Examples of simple photo retouching techniques in Photoshop. High-quality face retouching in Photoshop

When you mention retouching, people often think of the impossibly flawless haute couture models and cover girls they see in magazines. In photographs of this kind, there is no need to achieve realism. Instead, photographers try to make the impossible possible. Flawless leather is allowed, but at the same time, it should not look like plastic. Often the task is to create a similar effect on a person who is not even close to the ideal. You must know how to completely restore the skin, if the task at hand calls you to do so. Of course, today nothing is impossible.
In this example, we'll be working with a snapshot of this attractive woman in her fifties.

It's no wonder that in our youth-obsessed culture, photographers are being asked to strip three decades of writers, musicians, actors, and actresses off their faces. Because movies and television are still low-definition, people often can't tell how old their favorite idols are. I'm not going to expose anyone here, so we're just going to completely reconstruct this woman's skin.


Step 1. As usual, we start by creating a new layer. In this case, we will duplicate the background image by dragging it onto the thumbnail. creating a new layer (createnewlayer) in the layers palette. Our task is to blur this copy as a base for the new skin, so let's rename the layer (double click on the name of the copy of the layer) and name it Blur on the surface (Surface Blur).

Select Filter - Blur - Surface Blur (filter- Blur- Surface Blur).

Filter Surface blur (surfaceblur) appears in the version of Photoshop CS2, it is especially often used in such operations. This blur preserves the transitional edges, but at the same time controls the creation of a very smooth blur. Slider Radius (Radius) controls the intensity of the blur, and the slider Threshold (Threshold) sets how sharp the image should remain. Unlike other blur filters, high setting Threshold (Threshold) gives a greater blur effect. You need to adjust the sliders so that absolutely all wrinkles and skin texture are smoothed out, leaving the main elements untouched.

Note: users of CS versions can use the filter Median (Median) (Filter - Noise - Median (filter - noise - Median). This filter only has one slider, but you can get a similar result, although not as good a smoothing effect.

Step 2 We need to hide this blurry layer. layer mask (layermask). Press and hold the Option/Alt key and click on the icon Layer mask (layermask) at the bottom of the layers palette.

This action will create a black layer mask and hide the blurry layer, revealing the original image.
Now just paint layer mask (layermask) white to cover those areas of the skin that you want to smooth out.

The area you are working on may be barely visible if you paint over everything. You can turn off the visibility of the background layer to see if there are any gaps left. To do this, click on the eye icon next to the thumbnail of the background (background) layer in the layers palette.

Carefully bypass those areas that need to be preserved while painting over "bad" skin - eyes, lips, etc. At this point, you should have something that looks like the image below:

Step 3 Skin will be smooth, but colors and tones may appear patchy. To fix this, create a new layer, but to do this, hold down the Option / Alt key and click on the create icon new layer (newlayer), to bring up a dialog box with options new layer (newlayer).

Note. translator: if after the perfect manipulations you did not open a window, like the author, try to go the following way: Layer - New - Layer ( layer - New - layer )

Check the box next to Use the previous layer to create a clipping mask (Use Previous Layer To Create Clipping Mask).

This will allow the previous layer's mask to control the new layer being painted.
Take a big soft brush and swatch the colors from the blurred skin (Option/Alt + click to turn the cursor into Pipette (eye dropper) and take a color sample) and paint very low opacity (opacity), to gradually smooth out colors and tones.

At this stage, you need to restore some hints of the old skin. Select the blurred layer by clicking on its thumbnail in the layers palette. Move Slider opacity (opacity) slightly to the left to reveal the old skin.

Step 4 Now we need to create layers Lightening (Dodge) and Darkening (Burn) and highlight any unattractive wrinkles on the left. Option/Alt + click on create icon new layer (newlayer) at the bottom of the layers palette. This action will open the create dialog new layer (newlayer).

Note. translator: if after the perfect manipulations you have not opened a window, like the author, try to go the following way: Layer - New - Layer ( layer - New - layer ) , now the necessary window should open in front of you.

