Crazy Love. Crazy love You don't get awkward silences

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Which simply drove you crazy when you didn’t want to eat or sleep in the absence of your object of adoration. Such crazy love simply “clouds” your eyes, not allowing you to notice all the shortcomings of a loved one.

Crazy Love..

When you love madly .. In such cases, everything is forgiven to a loved one and all, even the most unseemly, actions are justified, since there is a hope in the soul that such crazy love can “turn mountains” and even the most unworthy person will definitely become better.

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that time passes, and love simply develops into a habit, but a madly in love, often, still does not have the strength to leave that person who has not managed to change over the years.

It was during this period that the realization comes that it was one that can be called “incompatible” with life, since such a crazy feeling only destroyed this life.

Crazy love of men

Men, if they fall in love so much that they cannot live without their woman, often turn life together into torture. In fact, you need to be a very intelligent person to understand one simple but very significant truth.

Love should not be chains, but should be an exciting sea between two shores..

Domestic tyranny often happens to successful ladies when their partners begin to be jealous of their business women for their work, for their successes, colleagues and so on.

Then there is a certain touch of aggressiveness and suspicion. Often, such emotions force men to arrange surveillance of their lady, and sometimes even hire private detectives, under whose supervision their soulmate will be forced to be.

This kind of behavior of a loved one upsets a woman, she begins to be disappointed in her partner. But “by inertia” continues to love and forgive him. Because the beloved, after the next scenes of jealousy and requests to leave work and stay at home, passionately apologizes and swears that he will definitely improve.

But this, unfortunately, does not happen, and a gap, in such situations, is almost inevitable. After all, the beloved is simply obsessed, and it is almost impossible to cope with obsession.

And yet the soul of a woman continues to belong to such a "beloved despot." But sometimes it is vital to find the strength in yourself and dot the “and”, stop breaking each other’s lives.

Indeed, in the case when a man demands that a woman give up her career for him, it may not mean that he is afraid of losing her. This is a sense of ownership and selfishness! In addition, he either does not trust her, or there is a fear in him that he is not able to correspond to her, while she is achieving her plans.

What to do?

The thing is, the line between wanting to be together and tyranny in a relationship can be very thin. This happens when tenderness and courtship turn to rudeness and tight control over the personality.

Dear ladies, remember that you can’t subordinate your life to someone else’s interests, and you shouldn’t do this either when it comes to personal life or in matters of the professional sphere.

In psychology, there is such a thing as domestic violence, which implies the suppression of the personality of one of the partners by the other. This is expressed in the restriction of interests and communication, in coercion to certain actions. It is necessary to get rid of such relations by any means, to run away from them at the first opportunity.

And you should do it for yourself and for the sake of your future happy life. Mad love in this aspect is not able to make a person happy.

Who said that champagne and roses are the epitome of romance? I don't know about you, but it seems too hackneyed to me. Usually what makes your heart melt isn't really "romantic" at all. This is because true love is not made up of such polished moments. Love is much easier.

And here are 10 unromantic signs that show that he loves you a lot:

1. Routine business is a pleasure for him.

Everyone can make romance with a helicopter flight to the top of the mountain where a candlelit dinner awaits. But true love also makes going shopping or cooking dinner special and romantic.

2. You don't have awkward silences.

It's so romantic when you have someone to talk to all night and get lost in the maze of your conversations. But sometimes we forget that the real pleasure is to be with someone you don't feel the need to constantly talk to. When there is love, there is silence, but it is never awkward.

3. He sees your weaknesses.

It can be romantic to wear rose-colored glasses that hide all imperfections. But true love is when he chooses to be with you, despite your shortcomings, because he knows that you deserve it.

4. He loves you in any way.

Then, when you do not stand on ceremony with him, when you can be angry - but for him this is another reason to show love to you. He will just hug you to support you physically and emotionally. He loves you when you need it, not when it's easy.

5. He sees you popping pimples.

Dressing up for him is one version of romance, but nothing says more about love than the feeling that you can be yourself and not be afraid that he will see you without embellishment.

6. He tells you why he is angry.

We like to imagine love as a world full of sunlight and flowers. But this is an impractical definition of love. There is no need to hide negative emotions in love. The epitome of love is the freedom to tell someone how you feel because you trust the person.

7. He cleans the toilet.

This is not for you to buy a bouquet of flowers or a chocolate bar. Love is real, and how nice it is to realize that a person is ready to do even the most unpleasant household chores instead of you.

8. He tells it like it is.

Instead of saying that you are always beautiful, if a man really loves you, he will not be afraid to give honest but tactful criticism.

9. He lets you do what you want.

The constant need to be there for each other is a twisted version of romance. A loving man will encourage you to follow your dreams and realize yourself.

10. He values ​​your opinion.

Even if you have different tastes and views, he considers your feelings and respects them.

As you know, men for the most part are much less inclined to talk about their feelings than women.

I think everyone knows the famous joke when a lady asks her husband why he no longer says that he loves her, to which the man replied laconically, “I said once, nothing has changed.”

Trying to get a man to tell you "I love you" every day can really ruin a good relationship. Ladies, be wiser, be able to read his declarations of love in his deeds.

After all, a real man is defined not by a word, but by a deed.

So, what actions does a man show his love for you (whether you just met or have been married for 15 years)?

See the list below. Although 5 points out of 30 indicate that he loves you very much.

1. He tries to make your day better.

No matter what happens, he reminds you that everything will be fine.

2. He remembers little things you say or do.

It remembers what kind of flowers you like or what was the name of your first cat as a child.

3. He wants to hear how your day went in every detail.

Even various nonsense and work gossip.

4. He calls you regularly.

Every day, throughout the day.

5. Even his small gestures show that he remembers you.

When he goes shopping and buys your favorite yogurt, or when he drives past a poster and buys a ticket for your favorite artist.

6. He shares his favorite music with you.

He wants to show you everything he enjoys.

7. He puts you first.

You mean more to him than anyone else.

8. He asks questions because he wants to know you better.

And the more the better.

9. He likes to hold your hand.

Wherever you are.

10. He treats you like a lady.

As it should be!

11. He likes to take care of you.

And pamper you.

12. He offers his help.

Both in big and small.

13. He remembers special dates.

14. He likes to just cuddle with you.

Just like you.

15. He adopted some of your mannerisms.

When you are together, you become one person.

16. He tries to get along with your family and friends.

Because it's important to you.

17. He talks about your future.

He sees you in his life.

18. He finds time for you.

He wants to spend every free moment with you.

19. He values ​​your opinion.

He cares about everything you say.

20. He worries when you don't return his calls and messages.

It drives him a little crazy.

21. He can't be angry with you for long.

No matter how hard you try.

22. He says what he likes about you.

23. His eyes say everything he cannot say.

This is the mirror of the soul.

24. You are the first and last person with whom he speaks in the morning and in the evening.

It means a lot.

25. He knows how to apologize.