Amouage is affordable luxury. The history of the creation of the Arab brand Amouage

Amouage (Amuage)- elite perfumery with rare notes for women and men from an Arab manufacturer.

The history of the creation of the Amouage brand (Amuage)

Today, oriental fragrances are very popular, characterized by magic, mysticism, originality. They intoxicate, beckon with their splendor, combine passion with charm, which are inherent in the night of the East. It is these fragrances that are produced by the Amouage brand, which today is known as one of the best perfume manufacturers.

The brand has an incredibly unique history that started not so many years ago. It took only a few decades for his products to become very popular with people all over the world. From the very beginning, it attracted customers with its uniqueness and originality. Nobody has ever seen this before. The idea of ​​creating a line came from an Arab prince named Said Hamad in 1983. For a long time he was looking for unusual hobbies that could bring more variety to his leisure time. As a result, the young man decides to take up the revival of the traditions and principles by which perfumery was once created in Arabia. At that time, the country's markets were filled with products from Europe, and the state did not have many own brands.

The prince began by opening his own trading house, which he called Amouage. He needed to introduce a new unique fragrance that would help the company establish itself as an excellent perfume manufacturer. Especially for this, a specialist was invited, known Guy Robert, which at that time was already the owner of several lines. Said gave the order to create a fragrance, taking into account all the traditions of the East. The perfume had to be as close as possible to them.

Everything was successful: the fragrance was created and even surpassed all the ideas and expectations of the prince. Moments of eternity were reflected in it, reality and a fairy tale were intertwined. It was addressed to a sophisticated, elegant and mysterious beautiful lady who sees life as an art, has the ability to go beyond the boundaries of the place and time in which she lives. The perfume was based on the magic of ylang-ylang, tarragon and citrus plants. It was possible to trace the notes of the given oil, which had a velvety hue. It was emphasized and complemented by Cretan incense, charming with its sensuality. The fragrance became the personification of femininity and made every girl an irresistible oriental queen. The idea itself was exclusive, so people quickly embraced it.

After a successful debut, the Omani brand began to win fans not only at home. Very quickly, the rumor about the wonderful fragrance spread far beyond its borders, and the brand had many customers who wanted to become owners of branded products.

Then new perfumes begin to appear, which won the hearts of no fewer people. They enveloped in various floral notes, which intertwined with spicy chords of greenery, incense and a lot of tree extracts. The brand provided fans with a huge selection of products, among which everyone could choose what he liked best and was able to emphasize his individual style.

In the manufacture of this or that perfume, only natural ingredients were used. The most common of these are rock rose and silver incense. The last of the components can only be obtained in Dafar through manual assembly. But the rock rose grows only on high and steep slopes, so it is incredibly difficult to get it. The locals of the town of Dzhambel cope with this difficult task, thanks to them the Amouage brand can add it to their compositions and delight lovely women with amazing combinations.

In translation, the name of the company means "waves of emotions." It was not chosen by chance. When a person smells perfume, he is immersed in a special atmosphere that evokes many pleasant feelings and sensations in him. Interestingly, the creation of each fragrance requires about 120 different oil and plant extracts from all over the planet, which are not so common.

The Amouage brand works in two directions and produces two lines of perfumes: for women and men. Women's got the name Amouage Reflection, but the male is known as Amouage Memoir.

The world's best designers work on the development of each bottle. It is important for the brand that the packaging for the perfume matches the fragrance in all respects. Therefore, the company's products are quite expensive and not everyone can afford to become its owner. It is put up for sale not only in branded boutiques located in different countries of the globe, but also in multi-brand and online stores. Often, other companies try to expose fakes, so it’s better not to take risks and buy Amouage fragrances on the manufacturer’s website. Despite the fact that perfumes are expensive, they fully justify it with their charming aromas.

A lot of attention is always paid to production, each of the stages is strictly controlled. Therefore, customers are satisfied with branded products. Today, the company is considered a manufacturer of Ultra-Luxe products. She is preferred by celebrities, among whom Pierce Brosnan and Kate Moss can be especially distinguished.