Change mode (mode) on Soft light (Softlight), and then mark Fill with a neutral color mode “Soft light” (Fill With Soft-Light-Neutral Color). This action will fill the new layer with 50% gray (50% gray). You must save the mask you created for the blurred layer. Use the tool Clarifier (Dodge) to lighten wrinkles. In the picture you can see how the highlight layer will look like if you change the mode from soft light (Softlight) on Normal/Normal (Normal).

In this case, the woman's skin appeared to be very smooth with little bits of texture from the original skin. To save the image from the plastic effect, you need to add even more texture to the skin. I experimented with all kinds of different approaches. Although I'm not entirely happy with the technique presented, for the moment it worked for me to mimic the texture of the skin. I will keep experimenting until I find the best texture.

Step 5 So again create a new gray layer overlap (overlay). Option/Alt + click on create icon new layer (newlayer) at the bottom of the Layers Palette to open the New Layer dialog box. Check the box next to Use Previous Layer To Create Clipping Mask, select overlap (overlay) from the drop down menu modes (mode) and mark Fill with a neutral color mode "Overlap" (Fill Withoverlay-Neutral Color)(50% gray (gray)).

The layers palette should look like the image below:

The last three layers have been adjusted opacity (opacity) And masklayer (layermask) blur layer. To have a clearer idea of ​​how the Texture layer will affect some things, temporarily increase opacity (opacity) blurred layer at 100%. You won't see the original texture, but you will see the texture you are about to create. You will also see lightened lines where wrinkles have been lightened; you can temporarily turn off the visibility of this layer if it will distract you.

Step 6 Select layer Texture (Texture) in mode Overlap (Overlay) and go to the filter Noise (noise) (Filter - Noise - Add Noise (filter - noise - addnoise). Check boxes Uniform (uniform) And Monochrome (Monochromatic) and add enough noise to make it look like a 3D movie frame.

The ideal value for this filter depends on the size and resolution of the file. Basically, there are no hard and fast rules that apply to all images. Rely on your own judgment and occasionally test print to see subtle effects such as noise.
Many photographers would settle for this effect, but this noise is too harsh for our purposes. With the Texture layer selected in Overlay mode, go to the filter Blur (Blur) (Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur (filter - Blur - GaussianBlur)), use just a little blur to soften the noisy edges without completely smoothing them out.

Step 7 Sometimes this is enough to do what you need, but usually I create a more complex set of textures to mimic real skin. So go to filter Embossing (Emboss) (Filter - Styling - Embossing (filter - Style - Emboss)).

The texture still looks unattractive, so we need to tone it down a bit. You can correctly transform any filter after using the command Let loose (Fade). Go to menu Editing (Edit) (immediately after applying the filter) and select Editing - Loosen Emboss (Edit - FadeEmboss).

Go back to the blurry layer and scale it down opacity (opacity) up to about 70%. You should have something similar to the image below:

Compare it to skin that has not been retouched.

Step 8 For the final retouched work, I brightened up the eyes, applied some light eye shadow and darkened the edges a bit.

Since the entire retouching process was done on the layers controlled by the blur layer, you can reduce it a bit if you wish. opacity (opacity), to get a more realistic rendering.

In that Photoshop tutorial You will learn how professionals do skin retouching. The skin will look healthy and, most importantly, without the “plastic” effect or blurring.

I hope you enjoy our Photoshop tutorials. Let's get to the lesson...

1. Open a photo in Photoshop.

In this photo retouching tutorial, try using high resolution images where you can see skin texture.

2. Duplicate the layer and paste it into the group.

To do this, click Ctrl+J to duplicate the layer and then ctrl+g to place the newly created layer into a group. We call the group “Airbrush”, and the layer “Blur” (Blur).

We will use the "Blur" layer to blur the skin. Then, we will add another new layer to bring back the natural texture of the skin.

3. Select the "Blur" layer.

To blur the current layer, use Surface Blur filter. This filter is similar to the Gaussian Blur, the difference is that it leaves the edges more detailed. We need to blur the layer so that the skin is smooth but without blurry edges.

