Script for husband at 30. We create a festive atmosphere. Details to keep guests entertained

The thirtieth anniversary is perhaps the most long-awaited and memorable anniversary in everyone's life. If you, your husband, son, father or other loved one will soon have such a holiday, you just need a competent script for the anniversary of 30 years for a man. Such an event should be epic for the hero of the day. Only enchanting mood, pleasant memories, the best treats and the most interesting entertainment!

We create a festive atmosphere

First of all, you should pay attention to the hobby of the birthday man. For example, if he collects something (medals, coins, photos, stamps, etc.), then why not put his trophies under glass. Let the guests admire and sigh in admiration. Buy helium balloons and hang them from the ceiling, and fasten photos of the hero of the day on ribbons, where he is at different ages. You can also set up a wish board, decorating it with gold sparkles. Everyone will be able to come up and leave a few lines with warm wishes there.

Let the number "30" flaunt everywhere. Order a personalized cake with the date of birth, decorate the walls with posters with “30” depicted on them, and you can also give the birthday boy a football jersey with this number.

Do not forget to make a good music selection to set the best possible mood. It has long become a tradition to include the famous song of the group "Gas Sector" on the 30th anniversary. Make sure it's on your playlist. Take care of the festive table, invitations and outfits. And don't miss the program key - a ready-to-run script. Everything should be carefully thought out, competitions are selected taking into account the wishes of the guests and the hero of the day himself. Much depends on the nature of the participants. Someone loves outdoor games, someone is more fond of quizzes, and someone serve it hot. If in your case everyone’s moods are different, try to organically compose the necessary entertainment into one scenario.

Where to spend the 30th birthday of a man?

  • Outdoors. Many men are very close to this way of celebrating. They are literally beckoned by harsh natural realities! Go further into the forest, inhale freshness, get firewood, fry juicy meat, set up a tent and dismantle a hiking backpack. And there, to each his own. Who goes to the river with fishing rods, who plays the guitar, and who just chats and laughs around the campfire! True, if your anniversary is in the winter, you will have to postpone this idea.
  • Bars, clubs. If you are a child of the city and are demanding on amenities, and also do not want to celebrate, burdening yourself with festive chores, your option is an entertainment establishment. Loud music, delicacies, incendiary show program, dancing and full service.
  • Karaoke. This option is ideal for those who were born musically gifted with a sonorous voice. Why not celebrate the anniversary of 30 years in a karaoke bar?! The main thing is to make sure that there is really high-quality sound equipment.
  • Big party. To conduct it, you will have to rent a room or go to a country house. Firstly, to celebrate in a big way and not to crowd, and secondly, so as not to disturb the neighbors. And already there arrange an enchanting show, invite your favorite performers, invite dozens of guests and take a walk from the whole breadth of the Russian soul!
  • Frosty anniversary. If your birthday is in winter, we offer you a special holiday experience. Skating, skiing, snowboarding - have fun! Well, if the winter is not snowy, go ahead - to the ice arena!

Scenario for the 30th anniversary of a man. Prize Fight!

To make it easier to prepare for the holiday, we have developed for you a neutral script for a 30-year-old man's birthday, which should be great for celebrating such an anniversary. It is designed for the number of guests from 6 or more people. Ideal if you celebrate in the most spacious room.


Hello guests and our dear birthday boy! I congratulate you all on this significant event and propose to raise glasses for our hero of the day! Today he is 30 years old! And it's a great excuse to have some fun! And now I call on the most daring to start our program!

Competition "Lion - the king of animals"

The king of animals, or the lion, is chosen from among those present, but, of course, most often the hero of the day himself becomes it. He occupies a place of honor - a makeshift throne. After that, the lion chooses one of the guests and, without words, tries to explain to him which role of the beast he should play. The task of the guest is to understand the king of beasts and approach him so that you can see what kind of animal he is. So, the hare should jump, the snake should crawl, and so on. After all the players gather at the feet of the lion, the most intelligent and artistic of them receives a prize.


While our "king" is pleased with his retinue, I suggest not to stop and continue in the same spirit to maintain a cheerful mood. Do we already have the following contenders?

Game-nomination "Who is the best?"

The essence of the competition is to highlight some bright and original feature of each of the guests. Usually young and interesting people are invited for 30 years, and each of them is pleased to emphasize their merits. Examples of nominations: "The most original hairstyle", "The shortest skirt", "The highest heel", "The most chic beard" and so on.

Competition "Find Thirty!"