Elite perfumery is created by the best specialists in the world. Be sure to be based on the ancient secrets of Arabia. Therefore, each of the flavors is a real masterpiece. The brand is very often called the treasure of Oman, with which one cannot but agree. And Amouage products are a combination of ancient traditions with modern technologies that are truly unique.

The Amouage brand always releases incredible, deep, rich and elegant fragrances that can turn anyone's head. Often they become gifts made to a loved one.

Today it is impossible to find an analogue of the goods of this brand. Due to its uniqueness, it is highly valued by fans, which are added every year.

Where to buy men's, women's perfumes of the Amouage trademark (Amuage) in Ukraine:

Original products are best ordered on the official website of the company with the possibility of delivery to our country. Many online cosmetics and perfume stores also offer brand fragrances, for example, and others.

Amouage is known to have gained a lot of fame. What is this perfume brand. This name itself, if translated into Russian, means, as it were, a combination of the words wave and emotion. And this can be understood, because when you manage to use this fragrance of perfume, you yourself will be able to experience unprecedented emotions, since this fragrance is really created in order to evoke various positive unexpected feelings.

But the history of this famous brand began back in 1983, it was then that the Prince of Oman Saidu Hamadu suddenly decided to recall the already forgotten traditions of Arab perfumery again. It’s hard to say what made him do it just because of the desire to become famous, or maybe he didn’t trust foreign perfumes and decided that they didn’t correspond to Arabic philosophy and I understand what they should be, this is very close to the possible reasons for the appearance of this brand. But later, this fragrance, which carries the whole philosophy of the Arab world, made its way to the farthest corners of our planet and won a place of honor for itself. And it is worth paying attention to the fact that Arab culture has long had a noticeable impact on other cultures. For example, various musical performers from the East are very popular in many parts of our planet, and why then this perfume brand will not be popular. Moreover, these spirits were created for the prince himself, and who would refuse such spirits, which were created exclusively for such a person.

But already in our times, modern kings and various representatives of the aristocracy began to use these spirits, and it is also known that Hollywood stars also fell in love with them and use Amouage regularly.

But later, not so famous people began to have the opportunity to use these spirits. But of course, since their price is very high, this applies to just rich people, mostly, naturally, women. It is worth noting that you can already order amouage on the Internet today.

After all, these perfumes will make rich women feel no worse than a queen. And many simply begin to feel like queens.

Today, these perfumes have already become classified as ultra-Luxe perfumes. After all, it should be noted that the components from which these perfumes are created are very difficult to obtain and they are very expensive. This includes silver incense, which can only be obtained in Dafra. It is mined by pastoralists who have to look for it in the meadows for a long time. It should also be noted that this also includes a rocky vine, which is no less difficult to find. And also other equally exclusive materials that create all the attractiveness for this brand.

It is worth noting that for a persistent and long-lasting smell, you only need a couple of drops.

Not to be confused with any other perfume. A strong rich aroma speaks of a person's status more than an expensive car or diamond rings. Amouage perfume is not a fragrance for mediocre people. It is not for nothing that many members of the English royal family, Hollywood stars and the most famous models of the world prefer it.

The Amouage perfume line is an indicator of the exceptionally refined taste of the owner. This is a symbol of luxury and sophistication, unobtrusively emphasizing the individuality of the chic life of a confident person. Elite spirits, for many years cause constant delight among their admirers.

For more than 25 years, Amouage perfumes have enjoyed well-deserved popularity among stylish and successful people around the world. Leading perfumers from all over the world are working on the development of new fragrances. The classic oriental fragrance of the perfume is made with completely unique notes, allowing it to remain at the top of the trend for many years. Amouage perfumes remain the most desired gift for both men and beautiful women.

How did the fragrance line Amouage

The creation of a fragrance that reveals all the beauty of the East has become the raison d'être of one of the wealthiest people in the world. The Arab Sheikh, Prince of Oman Said Hamad bin Hamoud al Busaid is the founder of the Amouage house. The Amouage perfume house is still owned by the royal family of Oman. And also, it is considered the pride and treasure of the family.