4. The result of applying the filter Blur on the surface.

Your drawing should look similar to mine, the details of the eye should be intact.

5. Create a new layer and place it above the blur layer.

Name the current layer “Texture” and change the Blending Mode to harsh light(Hard light). The existing layer will be used to add texture to the skin as well as adjust the tone of the skin.

6. The texture created in this layer will not really be noticeable in the final image.

It can be seen if you apply a large increase. But, despite this, the skin will not look too smooth or “plastic”.

Below is a prototype of the result.

7. Make sure you have the "Texture" layer selected.

Click Shift+F5 or go to the list Editing > Fill(Edit-Fill). Set the Fill tool settings as in the picture below.

8. Next, select from the menu Filter > Noise.

This will add a slight noise to the image, which will avoid the “plastic skin effect”. Applying a filter can make your photo look too sharp. In the next step, we will fix this by applying a filter Gaussian blur(Gaussian Blur).

9. Choose from the menu Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

Set the blur radius to 1 pixel.

10. Now we will take a color sample from this layer.

To begin, select the Eyedropper tool. Take a sample of the skin color that seems more suitable to you, you may not be completely accurate, since we will drastically adjust the color later. In the color palette, click on the Lilliputian triangle in a circle and select a model from the pop-up list HSB. We need to know the HSB values ​​for the next step.

11. Open the panel Hue/Saturation, pressing Ctrl+U.

Check the box Tinted and check the parameters to match the parameters HSB from the top step.

12. Select the "Airbrush" group in the layers panel.

Then we go to the menu Layer>Layer Mask>Hide All(Layer - Layer mask - Hide all).

This will create a layer mask filled with black that will hide the entire group. In this layer mask, we will paint the areas where we want to add retouching.

13. Press D on your keyboard to set the default background color to black and white.

Choose a tool Brush with the following settings.

Zoom in to 100% and paint over the skin. Don't worry if your skin tone looks wrong. This is because we didn't choose the exact color when we used Hue/Saturation with a tint on the Texture layer. Simply, then it is very difficult to do. We will come to the correct result a little later. Use the following photoshop hotkeys to change the brush size and hardness:
* Decreased brush size: [
* Increase brush size: ] * Decrease brush softness by 25%: Shift + [
* Multiply brush softness by 25%: Shift + ]

Where you've painted over the skin, your layer mask should have areas of white, and the skin should look smooth.

14. Now we are going to correct the color of the skin.

We've talked about this before in this Photoshop skin retouching tutorial. So select the “Texture” layer and click Ctrl+U. Change the settings to get a normal skin tone.

IN " Color tone” settings are usually correct. But I increased it by 10 units, adding a yellow tint to reduce the red areas.
Settings " Saturation” often have to be significantly reduced. Adjust the setting until the skin tone looks good but not pale.
Brightness” on the contrary, requires minor changes, when you adjust it, you will see how sensitive this parameter is. If the Brightness is fine-tuned, the photo will look more natural.

15. Restore skin details.

Let's go to the list Picture > External channel(Image - Apply Image). In the window that appears, set the following settings.

Final results.

Here you see the final photo after applying the airbrush technique.

As you change the range of the image, you will notice that the slight bumps in the skin are still visible. Even on the lower right image, the result looks natural due to the Texture layer. Outside of this layer, the image would look like a solid color without noise.

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As you know, almost no sensibly finished photograph is complete without one or another processing. It allows you to emphasize and highlight the main elements of the picture, remove or mute unnecessary and unimportant details, enhance the emotional effect of the image and correctly place accents.

This is due, in particular, to the fact that the human eye and the brain react to the data received in a very specific way. Therefore, understanding how and what the brain pays attention to, when retouching, you can clearly determine where and what the viewer will eventually look at.

Contrasts are of paramount importance. Color, light and sharpness.

By creating and controlling them, you can take pictures that are pleasing to the human eye to look at.

