10 proverbs about education. Methodological guide for parents "Folk wisdom about the family." Proverbs and sayings about the upbringing of children. Proverbs and sayings about education

Proverbs and sayings about education

A man without education is like a body without a soul.

A child is like dough: as he kneaded, so it grew.

Learning in childhood is as strong as an engraving on a stone.

Man was not born for himself.

Not far from the tree, an apple falls.

It takes three years to learn a good thing, but one hour is enough for a bad one.

One good example is better than a hundred words.

Capricious in childhood - ugly in old age.

The vices of a child are not born, but brought up.

Punishment is not education.

Educate with affection, not dragging.

Let the children go free, you yourself will be in captivity.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Feed to feed; don't save to get rich.

Proverbs and sayings about self-education, good breeding and etiquette

Envy is poison to the human soul.

Sow a habit, reap a character.

Learn to be good, then the bad will not come to mind.

Parents gave you life - bring up the will yourself.

Of all the passions, envy is the most disgusting.

Greedy does not give himself rest.

It is better to collect from the world than to take someone else's.

Talking idle is like writing on water.

Goal, but not a thief, poor, but honest.

Poverty steals, poverty lies.

Poverty teaches, but happiness spoils.

Fight, fight - not to gain mind.

God sees who offends whom.

A thief is like a hare: he is afraid of his own shadow.

Everyone seeks the truth, but not everyone keeps it.

He speaks in secret, but betrays the whole world.

No matter how a thief steals, he will not escape prison.

Lazy hands are not related to a smart head.

. “Flattery and revenge are friendly.

. “Better your piece than someone else's pie.

Ekaterina Gordeeva

Proverbs and sayings about raising children can be used to work with parents in consultations, parental meetings to improve pedagogical knowledge parents.

1. Good children are the crown of business, and bad children are the end of business.

2. One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.

3. Small children are heavy on the knees, and big ones are heavy on the heart.

4. Small children don’t let you sleep, but when they grow up, you won’t fall asleep yourself.

5. Man without upbringing - a body without a soul.

6. Do not brag about your father - brag about your son, well done.

7. Skilled son give birth - know how and teach.

8. To whom give birth to children, so grow them.

9. He who is without a guardian from the cradle, is out of business all his life.

10. Rot the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys.

11. I didn’t teach when I lay across the bench, but stretched out to the fullest - you won’t teach.

12. The mind will come and the time will pass.

13. From a bad seed do not expect a good tribe.

14. What roots, such and branches, what parents, such and children.

15. Beavers will not be born from a pig, but the same piglets.

16. From an apple tree an apple will be born, and cones from the Christmas tree.

17. My son, and he has his own mind.

18. Lost money - lost nothing, lost time - lost a lot, lost health - lost everything.

19. You ruin your health - you can’t buy a new one.

20. Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.

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Who without a prize from the cradle, he is out of business all his life.

A child is like dough: as he kneaded, so it grew.

And for worse and for good they are accustomed from a young age.

What you teach a child to do is what you get from him.

He fed a snake on his neck.

What Vanya did not learn, Ivan will not learn.

As you make bed, so you sleep.

What goes around comes around.

Rot the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys.

Teach your son when he lies across the bench, stretches along - it will be difficult.

Rot the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys.

Who learns from a young age does not know hunger in old age.

That's why the guy fell off the horse, because his father planted him crookedly.


Punish children with shame, not with a whip.

It is easier to punish, it is more difficult to educate.

A good example is the best sermon.

A true pointer is not a fist, but a caress.

I drove by the hand - I got a white hand.

Beatings torment, not teach.

Do not feed with kalach, but do not hit with a brick.

A mute rebuke is heavier than what is said.

Unreasonable guardianship is worse than homelessness.

Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

You can't raise a puppy without rigor.

Let the children go at will, you yourself will be in captivity.


When children stand on their heads, parents stand on their ears.

The best way to make children good is to make them happy.

Love is not necessarily children, but children are necessarily love.

Children's questions usually require non-childish answers.

It's not easy to get kids on their feet - especially in the early morning.

Born yourself - help another.

Happy parents are sleepy parents.

Son! Listen to your mother and do as your father said!

It’s good when nature rested on children, worse when it laughed.

Abstracts on the education of preschoolers of domestic teachers and psychologists

There are two difficult things in the world - to educate and manage.

(Immanuel Kant)

If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher.

