Correspondence with a girl in social networks. What to write to a girl in the first message on VKontakte

My correspondence with the girl with whom everything worked out, for your analysis and comments

Yes, yes, I have heard, read and know that online dating is bad, it is for losers, losers, brakes and members of the United Russia party.

But here's what I found. It is enough to apply a drop of ingenuity, humor and perseverance, using certain phrases for dating, in order to fill your next evenings and nights with dates with beautiful girls.

Now you will be in the position of choosing!

I am sure that if you get access to secret methods and techniques on dating sites, then many beauties will not only distinguish you from the crowd on the site, but look forward to meeting you.

Of course, you are concerned about the question: How to write to girls on websites so that they see that I am special and, having discarded the rest of the guys, want to communicate with me?

I will tell you in detail and show you with examples how you can seduce a LOT of really many beautiful girls using the Internet.

"To get acquainted with my method, subscribe to a free newsletter and receive materials for free"
Over 30 powerful tutorials on how to seduce girls fast, guaranteed, enter your name and a valid email address, and click on the "Get Access!"


In the newsletter, I tell in detail the secrets of Internet seduction and give a lot of message templates, without which it will be difficult for you to get around the rest of the guys and seduce a lot of really beautiful and status girls.

Elena 26 years old
Russia, Veliky Novgorod (Novgorod)
Anton Garynych
Hello. Happy holiday! Nice photos. I see no reason not to talk.
January 24, 15:59
))))) what holiday is today? white hare day?)) hello)
January 24, 16:06
Anton Garynych
What don't you know? Today is the day of the spouse in Spain, the day of the Republic of Crimea and the birthday of the DraKonchik club. I propose to exclude the last congratulation by unanimous vote for objective reasons ...) How is life young?
January 24, 16:08
))))))))))) you are a mega positive... and the day of the white bunny) everything is fine) I drive away the winter with the power of thought.
January 24, 16:12
Anton Garynych
Thanks, very nice. Why are you so cold? This year I really expected snow, I thought that I would have to throw asphalt.)
January 24, 16:14
and sculpt asphalt)
I don't really like the cold
January 24, 16:15
Anton Garynych
If strictly between us, then I recently registered on a dating site and am still a little embarrassed by such communication, and in Novgorod, I also dug in relatively recently (we are guest workers). It can be said that I got into an information vacuum, so I decided to master a new resource of communication. Are you a native Novgorodian?
January 24, 16:37
I am a native Novgorodian, though I definitely can’t be a guide to the site, because. I myself only today went into my profile created a long time ago, I did not use it))
Where are you from and in what area do you work? For a long time in our area?
January 24, 16:44
Anton Garynych
It's a pleasure to read and write with you. (Like you were). Frankness for frankness, I have an old and respectable profession (no, I'm not talking about ... as you thought))). I am a lawyer and part-time contract killer. And I do not like rudeness, besides I am a very sentimental man. Therefore, one has to be extremely delicate in approaching working moments. In my free time, I write a dissertation on a difficult topic in a highly specialized field, read books on socioanthropogenesis, ethnography and psychoanalysis, meditate on the ontology of being and advise a narrow circle of people on a narrow circle of rather amusing questions. So, if you contact me, for consultations I take not cheaply, but I will make a small discount for you. Are you an expert in what field?
January 24, 16:45
I'm a little easier)
if the light is on, it means I'm working)
January 24, 16:45
energy engineer
but you didn’t answer my question like that ... where did you come from?)
January 24, 16:51
Anton Garynych
But seriously, I really am a lawyer, I work in courts, in the field of criminal and administrative legislation, I live between two cities, more precisely, I work in Novgorod, I live in St. Petersburg. My great leaders sent me to conquer the local virgin lands, I think I still stuck for a year and a half.) And I don’t need a guide to the site, you’d better take me to the museum, otherwise I’m ashamed to work so much and have nowhere to go. ((((
January 25, 08:31
Good morning)
Of course, you can go to the museum ... but I like to see the sights of the city more in the warmer season)
Good morning
January 25, 09:13
Anton Garynych
Kind! Who makes such a sweet girl get up so early? Scoundrels!
I agree, I got excited with the museum! However, do not refuse courtesy,
somehow keep me company at dinner, the fact is that in Novgorod I eat in cafes or restaurants, since there is no desire to cook at home for myself. I will be glad of the company. How do you like my offer?
January 25, 09:17
Offer ... appetizing)
I think it's worth a try
Where do you live? in what area of ​​the city?)
January 25, 09:20
Anton Garynych
Do you mean Novgorod or Peter?
January 25, 11:35
Novgorod, although Peter (I lived there for 2 years), just curious)
January 25, 20:11
Anton Garynych
In Novgorod, the trading side of Fedorovsky Creek, in St. Petersburg I live near the Udelnaya metro station, Primorsky district. But, I’m also curious, don’t think anything bad, the photo is probably not yours?)
yesterday, 08:56
probably not mine)
but with the appearance I have everything positive)
in the questionnaire, in fact, little is true.
Good morning)
yesterday, 09:06
Anton Garynych
Good morning.
I didn’t even doubt it.) Regarding the joint dinner, as I understand it, the issue has been resolved. Do you have preferences regarding the location?
yesterday, 09:07
what about your photos? you just look a little older, probably due to playing sports... so big (in a good way)..
about dinner, I think so. But not this week
yesterday, 09:13
Anton Garynych
Photos are all mine. You're probably right, I look older, more because of work, I don't have to relax. As my old friend says, part-time ancient philosopher, joker and just a wealthy and respected person - "Age is a state of mind ..."
What is your name in the world?))
I agree, this week is tough with time. So, I reserve the choice of a nutritional institution, or will there be preferences?
yesterday, 10:35
Ela is my name..
Because the question of choosing a place is not acute, then I suggest ... to ask him a decision immediately before we decide on the day of the meeting.
yesterday, 13:14
Anton Garynych
I have two business trips planned next week, around the region, and after 19:00 - 20:00 in the evening, I'm usually free. What time do you finish working?
yesterday, 14:16
I'm curious, as a lawyer, do you represent any particular firm?
just travel...
yesterday, 14:29
Anton Garynych
Yes, LLC "Horns and Hooves"))) But seriously, that is, in the world such a company is called the Russian Federation, have you heard? So I'm working for this sharashka cantor.)))
yesterday, 14:29
I thought something more...