As a fan of minimalism, my photographs usually have 2-3 central elements, between which I try with varying degrees of success to make the viewer's eyes slide.

It is clear that you can achieve the opposite effect if you approach retouching illiterately. So you should show a revolutionary flair in the question of what is worth retouching, and what would be nice to leave as is.

To some extent, it depends on the goals set and the genre in which it is planned to get the final shot.

For example, the so-called. "glamorous" portrait requires a minimum of unnecessary details and maximum "sleekness". As a result, the model may not recognize itself in the picture, since facial features and figures can undergo serious refinement directly to bring them to a more “ideal”, sometimes even “doll” look. More "personal" portraits, on the contrary, require the preservation of such characteristic facial features as the asymmetry inherent in a real living person, important moles, wrinkles, pits, scars, etc. There are no perfect people, and our goal is usually to achieve an authentic picture with a specific character and character.

Trained taste and personal preferences also play a significant role here. This is especially true at the stage of color correction. Some lazy people, however, try to avoid this interesting stage by converting the image to b/w, but we know that: b/w is for lazy people and wimps!!!

By the way, there is an opinion that “photoshop relaxes”, “photoshop is evil” and “this was not the case before and it was cooler”.

In general, with the introduction, that's all for now, let's slowly start.


First of all, a manipulator.

If you are serious about retouching photos in more or less decent quantities, get a tablet. Buy it, take it from friends (thank you, oh Jezek!!!), persuade your boss to buy it for work. For processing images with the mouse is just hell.

This, of course, if you do not want to kill the skin and face with a blur / filter, but work competently, with pens and within a reasonable time. It also speeds up and makes it easier to work with masks. And in general, you have to “draw” during retouching abundantly and it’s more convenient to do it with a tablet.

Wakom, even the younger one, would be a great choice. But it is advisable to take a larger size. Larger tablet = greater accuracy.

It is a very painstaking work in processing photos. The Internet is filled with a variety of professional tutorials on portrait retouching in Photoshop, which deal with many technical aspects, such as the preservation skin texture, giving naturalness, preserving small details of the face, etc.

But I noticed two problems: either the lesson is designed for professionals who devote a lot of time ( 3-6 hours or more) for processing, or the lesson is not “good” enough, because after processing it turns out a plastic face, an unnatural look of the model.

In this article, I would like to find golden mean“, namely: fast, simple, high-quality retouching, which does not take a lot of effort and time, and at the same time with a phenomenal end result.

For processing, I chose this female portrait (be sure to click on the photo below to enlarge, so you can better see the result before and after):

And here is the result:

What will be done in this lesson?

1. small skin cleaning(moles, flaws, black dots on the nose, etc.). By the way, it is not at all necessary to remove moles, this should be done only in agreement with the model!

2. while maintaining the texture of the skin. The texture of the skin is usually understood as its roughness, small hairs, relief, etc.

4. Smoothing/Erasing wrinkles.

5. Were a little processed hair.

Also, several steps were taken to giving volume: creating a vignette, concentrating lighting on the model's face, working out light and dark areas of the skin.

It seems like quite a lot of work to be done, but in fact the retouching took me no more 15 minutes, as you can see by watching the video at the end of the article. By the way, in the course of work you will need to apply the plugin, if you don’t have it yet, I advise you.

ATTENTION!!! Before you start, be sure to review video by this processing at the end of the article.

Getting started in Adobe Photoshop

1. The first thing you usually start with face retouching- cleaning the skin from various defects. To do this, open the photo in Photoshop and immediately duplicate layer(press right click mouse on layer -> Duplicate Layer), we do not touch the original, so that in the future there is always the opportunity to return to its original position. Choosing a tool Spot Healing Brush Tool(Spot Healing Brush, Button J on the keyboard) with the following settings:

First value ( diameter) set as needed, i.e. for large defects, set a larger value, and for small ones, for example, if you want get rid of blackheads on nose, set the value to a smaller value. Rigidity ( hardness) be sure to put 100% . Spacing leave within 10-15% .