For this competition, you will need to prepare several types of items (usually 3-4), each in the amount of 30 pieces. The facilitator should arrange them in the room in such a way that several items are in full view, and the rest are hidden. Players are divided into 2 teams. At the signal for the beginning of the competition, each of them takes for themselves those items that are in sight. The task of each team is to find the same hidden objects. The one who quickly collects 30 identical items wins a prize.


Let's take a break and once again raise our glasses to the birthday boy! And let's all say a few warm words to the hero of the occasion! Just look at the kind of man your parents raised! Solid merit! And then we'll continue!

Game "What is thirty?"

The players sit in a circle and begin to say the composition of the number 30. The first says: 30 is 1 + 29, the second: 30 is 2 + 28, the third: 30 is 3 + 27 and so on. For each of the guests, the host assigns an action for the largest of his numbers. They can be as follows: 29 jumps, 28 squats, 27 compliments to the birthday man, 10 associations with him, and so on, depending on the host's imagination.


Have you heard the story of the princess and the pea? Remember how the poor thing didn't sleep all night? But we are not princesses here, but real men! Let's see which of you can quickly get rid of peas. The quickest one will receive a medal "For saving the dreams of all princesses"! Any nominees?

Contest "Catch a Pea"

Each of the contestants receives a small saucer and fork. Each saucer is filled with 30 pieces of green canned peas. After the “start” command, the participants begin to eat them. Only 1 pea can be pricked on a fork at a time. The winner is the one who can empty his saucer the fastest.


Yes, how can I see those other heroes! Well, shall we take a breather? In the meantime, I'll prepare some more interesting entertainment.

Competition "Cinderella's Share"

2 people participate in this competition. They must arrange piles of different objects on 2 sides. The composition of the piles can be different: glasses and mugs, pencils and pens, and so on. The difficulty is that sorting is carried out with closed eyes. The prize is given to the person who completes the task the fastest.

Contest "Guess the Artist"

This competition requires preparation. The presenter must have printed reproductions of paintings by famous artists. Painters should be famous and well recognizable: Van Gogh, Aivazovsky, Dali, Shishkin, Levitan and so on. Reproductions are shown to the guests one by one. The one who was able to correctly name the picture and the author receives a prize. But in case of an error, the participant must fulfill the wish of the birthday man.

The game "A scent like a dog ..."

The host prepares in advance several jars with substances that have a pronounced smell. It can be shampoo, perfume, ammonia, valerian, mint, laurel and others. The task of each of the participants is blindfolded to guess the substance by smell. The one who succeeds receives a prize, and whoever fails, performs a number for the hero of the day: he reads a poem, sings a song, and so on.


Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye, but in the end I saved one more competition. Let's fight for the final prize!

Competition "Getting rid of knots"

The participants of the holiday are divided into teams. Each of them is given a rope or a rope with the same number of knots. At the command of the host, the participants of the competition need to unravel the knots on the rope as quickly as possible. Each player unties only one knot. If there are fewer participants than nodes, the remaining node is untied by the first freed guest. The team that frees the rope from the knots first wins and receives a prize.


Once again, congratulations to our hero of the day! 30 years is the best age! Dear guests, thank you for participating in the contests. You are very funny and resourceful guys! And now see you soon friends. Good evening!

This festive program is sure to please both the birthday boy and his guests. Competitions will not let even the most melancholy of guests get bored, and prizes only fuel the excitement. Most importantly, don't forget to take plenty of pictures. We are sure they will be very memorable. Happy anniversary!

If you want to celebrate your anniversary or a friend, beloved husband, brother (and your other dear men) in a fun and unforgettable way, then our site offers you an anniversary scenario for a 30-year-old man with interesting contests with cool titles and medals.

Also, this scenario is suitable not only for anniversaries, but also for a man's birthday.

What is needed for the holiday:

- "The most eloquent guest"

- "The most inquisitive guest"

- "The funniest guest"

- "The most persistent man"

- "Best Dancer"

Poster reading "I know everything about him!"

Gypsy costume

Cutting songs for divination

14. Favorite dish.

15. Favorite hobby.

16. What is the height and weight of the hero of the day?

17. How many acres does the summer cottage of the hero of the day take?

18 . What trees and shrubs grow in his dacha?

19. What brand of car does the hero of the day want?

20. Make and number of the car that the hero of the day drives.

A song dedicated to the hero of the day, to the motive "Let them run clumsily ...".

1. We did not come in vain,

It's clear to everyone

And sit down at this table.

