How to decorate the New Year's table in an original way. New Year's decorations. Gorgeous holiday crockery

Candles always create a festive entourage. And how to use them correctly? The main thing is to be careful. But to beautifully decorate the New Year's table with candles, there are several ideas:

  • Standard: candles to match the tablecloth in beautiful stable candlesticks.
  • There is also an option for floating candles. Prepare a deep bowl of water and dip the lights into it. You can throw pieces of tinsel, and put colored pebbles or bright beads on the bottom. If you are planning the New Year for two, then rose petals in the water will add romance.
  • A high fire will provide more light. If you do not have suitable candlesticks in your house, then use transparent glasses with high legs. Turn them upside down, place a pine branch or a New Year's toy for decoration under the glass, and put a candle on the upside down bottom. It is better to take those that are intended for "swimming" - in small round plates.
  • A large dish with several candles of different sizes will look very beautiful and original in the center of the table so that the lights are at different levels. Lay cones from the nearest forest or park along the edges - you get an interesting New Year's composition, inexpensive and original. If desired, the cones can be painted in silver or gold.

How to decorate the New Year's table: decorate holiday dishes

Filling the New Year's table with delicious dishes is not enough. It is desirable that they be beautifully and originally decorated. It can be "Christmas trees" made of fruits or vegetables with sprigs of greens, originally served salads, tartlets, canapes and much more. Even an ordinary "herring under a fur coat" can be decorated so that you don't want to destroy it. With due imagination, the most ordinary products can be served in a very original way: stuffed eggs in the form of mice, make a Santa Claus hat from tomatoes, lay meat or vegetable cuts in the form of a fancy flower, and lay out a bouquet of sweets. Imagine, experiment, create!

Ideas for decorating the New Year's table. Symbol of the year

The Chinese calendar with its symbols came to us relatively recently. According to this calendar, there is a twelve-year cycle, and each year an animal presides. Adhering to this symbolism, the design New Year's table partly can be dedicated to the creature responsible for the coming year. And it's not just figurines, figurines and images. All decor can somehow be subordinated Eastern calendar. For example, if the year of the Tiger comes, then the tiger print on various table setting items will be relevant.

You can also decorate the New Year's table with your own hands with those items that the main animal loves. For example, in the year of the Rooster, it is important to put several bouquets of cereals or place a composition of dry ears and stems.

New Year's table and surprises with wishes

New Year's Eve is not complete without congratulations and wishes. Why not do it in an unusual way. Write all kinds of wishes in advance on beautiful pieces of paper. For example: "This year you will have amazing luck", or "This year will be full of pleasant surprises". Prepare small beautiful boxes, decorated with ribbons and bows, and hide the leaves with the text there.

The abundance of mini-gifts on the table will not only decorate it, but also create intrigue and good mood. Ask the children to help you decorate the surprise boxes, let them make them themselves. You can even take a matchbox, glue it with foil on all sides, wrap gift paper, tie with a ribbon or tinsel, fasten a small bow - the chest is ready. If this is not a corporate party in an expensive restaurant, then such a "home" option is quite acceptable, and a good mood is guaranteed.

Instead of boxes, you can take the shells walnuts, decorated with gold, silver or just bright multi-colored paints, so that guests do not confuse them with a treat. Put an accordion-shaped wish inside and glue the shells together regular glue. Do you feel how much you can entrust to children?

How beautiful to decorate the New Year's table: design ideas

Usually New Year's tables are decorated traditional way: beautiful dishes, napkins, sometimes mysteriously folded, and candles in the center, pine branches with cones, shiny tinsel or toys. Bouquets of twigs are best done low, almost recumbent. After all, this is a decor, and it should not occupy the entire table, making it difficult to arrange plates, dishes and drinks. In the festive serving, figurines symbolizing the New Year will also be appropriate.

Balls are always festive. If miniature Christmas trees and candles are not enough, and you don’t want to bother with the design of salads and fruit cuts, then decorate the table with the most common helium-filled balloons. Fasten the threads in a beautiful heavy box, and let the balls themselves "fly away" to the ceiling so as not to block the faces of the guests.

Cutlery can be placed not in napkins, but in cases in the form of red socks and mittens. Although the symbol is Christmas, in our culture these two holidays have long been mixed up. Does your daughter know how to knit socks a little more than a doll? Great! Let not only cuts salads.

Tablecloths, folded napkins, Christmas decorations, all kinds of accessories and trinkets - everything can be used as a New Year's decor. Take any proposed idea and develop it in your direction to make it beautiful and original. Happy New Year!


Thank you for the article.. . With coming! I'll take note..

Comment on the article "How to decorate the New Year's table"

How to decorate the New Year's table. Creation Tips festive atmosphere for the New Year. How to decorate the New Year's table. Table decoration for the New Year: candles, symbol of the year, surprises, dishes. How to decorate a festive table - ideas New Year's serving and decor.


And this year I'm going to visit for almost the first time in many years.
If NG is "in my opinion", then it's on the table - a goose + 100 salads for every taste and diet, and at the table - guests with children, dogs, cats ...
Chamber NG - not for me. Christmas should be chamber, IMHO, and NG is just a secular holiday from its very foundation by Peter I.

I don’t cook Olivier on purpose during the year, but for the New Year I make a huge pot, together with the children we do the same “Herring under a fur coat”, “Mimosa”, these salads are purely New Year's, so that the feeling of the holiday does not disappear. I will fry the kids favorite nuggets. Yes, I will cover a lot of things on trifles. The only problem is, we don't like to eat at night, a chic table is served by 12 o'clock, met the New Year, pecked a little bit, the main feast starts on the morning of January 1))) Salads, salads, salads ... that's what my guys love! They are already looking forward to the new year! I won’t eat them myself (I hope), I’m on a diet))) I’ll make myself a vinaigrette))) my sons don’t like vinaigrette ...