(Lev Tolstoy)

Education is the acquisition of good habits.


Adults should not be angry with children, because this does not fix, but spoils.

(Janusz Korczak)

When you think of a child's brain, you imagine a delicate rose flower with a drop of dew trembling on it. What care and tenderness are needed so that, having picked a flower, not to drop a drop.

(V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Only that in a man is firmly and reliably absorbed into his nature in his first period of life.

(Komensky Ya.)

The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even easy to others, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it theoretically or practically.

(Ushinsky K.D.)

The educator must behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and must always know what he wants at the moment and what he does not want. If the educator does not know this, whom can he educate?

(A.S. Makarenko)

True education consists not so much in rules as in exercises.

(J.J. Rousseau)

Education should not only develop a person's mind and give him a certain amount of information, but should kindle in him a thirst for serious work, without which his life cannot be either worthy or happy.

(K.D. Ushinsky)

Targets for preschool education, indicated in the Federal State Educational Standard , involve the formation of prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children, subject to the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the program. Today, according to the requirements of the Standard, the learning process is not a ready-made summary, but a search and co-creation, in which children learn to plan, draw conclusions, acquire new knowledge through their own activities. The fuller and more diverse children's activity, the more significant it is for the child, the more successful his development is, the potential opportunities are realized.

The successful formation of learning activity depends on what motives stimulate it. If a child does not want to learn, you cannot teach him. Outwardly, the activity of children in the classroom may be similar, but internally, psychologically, it is very different. Often it is prompted by external motives that are not related to the knowledge being acquired and what the child is doing. The kid is not interested in mathematics, but in the classroom he tries to complete tasks so as not to displease the teacher. Or the child does not like to draw, but makes a picture to give to his grandmother for her birthday. In kindergarten, children often study, because “it is necessary”, “it is ordered”, “so as not to be scolded”.

Intrinsic motivation is caused by the cognitive interest of the child: “interesting”, “I want to know (be able)”. In this case, knowledge is not a means to achieve some other goal (“so as not to be scolded”, “you need to give it to your grandmother”), but the goal of the child’s activity. The results of learning activity are much higher if it is motivated by internal motives. An important didactic principle, on the basis of which the methodology of classes with children of the 2nd year of life is built, is the use of visualization in combination with the word.

Education of young children should be visual and effective. The organization of educational work involves education and training in special classes, during sensitive moments and in the joint activities of the teacher with children throughout the day. Classes are entirely in the form of a game. Game techniques ensure the dynamism of the learning process, maximally satisfy the child's needs for independence - speech and behavioral (movements, actions, etc.)

At the age of 3 years Children need to be taught and developed. Classes in the younger group of kindergarten are already different from what was in the nursery. But still, they are played in the form of a game. The assimilation of program material by children is largely determined by work aimed at developing the skills of educational activity. It is important from the first lessons to develop the ability of the children to study, to systematically teach them to carefully observe the actions of the teacher and at the same time listen to his instructions. The most difficult thing is to teach children of this age to listen to the task to the end. "Put the toys back! I haven't said everything yet! - the teacher stops the children, not allowing them to act ahead of time. The teacher constantly encourages children to listen carefully and memorize the task, to perform it willingly and accurately, observing a certain sequence of actions. Children must learn to simultaneously start and finish work at the same time, to act independently, not to interfere with each other, to bring the matter to the end. For questions addressed to the group, they learn to answer one at a time. “I will ask questions to everyone, and the one whom I call will answer,” the teacher formulates this requirement. However, in some cases, to activate the children, he resorts to choral answers: “Let's name everything together (count)!” Children learn to address answers to their comrades. (“Speak loudly so everyone can hear!”)

The development of the ability to closely follow the actions and responses of comrades requires special care. Children are offered to help a friend: clarify, supplement, correct the answer. At the same time, they maintain a friendly attitude towards each other.

Constantly evaluating the results of the work of children, the teacher teaches them to control their actions, compare what they did with what they had to do (according to the model), notice inaccuracies, mistakes, and strive to correct them.

Middle group. They continue to pay attention to the education of careful handling of benefits and the ability to use them correctly. The ability to control their attention in children of 5 years old is just beginning to form. Therefore, they must be encouraged to be attentive. The teacher approves of those who try, work with concentration, keep up with their comrades and bring the matter to the end. When summing up the results of the lesson, they evaluate not only how the material was learned, but also the behavior of the children in the lesson.