Congratulate the hero of the day

And leave a memory

This song that we will sing.

Let the years not age you

Be visible in life.

Sorry, birthday

Only once a year!

2. Anniversary, our friend,

Come out to our circle

And pour us stronger wine.

It's not often that we're here

Let's get together

For your solemn anniversary!

3. We congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Stay the same:

Modest, kind and sweet,

Patient, beautiful.

We cannot count all your virtues.

Scene with a fortune teller.

A "gypsy" appears before the guests. She proposes to the hero of the day. “Give me your hand, my golden one! I’ll tell you fortune, my dear, and tell the whole truth.

Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. She goes uphill all the time, you, my diamond, will become a big man. Oh, women will love you, but you will be unshakable as a rock. You'll also have a car, but I can't tell if it's a white Mercedes or a green Moskvich. And some beauty along the line of your life, well, does not retreat a single step.

Ah, my precious one, I see the brilliance along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, you will celebrate your anniversaries there, you will invite all the guests to your place for every holiday, and now - give me a coin, my rich man, gild your pen for what I told you fortune.

Yes, do not spare money, my hundred-dollar one, I’ll tell you now what your guests think about you, I’ll read all their thoughts - everything is for you, dear!

A gypsy woman approaches the guests, raises her hands above their heads, as if reading their thoughts. At this time, a melody sounds.

The cuts were made in advance, approximately knowing the list of guests. It is desirable to pick up melodies individually for everyone. For example:

The wife of the hero of the day - an excerpt from Tutsi's song "The most expensive person", for the best friend the refrain from a children's song about friendship "Strong friendship will not break ...", for a cheerful female guest, an excerpt from the song "Well, little girls ... " etc. The main thing is to turn on the imagination

To make it easier to pick up songs, you need to know the guests, their occupation, their attitude towards the birthday boy ... and some fun music.

Ditties competition

The host then starts the next contest:

"Oh you, dear guests,

Sing, have fun

Well, who came out of sorts,

Better leave."

The competition of funny mischievous ditties for the anniversary script is one of the most memorable moments of the holiday, especially if you have an accordion player in your company. In order to pass in an organized manner, the host passes a special stick around the circle, which the guests pass to each other to the music. As soon as the music subsides, the member of the company, who had a wand in his hands, performs a ditty.

That guest, whose ditty caused the biggest explosion of laughter, receives a commemorative medal "The most cheerful guest" and in - a birthday kiss. If you know that the guests practically do not know ditties, you can write texts on cards and distribute them to those invited in advance.

A small scene in which the birthday man's wife participates.

Princess from the fairy-tale country of Faith of Hope of Love (it just so happened that the wife of the hero of the day was called Vera)

Leading: The news of your anniversary has reached the lands of the distant kingdom. It's a surprise for you. Receive guests from the thirtieth state.

A melody sounds. Vera enters in a princess costume - a crown, a cape. Behind her is a page - if there are children at the festival - she carries the end of her cloak. We also had a girl who carried a pillow on which lay copper for the hero of the day and instructions for it.

Vera (wife): I am a princess from a fairy-tale land of Faith, Hope and Love. Having learned about your holiday, I put on my best outfit and the Flying ship quickly carried me to the shores of Vohna.

(The princess turns to the hero of the day, opens her scroll of paper and begins to read.)

Oh, tireless Denis! May you live forever! I see wisdom on your forehead, in your words and deeds, O priest of the hearth! Your speech flows smoothly. Your gaze calls and beckons, O flower of the oasis! Accept unworthy gifts and wishes, so that my words do not offend your ears. You are like the sun, which scatters rays of light for everyone, giving strength and life. You, who appeared in the world, gave life to your son and raised him to be a worthy and respected naughty. Praise be to you, O most worthy of the worthy. Don't look to the left, for the sky sees everything. Accept this medal in honor of the celebration.

Instructions for the medal:

1. The best place in the apartment is assigned to the medal and a special carpet is purchased where the medal is hung so that all neighbors can view the medal.

2. It is forbidden for a person awarded with this medal: to get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry; It is strictly forbidden to grow old, use a medal to make teeth.

3. The recipient wears the medal, as a rule, at home, on days of family celebrations, on days of receiving salaries and winning the lottery.

The princess puts a large round medal around the neck of the hero of the day.