The festive table is an indispensable attribute of the New Year. Christmas and New Year in Italy: traditions, gifts and festive table. Present. New Year's table. And so there are no surprises. New Year is a special holiday. 10 best children's books of 2014 and 10 ideas...


With coming! All the best!))

Happy New Year, Marina! We have a bath-vodka-accordion and salmon! In the morning we ran a ten on a fantastic winter forest, then Alexey made rolls. Now we watch movies and drink homemade cider. Later, buns and fireworks on the mountain, champagne and salmon with fennel, caviar and Russian salad, the weather is incredible, everything is covered in snow.

Cooking recipes, help and cooking tips, holiday menu and reception Klassruk said to bring pastries, so far I have such ideas - muffins or pancakes or Section: Holidays in kindergarten(wall newspapers, posters for the new year in the kindergarten printout).


You think logically. Everyone there will sell baked goods. Everyone bought everything. They want water. And you take and bring five-liter drinks with cups and sell them at a higher price. Everyone will buy, especially towards the end. When everyone is fed up. This is how I earned about 300 out of 100 rubles. Very profitable. we will do this every year

01/22/2019 05:13:55 PM, Someone

At our school, pizza is most often bought quickly.

Well, definitely - I like "holiday table decorations" much more than "candle decorations" ... Good idea! Decoration for champagne on the NG table. I’m thinking about the New Year :) Who made Christmas decorations on plastic canvas last year ...

Section: Ideas, tips (what to prepare for the new year in advance). what is not good for NG tables is yesterday's salads, side dishes, etc. + we throw out the excess. Any participant can reply to conferences and start new topics, regardless of whether they have registered on the site...


What I prepare ahead of time:

Well, I omit any long-playing pastries such as adits or gingerbread houses.

For a week (even for 10 days):
Aspic in a large 15-liter saucepan. Then right in the pan on the balcony. I spill as needed. Usually once every 3 days. At the same time, I bring the rest of the contents of the pan to a boil (I do this at least 1 time in 5 days). The last portion usually leaves in a month from the date of manufacture (we have guests, people in general, you have to feed him ... :))
Cakes on Napoleon lie for a week. Directly without anything, i.e. they do not need to be specially packed in any way, just put so that they do not get crushed by accident. Cream - then, before smearing.

For 5 days:
Shortbread cakes and eclairs (I don’t like to put anything in the freezer, so something like that).
Meringue cakes or individual meringues.
Marinated fish, usually I always do it on NG.

In 3 days:
I boil, cool and chop vegetables on a combine, put them in separate containers, and they are waiting for their “salad hour”: mixing them and seasoning is a quick matter. The exception is onions, greens - this is only at the last moment.
Liver paste
I salt red fish, if necessary, self-salt.
I clean the herring, you can cut it, you can halves, I store it in glass. bank.
Chocolate sausage. At the same time, I fry walnuts with the expectation that there will be enough for salads.
Make blanks for every different type: overcook:
- onion with meat (bolognese, navy style, pie)
- or with mushrooms (for soup, filling of potato zrazy),
- or with cabbage (a side dish for sausages, again a pie) ...

what is not good for NG tables is yesterday's salads, side dishes, etc. + we throw out the excess. First we kill ourselves by cooking, then it is winding down. You don't have to cook a lot, eat more, cook whatever you want!

Decorations for the New Year: ideas for the festive table. Ideas for crafts and decorative decorations that you can make with your own hands to decorate your home and holiday table for Easter in my new article for the online store blog, let's share ...

Festive table without cooking. Ideas, advice. Cooking. And what can you advise a person who wants to make a festive snack table, but at the same time not boil or fry? This is how the New Year is celebrated in Russia.


And wind it into pita bread with cream cheese, or cottage cheese and all sorts of vegetable or herb additives - is this cooking?

Your source data is unclear
If we are talking about live food, then canned food is poison, pickled vegetables can also be forgotten, cheese is also there. Seafood and shrimp do not cook.
If a person is not familiar with this topic, it is better not to contact or put everything raw. Sea salt, only real vinegar, no purchased sauces, etc.
According to the rules, you can cook a lot of dishes - both main dishes, salads, and desserts, and it will all be very tasty, but if you don’t know how, it’s better not to take
Do I understand correctly that the owner wants to make a certain table for the guest, about whose nutrition he knows the data given in the topic?
If so, it's best to ask the guest. Because a normal guest will either tell you how to please him, or he will happily chew a meat patty in order to please the hosts

How to celebrate: ideas, tips. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift. Very soon my son will have a birthday - 18 years. Of course, I would like him to remember this day forever and spend it the way he wants to.


all my son's friends, who had already celebrated their 18th birthday a long time ago, did it in the forest - kebabs, a ball, a guitar with them. Dooovolny came:) He plans to celebrate the same way. On NG they were going to rent an apartment to celebrate with a company. I gave mine to be torn to pieces - because in soybean it’s all the same when - I’m calmer, for a day they rent completely dead, filthy huts. She set a condition - so that the filling of the apartment survived to the maximum, so ... everything was OK, even the dishes were washed, wiped, put in their places. And I didn’t worry - where, with whom and who else will come with the keys

Filling. Grind 1 large or 2 small lemons through a meat grinder and add 2-2.5 cups of sugar. Add sugar before baking.
Roll out the dough into 3 cakes (more can be, and even tastier). The bottom is thicker to make, and when laying in shape, make thick and high sides. Everyone, put the stuffing. We cover with the top cake, we pinch the edges very carefully and into the oven.
My daughter-in-law makes a very different filling here: fresh berries (cranberries, currants), liver pate, in short, whatever comes to hand. The dough does everything.