Yesterday, 14:45
Anton Garynych
Well, not all at once, I'm working on myself. You see, I was promoted, sent to work from some St. Petersburg to SAM Novgorod!)))
yesterday, 15:33
please note)) GREAT Novgorod))
yesterday, 15:49
Anton Garynych
There you go, sir!

Before you start conquering girls' hearts, carefully check your photo album, because the first thing a girl wants to see is what kind of person asked her to be her interlocutor. It is desirable that the photographs are of high quality and reflect your character.

Don't be afraid to be yourself. The worst thing is to start a correspondence with a girl from a lie, masquerading as someone else's photos.

Take a closer look at yourself too: what kind of photos, comments, gifts, etc. does she have. The best way to start a conversation is to send an unusual gift or a picture with coffee and buns and the inscription "Good morning!", For example. Or a photo of flower fields with the caption: “I want to give them to you.”

How to impress a girl over text

The first impression is the brightest and most valuable. Phrase: "Hi,?" no one will be surprised anymore. But the phrases: “Do you love Brahms?”, “I am smitten on the spot by your smile”, “Did you smile today?” etc. catchy and give the impression that you are an extraordinary person.

The most popular among young people is communication in the form of “The world through my eyes”, when you take pictures of what inspires you and share your impressions. Just don’t overdo it with selfies and photos in the style of: “What do I eat for breakfast / lunch / dinner”. Awaken your creative personality, share something unusual.

Read more, find out the latest news and share it. But don't be arrogant and don't be smart. Girls love it when all the attention is on them. Therefore, in between amazing things, do not forget to give sincere compliments.

What questions should not be asked when texting a girl

Leave the banal questions: “What do you do?”, “What do you work for?”, “Where do you study?” etc. There is no more boring conversation than a conversation about work and school. If a girl wants, she herself will tell about everything and ask you. In extreme cases, boring and uncomfortable questions can be beaten, for example: “Let me guess what you work for. You decorate this world with yourself, I guessed?

When corresponding with a girl on social networks, you can’t become “”: it’s better to stop all gossip and talk about fashion / shopping right away, otherwise you will be threatened with the role of an “eternal vest” that you can cry into. You are not a wastebasket to be thrown at you with unnecessary information. But, if you really feel that the girl is upset and depressed, it’s better to ask about the existence of problems and try to turn the conversation into a fun channel. Sincere support is always appreciated.

How to move from correspondence in social networks to a real meeting

So you've found your perfect pen girlfriend. However, virtual communication is no longer enough for you. Do not hesitate to meet - sometimes the moment is missed, and interest in you will be lost.