Competition of friends for the "Most Persistent Man"

Balloons are tied to chair seats. You need to sit on the ball and crush it. It is not as easy as it seems at first glance, and causes a lot of laughter, both among the participants and the audience of the competition. The most persistent man receives a balloon as a prize.

dance competition

The holiday continues and the presenter announces a new competition - dance. Guests who have expressed a desire to demonstrate their dancing abilities go to the center. Dance melodies familiar to everyone sound - waltz, gypsy, tango, dance of little ducklings, swan lake, Russian, twist, shake, rock and roll, lezginka, etc., 15-20 seconds each. The guests show their art of dancing. The applause of the audience is a reward for the participants of the dance competition, and the most temperamental one receives the medal "Best Dancer" and a gift - a hug from the hero of the day.

Scenario of the anniversary of a man of 30 years - holidays from

To the clink of glasses, the laughter of friends

Let me take the floor today!

We're here for the anniversary

You are a dear person!

So we wish you many years

Love, health and good luck,

Fate that will take away from troubles

And our tasks will be solved!

May all dreams come true

Trust me, they are doable!

And as a source of kindness,

Give warmth to your loved ones!

May the days, intertwined in a round dance,

Always bring happiness to your home!

And every coming year

Add more tender passion!

So, friends, for the anniversary!

That everything came true, and everything happened!

Years make us wiser -

To spite the enemies, to the mercy of friends!

As you already understood, I spend this evening. But I need an assistant. Try each under your chair - on the underside of it - to find an attached whistle. Whoever has a whistle under the chair is obliged to whistle before each toast, calling everyone to silence and order.

Nothing happened

Just in the atomic age

Under shining skies

A man is born!

He's over a year old

30 exactly April,

he lives in the world

Nothing happened

With big wishes

We wish you

Always be young

And not a sin on this day

We raise our glasses

wish you happiness

All friends rush to congratulate

And where fate would not wear them -

Everyone is here today.

We wish you good health

And a long life without worries

Good luck, happiness and luck!

It's time for big victories!

Let's all fill our glasses, and drink for the happiness of our birthday boy!

Wow, I see you are moving something? Wait, I will introduce you to the Rules of our evening. Our charter says:

1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.

2. It is announced that 2010 Ivan's anniversary is not canceled

3. Remember: for starters, it didn’t hurt everyone to drink a glass.

4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not cancelled.

5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month after this evening and are non-refundable.

And now the floor is given to the beloved wife of the hero of the day.

We congratulate you on a significant event,

Today is your legal anniversary,

We wish you great health

And many sincere friends.

We do not give the birthday

No headsets, no rings,

Surely you will receive warmer

Greetings from friendly hearts.

I propose to my friends.

Dear guests, dear birthday boy, the children's nursery group "Mouse" has come to your holiday!

Congratulations to Uncle Vanya

Our favorite kindergarten

Sends greetings to you dear,

Junior Nursery Squad.

We promise to listen to Vanya,

Always go to the potty

When everyone has eaten porridge,

Let's take the cups.

Be healthy uncle Vanya!

Many many more days

We promise to come

To you on the hundredth anniversary!

Dear guests! I ask you to fill your glasses with white, and drip red into your glasses.

If you want, believe

If you want, don't believe

An animal is roaming around somewhere.

He does not live in a dense forest,

In Russian mighty.

This animal is called "moose"

It's been that way for a long time.

May "ELSE" be with you,

To e ELSE and spa ELSE,

For three to drink ELK,

So that you want ELSE and could ELSE

So that happiness does not end ELSE,

About good, so that the dream of the ELSE, To the business of the boa constrictor ELSE

So that everyone always sells ELSE!

We want to congratulate you

With a wonderful date - thirty years.

You have already achieved a lot

But here comes the flourishing of all forces.

May hope never

Your earthly one will not leave the path.

May it be full of good luck!

We don't want to turn away from it!

In the Canary Islands, out of 365 days a year, only 350 are sunny.

So we wish you, Vanya, so that in your life there is a ratio of joyful and sad days.

But the natives of the Canary Islands are far from stupid.

Here in those 15 days when there is no sun, they all gather together in their large huts and drink the fermented juice of tropical mango fruits.

And again they have a good mood in their souls, again the sun shines in their souls.

And you, Vanya, on gloomy and rainy days, do not forget to take mangoes.

And if there is no juice at hand, use any substitute from 12 to 40 degrees

For your anniversary!

Thirty years is a special age.

Life leads us forward slowly,

We want to wish you

The soul does not age with age.

So that creativity does not leave,

To make the table wide with wine,

To make music sound in the house,

To love my wife more.

Birthday is a responsible step,

Thirty years in life means something.

