bed can become something incredible and new for a girl or woman.

How to build a relationship if a man is married?

The question of how to build a relationship with a married man , is quite acute, because many may encounter such a problem, solutions for which are not so easy to find as it might seem at first glance. Three types of married men should be distinguished, each of which should be approached in a special way:

  • Those who love their wives. Of course, in such a situation, the initiative to meet comes exclusively from you. When a man is happy in his family, he will never go to another woman in search of happiness. This must be well understood before attempting to join the fight. Only a few manage to get access to a man and start an affair with him. It should be remembered that getting into such a relationship where the husband and wife love each other is very mean. Therefore, it would probably be right to leave happy people alone and not interfere with their no less happy life together.
  • Those who, as it were, love their wife, but still she does not suit a man in everything. In such a situation, it is likely that you can become a mistress. If a male representative can be dissatisfied with something in a relationship with his wife, then most likely these are problems in bed. If we talk about the attitude of a married man to his mistress, it is necessary to say about the constant desire to spend time with her. By the way, often male representatives hide their marriage in such a situation, thereby provoking possible scandals and quarrels that arise at the time the truth is revealed.
  • Those who are already on the verge of divorce and no longer even live together. This option is, in principle, a situation that is no different from a relationship with an ordinary guy. There is every chance to get reciprocity from a man and as a result it will be possible to create strong relationships. Such already practically unmarried men have peculiarities in behavior. They can often change in mood.

The relationship between a married man and a married woman is one of the difficult situations, which of course also has a solution identical to that applied to an ordinary girl and a male with a wedding ring on her finger. The most important thing when building a relationship is to create ideal conditions under which there will be no sense of loss. It should not turn out that the relationship with you will be much worse than those that were with your wife.

Relations with a married man psychology.

If a married man and a married woman started dating, the psychology of relationships most often indicates that most likely these two people do not feel comfortable in a relationship with a husband and wife. This forced them to look for a replacement that would get rid of unnecessary problems.

If the phrase “I want a relationship with a married man” sounds in your head, first weigh everything well, and then decide whether it is worth resorting to such measures. If you need a strong, intelligent and experienced person, then, of course, someone who is already married can be one.

Ways to break up with a married man

How to break off relations with a married man, how difficult is it? To avoid such a question at all, before you start getting close to someone, think about whether you will get tired of it in a week or a month. As a result, you may run into a problem when a man is already attached to you, leaves his family and is ready to propose to you, and you will disappoint him so much. Of course, it will never end well.

Looking for options on how to end a relationship with a married man, you can find the following methods:

  • Ordinary conversation with an explanation of the problem. There is no better way than the usual communication and discussion of the problem. If you clearly and clearly state the reasons, they will surely understand you. If the reason is that you're just tired of everything, say so. Do not deceive a person once again, forcing him to feel guilty. If you don’t like something in him or in a relationship, say it directly, thereby the whole problem will be solved in a jiffy.
  • Write a letter, message. This method, of course, is not the best, but if the question is how to end a relationship with a married man, the option is perfect. You should think about the content and gently write about the breakup.

If you are concerned about the question of , how to end a relationship with a married man correctly, it is worth remembering that you cannot end everything with two words “we are breaking up”. It is necessary to explain the reason and make it clear that you can no longer have a relationship with such a person.

To make it easier to say about the end of all meetings and dates, you can turn to your best friends who sincerely worry about you and wish only happiness. If you know that your friends are also for you to break up with a married man, it will be much easier for you to tell him about it, because now there is good support, which gives confidence.

To the question of how to build a relationship with a married man, the relationship forum will always help you find the answer. This means that such a problem is relevant and typical not only for you. When breaking up, the most important thing for you is to remain calm and know exactly what you want. If you understand that a man was not created for you, say so and look for a more worthy candidate.

An affair with a married man makes a woman a hostage to such a relationship, and although she clings to them, deep down she understands perfectly well that this relationship cannot end in anything good. Therefore, the first step to your own liberation may be to find the answer to the question of how to break off relations with a married man.

What pushes girls into the arms of married men? Most often these are psychological reasons. Agree, not everyone is interested in waging a continuous invisible war with the wife of their chosen one, trying to get around her and be better than her. But many girls believe that they will be able to win the man over to their side and take the man away from the family.

Indeed, there are cases when a man, having fallen in love with another woman, leaves the family, but, as a rule, they are quite rare, and usually a married lover is simply content with the situation that has developed and is not going to change anything in his life.