Senior group. Explaining to five-year-old children how to behave in class, they rely on their consciousness. The teacher constantly emphasizes that those who carefully listen to him and his comrades, who work without being distracted, and who are always ready to answer a question, remember well and correctly perform tasks. Showing the dependence of the result of the work on how the children listened to and remembered the task teaches them to appreciate the instructions of the educator and act exactly in accordance with them.. In the older group, children are often given tasks that, along with solving a learning problem, train voluntary attention and memory. For example, game exercises “What has changed?”, “Who will remember?”, “Silence”, etc.

Much attention is paid to the development of self-control. The main means of developing self-control is the assessment by the teacher of the actions and results of the work of children. After listening to the child's report on the completed task, he gives an assessment, helps to find the causes of errors and correct them. In some cases, children are offered to exchange work and check the correctness of the assignment by a friend. The education of self-control is the presentation of a sample after completing the task. Checking whether he did so, as given in the sample, the child finds and corrects errors. Children are taught to fairly evaluate the results of their work and the work of their comrades.

Control over their own actions in the process of work makes it difficult for five-year-olds, so at first they are taught to control each other's work. For example, follow the actions of a friend working at the teacher's table (at the blackboard), evaluate not only the result, but also the way the task is completed. Children are taught to listen carefully to the answer of a friend, not to repeat, but to supplement and clarify it. (“Did he say everything? Is it clear?”) Organize work in pairs, when one child completes the task, and the other controls it. Evaluation of the teacher, control over the actions of a friend allow children to further master the ability to control their own activities.

In the older group, they continue to form the skills of organized behavior in the classroom, children are taught to be restrained, raise their hands only when they know how to answer a question, wait patiently when they call, prepare their workplace, keep manuals in order throughout the lesson.

In mathematics classes, a large number of manuals are used, so it is important to provide for the order in which they are placed. It is advisable, in preparation for the lesson, to lay out the manuals in such an order that those that are needed in the first place are at the top, and at the bottom - last. At first, they are placed on the table to the left of the child, and in the course of work, he puts the used benefits to his right. Children now take small counting material from a common tray. In each specific case, it is determined what the class attendants should do and what each of the guys should do. This also applies to the organization of the workplace, and the cleaning of benefits after class.

Thus, in the older group, not only the initial mathematical representations of children are significantly expanded and deepened, but work in the classroom is also significantly reorganized. Much attention is paid to the formation of voluntary, attention and memory, the development of mental actions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), ingenuity and ingenuity, the development of interest in acquiring knowledge.

Preparatory group. Children of the preparatory group must independently carry out separate assignments: organize a group of peers to repair books, act as an assistant on a walk, and play an outdoor game. For the successful completion of the assignment, the child must be encouraged.Leading the development of independence in children, the educator teaches them to solve the problem without reminder, help and control, to consciously relate to the work performed, to control their actions.The development of independence is associated with the complication of the motives of activity. In the preparatory group, its motivation is manifested, for example, in the fact that the child not only wants to do the task well, as the teacher teaches, but also to get a high mark, to establish himself in the correctness of the solution of the problem.Children evaluate the results of their activities by comparing it with the results of their peers. By the end of their stay in kindergarten, they acquire sufficient experience in analyzing the completed task, they are able to take a critical attitude to what has been done. In the preparatory school group, increased requirements are placed on the organization of children's activities in the classroom. Therefore, children are taught to prepare the workplace, depending on the content and nature of the upcoming activity. Use aids and equipment correctly, plan your work, follow the sequence of its implementation, use time rationally, work at a certain pace, etc. The requirements for the behavior of children in the classroom are also increasing: sitting correctly, being fit, listening carefully, not interrupting another, to complement the answer of a friend, etc.

The implementation of the program of physical education of children provides not only the solution of its general tasks, but also the formation of stable habits for various types of hardening, the need to perform morning exercises and physical exercises, the desire to improve movements, the ability to conduct them with their peers.

If a child at preschool age masters the types of physical exercises available to him, falls in love with sports games and entertainment, then this will be a prerequisite for the fact that during his school years he will do them during his leisure hours. This will serve as a rest from mental work, and a means of further improvement of the body. Teaching children sports types of physical exercises is a special section of work, which is carried out by a physical instructor.