In my opinion, most of those who fast on NG make themselves indulgent and eat everything except meat and poultry ... So limit yourself to making a hot fish dish for them, if possible, without emphasizing (like when serving - but this is for our fasting :) their merits :) In fact, it’s not entirely clear what is worse - to break a fast or ruin a holiday for people, defiantly refusing to eat fast food, emphasizing how good he is, and everyone else is a schmuck :)
So don't get too carried away...

New Year's table is always in the center of attention of guests. How to decorate it beautifully and in an original way, using improvised means - read the article.

The table for the New Year's celebration requires much more attention than on other holidays. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, such expanse for fantasy!

Of course, each year dictates its own rules, sets limits. But, without abandoning the traditional Olivier and herring under a fur coat, you can come up with many non-standard dishes. And the serving is varied: from a solemn for a corporate meeting to a fun one for a children's matinee.

Options for decorating the New Year's holiday table

Classic style: red and white with gold

Out of time was and remains the setting of the festive table in red and white. Majestic and ornate. With the addition of gold in the form of decor for glasses and cutlery, the decoration takes on an even more solemn sound.

You can combine these colors in completely different ways. White tablecloth, red napkins, checkered coasters and so on.

Each personal place is additionally decorated with New Year or Christmas elements. These are embroidered napkins, Christmas tree branches, tinsel and serpentine. Cutlery is packed in bags specially sewn for the New Year. In everything solemnity, anticipation of joy, happiness is felt.

Ice glare of the snow kingdom

Much less often among the options for decorating the New Year's festive table, blue and other cold shades are used, unless, of course, there is a special theme for such a decision or the personal preferences of the owners. From the change of color solemnity will decrease a little, but with it some stiffness will also go away, lightness and fun will appear. Serving in cold colors most often serves as an addition to the overall decoration of the home.

Minimalism, ecology and other styles

Adherents of a certain style will make the serving elegant without much difficulty. A wooden table without a tablecloth, complemented by cones and twigs laid out on it, will look environmentally friendly. Linen napkins, jute twine for attaching toys - everything natural is welcome.

Minimalism in blue tones will delight lovers of high-tech. No frills in the form of tinsel, no glamorous brilliance. Concise, however, but looks stylish.

Delicious New Year's table decorations

Dishes prepared for a New Year's party serve as decorative elements in themselves. Hot dishes, salads, fruit plates - every hostess strives to come up with something unusual, to diversify delicious decorations New Year's table.

Christmas decorations on the table from food, products and dishes

The highlight of the main dish, which sets the mood for the whole feast, can be its design, taking into account Chinese horoscope. For example, 2017 was the Year of the Rooster. Therefore, a roasted rooster or chicken on a beautiful dish will come in handy. Bright slices of oranges and apples, parsley, onions, cucumbers and tomatoes will help to beautifully present them.

Stuffed peppers are loved by many gourmets. Simple manipulations will help to make something unusual out of an ordinary dish - plant a Christmas tree in each pepper using a carrot, cucumber or the same pepper, only of a different shape and color. And the stuffing recipe itself can not be changed!

Cheese, meat and seafood plates will also decorate the table if they are formed, combining not only products, but colors and shapes. Complemented with shaggy twigs of spices reminiscent of Christmas trees, the dishes will look great.

New Year's decorations from food, products and dishes include sweets. And the cake demands christmas decoration, which, by the way, can be made even from ordinary cheese. Cut out Christmas trees with a sharp knife and place them on a chocolate clearing.

New Year's table decoration from fruits and vegetables

Tangerines, oranges, pineapple and apples are the most christmas fruit. Make and put in the center of the New Year's table unusual Christmas tree using fruit slices. This is not difficult: slices of citrus fruits, pears, apples, grapes are placed on a pineapple base with skewers in such a way that a cone shape is obtained.

In the form of a beautiful Christmas tree, tangerines are also added, if there are a lot of them. mixed with spruce twigs they decorate the living room.

Christmas tree theme can be used for all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

Decorate the New Year's table of fruits and vegetables in the year of the Rat in the form of these animals. Pineapple, watermelon and a little fantasy.

Decoration of salads on the New Year's table

The traditional salad "Olivier" is never alone on a holiday. Bright colorful culinary masterpieces are sure to be placed nearby. Having prepared the salad according to the usual recipe, but decorate it with shaggy dill, parsley, thin shavings of carrots and olive and pomegranate beads. As a result, you will put a colorful New Year's wreath on the table.

Using finely chopped egg white, carrot straws, red bell pepper, it is easy and simple to decorate a salad with a dense consistency. Decorating salads on the New Year's table is not a problem, the main thing is that the salads themselves are tasty and appetizing.

New Year's table decoration with napkins

An ordinary cloth napkin, beautifully folded and decorated with New Year's paraphernalia, looks very festive on a white plate.

To give the napkin an even more New Year's look, it is folded in the form of a Christmas tree and complemented with thin tinsel, ribbons and artificial small fruits. Or put on a plate with a cone.

Decorating the New Year's table with napkins may require preliminary preparation. For example, double-sided fabric napkins may well complement the New Year paper print. But they will have to be sewn in advance.

New Year's table decoration with candles

New Year's table setting will remain incomplete if there are no candles. It doesn't matter if they are large or small, colored or solid, handmade or bought from a nearby shop! The main thing is that they are. The light of a candle will turn an ordinary evening into a fabulous magic.

Depending on the overall design and the availability of free space on dining table choose a design for the candle. There can be many on the table if space permits. Or one or two, surrounded by a wreath of spruce branches And Christmas decorations. Decorating the New Year's table with candles is not limited to one style.

Do-it-yourself candles are decorative, it’s a pity to burn them, you just want to admire them. In this case, make sure that there are simpler candles for evening gatherings.

If you decorate the candles with cinnamon sticks and orange slices, they will look like an exotic dish.

Christmas trees to decorate the New Year's table

A live Christmas tree twig lying next to a serving plate or decorating a napkin is an affordable solution. Applicable for any style of decoration, since a Christmas tree is an indispensable attribute of this holiday.