Sometimes he honestly warns about it right away, sometimes he just frankly takes time, but if you get involved in a relationship with a married man, sooner or later you have to make a decision about breaking them up yourself, even despite the feelings you have for him.

In fact, it is difficult to break off relations with a married man because they are a kind of addiction, a disease that psychologists even called the Marilyn Monroe syndrome.

You understand that you are no better than his wife, otherwise he would not have lived with her, but still you continue to hope that one day that happy moment will come when he finally decides, and this moment still does not come, and you continue wait. And all this can last for many years and almost never ends with anything.

Breaking up with a married man

Maybe you won’t believe it, but every man in the depths of his subconscious is well aware that no matter how good her mistress is, no matter what lace underwear she puts on for his arrival, no matter how mind-blowing sex she gives him if he changes his family for her , she will turn out to be exactly the same ordinary woman as his current wife.

He understands that sexy lingerie and exquisite makeup is a holiday, and in ordinary life a significant part is occupied by ordinary everyday life. In addition, he is far from sure that the mistress, although good in bed, will be a good mother for his children and a wonderful hostess.

If you are thinking about breaking up with a married man, realize that his wife, who waits for him at home while he has fun, is his rear. It was with her that he went through all the difficulties that were in his life. It is she who sits by his bed when he is ill. Only with her can he really be sure of the future.

He married her because he realized that he could trust this woman with all his problems, it was she who would not leave him in grief, even though he leaves her alone when he is happy. Only with his wife can a man be natural and not wear various masks.

He does not need to seem self-confident macho with this woman, she will understand and accept him in any state, even weak and helpless. He will understand, accept and lend his fragile shoulder.

As for the mistress ... There is only one mistress today, and tomorrow there may be another. A mistress is temporary, this is a backup option when you want to unwind a little and add adrenaline to your blood. And if she does not satisfy him for some reason, you can easily part with her and without regret.

First of all, you should tune in to the termination of the relationship yourself. Think about how much time you have already lost and how much you still have to lose if you continue to sneak out. But you are losing not only time, but also the strength of your soul, wasting them completely in vain. In addition, even if you manage to get a man away from his wife, haven't you made sure that he is used to deceiving, which means that the same story will almost certainly repeat itself with you. Do you want it? A man cannot be changed, he always remains the way he is.

After you allow yourself to realize that you are the subject of manipulation in his hands, and in fact this situation suits him more than, you must act decisively and without the slightest delay. It is necessary to break off relations with a married man so that there is not the slightest chance that they can be resumed. From now on, this man is an enemy for you, with whom you no longer want to not only see, but even talk on the phone.

Let him know about your decision and ask him not to bother you again. Stop answering his calls. Do not call yourself and try not to meet even by chance. If necessary, change your phone number and try to leave the city somewhere, at least for a while, on vacation.

When a man realizes that you are determined, he will resort to all sorts of tricks in order to dissuade you from this step. Yes, he agrees, you really need to break up, but let's give ourselves a romantic goodbye. May this night be a farewell. Do not fall for this bait, almost certainly everything will start again from the farewell night.

Ruthlessly get rid of everything that can remind you of him - his gifts, photographs, personal items. All this must be thrown away, just do not return it personally. Remember - you should not see each other again under any pretext.

Remember that such love is something like a drug. Therefore, you need to take all your free time so that there is no opportunity to indulge in sad thoughts. It is very good if you go on vacation, especially where you have not been before - new impressions will help you see your life with different eyes. You will understand that it was not in vain that you decided to break off relations with a married man. If there is no way to leave, just completely load your life - with work, sports clubs, new acquaintances, whatever. Just don't be alone.

Suffering is unproductive, it destroys your soul and prevents you from arranging your own destiny. Think about how much time this person has already stolen from you without actually giving you anything in return. Is it fair? Put yourself in order and do not sit locked up, look for your own happiness.

Start dating other men. You missed so much during the time you were with him.

Although no woman of her own free will would like to fall in love with a married man, however, such a feeling as love cannot be controlled and sometimes such novels do happen. However, as a rule, they end with nothing but bitter disappointment, therefore, today I would like to talk about how to forget your beloved man. If he is married. No matter how painful it is, this issue has to be resolved sooner or later, since men rarely leave their wife for their mistress, and such relationships bring much more suffering than joy, and each of the three parties. The love triangle is a very unstable thing.