The fundamental principle of modern education in a preschool educational institution is educative and educational training, which involves the development of cognitive processes in children, interest in knowledge. In the implementation of this in kindergarten, a particularly important role belongs to the classes, during which the elementary educational activities of children are systematically and systematically improved. This allows them to form an understanding of the educational task and readiness, the desire to fulfill it, the ability to act according to the plan and instructions of an adult, to use the previously acquired knowledge and skills in new activities, the ability to perform tasks, the ability to self-control, evaluation and self-assessment.

The teacher takes care of the mental upbringing and development of each child, puts him before the need, solving mental problems, expend certain efforts. Gradually, in the process of learning, children develop a conscious attitude to tasks, the ability to listen, to delve into explanations, the desire to achieve good results not for the sake of praise, but for satisfaction from the results of work. Preschoolers develop the ability to work with concentration, at a certain pace, and their working capacity increases.

Of great importance in the implementation of the principle of developmental learning is the management of the adult process of completing the task, its evaluation. When evaluating the work, he should be interested not only in its result (drawing, application, composed story, etc.), but also with the mental efforts expended by the child, his diligence, independence, dedication to the matter. Correct assessment is always educative. It is also important to take into account the level of mastery of the child in this type of activity in order not only to better see his progress, but also to tell him about it. Thoughtful analysis, conducted in a tactful tone, will help the child understand his successes and mistakes, to achieve better results.

Analysis and evaluation of work together with the performer contributes to the formation of important skills necessary for educational activities at school (comparison, comparison, self-control, etc.).

The organization of collective labor is also becoming more complex. Children work in teams under the guidance of a team leader appointed by the teacher or chosen by preschoolers. Correctly delivered labor education in many ways contributes to the success of education in the primary grades.

But we must not forget that the main activity of children is the game. It is recommended to purchase board-printed games that contribute to the development of attention, memory, orientation in space, the development of the senses, thinking, speech, helping to clarify ideas about the surrounding reality and do not forget to read books to children by age.

  • Teach a child some craft, otherwise he will be unhappy (gr.).

  • From a bad seed, a bad fruit (taj.)

  • If he did not bend when he was a twig, he will not bend when he becomes a stick (Tat.).

  • If you want to marry a girl, first get to know her mother (Tat.).

  • Whoever respects his mother will not scold someone else's (Azerb).

  • Where there are no good old people, there are no good young people.

  • Parents work, children enjoy life, grandchildren are begging (Japanese).

  • Whoever is loved is punished.

  • Punish children with shame, not with a whip (Russian).

  • It is better to cry in childhood than in old age.

  • Whoever does not dry the tears of a child will cry himself (African).

  • The child is supposed to be treated with the greatest respect, i.e. adults should take care of his moral purity, not set a bad example (Juvenal).

  • Reprimands are worthy of parents who do not want to raise their children in strict rules (Petronius).

  • Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require sacrifices. (P. Buast).

  • Who cannot take caress, he will not take severity (A.P. Chekhov).

  • A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it (A. Diesterweg).

  • Beatings and abuse are like opium: the sensitivity to them quickly becomes dull, and the doses have to be doubled (Beecher Stowe).

  • Let the child's first lesson be obedience. Then the second can be what you consider necessary (B. Franklin).

  • The paradox of education lies in the fact that those who do not need education lend themselves well to education (F. Iskander).

  • Children have neither past nor future, but unlike us adults, they know how to use the present (J. La Bruyère).

  • The love of parents for their children is always greater than the love of children for their parents. This discrepancy and injustice is compensated by their own children (D. Jeremic).

  • A person in anger opens his mouth and closes his eyes (Cato).

  • A man who instills in his children the habits of industriousness provides for them better than if he left them an inheritance (Whately).

  • The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother (Unknown).

  • Reading is for the mind what exercise is for the body (Addison).

  • Not the one who has a lot is rich, but the one who gives a lot (Fromm).

  • At first, maternal education is most important, because morality should be planted in the child as a feeling (G. Hegel).

  • The desire to create a happy life for a child by pampering from infancy is perhaps unreasonable (V. Hugo).

  • It is not good to give children rewards all the time. Through this, they become selfish, and from here a corrupt way of thinking develops (I. Kant).

  • Whatever you do for your parents, expect the same from your children (Pittacus).

  • We teach our children first. Then we ourselves learn from them (J. Rainis).

  • You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children (J.-J. Rousseau).

  • The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours (J.-J. Rousseau).

  • Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to meet refusal in anything (J.-J. Rousseau).