Again, photographs can help. Take a picture of a cozy corner in a cafe and sign: "Waiting for you in this cafe, every evening at so much ...". Instead of a cafe, there may be a place in the park, concert tickets, etc.

Think over your appearance to the smallest detail. Preparing for a meeting with a pen pal, many are worried: should I give flowers? First, not everyone loves flowers. Secondly, you may be allergic to flowers.

So is there anything to give at all? It already depends on how well you know the girl's preferences. Sometimes you can do without the so-called "greeting" gift, but already in the course of the meeting, take and buy something as a keepsake.

Starting a correspondence with a girl on social networks is not so difficult, it is much more important to consolidate the result. If your communication culminated in a meeting, do not forget to share your impressions during online communication: remember funny or touching moments together. And the further development of events depends on the mutual desire: to continue to communicate or to put an end to it.

Dating is always difficult. After all, you want to please a person at first sight. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. Today, young people prefer to make friends and comrades in social networks or using mobile phones. What is the correct correspondence with a girl? How to make an acquaintance? What questions should be asked of the fair sex, so as not to scare her away? These are the topics we will discuss next.

Choice of communication style

At the very beginning, it should be noted that the main thing is to choose the right style of communication with the lady you like. But how to do that? Everything is extremely simple. If you are going to meet on social networks, you just need to carefully study the girl’s page. She has a lot to say. So, you can see the photos, pictures uploaded by her, listen to the playlist. It is easy to draw certain conclusions from this. Consider what styles of communication you can choose:

  1. Sweet, vanilla. Girls who prefer such communication love when they are “lisped” with them, when they are complimented and even flattered.
  2. Literary. This is how you should communicate with girls who love to be addressed with a beautiful literary speech, without the usual expressions, not in surzhik.
  3. Ordinary. Here you can just write to a girl without thinking about who she really wants to present herself to.
  4. Special. In this case, you need to carefully study the terminology of the subculture to which the lady belongs. This is easy to recognize from photos and a playlist on social networks.

First word/phrase

It is very important that the beginning of the correspondence with the girl is the most correct. Why is that? The fact is that ladies, especially beautiful ones, receive a lot of offers to get to know each other a day. And most of them are simply ignored. That is why it is necessary to initially interest the girl, to attract the necessary attention to herself. So, the first word or phrase written in the message is important. The usual "Hi!" few will be surprised. The first proposal must be approached creatively. So, consider successful correspondence with girls. Examples of the first phrases will help you build communication with the representative of the weaker sex you like:

  1. "Hello! Tell me, what will happen to our planet if all butterflies (cats, dogs) disappear? That is, you need to ask about what the lady herself likes.
  2. “I wonder what can make such a beautiful girl happy?”
  3. "Hello! I am addressing a business question: tell me, in which modeling agency do you work? Want to send my little sister (niece) there?” So you can start a conversation with beautiful ladies.

Story about yourself

We understand further how to start a correspondence with a girl. So, if an acquaintance has already begun, you need to know how to keep the conversation going. To do this, you need to tell about yourself and find out all the most interesting and important about the life of the lady you like. In this case, you need to review your completed questionnaire. In some cases, it can be slightly edited by correcting the information in the direction of the interests of the lady you like. What do you need to tell about yourself? Correspondence with a girl will be very successful if there are no boring stories like “born-grew-studied-work”. First of all, you need to talk about those aspects of life where you can find similar interests:

  1. Hobbies, hobbies.
  2. Favorite films, music.
  3. Leisure preferences (club visits, nature trips, gatherings with friends at home or in a quiet place, etc.).

However, it is also important to talk about the place of study or work. After all, there may be certain lines of intersection. At the same time, it is necessary not only to tell. After your speech, you need to ask the appropriate question, for example: “I love cars and everything connected with them. And how do you feel about such a hobby? If something does not interest the lady, you should not stop there, you need to move on to the next object of attention.

Topics that will appeal to many young ladies

In order for the correspondence with the girl to be very successful, you definitely need to interest the lady. In this case, you need to choose an appropriate topic for the conversation. So, let's consider questions to a girl during correspondence, which you should definitely ask:

  1. Questions about her personality. All people like to talk about themselves, their achievements. Therefore, almost after each of your stories, it is good to ask a question, as they say, in the topic. Thus, you can chat for hours, learning more and more information about each other.
  2. Preferences. Be sure to ask the girl about her preferences in various areas of life. You can talk not only about music, movies or books. So, you can find out about your favorite style of clothing, weather, season, food, drinks, etc.
  3. Future plans. This path is very risky (especially if the guy is afraid of commitment), but sometimes you can ask about the girl's plans for the future. If the answers she gave are ambiguous and not to your liking, you need to quickly move the topic in a different direction. However, you should not choose a radically opposite topic, so that the girl does not have the feeling that the guy is deliberately ignoring this or that issue. For example, if a lady wrote: “I dream of getting married and having five children,” you can answer: “That's good. Here I have a sister (brother) - family, there are children, they are so happy. And then move on to the topic of relatives.