And if there is no big main beauty, decorated with toys, then the Christmas trees on the table will fit just right.

Separate small branches are placed in small containers with water and placed around the table. Complement the decor with candles and cones. It turns out a composition worthy to decorate a family holiday.

Spruce wreaths are not considered traditional Russian decoration, however, they are increasingly found on festive tables in the area with candles.

Original decoration of the New Year's table

It can be difficult to come up with an original decoration for the New Year's table on purpose, but the ideas are on the Internet. Here, for example, why not use the technique of decorating with candles not in classic candlesticks, but using the bottoms of glasses, as in the photo.

Turn the high-stemmed wine glasses over and place candles on their base. Illumination is much better with a high location of the fire. And unusually interesting.

Use brightly colored wrapping paper to wrap small gifts. It is very simple and quick to do this: roll up the bag in the usual way and you're done. Put sweets inside - and on a plate for each guest. The recipe is perfect for serving the dessert part of dinner.

Bottles can be not only with drinks. An unusual lamp will look great on the table. Place Christmas garland into a champagne bottle, decorate it with sparkles, rhinestones and tinsel - a flickering light will decorate evening gatherings, creating a festive atmosphere.

Or dress the bottles in winter clothes!

Unusual decoration tables can be made from orange peels. Cut the stars with cookie cutters, decorate the candles with slices baked in the oven.

When decorating a table, don't forget the chairs. Decorate the backs with the same decor that was used for the table setting.

Simple New Year's table decorations: photo

To decorate the New Year's table with your own hands does not take much time and effort. Several sheets of white writing paper, scissors - snow-white snowflakes look great on a colored tablecloth or napkins.

Fasten ordinary napkins with New Year's "rain" and tinsel - simple, affordable and, most importantly, elegant!

If there are no exotic vegetables and fruits, make a slide out of an ordinary salad and decorate it with the same vegetables that are at hand.

Decoration of the children's New Year's table: photo

Children's table should not be overloaded with cutlery and intricate decorations, so as not to worry about broken cups. Children will be happy with dishes made in the form of snowmen, Santa Clauses and other winter heroes of fairy tales.

As for the serving itself, show your imagination here, and even better - involve the kids themselves in the process. Put on funny hats on bottles of drinks, tie them on spoons beautiful bows. Buy napkins with a bright pattern, understandable to the child.

In any case, it is important to stop at the right time. Do not overload the festive table with details, after all, it is intended for food, and not for decoration. Products also do not tolerate tightness.

Be careful with candles, especially thin ones: use special candlesticks to keep them from falling until they are completely burned out. And do not decorate the composition with candles with flammable decor: dry spruce branches, nylon bows, etc.

Do not use candles for children's table, toothpicks, which hold fruit tree parts together, as described above, are also not the best option for children's dishes. It is better to arrange a fruit plate a little more prosaically, but safely.

Use disposable decorations, so you will part with the used decor without much regret the day after the holiday.

Engage in decorating the house, setting the table with the whole family. It's fun and will help you become friends.

Video: New Year's table setting

Undoubtedly, the New Year is a holiday that gathers close and dear people at the same table. From year to year, everyone with trepidation and excitement is waiting for that very magical New Year's Eve. You need to prepare for this event carefully, having thought through all the details. One of important tasks in preparation is the laying of the New Year's table.

Where to begin?

Each housewife spends the main period of time preparing a New Year's dinner, and a chic table decoration for the New Year is her special pride.

To lay a beautiful table this magical holiday, you need to plan the menu, make a list of necessary products and decorations.

It is better to buy food for the holiday menu in advance, with the exception of perishable products. You need to start preparing treats on the eve of the holiday so that the dishes are tasty, and most importantly, fresh. Various preparations for salads, snacks can be prepared a little earlier, but it is worth mixing, seasoning and baking on December 31st.

In the pre-holiday bustle, it is important not to forget about New Year's table setting. Be sure to consider the style and color scheme decorations, as the choice of dishes and decorative elements will depend on this. Usually, dishes and cutlery should be in harmony in color. It is also worth deciding on the color palette of tablecloths, napkins and candles.

The table at which it is planned to gather with family and guests should be comfortable and wide. To make everyone as comfortable as possible, for each person it is recommended to allocate at least half a meter of table length.

Style selection

There are many options for table setting for the New Year. The choice of style depends on your mood, available decorations and dishes. Let's take a closer look at some of the styles:

  • Scandinavian style. If you do not want the presence too bright colors and extravagant motifs on New Year's Eve, you can choose a style that originates in Scandinavia to decorate your home. This style is characterized by the presence natural materials and gentle pastel colors. The main color here is considered to be white. It can be combined with other shades.

will look original linen napkins in a cage on snow-white plates. In the middle of the table, you can put a structure made of spruce branches. And next to her arrange beautiful candlesticks.

  • Ethno style. If the holiday is to be celebrated not at home, but, for example, in the country, then you should choose ethnic style. The tablecloth is best used from cotton or linen fabric. Burlap decorated with tangerines, cones or nuts will look very harmonious as a decoration. Wooden coasters can be used as plates. Next to the plates, place a small Christmas tree decorated with homemade gingerbread cookies. With the help of this method of table setting, your holiday will become unusual and very memorable.