Be happy and healthy, like Hercules.

Let luck not leave you!

Hey, Ivan, such a thing -

Vodka boiled in glasses

Schaub she was not out of breath,

We need to bite a little.

For such a reason

Let's say a toast is small.

Masha and Glasha meet.

Masha, how is your husband Misha?

As he drank - he drinks, as he beat - so he beats.

Well, thank God, if only I didn’t get sick!

To the health of all those present!

Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

We walked nicely at your holiday

Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday

So be healthy, live richly,

And we are leaving home to the hut!

The evening ends with songs and dances.

Anniversary script - script, sketches, cool, new, new year 2013

The scene is good if the hero of the day is a hunter or fisherman. For congratulations, 4 men (3 hunters and one traffic police officer) come out, all dressed as expected: hunters with guns, in bandoliers, an inspector in uniform. The guard seemed to stop them when they went hunting and broke the rules before calling for the birthday boy. So he delivered them to the hall (they wanted ... Read more "

In advance, you need to prepare rubber gloves according to the number of participants in the competition. They will need to be filled with water, tied on top and hung on a rope, well secured with clothespins. The leader quickly walks along the rope and pierces one of the fingers of each glove with a needle, after which he gives the “Start” command. Participants grab bowls or other containers and try to milk all the liquid from the glove into the container as soon as possible. The fastest milkmaid or milkmaid wins.

King of beasts

The king of animals, the lion, is usually chosen as the hero of the day. He sits down on the throne and, pointing to the next guest, tries to explain to him with gestures and facial expressions who he is. And this guest should, according to his role, approach the lion. If the guest was shown long ears with gestures, and he decided that he was a hare, then he should gallop to the lion, and if he was shown a wriggling snake, then he should crawl, and so on. When all the animals have gathered at the feet of the king, he rewards the most intelligent and skillful with something tasty.

Get it done in 30 seconds

Guests are divided into pairs: a man-woman. Each couple is given an orange. On the start command, there are two options for the development of events:
The man peels the orange and the woman eats it;
Both the man and the woman peel together and then eat the orange without the help of their hands.
The couple that completes the task in 30 seconds will win and receive a prize.

Tale for the birthday boy

Guests must compose a fairy tale about the birthday man, based on the real life of the hero of the day and their imagination. Each guest takes turns telling one sentence, trying to support the theme of the previous narrator, but one rule must be observed: use the number 30 in any form (thirty, thirtieth, etc.). The result will be an interesting fictional story that will delight the hero of the day, for example, In a certain kingdom, our birthday was born 30 years ago. For the first 30 minutes, he wet his finger. The kid grew by leaps and bounds, because he ate as much as 30 tablespoons of delicious porridge. Once our Andryusha went to a dense dense forest, where 30 tall trees grew. He wanted to find a magic mushroom, about which there was a legend that it weighs 30 kilograms and can fulfill any 30 wishes. And so on. Whoever forgets about the rule and does not insert "30" into his sentence, he is out of the game. The rest of the guests receive prizes for their imagination, ingenuity and diligence. And the hero of the day will tell a new fairy tale to his children.


Each of the guests counts in a circle, 30 is 1 + 29, the second: 30 is 2 + 28, the third: 30 is 3 + 27 and so on. And the host calls the action that the guest must perform with his second number, for example, 29 compliments to the birthday man, 28 wishes, 27 character traits of the birthday man, 15 squats for the birthday man, 5 jumps to the ceiling, 2 poems that are associated with the birthday man, 1 song with the name birthday and so on.

30 "no"

What he likes to do, what the hero of the day prefers in food and music, all the guests probably know, but what he absolutely would not like to do and what, for example, he would never eat or listen to, not everyone can guess. The guests are divided into teams of several people, each team receives a piece of paper and a pen, and when the leader gives a “start”, the teams must make a list of 30 “no” heroes of the day, for example, don’t eat fish, don’t listen to rap, don’t like red , does not use the services of a beauty salon, does not play cards, does not like to sleep under the covers, and so on. The team that will make a list of 30 “no” heroes of the day faster than the rest will win.

30 peas

It's simple: for each participant, 30 peas (canned green peas) are poured out on a saucer and each has one fork. On the “start” command, participants must prick peas and eat them. Whoever can eat their meal the fastest wins.