If the correspondence "stalled"

What questions can you ask a girl during correspondence if communication does not work out or is it rather difficult to progress?

  • Tell me about your happiest day.
  • Ask in which country (city) the girl would like to live and why.
  • Take an interest in who the young lady dreamed of becoming as a child.
  • Ask about what made the girl choose this particular profession (direction of study, work).
  • Ask what the interlocutor dreams about.
  • Ask a question about what kind of fairy-tale hero the girl would like to become if possible.

There are actually many such questions. You just need to turn on your imagination.

About men

If a correspondence has begun with a girl, it is also necessary to clarify how the lady relates to members of the opposite sex and whether she is thinking of starting close communication with guys in the near future. The answer is important, because the future of the correspondence itself will depend on it. If a girl is hostile to people of the opposite sex, then you should not waste your time on her. Consider what kind of correspondence with girls can be in this case. Examples of possible questions from your side are given below.

  1. What character traits do you want to see in a young man? Which ones, in your opinion, do not paint a man?
  2. Are you ready to visit some interesting place in the near future (hint of a date)?
  3. How ready are you to change your life in the near future (hint of a serious relationship)?
  4. What is the perfect couple?

It is important to remember here that if a lady leaves the topic, she must also retreat from her for a while. Otherwise, it is easy to scare the girl away with her pressure.

Taboos and forbidden topics

So, we figured out how to start a correspondence with a girl. However, it is worth remembering that it is still very important to maintain communication correctly. So, you can not make various mistakes:

  1. You should never criticize a lady's shortcomings. This will offend her.
  2. You can not make fun of her choice (in music, films, books, etc.).
  3. You can't be mean to a lady. The conversation must be equal.
  4. Do not boast or flaunt your advantages. It's not beautiful.
  5. In a conversation with a lady, you can not be rude, swear, call names. Even if the girl behaves inappropriately. It’s better to just “turn on ignore” and stop communicating.
  6. It is impossible at first to ask too frank or even intimate questions.
  7. It is impossible to promise or offer something without the desire to bring it all to life. Men don't do that.

It is worth noting that correspondence with a girl on Vkontakte or another social network is completely different. Sometimes it happens that, even observing all the rules of decency, it is not possible to make an acquaintance with a girl. No problem! No need to get upset. You just need to continue to seek your destiny, not dwelling on failures.

Dating is always difficult. After all, you want to please a person at first sight. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. Today, young people prefer to make friends and comrades in social networks or using mobile phones. What is the correct correspondence with a girl? How to make an acquaintance? What questions should be asked of the fair sex, so as not to scare her away? These are the topics we will discuss next.

Choice of communication style

At the very beginning, it should be noted that the main thing is to choose the right style of communication with the lady you like. But how to do that? Everything is extremely simple. If you are going to meet on social networks, you just need to carefully study the girl’s page. She has a lot to say. So, you can see the photos, pictures uploaded by her, listen to the playlist. It is easy to draw certain conclusions from this. Consider what styles of communication you can choose:

  1. Sweet, vanilla. Girls who prefer such communication love when they are “lisped” with them, when they are complimented and even flattered.
  2. Literary. This is how you should communicate with girls who love to be addressed with a beautiful literary speech, without the usual expressions, not in surzhik.
  3. Ordinary. Here you can just write to a girl without thinking about who she really wants to present herself to.
  4. Special. In this case, you need to carefully study the terminology of the subculture to which the lady belongs. This is easy to recognize from photos and a playlist on social networks.

First word/phrase

It is very important that the beginning of the correspondence with the girl is the most correct. Why is that? The fact is that ladies, especially beautiful ones, receive a lot of offers to get to know each other a day. And most of them are simply ignored. That is why it is necessary to initially interest the girl, to attract the necessary attention to herself. So, the first word or phrase written in the message is important. The usual "Hi!" few will be surprised. The first proposal must be approached creatively. So, consider successful correspondence with girls. Examples of the first phrases will help you build communication with the representative of the weaker sex you like:

  1. "Hello! Tell me, what will happen to our planet if all butterflies (cats, dogs) disappear? That is, you need to ask about what the lady herself likes.
  2. “I wonder what can make such a beautiful girl happy?”
  3. "Hello! I am addressing a business question: tell me, in which modeling agency do you work? Want to send my little sister (niece) there?” So you can start a conversation with beautiful ladies.