Arab perfumery, which has always been considered the standard of precious fragrances, was going through hard times. The Omani market was oversaturated with fragrances from European perfume houses, and classic oriental fragrances were given over to undeserved oblivion. For the prince, who was brought up in the best traditions of the East and received an excellent education, it turned out to be impossible to come to terms with this state of affairs. All the energy of the eastern prince was directed to create a masterpiece worthy of kings.

The Prince decided to create a perfume that, while retaining the classic masterpiece notes inherent in Arabic fragrances, at the same time could combine them with the best trends in European fashion. Guy Robert, a legend among French perfumers, was invited to create this fragrance. His genius has spawned the finest fragrances from perfume houses such as Dior and Hermes.

Incredible funds were allocated to create a new fragrance that marked the beginning of the Amouage line. The prince provided the perfumer with unlimited opportunities in acquiring the most expensive and exquisite components for the manufacture of perfumes.

Guy Robert has thoroughly studied the history and culture of the East in order to create a fragrance that can outshine all popular fragrances.
The result of his labors was the birth of the first fragrance of the Amouage line, called Gold (gold). Amouage Gold instantly became a legend among the perfume lines of the East and Europe.

Guy Robert's masterpiece was a resounding success, which eventually turned into permanent recognition as an unsurpassed work of art. The perfumer still considers the creation of this fragrance to be the height of the perfection of his career.

Amouage Gold was not created for the layman. The price of Amouage allowed only connoisseurs of real art to enjoy its possession.
The manufacture of the perfume bottle was carried out by an elite jewelry workshop in Europe. After all, the bottle itself was made of rock crystal and decorated with gold and precious stones. However, even the high cost did not prevent him from becoming a favorite with aristocrats, celebrities, royalty and connoisseurs of beauty.

At present, the head of Amouage perfumers is Christopher Chong, famous for his desire to harmoniously combine the most seemingly incompatible components. The defining quality in the work of a perfumer is the desire to achieve the impossible by mixing the most incredible incense. As a result, the fragrances of the perfume house stand out with their inimitable, unpredictable uniqueness. In addition, the main goal of Christopher Chong is to create "eternal" fragrances that do not lose their relevance over time.

Perfume Amouage incredibly combined the mystery and luxury of the culture of the East with modern fashion trends in Europe. As a result of titanic work, aromas that are completely unusual and unparalleled appear. Not everyone can afford to buy Amouage perfume, this is perfumery for a narrow circle of art connoisseurs.

What is used in the manufacture of Amouage perfumes

Since the creation of the first fragrance of the Amouage line in 1983, only the most expensive and rare components have been included in the composition of perfumery. Many of them surpass gold and precious stones in price per gram.

One of the most valuable components that make up the perfume is silver incense resin. An incredibly valuable component for several centuries was equal in price to gold. This special kind of frankincense is carefully hand-picked by the tribes of pastoralists in the village of Dufar.

Another valuable unique component is the rocky rose. You can collect it only in the mountains of Oman. In addition, the composition of elite perfumery includes no less valuable myrrh resin.

These invariable components are included in all products of the Amouage perfume house. It is clear that the final price of a perfume, which contains such valuable and unique components, simply cannot be low. The price of Amouage perfumes is quite consistent with the quality of the final product. Having become acquainted with the unsurpassed aromas of this line, it is absolutely impossible to remain indifferent. Most often, this is love for life and literally from the first breath.

It is worth paying special attention to the bottle in which the fragrance is enclosed. In itself, this vessel is already a work of art. Like 30 years ago, precious metals and the services of elite jewelry houses are used to create it.

The first bottle created for the Amouage Gold fragrance was made in a typical Arabic style. Crowned with a lid in the form of a domed tower, it resembles the mysterious East in all its appearance. Modern bottles for elite perfumes already combine in their design the incomprehensibility of Arabic motifs with the zeitgeist of modern Europe.

Just like when first created, Amouage perfumes are bottled by hand by specially trained staff. Each package is accompanied by a small paper note from the master who poured the perfume.

Today, Amouage perfumery is an ultra luxury brand. The main office of the company is located in London, where the ideas of unusual flavors are born. The order is then handed over to a team of select European perfumers based in Grasse. It is there that perfumers find formulas and carry out testing and testing of the resulting aromas.