Anniversary kisses and hugs

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people. In the center of the room is the hero of the day, and at the same distance from him are the guest teams. The first participants receive the ball and put it on the floor between their legs. On the “start” command, the first participants run, or rather, jump (jump) to the hero of the day, trying not to lose the ball (otherwise you will have to return to the starting position) and, depending on gender, either kiss him (women) or hug him (men) and rush back, pass the ball to the second participants and stand at the end of the team. The team that kisses and hugs the hero of the day faster, that is, the team whose first participant is again the first, will win. And the hero of the day is pleased, and the guests are having fun.

For 30 years, eat baguette bread

For this competition you will need small bread baguettes (thin). And then the development of events in two ways:
The participants are divided into pairs and each pair, on the “start” command, must eat the baguette faster than the others, one participant starts from one end, and the second from the other;
Each participant, on the “start” command, begins to eat a baguette, trying to do it faster than the others.
Whoever completes the task faster, he will win.

To the clink of glasses, the laughter of friends
Let me take the floor today!
We're here for the anniversary
We are a dear person!
So we wish you many years
Love, health and good luck,
Fate that will take away from troubles
And our tasks will be solved!
May all dreams come true
Trust me, they are doable!
And as a source of kindness,
Give warmth to your loved ones!
May the days, intertwined in a round dance,
They always bring happiness to our house!
And every coming year
Add more tender passion!
So, friends, for the anniversary!
That everything came true, and everything happened!
Years make us wiser -
To spite the enemies, to the mercy of friends!

What to do, if...
five volunteers. Participants are invited to find an original way out of non-standard situations. According to your answers, the audience chooses the winner, who receives the main prize. Other participants receive incentive prizes
Examples of non-standard situations:
What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?
What to do if you were carrying a china vase as a gift to a friend and accidentally broke it?
What if your sweetheart and your best friend celebrate their birthday on the same day?
What to do if you remember that it's your birthday, only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?
What if several guests (by a surprising coincidence) gave you the same gifts?
What to do if the day after your birthday you wake up in an unfamiliar place?
What to do if a magician in a blue helicopter flew to your birthday and gave you 500 popsicles?
What to do if you were given a live crocodile for your birthday?
But what if this crocodile accidentally ate the one who gave it to you, and now there is no one to return the crocodile?
What to do the day after your birthday?

Congratulations friends...

If you want, believe
If you want, don't believe
An animal is roaming around somewhere.
He does not live in a dense forest,
Powerful in Russian.
This animal is called "moose"
- It's been that way for a long time.
May "ELSE" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
To want and be able
So that happiness does not end,
About good things to dream about, so that business succeeds
So that everything always comes true!

My dance

Princess Nesmeyana
The players are divided into two teams. The members of the first team - “Princess Nesmeyana” - sit on chairs and take on the most serious or sad look possible. The task of the players of the other team is to make the “unsmeaners” laugh one by one or all together. Each smiled "unsmiling" joins the team of mixers. If in a certain period of time it is possible to make all the “unsmiling” laugh, the team of mixers is declared the winner, if not, the “unsmiling” team is declared the winner. The teams can then switch roles.
To make the “non-smilers” laugh, players can show pantomime, tell jokes, make faces, but touching the “non-smilers” is not allowed.

Presenter: I see that intellectuals and merry fellows have gathered today. And now I want to know if you can dance....
6 couples take part in this competition. To the sound of music, the couples begin to dance according to the loss. After the end of the dance marathon, the most dancing couple is selected by audience voting, and they are awarded the title: "Best Dancer". The winner is chosen jointly and then a medal is awarded to him. After that, everyone can leave the table and perform the Gypsy dance. The best dancer receives the medal "First-class (th) gypsy (-ka)".

Presenter: Attention attention! A charming and charming woman came to visit us for the holiday. Meet the master of magical and gypsy sciences, professor of divination, unpredictable and inimitable ... Lyalya Chernaya! Applause!
Gypsy: Wow, what a warm company! Accept and mine in your pleasant company. (He sits down at the table.) It's no use the deushka called me professor. Yes, I am a professor. I can predict the future. I know the fate of all the guests of this house. Podkhady, gild the pen, I’ll tell you everything, what is, what was, what will be, what to fear, what gifts to expect from fate ...
The guests take turns approaching the fortune-teller and find out their future: someone is waiting for the purchase of a jeep, someone - the arrival of the mother-in-law, someone. - the birth of another child, someone - moving, someone - promotion, etc. After fortune-telling, everyone raises a glass for the future and health of the hero of the day. Then the gypsy performs a gypsy dance, inviting a "First-class gypsy-(-ku)".
Presenter: And I heard from one of my acquaintances that gypsies have the ability to guess the thoughts of other people. (Turns to a gypsy woman.) Perhaps this is not true?
Gypsy: Wow, your truth! Everything is true! Believe it or not, I can guess thoughts from a distance. I’ll tell you the whole truth, who thinks what and what ... (He goes to one of the guests, a representative of the older generation.) This young man, handsome and handsome, thinks about what a delicious salad the hostess of this house has prepared, and his life is such he won’t be able to do it ... (Approaches another guest.) This young and ruddy one thinks about what a good person the owner is ... (Approaches the third, etc.)
Presenter: I also know that you can predict fate by drawing a lucky or unlucky ticket.
Gypsy: And such fortune-telling is known to me! Here are my tickets. Padhadite, dear guests, good people, pull the papers of the public. What is written on them will certainly come true ...