  • Baroque. In case there is a desire to make the New Year's feast luxurious, you should pay attention to this particular style. After all, he is able to emphasize the refined taste of the owners. You can put massive candlesticks on a white tablecloth, and place gold or silver ones in the center of the table. Christmas balls. It is advisable to choose dishes in white or cream color with gold accents.
  • Provence. This style involves the presence of a variety of white and glassware. As a decoration, you can fill glass bowls with any cereal. And put candles in small jars, they will create a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Registration according to etiquette

The art of serving is over a thousand years old. Each century had its own culture of holding a feast, its own ways of decorating tables and serving festive dishes. The current era is no exception. For an impeccable New Year's feast, it is necessary to set the table according to the rules of etiquette:

  • All households and guests are supposed to put four plates: serving, for second courses, for snacks and pie. A plate for snacks is placed on dishes for second courses, covered with a napkin to match the tablecloth. The pie is placed to the left of the rest of the plates.
  • Put the knife on the right and the fork on the left.
  • From left to right, near the plates, you need to place a glass for spirits, a glass of wine, a glass of champagne and a glass of water.
  • Fruit vases are placed near the central part of the table.
  • The rest of the space is occupied by salad bowls, gravy boats and containers for seasonings.
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are placed closer to the center.
  • Bread should be on opposite sides of the table.
  • paper napkins with a New Year theme laid out in several places.

When serving treats, they also observe certain rules. Fried meat is pre-cut into pieces and placed on a dish. A small bird is served on the table as a whole. Hot meat dishes are served separately with cold appetizers and pickles.

Before dessert is served, all plates are removed from the table, leaving only glasses.. Appliances for dessert are arranged later.


Menu planning for the New Year celebration plays an important role in organizing the event. It often happens that after a feast there are many uneaten dishes that subsequently deteriorate. To prevent this, you need to calculate the amount of food in advance.

You can cook a delicious New Year's Eve dinner without spending a lot of money. The most important thing is to choose the right ingredients and correctly combine them with each other. For example, rolls with ham, soft cheese and greens will be an excellent snack for the New Year's table.

They are perfect for champagne and dry wine. Yes, this one is being prepared. cold appetizer very fast and easy.

Also, as an unusual dish, you can bake chicken with oranges or a goose stuffed with apples. For a snack, you can cook tartlets filled with cheese or mushrooms, or fry breaded Adyghe cheese.

The menu must contain at least three salads. Most often, when choosing a salad, they are based on taste preferences household members. The most traditional New Year's salads are considered to be Olivier, mimosa salad, herring under a fur coat and a classic vinaigrette.

Ready-made salads can be beautifully laid out in the form of a Christmas tree or a symbol of the year, and also decorated with fresh herbs.

After developing the main menu, they move on to sweet dishes. For dessert, you can bake a tangerine cake. For its preparation, you will need eggs, premium flour, sugar, a little liquor, tangerines, dried fruits and baking powder. This cake will not leave anyone indifferent.

In preparation for the celebration, we must not forget about children's menu. Here you will need time and imagination. Sandwiches with turkey, cucumber, tomato and lettuce will be appreciated by children. Cheese balls in breadcrumbs will also undoubtedly please all the younger family members and guests. Special attention should be given to dessert for children. It can be various cakes, cottage cheese muffins or a biscuit cake with chocolate and a berry layer. As drinks for kids, you can prepare juices, compotes and fruit drinks.

Among family members or invited guests, there may be those who are fasting. Therefore, it is important to know the recipes for delicious lean dishes. It must be taken into account that Lenten food is not only light, but also healthy. For example, for fasting guests, you can bake rustic potatoes in the oven and pickle herring with onions and mustard.

From salads, lean olivier with squid and warm bean salad with mushrooms are perfect. Delicious canned tomatoes, sauerkraut will complement the assortment of the festive table. An interesting table decoration will help make your New Year's Eve special.

Powerful ideas and illustrative examples

Improve Christmas mood perhaps with the help of bright details. For example, you can decorate a festive table with colored napkins and glasses.

The dishes can be painted with unusual patterns, the cutlery can be decorated with snowflakes or spruce branches. And prepare fabric napkins for plates with the image of New Year's symbols.

A white ironed tablecloth always looks elegant. She will dress up any celebration. You can decorate it with bright dishes or accessories. The traditional Christmas colors are red, blue, green and white.

If for new year's eve If you have chosen a shiny tablecloth, then it is best to choose snow-white plates for it, and crystal wine glasses.

How to decorate the New Year's table so as not to overload it with details and make it moderately festive? We decided to look at the most beautiful photos of New Year's table setting options.

Gifts have already been bought, dishes have already been prepared, the heart is dancing samba in anticipation of the New Year, which is about to set foot on the threshold. It remains only to beautifully set the table in order to adequately meet him and not fall face down in the dirt.

color mood

You can maintain a festive mood or raise it if the New Year's fuss has taken a lot of your energy, you can use color. Complete your New Year's table with colorful accents in the form of bright balloons, beads, napkins. And if you are preparing in advance, then do not forget about colored glasses made in one shade.

Try to maintain one coloristic concept. Red, green, blue, blue and white shades are considered traditional for the New Year.

Beautiful tableware

New Year's Eve is one of the most significant of the year, they prepare for it in advance, choosing outfits, decor and beautiful dishes. Where without her? This evening everything should be perfect, and unusual tableware with holiday drawings will only enhance the effect of solemnity.

Plates can be painted with patterns traditional for your region, which looks very colorful. Also, devices with snowflakes, images will look original. Christmas balls, spruce branches and cones. Decorate this plate tissue paper with the image of Santa Claus, which will remind your friends that the New Year is the time for miracles and gifts.


The traditional white tablecloth will never go out of style. Ironed and starched, it always looks impressive, making any table elegant. Although today you can also find specially crumpled tablecloths that bring notes of negligence into the interior, thereby diluting the pathos New Year's Eve and relieving stress.

Our opinion:

Dazzlingly good tables, decorated with shiny tablecloths. If your choice fell on models with large and bright sequins, then choose dishes in neutral shades, even white plates and crystal glasses will do. If the tablecloth does not take much attention, then plates with elements that shade or complement it in color will look good on it.


There is still time before the guests arrive, and you, moreover, like to create various decorations with your own hands? Great! The fastest option New Year's composition- from balls, beads, cones and spruce branches. For example, put the balls on a candy bowl, complete the composition with several sprigs of spruce or strings of pearls (special ones are also suitable for these purposes). New Year's threads for decor).