Story about yourself

We understand further how to start a correspondence with a girl. So, if an acquaintance has already begun, you need to know how to keep the conversation going. To do this, you need to tell about yourself and find out all the most interesting and important about the life of the lady you like. In this case, you need to review your completed questionnaire. In some cases, it can be slightly edited by correcting the information in the direction of the interests of the lady you like. What do you need to tell about yourself? Correspondence with a girl will be very successful if there are no boring stories like “born-grew-studied-work”. First of all, you need to talk about those aspects of life where you can find similar interests:

  1. Hobbies, hobbies.
  2. Favorite films, music.
  3. Leisure preferences (club visits, nature trips, gatherings with friends at home or in a quiet place, etc.).

However, it is also important to talk about the place of study or work. After all, there may be certain lines of intersection. At the same time, it is necessary not only to tell. After your speech, you need to ask the appropriate question, for example: “I love cars and everything connected with them. And how do you feel about such a hobby? If something does not interest the lady, you should not stop there, you need to move on to the next object of attention.

Topics that will appeal to many young ladies

In order for the correspondence with the girl to be very successful, you definitely need to interest the lady. In this case, you need to choose an appropriate topic for the conversation. So, let's consider questions to a girl during correspondence, which you should definitely ask:

  1. Questions about her personality. All people like to talk about themselves, their achievements. Therefore, almost after each of your stories, it is good to ask a question, as they say, in the topic. Thus, you can chat for hours, learning more and more information about each other.
  2. Preferences. Be sure to ask the girl about her preferences in various areas of life. You can talk not only about music, movies or books. So, you can find out about your favorite style of clothing, weather, season, food, drinks, etc.
  3. Future plans. This path is very risky (especially if the guy is afraid of commitment), but sometimes you can ask about the girl's plans for the future. If the answers she gave are ambiguous and not to your liking, you need to quickly move the topic in a different direction. However, you should not choose a radically opposite topic, so that the girl does not have the feeling that the guy is deliberately ignoring this or that issue. For example, if a lady wrote: “I dream of getting married and having five children,” you can answer: “That's good. Here I have a sister (brother) - family, there are children, they are so happy. And then move on to the topic of relatives.

If the correspondence "stalled"

What questions can you ask a girl during correspondence if communication does not work out or is it rather difficult to progress?

  • Tell me about your happiest day.
  • Ask in which country (city) the girl would like to live and why.
  • Take an interest in who the young lady dreamed of becoming as a child.
  • Ask about what made the girl choose this particular profession (direction of study, work).
  • Ask what the interlocutor dreams about.
  • Ask a question about what kind of fairy-tale hero the girl would like to become if possible.

There are actually many such questions. You just need to turn on your imagination.

About men

If a correspondence has begun with a girl, it is also necessary to clarify how the lady relates to members of the opposite sex and whether she is thinking of starting close communication with guys in the near future. The answer is important, because the future of the correspondence itself will depend on it. If a girl is hostile to people of the opposite sex, then you should not waste your time on her. Consider what kind of correspondence with girls can be in this case. Examples of possible questions from your side are given below.

  1. What character traits do you want to see in a young man? Which ones, in your opinion, do not paint a man?
  2. Are you ready to visit some interesting place in the near future (hint of a date)?
  3. How ready are you to change your life in the near future (hint of a serious relationship)?
  4. What is the perfect couple?

It is important to remember here that if a lady leaves the topic, she must also retreat from her for a while. Otherwise, it is easy to scare the girl away with her pressure.

Taboos and forbidden topics

So, we figured out how to start a correspondence with a girl. However, it is worth remembering that it is still very important to maintain communication correctly. So, you can not make various mistakes:

  1. You should never criticize a lady's shortcomings. This will offend her.
  2. You can not make fun of her choice (in music, films, books, etc.).
  3. You can't be mean to a lady. The conversation must be equal.
  4. Do not boast or flaunt your advantages. It's not beautiful.
  5. In a conversation with a lady, you can not be rude, swear, call names. Even if the girl behaves inappropriately. It’s better to just “turn on ignore” and stop communicating.
  6. It is impossible at first to ask too frank or even intimate questions.
  7. It is impossible to promise or offer something without the desire to bring it all to life. Men don't do that.