As tickets, you can use an astrological forecast or clippings from newspaper articles pasted on non-white pieces of paper.
Gypsy (after divination): Now everyone knows their future. Well, I have nothing more to do here. I’m going to the camp, the children are tired of waiting, and my husband is strict, stern, doesn’t like it when I’m late for work ... Hello everyone! And I wish the hero of the day and his family happiness, prosperity, health and prosperity! I’ll drink a glass on the path for the hospitable owners of this house and for their guests! ..
presenter : Thank you, Lyalya, for coming to our light! We thank you, present the medal "For Honesty and Dedication"

Balloon battle
A balloon is tied to each player's right foot (ankle). After the starting signal, all participants try to pierce the balls of other players and save their own. Participants whose balloon burst are eliminated from the game. The last person left in the game is declared the winner.
The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

We meet grandmother-hedgehogs for the holiday

Ditty text.

All: Stretch the fur, harmonica,
Oh, play, play!
Andryukha has a birthday
Drink, don't talk!
SERGEY: Walked along the forest side
Anniversary ran after me:
Spit on his baldness
And sent to the devil!
All. Spit on his baldness
And sent to the devil!
VANIA: The drunkest of the guests -
It's somebody's anniversary
Even though I don't believe myself
in these superstitions.
All: Even though I don't believe myself
in these superstitions.
SASHA: How much hit him -
It's not a secret at all!
He will be thirty years old
Even in a century!
All : He will be thirty years old,
Even in a century
SERGEY: I'll drink for Andryukha,
To make it more fun
For his health, I
I'll drink vodka to the bottom!
All: For his health, I
I drink vodka to the bottom
All: Stretch the fur, harmonica,
Oh, play, play!
Andryukha has a birthday
Drink, don't talk!

So, a competition for men is announced, which is called "Who is faster." I will give each man a piece of ice. It needs to be melted down as soon as possible. Whoever does it first will get a prize.
At the end of the competition, the presenter presents the winner with a prize - the medal "The fastest and hottest man of the millennium."

Presenter: The winner of the competition "Who is faster" we have decided. However, I am sure that there are those who could seriously compete with him. The next competition is called "The most dexterous". There are apples in basins filled with water. It is required to eat an apple as quickly as possible without the help of hands. At the end of the competition, the presenter awards the winner with the medal "For Dexterity and Resourcefulness".

H and I declare the official part of the celebration closed. The evening will continue with a fun feast and incendiary dances

Location: cafe, restaurant, any similar establishment with enough space, music (the best option is live music in the style of light jazz, piano and saxophone with guitar) and subdued lighting. A cozy atmosphere and the absence of other visitors nearby is welcome. Organizers: family and friends of the birthday boy. The script is designed for 4-5 hours.
Banquet hall or cafe-restaurant hall. The birthday man sits at the head of the table, next to (or on the right hand) - his wife, then on the other side the children and then the rest of the guests. The wife of the birthday man can also be the host, but it is best for a professional to lead the holiday.
Host: 30 years is a special anniversary. You, dear birthday boy, are still young and full of energy. There are many more decades ahead of you. But at the same time, you are already an experienced, accomplished man. Possessing wisdom in life, but not devoid of the fuse of youth, you are celebrating your thirtieth birthday in the company of those people whom you managed to “accumulate” over the past years of your life!
We wish you a birthday
To make all dreams come true.
Health, Peace, Pleasure
From a life full of beauty.