If you have made the difficult decision to break off relations with a married man, first of all, you should get rid of everything that may remind you of him. This applies to joint photos, if any, letters, SMS messages and gifts dear to your heart. Drive the memory of past relationships out of the house.

Naturally, there should be absolutely no communication anymore. Delete his contact from your phone, computer and social networks on the Internet. If possible, you should not meet in real life. Even if he tries to continue communication - this sometimes happens, stick to the decision made.

Women tend to idealize their lovers, but try to look at him soberly. If a man who promised another woman to be faithful to her starts an affair on the side, you are probably not the first with him. And - not the last, believe me. Put yourself in the place of his wife - how would you have to, if you had such a husband? And even if he leaves his wife and goes to you - do you think he will stop there? Cheating is for such men the norm of their lives.

Think also about the permanent hell his wife lives in. Surely, they have a child, the care of which falls entirely on her shoulders. Mentally ask her forgiveness for all the grief that you caused her - after all, she is not to blame for anything before you. It was you who agreed to become her husband's mistress, thus playing, it must be said, not the best role.

Whether you believe it or not, the law of Karma works inexorably. Be sure that in the future you will have to pay for everything that you are doing now. Try to atone for your sin before the higher mind as soon as possible, using those spiritual practices that are closer to you.

Use these tips and try to break off relations with a married man and finally close this page of your life. Then, perhaps, you will be able to meet your own, and only your own happiness.

Today, relationships outside the family, as a rule, do not terrify. Adultery does not threaten not only with “stoning”, but even with serious condemnation from acquaintances. Nevertheless, such a connection always raises many questions and often provokes serious problems. How to deal with them? What the Psychologist's Tips are based on, given later in the article, will help answer the questions asked.

What makes a man look for a mistress

It is so accepted in our society that relations between a man and a woman are most often formed at the initiative of a representative of the stronger sex. A woman can make it clear with a smile or a look that she is not averse to getting to know each other, but it is the man who will take the first steps in this direction.

But sometimes, when the acquaintance has taken place and everything has gone far enough, a woman suddenly finds out that she is having an affair with a married man. What to do, and most importantly - why did he start all this?

As psychologists explain, the fault of this is most often the established (or rather, not established) relationships in the family. If a man's wife is the boss, or simply, then she naturally suppresses her partner, and he, in order not to completely lose his manhood, begins to look for an outlet on the side.

But it also happens that the wife stops worrying, the man begins to treat her, rather, as a relative. Everything in the family suits him, but sex is clearly lacking. This is also a serious reason for adultery.

Why do some ladies want to date married men?

But what can push a woman or a young lady into such a relationship, because, as it will become clear later, she basically does not have a future so expected by most ladies?

Relations with a married man (the advice of a psychologist about which we are considering) for some women turn out to be very tempting. Such a gentleman, as a rule, is gallant, knows how to look after him beautifully, does not skimp on compliments, gifts, and looks more reliable and respectable than bachelors of all ages.

And some ladies are driven by the desire to assert themselves. After all, at home they no longer feel welcome, as before, and relations with her husband are gradually slipping into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe endless solution of everyday problems. And here everything is like in youth!

But there is also a category of women who are specifically looking for relationships that have no future. They are driven to this by childhood experiences - either they grew up in an incomplete family, where the mother was busy with work and could not pay due attention to the state of mind of the child, or the father treated his daughter aloofly. In such cases, create a family.

Pros of being in a relationship with a married man

If you listen in response to the question: “Should I continue an affair with a married man?” - advice from a psychologist, it turns out that such a relationship can be very useful for some ladies.

  • For young and very poor young ladies, these relationships often turn out to be a way to improve their well-being. True, the main thing here is not to sell too cheap and agree only to real help and expensive gifts.
  • For convinced feminists, such a connection is an opportunity to maintain freedom and independence, while having a permanent sexual partner.
  • In addition, a woman who has a married lover can simultaneously look for a future husband for herself, without throwing herself at every more or less suitable one, since she is satisfied and calm.
  • And for married ladies, such relationships can add thrills that are missing in family life and serve as confirmation of their undiminished female attractiveness.

As you can see, with a conscious and calm position in the mentioned relationship, both a man and a woman can find a lot of positive and beneficial for both parties.