Without changing traditions

When decorating the table, do not forget about the traditional symbols of the New Year: snowmen, gray-haired grandfathers, deer, snowflakes and stars. Put a few figures on the table, cut out a couple of snowflakes and hang them from the ceiling above the table, put a spruce “path” of small twigs in the middle of the table. Fantasize!

Got time? Bake gingerbread houses or decorate some dishes in the form of any figures, as, for example, in the days of the Soviet Union they made snowmen from cottage cheese or decorated salads in the form of hedgehogs.

Our opinion:

Fire symbolizes warmth and comfort, so candles will not be superfluous on the New Year's table. The main thing is to choose the right candlestick to avoid a fire hazard. Alternatively, place small candles in glasses or clear glasses. Candles can make your table especially solemn and homely.

New Year's celebration! A Christmas tree, tangerines, taking care of gifts, outfits and, of course, a festive feast. It is necessary not only to set a wonderful table, but to create a truly New Year's atmosphere behind it, which will please everyone, and especially the symbol of the coming year - the Yellow Earth Dog.

And there are two main questions on the eve of the holiday: what to cook and how to decorate the table for the New Year, in this case, for the Year of the Dog, 2018.

Meet The Dog Is Coming!

When we strive for the New Year to get away from the routine and immerse ourselves in the world fairy tale we need certain guidelines. The main character of our Christmas fantasy, setting the tone and mood, according to tradition, is an animal symbolizing the coming year. In 2018, the Yellow Dog of the Earth sign will come to us, as the eastern horoscope broadcasts.

The rooster will transfer powers to the earthly beast only on January 28, but already meeting the New Year, it is better to be kinder and more attentive to his patron, then he will come to us in a friendly mood and will be favorable all year.

Even if you do not believe in horoscopes, let a beautiful fairy tale help create a magical atmosphere on the holiday, which will undoubtedly positively affect our soul on a subconscious level.

What will please the Earth Dog?

Yellow Earth Dog - a symbol of the year eastern horoscope- dictates coming year, and hence the holiday of his birth, certain features. Given them, it will be easier to think through the nuances of table setting and recipes for festive dishes.

The element of the Earth comes to replace two years in a row, in which Fire dominated. The storm of passions begins to gradually turn into a fresh wind of change. All new ideas (and culinary) and undertakings will fall on fertile soil - this is what the element of the Earth promises us. Dog associated with true friend who takes care of the house and his loved ones, and yellow indicates abundance.

Taking into account the peculiarities of our oriental hero, we will try to cover and decorate our New Year's table, pleasing the domestic, thorough and generous animal as much as possible.

  • The dog is a pet, so give preference to dishes self cooking, and not ready-made purchased.
  • The element of the Earth invites us to use the maximum amount of fruits of the earth for recipes, that is, vegetables, fruits, berries. And in combination with meat - the favorite dish of the Dog - there are practically no restrictions on the choice of products.
  • Yellow color can prevail in the design of the table and the choice of products. And the generosity with which he is associated suggests setting the table really “richly”. Then the whole year will fly by in abundance.

Choose the style of the hostess of the year

A dog, on the one hand, is a domestic animal, symbolizing habits, attachment to home and loved ones, nepotism, and on the other hand, a guard and protector of acquired wealth, a servant of prosperity. The symbolism of the Earth is perfectly combined with its essence. Therefore, thinking about the atmosphere created, you are not limited in style, because there are so many different dogs in the world:

The table setting in rustic style is minimalistic and will appeal to the home patriarchal Dog.

  • exquisite glamor - a Yorkie in a gold collar;
  • practical and cute country spaniel, not sitting still for a minute;
  • mysterious and artsy baroque - graceful greyhound;
  • confident modern - fighting breeds;
  • solid Provence - good-natured calm Labrador;
  • children's style - funny playful lapdogs.

Choose what is closer to you, and there is a family patron for any style!

Setting up the table: where to start?

From table selection! Let the feast take place at the largest table in the house, even if you do not expect many guests. Indeed, in addition to the festive menu, it is necessary to place decorative elements on it that create style and atmosphere.

Remember about 5 main requirements to the design of the New Year's table-2018, related to the nature of the Dog:

  • solemnity;
  • thoroughness;
  • practicality;
  • wealth;
  • naturalness.

Color spectrum. Despite the fact that the year is dedicated to the Yellow Dog, you should not turn the house exclusively into a "lemon" kingdom. The richness of the shades of the dominant color allows us to successfully add to it other shades that our favorite dogs flaunt.

So, choose color table decor:

  • naturally yellow, but only pure natural shades, no "acidity";
  • golden - brother yellow, only a class higher;
  • red - sunny and bright;
  • numerous tones of yellow: sand, canary, mustard;
  • thicker natural earthy colors - terracotta, peach, flesh, coffee;
  • additional contrasting shades found in the color of dogs: black and white, spotted;
  • natural colors found in nature: sky blue, grass green, poppy red.

These shades and patterns are better avoid:

  • unnaturally bright, in everyday life called "vyrviglaz" - the dog distinguishes colors only in a limited range;
  • leopard or striped print - no reminders of cats on this festive day for dogs;
  • the image of a cell - not a single friend of a person seeks to get into it.

Tablecloth. This is the basis for any dishes and decor. Treat the choice of background responsibly: it will serve as a "canvas" for your New Year's palette. This year it is recommended to choose the most solemn tablecloth you have.

An interesting solution could be two contrasting tablecloths overlapped diagonally: a white and gold or red and white composition is considered a classic.

Napkins. Today, they must be especially elegant and add sophistication to the meal. Their color should contrast with the tablecloth: if it is light, a scarlet shade will be ideal, and for other tones, universal white is suitable. Of course, you can just put them on or under plates, but it’s more elegant to roll into unusual shape, tie with a bright ribbon, insert into a beautiful holder, adding a small coniferous twig.