* Everyone raises the first toast to the birthday boy, then the presenter continues.
Host: Our hero of the day has a long and happy journey ahead of him. But he has already done a lot. Perhaps all those present will agree with me: for achievements in such a complex matter as life, it is not superfluous to give out a prize.
Collective congratulations "Award". It consists in the fact that the birthday man is given gifts from people close to him, and these gifts symbolize the achievements of the hero of the day in any particular field. Gifts, respectively, should also be symbolic, as well as the delivery process itself. It is necessary to discuss everything with those who will present the Prizes separately.
For example, the award in the field of "Best Husband" is issued precisely by the wife of the hero of the day, who, while rewarding her husband, tells the audience something of her own, which is related to how good the birthday man is as a spouse. It can be a funny story of their acquaintance, an episode from the beginning of the relationship, a memory of how the birthday boy showed certain purely masculine positive qualities, for example, reliability and loyalty to the family. The gift should be symbolic, separate from the main one. For example, letters saved by the wife when the couple was apart, or movie tickets that are already 10 years old, also kept by the wife.
The Best Father/Daddy award is given to the child(s). Similarly, children, congratulating their father, tell the assembled guests an episode that indicates that it is their father who is the best. The ideal gift in this case is a gift made, in fact, by children's hands. Drawing, collage, for example. If the parent and child have a common hobby, then something related to that hobby will do. For example, a float made by a child for a father who goes fishing with his children. But then the story should match the gift.
The Best Colleague Award is presented by one or more co-workers. The gift is symbolic and is an item related to the work, just like the story.
The Best Friend award goes to friends. Here, too, you can come up with something fun and interesting, related to the adventures of past years, the years of youth and friendly parties.
The "Best Son" award is given by the parents. Ideally, this can be a story, and, accordingly, a gift related to the childhood of the birthday person, something moderately touching and quite interesting.
After the presentation of the Prizes, the feast begins. After a short break for food, it's time for active competitions.
Competition 1.
Participants are divided into two equal teams. They take an egg (preferably hard-boiled) in a tablespoon and hold it on an outstretched arm, then they run, or rather, jump, on one leg, a baton, running around any obstacle. Ran his distance - passed the egg to the next. Whoever drops the egg will get a penalty loop of the relay.
Competition 2.
Couples dance to slow music on a double sheet of newspaper. Every two minutes the newspaper is folded in half and the music is speeded up. The couple that can dance on the smallest piece of newspaper wins. Usually, at the end of the competition, men take women in their arms. The most persistent and incendiary dancers win the competition.
Competition 3.
The participants are divided into two teams. The essence of the competition is that you need to pass a glass full of water to the next player, with anything but the hands and forearms. This must be done faster than the opposing team can. That is, you can try to grab hold of your elbows, mouth, shoulder ... The main thing is not to spill water, because the one who spills it will have to pour a glass without using his hands again.
Competition 4.
Take two hoops. Inside each are two (better - men), moreover, they stand with their backs to each other, without touching. They become partners for the dance. The task is to dance in two pairs so smoothly that the hoop does not fall to the floor. The music speeds up over time. The team of two pairs whose hoop lasts the longest wins. You can't help with your hands.
Competition 5.
The participants of the competition sit down according to the principle man-woman-man-woman, and pass each other a large apple, holding it with their chin and neck, thus imitating a kiss. Elimination game.
The host must ensure that the participants of the holiday do not get tired, in a timely manner alternating active competitions with a feast.
Then comes the announcement.
Host: And now, dear ladies and gentlemen, let's check if you know our birthday boy so well?
* The host takes out cards with questions. Each of them is associated with a birthday. It may contain something related to his taste preferences, or it may contain a mention of any fact from the biography of the hero of the day, and the fact is more or less known, so that at least two or three of those gathered at least theoretically have a chance to know this . At hand, the host has a bag with a "reward" - chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil. However, there are other options for rewarding the correct answer: you can put up a bottle of an unusual drink (for example, absinthe), and, as a reward for the answer, play a glass of "green elf", as this drink is called in Europe. Of course, such an award is not applicable to children and pregnant women - they are rewarded with sweets.
The host continues: I have questions on these cards. All of them are connected with our dear birthday boy. How well do you know him? Now let's check! I have a question, you have an answer. Whoever guesses correctly wins the prize!
The facilitator shows and describes this or that award.
It is best to find out questions for this competition in advance from one person who will not take part in it, but at the same time knows the hero of the day well. The best options are either the parents of the birthday boy or his spouse.
After the “Question-Answer” contest, there is a feast again, then the Host thanks the guests in any form and congratulates the birthday man again. At the end of the holiday, if the format of the institution allows, he invites the audience to dance. It is best to start with a slow dance, which opens the birthday man and his wife.