  • Man has three calamities: death, old age, and bad children. No one can close the doors of his house from old age and death, but the children themselves can save the house from bad children (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

  • Do not anger children: whoever wants to beat as a child will want to kill when he grows up (P. Buast).

  • The educator himself must be what he wants to make the pupil (V.I. Dal).

  • The educator himself must have intelligence, great self-control, kindness, high moral views (MI Dragomanov).

  • He who knows little can teach little (J. Comenius).

  • To exact from children for misconduct that they did not commit, or at least severely punish them for petty offenses, means to lose all their trust and respect (J. La Bruyère).

  • Education, if it wants a person to be happy, should educate him not for happiness, but prepare him for the work of life (K.D. Ushinsky).

  • The goal of teaching a child is to enable him to develop further without the help of a teacher (E. Hubbard).

  • A good upbringing most reliably protects a person from those who are poorly educated (F. Chesterfield).

  • Of all creations, the most beautiful is a man who has received an excellent upbringing (Epictetus).

  • To educate now is the most difficult thing; You think: “Well, it’s all over now! - it wasn’t there: it was just beginning! .. ”(M.Yu. Lermontov).

  • If you know the means to strengthen the body, temper the will, ennoble the heart, refine the mind and balance the mind, then you are an educator (Ch. Letourneau).

  • To educate does not mean to say good words to children, to instruct and edify them, but, above all, to live like a human being yourself. Whoever wants to fulfill his duty regarding children must begin education from himself (A.N. Ostrogorsky).

  • Do not think that you bring up a child only when you talk to him or teach him or order him. You bring him up at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home (A.S. Makarenko).

  • The moral character of a person ultimately depends on the sources from which a person drew his joys during his childhood (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

  • Moral ugliness and crime are the result of a lack of education and depravity that comes from an early age (V.M. Bekhterev).

  • Over the years, emptiness and disappointment form among those young people whose childhood and adolescence was thoughtless satisfaction of their needs (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

  • Maybe smart young men and stupid old people. For it is not time that teaches to think, but early education and nature (Democritus).

  • Fear of corporal punishment will not make an evil heart good, and mixing fear with anger is the most disgusting phenomenon in a person (K.D. Ushinsky).

  • There is no more painful punishment than not being punished (Akutaga-wa Ryunosuke).

  • You will almost always achieve more with caress than with brute force (Aesop).

  • If strictness leads to healing from a bad inclination, then this result is often achieved by planting another, even worse and more dangerous ailment - spiritual bruising (D. Locke).

  • First make sure, and then convince (K.S. Stanislavsky).

  • The upbringing of children is only self-improvement, to which nothing helps as much as children (L.N. Tolstoy).

  • Self-improvement is inherent in a person because he can never, if he is truthful, be satisfied with himself (L.N. Tolstoy).

  • Nothing teaches like the realization of one's mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education (T Carlyle).

1. Schematically present the sources of pedagogical science.

pedagogical education training heredity

2. Pick up proverbs from different nations about raising children, analyze them, identify similarities and differences in approaches to education.

Russian proverbs.

Analyzing Russian proverbs, we can note the following:

· The father is a fisherman, and the children look into the water.

· From a beaver - a beaver, from a pig - a piglet.

· The apple never falls far from the tree.

A puppy learns to bark from its mother.

· Parents are hardworking and children are not lazy.

What is the genus, such is the offspring.

· Good seed, good.

· What is the father, such is the good fellow.

· Bad fisherman - bad nets, bad mother - bad children.

What is the uterus, so are the children.

· What is the hut, such is the tyn, what is the father, such is the son.

Maternal love as a factor in education

· Although the child is crooked, it is marvelous for the father and mother.

· A child without a mother is like a table without a tablecloth.

· Maternal affection knows no end.

· The child cries, the mother's heart hurts.

· A kind mother hen sees grain with one eye and another - a kite.

· For his blood - and the chicken is a fierce beast.

The mother has enough tears for everything.

· No one can replace your own mother.

The value of education in the development of a person's personality

· Children that flowers: care love.

Know how to give birth to a child, know how to teach.

· Who without a prize from the cradle, that all his life is not in business.

· To teach children is not to sharpen laces.

· Where there are many nannies, there is a child without a child.

Education methods

· It is too early to call Ivan by his patronymic for three years.

· Sitting with mother on a sundress you will not be smart.

· You can't raise a puppy without strictness.