And now for the cons

But, as you understand, most often a lady does not have a rosy relationship with a married man. The advice of a psychologist here is always the same - do not build illusions by entering into such a relationship. Remember:

Why are married people more willing to date married women?

There is one more nuance, without which it is difficult to understand what exactly the relationship with a married man consists of. The psychologist's advice given to women who are at an impasse with the mentioned connection contains one important aspect: it turns out that married people are most willing to commit adultery with married persons! And, as it turns out, the opportunity to indulge in your passion comes to the fore, practically without risking anything.

  • A woman free from the bonds of marriage may suddenly not stand the tense expectation and start calling him or scribbling SMS messages at the most inopportune moment. And a lady burdened with a family, as a rule, has neither the opportunity nor the desire for this.
  • An unmarried lover may eventually begin to demand that the relationship be legalized - leave the family and marry her. And for a married woman, they are just a way to get vivid emotions and a special "peppercorn" in her life.
  • A family lady, even having become pregnant from her lover, will bring her work-up child to her husband. In a similar case with a lonely, and even a young lady, you won’t get any trouble!
  • A married woman even needs to be presented much less often, otherwise how will she explain to her husband the appearance of more and more new jewelry!
  • In addition, there is no even the most offensive variant of communication on the side - the possibility of catching a bad disease, because a family woman is not inclined to change partners often, and even more so to sleep with just anyone.

Why this connection to a married lady?

A man is looking for profit, and what the relationship of a married woman with a married woman is based on is simple - a woman asserts herself or compensates for what she receives less in the family.

Amorous and too emotional persons go to new ones. But most often this happens if the husband is not affectionate enough or is not able to satisfy his partner. And if a woman discovers that her husband is cheating on her, then a desire for revenge may throw her into the arms of her lover.

Think about whether you need this relationship?

From all of the above, we hope you understand that a married man, going in search of a mistress, least of all thinks about creating some kind of serious relationship and only dreams of new sharp feelings and sexual pleasure. That is why the relationship with a married man has no prospects and in the vast majority of cases is doomed to break. So maybe you should avoid it from the very beginning? Well, of course, this does not apply to those who are easy on such a connection, and those to whom it seems very convenient for some reason.

Yes, if a relationship with a married man is planned, what to do (to support them or not) will be up to you to decide, but remember: too much is put on this altar. Such a relationship can only be short-lived and non-committal. Even if a miracle happens and the beloved divorces to marry you, one can only dream of peace: after all, now your spouse can just as well leave you as soon as he feels the boredom of everyday life - he already has experience!

Long relationship with a married man

  1. Never criticize the spouse of your loved one. Even if he complains about her and talks about some misunderstandings in their life together, a man will react painfully to criticism from his mistress - after all, his wife has long become a part of him, and he constantly feels a connection with her.
  2. Nobody needs to know about your relationship. After all, all this can reach the wife, and she, believe me, will be able to force her husband to stop what you value so much now.
  3. Do not put pressure on your lover - men can not stand this. Instead, constantly tell him how important he is to you and how much you love him.

And last (but perhaps most important) - you will have to become a professional in everything related to sex. After all, it was his man who was looking for on the side. And if you do not amaze your partner with your ingenuity, he will eventually run away from you to the side.

How to end a relationship with a married man you love?

If you are tired of the uncertainty of relations with a married man and decide to break off relations with him - do not give in and do not bring the situation to a state where your nerves cannot stand it and a loud scandal will break out with breaking dishes and hysteria.

To begin with, imagine that you have achieved what you wanted - you married this man. Will you trust him? But answer this question honestly! Understand, having changed once, he will not stop before changing again. Now for you. And he will tell the new mistress the same thing that he “sang” to you, blaming not himself for everything!

Such a man is not capable of resolving conflict situations that arise over time in any family - he follows the easy path, changing partners. Do you need someone who will run away as soon as there is a problem? If not, then break up with him. Keep meetings to a minimum, and then stop answering his calls altogether. However, when he feels cold on your part, he will quickly disappear - after all, as you already know, he is not used to solving problems!

A few last words

We hope to answer the question "how to end a relationship with a married man", the psychologist's advice given above will help you. If you are waiting for real feelings, then it is important to understand how hopeless this relationship is and how humiliating the position of a mistress is. You deserve to be the object of true love, and not a toy in the hands of a man who is waiting only for pleasure. Do not waste time, look for your real half! Good luck!