Once you have set up the tool, go over the imperfections of the face with it. If something didn’t work out the first time (for example, a mole), try clicking a few times, or change the Diameter or Spacing values ​​to taste.

2. After cleaning the facial skin, we proceed to the initial retouching. We will use two methods - standard Photoshop filters and a plugin Color Effect Pro. The main task is to save skin texture, prevent the effect of plastic on the face.

So, choose a tool History Brush Tool(Historical brush, button Y on keyboard). We go to filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur(Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur) and set the value Radius V 30 pixels. Click OK. After that, you should blur the image completely. Now you need to open the panel History(History, if you can't find it, click at the top of Photoshop on the inscription Windows -> History) and click once on the box next to the Gaussian Blur inscription to make the tool icon appear. After that, you need to become one step higher, so that it turns out like this:

Done? Great! Instrument settings ( top left) set the following:

I took the size of the brush 65 pixels(you can choose according to your taste). Mode: Normal and transparency ( Opacity) exposed 15% not to overdo it (remember that the main task is to preserve skin texture).

As soon as everything is ready, we begin to gently pass the brush over the face, without touching eyes, mouth, eyebrows. In order to remove glare from the face, you need to set the brush in the settings (top left) mode(mode) on Darkens(replaced by dark). Transparency in this case can be set 30% .

After all these actions, you will already be able to see a good improvement in the skin of the face compared to the original (first layer). Now let's move on to the second stage of smoothing the skin. To do this, we need, as I wrote above, the Color Efex Pro plugin. We go into it and look for a filter called Dynamic Skin Softener. From the name of the filter, it is clear that the plugin is aimed specifically at softening the skin. We don’t touch the settings (although you can twist the sliders to taste, but I preferred to leave it as it is for better preservation skin texture), leave everything according to the standard and click OK:

As you can see, this plugin softened the skin on the face a little, but did not kill it. details. If your softening effect is very strong, you can reduce the layer's opacity to about 75% . Keep in mind that the plugin affected the entire image, and we need it to apply the effect only to the skin of the face. For this, we take the usual soft edge eraser(key E on the keyboard) and we pass them through the hair, mouth, eyes and eyebrows so that they do not “soften” with us, this effect is completely unnecessary on them. Merge this layer with the bottom one.

Don't forget to merge your layer with the bottom one after you have gone over it with an eraser and removed the "excess".

This concludes our retouching of the skin, now you can work a little with the rest of the face, for example, whiten the teeth, process the eyes and add a little bit of beauty to the hair.

For teeth whitening I applied my own method, which I already talked about in . It concludes as follows:

Go to the Color Efex Pro plugin and select a filter White Neutralizer, set all values ​​according to 100%

Below, in paragraph control points click on the button with the plus sign (highlighted in red in the picture above) and click once on the teeth, i.e. put a dot. After that, drag the gray circle (highlighted in red in the picture below), making it so that the overall field of action of the plugin decreases and captures only the teeth

By the way, you can put such points before our eyes, to whiten the eyeball. We press OK. As you can see, the plugin whitened the teeth and a little bit of the eyes, but a slightly noticeable white area appeared around them. In order to remove it, take an eraser with soft edges and clean the areas around the eyes and teeth.

By the way, since we have moved on to processing the eyes, we can work them out in more detail. From the photo you can see that it would not hurt remove blood vessels and add a little expressiveness to the eyes. In order to remove the vessels, we take the tool Spot Healing Brush Tool(Spot Healing Brush, Key J on the keyboard), set the size at the top left to approximately 5px (or, if necessary, I chose such a small size to remove exactly small vessels), hardness(hardness) and Spacing(Interval) leave as is (100% and 10%, respectively) and begin to carefully pass the brush through the vessels.