· Rot the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys.

· Teach your son when it lies across the bench, and when it stretches along, it will be difficult.

Punish children with shame, not with a whip.

Eggs do not teach chicken (option: Egg taught chicken, but it remained a talker).

Thus, the Russian people believe that parents play a major role in the upbringing of their children. This is especially true of heredity as an important factor that determines the personality of a child. A lot of proverbs say about the methods of education, about what children should be taught, what will happen if the child is not brought up on time. There is a desire to educate a hardworking person who respects elders and loves his children.

Proverbs of different nations.

Analyzing the proverbs of other peoples, the following can be noted:

The big role of heredity in education

Bad fruit from a bad seed (Tajik)

The value of craft and labor in the education of a person

· Teach a child some craft, otherwise he will be unhappy (Georgian).

Raising respect for the elderly, parents

· Whoever respects his mother will not scold someone else's (Azerbaijani).

Teaching plays a big role in life

The stars will appear - they will decorate the sky, knowledge will appear - they will decorate the mind (Mongolian proverb)

Strive to conquer not the world, but its knowledge (Turkmen proverb)

Give money - it will decrease, give knowledge - it will increase (Tajik proverb)

You can learn only when you study; You can walk only when you walk (Vietnamese proverb)

· Kings rule over people, and scientists rule over kings. (Arabic proverb)

The strong will defeat one, the one who knows - a thousand (Bashkir proverb)

Do not say what you studied, but say what you learned (Tajik proverb)

Not a single vessel can hold more than its volume, except for the vessel of knowledge - it is constantly expanding (Arabic proverb)

· To ask is a momentary shame, not to ask is a shame for life (Japanese proverb)

· There are things that you cannot do until you learn, but there are also things that you need to do in order to learn (Armenian proverb)

· Knowledge that is not replenished daily decreases every day (French proverb)

Knowledge is a treasure that follows its owner everywhere (Chinese proverb)

Education methods

It is necessary to demand from a child - then he will be a man (German proverb)

Do not pick unripe fruits: they will ripen - they themselves will fall (Georgian proverb)

Etiquette must be observed even in friendship (Japanese proverb)

There is nothing worse than a fruit that never ripens (Italian proverb)

Through people they come out to people (Uighur proverb)

Watching other people's manners, correct your own (Japanese proverb)

Walls are built on the foundation (Lak proverb)

It is better to show than to teach (Indian proverb)

· If he did not bend when he was a twig, he will not bend when he becomes a stick (Tatar).

Until you get into the water, you won't learn how to swim (Armenian proverb)

· Parents work, children enjoy life, grandchildren - begging (Japanese).

Proverbs of different peoples also call for raising their children on time, accustoming them to work and craft, respecting elders, and striving for knowledge. However, the Eastern peoples treat the elderly with more respect than others. The peoples of Europe are more eager to educate their children so that they do not know poverty in their old age. The Germans believe that exactingness towards children is the main factor in education. The Japanese strive to teach their children good manners, for them this is the most important thing. Everyone has approximately the same upbringing methods: personal example, practical activity, exactingness and “shame” (Children should be punished with shame, not with a whip).

3. Study the "Concept of preschool education", write down the goals and principles of humanization of pedagogical work with children, give a comparative description of the educational and disciplinary and student-oriented models of building the educational process.

The humanization of education is a process aimed at developing the personality as a subject of creative activity, which is also the most important characteristic of the lifestyle of teachers and pupils, which involves the establishment of truly human (humane) relations between them in the pedagogical process and is a key component of the new pedagogical thinking, focused around the idea personality development. The leading direction of the humanization of education is considered to be “self-determination of the individual in culture”, its familiarization with national and cultural traditions enriched with the human content of humanization - increasing attention to the personality of each child as the highest social value of society, aiming at the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities . Democratization of education. An important place in the solution of these problems is occupied by a deep democratization of the management of a preschool institution. Democratization of the management of a preschool institution involves:

* pedagogical cooperation at all levels of management in kindergarten;

* the competence of all participants in matters of management;

* new managerial thinking (a different look at the teacher and the child);

* pedagogical cooperation with parents and school;

* creation of a team of like-minded people (educators, parents, teachers);

* the interest of parents and the public in joint activities for the upbringing of children and its results;

* ensuring a favorable psychological climate in the team (humanization of relations, the formation of a creative atmosphere);

* redistribution of responsibility in the team.