It is worth noting that correspondence with a girl on Vkontakte or another social network is completely different. Sometimes it happens that, even observing all the rules of decency, it is not possible to make an acquaintance with a girl. No problem! No need to get upset. You just need to continue to seek your destiny, not dwelling on failures.





Life is too short to spend it alone, burning your eyes at the monitor. You can use the internet to meet interesting girls. What phrases can you use to meet a girl on the Internet?

How to meet a girl on the Internet - phrases for dating

Guys often look for ready-made phrases and dialogues for dating girls on the Internet.

However, in order to attract the attention of a girl, you will have to work a little with your own head. Of course, if nature endowed you with the beauty of David Beckham or the brutality of Fyodor Bondarchuk, then your chances of getting an answer even to the emoticon you sent will be quite high.

Do not despair, even with an average appearance, you will be able to date girls 365 days a year.

Someday you will definitely find among them the one with whom you want to spend the rest of your life.
Or… become a professional pick-up artist.
So, how to hook a girl?

Do not forget that every girl is an individual who can be most offended by your formulaic phrase.

The hackneyed "hello", "how are you?" or the smiley just screams that you sent them to another dozen or so potential victims and are waiting for one of them to take your bait.

Don't be surprised if there's no catch at all. Get creative with the dating process.

Take a look at her photos. For example, in the photo she is against the backdrop of the Colosseum.

You are writing:

  • “Perhaps you are as in love with Rome as I am?”

She is in the photo with the dog. Your phrase:

  • “I love Labradors. I want to get myself a puppy. Can you advise if it is difficult to grow them?

Perhaps you are too lazy to waste time looking at photos.

Then come up with a suitable phrase that will not sound trite, but will work in most cases. Sweat her vanity, show your high appreciation of her beauty:

  • “You are dressed with impeccable taste. Perhaps you are a professional stylist?
  • “Probably, I have no chance to meet a girl, especially with such a beauty. Let me know if it's not."
  • “You are indescribably beautiful. Do not be offended if I address you with "you"?

Pay attention, your phrases should prompt a response or action. Do not try to literally use phrases found on the Internet.

Come up with something of your own. After all, you have to meet with a girl one on one, where you have to be yourself.

How to start a conversation or procedure

It is even easier to find the right phrases for meeting a girl in Vkontakte or another social network.

Here, in addition to photographs, you can see various details from the girl’s life: where she studies (studied), where she works, how many friends she has, what kind of music she likes, what she puts on her wall.

Let's briefly describe your procedure:

  1. Check out her profile.
  2. Change your profile a little (set your status to her favorite music; subscribe to the groups in which she participates; clean up the archive of your photos).
  3. Comment on your favorite photos of her.
  4. Sent her a private message.
  5. Ask her to add you as a friend.

A private message must be private. The template is the last thing you should count on.

What to write to a girl in VK? Interest her, ask for something insignificant. For example, a girl is fond of English - you ask for help translating a phrase.

She is interested in fitness - ask which gym is better to go to.

If you are too lazy to invent something, use the blanks.

For example:

  • “I noticed that you, like me, spend a lot of time on Vkontakte. Maybe we should go somewhere for a walk?
  • "You're a great girl! I'm a guy too! Do you want me to prove it?"

Forbidden phrases on the Internet

There are words, examples that are used by almost everyone when meeting:

  • get acquainted;
  • Hello;
  • you are beautiful;
  • you have a boyfriend?;
  • how are you (how are you)?

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with these words, but the girl will perceive you as a representative of the gray mass, one of many. And she needs the one and only.

Show her that you are who you are. Believe me, it's not difficult at all. It is enough to work a little with your head and treat the object of your interest as a person.

You should not send emoticons as signs of attention - according to statistics, the probability of receiving an emoticon in response tends to zero.

Original phrases from pick-up artists

What to write when meeting a girl on the advice of professionals? Phrases used by pick-up artists can be great for online dating.

The pickup principle is to build a dialogue with an unfamiliar girl using non-standard phrases. It can be flattery, a compliment, or even an attempt to lower self-esteem.

  • "Girl, I'm calling the police. You stole my heart".
  • "You don't need the perfect man?"
  • “You dress original. Such things can only be found in second-hand shops.
  • “Are you really that beautiful, or is your friend a professional photographer?”
  • “I guess I'm not the first person who wants to meet you today. But I am the best. Do you want to check?"