If you are not quite comfortable using this tool (Spot Healing Brush) and the vessels are not completely eliminated, you can try to take Clone Stamp Tool(clone stamp, key S on keyboard). Turn on this tool, set the hardness to 0% and the size as needed, by the way, sometimes it is useful to set Opacity(transparency) brushes approximately 60-70% to get the best effect. Hold down the key alt, you will see how your mouse cursor will change to "sight", click once without releasing Alt next to the vessel to be eliminated and then brush over it. You will see how the vessel is replaced by the adjacent eyeball texture.

What else can be done for the eyes? For example, add "colors" and saturation, which of course will change its color, but not much. There are thousands of ways to do this, I personally did the following in this lesson: open Color Efex Pro, look for a filter Photo Styler. We put the value Strength on 100% and just like last time, we put “dots” on the eyes and reduce the plug-in field of action so that it covers only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. Done? Great! Do not forget to go over the eraser around the eyes after that and remove unnecessary areas.

to finish eye treatment, can be strengthened shine. We take the tool DodgeTool(Clarifier, key O on the keyboard), set the following values ​​for it:

I chose a brush size of 65, but you can choose any as needed. Range(Range) set highlights(Light), exposure(Strength) exhibit 15% (although you can also taste it) and brush over glare in the eyes, thereby enhancing their "glow".

Finished with the eyes, now it would not hurt to remove the small wrinkles next to them, I described in more detail how to do this in. We take the tool PathTool(Patch, key J on the keyboard) and carefully outline the wrinkles. As soon as we have a selection, we click on it and without releasing we lead a little lower, onto a clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It should look something like this:

After you release the left mouse button, you will see that wrinkles are gone. If the first time it didn’t work out to the end to remove them, you can try to repeat this action. repeatedly. Likewise, after this processing there may be a feeling of unnaturalness, i.e. this area of ​​the skin will stand out strongly. It can be retouch just like we did with the entire face with the History Brush Tool just above.

As I wrote above, in this portrait you can also add beauty to the hair. To do this, open Color Efex Pro and select a filter Glamor Glow. Set the settings as in the picture and click OK:

Now take the eraser with soft edges and go over the face to leave the effect only on the hair. By the way, you can add a little sharpness, because. The filter washed my hair a little. For this we go to filter -> Sharpen -> Sharpen(Filters -> Sharpness -> Sharpness) and you will see how the hair has become sharper. Merge this layer with the bottom one.

By the way, since we are talking about sharpness, it would not hurt after such processing add sharpness for the entire image. To do this, take the tool sharpen tool(Sharpness), at the top left, turn down the power by about 80% and go over the eyes, eyebrows, mouth with a brush. You can also reduce the strength to about 50% and go over the entire skin of the face, thereby emphasizing the texture of the skin.


At the end of processing, you can give volume photographs, i.e. highlight light/dark areas of the skin on the face, as well as direct a small beam of light on the face of the model using the Darken / Lighten Center filter.

First, select the light areas of the skin using the tool DodgeTool(Clarifier). I set the following settings:

Range(Range) set Shadows(Shadows) exposure(Strength) exhibit 50% and lightly go over the light areas of the skin, making them lighter.

After that, we take the tool BurnTool(Dimmer) with the same settings, only set the strength 10% and go through the dark areas of the skin of the face.

At the end of processing, you can do one more detail, this is to add a light spot on the face, which will add even more volume to the photo. Go to the Color Efex Pro plugin and find the filter Darken/Lighten Center. Set the settings to something like this and click OK:

That's basically it! before/after treatment you can see at the very beginning of the article. Below I provide a video clip with all the actions that I described above

In fact, there was still a lot to do here, to add various effects, make-up, etc., but I described only the basics of what facial retouching consists of. When doing work quickly, you can meet minutes 5-10 time, depending on the complexity and contamination of the skin of the model. By the way, if you are interested in complex, you can read about it in. And if processing is interesting male portrait, .

How to make the skin perfect, tint the lips, add a blush, make the eyes shine? Makeup in Photoshop.

In this tutorial, you will learn how you can completely change the face of a girl using simple Photoshop techniques. Try to create the perfect female portrait. The face will look a little unnatural, something between a plastic girl, a cartoon character, or a picture from a glamor magazine.