After completing work on a new fragrance, he goes to the perfume factory, which, as before, is located in Oman. There, the resulting fragrance goes through the final stages of final preparation. Apart from adding the alcohol component, one of the most important steps is the aging of the fragrance. It goes on for at least two months. After aging, the perfumes are manually bottled, packaged and sent to more than twenty countries around the world.
If you plan to ever visit Oman and plunge into the magic of oriental culture, do not forget to buy a bottle of Amouage perfume for yourself, it will be very difficult to buy them in Moscow. If you suddenly find a good store in Moscow, treat yourself to buying perfumes, they are worth it.

You can buy Amouage Amouage perfumes only in elite boutiques and at specially organized auctions, where elite perfumes are put up for auction. Amouage prices reach unprecedented heights there. Oman is rightfully proud of the unique work of art created, calling the perfume "the treasure of Oman."

Each new fragrance released by the Amouage perfume house creates a constant sensation and causes a lot of delight. Surprisingly, this is the only brand that is not criticized. His fragrances are so incredibly sensual and saturated that the number of their fans not only does not decrease, but also grows at an unimaginable rate.

Once you get acquainted with the charm and charm of Amouage perfumery, there is no way to refuse it. As well as there is no way to force yourself to use other spirits. Born among the smells of Arabian spices, the fragrance hides all the secrets of a thousand and one nights.

How to distinguish an original Amouage perfume from a synthetic fake

Perfumery, which has been at the top of popularity for many years, in demand among the most famous connoisseurs of art and royal families, cannot do without attempts to sell a crude fake for an elite and expensive perfume.

In order not to stumble upon scammers and not lose money by purchasing pseudo elite perfumes that do not contain a drop of precious components and do not have the unsurpassed aroma of the original, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • The fragrances of the Amouage line are sold ONLY in major boutiques and specialty perfume shops. It is impossible to buy original Amouage perfume in ordinary retail outlets. Most likely there will be fakes.
  • The packaging is meticulous, right down to the last seam on the cellophane. Uneven or poorly executed parts are not allowed.
  • Be sure to check the barcode.
  • The absence of a hologram should also alert.
  • The manufacturer of the original Amouage perfume may be "Oman", in extreme cases, "London". Amouage cannot be produced in France or any other country. The Amouage perfume factory is located in Oman.
  • The bottle is tightly fixed in the box, when shaking it should not move or shake. Also, by shaking the box, you won't hear any sounds.
  • The inside of the box is lined with velvet.
  • The box must contain a note written by the person who packed the perfume.
  • A Swarovski stone is inserted into the cap of the bottle.
  • The sound when opening the cap resembles the sound of a wine cork being removed.
  • The price cannot be too low. The composition of ultra luxury perfumery includes valuable oils. The final product simply cannot cost three thousand rubles.
  • Of course, large specialized boutiques check the products they sell, but it is often not realistic to review each box. Therefore, it is worth being vigilant and spending time on a thorough examination so as not to purchase the very, only, fake bottle.

Review of some Amouage fragrances

Perfume is invisible clothing for the skin. You have to know how to wear it correctly!

Dia translated means goddess. Well suited for a strong, self-confident woman who is used to achieving her goals, but at the same time aware of her sexuality and skillfully using it. Perfect for a gift to a boss or an independent business lady.

The floral motifs of the perfume are harmoniously intertwined with notes of vanilla, tart bitterness of wormwood and caressing woody warmth. A multi-faceted, gradually revealing new facets of perfection, the composition is able to turn every woman into a dazzling beauty that attracts looks like a magnet.

Top notes are bergamot, sage, violet and cyclamen. Over time, a bouquet of middle notes reveals itself, captivating with the aroma of iris, jasmine, rose oil and wild peach blossom. The final chord is the base notes with the aroma of sandalwood, cedar, sweet vanilla and incense.

Gold is the very legend that started the magic of Amouage fragrances. They are the very embodiment of the infallibility of perfect beauty, enclosed in a drop of magic. A lady who chooses this fragrance is able to conquer a man's heart with one movement of her hand, one involuntary glance...