Plates and napkins should be combined with each other and fit into the overall range of table decoration.

Dishes. When choosing a service for a festive table, give preference to one-color versions of plates that blend beautifully with the tablecloth. Remember the Dog Naturalist: no metal, plastic or melamine, only natural materials- glass, porcelain, and if you decorate a table in a folk style, it can be wood and clay.

The natural essence of the sign can be emphasized by the use of wooden cuts under the plates.

There are many ways to decorate the plates on the New Year's table. In the photo we showed some of them, they will help you to spur your imagination.

Glasses, glasses, wine glasses - their assortment depends on the planned drinks, and decorative elements - coasters under the bottom, small bows tied on legs will help to fit them into the overall style.

The legs of the glasses should be decorated beautiful bows, intercept napkins with rings with the image of a dog (tie up with rain or ribbon, or you can beat the “collar” theme).

You can make rings yourself. We have prepared images for you, download them from the link, print, cut and glue. The ring can be used as a decoration for a glass or put a napkin in it.

Don't Forget the Chairs! Before putting festive dishes on the table, look around: is everything in harmony? Often, having decorated the Christmas tree, windows and the table itself, the owners forget about the chairs, and they fall out of the general festive range.

Take care of it! Lots of options:

  • cover the chairs with a white or other plain cloth;
  • tie ribbons on the backs to match the tablecloth or napkins;
  • hang on reverse side the back of the Christmas tree wreath, decorated with a brilliant rain;
  • use ready-made decorative covers in the form of a snowman, a New Year's cap, well, or a dog, of course;
  • homely, loving comfort and warmth The dog will appreciate the warm knitted covers.

Symbolic moments of table setting

  1. Decorative dogs love glitter and pathos, but they are also adherents of order, therefore the table must be very neat, everything should stand in its place and not disturb the overall harmony.
  2. None of the guests should experience even minor discomfort, therefore put salt, bread and seasonings in a convenient place.
  3. extra details, congestion with tinsel for a solid Dog is inappropriate. One bright central element is better than many “islands of chaos”.
  4. This year, there must be something on the table besides food, made by the hands of the mistress of the house. A woman is responsible for home energy, it is she who finds mutual language with pets. Decorate a bottle of champagne, embroider a napkin, create decorative composition and post it in a conspicuous place.
  5. Candles should be a mandatory serving attribute. Put them near each device, place them in a central composition, or let them float in glass vase with water. Since the element of the Earth patronizes the holiday, you can decorate candles with everything that the earth gives birth to. Candlesticks can be made with your own hands from improvised materials, such as pumpkins or orange peels. And you can put candles in glasses filled with layers of coffee, pasta, various grains: creativity and naturalness in one bottle, or rather, a candlestick!

Covered? Now let's decorate! Setting the scene for New Year's Eve Dinner

Our table is already ready to receive a treat, but something is missing for the holiday. Do not forget, we have not just a festive meal, but a New Year's action!

How can you decorate the center of the table?

What to cook from?

What does the dog love? Well, meat of course! The meat dish should take the crown place on the table. You can use any product - pork, beef, chicken or duck, turkey. Any meat will come in handy.

Less sought after this New Year it may turn out to be fish and seafood: this is still more associated with cats' favorite product, and they are not friends with Dogs.

Since our dog is “earthen”, all the fruits of the earth will be useful to a skilled and caring hostess. Yellow vegetables will be very appropriate:

  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • corn;
  • sweet yellow pepper;
  • yellow tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • zucchini squash, etc.

fruit yellow color also a great variety: apricots and peaches (in winter, of course, only imported or canned), citrus fruits, bananas, persimmons, yellow figs, and, of course, apples and pears.

Especially successful in terms of symbolism will be the choice of homemade cakes for dessert: firstly, the dog traditionally guards family peace, the embodiment of which is the hearth, and secondly, golden wheat is the most striking symbol of earthly abundance.

Making dishes for the New Year 2018

This year, you can afford to get carried away with snowmen and snow-covered Christmas trees: the elements of earth and snow are inseparable in winter. And, of course, all kinds of "glades" of cold cuts, village houses and all variations of colors are in trend.

A dog is an unpretentious animal in food, so you don’t have to worry about the difficulties of preparing intricate dishes or exotic products. Today is to be preferred delicious meals that are associated with your family's holiday. Do not skimp on the quantity - treats should be enough for everyone. It is better to serve large dishes and containers, rather than small portioned dishes.

Attention! When looking for easy recipes, keep in mind that the dishes should be colorful. Salads or cuts that offer an image of the coming year - what are they not works of culinary art!

Remember! A dog is an animal that loves nature and is loving. While decorating the table, it is worth equipping it with an ecological zone with attractive dishes, flowers (even in pots), pine needles and fruits. Dog lovers know that dogs have a sweet tooth and many of them love fruits.


Just today - you should not buy fancy factory cakes, moreover, with unnatural dyes and preservatives. Making homemade cakes and sweets will bring the family even closer in pre-holiday days. The quality and taste of natural products to which are attached loving hands, incompatible with store.

The Year of the Dog can be met with portioned pastries: cupcakes, muffins and similar variations of sweet treats - The best decision question. For decoration, use mastic or buttercream. Thanks to imagination, you can decorate pastries with a sitting Puppy. Honey gingerbread in the shape of the symbol of the year is easily decorated with icing, marmalade and cream.

Check out a couple of cupcake decorating videos. From the first, you will understand how to draw funny, very lively shaggy dog ​​faces using cream.

The second shows how to make a Labrador, Spitz, Poodle, Retriever or Pug from a cupcake

Experienced cooks can bake a cake and decorate it in the form of a Dog. This requires skill, the ability to work with mastic and imagination in creating an unforgettable image.