For work, you need the right image.

First of all, let's remove the girl's hair. To do this, use the tool Clone Stamp Tool (Stamp).

Settings for stamp tool:

Select the Stamp Tool, hold down the Alt key, click on the girl's hat, release Alt and draw the hair with the stamp.

Remove the scarf in the same way.

To darken a strand of hair, use the tool Burn tool (Dimmer).

Here are the settings for Burn tool (Dimmer).

To lighten the whites of the eyes, you can use the Spot Healing Brush Tool (Spot Healing Brush). This will make the eyes brighter.

Make a duplicate of the main layer

In the duplicate layer, carefully erase the following parts of the photo with an eraser.

Using the Spot Healing Brush Tool, remove the dots on the girl's face. (In this image, they are almost invisible, but in real photographs there are always many small dots - pimples, freckles. The skin of the face needs to be cleaned of such errors.)

Apply a filter to the duplicate layer. Filter (Filter)> Blur (Blur)> Gaussian blur (Gaussian Blur)

Filter settings:

Change the transparency of this layer to 79% – Opacity (Opacity) on the layers panel.

Everything should look something like this, if you turn off the main layer

At the top of the blurry duplicate layer, clean up the blurry hairs a little with the Eraser Tool (Eraser).

To make the eyes brighter and more expressive, darken the pupils and edges of the iris with the Burn tool (Dimmer)

And lighten the middle of the iris with the Dodge Tool (Clarifier) ​​with the following settings:

Tool Burn tool (Dimmer) you can emphasize the eyebrows, the diameter in the tool settings, choose proportional to the width of the eyebrows, so as not to affect the skin of the face.


The girl we work with is very nice, but you can make her lips better. To do this, use another photography.

Select the lip area with any selection tool (approximately possible) and paste it into a new layer of the main document. Remove everything superfluous from this layer with a hard rubber band, leaving only the lips.

Their shape can be changed. To change the shape of the lips, apply Edit (Editing)> Transform (Transformation)> Warp (Deformation) in the layer with lips and make the following changes:

With the tool Spot Healing Brush Tool (Spot Healing Brush) you can remove minor imperfections.

To "touch up" the lips, create a new layer above the lips layer, select the color #f307b3 and carefully paint over the area of ​​the lips with a brush.

For this layer, in the layers panel, set the blending mode to Linear burn (Linear dimmer). With a soft rubber band with Opacity (Opacity) about 50%, correct the color fill in the corners of the lips.

To make the eyes brighter, create highlights in the eyes.

Set the foreground color to white. Tool RectangleTool (Rectangle) draw 4 rectangles.

Select all 4 rectangle layers and merge them (CTRL+E). Apply for this layer Edit (Editing)> Transform (Transformation)> Distort (Distortion) to get such a figure.

Press CTRL+T and resize and reposition the shape as shown.

Reduce Opacity (Opacity) layer up to 78%. Duplicate this layer and move the highlight to the other eye.

To add some blush to the cheeks create a new layer. Choose a soft brush with a large diameter of 150-200px, Opacity (Opacity) – 11%, set the color to # e4431e and make a few strokes on the cheeks. You can choose another color.

Now you can draw eyelashes.

Create a new layer. Take Brush tool (Brush) 1px in size and draw eyelashes above the right eye. Then make a duplicate of this layer, reflect horizontally (Edit (Editing)> Transform (Transformation)> Flip horizontally (Flip horizontally)) and drag the eyelashes to the left eye.

Also draw thicker bottom lashes.

(If you can’t do anything with drawing eyelashes, look at the lesson using ready-made brushes or. This will make your work much easier)

Finally, use the Dodge Tool (Clarifier) ​​to emphasize the fur on the hat.

With this tutorial, you can learn how to edit your photos, create a glamorous look, make your face perfect.

Beauty and youth are always attractive, but sometimes Photoshop emphasizes it and makes the portrait stylish. And the "secrets of beauty" will help eliminate the flaws in appearance.