The melody of this fragrance is presented by chords of bewitching lily of the valley, inaccessibility of mountain roses and a priceless treasure of silver incense. The sensuality hidden in the fragrance will make even the most severe heart beat faster.

The fragrance that Guy Robert called the best in his work. The perfume is designed for special, most amazing moments, when the brilliance of diamonds and the incredible mystery of the aroma will make a woman a real work of art, worthy of admiration.

Jubilatiob 25- perfume released on the 25th anniversary of the perfume house Amouage.

He combined all the ideas and developments obtained over the years of work of the best perfumers. Thanks to a bouquet of oriental spices, the fragrance fully reveals all the charm and mystery of the East. Unusual fairy tales and old epics of Arabia subtly intertwined in the aroma.

Perfect for a subtle nature, passionate about art and subtly feeling all the facets of beauty. An elegant aristocratic bouquet of citrus aromas tinted with noble incense. A perfume that erases all facets of reality. The combination of tarragon and rose oil makes the owner an incredibly mysterious stranger and the crown of true femininity.

Honou r is a combination of incongruous. Light and dark side of the soul, night and day. The delicate floral composition in the first notes of the perfume gives way to the tartness of leather and incense in the heart of the fragrance. The perfumer was inspired by the story of Madame Butterfly. And, as in a tragic story, the first timid delight is replaced by a storm of passions and, finally, a dramatic end, so the fragrance reveals two sides of one life.

A very complex fragrance, white flowers, on the one hand, personify Madame Butterfly's first pure love, which is replaced by a terrible life drama, sacrifice in the name of honor, presented in the perfume by the bitter smell of amber and leather.

memoir- sweet and tart smell of passion. An eternal story about a man and a woman. Eternal happiness and eternal pain. An unpredictable fragrance, full of unexpected changes, breaking the boundaries of everyday life and refracting the aromas of mandarin and bitter wormwood in the fragments of a past life, revealing the secrets of the other world.
An incredible mystical composition of black pepper and jasmine opens up a new unfamiliar world of feelings and emotions. The multifaceted sensations of this fragrance can make a whole movie.

Interlude Man- a masculine composition with a woody-spicy aroma evokes thoughts of an oriental night. The fragrance embodies the confidence, courage and grace of a real man.

The first notes of the fragrance, evoked by black pepper, oregano and bergamot, surround the man with an aura of strength and tenderness. They are replaced by a noble aroma of myrrh and silver incense. These fragrances create an aura of aristocracy and self-confidence around a man.

Summing up, we can safely talk about the uniqueness of the Amouage line. No one has ever managed to create such exotic and at the same time attractive aromas.

Amouage perfumes are quite durable and economical to use. The price of Amouage is fully justified by the quality provided by the perfume house.
If you are a person who has a delicate taste and stands out from the gray mass with his personality, you definitely need to buy Amouage perfume. Nothing will emphasize the best qualities of human nature brighter than these amazing aromas.

In the section on the question Which of the amouages ​​(female) do you prefer? Which one do you think is the most luxurious? given by the author perfume maniac the best answer is The most luxurious and most beautiful Amouage for me is Bilavd.
Witchy bitter herbs, dizzying pink base, intoxicating nectar and insinuatingly animal, deceptively soft, like a predatory cat... .
A very French perfume.
***I'm saving up for a bottle:)Yulia Kirillova
Try it, try it, a good perfume, a beautiful almost chypre in a classic style

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Which of the amouages ​​(female) do you prefer? Which one do you think is the most luxurious?

Answer from O?n?l?i?n?e[guru]
I chose Interlude for myself, for me it is the most delightful fragrance of all Amouages, I love it very much!

Answer from Druzilla[guru]
dia leydis

Answer from Nataly[guru]
I prefer men's amouages.
namely the interlude and the lyric.
from women's I will also note interlude)

Answer from Already a part of the universe[guru]
I have not tried those that the girls describe, but Ciel, Honor, Epic, Reflection, Dia, Faith lather on me mercilessly - just expensive flower soap, and nothing more. I will note Ubar and Gold more positively, but they are too heavy for me to wear, Ubar is a beastly note, Gold is the strongest aldehyde.