And how much imagination can be shown when making desserts! Here are some ideas:


You can diversify the holiday menu with simple options for long-time favorite salads, but in the original version. With the help of fantasy, yolks, bell peppers, herbs and other bright ingredients, it is not difficult to form a symbol of the year of the Dog.

Layered salads, traditionally placed in salad bowls, on the eve of the upcoming New Year, should be laid out on wide dishes, observing the proportions of the Dog's figure.

Attention! It is advisable to exclude fish from the list of ingredients and surrender exclusively to the meat base in all forms. To decorate the figurine, you can use slices of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bor fresh and boiled vegetables: carrots, olives or olives, protein from quail eggs.

For decorating salads, all means are good:

  • decorate it in the form of a dog or a dog's muzzle, or maybe an appetizing bone;
  • use New Year's motives: very beautiful salads in the form of a Christmas tree, a snowman, New Year's toys, cones;
  • the topic of watches is always popular, the hand of which approaches 12;
  • stick a small spruce twig into the lettuce hill;
  • put a dog on top of the salad, cut from some vegetable, or baked in the form of a bun;
  • A good way to serve salad is in a “natural” dish, like a carved hollow pumpkin or a bread basket.

Those who cannot afford artistic excesses can use more simple tricks: an egg with schematic representation puppy faces. Bulgarian pepper and olives will help with this.

Even a simple mashed potato can be served on the table in the form of a dog: a tail of greens, eyes of olives, a nose of prunes and claws on paws of olives. Peas or corn can be spread around the edge of the dish.

And don't forget about cereals, which are the second symbol of the year(Earths): corn, peas, capers and even pomegranate are elements in the decoration of salads that may well replace natural cereals.


Sausage and cheese cuts, very pleasant for the taste of the hostess of the New Year, also decorate in an original and beautiful way.

A collection of canapes assembled on a large dish can be a cut design option: hard cheese and olives, crackers with soft cheese and nuts, cherry tomatoes with basil and cheese balls, crackers with pate and shrimp. All this is laid out on a dish in the shape of a dog or dog house: the sequence of laying out is a matter of taste.

In the category of cold appetizers, you can use pates, richly decorating them with peas, corn and herbs. When decorating sandwiches with vegetables or slices of cuts, you can lay out schematic, flat or voluminous, figures of the Dog.

Fruit slices look great in the form of an original composition, in the center of which there will be a figure of the symbol of the year - the Dog. Tangerines, bananas, kiwis, grapes, apples and strawberries, stacked in rows, can become a clearing base. And the hero himself can be made using an orange as a body, to which are attached: a pepper carved in the shape of wings, a scallop and a beard, a tail from pineapple leaves, a carrot - a beak. And the eggplant will fill the neck.

Dog figurines are obtained from ordinary oranges. The paws are made from cheese.

In the video you can see how to make a grapefruit dog.


As an original snack, you can offer traditional sandwiches, giving them the shape of a symbol of the coming year. Round breads are decorated with sausage or ham, carrots, cheese, sweet peppers, herbs. Grain bread will become a particularly symbolic basis for sandwiches.

What will we drink?

The dog is the embodiment of domestic customs. Therefore, by the way, there will be traditional champagne. A good idea would be light and delicious cocktails from 2-3 components.

From strong and not very strong drinks, the presence of wheat whiskey and even a bottle of beer will be symbolic. Both of these drinks are made from grains.

As for strong drinks, you should not get carried away with them - it is well known that Dogs do not like drunk people and can even sometimes treat them aggressively. But a couple of glasses for mood - why not? Traditional champagne to the chiming of the clock has never hurt anyone. In other types of alcohol, the Dog does not impose restrictions, except, as already mentioned, a sense of proportion.

From non-alcoholic drinks, it is better to choose those that do not contradict the principle of naturalness. It is unlikely that the Dog will be tempted by Coca-Cola or other "chemical" soda. The most best alternative- again, products given by Mother Earth. Homemade compote will go into business (autumn blanks or freshly brewed dried fruit uzvar will come in handy). All kinds of natural juices are an excellent choice. And, of course, a carafe with fresh and clean water should be available.

Wondering what to cook for your holiday dinner?

New Year is a time of surprises

Taking care of the festive table, do not forget about other ways to reinforce the New Year's mood. Gifts are what we, like children, expect from the wizard Santa Claus. Of course, presents for relatives and friends have already been prepared and are waiting in the wings under the Christmas tree. But how nice it will be for each guest to receive a small souvenir that will become a memory of this wonderful evening!

Gifts can be put on the table near each device, played in a lottery or presented with the help of a Santa Claus bag. They can be the same or different: who gets what. Here are examples of inexpensive but themed souvenirs that everyone will love:

  • figurines of dogs made of ceramics, wood, glass, fabric, felt, etc. (avoid products made from non-natural materials, today down with plastic!);
  • small gingerbread cookies, individually made for each guest (it can be in the form of a symbol of the year, or it can also depict something significant personally for each person);
  • small houses - "booths", you can also gingerbread (who wouldn't want to mark the improvement of living conditions?);
  • magnets with appropriate symbols;
  • "sweet" souvenirs - gingerbread, cupcakes, lollipops, chocolates (variations of forms are endless);
  • decorative candle (before the New Year, there will definitely be candles in the shape of a dog on sale);
  • small jewelry with a shiny element (medallion, pendant, hairpin, brooch for women, cufflinks, tie pin - for men);
  • socks or mittens, real or decorative;
  • keychain with a commemorative inscription - both original and useful;
  • a pack of pleasant herbal tea;
  • personalized cup with a picture of the New Year theme - will always come in handy.

Get ready for New Year's holiday enthusiastically, with a positive heart and a smile on your lips, and then the result will not only please you and your loved ones, but also bring you many pleasant memories, turning this magical evening into the eve of an equally wonderful and successful year.